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先复习基础部分第一单元(Starter Unit 1),再做下面的题。 1.写出五个元音字母的大小写 A a E eIiOoUu


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早上好Good morning;下午好Good afternoon; 晚上好Good evening;谢谢你Thank you; 4.单选题

(1)---How are you, Frank?

---A A. I am fine,thanks! B. Good afternoon. C. Hello. (2) ---How are you, Frank? ---A A. I am OK,thanks! B. Good morning. C. Hi. 先复习基础部分第二单元(Starter Unit 2),再做下面的题。

1. 在括号里用阿拉伯数字标出下列单词在词典中的先后顺序,并在划线上写出它们的中文意思。 (5)thanks 谢谢(3)morning 早上 (2)evening晚上(4)orange 橘子 (1)color 颜色(6)what 什么

2. 翻译下列句子

(1)---你怎么样?How are you?

---我很好,谢谢!I am fine, thanks.或者 I am OK, thank you. (2)---这个用英语怎么说?What is this in English? ---它是一支钢笔。It is a pen. (3)---请拼写它(钢笔)。Spell it, please. ---P-E-N, pen.

3. 单词默写

谢谢thanks 橘子orange 夹克衫Jacket被子quilt 拼写spell请please

4. 选择题

(1)This is Borange, that is jacket.

A. a ; an B. an ; a C. a ; \\

【解析】orange(橘子)是以元音字母O 为首字母,所以用不定冠词an,jacket(夹克衫)是以辅音字母J 为首字母,所以用不定冠词a。

先复习基础部分第三单元(Starter Unit 3),再做下面的题。 1. 单词默写 颜色黄色 红色绿色 白色黑色 棕色紫色 蓝色红色

(基础部分第三单元中的词汇) 2. 翻译句子

(1)---它是什么颜色的?What color is it? ---他是红色的。It is red. (2)---这个用英语怎么说?What is this in English? ---它是一支红色的钢笔。It is a red pen.

3. 选择题

(1)---What color is it? ---B A. It is a key. B. It is yellow. C. It is a green.

(2)This jacket A yellow.

A. is B. are C. am 先复习第一单元(Unit 1),再做下面的题。 1. 写出下列电话号码的英文。 (1)244-1702 (2)15815960724 (3)0831-97654


2. 写出下列代词的主格,以及对应的形容词性物主代词 他he 他的his 她she她的her 它it它的its 我I我的my 你you你的your

3. 写出下列句子成分的简写形式 what is = what’s it is = it’s I am =I’m she is = she’s he is = he’s

4. 补全Frank 与Eric 以及Alice 与David 的对话 (1)Frank: Hi, I’m Frank. What isyour name ?

Eric: Hi, my name is Eric. Frank: Nice to meet you. Eeic: Nice to meet you, too. (2)Alice: Good morning.

David: Good morning . What is your name? Alice: My name is Alice. Are you Tom? David: No, I am not . I am David. Nice to meet you. Alice: Nice to meet you, too.

5. 阅读下面的短文,填写表格。

Hello, my name is Frank Huang. My telephone number is 244-1702. I have a friend. My friend is Dale Miller, her phone number is 281-9176. I have a pen and a ruler. My pen is red, and my ruler is yellow.

My first name My Tel Frank 244-1702 My last name Huang 朋友的姓名 钢笔的颜色 Dale Miller red 朋友的电话号码 281-9176 尺子的颜色


先复习第二单元(Unit 2),再做下面的题。

1.下列字母和单词中含有相同因素的打“√”,含有不同因素的打“×” A a, J j (√ ) E e, K k ( × ) V v, T t, Z z (√ ) M m, N n, X x, H h (× ) O o, R r, W w, L l ( × ) name, map (× ) quilt, in (√ ) ruler, blue (√ ) Frank, jacket, thanks ( √ ) pen, red, yellow (√ ) Hi, fine, white (√ ) Dale, map, black (√ )

2.根据音素填写下列表格 A a E e I i O o U u


uncle purple ruler brown white aunt black father grandma daughter pen green blue sister pencil pencil case eraser son yellow book

B b Q q F f dictionary (1)家庭成员: (2)颜色: (3) 文具:

4. 填写下列家庭成员关系图 mother

先复习第三单元(Unit 3),再做下面的题。 1..请根据下面两幅寻物启事和失物招领,回答下列问题 grandfather grandpa grandmother grandma father dad son brother aunt cousin aunt mom daughter sister Lost A yellow pen is in classroom. My name is Frank Green. Please call me at 244-1702. Found Found: a set of key Are these yours? Call Gina at 0831-1435. E-mail me at Ginagreen@.com. (1) 寻物启事中找的东西是:yellow pen

(2) 如果你捡到了这支黄色钢笔,你应该打电话给Frank Green,


(3) 失物招领中需要招领的东西是:a set of key (4) 如果是你丢的就是那串钥匙,你应该打电话给Gina,

她的电话号码是0831-1435,她的邮箱是 Ginagreen@.com。


Is this your book? Yes, it is . No, it isn’t . Areyou Frank Brown? Yes, I am. No, I am not. Are these your pens? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t . Is that his ruler? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. Is he your father? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.


Frank: Excuse me, Alice. Is this your pencil? Alice: Yes, it is. Thank you. Frank: And are these your rulers? Alice: No, they aren’t. They are Bob’s. Frank: Is thisyour yellow pen? Alice: No, the red pen is mine. Frank: What about this cup?

Alice: It is Helen’s. Thanks for your help, Frank. Frank: You are welcome.

