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1(4·?) : You might have ____the accident if you had had your headlights on. A: missed B: avoided C: escaped D: dismissed
2(4·?) : ___ the form with your name and your address. A: Write B: Fill in C: Take down D: cover
3(4·?) : He was pursuing his _____ of collecting stamps for so many years. A: like B: hobby C: love D: fun
4(4·?) : Chess has been played _____ from Japan to Europe since 1400. A: anywhere B: everywhere C: every place D: all where
5(4·?) : Sorry, I took your umbrella by _____£? A: mistake B: error C: fault D: wrong
6(4·?) : There was a big hole in the road which ___ the traffic. A: set back B: stood back C: held up D: kept down
7(4·?) : In ___ of his international fame, he is a very easy-going person. A: face B: stead C: spite D: front
8(4·?) : The former focuses on the natural world, the_____starts with human beings and studies how human beings and their environments act upon each other. A: second B: later C: next D: latter
9(4·?) : He let me use his computer and ____ return I treated him to dinner.
A: for B: as C: in D: of
10(4·?) : I wish I ____ to study English years ago. A: had started B: started
C: could stard D: would start
11(4·?) : Although the cover page of this book is beautiful, the_____of it are bad.
A: contents B: contexts C: contests D: content
12(4·?) : I wonder what your ____ in life is. A: symbol B: topic C: system D: goal
13(4·?) : He often wrote to the writers ____ he thought would help him to become a writer, too. A: whom B: who C: when D: because
14(4·?) : If you want to be a musician, you have to really_____yourself to it. A: commit B: push C: drive
D: encourage
15(4·?) : Before the end of his lecture£?the professor may also _____ time for the students to ask him questions. A: lay aside B: brush aside C: set aside D: put aside
16(4·?) : If the wounded soldier had been given first ____, he would not have died. A: help B: aid C: care
D: attention
17(4·?) : It is recommended that the project ____ until all the preparations have been made. A: not be started
B: will not be started C: is not started
D: is not to be started
18(4·?) : If you decrease the_____of alcohol in this solution, it would be less dangerous. A: part
B: portion C: section D: share
19(4·?) : ____ did I have any idea what a real man-made satellite looks like. A: Until quite recently B: It was quite recently
C: Not was it quite recently D: Not until quite recently
20(4·?) : He was involved ___ the love affair. A: within B: into C: with D: in
21(4·?) : There was such a long time at the exhibition ___ we had to wait for about half an hour. A: as B: that C: so D: hence
22(4·?) : Although I have explained the text for many times,she still_____confused. A: remains B: becomes C: regains D: manages
23(4·?) : The car was repaired but not quite to my ____. A: joy
B: pleasure C: attraction D: satisfaction
24(4·?) : We hurried to the station ____ find ourselves three hours earlier for the train. A: only to
B: in order to
C: so as to D: such as to
25(4·?) : In order to make his speech vivid and powerful, he_____a lot of facts. A: prepare B: plan
C: organized D: collect μ¥??ìa
1(4·?) : You might have ____the accident if you had had your headlights on. A: missed B: avoided C: escaped D: dismissed
2(4·?) : ___ the form with your name and your address. A: Write B: Fill in C: Take down D: cover
3(4·?) : He was pursuing his _____ of collecting stamps for so many years. A: like B: hobby C: love D: fun
4(4·?) : Chess has been played _____ from Japan to Europe since 1400. A: anywhere B: everywhere C: every place D: all where
5(4·?) : Sorry, I took your umbrella by _____£? A: mistake B: error C: fault D: wrong
6(4·?) : There was a big hole in the road which ___ the traffic. A: set back B: stood back C: held up D: kept down
7(4·?) : In ___ of his international fame, he is a very easy-going person. A: face B: stead C: spite D: front
8(4·?) : The former focuses on the natural world, the_____starts with human beings and studies how human beings and their environments act upon each other. A: second B: later C: next D: latter
9(4·?) : He let me use his computer and ____ return I treated him to dinner. A: for B: as C: in D: of
10(4·?) : I wish I ____ to study English years ago. A: had started B: started
C: could stard D: would start
11(4·?) : Although the cover page of this book is beautiful, the_____of it are bad.
A: contents B: contexts C: contests D: content
12(4·?) : I wonder what your ____ in life is. A: symbol B: topic C: system D: goal
13(4·?) : He often wrote to the writers ____ he thought would help him to become a writer, too. A: whom B: who C: when D: because
14(4·?) : If you want to be a musician, you have to really_____yourself to it. A: commit B: push C: drive
D: encourage
15(4·?) : Before the end of his lecture£?the professor may also _____ time for the students to ask him questions. A: lay aside B: brush aside C: set aside
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