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International Trade国际贸易
Chapter I. Globalization第一章全球化
After you have read this chapter you should:您已经阅读本章后,你应该:
LO1 Understand what is meant by the term globalization. LO1明白,全球化一词是什么意思。 LO2 Be familiar with the main drivers of globalization. LO2熟悉全球化的主要驱动力。 LO3 Appreciate the changing nature of the global economy. LO3欣赏全球经济性质的变化。 LO4 Understand the main arguments in the debate over the impact of globalization. LO4了解的主要论点,在全球化的影响的争论。
LO5 Appreciate have the process of globalization is creating opportunities and challenges far business managers. LO5欣赏全球化的过程中,创造了机会和挑战远远业务经理。
Flat Panel Televisions and the Global Economy平板电视和全球经济
They begin as glass panels that are manufactured in high-technology fabrication centers in South Korea, Taiwan, and Japan.他们开始在韩国,台湾和日本的高科技制造中心制造的玻璃面板。 Operating sophisticated tooling in environments that must be kept absolutely clean, these factories produce sheets of glass twice as large as king size beds to exacting specifications.操作复杂的工具,必须保持绝对干净的环境中,这些工厂生产玻璃的两倍大,特大号床,以严格规范的表。 From there, the glass panels travel to Mexican plants located alongside the U.S. border.从那里,玻璃面板前往墨西哥美国边境沿线的植物。 There they are cut to size, combined with electronic components shipped in from Asia and the United States, assembled into finished TVs, and loaded onto trucks bound for retail stores in the United States.在那里,他们被切割成一定的尺寸,与来自亚洲和美国的电子元件出货量,组装成制成品电视,并装上卡车开往美国的零售商店。
It's a huge business.这是一个巨大的业务。 In 2006, U.S. consumers spent some $26.4 billion on flat panel TVs, a 63 percent increase over the amount spent in 2005. 2006年,美国消费者花费了约26.4亿美元的平板电视,花量在2005年增加了63%。 Projections call for U.S. sales to hit $37 billion by 2008-despite the fact that due to intense competition, prices for flat panel displays have been tumbling and are projected to continue doing so.预测呼吁在美国的销售达到37十亿的2008年,尽管事实上,由于竞争激烈,平板显示器的价格已经大跌,并预计将继续这样做。 During 2006 alone, prices for 40-inch flat panel TVs fell from $3,000 to $1,600, bringing them within the reach of many more consumers.仅在2006年,40英寸平板电视的价格从3000美元下跌至1600美元,将有越来越多的消费者的覆盖范围内。 In 200?在200? half of all TVs sold in the United States will be flat panel TVs.一半的所有在美国销售的电视将成为平板电视。
The underlying technology for flat panel displays was invented in the United States in the late 1960s by RCA.平板显示器基础技术发明于美国在20世纪60年代后期由RCA。 But after RCA and rivals Westinghouse and Xerox opted not to pursue the technology, the Japanese company Sharp made aggressive investments in flat panel displays.但在RCA和对手西屋电气公司和施乐
公司选择不追求技术公司,日本夏普平板显示器作出了积极的投资。 By the early 1990s Sharp was selling the first flat panel screens, but as the Japanese economy plunged into a decade-long recession, investment leadership shifted to South Korean companies such as Samsung. 20世纪90年代初夏普销售的第一款平板屏幕,但作为日本经济陷入了长达十年的经济衰退,投资领导转移到韩国三星等公司。 Then the 1997 Asian crisis hit Korea hard, and Taiwanese companies seized leadership. 1997年的亚洲金融危机袭击韩国努力,台湾企业抓住领导。 Today, Chinese companies are starting to elbow their way into the flat panel display manufacturing business.今天,中国企业也开始到肘部自己的方式进入平板显示器制造业务。
As production for flat panel displays migrates its way around the globe to low-cost locations, clear winners and losers have emerged.由于生产的平板显示器全球各地的低成本地区迁移的方式,已经出现明显的赢家和输家。 One obvious winner has been U. S. consumers, who have benefited from the falling prices of flat panel TVs and are snapping them up Other winners include efficient manufacturers who have taken advantage of globally dispersed supply chains to make and sell low-cost, high-quality flat panel TVs.一个明显的赢家一直是美国消费者受益于平板电视价格的下降正在抢购其他获奖者包括高效率的制造商已利用分散在全球的供应链,制造和销售的低成本,高品质的平板平板电视。 Foremost among these has been the California-based company, Vizio.其中最重要的是,Vizio公司的总部位于加州的公司。 Founded by a Taiwanese immigrant, in just four years sales of Vizio flat panel TVs ballooned from nothing to $700 million in 2006.成立由台湾移民,在短短四年的激增的VIZIO平板电视,从一无所有到2006年的7亿美元的销售。 The company is forecasting sales as high as $2 billion for 2007.该公司预测,销售为高,为2007年的2美元亿美元。 Vizio, however, has only 75 employees.然而,Vizio公司,只有75名员工。 These employees focus on final product design, sales.这些员工专注于最终产品的设计,销售。 and customer service, while Vizio outsources most of its engineering work, all of its manufacturing, and much of its logistics.和客户服务,而Vizio公司外包其工程的大部分工作,所有的生产,其物流。 For each of its models, Vizio assembles a team of supplier partners strung across the globe. Vizio公司组装的车型,在全球范围内的供应商合作伙伴串一队。 Its 42-inch flat panel TV, for example, contains a panel from South Korea, electronic components from China, and processors from the United States, and it is assembled in Mexico.例如,42英寸的平板电视,包含了面板的电子元件来自中国,韩国,美国和处理器,它是在墨西哥组装。 Vizio's managers scour the globe continually for the cheapest manufacturers of flat panel displays and electronic components.不断Vizio公司的经理冲刷全球最便宜的平板显示器和电子元件制造商。 They sell most of their TVs to large discount retailers such as Costco and Sam's Club.他们卖他们的电视大折扣零售商,如Costco和山姆俱乐部。 Good order visibility from retailers, coupled with tight management of global logistics, allows Vizio to turn over its inventory every three weeks, twice as fast as many of its competitors which is a major source of cost saving in a business where prices are falling continually.从零售商的订单能见度好,加上全球物流与严格的管理,允许,Vizio公司把其库存每三个星期,快两倍,它的竞争对手,这是节约成本的一个主要来源,在一个企业里的价格正在不断减少很多。 If Vizio exemplifies the winners in this global industry, the losers include the employees of manufacturers who make traditional cathode ray TVs in high-cost locations. ,如果Vizio公司充分体现了这一全球性行业中的赢家,输家包括制造商的员工,使传统的阴极射线电视在成本高的地方。 In 2006, for example, Japanese electronics manufacturer Sanyo laid off 300 employees at its U.S. factory, and another Japanese company, Hitachi, closed its TV manufacturing plant in South Carolina, laying off 200 employees.例如,在2006年,日本电子制
造商三洋裁员300名员工在其美国工厂,在南卡罗来纳州和另一家日本公司,日立公司,关闭了其电视制造工厂,裁员200名员工。 Both Sony and Hitachi, of course, still make TVs, but they are flat panel TVs assembled in Mexico from components manufactured in Asia.当然,索尼和日立,仍然使电视,但他们是在墨西哥组装的平板电视在亚洲制造的部件。
A fundamental shift is occurring, in the world economy.发生一个根本性的转变,在世界经济中。 We are moving away from a world in which national economies were relatively self-contained entities, isolated from each other by barriers to cross-border trade and investment; by distance, time zones, and language; ard by national differences in government regulation, culture, and business systems.我们正在远离一个世界中,国家的经济相对自足的实体,相互隔离的跨境贸易和投资的障碍;的距离,时区和语言;由国家政府监管,文化的差异标准和业务系统。 And we are moving toward a world in which harriers to cross-border trade and investment are declining; perceived distance is shrinking, due to advances in transportation and telecommunications technology; material culture is starting to look similar the world over; and national economies are merging into an interdependent, integrated global economic system.同时,我们正在朝着鹞跨境贸易和投资正在下降的世界中,被察觉的距离正在缩小,由于交通运输的进步和通讯技术;物质文化已开始类似于世界各地;和国家经济合并一个相互依存的,一体化的全球经济体系。 The process by which this is occurring is commonly referred to as globalization.通过该过程,这发生通常被称为为全球化。
What is happening, in the fiat panel TV Industry, which was profiled in the Opening Case, is a classic illustration of the impact of globalization.这是怎么回事,在菲亚特平板电视行业,这是异形在开幕式的情况下,全球化的影响是一个典型的例证。 Production of flat panel TVs is migrating around the globe to low-cost locations.生产的平板电视在全球各地迁移到低成本的地方。 TVs that Vizio sells in the United States, for example, ale assembled in Mexico from flat panels manufactured in South Korea, electronic components made in China, and microprocessors made in the United States.电视,Vizio公司在美国销售,例如,强麦聚集在墨西哥的平板电视在韩国制造,中国制造的电子元件,以及在美国的微处理器。 By dispersing different activities around the globe to where they can be performed most efficiently, and then coordinating, the entire production process, companies like Vizio can deliver flat panel TVs to American consumers at much lower prices than would otherwise be possible.分散在全球各地不同的活动,在这里他们可以进行最有效的,然后协调,整个生产过程中,Vizio公司这样的公司可以提供美国消费者的平板电视在低得多的价格比其他可能的。 American consumers benefit from the lower price, as doe; Vizio and its strategic partners in South Korea, China, the United States.美国消费者受益于较低的价格,母鹿;的Vizio公司和其战略合作伙伴在韩国,中国,美国。 and Mexico.和墨西哥。 The process of globalization also has losers, however, and the losers in this case are workers in high cost locations who have lost their jobs.全球化的过程中,也有输家,但是,在这种情况下的输家是谁失去了他们的工作成本高位置的工人。 As we will see in this book though, most economists argue that the gains outweigh the losses by a wide margin, and that on balance globalization is a very beneficial process.虽然在这本书中,我们将看到,大多数经济学家认为收益大于损失的大幅,和平衡全球化是一个非常有益的过程。
The flat panel TV industry is hardly alone in exemplifying the process of globalization.平板电视
行业是很难单独彰显了全球化进程。 In today's interdependent global economy, an American might drive to work in a car designed in Germany that was assembled in Mexico by the American automaker Ford from components made in the United State and Japan that were fabricated from Korean steel and Malawian rubber.在今天的相互依存的全球经济中,美国可能会在设计的汽车在墨西哥的美国汽车制造商福特汽车在美国和日本,韩国钢铁制造和马拉维橡胶制成的组件,组装在德国开车去上班。 She may have filled the car with gasoline at a BP service station owned by a British multinational company.她可能已经满了车用汽油在英国的跨国公司所拥有的BP服务站。 The gasoline could have been made from oil pumped from a well off the coast of Africa by a French oil company that transported it to the United States in a ship owned by a Greek shipping line.的汽油已经从由希腊航运公司拥有的船舶,运到美国,在一家法国石油公司从非洲海岸的小康油泵浦。 While driving to work ,the American might talk to her stockbroker on a Nokia cell phone that was designed in Finland and assembled in Texas using chip sets produced in Taiwan that were designed by Indian engineers working for Texas Instruments.开车去上班时,美国可能跟她的股票经纪人的诺基亚手机,在芬兰和设计,在得克萨斯州组装在台湾工作的印度工程师德州仪器的芯片组。 She could tell the stockbroker to purchase shares in Deutsche Telekom, a German telecommunications by an energetic Israeli CEO.一个充满活力的以色列CEO,她可以告诉股票经纪人购买股份,德国电信在德国电信(Deutsche Telekom)。 She may turn on the car radio, which was made in Malaysia by a Japanese firm, to hear a popular hip hop song composed by a Swede and sung by a group of Danes in English who signed a record contract with a French music company to run by a Korean immigrant and order a single, tall nonfat latte and chocolate covered biscotti.她可以打开车上的收音机,这是由一家日本公司在马来西亚,听到一个流行的嘻哈歌曲组成,由一个瑞典人和唱的一组丹麦人在英国与法国音乐公司签署了合同备案,运行由韩国移民,为了一个单一的,高脱脂拿铁咖啡和巧克力覆盖的Biscotti的。 The coffee beans came from Brazil and the chocolate from Peru, while the biscotti was made locally using an old Italian recipe.的咖啡豆来自巴西和秘鲁巧克力,而Biscotti的是在本地使用一个古老的意大利配方。 After the song ends, a news announcer might inform the American listener that anti-globalization protests at a meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, have turned violent.歌曲结束后,一个新闻播音员可能会通知美国的侦听器,在瑞士达沃斯举行的世界经济论坛的一次会议上,反全球化的抗议演变成暴力冲突。 One protester has been killed.一名抗议者被打死。 The announcer then turns to the next item, a story about how fear of interest rate hikes in the United States has sent Japan’s Nikkei stock market index down sharply.播音员,然后转向下一个项目,一个故事,关于如何在美国加息恐惧派日本日经股票指数大幅下降。
This is the world in which we live.这是我们生活在其中的世界。 It is a world where the volume of goods, services, and investment crossing national borders has expanded faster than world output consistently for more than half a century.这是一个量的货物,服务和投资跨越国界的世界,在那里不断扩大的速度比世界产出持续一个世纪的一半以上。 It is a world where some $3 trillion in foreign exchange transactions are made every day, where $12.06 trillion of goods and $2.71 trillion of services were sold across national borders in 2006.It is a world in which international institutions such as the World Trade Organization and gatherings of leaders from the world’s most powerful economies have called for even lower barriers to cross border trade and investment.地方一些$ 3万亿美元的外汇交易是取得每一天,在那里$ 12.06万亿美元的商品和$ 2.71的万亿美元的服务进行出售跨越国界在2006.It的世界是一个世界中,国际机构,如在世界贸易组织和被称为世界上最强大的经济体的领导人聚会甚至更低,跨境贸
易和投资的障碍。 It is a world where the symbols of material and popular culture are increasingly global : from Coca Coca and Starbucks to Sony PlayStations, Nokia cell phone , MTV shows, Disney films, IKEA stores, and Apple iPods.这是日益全球化的世界里,材料和流行文化的象征:从可口可乐可口可乐和星巴克索尼游戏机,诺基亚手机,MTV表示,迪斯尼的电影,宜家商场,和苹果的iPod。 It is a world in which products are made from inputs that come from all over the world.哪些产品是由来自世界各地的输入,这是一个世界。 It is a world in which an economic crisis in Asia can cause a recession in the United States, and the threat of higher interest rates in the United States really did help drive Japan’s Nikkei index down in the spring of 2006.It is also a world in which vigorous and vocal groups protest against globalization, which they blame for a list of ills, from unemployment in developed nations to environmental degradation and the Americanization of popular culture.这是一个世界中的亚洲经济危机导致经济衰退,在美国,并在美国利率上升的威胁真的帮助推动日本日经指数下跌2006.It的春天,也是世界在这充满活力和声乐组全球化的抗议,他们指责的列表的弊病,失业率在发达国家的环境恶化和美国的流行文化。 And yes, these protests have on occasion turned violent.是的,这些抗议活动有时演变成暴力冲突。
For businesses, this process has produced many opportunities.对于企业来说,这个过程中产生了许多的机会。 Firms can expand their revenues by selling around the world and/or reduce their costs by producing in nations where key inputs, including labor, are cheap.企业可以扩大他们的收入靠卖世界各地的和/或降低他们的生产成本在国家重点投入,包括劳动力,价格便宜。 The global expansion of enterprises has been facilitated by favorable political and economic trends.企业的全球扩张提供了便利的有利的政治和经济的发展趋势。 Since the end of the 1980s, the pendulum of public policy in nation after nation has swung toward the free market end of the economic spectrum.自20世纪80年代结束后民族国家的公共政策,摆向自由市场的经济领域发生了剧变。 Regulatory and administrative barriers to doing business in foreign nations have come down, while those nations have often transformed their economic, privatizing strata owed enterprises, deregulating markets, increasing competition, and welcoming investment by foreign business.在外国开展业务的监督管理和行政障碍有所回落,而这些国家的经常改变他们的经济,私有化阶层欠企业,放开市场,日益激烈的竞争,并欢迎外国企业投资。 This has allowed businesses both large and small, from both advanced nations and developing nations, to expand internationally.这使得企业既大又小,从先进国家和发展中国家,以拓展国际市场。
At the same time, globalization has created new threats for businesses accustomed to dominating their domestic markets.与此同时,全球化已经习惯支配其国内市场的企业创造了新的威胁。 Foreign companies have entered many formerly protected industries in developing nations, increasing competition and driving down prices.外商投资企业已进入在发展中国家,许多以前受保护的行业日益激烈的竞争和价格下降。 For three decades, US automobile companies have been battling foreign enterprises, as Japanese, European ,and now Korean companies have taken business from them.三十年来,美国汽车公司一直在争夺外国企业,如日本,欧洲和韩国企业业务。 General Motors has seen its US market share decline from more than 50 percent to about 26percent ,while Japan’s Toyota has surpassed first Ford and now GM to become the largest automobile company in the world and the second largest producer in the United States behind GM.通用汽车(General Motors)已经看到其在美国的市场份额从50%以上下降到约26%,而日本的丰田汽车已超过福特和通用汽车成为世界上最大的汽车公司在全球的第二大生产商在美国后面GM。
As globalization unfolds, it is transforming industries and creating anxiety among those who believed their jobs were protected from foreign competition.随着全球化进程的展开,它正在改变产业,在那些认为他们的工作受到保护,免受外国竞争的产生焦虑。 Historically, while many workers in manufacturing industries worried about the impact foreign competition might have on their jobs, workers in service industries felt more secure.从历史上看,许多制造业工人担心外国竞争的影响,可能对他们的工作,在服务行业的工人感到更安全。 Now this too is changing.现在这一点正在发生变化。 Advance in technology, lower transportation costs, and the rise of skilled workers in developing countries imply that many services no longer need to be performed where they are delivered.科技进步,降低运输成本,和技术工人在发展中国家的崛起,意味着许多服务不再需要进行交付。 For example, accounting work is being outsourced from American to India.例如,会计的工作被外包从美国到印度。 In 2005, some 400000 individual tax returns were compiled in India.在2005年,约400000个别人士报税表被编译在印度。 Indian accountants, trained in US tax rules, perform work for US accounting firms.印度的会计师,在美国的税收规则的培训,为美国会计师事务所执行工作。 They access individual tax returns stored on computers in the United States, perform routine calculations, and save their work so that it can be inspected by a US accountant, who then bills clients.他们访问美国的计算机上存储的个别人士报税表,执行常规计算,并保存他们的工作,以便它可以检查由美国会计师,当时的条例草案客户。 As the best-selling author Thomas Friedman has recently argued, the world is becoming flat.作为最畅销的作者托马斯·弗里德曼最近指出,世界正在变得越来越平坦。 The playing field is no longer tilted in favor of people living in developed nations.不再倾斜,有利于生活在发达国家的人的公平竞争环境。 Increasingly, enterprising individuals based in India, China, or Brazil have the same opportunities to better themselves as those living in Western Europe, the United States, or Canada.进取心的人越来越多,总部设在印度,中国,巴西拥有同样的机会,充实自己,为那些生活在西欧,美国,加拿大。
In this book we will take a close look at the issues introduced here, and at many more besides.在这本书中,我们将密切关注的问题,这里介绍的,在许多除了。 We will explore how changes in regulations governing international trade and investment, when coupled with changes in political systems and technology, have dramatically altered the competitive playing field confronting many businesses.我们将探讨如何变化,国际贸易和投资法规,加上在政治制度和技术的变化,极大地改变了许多企业面临的竞争环境。 We will discuss the resulting opportunities and threats and review the different strategies that managers can pursue to exploit the opportunities and counter the threats.我们将讨论的机会和威胁,并检讨管理人员可以追求不同的策略,利用的机遇和应对威胁。 We will consider whether globalization benefits or harms national economies.我们会考虑是否的全球化利益或危害国家经济。 We will look at what economic theory has to say about the outsourcing of manufacturing and service jobs to places such as India and China and at the benefits and costs of outsourcing, not just to business firms and their employees, but also to entire economies.我们将着眼于经济理论有什么说的制造和服务外包工作的地方,如印度和中国外包的收益和成本的,不只是让企业及其员工,但也到整个经济体系。 First, though, we need to get a better overview of the nature and process o f globalization, and that is the function of the current chapter.首先,我们需要更好地了解的性质和全球化进程,这是当前章节的功能。
What Is Globalization?什么是全球化?
