云南省德宏州梁河县第一中学高中英语 现在进行时的被动语态学案

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云南省德宏州梁河县第一中学高中英语 现在进行


1. 语法回顾


2. 课文回顾(Complete the sentences according to the text. ) 1).We ________________for the wool beneath our stomachs. (Line 9) 2). Our fur ______________to make sweaters for people like you. (L10) 3). I wonder what ___________to help you. (L12)

4). So good things _____________here to save local wildlife. (L25) 3. Summary: 现在进行时的被动语态

1). 构成:_______________________________________ 2). 现在进行时被动语态的用法:

? 1、表现正在进行或发生的被动动作,常与now, look等词连用。 ? e.g. She is being examined by the doctor now.

? e.g. Look! The children are being taken care of by their aunt.

? 2、表示现阶段或目前这段时间正在进行的被动动作,但这一被动动作在此时此刻

不一定正在发生。经常和时间副词now(现在),right now (现在,此刻),at present (现在,目前), at this moment(此刻)连用。 ? e.g. A modern school is being built in my hometown. ? e.g. They are being taught English at present . 4. Exercise 1. 填空

①Modern cell phones are being used as cameras and radios, and to send e-mail or surf the Internet..现代的手机正用照相机、收音机,并用来发送电子邮件或上网浏览。

②New functions are being added to the cell phones.新的功能正在往手机上添加。

③Is a computer center being built for the students?学生计算机中心正在建设吗?

④Are those TV sets being checked?那些电视机正在被检测吗? ⑤The letter is not being written.那封信没在写。

⑥The money for the project is not being collected.用于那项工程的钱没在筹集。


1. Look! A frog is swallowed by a snake over there. (is being swallowed) 2. These animals are being hunted at such a speed that they will disappear soon.(are being hunted)

4. Thousands of families are fleeing their homes because their country is under attacked.(under--being)

