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1. If only he ______ quietly as the doctor instructed, he would not suffer so much now.

A. lies

B. lay

C. had lain

D. should lie

2. How I wish every family ____ a large house with a beautiful garde n.

A. has

B. had

C. will have

D. had had

3. You did not let me drive. If we ___ in turn, you ____ s o tired

A. drove; didn ' t get

B. drove; wouldn ' t get

C. were driving; wouldn ' t get

D. had driven ; wouldn ' t have got

4. ___ it rain tomorrow, we would have to put off the visit to the Yan gpu Bridge

A. Were

B. Should

C. Would

D. Will

5. I suggested the pers on____ t o be put into pris on

A. refers

B. referri ng

C. referred

D. refer

6. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it ___

A. breaks

B. has broke n

C. were broke n

D. had bee n broke n

7.1 in sisted ___ to see a doctor, but he in sisted nothing___ wrong with him

A. on him to go; should be

B. he went; be

C. he go; was

D. he should to; is

8. ---Your aunt in vites you to the movies today

---1 would rather she ___ me tomorrow tha n today

A. tells

B. told

C. would tell

D. had told

9. ---Would you have called her up

---Yes, but I ___ busy doing my homework

A. was

B. were

C. had bee n

D. would be

10. I was ill that day, otherwise I ___ the sports meet

A. would have take n part in

B. took part in

C. had take n part in

D. would take part in

11. __ the clouds, you would find the airpla ne in the sky easily

A. Had it not bee n for

B. If it were not


C. If it had not been for

D. Were it not for

12. If my lawyer ___ here last Sun day, he ___ me from going

A. had bee n, would have preve nted

B. had bee n, would preve nt

C. were, preve nt

D. were, would have preve nted

13. __ hard, he would have passed the exam

A. If he were to work

B. Had he worked

C. Should he work

D. Were he to work

14. __ today, he would get there by Friday

A. Were he to leave

B. If he had left

C. Did he to leave

D. Had he left

15. Had you listened to the doctor, you ___ all right now

A. are

B. were

C. would be

D. would have bee n

16. I did not see your sister at the meeti ng. If she __ , she would have met my


A. has come

B. did come

C. come

D. had come

17. He ___ busy yesterday, or he __ you with your experime nt.

A. was, had helped

B. was, would have helped

C. had bee n, would have helped

D. were, would have helped

18. If it ___ for the snow, we ___ the mountain yesterday

A. were not, could have climb

B. were not, could climb

C. had not been, could have climbed

D. hadn ' t been, could climb

19. Without electricity, huma n life __ quite difficult today

A. is

B. will be

C. would have bee n

D. would be

20. ---1 am going to tell her the n ews

---I would as soon as you _____ her about it

A. didn ' t tell

B. don ' t tell

C. hadn ' t tell

D. won ' t tell

21. Mike ' s father, as well as his mother, insisted he ____ home

A. stayed

B. could stay

C. has stayed

D. stay

22. It was requested that the play ___ aga in



A. should put on

B. would put on

C. be put on

D. put on

23. She in sisted that a doctor ____ immediately

A. had sent for

B. send

C. be sent for

D. was sent

24. ---Did you scold him for his careless ness

——Yes, but __ it

A. I ' d rather not do

B. I 'd rather not have done

C. I should ' t do

D. I 'd better not do

25. If only 1 my car

A. hadn ' t lost

B. wouldn 't lose

C. didn ' t lose

D. haven 't lost

26. But for water, it __ impossible to live in the earth

A. is

B. would be

C. were

D. wouldn ' t be

27. I would rather you ___ anything about it for the time being

A. do

B. didn ' t do

C. don ' t

D. didn ' t

28. The kin d-hearted couple treat the orpha n very well as though he __ their own


A. is

B. were

C. had bee n

D. should be

29. How the old people wish that they___ young once more

A. were

B. could become

C. had bee n

D. should be

30. It is high time that we ___ a meeting to discuss this problem

A. hold

B. held

C. have held

D. had held

31. The thief closed his eyes ___ he ____ dying

A. even if , was

B. though, would be

C. even, had bee n

D. as if, were

32. I wish that you ___ such a bad headache because I am sure that you would have

enjoyed the concert

A. had not

B. did not have had