As used in this book, globalization refers to the shift toward a more integrated and
interdependent world economy.在这本书中,全球化是指转向一个更加一体化和相互依存的世界经济。 Globalization has several facets, including the globalization of markets and the globalization of production.全球化有几个方面,包括市场的全球化和生产的全球化。
The globalization of markets refers to the merging of historically distinct and separate national markets into one huge global marketplace.市场的全球化是指历史上独特和独立的国家市场合并成一个巨大的全球市场。 Falling barriers to cross-border trade have made it easier to sell internationally.落跨境贸易的障碍,使得它更容易出售国际。 It has been argued for some time that the tastes and preferences o f consumers in different nations are beginning to converge on some global norm, thereby helping to create a global market.已经争论了一段时间,消费者的口味和喜好在不同的国家都开始收敛一些全球性的规范,从而打造出一个全球性的市场。 Consumer products such as Citigroup credit cards, Coca-Cola soft drinks.消费类产品,如花旗信用卡,可口可乐软饮料。 Sony PlayStation video games, McDonald’s hamburgers, Starbucks coffee, and IKEA furniture are frequently identified as prototypical examples of this trend.索尼PlayStation视频游戏,麦当劳的汉堡包,星巴克咖啡,宜家家具经常被认定为这一趋势的典型的例子。 Firms such as these are more than just benefactors of this trend: they are also facilitators of it.像这样的企业:他们不仅仅是恩人,这种趋势也促进它。 By offering the same basic product worldwide, they help to create a global market.通过提供基本相同的产品在全球市场,有助于建立一个全球性的市场。
A company does not have to be the size of these multinational giants to facilitate and benefit from the globalization of markets.一个公司不具备这些跨国巨头的规模,以促进和受益于全球化的市场。 In the United States, for example, nearly 90 percent of firms that export are small businesses employing less than 100 people, and their share of total US exports has grown steadily over the last decade to now exceed 20 percent.例如,在美国,公司的出口都是小企业雇用少于100人,他们占美国出口总额的近90%的稳步增长,在过去的10年到现在超过20%。 Firms with less than 500 employees accounted for 97 percent of all US exporters and almost 30 percent of all exports by value.员工人数少于500人的企业占97%的美国出口商和几乎所有出口总值的30%。 Typical of these is Hytech, a New York based manufacturer of solar panels that generates 40 percent of its $3 million in annual sales from exports to five countries, or B&S Aircraft Alloys, another New York company whose exports account for 40 percent of its $8 million annual revenues.其中典型的是HYTECH,一个新的纽约基于制造商的太阳能电池板生成的$ 3万美元的年销售额从出口到五个国家,或B&S飞机合金,另一种新的纽约公司,其出口占40%的$ 8万美元的40%年收入。 The situation is similar in several other nations.在其他几个国家的情况也类似。 In Germany, for example, which is the world’s largest exporter, a staggering 98 percent of small and mid-sized companies have exposure to international markets, either via exports or international production.例如,在德国,是世界上最大的出口国,达到了惊人的98%的小型和中型公司有机会接触到国际市场,通过出口或国际生产。
Despite the global prevalence of Citigroup credit cards, McDonald’s hamburgers, Starbucks coffee, and IKEA stores, it is important not to push too far the view that national markets are giving way to the global market.尽管全球流行的花旗信用卡,麦当劳的汉堡包,星巴克咖啡,宜家商场,重要的是不要推得远远的观点,即国家的市场让位给全球市场。 As we shall see in later chapters, significant differences still exist among national markets along many relevant
dimensions, including consumer tastes and preferences, distribution channels, culturally embedded value systems, business systems, and legal regulations.正如我们将在后面的章节中看到的,重大的分歧仍然存在,各国市场以及许多相关的尺寸,包括消费者的口味和喜好,分销渠道,文化内含价值系统,业务系统,和法律法规的规定。 These differences frequently require companies to customize marketing strategies, product features, and operating practices to best match conditions in a particular country.这些差异往往要求企业定制的营销策略,产品功能和操作手法,在一个特定的国家到最符合条件。
The most global markets currently are not markets for consumer products-where national differences in tastes and preferences are still often important enough to act as a brake on globalization-but markets for industrial goods and materials that serve a universal need the world over.目前最具全球性的市场,而不是市场的消费产品的口味和喜好的国家差异仍然是重要的,足以作为制动全球化,但市场普遍需要世界各地的工业产品和服务。 These include the markets for commodities such as aluminum, oil, and wheat.这些措施包括铝,石油,小麦等大宗商品市场。 For industrial products such as microprocessors, DRAMs(computer memory chips), and commercial jet aircraft, for computer software, and for financial assets from US.对于工业产品,如微处理器,记忆体(计算机内存芯片),和商用喷气飞机,计算机软件,并从美国的金融资产。 Treasury bills to Eurobonds and futures and futures on the Nikkei index or the Mexican peso.国库券发行欧元债券,期货及日经指数期货或墨西哥比索。
In many global markets, the same firms frequently confront each other as competitors in nation after nation.在全球许多市场,企业经常面对对方为竞争对手后,在国家民族。 Coca-Coca’s rivalry with PepsiCo is a global one, as are the rivalries between General Motors and Toyota, Boeing and Airbus, Caterpillar and Komatsu in earthmoving equipment, and Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft in video games.可口可乐可口可乐与百事公司的竞争是全球性的,因为是通用汽车和丰田汽车之间的竞争,波音公司和空中客车公司,卡特彼勒和小松在土方设备,与索尼,任天堂和微软的视频游戏。 If a film moves into a nation not currently serves by its rivals, many of those rivals are sure to follow to prevent their competitor from gaining an advantage.如果进入一个国家的电影,目前担任其竞争对手,这些对手很多是一定要遵循,以防止他们的竞争对手获得优势。 As firms follow each other around the world, they bring with them many of the assets that served them well in other national markets-including their products, operating strategies, marketing strategies, and brand names-creating some homogeneity across markets.随着企业跟着对方在世界各地,他们带来的许多担任他们的资产,以及在其他国家的市场,包括自己的产品,经营策略,营销策略,品牌创建一些跨市场的同质化。 Thus, greater uniformity replaces diversity.因此,更大的一致性取代多样性。 In an increasing number of industries, it is no longer meaningful to talk about the German market, the American market the Brazilian market, or the Japanese market, for many firms there is only the global market.在越来越多的行业,它不再是有意义的谈论德国市场,美国市场对巴西市场,在日本市场,许多企业只是全球市场。
The globalization of production refers to the sourcing of goods and services from locations around the globe to take advantage of national differences in the cost and quality of factors of production (such as labor, energy, land, and capital).生产的全球化是指采购的商品和服务在全球各地充分利用国家的生产要素(如劳动力,能源,土地,资本)的成本和质量的差异的位置。 By doing this, companies hope to lower their overall cost structure or improve the quality or
functionality of their product offering, thereby allowing them to compete more effectively.这样一来,企业希望降低整体的成本结构,或改善其提供的产品的质量或功能,从而使他们能够更有效地参与竞争。 Consider the Boeing 777, a commercial jet airliner.考虑波音777飞机,商用喷气客机。 Eight Japanese suppliers make parts for the fuselage, doors and wings, a supplier in Singapore makes the doors for the nose landing gear, three suppliers in Italy manufacture wing flaps, and so on. 8家日本供应商的机身,门和机翼部件,供应商在新加坡,前起落架,三家供应商在意大利制造襟翼,等门。 In total, some 30 percent of the 777, by value, is built by foreign companies.在总量中,约30%的777,按价值计算,由外国公司建造。 For its most recent jet airliner, the 787 Boeing has pushed this trend even further, with some 65 percent of the total value of the aircraft scheduled to be outsourced to foreign companies, 35percent of which will go to three major Japanese companies.其最近的喷气客机,787架波音推动这一趋势更进一步,约65%的飞机的总价值预计将于外包给外国公司,其中35percent会去日本三大公司。
Part of Boeing’s rationale for outsourcing so much production to foreign suppliers is that these suppliers are the best in the world at their particular activity.这么多的外包生产向外国供应商波音公司的理由是,这些供应商在其特定的活动在世界上是最好的。 A global web of suppliers yields a better final product, which enhances the chances of Boeing winning a greater share of total orders for aircraft than its global rival Airbus Industries.供应商的全球网络得到更好的最终产品,从而提高波音公司赢得更大的份额飞机订单总量超过其全球竞争对手空中客车工业的机会。 Boeing also outsources some production to foreign countries to increase the chance that it will win significant orders from airline based in that country.波音公司也外包到国外的一些生产增加的机会,它会赢得显着的航空公司,总部设在该国的订单。
For another example of a global web of activities, consider again the example of Vizio given in the Opening Case.另一个例子是一个全球性的网络活动,可以考虑再在打开外壳的Vizio公司的例子。 Vizio, an American company with just 75 employees, has become one of the largest sellers of flat panel TVs in the United States in just four years by coordinating a global web of activities, bringing together components manufactured in South Korea, China and the United States, arranging for their assembly in Mexico, and then selling them in the United States. Vizio公司,一家美国公司只有75名员工,已经成为平板电视在美国最大的销售商之一,在短短4年时间协调一个全球性的网络活动,汇集了韩国,中国和美国制造的组件,安排其在墨西哥的装配,然后在美国销售。
Early outsourcing efforts were primarily confined to manufacturing activities, such as those undertaken by Boeing and Vizio, increasingly, however, companies are taking advantage of modern communications technology, particularly the Internet, to outsource service activities to low-cost producers in other nations.早期的外包工作主要局限于生产活动,如由波音公司和Vizio,越来越多,然而,公司正在利用现代通信技术,特别是互联网,在其他国家的低成本生产外包服务活动开展的。 Many software companies, including IBM, now use Indian engineers to perform maintenance functions on software designed in the United States.现在使用的许多软件公司,包括IBM,印度的工程师在美国设计的软件进行维护功能。 The time difference allows Indian engineers to run debugging tests on software written in the United States when US engineers sleep, and the corrected code is transmitted back to the United States over secure Internet connections so it is ready for us engineers to work on the following day.的时间差允许印度工程师编写的软件在美国时,美国工程师的睡眠,纠正代码传回美国通过安全的互联网连接,所以它运行调试测试工作已经准备好为我们的工程师在翌日。 Dispersing
value-creation activities in this way can compress the time and lower the costs required to develop new software programs.分散的价值创造活动,这样可以压缩时间和降低成本,需要开发新的软件程序。 Other companies, from computer makes to banks, are outsourcing customer service functions, such as customer call centers, to developing nations where labor is cheaper.其他公司,由计算机对银行,外包客户服务的功能,如客户呼叫中心,向发展中国家劳动力比较便宜的。
Robert Reich, who served as secretary of labor in the Clinton administration, has argued that as a consequence of the trend exemplified by companies such as Boeing, IBM, and Vizio, in many cases it is becoming irrelevant to talk about American products, Japanese products, German products, or Korean products.认为,在克林顿政府劳工部长罗伯特·赖克,谁担任的结果体现的公司,如波音,IBM,和Vizio的趋势,在许多情况下,它正在成为无关谈论美国的产品,日本产品,德国的产品,韩国产品。 Increasingly, according to Reich, outsourcing productive activities to different suppliers’ results in the creation of products that are global in nature, that is global products, but as with the globalization of markers, companies must be careful not to push the globalization of production too far.越来越多,根据德国政府,外包的生产活动创造的产品,是全球性的不同供应商的结果,是全球性的产品,但与全球化的标记,企业就必须要小心,不要推动的全球化生产远。 As we will see in later chapters, substantial impediments still make it difficult for firms to achieve the optimal dispersion of their productive activities to locations around the globe.正如我们将在后面的章节中,主要的障碍仍然很难使他们的生产活动,以达到最佳的分散全球各地的公司。 These impediments include formal and informal barriers to trade between countries, barriers to foreign direct investment, transportation costs, and issues associated with economic and political risk.这些障碍包括正式和非正式的贸易壁垒之间的国家,外国直接投资的障碍,运输成本,以及与经济和政治风险相关的问题。 For example, government regulations ultimately limit the ability of hospitals to outsource the process of interpreting MRI scans to developing nations where radiologists are cheaper.例如,政府法规,最终限制了能力的医院解释MRI扫描的过程中,外包到发展中国家放射科医师更便宜的地方。
Nevertheless, the globalization of markets and production will continue.然而,全球化的市场和生产将继续进行。 Modern firms are important actors in this trend, their very actions fostering increased globalization.在这种趋势下,现代企业是很重要的演员,他们的行动加强全球化。 These firms, however, are merely responding in an efficient manner to changing conditions in their operating environment-as well they should.这些公司,然而,仅仅是一个有效的方式响应不断变化的条件,在工作环境,以及他们应该的。
The Emergence of Global Institutions出现的全球性机构
As markets globalize and an increasing proportion of business activity transcends national borders, institutions are needed to help manage, regulate, and police the global marketplace and to promote the establishment of multinational treaties to govern the global business system.随着市场的全球化和商业活动的比例越来越超越国界,需要帮助机构管理,规范和警察的全球市场,并促进建立多国条约治理的全球业务系统。 Over the past half century, a number of important global institutions have been created to help perform these functions, including the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade(GATT) and its successor, the World Trade Organization(WTO),the International Monetary Fund(IMF) and its sister institution, the World Bank and the United Nations.在过去的半个世纪中,一些重要的全球性机构已经建立,以帮助
实现这些功能,包括总协定关税与贸易(GATT)和它的后继者,世界贸易组织(WTO),国际货币基金组织(IMF )及其姊妹机构,世界银行和联合国。 All these institutions were created by voluntary agreement between individual nation-states, and their functions are enshrined in international treaties.所有这些机构所创造的个别民族国家之间的自愿协议,其功能体现在国际条约。
The World Trade Organization(like the GATT before it) is primarily responsible for policing the world trading system and making sure nation-states adhere to the rules laid down in trade treaties signed by WTO member states.世界贸易组织(如前GATT)是主要负责维持治安的世界贸易体系,确保民族国家坚持以WTO成员国签署的贸易协定中规定的规则。 As of 2007,150 nations that collectively accounted for 97 percent of world trade were WTO members, thereby giving the organization enormous scope and influence.作为世贸组织成员的有2007,150国家,占世界贸易的97%,从而使该组织庞大的规模和影响。 The WTO is also responsible for facilitating the establishment of additional multinational agreements between WTO member states.世界贸易组织是负责推动建立其他WTO成员国之间的多边协议。 Over its entire history, and that of the GATT before it, the WTO has promoted lowering barriers to cross-border trade and investment.在其整个历史上,这在关贸总协定之前,世界贸易组织,促进降低跨境贸易和投资的障碍。 In doing so, the WTO has been the instrument of its member states, which have sought to create a more open global business system unencumbered by barriers to trade and investment between countries.这样一来,世界贸易组织成员国,这些国家寻求建立一个更加开放的全球业务系统不受国家之间的贸易和投资壁垒的工具。 Without an institution such as the WTO, the globalization of markets and production is unlikely to have proceeded as far as it has.如果没有一个机构,如世界贸易组织,市场和生产的全球化是不太可能的,因为它有进行。 However, as we shall see in this chapter and in Chapter 6 when we look closely at the WTO, critics charge that the organization is usurping the national sovereignty of individual nation-states.然而,正如我们将看到在这一章,并在第6章中,我们密切关注世界贸易组织时,批评人士指责该组织篡夺个别民族国家的国家主权。
