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保存于2009年10月18日 16:10


By Stanley Zir

When the Puritans lived in England they were persecuted for their religious beliefs. The Church of England prohibited them from worshipping in their own way. There was no debate about the validity of the Puritan's doctrine. They were considered heretics by the absolute power and authority of the Church, exercising the power of the Status Quo.

The Church of England believed in Christianity. But was it the teaching of their founder to persecute others, lock them up and take away their freedom simply because their beliefs were different? In this case, if they had cared to see, their own professed beliefs would have acted as a mirror to expose their hypocrisy and evil.

Having the chance to resettle in America the Puritans acted. If they had stayed in England, the Church and the Government would have destroyed them because of their beliefs and because they did not have the support from the general populace at the time.

What happened to the Puritans and their choice to settle in America set in motion a wave of determination so great it not only became the driving force of the development and character of American society but it also became the impetus for the spreading of human rights and democracy worldwide. Why was this force so powerful that nothing could stop it from displaying its indomitable resole in the human spirit? The Church of England tried to suppress the individual in their spiritual beliefs, their private domain, the seat of life where all people inquire about their own existence. It tried to imprison their mind, the seat of judgment which is the main driving force to discern good from evil. This triggered a chain reaction that would release the flow of individual rights, that would saturate the American psyche, thus becoming the driving force that would shape our history and become the

standard of behavior to protect what is most noble in humanity. Now the seed was planted, from that time on the given right of the individual to stand up and defend himself against any force or system that would subdue his rights was set in motion. This phenomenon where noble ideals continue to rise up even from the ashes of our own indignities is uniquely American. The fact that we continually champion the cause for individual rights under any circumstances is what makes our struggle so important to the world's social structure and its future.

As time continued, many other people came to this country, some for political reasons, some to escape prosecution and persecution, some for economic reasons, and many were forced to come here and be sold as slaves. Soon many different colonies were formed containing people from all parts of the globe, but still the English maintained an oppressive social and economic grip over the colonies. The colonists were an independent lot and there was no way they accepted the Church of England or the aristocratic social structure as something they could embrace. This became apparent in the War of Independence, which produced documents such as the Declaration of Independence and eventually the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. These would confirm that the foundation of the country was the focus on individual freedom. This was a far cry from a monarch and aristocracy where the people were neither empowered by charter or even given the right to hold their own leaders accountable for their actions. Through this struggle a government was formed by the people and for the people where the leaders would be directly accountable to its citizens.

Jefferson stated in the past people were never empowered to censure or punish their leaders and those that would even raise their voice in protest were considered traitors.

This right is of central importance because it truly defines the core of our social and ethical system, which had set us apart from the rest of the world. The Constitution provided the separation of Church and State. Now the government became the blanket under which all people could have their own beliefs, the freedom to speak out without fear of backlash from any group, religious institution or the government itself.

The government was structured to protect and defend the rights of all the people. Thus it became the model that influenced thinking so deeply, that it would give rise to the movement of enlightened structures in both the secular and religious realm in the twenty first century.

This is in direct concurrence with the spirit and teachings of great religious leaders where the integrity of the individual is to be cherished and

protected. These founding documents would be the foundation for the rights of each individual and would be the building blocks of a new emerging civilization where the people are empowered to keep those who are in positions of authority in check, in other words, to keep the status quo in check.

Even though these documents were founded to protect the rights of the individual there was still slavery. These Americans of African descent were considered 3/5 human. Now the Church in America became hypocritical. Not only did their own religious doctrines mirror their hypocrisy, but the Bill of Rights exposed their evil. They had condoned and even protected the idea of slavery. But the force of individual rights and the integrity of individuals continued to drive forward and now that it was written into our sacred founding documents, such hypocrisy could not last.

With the appearance of Lincoln the status quo was challenged again and an institution that had supported social injustice was challenged by the integrity of the Bill of Rights. With that established, the indignity of slavery gave birth to the Emancipation Proclamation. Again the status quo was put in check by our sacred doctrines and the people who chose to speak out, protect and honor them. The gap between the doctrines of the people and their actions now became smaller.