C. hadn ' t had

D. hadn ' t have

33. The chairma n in sisted that we__ the questi on aga in

A. will discuss

B. to discuss

C. should discuss

D. will be discussed


v1.0可编辑可修改 4

34. He requested that the stude nts __ them get in crops

A. help

B. to help

C. helped

D. helpi ng

35. The guard at the gate in sisted that everybody ____ t he rules

A. obeys

B. Obey

C. will obey

D. would obey

36. I wish I ___ here the n

A. was

B. had bee n

C. were

D. would be

37. It is stra nge that he ___ back so early

A. came

B. will come

C. had come

D. should have come

38. Mother suggested that I _ my homework first before watch ing TV

A. did

B. do

C. shall do

D. have done

39. My suggestio n is that the meeti ng ___ off till n est Sun day

A. be put

B. put

C. should put

D. had bee n put

40. He is talking so much about America as if he ___ there

A. had bee n

B. has bee n

C. was

D. bee n

41. The teacher dema nded that the exam ____ b efore eleve n

A. must finish

B. would be finished

C. be finished

D. must be finished

42. ---Sorry, Joe. I did not mean to .....

----Don ' t call me “ Joe ” , I am Mr. Parker to you, and __ y ou forget it!

A. do

B. didn ' t

C. did

D. don ' t

43. I did not attend the lecture by Pro. Jackson. I _____________ b ut I _____ a ll this

A. would, have washed

B. could, have bee n wash ing

C. would have, have bee n wash ing

D. could have, had wash ing

44. How I wish I ___ to repair the watch! I only made it worse

A. had tried

B. hadn ' t tried

C. have tried

D. didn ' t try

45. ----How could I tha nk you eno ugh

——Don ' t mention it. Any other man ____ it

A. must do

B. could do

C. would have done

D. should have done


v1.0可编辑可修改46. Key European governments insist Iraq ' s co-operation ___ good and military

action _____ to allow in specti ons to continue

A. be, be delayed

B. is, delay

C. should be, be delayed

D. is , be delayed

47. If the hurrica ne had happe ned duri ng the day-time, _more deaths

A. it would have bee n

B. it would be

C. there would be

D. there would have bee n

48. What the customers ___ from the compa ny is that the goods ____ right to their


A. requested, deliver

B. dema nd, be delivered

C. request, should deliver

D. dema nd, delivered

49. If law-breakers ___ the society will be in disorder

A. made unpuni shed

B. came unpuni shed

C. went unpuni shed

D. not puni shed

50. We took a taxi to the airport. Otherwise we ___ late

A. would be

B. were

C. will be

D. would have bee n

51. Suppos ing he n ever __ , what would happe n the n

A. come

B. came

C. would come

D. will come

52. What do you thi nk his proposal that we __ a play at the En glish meeti ng

A. had put on

B. should put on

C. have put on

D. will put on

53. I hope that you ___ right

A. will be

B. should be

C. were

D. would be

54. As you kno w, I am a disabled man, but I would be happy if I __ of service to


A. am

B. have bee n

C. should be

D. would be

55. He in sisted that we __ early the n ext morni ng

A. start

B. started

C. would start

D. had started

56. I did not see your sister at the meeti ng. If she __ , she would have met my




A. has come

B. did come

C. had come

D. came

57. We ____ last ni ght, but we went to the cin ema in stead

A. must have studied

B. might study

C. would study

D. would have studied

58. If it ____ the snow, we ____ t he Simia n Mou ntai n last week

A. were not, could have climbed

B. were not, could climb

C. had not bee n , could have climbed

D. had not bee n, could climb

59. If only I ___ my watch!

A. hadn ' t lost

B. haven ' t lost

C. didn ' t lost

D. don ' t lose

60. You ___ such a serious mistake if you had followed his advice.

A. may not make

B. might not make

C. shouldn ' t have made

D. might not have made







1.1 don ' t think that I shall fail. But if I ______ , I would try again.

A. should fail

B. would fail

C. was to fail

D. had failed

2. __ she a man, she might be elected preside nt.

A. If were

B. Were

C. Be D Is

3. It was stra nge that we __ short of water in the country where it was always

rai ning.

A. are

B. would be

C. should be

D. were

4. ----What will you do duri ng the win ter vocati on

——I don ' t know, but it ' s about time _________ o n something.