The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank were both created in 1944 by 44 nations that met at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire.国际货币基金组织(IMF)和世界银行均创建于1944年,新罕布什尔州布雷顿森林举行的由44个国家。 The IMF was established to maintain order in the international monetary system; the World Bank was set up to promote economic development. IMF成立维持秩序的国际货币体系,世界银行成立,以促进经济发展。 In the 65 years since their creation, both institutions have emerged as significant players in the global economy.他们的创作在65年代以来,这两个机构已成为在全球经济中的重要球员。 The World Bank is the less controversial of the two sister institutions.这两个姊妹机构世界银行争议较小的。 It has focused on making low-interest loans to cash-strapped governments in poor nations that wish to undertake significant infrastructure investments (such as building dams or roads).它一直专注于贫穷国家希望进行大量的基础设施投资(如修建大坝,道路等)的低利率贷款,现金拮据的政府。
The IMF is often seen as the lender of last resort to nation-states whose economic are in turmoil and currencies are losing value against those of other nations. IMF通常被看作是诉诸民族国家的经济动荡和货币贬值对其他国家的最后贷款人的。 Repeatedly during the past decade, for example, the IMF has lent money to the governments of troubled states, including Argentina, Indonesia, Mexico, Russia, South Korea, Thailand, and Turkey.在过去的十年中,反复例如,IMF已经把钱借给陷入困境的国家,包括阿根廷,印度尼西亚,墨西哥,俄罗斯,韩
国,泰国,土耳其政府。 IMF loans come with strings attached, however, in return for loans, the IMF requires nation-states to adopt specific economic policies at returning their troubled economies to stability and growth. IMF的贷款附加条件,不过,以换取贷款,IMF需要民族国家采取具体的经济政策,在返回其陷入困境的经济的稳定和增长。 These requirements have sparked controversy.这些要求引发了争议。 Some critics charge that the IMF’s policy recommendations are often inappropriate, others maintain that by telling national governments what economic policies they must adopt the IMF, like the WTO, is usurping the sovereignty of nation-states.一些批评人士指责IMF的政策建议往往是不恰当的,其他的保持,告诉各国政府,它们必须采取什么样的经济政策,国际货币基金组织,世界贸易组织等,篡夺主权的民族国家。 We shall look at the debate over the role of the IMF in Chapter 10.我们应看的IMF在第10章中的作用的争论。
The United Nations was established October 24 1945 by 51 countries committed to preserving peace through international cooperation and collective security.联合国1945年10月24日由51个国家承诺通过国际合作和集体安全维护和平。 Today nearly every nation in the world belongs to the United Nations, membership now totals 191 countries.今天,几乎每一个国家在世界上属于联合国,会员现在共有191个国家。 When states become members of the United Nations, they agree to accept the obligations of the UN Charter, an international treaty that establishes basic principles of international relations.当国家成为联合国的成员,他们同意接受“联合国宪章”的义务,一项国际条约,建立了国际关系的基本原则,。 According to the charter, the UN has four purpose, to maintain international peace and security, to develop friendly relations among nations, to cooperate in solving international problems and in promoting respect for human rights, and to be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations.根据“宪章”,联合国有四个目的,以维持国际和平与安全,发展国家间的友好关系,合作解决国际问题和促进对人权的尊重,是一个协调各国行动的中心。 Although the UN is perhaps best known for its peacekeeping role, one of the organization’s central mandates is the promotion of higher standards of living, full employment, and conditions of economic and social progress and development-all issue that are central to the creation of a vibrant global economy.虽然联合国的也许是最好的已知的维持和平任务,该组织的中心的任务之一是促进更高标准的生活,充分就业和条件的经济和社会进步和发展的所有问题,创建一个充满活力的全球经济。 As much as 70 percent of the work of the UN system is devoted to accomplishing this mandate.多达70%的工作在联合国系统专门为完成这一任务。 To do so, the UN works closely with other international institutions such as the World Bank.要做到这一点,联合国与其他国际机构,如世界银行密切合作。 Guiding the work is the belief that eradicating poverty and improving the well-being of people everywhere are necessary steps in creating conditions for lasting world peace.指导工作的信念,消除贫困和改善人民的福祉,到处都是必要的步骤,为世界的持久和平创造条件。
Drivers of Globalization全球化的驱动程序
Two macro factors underlie the trend toward greater globalization.两个宏观因素的基础进一步全球化的趋势。 The first is the decline in barriers to the free flow of goods, services, and capital that has occurred since the end of World War 2.首先是第二次世界大战结束以来发生的货物,服务和资本的自由流动的障碍减少。 The second factor is technological change, particularly the dramatic developments in recent years in communication, information processing,
and transportation technologies.第二个因素是技术变革,特别是戏剧性的发展,近年来在通信,信息处理,技术和运输技术。
During the 1920s and 30s many of the world’s nation-states erected formidable barriers to international trade and foreign direct investment.在20世纪20年代和30年代的世界许多国家的国家,在进行国际贸易和外国直接投资的巨大障碍。 International trade occurs when a firm exports goods or services to consumers in another country.发生国际贸易公司在其他国家出口货物或服务提供给消费者。 Foreign direct investment (FDI) occurs when a firm invest resources in business activities outside its home country.外商直接投资(FDI)出现时,公司投入资源在其本国以外的业务活动。 Many of the barriers to international trade took the form of high tariffs on imports of manufactured goods.国际贸易的障碍了许多制成品的进口征收高关税的形式。 The typical aim of such tariffs was to protect domestic industries from foreign competition.典型的这种关税的目的是为了保护国内产业免受外国竞争。 One consequence, however, was beggar thy neighbor retaliatory trade policies, with countries progressively raising trade barriers against each other.后果之一,然而,以邻为壑的贸易报复政策,国家逐步提高对彼此的贸易壁垒。 Ultimately, this depressed world demand and contribute to the Great Depression of the 1930s.最终,低迷的全球需求,并有助于在20世纪30年代的大萧条。
Having learned from this experience, the advanced industrial nations of the West committed themselves after World War2 to removing barriers to the free flow of goods, services, and capital between nations.这样的经历,西方先进工业国家的承诺后,世界WAR2,以消除自由流通的商品,服务和资本国与国之间的壁垒。 This goal was enshrined in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.实现这一目标的体现在关税与贸易总协定。 Under the umbrella of GATT, eight rounds of negotiations among member states (now numbering 150) have worked to lower barriers to the free flow of goods and services. “关贸总协定”的保护伞下,各成员国之间的谈判了八轮(编号150)一直在努力门槛较低的商品和服务的自由流动。 The most recent round of negotiations to be completed, known as the Uruguay Round, was finalized in December 1993.来完成的,被称为乌拉圭回合的谈判,最近一轮于1993年12月完成。 The Uruguay Round further reduced trade barriers, extended GATT to cover services as well as manufactured goods, provided enhanced protection for patents, trademarks, and copyrights, and established the World Trade Organization to police the international trading system.延长关贸总协定乌拉圭回合进一步减少贸易壁垒,覆盖服务,以及生产商品,提供加强专利,商标和版权的保护,并建立了世界贸易组织,国际贸易体系的治安。 Table 1.1 summarizes the impact of GATT agreements on average tariff rates for manufactured goods.表1.1总结了关税与贸易总协定协议对制成品的平均关税率的影响。 As can be seen, average tariff rates have fallen significantly since 1950 and now stand at about 4 percent.可以看出,平均关税税率自1950年以来显着下降,现在是在4%左右。
In late 2001, the WTO launched a new round of talks aimed at further liberalizing the global trade and investment framework. 2001年年底,世界贸易组织发起了新一轮的谈判,旨在进一步开放的全球贸易和投资框架。 For this meeting, it picked the remote location of Doha in the Persian Gulf state of Qatar.这次会议上,拿起遥控器的位置,在波斯海湾国家卡塔尔多哈。 At Doha, the member states of the WTO staked out an agenda.在多哈,世界贸易组织的成员国放样的议程。 The talks were scheduled to last three years, although it now looks as if they may go on significantly longer.会谈定于过去三年,虽然现在看起来好像他们可以去上显著更长的
时间。 The agenda includes cutting tariffs on industrial goods, services, and agricultural products, phasing out subsidies to agricultural producers, reducing barriers to cross-border investment, and limiting the use of antidumping laws.会议议程包括削减工业产品,服务和农产品的关税,逐步取消对农业生产者的补贴,减少跨境投资的障碍,限制使用反倾销的法律。 The biggest gain may come from discussion on agricultural products, average agricultural tariff rates are still about 40 percent, and rich nations spend some $300 billion a year in subsidies to support their farm sectors.最大的收获可能会讨论农产品,农产品平均关税率是40%左右,与富裕国家花费约300亿美元的一年的补贴,以支持它们的农业部门。 The world’s poorer nations have the most to gain from any reduction in agricultural tariffs and subsidies, such reforms would give them access to the markets of the developed world.世界上较贫穷的国家最有获得任何削减农业关税和补贴,这种改革将使他们进入发达国家的市场。
In addition to reducing trade barriers, many countries have also been progressively removing restrictions to foreign direct investment.除了减少贸易障碍,许多国家也已逐步消除限制外国直接投资。 According to the United Nations, some 94 percent of the 2,266 changes made worldwide between 1922 and 2005 in the laws governing foreign direct investment created a more favorable environment for FDI.根据联合国,大约94%的2,266的变化,在1922年和2005年全球外国直接投资,外国直接投资创造了更加有利的环境的法律。 The desire of government to facilitate FDI also has been reflected in a dramatic increase in the number of bilateral investment treaties designed to protect and promote investment between two countries.政府希望促进外国直接投资也已反映在双边投资条约旨在保护和促进两国之间的投资的数量在急剧增加。 As of 2005, 2,495 such treaties involved more than 160 countries, a 12-fold increase from the 181 treaties that existed in 1980.截至2005年,2495这些条约涉及160多个国家,从181存在的条约,于1980年增加了12倍。 TABLE 1.1表1.1
1913 1950 1990 2005 1913 1950 1990 2005 France21% 18% 5.9% 3.9% France21%18%5.9%3.9%
Germany20 26 5.9 3.9 Germany20 26 5.9 3.9 Italy 18 25 5.9 3.9意大利18 25 5.9 3.9 Japan 30 -- 5.3 2.3日本30 - 5.3 2.3 Holland 5 11 5.9 3.9荷兰10 11 5.9 3.9 Sweden 20 9 4.4 3.9瑞典20 4.4 3.9 Great Britain -- 23 5.9 3.9英国 - 23 5.9 3.9 United States 44 14 4.8 3.2美国44 14 4.8 3.2
Such trends have been driving both the globalization of markets and the globalization of production.这种趋势一直在推动全球化的市场和生产的全球化。 Lowering barriers to international trade enable firm to view the world, rather than a single country, as their market.降低国际贸易的障碍,使坚定地看待这个世界,而不是一个国家,因为他们的市场。 Lowering trade and investment barriers also allows firms to base production at the optimal location for that activity.降低贸易和投资壁垒,也使公司基地生产的,活动的最佳位置。 Thus, a firm might design a product in one country, produce component parts in two other countries, assemble the product in yet another country, and then export the finished product around the world.因此,公司可能会设计一个产品在一个国家,在其他两个国家的组成部分,组装的产品在另一个国家,
The data summarized in Figure 1.1 imply several things.在图1.1中的汇总数据,意味着几件事情。 First, more firms are doing what Boeing does with the 777 and 787 and Vizio with flat panel TVs: dispersing parts of their production process to different location around the globe to drive down production costs and increase product quality.首先,越来越多的企业正在做什么波音777和787和Vizio平板电视:分散世界各地不同的位置,其生产过程中的部分,以降低生产成本,提高产品质量。 Second, the economies of the world’s nation-states are becoming more intertwined.第二,世界上的民族国家的经济正变得越来越交织在一起。 As trade expands, nations are becoming increasingly dependent on each other for important goods and services.随着贸易的扩大,国家正变得越来越互相依赖的重要商品和服务。 Third, the world has become significantly wealthier since 1950, and the implication is that rising trade id the engine that has helped to pull the global economy along.第三,世界已经成为自1950年以来显著富裕,和其含义是,不断上升的贸易id的引擎,有助于拉动全球经济沿着。
According to WTO data, the volume of world merchandise trade has grown faster than the world economy since 1950(see Figure 1.1).根据世界贸易组织的数据,世界商品贸易的量的增长速度超过了世界经济自1950年以来(参见图1.1)。 From 1970 to 2005, the volume of world merchandise trade expanded 27-fold, outstripping the expansion of world production, which grew about 7.5 timed in real terms.从1970年到2005年,世界商品贸易的量扩大了27倍,超过了世界产量的扩张,实质增长约7.5定时。 (World merchandise trade includes trade in manufactured goods, agricultural goods, and mining products, but not services.) What Figure 1.1 does not show is that since the mid-1980s the value of international trade in services has also grown robustly. (世界商品贸易包括制成品,农产品,矿产品,但不是服务贸易)。图1.1不显示的是,20世纪80年代中期以来,国际服务贸易的价值也强劲增长。 Trade in services now accounts for almost 20 percent of the value of all international trade.现在的服务贸易占近20%的价值,所有的国际贸易。 Increasingly, international trade in services has been driven by advances in communications, which allows corporations to outsource service activities to different location around the globe (see the opening case).越来越多的国际服务贸易,推动了通信的进步,它使企业外包服务活动,向世界各地的不同的位置(见开放的情况下)。 Thus, as noted earlier, many corporations in the developed world outsource customer service functions, from software maintenance activities to customer call centers, to developing nations where labor costs are lower.因此,正如前面提到的,在发达国家的许多公司客户服务职能外包,软件维护活动的客户呼叫中心,劳动力成本较低的发展中国家。
The evidence also suggests that foreign direct investment is playing an increasing role in the global economy as firms increase their cross-border investments.证据还表明,外国直接投资在全球经济中发挥着越来越重要的作用,为企业增加的跨境投资。 The average yearly outflow of FDI increased from $25 billion in 1975 to a record $1.2 trillion in 2000.在2000年,平均每年流出的外国直接投资增加至25亿美元,1975年达到创纪录的12000亿美元。 It fell back in the early 2000s, but by 2006 FDI flows were again around $1.2 trillion.早在21世纪初下跌,但到了2006年外国直接投资流入再次约$ 1.2万亿美元。 Over this period, the flow of FDI accelerated faster than the growth in the world output.在此期间,外国直接投资流动加速比世界产量的增长速度更快。 For example between 1992 and 2006, the total flow of FDI from all countries increased more than sevenfold while world trade by value grew by some 150 percent and world output by around 45 percent.例如,在1992年至2006年之间,来自所有国家的外国直接投资总流量增加了7倍多,而世界贸易值增长了约150%,世界总产量的45%左右。 As a result
