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Work in progress New projects

1、Listen to the telephone conversation between Vicky and Steve. Steve is calling from Brazil. What is their relationship?

2、Listen to the conversation again and choose the best ending (A, B or C) for each sentence (1-4).

1. Steve is calling from

A his office. B the shops. C a hotel. 2. Steve is in Fortaleza because he's

A got friends there. B working there. C travelling around Brazil. 3. Vicky is

A having lunch. B watching TV. C gardening. 4. The children are

A fighting. B at school. C playing.

3、Can you remember what Steve is doing in Brazil? Read this email to his business partner and check your answer. From: Steve Lenzer To: Louise Bernard

Subject: Update from Brazil Date: 22 May Hi Louise,

We're very lucky to have this construction contract in Brazil. It's a pity that I'm only here for a week, but that's business. Anyway, let me update you on my visit here.

The construction of the Belem Panorama is going well and guests will love it! Apart from some minor problems, everything is proceeding according to plan. They're now building the swimming pool on the 12th floor. The local staff are working very well with our management team.

I'm working in Fortaleza today and tomorrow. The new shopping centre is quickly taking shape: there are no problems and I think we're ahead of schedule. They’re doing a great job here too.

I'm flying back to Britain al the weekend, so I’ll see you in the office on Monday. Best wishes, Steve

4、Read the email again. Decide whether these sentences are 'Right' or `Wrong’. If there is not enough information to choose 'Right' or ‘Wrong’, choose `Doesn't say’. 1. Steve is in Brazil for work.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say 2. The Belem Panorama is a hotel.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say 3. There was a problem with the floors of the Belem Panorama. A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say

4. The construction of the shopping centre is behind schedule. A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say 5. Steve is staying in Brazil until Monday.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say


The present continuous

The present continuous is used to talk about: ·an action that is happening now, at the moment of speaking Q: What are you doing?

A: I'm checking the financial report. ·an ongoing action which is happening around this time

The local staff are working very well with our management team. ·a temporary activity

A temp is helping out this month. ·a fixed arrangement in the future

Q: Are you coming to tomorrow's meeting?

A: No, I'm sorry. I'm leaving for Lisbon tomorrow morning.

5、Read Steve Lenzer's email again. Underline all the verbs in the present continuous. Which verbs are examples of a fixed arrangement in the future?

6、Complete the sentences with the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 1. The CEO and the CFO___________________________(discuss) the company's current projects.

2. Jane_________________________________(give) a presentation of the new line we_______________________(launch) next month.

3. Mark____________________(make) some photocopies in the shop across the road.

4. Lisa_______________________(talk) about the opening of the new branch in Japan.

5. We______________________(have) a small party today at 4pm to say goodbye to our marketing manager, Rob, who______________(leave) at the end of the month. 7、Louise Bernard gets an email from project manager, Carlos Gutierrez. Complete the email with the correct form of the verbs in the box. What are the differences between this project and the Brazil project? fly have meet not follow take From: Carlos Gutierrez

To: Louise Bernard

Subject: Update from Spain Date: 23rd May Hi Louise,

Just to update you on the project here in Valencia. We (1)________some problems, I'm afraid.

The local manager (2)__________the building plans and everything is behind schedule.

I (3)_______________the subcontractors this afternoon-I need to know why everything.

(4)________________so long. I hope to get some answers!

I (5)___________to London on Tuesday evening. See you on Wednesday. Best regards Carlos


1、Read the text about temping below. Choose the best answer (A, B or C) for each question (1-4).

Temping is learing

IF YOU ARE EVER in a period of transition, when you are not working in your usual career field - or if you don't have enough experience to get a permanent job in the area you are

interested in - working for a temporary employment agency can be a great way to earn money, get more experience, and try out different kinds of work.

When you temp, the agency sends you to work at client companies for anything from a few hours to a few months, sometimes even longer. The reasons why

companies need temps vary. When small companies are growing quickly, for example, or are developing short-term projects, they don't want to contract permanent staff. And when a staff member is taking maternity leave, employing a temp is also a good option for the company.

The people who temp, on the other hand, often enjoy it because the routine changes from day to day. There are other advantages. ‘If you don't know what career field you want to work in, temping can help you find some answers’, says Eliane Facet, who runs a temp agency in Montpellier, France. ’As a temp, you might discover some fields you definitely don't want to work in. Not all of our temps have Lots of

experience. Right now, ten business students from our agency are working in different companies. They are experiencing the things they are learning about at college. They are improving existing skills, and also learning numerous others’.

From her own experience of temping, Eliane says, ‘After long jobs, I used to send

thank-you notes to the supervisors, telling them what I liked about working with them. Whenever I did this, the agency told me how happy the company was with my work, and then gave me better jobs’.

1. Which of the following statements is true?

A Temp agencies always send temps to the same company. B Temps always do the same kind of work.

C Temping jobs do not always last the same length of time. 2 .According to the text,

A there are different reasons why businesses need temps. B permanent staff are a good option for small companies. C temporary staff usually do routine jobs.

3. According to the text, temping gives you the opportunity A to take long holidays. B to get work experience. C to meet a lot of people.

4. When you finish a temporary job, it is a good idea A to tell your supervisor what you think of him/her.

B to let the company know what was good about the experience. C not to say anything - you don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. 2、Find words or phrases that mean:

1. time of change (after the end of one job and before the beginning of the next (paragraph 1)______________________________________.

2. area of work (paragraphs 1 and 3)__________________________. 3. time off to look after your baby (paragraph 2)_________________. 4. people who check that you are working correctly (paragraph 4)____.

SPEAKING Temporary jobs

3、Work in pairs. Read these comments about temping. Are they positive or negative comments? Tick√as appropriate. Then add your own comments.

Positive Negative

A It's very uncertain. You never know when you

will be working and when you won't. B I really love the variety of going to different companies.

C You work with different levels of management. D It's difficult when you don't get clear guidance from the client company.

E I enjoy meeting different people all of the time.

F The first day in a new job is always quite frightening. G________________________________________. H________________________________________. I ________________________________________.

