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第十四讲 特殊句式的翻译 ?


A whale is no more a fish than a horse is. I was no less frightened than surprised. 既…又…

I was not so much troubled by the guitarist’s as by his lack of talent. 与其说…不如说…

The people are to the army what water is to fish. 军民鱼水情

A teacher is to the students what a lighthouse to the people at sea. You are to me what rice is to mice. 我爱你就像老鼠爱大米

The alternative we must be certain we never have to face. 我们应当相信:我们决不会面临这种选择(宾语倒装)

Just as necessary for us as financial support are criticism and suggestions. 对我们来说,和财政援助同样必要的是批评和建议(倒装)

Reading exercises one’s eyes; speaking, one’s tongue; while writing, one’s mind. 阅读训练人的眼睛,说话训练人的口才,写作训练人的思维

? 比较句式的基本构成 1)同级比较

In 1998 we produced as many cars as we did in the previous five years.

We have accomplished as mush in 2007 as would have taken ten years in the past. 2)比较级

Small-town residents are more involved with kin than are big-city residents. We can live longer without food than without water. 3)最高级

This is the most interesting book I’ve ever read. Of all his novels I like this one best. 4)the…the…结构

The more you study, the more you know. The more you know, the more you forget. The more you forget, the less you know. So why study? 5)选择比较

I prefer face-to-face communication to cyber-chatting.

Some people would rather work than sit idly. 宁可…也不… 6)对比

Motion is absolute while stagnation is relative. He is tried out, whereas she is full of vigor. ? 比较句式的用法:表示对比 He was more dead than alive. 他已经半死不活(奄奄一息)

Ask her to sing a song for us. She is more of a singer than a guitarist. 她唱歌比弹吉它还要棒 He was more shy than unsociable.

他不是不擅长社交,只是有点难为情 ?


John more than hesitated to lend me his new Benz. John犹豫了老半天,简直不肯把新奔驰借给我 It is more than probable that he will fail again. 他非常有可能再次不及格

He has more than repaid her kindness.

他所做的远远超过了对她的报答(他对她真可谓滴水之恩,涌泉相报) ? 比较句式的用法:表示比喻

A fool can no more see his own folly than he can see his own ears. 正像看不到自己的耳朵一样,傻瓜也看不到自己的愚蠢

He can no more swim than a hammer. 他简直就是秤砣,才不会游泳呢

Having children makes you no more a parent than having a piano makes you a pianist. 拥有一架钢琴不见得一定会成为钢琴演奏家,同样,有孩子不一定就会成为好父母 ? 比较句式的用法:表示否定


I can’t tell you this. This is more than I can tell. (语气婉转) I had expected better judgment from you. 没想到你判断力这么差

I really wanted to cry, but thought better of it. 我真的很想哭,但是,我没有哭

There is more to peace, not just the absence of war or armed conflict. 仅仅没有武装冲突和战事,还不等于和平

? 省略句译法:补译 1)排比句式

The symbol for hydrogen is H; for oxygen O; for nitrogen N. 氢气的符号是H,氧的符号是O,氮的符号是N

Histories make man wise; mathematics subtle; logic and rhetoric able to contend. 历史使人明智;数学使人精细;逻辑和修辞使人善辩 2)比较句式

The breakthroughs would create as much danger as they would hope. 这些突破会创造他们所希望的危险 ??? 这些突破既会带来希望,也会带来危险 3)其它

Two years ago that was, and since then Myra had been to see her mother three times, but her husband never.

那是两年前的事了。从那时起,玛拉只回来看过她母亲三回,而她的丈夫却从未回来探望过 I discovered that more than desire and feeling were necessary to write and I dropped the idea. 我发现要写作,只有愿望和热情是不够的,于是我放弃了写作的念头 ?


My uncle is better than when I wrote to you last time. 我伯父的身体比我上次给你去信时好些了

Although advanced in years, Thomas Edison remained as active and creative as many young people.

托马斯-爱迪生虽然上了年纪,但仍跟年轻人一样活跃并富有创造力 ? 省略句译法:转换

When the media add interpretation and analysis as they must to do their job fully, strong dislike of the messengers may become intense.

媒体一旦增添了解释和分析,就会引起人们的强烈反感。然而,媒体又必须这样做才能充分发挥其作用 (must之后省略了add interpretation and analysis)

And so we let the exciting new knowledge slip from us, a little further everyday, and our confidence with it.


He has to feel that he is as good as and probably better than any other surgeon in the world. 他应该认为自己跟世界上其他外科大夫一样称职甚至比他们还强 ?


Don’t they speak English?

难道他们不讲英语吗?(一般疑问句) How long have you been here?