of the strong FDI floe, by 2005 the global stock of FDI exceeded $10 trillion.作为一个强大的外国直接投资浮冰,到2005年全球外国直接投资存量超过10万亿美元。 At least 77,000 parent companies had 770,000 affiliates in foreign market that collectively employed more than 50 million people abroad and generated value accounting for about one-tenth of global GDP.至少有77,000母公司770000附属公司在国外市场的集体雇用超过50亿人在国外,并产生价值占全球国内生产总值的十分之一左右。 The foreign affiliates of multinationals had an estimated $22 trillion in global sales, much higher than the value of global exported, which stood at close to $12.6 trillion.国外分支机构的跨国公司约为2,200万亿美元的全球销售额,远高于全球出口的价值,为接近至126万亿美元。
The globalization of markets and production and the resulting growth of world trade, foreign direct investment, and imports all imply that firms are finding their home markets under attack from foreign competitors.全球化的市场和生产以及由此产生的世界贸易增长,外商直接投资,和进口都表示,公司正在寻找本国市场的外国竞争者的攻击。 This is true in Japan, where U.S. companies such as Kodak, Procter& Gamble, and Merrill Lynch are expanding their presence.这是真实的,在日本,如柯达),宝洁(Procter&Gamble公司和美林(Merrill Lynch)的美国公司正在扩大他们的存在。 It is true in the United States, where Japanese automobile firms have taken market share away from General Motors and Ford.这是真正的美国,日本的汽车企业所采取的市场份额从通用汽车公司和福特汽车。 And it is true in Europe, where the once-dominant Dutch company Philips has seen its market share in the consumer electronics industry taken by Japan’s JVC, Matsushita, and Sony, and Korea’s Samsung and LG.这是真实的,在欧洲,曾经占主导地位的荷兰飞利浦公司已经看到了它的市场份额,日本的JVC,松下,索尼,韩国的三星和LG在消费电子行业。 The growing integration of the world economy into a single, huge marketplace is increasing the intensity of competition in a range of manufacturing and service industries.世界经济的日益融合成一个单一的,巨大的市场增加竞争的激烈程度在一定范围内的制造业和服务业。
However, declining barriers to cross-border trade and investment cannot be taken for granted.然而,下降的跨境贸易和投资壁垒不能被视为理所当然。 As we shall see in subsequent chapters, demands for “protection” from foreign competitors are still often heard in countries around the world, including the United States.正如我们将在后面的章节中看到,“保护”从外国竞争者的需求仍然经常听到在世界各地的国家,包括美国。 Although a return to the restrictive trade policies of the 1920s and 30s is unlikely, it is not clear whether the political majority in the industrialized world favors further reductions in trade barriers.虽然回归到20世纪20年代和30年代的限制性贸易政策的可能性不大,目前尚不清楚是否在工业化世界的政治广大有利于进一步减少贸易壁垒。 If trade barriers decline no further, at least for the time being, this will out a brake upon the globalization of both markets and production.如果贸易壁垒的下降,至少暂时没有进一步,这将全球化的市场和生产时出了刹车。
The lowering of trade barriers made globalization of markets and production a theoretical possibility.降低贸易壁垒全球化的市场和生产一种理论上的可能性。 Technological change has made it tangible reality.技术变革,取得了实实在在的现实。 Since the end of World War Ⅱ, the world has been major advances in communication, information processing, and transportation technology, including the explosive emergence of the Internet and World Wide
Web. Ⅱ二战结束以来,世界上已有重大进展,通信,信息处理和运输技术,包括互联网和万维网的爆炸式出现的。 Telecommunications is creating a global audience.电信建立了一个全球的观众。 Transportation is creating a global village.运输建立了一个全球村。 From Buenos Aires to Boston, and from Birmingham to Beijing, ordinary people are watching MTV, they’re wearing blue jeans, and they’re listening to iPods as they commute to work.从布宜诺斯艾利斯到波士顿,从伯明翰到北京,普通人是看MTV,他们穿着蓝色的牛仔裤,和他们正在收听的是他们上下班的iPod。
Microprocessors and Telecommunications微处理器和电信
Perhaps the single most important innovation has been development of the microprocessor, which enabled the explosive growth of high-power, low-cost computing, vastly increasing the amount of information that individuals and firms can process.也许最重要的创新一直是微处理器的发展,使爆炸式增长的高功率,低成本的计算,大大提高了个人和企业可以处理的信息量,。 The microprocessor also underlies many recent advances in telecommunications technology.微处理器的基础电信技术的最新进展。 Over the past 30 years, developments in satellite, optical fiber, and wireless technologies, and now the Internet and the World Wide Web (WWW), have revolutionized global communications.在过去的30年里,卫星,光纤,无线技术,现在互联网和万维网(WWW)的发展,已经彻底改变了全球通信。 These technologies rely on the microprocessor to encode, transmit, and decode the vast amount of information that flows along these electronic highways.依靠这些技术的微处理器,编码,传输和解码的大量的信息,这些电子公路沿。 The cost of microprocessors continues to fall, while their power increases (a phenomenon known as Moore’s Law, which predicts that the power of microprocessor technology doubles and its cost of production falls by half every 18 months).微处理器的成本不断下降,而他们的权力增加(这种现象被称为摩尔定律的预测,微处理器技术的力量增加一倍,其生产成本下降了一半,每18个月)。 As this happens the cost of global communications plummets, which lowers the cost of coordinating and controlling a global organization.由于这种情况发生的全球通信成本的直线下降,从而降低了成本,协调和控制的全球性组织。 Thus, between 1930 and 1990, the costs of a three-minute phone call between New York and London fell from $244.65 to $3.32.因此,在1930年和1990年之间,在纽约和伦敦之间的一个三分钟的电话的成本下降从244.65美元3.32美元。 By 1998, it had plunged to just 36 cents for consumers, and much lower rates were available for business.到1998年,它下跌了36美分,为消费者,为业务的发病率要低得多。 Indeed, by using the Internet, the cost of an international phone call is rapidly plummeting toward just a few cents per minute.事实上,通过使用互联网,国际长途电话的成本正在迅速暴跌向每分钟只有几美分。
The Internet and World Wide Web互联网和万维网
The rapid growth of the World Wide Web is the latest expression of this development.万维网的快速增长,是这一发展的最新体现。 In 1990, fewer than 1 million users were connected to the Internet. 1990年,不到100万的用户连接到互联网。 By 1995, the figure had risen to 50 million.到了1995年,这一数字上升到50亿美元。 By 2006, the Internet had 747 million users.到2006年,有7.47亿互联网用户。 The WWW has developed into the information backbone of the global economy. WWW已经发展成为全球经济的骨干信息。 In the U.S. alone, some $250 billion of goods and services are expected to be sold online to retail customers in 2007, up from almost nothing in 1997.仅在美国,约250亿美元的商品和服务,预计将在2007年向零售客
户在网上销售,在1997年几乎没有什么。 Viewed globally, the Web is emerging as an equalizer.从全球范围内,网络是一种新兴的均衡器。 It rolls back some of the constraints of location scale, and time zones.它回滚的位置,规模的限制,和时区。 The Web makes it much easier for buyers and sellers to find each other, wherever they may be located global presence at a lower cost than ever before.网络使买家和卖家更容易找到对方,无论他们可能会以较低的成本比以往任何时候都位于全球存在。
Transportation technology交通技术
In addition to developments in communication technology, several major innovations in transportation technology have occurred since World War Ⅱ.除了通信技术的发展,几个主要的交通运输技术的创新都发生了自二战以来Ⅱ。 In economic terms, the most important are probably the development of commercial jet aircraft and super freighters and introduction of containerization, which simplifies transshipment from one mode of transport to another.在经济方面,最重要的可能是商业喷气机和超级货轮和集装箱的引进,从而简化从一种运输方式转运到另一个的发展。 The advent of commercial jet travel, by reducing the time needed to get from one location to another, has effectively shrunk the globe.商业飞机旅行的出现,通过减少时间需要从一个位置到另一个,有效地缩小了世界各地。 In terms of travel time, New York is now “closer” to Tokyo than it was to Philadelphia in the Colonial days.在纽约的交通时间,现在是“接近”东京比它是在殖民地时代的费城。
Containerization has revolutionized the transportation business, significantly lowering the cost of shipping goods over long distances.集装箱发生了革命性的运输业务,显着降低长距离运输货物的成本。 Before the advent of containerization, moving goods from one mode of transport to another was vary labor intensive, lengthy, and costly.集装箱来临之前,将货物从一种运输方式的不同劳动强度大,冗长和昂贵的。 It could take days and several hundred longshoremen to unload a ship and reload goods onto trucks and trains.这可能需要数天,数百名码头工人卸载船舶和重载卡车和火车上的货物。 With the advent of widespread containerization in the 1970s and 1980s, the whole process can now be executed by a handful of longshoremen in a couple of days.在20世纪70年代和80年代,随着广泛集装箱,现在可以执行的全过程,由极少数的码头工人在一两天。 Since 1980, the world’s containership fleet has more than quadrupled, reflecting in part the growing volume of international trade and in part the switch to this mode of transportation.自1980年以来,世界集装箱船队已经翻了两番多,部分反映了国际贸易的不断增长,部分切换到这种运输方式。 As a result of the efficiency gains associated with containerization, transportation costs have plummeted, making it much more economical to ship goods around the globe, thereby helping to drive the globalization of markets and productions.其结果是效率的提高与集装箱,运输成本已经大幅下降,使其更加经济世界各地运送货物,从而帮助推动全球化的市场和生产。 Between 1920 and 1990, the average ocean freight and port charges per ton of U.S. export and import cargo fell from $95 to $29(in 1990 dollar).在1920年和1990年之间,美国的出口和进口货物每吨的平均海运费和港口费用下降,由$ 95至$ 29(1990美元)。 The cost of shipping freight per ton-mile on railroads in the United State fell from 3.04 cents in 1985 to 2.3 cents in 2000, largely as a result of efficiency gains from the widespread use of containers. 2000年,航运运价每吨英里的铁路在美国的成本下降到1985年的2.3美分3.04美分,这主要是由于广泛使用的容器提高效率。 An increased share of cargo now goes by air.现在的份额增加货物的空气。 Between 1955 and 1999, average air transportation revenue per ton-kilometer fell by more than 80 percent.从1955年到
1999年,航空运输平均每吨公里收入下降了80%以上。 Reflecting the falling cost of airfreight, by the early 2000s air shipments accounted for 28 percent of the value of U.S. trade, up from 7 percent in 1965.反映的空运成本的下降,由21世纪初,空运占美国贸易的价值的28%,从1965年的7%。
Implications for the Globalization of Production全球化生产的影响
As transportation costs associated with the globalization of production declined, dispersal of production to geographically separate locations become more economical.随着全球化的生产与运输成本的下降,分散的生产在地理上不同的位置变得更加经济。 As a result of the technological innovations discussed above, the real costs of information processing and communication have fallen dramatically in the past two decades.正如上面所讨论的技术创新的结果,在过去的二十年里,信息处理和通信的实际成本已大幅下降。 These developments make it possible for a firm to create and then manage a globally dispersed production system, further facilitating the globalization of production.这些事态发展使人们有可能为企业创建和管理一个分散在全球各地的生产系统,进一步推动了全球化的生产。 A worldwide communications network has become essential for many international businesses.众多国际企业,在全球通信网络已成为必不可少的。 For example, Dell uses the Internet to coordinate and control a globally dispersed production system to such an extent that it holds only three days’ worth of inventory at its assembly location.例如,戴尔使用互联网来协调和控制分散在全球各地的生产系统到这样的程度,它拥有才3天的库存价值在其装配位置。 Dell’s Internet-based system records orders for computer equipment as they are submitted by customers via the company’s Web site, then immediately transmits the resulting orders for components to various suppliers around the world, which have a real-time look at Dell’s order flow and can adjust their production schedules accordingly.戴尔的基于互联网的系统记录订单的电脑设备作为他们都提交客户通过该公司的网站,然后立即传送的产生订单的组件不同的供应商在世界各地,其中有一个实时的外观在戴尔公司的订单流,并可以相应地调整自己的生产计划。 Given the low cost of airfreight, Dell can use air transportation to speed up the delivery of critical components to meet unanticipated demand shifts without delaying the shipment of final product to customers.由于空运成本低,戴尔可以使用航空运输的重要组成部分,以满足意料之外的需求变化,在不延误装运的最终产品为客户加快完成。 Dell also has used modern communications technology to outsource its customer service operations to India.此外,戴尔还利用现代通信技术,其客户服务业务外包到印度。 When U.S. customers call Dell with a service inquiry, they are routed to Bangalore in India, where English-speaking service personnel handle the call.当美国客户来电戴尔的服务查询,他们将被路由到印度的班加罗尔,在那里讲英语的服务人员处理呼叫。
The Internet has been a major force facilitating international trade in services.已经在internet上的一支重要力量,促进国际服务贸易。 It is the Web that allows hospitals in Chicago to send MRI scans to India for analysis, accounting offices in San Francisco to outsource routine tax preparation work to accountants living in the Philippines, and software testers in India to debug code written by developers in Redmond, Washington, the headquarters of Microsoft.它是Web,允许医院在芝加哥MRI扫描发送到印度进行分析,会计师事务所在旧金山的外包日常的税务准备工作,会计师,住在菲律宾,印度的软件测试人员在微软的开发人员编写的代码进行调试,华盛顿的微软总部。 We are probably still in the early stages of this development.我们可能是这方面的发展仍处于初期阶段。 As Moore’s Law continues to advance and
telecommunications bandwidth continues to increase, almost any work processes that can be digitalized will be, and this will allow that work to be performed wherever in the world it is most efficient and effective to do so.随着摩尔定律的不断前进,电信带宽的不断增加,几乎所有可以数字化的工作流程,将,这将允许进行任何的工作在世界上是最有效和最有效的这样做。 The development of commercial jet aircraft has also helped knit together the worldwide operations of many international businesses.商用喷气飞机的发展,也有助于编织在一起的众多国际企业的全球运营。 Using jet travel, an American manager need spend a day at most traveling to his or her firm’s Europe or Asian operations.使用飞机旅行,美国的经理需要花一天时间在最行驶到他或她的公司的欧洲和亚洲业务。 This enables the manager to oversee a globally dispersed production system.这使得管理监督分散在全球各地的生产系统。
Implications for the Globalization of Markets市场的全球化的影响
In addition to the globalization of production, technological innovations have also facilitated the globalization of markets.除了生产的全球化,科技创新也促进了全球化的市场。 Low-cost global communications network such as the World Wide Web are helping to create electronic global marketplaces.低成本的全球通信网络,如万维网,帮助创建电子的全球市场。 As noted above, low-cost transportation has made shipping products around the world more economical, thereby helping to create global markets.如上所述,低运输成本,运输更经济的产品在世界各地,从而打造出全球市场。 For example, due to the tumbling costs of shipping goods by air, roses grown in Ecuador can be sold in New York two days later while they still fresh.例如,由于翻滚的航空运输货物的成本,生长在厄瓜多尔的玫瑰可以出售,两天后在纽约,但他们仍然新鲜。 This has given rise to an industry in Ecuador that did not exist 20 years ago and that now supplies a global market for roses.这已经引起了厄瓜多尔的一个行业不存在20年前,现在提供了一个全球市场的玫瑰花。 In addition, low-cost jet travel has resulted in the mass movement of people between countries.此外,成本低的飞机旅行已经导致人民在国家之间的群众运动。 This has reduced the cultural distance between countries and is bringing about some convergence of customer tastes and preferences.这减少了国家之间的文化距离,并带来一些顾客的口味和喜好的收敛。 At the same time, global communication networks and global media are creating a worldwide culture.同时,全球通信网络和全球媒体,建立一个世界性的文化。 Many countries now receive U.S. television networks such as CNN, MTV, and HBO, and Hollywood films are shown the world over.目前许多国家接受美国电视网络,如CNN,MTV,HBO,和好莱坞电影显示了世界各地。 In any society, the media are primary conveyors of culture; as global media develop, we must expect the evolution of something akin to a global culture.在任何社会中,媒体是文化的主要输送机;全球媒体的发展,我们必须指望类似一个全球性的文化演变。 A logical result of this evolution is the emergency of global markets for consumer products.这种演变是一个合乎逻辑的结果的紧急消费电子产品的全球市场。 The first signs of this are already apparent.这是第一个迹象已经十分明显。 It is now as easy to find a McDonald’s restaurant in Tokyo as it is in New York, to buy an iPod in Rio as it is in Berlin, and to buy Gap jeans in Paris as it is in San Francisco.这是现在很容易找到,因为它是在东京的一家麦当劳餐厅在纽约,买的iPod在里约,因为它是在柏林,巴黎和购买Gap的牛仔裤,因为它是在旧金山。