Amazingly, this driving force keeps moving forward like a raging current that has only one purpose: to wash away all that is evil and perverse. Throughout the twentieth century this force continued to gather

momentum, drawing into its vortex all manner of movements: women's rights, civil rights, worker's rights - the list goes on, the roar gets louder! The strength of the people to rise to the occasion when justice is thwarted continues. Now the seed planted over two hundred years ago honoring the integrity of life and the individual, acts as the flag for our invincible fortress, a fortress that eternally protects all humanity from the advancement of tyranny and terrorism. This ideal alone is what directs our destiny and defines us as Americans.

America remains the great enigma to the rest of the world. How can a country that is so young give birth to a process that is so profound and so advanced? The answer lies in the fact that all countries in the world throughout history except America are homogenous where the system's main stress had been on the group, not the individual. Within these systems many individuals have had to sacrifice themselves to save the group or save

face of the community even at the expense of their own integrity. An individual in those systems rarely questions authority and in the rare cases that it happens, the person finds himself cut off or ostracized from the community where the social trends acquiescing to authority is the only acceptable behavior to keep the society unified and in harmony.

But America emphasizes the development of a strong, outspoken individual as the makeup of the group and nation, who would willingly, if necessary, give their lives to protect the integrity of the individual and their freedom first and foremost. We do not keep silent or acquiesce or sacrifice our lives and dignity to support any people or group that would trample on the rights of the individual, claiming to preserve and protect our nation.

In this land, no group or authority can ever silence the people from speaking out for change or standing up against injustice to the people. This process will never cease. Only you can have the choice to exercise this right and etch your life in glorious victory for all the people. This is your choice, your privilege and your responsibility as free people.

America knows how to put the status quo in check. This is our nature. It is in our blood. It is what keeps our hearts pure. We have taken the bold step to honor the enlightenment and the development of the individual as the key building block to a new global civilization.












政府的结构,以保护和捍卫全体人民的权利。因此,它成为思维模式的影响如此深刻,它将使这两个在二十一世纪的世俗和宗教领域产生了开明的结构运动。 这就是个人的完整要珍惜和保护的精神和伟大的宗教领袖的教义直接同意。这些基本文件将是每个人的权利的基础,将成为一个新兴文明的建设,其中人民,有能力保持谁在权力地位的检查是块,换言之,保持现状在检查。

即使这些文件产生于保护个人权利仍然存在奴隶制。这些非洲裔美国人被认为是3 / 5人。现在,在美国教会成了虚伪的。不但自己的宗教教义反映了他们的虚伪,但人权法案暴露了其罪恶。他们纵容,甚至保护奴隶制的想法。但个人权利力量和人格的继续推动前进,现在,它成为我们的神圣成立的书面文件,这些虚伪不可能持久。



在整个二十世纪这支部队继续加强势头,同时它的旋涡之中绘图的所有动作方式:妇女的权利,公民权利,工人的权利-凡此种种,不胜枚举,在轰鸣声变大!人民的力量上升到正义是阻碍时场合继续。现在种子种植了两百年前兑现的生活和个人的完整性,充当我们战无不胜的堡垒,堡垒是永远保护所有从暴政和恐怖主义的进步人类的标志。这仅仅是理想的指导我们的命运,我们的定义是美国人。 美国仍然是伟大的谜到世界各地。一个国家怎么能说是如此年轻的生育过程是如此深刻,如此先进?答案就在于,在整个历史上除美国在世界各国都在同质系统的主要强调了对本集团已,而不是个人。在这些许多人不得不牺牲自己,拯救小组或储存甚至不惜牺牲自己的完整的社会面临的系统。在这些系统的个别问题,权威,很少在它发生的罕见的情况下,该人发现自己切断或从社会排斥的默许下,以权威的社会发展趋势,是唯一可以接受的行为,以保持社会的和谐统一。 但美国强调,作为群体和民族,谁愿意,如有必要,构成一个强大的,直率的个人发展,为他们的生命,保护个人和他们的自由首先是完整的。我们不会保持沉默或默许或牺牲我们的生命和尊严,支持任何人或团体,将践踏个人权利,声称要维护和保护我们的国家。