A. I ' m deciding

B. I ' ll decide

C. I ' d decided

D. I decided

5. My order is that every one ____ his work.

A. must complete

B. completed

C. completes

D. complete

6. If he ___ in Germa ny, what Ian guage would be probably speak now

A. were born

B. had bee n born

C. would have bee n born

D. was born

7. If I had studied En glish last year, I __ able to speak it now.

A. could be

B. would have bee n

C. should be

D. could have bee n

8. It was not ___ she took off her dark glasses _____ I realized she was a famous film star.

A. when, that

B. until, that

C. until, when

D. when, than

v1.0可编辑可修改9. ---- __ is ____ we ' ll have the meeting

——In the meeti ng room, I suppose.

A. It, where that

B. Where, it that

C. Where, that

D. It, where there

10. It ' s _____ , not you, who want more.

A. I

B. me

C. mi ne

D. myself

11. It __ Mike and Mary who helped the old man several days ago.

A. are

B. was

C. were

D. had bee n

12. Not only ___ w orking hard, but also ____ very polite.

A. the girl is, she is B is the girl, she is C. the girl is, is she D. is the girl,

is she

13. ----You seem to be an actor.

---- ___ . I have played many parts in a lot of films.

A. So do I

B. So am I

C. So do I

D. So I am

14. ___ that we all went out, l ying in the sun.

A. So fine was the weather

B. So was the find weather

C. The weather was so fine was

D. So the weather was fine

hard outside, ___

A. doesn ' t it

B. isn ' t it

C. does it

D. is it

16. Only by practic ing a few hours every day ___ b e able to master the Ian guage.

A. you can

B. will you

C. you will

D. can you

17. ---Why n ot take my car to the museum in stead of walki ng

---No, tha nks. ___ .

A. I ' m used to

B. I ' m able to

C. I ' m about to

D. I ' ve got to

18. Amy lost her money and Mother wasn ' t surprised that she ____ as she was too careless.

A. did that

B. did it

C. did this

D. did so

19. I don ' t think Dick ' s seen a play in the Shanghai Grand Theater, ________



t 9

A. hasn ' t he

B. has he

C. isn ' t he

D. is he

20. It was ____ she was sick __ she didn ' t come to attend the farewell party.

A. because; why

B. why; that

C. since; that

D. because; that

21. Why! I have nothing to con fess. ___ y ou want me to say

A. What is it that

B. What it is that

C. How is it that

D. How it is that

22. ---Did Linda see the traffic accide nt

---No, no sooner ____ t han it happe ned.

A. had she gone

B. she had gone

C. has she gone

D. she has gone

23. The computer was used in teaching. As a result, not only _______ , but students became more in terested in the less ons.

A. saved was teachers ' en ergy

B. was teachers ' en ergy saved

C. teachers ' en ergy was saved

D. was saved teachers ' en ergy

24. He must be helpi ng the old man to water the flower, __

A. is he

B. isn ' t he

C. must he

D. mustn ' t he

25. Joh nson suggested the problem worth pay ing atte nti on to _ at the meeti ng.

A. be discussed

B. to bee n discussed

C. being discussed

D. was discussed

26. I wish I ___ a chance to talk with you about my writing before you left.

A. have

B. had

C. had had

D. will have

27. ---Sorry. I must be off.

---How nice it would be if you ____ a bit Ion ger!

A. stay

B. would be

C. stayed

D. have stayed

28. If the predict ion for the earthquake __________ more accurate, we would have bee n more prepared and many more lives would bee n saved.

A. had bee n

B. was

C. has bee n

D. were

29. There ' s plenty of time for you to think about it carefully, so you needn

rush now. ___ you change your mind, I wouldn ' t mind.

A. would

B. Could

C. Should

D. Might


30. ---The weather has bee n very hot and dry.

---Yes. If it had rained even a drop, things would be much better now! And my

vegetables ___ .

A. wouldn ' t die

B. didn ' t die

C. hadn ' t died

D. wouldn ' t have died

31. George is going to talk about the geography of his country, but I ' d rather he ______________ more on its culture.

A. focus

B. focused

C. would focus

D. had focused

32. Had I known about this computer program, a huge amount of time and energy ___________ .

A. would have bee n saved

B. had bee n saved

C. will be saved

D. was saved

33. But for their help, we _____ the program in time.

A. can not finish

B. will not finish

C. had not finished

D. could not have finished

34. He did not regret say ing what he did but felt that he __ it differe ntly.

A. could express

B. would express

C. could have expressed

D. mush have expressed.


1-5 ABCDD 6-10 BCBBA 11-14 BBDA

15-19 BBADB 20-24 DAABB 25-29 ACCAC 30-34 DBADC