Despite these trends, we must be careful not to overemphasize their importance.尽管存在这些趋势,我们必须小心,不要过分强调其重要性。 While modern communication and transportation technologies are ushering in the “global village,” significant national differences
remain in culture, customer preference, and business practices.虽然现代通讯和运输技术正在迎来“地球村,”显着的民族差异仍然在文化,客户偏好和商业惯例。 A firm that ignores differences between countries does so at its peril.一个公司,忽略了不同国家之间,这样做的危险。 We shall stress this point repeatedly throughout this book and elaborate on it in later chapters.我们会反复强调这一点,这本书在后面的章节中详细说明。
The Changing Demographics of the Global Economy人口结构的变化,全球经济
Hand in hand with the trend toward globalization has been a fairly dramatic change in the demographics of the global economy over the past 30 years.在过去的30年里,手牵手走向全球化的趋势一直是一个相当戏剧性的变化,在全球经济的人口统计。 As late as the 1960s, four trends described the demographics of the global economy.在20世纪60年代后期,全球经济的四大发展趋势的人口。 The first was U.S. dominance in the world economic and world trade picture.首先是美国的主导地位,在世界经济和世界贸易的图片。 The second was U.S. dominance in world foreign direct investment.第二个是美国在世界外国直接投资的主导地位。 Related to this, the third fact was the dominance of large, multinational U.S. firms on the international business scene.与此相关的是,第三个事实是占主导地位的大型跨国公司的美国公司在国际上的业务场景。 The fourth was that roughly half the globe-the centrally planned economies of the Communist world-were off-limits to Western international businesses.四是,大约有一半的全球中央计划经济的共产主义世界的限制西方国际企业。 As will be explained below, all four of these qualities either have changed or are now changing rapidly.正如下面将解释的那样,所有四个这些品质或者已经改变或正在迅速变化。
In the early 1960s, the United States was still by far the world’s dominant industrial power.在20世纪60年代初,美国仍然是目前为止世界上占主导地位的工业强国。 In 1963 the United States accounted for 40.3 percent of world economic activity, measured by Gross Domestic Product (GDP). 1963年,美国占世界经济活动的40.3%,国内生产总值(GDP)的测量。 By 2006, the United States accounted for 19.7 percent of the world GDP, still the world’s largest industrial power but down significantly in relative size since the 1960s (see Table 1.2).到2006年,美国占世界GDP的19.7%,仍然是世界上最大的工业强国,但自1960年以来相对大小显着下降(见表1.2)。 Nor was the United States the only developed nation to see its relative standing ship.美国也不是唯一的发达国家,看其相对地位船。 The same occurred to Germany, France, and the United Kingdom, all nations that were among the first to industrialize.同样发生,德国,法国,英国,所有的国家,是第一个工业化。 This change in the U.S. position was not an absolute decline, since the U.S. economy grew at a robust average annual rate of more than 3 percent from 1963 to 2006(the economies of Germany, France, and the United Kingdom also grew during this time).这种变化在美国的地位不是一个绝对量的下降,因为美国经济增长在1963年至2006年(德国,法国和英国的经济增长在此期间,一个强大的年均增长率超过3%)。 Rather, it was a relative decline, reflecting the faster economic growth of several other economies, particularly in Asia.相反,它是一个相对下降,反映了经济较快增长的其他几个经济体,特别是在亚洲。 For example, as can be seen from Table 1.2, from 1963 to 2006, China’s share of world GDP increased from a trivial amount to 15.1 percent.例如,从表1.2可以看出,1963年至2006年,中国占世界国内生产总值的比例从一个微不足道的金额
为15.1%。 Other counties/regions that markedly increased their share of world output included Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, Taiwan, and South Korea (note that GDP data in Table 1.2 are based on purchasing power parity figures, which adjust the value of the GDP to reflect the cost of living in various economies).其他县/地区,他们的世界产出中的份额显着增加,包括日本,泰国,马来西亚,台湾,韩国(附注国内生产总值数据表1.2是基于购买力平价数据,其调整的本地生产总值,以反映的生活费用各经济体)。
By the end of the 1980s, the U.S. position as the world’s leading exporter was threatened.Over the past 30 years, U.S. dominance in export markets has waned as Japan, Germany, and a number of newly industrialized countries such as South Korea and China have taken a large share of world exports.世纪80年代末,美国作为世界领先的出口国的地位是threatened.Over在过去的30年里,美国在出口市场上的主导地位有所减弱,日本,德国,韩国和中国等一些新兴工业化国家有世界出口相当大的份额。 During the 1960s, the United States routinely accounted for 20 percent of world exports of manufactured goods.在20世纪60年代,美国经常占世界制成品出口的20%。 But as Table 1.2 shows, the U.S. share of world exports of goods and services had slipped to 9.8 percent by 2006.但是,如表1.2所示,美国占世界出口的商品和服务已经下滑至9.8%,2006年。 Despite the fall, the United States still remained the world’s largest exporter, ahead of Germany, Japan, France, and the fast-rising economic power, China.尽管到了秋天,美国仍然是世界上最大的出口国,其次是德国,日本,法国,快速崛起的经济大国,中国。 If China’s rapid rise continues, however, it could soon overtake the U.S. as the world’s largest economy and largest exporter.如果中国的迅速崛起,但是,它可能很快就会超过美国,成为世界上最大的经济体和最大的出口国。
Share of the World Output ,1963 1963年占世界产量的 Share of World GDP ,2006占2006年全球国内生产总值, Share of World Exports,2006占世界出口的2006年 United States美国 40.3% 40.3% 19.7% 19.7% 9.8% 9.8% Germany德国 9.7 9.7 3.9 3.9 8.9 8.9 France法国 6.3 6.3 2.9 2.9 4.3 4.3
Italy意大利 3.4 3.4 2.7 2.7
3.5 3.5
United Kingdom联合王国 6.5 6.5
3.2 3.2 4.6 4.6
Canada加拿大 3.0 3.0 1.7 1.7 3.1 3.1 Japan日本 5.5 5.5 6.3 6.3 5.0 5 China中国 NA NA
15.1 15.1
7.2 As emerging economies such as China, India and Brazil continue to grow, a further relative decline in the share of world output and world exports accounted for by the United States and other long-established developed nations seems likely. 7.2作为新兴经济体,如中国,印度和巴西继续增长,进一步世界产出和世界出口的份额相对下降,美国等老牌发达国家似乎是有可能的。 By itself, this is not bad.就其本身而言,这是不坏的。 The relative decline of the United States reflects the growing economic development and industrialization of the world economy, as opposed to any absolute decline in the health of the U.S. economy, which by measures is stronger than ever.美国的相对衰落反映了世界经济增长的经济发展和产业化,反对任何绝对的下降,美国经济的健康状况的措施,这是比以往任何时候都强。
Most forecasts now predict a rapid rise in the share of world output accounted for by developing nations such as China, India, Indonesia, Thailand, South Korea, Mexico, and Brazil and a commensurate decline in the share enjoyed by rich industrialized countries such as Great Britain, Germany, Japan, and the United States.现在多数预测预测世界总产出中的份额迅速崛起的发展中国家,如中国,印度,印度尼西亚,泰国,韩国,墨西哥,巴西和相称的份额下降所享有的富裕的工业化国家,如英国,德国,日本和美国。 If current trends continue, the Chinese economy could be larger than that of the United States on a purchasing power parity basis, while the economy of India will approach that of Germany.如果目前的趋势继续下去,中国经济可能会以购买力平价计算,比美国大,而印度经济将接近德国。 The World Bank has estimated that today’s developing nations may account for more than 60 percent of world economic activity by 2020, while today’s rich nations, which currently account for more than 55 percent of world economic activity, may account for only about 38 percent.世界银行曾估计,今天的发展中的国家可能占世界经济活动的超过60%,到2020年,而今天的丰富的国家,它目前占世界经济活动的超过55%,可能占的只有约38%。 Forecasts are not always correct, but these suggest that a shift in the economic geography of the world is now underway, although the magnitude of that shift is not totally evident.预测是正确的,但这些都表明,世界经济地理的转变是目前正在进行的,虽然这种转变的幅度并不完全是明显的。 For international businesses, the implications of this changing economic geography are clear: Many of tomorrow’s most capable competitors will probably also emerge from these regions.对于国际业务,这个不断变化的经济地理的影响是显而易见的:明天的许多最有能力的竞争者也可能会出现来自这些地区。
Reflecting the dominance of the United States in the global economy, U.S. firms accounted for 66.3 percent of worldwide foreign direct investment flows in the 1960s.由于美国在全球经济中的主导地位,美国公司占全球外国直接投资流量在20世纪60年代的66.3%。 British firms were second, accounting for 10.5 percent, while Japanese firms were a distant eighth, with only 2 percent.英国公司次之,占10.5%,而日本企业是一个遥远的第八位,只有2%。 The dominance of U.S. firms was so great that books were written about the economic threat U.S. corporations posed to Europe.美国企业的优势是如此之大,人着书立美国公司对欧洲经济的威胁。 Several European government, most notably France, talked of limiting investment by U.S. firms.几个欧洲国家政府,特别是法国,讨论限制美国公司的投资。
However, as the barriers to the free flow of goods, services, and capital fell, and as other countries increased their shares of world output, non-U.S. firms increasingly began to invest across national borders.然而,作为自由流通的商品,服务和资本的障碍下跌,而其他国家增加了他们的世界总产量的股份,非美国企业越来越多地开始跨越国界的投资。 The motivation for much of the foreign direct investment by non-U.S. firms was the desire to disperse production activities to optimal locations and to build a direct presence in major foreign markets.由非美国公司的外国直接投资的动机多是分散生产活动的最佳位置,并建立一个直接存在国外主要市场的愿望。 Thus, beginning in the 1970s European and Japanese firms began to shift labor-intensive manufacturing operations from their home markets to developing nations where labor costs were lower.因此,在20世纪70年代开始,欧洲和日本的公司开始转向劳动力密集的制造业劳动力成本更低的发展中国家从本国市场的业务。 In addition, many Japanese firms invested in North American and Europe-often as a hedge against unfavorable currency movements and the possible imposition of trade barriers.此外,许多日本企业投资在北美和欧洲常作为对冲不利的汇率变动和可能实施的贸易壁垒。 For example, Toyota, the Japanese automobile company, rapidly increased its investment in automobile production facilities in the United States and Europe during the late 1980s and early 1990s.例如,丰田,日本汽车公司在20世纪80年代末和90年代初,迅速提高其在美国和欧洲的汽车生产厂的投资。 Toyota executives believed that an increasingly strong Japanese yen would price Japanese automobile exports out of foreign markets; therefore, production in the most important foreign markets, as opposed to exports from Japan, made sense.丰田高管认为,日益强大的日元的定价将日本的汽车出口国外市场,因此,生产中最重要的国外市场,而不是从日本出口,是有道理的。 Toyota also undertook these investments to head off growing political pressures in the United States and Europe to restrict Japanese automobile exports into those markets.丰田公司还承诺这些领导日益增长的政治压力,美国和欧洲的投资限制日本汽车出口到这些市场。
The consequence of these developments in illustrated in figure 1.2, which shows how the stock of foreign direct investment by the world’s six most important national sources—the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, France, and Japan—changed between 1980 and 2005.的后果,这些发展中所示,在图1.2,这表明如何股票的外国直接投资由世界六大最重要的国家来源,美国,英国,德国的荷兰,法国,和日本的改变之间1980和2005年。 (The stock of foreign direct investment refers to the total cumulative value of foreign investments.) Figure 1.2 also shows the stock accounted for by firms from developing economies. (股票的外国直接投资是指外国投资的总累计值)。图1.2也显示了占发展中经济体的公司的股票。 The share of the total stock accounted for by U.S. firms declined from about 38 percent
in 1980 to19 percent in 2005.总存量的份额占美国公司在1980年到19%,2005年下降到38%左右。 Meanwhile, the share accounted for by France and the world’s developing nations increased markedly.同时,份额占法国和世界上的发展中国家显着提高。 The rise in the share of FDI stock accounted for by developing nations reflects a growing占发展中国家外国直接投资存量中的份额的上升,反映越来越多
Trend for firm from those countries to invest outside their borders.这些国家的投资趋势为公司以外的边界。 In 2005,frims based in developing nations accounted for 11.9 percent of the stock of foreign direct investment, up from only 1.1 percent in 1980.Firms based in south Korea, Singapore, India, and China accounted for much of this investment. 2005年,frims总部设在发展中国家的外国直接投资存量的11.9%,同比增长仅为1.1%1980.Firms总部设在韩国,新加坡,印度和中国,占这项投资的大部分。
Figure 1.3 illustrates two other important trends—the sustained growth in cross-border flows of foreign direct investment that occurred during the 1990s and the importance of developing nations as the destination of foreign direct investment.图1.3说明了两个重要的趋势,发生在20世纪90年代,发展中国家的外国直接投资目的地的重要性的外国直接投资的持续增长的跨境流动。 Throughout the 1990s, the amount of investment directed at both developed and developing nations increased dramatically, a trend that reflects the increasing internationalization of business corporations.在整个20世纪90年代,在发达国家和发展中国家的投资额急剧增加的趋势,反映了日益国际化的商业机构。 A surge in foreign direct investment from 1998 to 2000 was followed by a其次是在1998至2000年的外国直接投资的激增
slump from 2001 to 2003 associated with a slowdown in global economic activity after the collapse of the financial bubble if the late 1990s and 2000.低迷与全球经济活动放缓,2001年至二零零三年的金融泡沫崩溃后,如果在20世纪90年代末和2000年。 However, the growth of foreign direct investment resumed in 2004 and continued through 2006.然而,在2004年的外国直接投资恢复增长,并一直持续到2006年。 Among developing nations, the largest recipient of foreign investment has been China, which in 2005and2006 received $70 billion a year in inflows.在发展中国家,外国投资的最大接受国是中国,在2005and2006收到$ 70亿美元的一年中,流入。 As we shall see later in this book, the sustained flow of foreign investment into developing nations is an important stimulus for economic growth in those countries, which bodes well for the future of countries such as China, Mexico, and Brazil, all leading beneficiaries of this trend.稍后我们将看到在这本书中,外资进入发展中国家的持续流动是一个重要的刺激对这些国家的经济增长,这预示着未来的国家,如中国,墨西哥,巴西,所有主要的受益者这一趋势。
A multinational enterprise (MNE) is any business that has productive activities in two or more countries.一个跨国企业(MNE)是任何企业有两个或两个以上国家的生产活动。 Since