Are you going to the library or to the classroom? 你是去图书馆呢?还是去教室?(选择疑问句) He has left his telephone number with you, hasn’t he? 他给你留下了电话号码了,对吗?(反义疑问句) ? 语法层面的倒装:表示让步

Child as he was, Mike could play the piano very well. 尽管还是孩子,迈克的钢琴已经弹得很好了

We will be much better for knowing the knowledge in other fields, be it scientific or artistic. 不管是理科方面还是文科方面的,了解这些其它领域的知识对我们是大有裨益的 ? 语法层面的倒装:表示假定

Had it not been for you help, I would not have achieved so much. 如果没有你的帮助,我就不会有这样的成就 ? 语法层面的倒装:表示重复 I don’t like watching TV, nor does Mary. 我不喜欢看电脑,玛丽也不喜欢

Society has changed, so have the people in it. 社会变了,人也跟着变了

? 语法层面的倒装:表示否定

Not until the game had begun did he arrive at the sports ground. 直到比赛开始他才赶到赛场

We have been told by the manager that under no circumstances should we use the telephone in the office for personal affairs.

经理告诉我们说,任何情况下都不能用办公室电话处理私事 ? 修辞层面的倒装1:强调

This we have never thought of before.


Scattered like stars in the deep mountains are numerous reservoirs. 在深山里有星罗棋布的水库(强调主语) In went the sun and down came the rain.

太阳被乌云遮住了,下起了雨(强调状语) ? 语法层面的倒装2:上下文衔接

He was born poor and poor he remained all his life. 他出身贫穷,而且受了一辈子穷

Animals drink some water, and of this a part is evaporated from their bodies. 动物要喝一些水,其中一小部分会从它们的身体上蒸发掉 ?


While I was waiting to enter university, I saw advertised in a local newspaper a teaching post at a school in a suburb of London about ten miles from where I lived. 在等着进大学期间,我在一份地方报纸上看到一则广告,说是在离我住处大约十英里的伦敦某郊区,有一所学校要招聘一名教师

Next door to ours lives an old man who has just retired from the factory near the railway station. 住在我们对门的是一位刚刚从火车站附近的工厂退休的老人 ? 语法层面的倒装4:增加文采

Following the roar, out rushed a tiger from among the bushes. 随着吼声,从林子里窜出一只老虎 随着吼声,从林子里呼地窜出一只老虎

Down jumped the thief from the third floor when he saw the police coming near. 小偷一看见警察来了,便从三楼噌地跳了下去 Now comes your turn! 现在终于轮到你了! ?


Mr. Brown thinks that family life, even if fulfilling, is not enough without friends. 布朗先生认为,没有朋友的家庭生活,即使很美满,也是不够的(顺译)

The place was so isolated that the owner’s daughter, who must be in her early twenties, said that she had never seen a locomotive.

那个地方真是与世隔绝,主人的女儿,准有二十出头了,说她从来没有见过火车 ? 修饰语和被修饰语分离

Then the problem arises to determine to what extent irrigation could be applied to increase the present production.



That night the Admiral got out a message to Ryan saying that all radio connections with the Army had broken down.

那天夜里,海军上将给莱恩发出一封电报,说与陆军的一切无线电联系都中断了 那天夜里,海军上将发出一封说与陆军的一切无线电联系都中断了的电报给莱恩 ? 同位语和先行词分离

A rumor circulated that the “super girl” was secretly engaged to a tycoon.


这个超女与一位大款秘密订婚的传说在外面传得沸沸扬扬 ? 谓语和宾语分离

We ask children to do for most of a day what few adults are able to do even for an hour. 那些几乎没有几个成年人能够连续做上一个小时的事情,我们却让孩子们花上一天的大部分时间去做

? 系动词和表语分离

I think the speech is needlessly stubborn.


At the sight of them sitting together, he became unreasonably angry. 看见他们两人坐在一起,他大发雷霆,不可理喻 ?


He seldom gives anything up easily.

We will try to put this plan into practice as soon as possible. ?


Winston Churchill, today an idealized hero of history, was in his time variously considered a bombastic blunderer, an unstable politician, an intermittently inspired orator, a reckless self-dramatizer, voluminous able writer in an old fashioned vein, and a warmongering drunkard. 温斯顿-邱吉尔今天是一个被理想化了的历史英雄,但当时却被看成各种各样的人物:爱唱高调但常犯错误的人,摇摆不定的政客,有几分才气的演说家,轻率的装腔作势者,写有大量著作但文风古老的多产作家,以及贩卖战争的酒徒 Nothing should be done in a hurry that can be done slowly. 对从缓去做的事,都不宜操之过急

In any case, philosophy is famously helpless before a toothache. 无论如何,哲学拿牙痛是毫无办法的,这一点大家都知道