the 1960s, two notable trends in the demographics of the multinational enterprise have been (1) the rise of non-U.S. multinationals and (2) the growth of mini-multinationals.自20世纪60年代以来,多国企业的人口统计两个显着的趋势(1)非美国的跨国公司的崛起和(2)的小型跨国公司的增长。
non-U.S. multinationals非美国跨国企业
In the 1960s, large U.S. multinational corporations dominated global business activity.在20世纪60年代,美国的大型跨国公司主导的全球业务活动。 With U.S. firms accounting for about two-thirds of foreign direct investment during the 1960s, one would expect most multinationals to be U.S. enterprises.与美国公司占了约三分之二的外国直接投资在20世纪60年代,人们会预期,大多数跨国公司美国企业。 According to the data summarized in Figure 1.4, in 1973, 48.5 percent of the world’s 260 largest multinationals were U.S. firms.根据图1.4中列出的数据,在1973年世界最大的260家跨国公司中,48.5%的美国公司。 The second-largest source country was the United Kingdom, with 18.8 percent of the largest multinationals.第二大来源国是英国,有18.8%的大型跨国公司。 Japan accounted for 3.5 percent of the world’s largest multinationals at the time.日本占3.5%,是世界上最大的跨国公司的时间。 The large number of U.S. multinationals reflected U.S. economic dominance in the three decades after World War II, while the large number of British multinationals reflected that country’s industrial dominance in the early decades of the 20th century.美国跨国公司的大量反映美国经济在二战结束后的三十年中的主导地位,而英国的跨国公司的大量反映该国的工业在20世纪初的几十年中的主导地位。
By 2005 things had shifted significantly.到2005年,事情已经转移。 Some 27 of the world’s 100 largest nonfinancial multinationals were now U.S. enterprises; 15 were French; 13,German; 11, British; and 9,Japanese.约27的世界100家最大的非金融跨国公司,现在的美国企业,法国15人,13日,德国,11日,英国和9日,日本。 In terms of the global stock of foreign direct investment, 21 percent belonged to U.S. firms, 14 'percent to British, 8 percent to French firms, 8.5 percent to German firms, 5.6 percent to Dutch firms, and 4 percent to Japanese.在全球股市的外国直接投资中,21%属于美国公司,14%至英国,8%的法国企业,8.5%,德国的公司,5.6%,荷兰公司,和4%,至日本。 Although the1973 data are not strictly comparable with the later data, they illustrate the trend (the 1973 figures are based on the largest 260 firms, whereas the later figures are based on the largest 100 multinationals). the1973数据与以后的数据是没有严格的可比性,它们说明了趋势(1973年的数字是根据上最大的260公司,而后面的数字是根据上最大的100家跨国公司)。 The globalization of the world economy has resulted in a relative decline in the dominance of U.S. firms in the global marketplace.世界经济的全球化导致了美国公司在全球市场的主导地位相对下降。
According to UN data, the ranks of the world's largest 100 multinationals are still dominated by firms from developed economies.根据联合国的数据,世界最大的100家跨国公司的行列中仍然占主导地位的发达经济体的公司。 However, five firms from developing economies had entered the UN's list of the 100 largest multinationals by 2005.然而,五家公司从发展中经济体已经进入2005年联合国最大的100家跨国公司的名单。 They were Hutchison Whampoa of Hong Kong, China, which ranked 17 in terms of foreign assets; Singtel of Singapore; Petronas of Malaysia; Samsung of Korea; and CITIC Corp of China.他们是和记黄埔,香港,中国,排名第17位的外国资产方面,新加坡电信,新加坡,马来西亚国家石油公司,马来西亚,韩国三星公司和中国中信公司。 The growth in the number of multinationals from developing economies is evident when we look at smaller firms.发展中经济体的跨国公司的数量的增长是显而易见的,
当我们在规模较小的公司。 By 2005, the largest 50 multinationals from developing economies had foreign sales of $323 billion out of total sales of $738 billion and employed 1.1 million people outside of their home countries.到2005年,最大的50个发展中经济体的跨国公司的对外销售自己的国家以外的$ 323亿美元,738亿美元的总销售额,雇用了1.1万人。 Some 64 percent of the largest 100 multinationals from developing countries/regions came from Hong King, Taiwan, Singapore, and mainland China.来自康景,台湾,新加坡,中国大陆约有64%的发展中国家/地区最大的100家跨国公司。 Other nations with multiple entries on the list included South Korea, Brazil, Mexico, and Malaysia.具有多个条目的列表上的其他国家,包括韩国,巴西,墨西哥和马来西亚。 We can reasonably expect more growth of new multinational enterprises from the world's developing nations.我们有理由期待更多新的跨国企业从世界发展中国家的增长。 Firms from developing nations can be expected to emerge as important competitors in global markets, further shifting the axis of the world economy away from North America and Western Europe and threatening the long dominance of Western companies.来自发展中国家的企业可以预料,在全球市场上的重要竞争者,成为世界经济的轴转移远离北美和西欧,并威胁西方公司的长期优势。 One such rising competitor, Hisense, one of China's premier manufacturers of consumer appliances and telecommunications equipment, is profiled in the accompanying Management Focus.在随后的管理重点这样一个上升竞争对手,海信,中国领先的消费类电子产品和通讯设备制造商之一,是异形。
The Rise of Mini-Multinationals微型跨国公司的崛起
Another trend in international business has been the growth of medium-size and small multinationals (mini-multinationals).另一个趋势是国际业务一直是增长的中型和小型跨国公司(迷你跨国公司)。 When people think of international businesses, they tend to think of firms such as Exxon, General Motors, Ford, Fuji, Kodak, Matsushita, Procter & Gamble, Sony, and Unilever-large, complex multinational corporations with operations that span the globe.当人们想到的国际企业,他们往往想到的公司,如埃克森美孚,通用汽车(General Motors),福特,富士,柯达,松下,宝洁,索尼,联合利华大型,复杂的,业务遍布全球的跨国公司。 Although large firms still conduct most international trade and investment, many medium-size and small businesses are becoming increasingly involved in international trade and investment.虽然大型企业进行国际贸易和投资,许多中等规模和小企业正在越来越多地参与国际贸易和投资。 For another example, consider Lubricating Systems, Inc., of Kent, Washington.另一个例子是,考虑润滑系统公司,肯特,华盛顿。 Lubricating Systems, which manufactures lubricating fluids for machine tools, employs 25 people and generates sales of $6.5 million.润滑系统,主要生产机床的润滑液,员工25人,并产生650万美元的销售。 It's hardly a large, complex multinational, yet exports to a score of countries, including Japan, Israel, and the United Arab Emirates, generate more than $2 million of the company's sales.几乎没有一个大型的,复杂的跨国公司,还出口到20个国家,包括日本,以色列,阿拉伯联合大公国,该公司的销售额超过200万美元。 Lubricating Systems also has set up a joint venture with a German company to serve the European market.润滑系统还专门成立了一个合资企业,一家德国公司服务于欧洲市场。 Consider also Lixi, Inc., a small U.S. manufacturer of industrial X-ray equipment; 70 percent of Lixi's $4.5 million in revenues comes from exports to Japan.想想也对李玺公司,小美的工业用X射线设备制造商;李玺的450万美元收入的70%来自出口到日本。 Or take G.'.或者G.“。 Barth, a manufacturer of cocoa, bean roasting machinery based in Ludwigsburg, Germany.巴特,可可制造商,总部设在德国路德维希堡,豆烘焙机械。 Employing just 65 people, this small company
has captured 70 percent of the global market for cocoa, bean roasting machines.员工只有65人,这个小公司已经占据了全球市场70%的可可豆烘焙机。 International business is co ducted not just by large firms but also by medium-size and small enterprises.涵道,不只是大公司,但也中等规模的企业和小企业的国际业务合作。
The Soviet Union is now receding into history, having been replaced by 15 independent republics.苏联成为历史,现在后退被替换由15个独立的共和国。 Czechoslovakia has divided itself into two states, while Yugoslavia dissolved into a bloody civil war, now thankfully over, among its five successor states.捷克斯洛伐克分裂为两个国家,,而南斯拉夫溶解成一场血腥的内战,现在谢天谢地了过来,在其五个继承国。
Many of the former Communist nations of Europe and Asia seem to share a commitment to democratic politics and free market economics.欧洲和亚洲的许多前共产主义国家似乎也有同感民主政治和自由市场经济的承诺。 If this continues, the opportunities for international businesses may be enormous.如果这种情况持续下去,国际业务的机会是巨大的。 For half a century, these countries were essentially closed to Western international businesses.半个世纪以来,这些国家基本上是关闭到西方国际业务。 Now they present a host of export and investment opportunities.现在,他们提出了一系列的出口和投资的机会。
In addition to these changes, more quiet revolutions have been occurring in China, other states in Southeast Asia, and Latin America.除了这些变化,更安静的革命已经发生在中国,其他国家在东南亚和拉丁美洲。 Their implications for international businesses may be profound, China continues to move progressively toward greater free market reforms.国际企业的影响可能是深远的,中国将继续逐步走向更大的自由市场改革。 If what is occurring in China continues for two more decades, China may move from Third World status to industrial superpower status even more rapidly than Japan did.如果是发生在中国持续二十年,中国可能会从第三世界地位的工业超级大国的地位比日本更迅速。 If China's gross domestic product (GDP) per capita grows by an average of 6 to 7 percent, which is slower than the 8 percent growth rate achieved during the last decade, then by 2020 this nation of 1.273 billion people could boast an average income per capita of about $13,000, roughly equivalent to that of Spain's today.如果中国的总国内产品总值(GDP)人均增长平均6?7%,速度超过了8%的增长速度在过去十年中取得的,那么到2020年,这个民族1.273十亿人可以夸耀的平均收入每人均约13000美元,大约相当于西班牙的今天。
The potential consequences for international business are enormous.国际业务的潜在后果是巨大的。 On the other e hand, with more than 1 billion people, China represents a huge and largely untapped market.其他电子手,超过1亿人,中国是一个巨大的,在很大程度上尚未开发的市场。 Reflecting this tremendous potential, between 1983 and 2006, annual foreign direct investment in China increased from less than $2 billion to $70 billion.由于这个巨大的潜力,在1983年和2006年之间,每年在中国的外国直接投资增加,从不到200亿美元,至700亿美元。 On the other hand, China's new firms are proving to be very capable competitors, and they could take global market share away from Western and Japanese enterprises (for example, see the Management Focus about Hisense).另一方面,中国的新公司被证明是非常有能力的竞争者,他们可以采取的全球市场份额从西方和日本的企业(例如,关于海信管理的重点)。 Thus, the changes in China are creating both opportunities and threats for established international businesses.因此,在中国建立了国际业务的机会和威胁。
As for Latin America, both democracy and free market reforms also seem to have taken hold there.至于拉丁美洲,民主和自由市场改革似乎也抓住有。 For decades, most Latin American countries were ruled by dictators, many of whom seemed to view Western international businesses as instruments of imperialist domination.几十年来,大多数拉美国家的独裁者统治,许多人似乎对西方国际业务的帝国主义统治的工具。 Accordingly, they restricted direct investment by foreign firms.因此,他们限制了直接投资的外国企业。 In addition, the poorly managed economies of Latin America were characterized by low growth, high debt, and hyperinflation-all of which discouraged investment by international businesses.In the last two decades much of this has changed.此外,拉丁美洲的经济管理不善的特点是低增长,高债务,高通胀,所有这些都阻碍了投资,国际businesses.In过去二十年,这在很大程度上改变了。 Throughout most of Latin America, debt and inflation are down, governments have sold state-owned enterprises to private investors, foreign investment is welcomed, and the region's economies have expanded.在大多数拉美国家,债务和通货膨胀,各国政府纷纷向私人投资者出售国有企业,外商投资表示欢迎,并扩大该地区的经济。 Brazil, Mexico, and Chile have led the way here.巴西,墨西哥,智利,导致这里的方式。 These changes have increased the attractiveness of Latin America; both as a market for exports and as a site for foreign direct investment.这些变化都增加了吸引力的拉美市场出口和外国直接投资的网站。 At the same time, given the long history of economic mismanagement in Latin America, there 1S no guarantee that these favorable trends will continue.同时,由于悠久的历史,在拉丁美洲的经济管理不善,有1S不能保证这些有利的趋势将持续下去。 Indeed, left-wing governments in Bolivia and Venezuela have led shifts back toward greater state involvement.事实上,在玻利维亚和委内瑞拉的左翼政府已导致转移向更多的国家参与。 in industry in the last.在行业中的最后一个。 few years, and foreign investment.几年和外国投资。 is now less welcome than it was during the 1990s.现在还不是欢迎的,比它是在20世纪90年代。 In both nations, the government.在这两个国家的政府。 has seized control of oil and gas fields from foreign investors and has lim1ted the rights of foreign energy companies to extract oil and gas from their nations.抓住控制的石油和天然气领域的外国投资者,并从他们的国家lim1ted的外国能源公司开采石油和天然气的权利。 Thus, as in the case of Eastern Europe, substantial opportunities are accompanied by substantial risks.因此,在东欧的情况下,都伴随着大量的机会相当大的风险。
China’s Hisense—An Emerging Multinational中国的海信一种新兴的跨国公司
Hisense is rapidly emerging as one of China's leading multinationals.海信迅速崛起,成为中国领先的跨国公司之一。 Like many other Chinese corporations, Hisense traces its origins back to a state-owned manufacturer; in this case Qingdao No 2 Radio Factory, which was established in 1969 with just 10 employees.像许多其他中国企业,海信的痕迹,其可以追溯到一个国有的制造商,在这种情况下,青岛无线电厂,成立于1969年,只有10名员工。 In the 1970s the state-owned factory diversified into the manufacture of TV sets, and by the 1980s it was one of China's leading manufacturers of color TVs, making sets designed by Matsushita under.在20世纪70年代的国有工厂扩展到电视机的制造,由20世纪80年代,是中国领先的彩电制造商之一,集设计松下下。 license.许可证。 In 1992 a 35-yeaF-old engineer named Zhou Houjian was appointed head of the .enterprise In 1994 the shackles of state ownership were relaxed when the Hisense Company Ltd, was established, with Zhou as CEO (he is now Chairman of the Board). 1992年,一个35-yeaF岁的工程师周厚健的企业在1994年被任命为国家所有权的束缚,放
Under Zhou's leadership, Hisense entered a period of rapid growth, product diversification, and global expansion.在周恩来的领导下,海信进入了一个快速增长期,产品多样化,和全球扩张。 By 2006 the company had sales of $3.3 billion and · had emerged as one of China's premier makers ofT\\!到2006年,公司的销售额为33亿美元·已成为中国首屈一指的制造商OFT \\! sets (with an 11 percent share of the domestic market), air conditioners, refrigerators, personal computers, and telecommunications equipment.套(国内市场11%的份额),空调,冰箱,个人电脑和通讯设备。 In 2006, Hisense sold around 10 million TV sets, 3 million air conditioners, 4 million COMA wireless phones, 6 million refrigerators, and 1 million personal computers. 2006年,海信销售约10万台电视机,300万台空调,400万的COMA无线手机,600万台冰箱,1万台个人电脑。 International sales accounted for $490 million, or more than 15 percent of total revenue.国际销售占4.9亿美元,或总收入的15%以上。 The company had established overseas manufacturing subsidiaries in Algeria, Hungary, Iran, Pakistan, and South Africa, and was growing rapidly in developing markets where it was taking share away from long-established consumer electronics and appliance-makers.该公司已在阿尔及利亚,匈牙利,伊朗,巴基斯坦和南非设立了海外制造子公司,并迅速增长的发展中市场份额距离历史悠久的消费类电子产品和家电制造商。
Hisense ambitions are grand.海信的野心气势宏伟。 It seeks to become a global enterprise with a world class consumer brand.它旨在成为一个全球性的企业,一个世界级的消费品牌。 It aims to increase revenue to over $12 billion in 2010, a goal that may be attainable following the 2006 acquisition of its troubled Chinese rival, Kelon.它的目的是增加收入超过$ 12亿美元,2010年可能达到一个目标,继2006年收购了困扰中国的对手,科龙。 What is different about Hisense is that although it is without question a low-cost manufacturer, it believes its core .strength is not in low-cost manufacturing but in rapid product innovation.关于海信不同的是,虽然它毫无疑问是一个低成本的制造商,它认为它的核心。实力不低的制造成本,但在快速的产品创新。 The company believes that the' only way to gain leadership in the highly competitive markets in which it competes is to continuously launch advanced, high-quality, and competitively priced products.该公司认为,“只有这样才能在竞争激烈的市场中,竞争的领导,不断推出先进的,高品质,价格竞争力的产品。 To this end, Hisense established its first R&D center in China in the mid 啕 199Cls.为此,海信建立了第一家研发中心在中国在中期啕199Cls。 This was followed by a South African R&O center in 1997 and a European R&D center in 2007.这是一个南非的R&O中心在1997年和欧洲的R&D中心在2007年。 The company also has plans for an R&O center in ,the United States.该公司还计划,美国R&O中心。 In 2006 these R&O centers filed for some 534 patents.在2006年,这些R&O中心的一些534项专利申请。 Hisense's technological prowess is evident in its digital TV buriness.lt introduced set top boxes in 1999, making it possible to browse the Internet from a TV.海信的技术实力是显而易见的,其在1999年推出了机顶盒的数字电视buriness.lt的,它可以从电视浏览互联网。 In 2002, Hisense introduced its first interactive digital TV set, and; in 2005 it developed China's first core digital processing chip for digital TVs, breaking the country’s reliance on foreign chip makers for this core technology In 2006, Hisense launched an innovative line of multimedia TV sets that integrated digital high-definition technology, network technology, and flat panel displays. 2002年,海信推出了它的第一个互动数字电视一套,在2005年它发展中国的第一核心数字处理芯片对数字电视,打破该国的依赖国外芯片制造商这个核心技术,在2006年,海信推出的创新型线的多媒体电视机,集成数字高清技术,网络技术和平板显示器。
Supporters of free trade and greater globalization express doubts about this scenario.They argue thar tougher environmental regulation and stricter labor standards go hand in hand with economic progress.In general,as countries get richer ,they enact tougher environmental and labor regulations.Because free trade enables developing countries to increase their economic growth rates and become richer,this should lead to tougher environmental and labor laws.In this view,the critics of free trade have got it backward—free trade does not lead to more pollution and labor exploitation,it leads to less .By creating wealth and incentives for enterprises to produce technological innovations,the free market system and free trade could make it easier for the world to cope with pollution and population growth .Indeed,while polluting levels are rising in the world’s poorer countries,they have been falling in developed nations,In the United States,for example ,the concentration of carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide pollutants in the atmosphere decreased by 60 percent between 1978 and 1997,while lead concentrations decreased by 98 percent —and these reduction have occurred against a background of sustained economic expansion.自由贸易的支持者和更大的全球化表示怀疑关于这scenario.They的争论塔尔更严格的环境监管和严格的劳工标准齐头并进与经济progress.In一般,随着国家越来越富裕,他们制定更严厉的环境和劳动regulations.Because的自由贸易使发展中国家能够增加他们的经济增长率和变得更加富有,这应该导致更加严格的环保和劳动laws.In这种观点认为,自由贸易的批评有它落后的自由贸易并不会导致更严重的污染和劳动剥削,少。创造财富和激励机制,为企业生产技术创新,在自由市场系统和自由贸易可以使它更容易为世界,以应付污染和人口增长。事实上,而污染水平是上升的是世界上较贫穷的国家,他们一直在下降,在发达国家,在美国,例如,一氧化碳和二氧化硫污染物在大气中的浓度降低60%,在1978年和1997年之间,而铅的浓度下降了98%,而这些减少经济持续扩张的背景下发生的。
A number of econometric studies have found consistent evidence of a hump-shaped relationship between income levels and pollution levels (see Figure 1.5).As an economy grows and income levels rise, initially pollution levels also rise .However,past some point, rising income levels lead to demands for greater environmental protection, and pollution levels then fall,A seminal study by Grossman and Krueger found that the turning point generally occurred before per capita income levels reached $8,000.许多计量经济学研究已经发现了一个驼峰状的收入水平和污染程度(见图1.5)之间的关系一致的证据。随着经济增长和收入水平上升,最初的污染程度也随之上升。然而,过去的一些点,收入上升水平导致更高的环保要求和污染程度,然后下降,格罗斯曼和克鲁格了开创性的研究发现的转折点通常发生前人均收入水平达到$ 8,000。
While the hump-shaped relationship depicter in Figure 1.5seems to hold across a wide range of pollutions—from sulfur dioxide to lead concentrations and water quality—carbon dioxide emissions are an important exception,rising steadily with higher income levels.Given that increased atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations are a cause of global warming ,this should be of serious concern,The solution to the problem,however,is probably not to roll back the trade liberalization efforts that have fostered economic growth and globalization,but to get the nations of the world to agree to tougher standards on limiting carbon emissions.Although UN-sponsored talks have had this as a central aim since the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro,there has been little success in moving toward the ambitious goals for reducing carbon emissions laid down in the Earth Summit and subsequent talks in Kyoto,Japan, in part
because the largest emitter of carbon dioxide,the United States,has refused to sign global agreements that it claims would unreasonably retard economic growth. ,虽然驼峰形关系depicter,在图1.5seems保持在很宽的范围内的污染二氧化硫铅浓度和水质量的二氧化碳排放量是一个重要的例外,稳步上升的更高的的收入levels.Given,增加大气中的碳二氧化碳浓度,全球变暖的原因,这应该是严重关切的问题,解决问题的办法,但是,可能是不回滚,促进经济增长和全球化的贸易自由化努力,但得到世界各国同意更严格的标准,以限制碳emissions.Although联合国发起的会谈,这是自1992年在里约热内卢地球高峰会议的一个中心目标,很少有成功在走向的宏伟目标,减少碳排放量在地球首脑会议和随后的谈判中,日本京都最大的排放源的二氧化碳,美国,部分原因是因为拒绝签署全球协议,它声称将不合理地阻碍经济增长。
FIGURE 1.3 Income Levels and Environmental Pollution图1.3收入水平和污染环境
Supporter of free trade also point out that it is possible to tie free trade agreements to the implementation of tougher environmental and labor laws in less developed countries ,NAFTA,for example,was passed only after side agreements had been negotiated that committed Mexico to tougher enforcement of environmental protection regulations .Thus , supporters of free trade argue that factories based in Mexico are now cleaner than they would have been without the passage of NAFTA.自由贸易的支持者还指出,它是在欠发达的国家更加严格的环保和劳动法的实施,以配合自由贸易协定,北美自由贸易协定(NAFTA),例如,通过后,才端协议进行了谈判,承诺墨西哥更加严厉的执法环保法规,因此,自由贸易的支持者认为,总部设在墨西哥的工厂现在干净,他们会比没有通过“北美自由贸易协定”。
They also argue that business firms are bot the amoral organizations that critics suggest.While there may be some rotten apples, most business enterprises are staffed by ,managers who are committed to behave in an ethical manner and would be unlikely to move production offshore just so they could pump more pollution into the atmosphere or exploit labor.Furthermore,the relationship between pollution,labor exploitation,and production costs may not be that suggested by critics.In general ,a well-treated labor force is productive ,and it is productivity rather than base wage rates that often has the greatest influence on costs.The vision of greedy managers who shift production to low-wage countries to exploit their labor force may be misplaced.他们还认为,商业企业的BOT案不道德的组织批评suggest.While可能会有一些烂苹果,大多数商业企业工作人员,管理人员致力于的行为合乎道德的方式,将是不可能把生产转移境外,只是让,他们可以泵出更多的污染到大气中,,或利用labor.Furthermore,污染,劳动剥削,以及生产成本之间的关系可能不那么一般由critics.In建议,治疗的劳动力是生产力,是生产力,而除基本工资率,往往有贪婪的经理将生产转移到低工资国家利用他们的劳动力成本。视觉上影响力最大的可能是过虑了。
Another concern voiced by critics of globalization is that today’s increasingly interdependent global economy shifts economic power away from national governments and toward supranational organizations such as the World Trade Organization ,the European Union,and the United Nations.As perceived by critics,unelected bureaucrats now impose policies in the democratically elected governments of nation=states,thereby undermining the sovereignty of
those states and limiting the nation’s ability to control its own destiny.另一个值得关注的是,今天讲了全球化的批评者日益相互依存的全球经济转变的经济实力,从各国政府和向超国家的组织,如世界贸易组织,欧洲联盟和联合国的批评Nations.As认为,非选举产生的官僚征收在民选政府的国家=国家政策,从而破坏了这些国家的主权和限制国家的能力掌握自己的命运。
The World Trade Organization is a favorite target of those who arrack the headlong ush toward a global economy .As noted earlier,the WTO was founded in 1994 to police the world trading system established by the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.The WTO arbitrates trade disputes between the 150 states that are signatories to the GATT.The arbitration panel can issue a ruling instructing a member state to change trade policies that violate GATT regulations.If the violator refuses to comply with ruling ,the WTO allows other states to impose appropriate trade sanctions on the transgressor.As result,according to one prominent critics,U.S.世界贸易组织是一个最喜欢的烧酒一头扎进USH向一个全球性的经济目标。正如前面提到的,世界贸易组织成立于1994年,警方成立的世界贸易体系的关税和Trade.The的WTO总协定仲裁贸易150个国家签署的GATT.The仲裁小组之间的纠纷,可以发出指示改变贸易政策,违反GATT regulations.If拒不遵守裁决的一个会员国的裁决,WTO允许其他国家施加适当的贸易根据一个著名评论家,美国的制裁上的transgressor.As的结果, environmentalist,consumer rights advocate,and presidential candidate Ralph Nader,环保主义者,消费者权益倡导者,总统候选人拉尔夫·纳德(Ralph Nader)
Under the new system, many decisions that affect billions of people are no longer made by local or national governments but instead,if challenged by any WTO member nation,would be deferred to a group of unelected bureaucrats sitting behind closed doors in Geneva [which is where the headquarters of the WTO are located].The bureaucrats can decide whether or not people in California can prevent the destruction of the last virgin forest or determine if carcinogenic pesticides can be banned from their foods ;or whether European counties have the right to ban dangerous biotech hormones in meat?..At risk is the very basis of democracy and accountable decision making .在新的制度下,许多影响数十亿人的决定,不再由地方或国家政府,但相反,如果任何WTO成员国的挑战,将被推迟到一组非选举产生的官僚在日内瓦举行闭门坐[世界贸易组织的总部所在地]。官僚可以决定是否在加利福尼亚州的人可以防止破坏的原始森林或确定是否致癌的农药被禁止从他们的食物或欧洲国家是否有权利禁止危险的生物技术在肉类中的激素.....风险是非常基础的民主和负责任的决策。
In contrast to Nader’s rhetoric,many economists and politicians maintain that the power of supranational organizations such as the WTO is limited to what nation-states collectively agree to grant.They argue that bodies such as the United Nations and the WTO exist to serve the collective interests of member states,not to subvert those interests.Supporters of supranational organizations point out that the power of these bodies rests largely on their ability to persuade member states to follow a certain action.If these bodies fail to serve the collective interests of member states,those states will withdraw their support and the supranational organization will quickly collapse,In this view,real power still resides with individual nation-states,not supranational organizations.在纳德的言论,许多经济学家和政治家认为,超国家组织,如世界贸易组织的力量是有限的,以民族国家集体同意grant.They认为,联合国和世界贸易组织等机构的存在是为了服务于集体会员国的利益,不颠覆那些interests.Supporters的超国家组织指出,这些机构的力量,在很大程度上取决于他们有能力说服会员国到遵循一定action.If,
Critics of globalization argue that despite the supposed benefits associated with free trade and investment ,over the past hundred years or so the gap between the rich and poor nations of the world has gotten wider.In1870,the average income per capita in the world’s 17 richest nations was 2.4 times that of all other countries ,In1990,the same group was 4.5 times as rich as the rest .While recent history has shown that some of the world’s poorer nations are capable of rapid periods of economic growth ----witness the transformation that has occurred in some Southeast Asian nations such as South Korea ,Thailand ,and Malaysia----there appear to be strong forces for stagnation among the world’s poorer nations ,A quarter of the countries with a GDP per capita of less than $1,000 in 1960 had growth rates of less than zera from 1960 to 1995,and a tird had growth rates of less than 0.05 percent .Critics argue that if globalization is such a positive development,this divergence between the rich and poor should mot have occurred.全球化的批评者认为,尽管所谓的利益与自由贸易和投资,在过去的百年中,世界上的富国和穷国之间的差距已经变得wider.In1870,人均收入在世界上17个最富有的国家的2.4倍,同组的其他所有国家,于1990年为4.5倍,丰富的其余。虽然最近的历史已经表明,一些世界上较贫穷的国家能够快速的经济增长的时期----见证已经发生的变革,在东南亚一些国家,如韩国,泰国和马来西亚----似乎有强大的力量在世界上较贫穷的国家中,人均国内生产总值低于1000美元的国家一季度的停滞在1960年的增长率小于策拉1960至95年,和tird的增长率小于0.05%。批评者认为,如果全球化是一个积极的发展,富人与穷人之间的这种分歧应该电机时有发生。
Although the reasons for economic stagnation vary ,several factors stand out ,none of which have anything to do with free trade or globalization.Many of the world’s poorest countries have suffered from totalitarian governments ,economic policies that destroyed wealth rather than facilitated its creation ,endemic corruption,scant protection for property tights,and war.Such factors help explain why countries such as Afghanistan, Cambodia, Cuba, Haiti, Libya, Nigeria,Sudan,Vietnam,and Zaire have failed to improve the economic lot of their citizens during recent decades,A complicating factor is the rapidly expanding populations in many of these countries.Without a major change in government,population growth may exacerbate their problems.Promoters of free trade argue that the best way for these countries to improve their lot is to lower their barriers to free trade and investment and to implement economic policies based on free market economics.虽然经济停滞的原因各不相同,有几个因素中脱颖而出,没有一个是有什么做与自由贸易或globalization.Many的世界上最贫穷的国家都遭受极权政府,摧毁了财富,而不是促进其创造的经济政策,地方性腐败,失道寡保护财产的紧身衣,war.Such因素有助于解释为什么国家如阿富汗,柬埔寨,古巴,海地,利比亚,尼日利亚,苏丹,越南,扎伊尔,在最近的几十年来未能改善其公民的经济批量一个复杂的因素在许多这些countries.Without政府的重大变化是迅速扩大的人口,人口增长可能会加剧他们的problems.Promoters认为,这些国家改善他们的生活的最佳方式是降低这些壁垒的自由贸易自由贸易和投资,实行自由市场经济的基础上的经济政策。
Many of the world’s poorer nations are being held back by large debt burdens .Of particular concern are the 40 or so “highly indebted poorer countries”(HIPCs),which are home to some 700
million people .Among these countries,the average government debt burden is equivalent to 85 percent of the value of the economy ,as measured by gross domestic product ,and the annual cost of serving government debt consumes 15percent pf the country’s export earnings .Servicing such a heavy debt load leaves the governments of these countries with little left to invest in important public infrastructure projects,such as education,health care,roads ,and power.The result is the HIPCs are trapped in a cycle of poverty and debt that inhibits economic development .Free trade alone,some argue,is a necessary but not sufficient prerequisite to help these countries bootstrap themselves out of poverty .Instead,large-scale debt relief is needed for the world’s poorest nations to give them the opportunity to restructure their economics and start the long climb toward prosperity.Supporters of debt relief also argue that new democratic governments in poor nations should not be forced to honor debts that their corrupt and dictatorial predecessors incurred and mismanaged long ago .其中许多是世界上较贫穷的国家正在举行回大的债务负担。特别值得关注的是40或因此“高度负债较贫穷的国家”(重债穷国),约7亿人的家园。在这些国家中,在平均政府债务负担相当于85%的价值的经济,国内生产总值(GDP)来衡量,的年度成本,服务政府债务消耗15percent PF该国的出口收入。维修这样一个沉重的债务负荷离开这些国家的政府很少留下来投资在重要的公共基础设施项目,如教育,医疗卫生,道路,和动力。结果是重债穷国都被困在一个周期内的贫困和债务,抑制经济发展,自由贸易孤独,有些人认为,是必要的相反,大规模的债务减免是世界上最贫穷的国家,让他们有机会调整其经济结构,并开始了漫长的攀登向prosperity.Supporters的债务减免也需要,但不是充分的先决条件,以帮助这些国家引导他们摆脱贫穷。认为,新的民主贫穷国家的政府不应该强制履行债务产生和管理不善不久前,他们的腐败和独裁的前辈。
In the late 1990s, a debt relief movement began to gain ground among the political establishment in the world’s richer nations,Fueled by high-profile endorsements from Irish rock star Bono(who has been a tireless and increasingly effective advocate for debt relief),Pope John Paul II,and influential Harvard economist Jeffrey Sachs,the debt relief movement was instrumental in persuading the United States to enact legislation in 2000that provided $435 million in debt relief for HIPCs.More important perhaps ,the United States also backed an IMF plan to sell some of its gold reserves and use the proceeds to help with debt relief .The IMF and World Bank have now picked up the banner and have embarked on a systematic debt relief program.在20世纪90年代末,一个债务减免运动开始,以获得地面之间的政治建立在全球丰富的国家,高调代言由爱尔兰摇滚明星波诺(谁已经被一个不知疲倦的和越来越有效的倡导减免债务),教皇的推动约翰·保罗二世和有影响力的哈佛经济学家杰弗里·萨克斯,减免债务的运动是在说服美国制定法例,在2000that提供了4.35亿美元的债务减免,也许HIPCs.More重要的,美国也支持IMF计划出售现在的黄金储备,并利用所得资金来帮助债务减免。国际货币基金组织(IMF)和世界银行拿起旗帜,走上一个系统的债务减免计划。 For such a program to have a lasting effect,however,debt relief must be matched by wise investment in public projects that boost economic growth (such as education)and by the adoption of economic policies that facilitate investment and trade .The rich nations of the world also can help by reducing barriers to the importation of products from the world’s poorer nations ,particularly tariffs on imports of agricultural products and textiles.High tariff barriers and other impediments to trade make it difficult for poor countries ti export more of their agricultural production.The World Trade Organization has estimated that if the developed nations of the world eradicated subsidies to their agricultural producers and removed tariff barriers to trade in
agriculture this would raise global economic welfare by $128 billion,with $30 billion of that going to developing nations ,many of which are highly indebted.The faster growth associated with expanded trade in agriculture could reduce the number of people living in poverty by as much as 13 percent by 2015,according to the WTO.然而,对于这样的程序有一个长久的效果,减免债务必须匹配在公共项目中的明智的投资,促进经济增长(如教育)和促进投资和贸易的经济政策,通过丰富的国家世界也可以帮助减少贸易壁垒,进口的产品,从世界上较贫穷的国家,特别是农业的产品和textiles.High关税障碍和其他障碍进口关税的贸易使贫穷国家难以TI出口更多的农业生产。世界贸易组织曾估计,如果在发达的国家,在世界上根除补贴他们的农业生产和去除关税障碍,以贸易在农业这将提高全球经济福利的1280亿美元,$ 30日十亿,打算向发展中国家,许多这是非常indebted.The较快增长与扩大农业贸易可以减少多达13%的人生活在贫困中,到2015年,根据世界贸易组织。
Managing in the Global Marketplace在全球市场管理
Much of this book is concerned with the challenges of managing in an international business.An international business is any firm that engages in international trade or investment .A firm does not have to become a multinational enterprise,investing directly in operations in other countries,to engage in international business ,although multinational enterprises are international businesses.All a firm has to do is export or import products from other countries.As the world shift toward a truly integrated global economy ,more firms,both large and small,are becoming international businesses.What does this shift toward a global economy mean for managers within an international business?这本书关注的是管理,在国际business.An国际业务的挑战是一个公司并没有成为一个跨国的企业,直接投资于其他国家的业务,以任何公司,从事国际贸易或投资。虽然跨国公司企业的国际businesses.All的一个公司做的是出口或导入从其他countries.As的产品在世界转向一个真正集成的全球经济,越来越多的企业,大型和小型,正在成为国际企业从事国际业务,这是什么一个全球性的经济转向的意思是国际业务的经理在吗?
As their organizations increasingly engage in cross-border trade and investment,managers need to recognize that the task of managing an international business differs from that of managing a purely domestic business in many ways.At the most fundamental level,the differences arise from the simple fact that countries are different.Countries differ in their cultures,political systems,economic systems,legal systems,and levels of economic development.Despite all the talk about the emerging global village,and despite the trend toward globalization of markets and production,as we shall see in this book ,many of these differences are very profound and enduring.由于他们的组织越来越多地从事跨境贸易和投资,管理人员需要认识到,国际商业管理的任务不同,从管理一个纯粹的国内业务的在许多ways.At最基本的层面上,从简单的差异产生事实上,国家是在他们的文化,政治制度,经济制度,法律制度和经济development.Despite所有人都在谈论新兴的地球村的水平不同different.Countries,尽管市场和生产全球化的趋势,因为我们应在本书中看到,这些差异是非常深刻和持久的。
Differences between countries require that an international business vary its practices country by country .Marketing a product in Brazil may require a different approach from marketing the product in Germany ;managing U.S.workers might require different skills than managing Japanese workers;maintaining close relations with a particular level of government may be very important in Mexico and irrelevant in Great Britain;pursuing a business strategy might be successful in
Canada but might not work in South Korea;and so on.Managers in an international business must not only be sensitive to these differences ,but they must also adopt the appropriate policies and strategies for coping with them.Much of this book is devoted to explaining the sources of these differences and the methods for successfully coping with them .不同国家之间,要求国际商业改变其做法的国家的国家。在巴西市场的产品在德国销售的产品需要不同的方法管理USworkers可能需要不同的技能,而不是管理日本工人保持着密切的关系,与特定的一级政府是非常重要的,在墨西哥和英国无关的追求可能是成功的,在加拿大的业务策略,但可能不会在韩国和on.Managers在国际商业,这些差异不仅是敏感的,但他们也必须采取相应的政策和战略应对them.Much这本书是专门来解释这些差异的来源和方法,成功地处理这些。 A further way in which international business differs from domestic business is the greater complexity of managing an international business.In addition to the problems that arise from the differences between countries ,a manager in an international business is confronted with a range of other issues that the manager in a domestic business never confronts.The managers of an international business must decide where in the world to site production activities to minimize costs and to maximize value added.They must decide whether it is ethical to adhere to the lower labor and environmental standards found in many less developed nations.Then they must decide how best to coordinate and control globally dispersed production activities.The managers in an international business also must decide which foreign markets to enter and which to avoid.They must choose the appropriate mode for entering a particular foreign country.Is it best to export its product to the foreign country?Should the firm allow a local company to produce its product under license in that country?Should the firm enter into a joint venture with a local firm to produce its product in that country?Or should the firm set up a wholly owned subsidiary to serve the market in that country ?As we shall see ,the choice of entry mode is critical because it has major implications for the long-term health of the firm.在不同于国内业务,国际业务的另一个方法是较为复杂的管理国际business.In除了国家之间的差异所产生的问题,在国际业务的经理正面临着一系列的其他问题,在国内业务,国际业务经理从来没有confronts.The必须决定在世界生产现场活动,以最大限度地降低成本和实现价值最大化added.They经理必须决定是否它是道德的坚持较低的劳动力和环境标准在许多欠发达nations.Then,他们必须决定如何最好地协调和控制分散在全球各地的生产活动。在国际业务的经理还必须决定进入国外市场,其中avoid.They必须选择适当的模式,进入一个特定国外country.Is最好的出口其产品对外国公司应该让当地的一家公司许可下生产的产品在该国的企业应该进入一个合资企业,在当地一家公司生产的产品在国家,还是应该在公司设立的全资附属公司,为在该国的市场,正如我们将要看到的,进入模式的选择是至关重要的,因为它有重大的影响,为公司的长期健康。
Conducting business transactions across national borders requires understanding the rules governing the international trading and investment system.Managers in an international business must also deal with government restrictions on international trade and investment .They must find ways to work within the limits imposed by specific government interventions.As this book explains ,even though many governments are nominally committed to free trade,they often intervene to regulate cross-border trade and investment.Managers within international businesses must develop strategies and policies for dealing with such interventions.进行商业交易跨越国界,需要了解的国际贸易和投资system.Managers,在国际商业的规则,还必须处理与政府对国际贸易和投资的限制,他们必须找到工作的范围内施加特定的政府干预的办法。这本书解释说,尽管许多国家的政府名义上致力于自由贸易,他们经常干预,以调节跨境贸
Cross-border transactions also require that money be converted from the firm’s home currency into a foreign currency and vice versa.跨境交易还需要钱从该公司的本国货币转换成外币,反之亦然。 Because currency exchange rates vary in response to changing economic conditions,managers in an international business must develop policies for dealing with exchange rate movements.A firm that adopts a wrong policy can lose large amounts of money ,whereas one that adopts the right policy can in crease the profitability of its international transactions .由于货币汇率变化的响应不断变化的经济条件,在国际业务经理必须制定政策与汇率movements.A公司,采用了错误的政策可能会失去大量的金钱,而采取正确的政策可以在增加其国际交易中的盈利能力。
In sum,managing an international business is different from managing a purely domestic business for at least four reasons : (1)countries are different,(2)the range of problems a manager in an international business confronts is wider and the problems themselves more complex than the problems a manager in a domestic business confronts,(3)an international business must find ways to work within the limits imposed by government intervention in the international trade and investment system ,and (4) international transactions involve converting money into different currencies.总之,国际商业管理是不同的,从管理一个纯粹的国内企业,至少有四个原因:(1)国家是不同的,(2)在国际业务的经理所面临的问题的范围更广,自己更复杂的问题,比在国内企业面临的问题的经理,(3)国际商业必须找到的工作方式所施加的政府干预的限度内,在国际贸易和投资体系,以及(4)国际交易涉及资金转换成不同的货币。 In this book we examine all these issues in depth ,paying close attention to the different strategies and policies that managers pursue to deal with the various challenges created when a firm becomes an international business .Chapters 2 and 3 explore how countries differ from each other with regard to their political ,economic,legal ,and cultural institutions .Chapter 4 takes a detailed look at the ethical issues that arise in international business.Chapter 5 to 8 look at the international trade and investment environment within which international business must operate.Chapter 9 to 11 review the international monetary system.These chapters focus on the nature of the foreign exchange market and the emerging global monetary system .Chapters 12 to 14 explore the strategy of international businesses .Chapters 15 to 20 look at the management of various functional operations within an international business ,including production,marketing,and human relations.在这本书中,我们将研究所有这些问题的深入,密切关注不同的战略和政策,管理者追求当一家公司成为国际业务处理产生的各种挑战。第2和第3章探讨如何与国家各不相同第4章将详细内看,出现在国际business.Chapter的5日至8看看在国际贸易和投资环境的伦理问题国际的企业必须operate.Chapter 9把他们的政治的,经济的,法律的,文化的机构。 11回顾国际货币系统。这些章节专注于外汇市场和新兴的全球货币体系的性质。第12至14章开拓国际业务的战略。第15章至20章,看看内的各种功能操作管理国际业务,包括生产,销售,和人的关系。
Research Task研究任务
Use the global EDGE(TM) site to complete the following exercises全球EDGE(TM)网站上完成下面的练习
1. 1。 Your company has developed a new product that has universal appeal across countries and cultures.In fact ,it is expected to achieve high penetration rates in all the countries where it is introduced,regardless of the average income of the local populace.Considering the cross of the
product launch,the management team has decided to initially introduce the produce inly in countries that have a sizeable population base .You are required to prepare a preliminary report with the top ten countries in terms of population size .A member of management has indicated that a resource called the “World Population Data Sheet”may be useful for the report.Since growth opportunities are another major concern,the average population growth rates should be listed also for management’s consideration.公司已开发出的新产品,具有普遍的吸引力在不同国家和cultures.In其实,在所有的国家,它的推出有望实现高普及率,无论当地的平均收入populace.Considering的十字架该产品的推出,管理团队已经决定在最初引进的农产品精心的国家中,有一个庞大的人口基数,您需要准备一个初步报告,前十位国家中人口规模。管理的一位成员曾表示,的资源被称为“世界人口数据表”可能是有用的为的report.Since的增长机会是另一个主要关注的问题,平均人口增长率也为管理层考虑上市。
2. 2。 You are working for a company that is considering investing in a foreign country .Investing in countries with different traditions is an important element of your company’s long-term strategic goals.As such ,management has requested a report regarding the attractiveness of alternative countries based on the potential return of FDI.Accordingly,the ranking of the top 25 countries in terms of FDI attractiveness is a crucial ingredient for your report .A colleague mentioned a potentially useful tool called the “FDI Confidence Index” which is updated periodically.Find this index,and provide additional information regarding how the index is constructed.您的公司正在考虑投资在国外工作。贵公司的长期战略goals.As的等,投资于不同传统的国家,是一个重要的元素,管理层已要求提交一份报告,就根据替代国的吸引力,的潜在回报率排名的前25个国家的外国直接投资吸引力方面的FDI.Accordingly,您的报告是一个关键因素。一位同事提到一个潜在的有用的工具,所谓的“外国直接投资信心指数”,这是该指数更新periodically.Find指数是如何提供更多的信息。
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