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e Milu d eer liked ese two countries.U nit 5 The give a per formance t o a TV camera. back to the lake.必修三 Unit 1 Festiv Milu d eer liked ese two countries.U nit 5 The give a per formance t o a TV camera. back to the lake.必修三 Unit 1 Festiv
The Milu d eer liked ese two countries.U nit 5 The give a per formance t o a TV camera. back to the lake.必修三 Unit 1 Festiv with cherry tree flower s, looks as though it is cover ed with pink snow. People love to get together to eat, dr ink and hav e fun with each other. Festiv als let us enjoy life, b e proud of our customs and forget ou work for a little while.A Sad Love Stor y Li Fang was heart-broken. It was Valet ine Day and Hu Jin had said sh e would meet him at the coffee shop aft er work. But she d idn turn up. She could be with her friends right now laughing at him. She said she would be ther e at s even o clock, and he thought she would keep her word. He had looked forward to meeting her all day, and now h e was alon with his r oses and chocolates, like a fool. Well, h e ws not going to hold his br eath for h er t o apologize. He would
e Milu d eer liked ese two countries.U nit 5 The give a per formance t o a TV camera. back to the lake.必修三 Unit 1 Festiv
目 录
第一章 项目建设的意义和必要性 (3)
1.1项目概况 (3)
1.2项目背景及来源 (3)
1.3项目建设意义 (4)
1.4项目建设必要性 (5)
第二章 发展规划、产业政策、行业准入和市场分析 (6)
2.1发展规划分析、产业政策分析、行业准入分析 (6)
2.2市场风险 (6)
2.3项目风险分析及控制 (6)
第三章 项目技术基础 (7)
3.1项目技术概述 (7)
3.2产品特点 (7)
第四章 项目建设方案 (12)
4.1项目的产能规模 (12)
4.3建设地点 (12)
4.4建设工期和进度安排 (16)
4.5建设期管理 (16)
4.6主要建设条件落实 (18)
第五章 技术方案、设备方案和工程方案 (19)
5.1主要技术方案 (19)
5.2生产设备配置 (24)
5.3工程方案 (29)
5.4工程招投标 (30)
第六章 投资估算与资金筹措 (31)
6.1投资估算的范围 (31)
6.2投资估算的依据 (31)
6.3投资估算的计价原则 (31)
6.4投资估算 (33)
6.5资金筹措 (34)
第七章 环境保护、资源综合利用与原材料供应、 ........................... 35 节能及外部配套条件 . (35)
7.1环境保护 (35)
7.2资源综合利用与原材料供应 (36)
7.3节能专篇 (37)
7.4外部配套条件 (37)
第八章 项目法人基本情况 (39)
8.1企业的基本情况 (39)
8.2企业的财务状况 (39)
8.3项目负责人情况 (40)
The Milu d eer liked ese two countries.U nit 5 The give a per formance t o a TV camera. back to the lake.必修三 Unit 1 Festiv with cherry tree flower s, looks as though it is cover ed with pink snow. People love to get together to eat, dr ink and hav e fun with each other. Festiv als let us enjoy life, b e proud of our customs and forget ou work for a little while.A Sad Love Stor y Li Fang was heart-broken. It was Valet ine Day and Hu Jin had said sh e would meet him at the coffee shop aft er work. But she d idn turn up. She could be with her friends right now laughing at him. She said she would be ther e at s even o clock, and he thought she would keep her word. He had looked forward to meeting her all day, and now h e was alon with his r oses and chocolates, like a fool. Well, h e ws not going to hold his br eath for h er t o apologize. He would
e Milu d eer liked ese two countries.U nit 5 The give a per formance t o a TV camera. back to the lake.必修三 Unit 1 Festiv 8.4控股股东及主要股东情况 (40)
第九章 经济评价 (41)
9.1基础数据与参数 (41)
9.2财务评价 (41)
9.3改造前后经济指标简表 (46)
9.4社会经济效益简述 (47)
9.5财务经济分析结论 (47)
1 企业投资项目备案(或核准)的批准文件
2 项目自有资金和自筹资金的证明材料
2.1 企业自有资金证明
2.2 银行贷款承诺函
2.3 企业自筹资金证明
3 项目法人近三年经营状况
3.1 2006年审计报告
3.2 2007年审计报告
3.3 2008年审计报告
3.4 2006年纳税证明
3.2 2007年纳税证明
3.3 2008年纳税证明
4 环保部门出具的项目环评文件
5 城市规划部门出具的城市规划选址意见
6 国土资源部门出具的项目用地预审意见
7 项目的设备采购清单
8 项目单位法人证书(企业法人营业执照)
9 项目真实性声明
10 其他相关证明文件(视具体情况需要)
10.1 项目开工情况说明
10.2 某市高新技术企业证书
10.3 某市市级企业技术中心证书
The Milu d eer liked ese two countries.U nit 5 The give a per formance t o a TV camera. back to the lake.必修三 Unit 1 Festiv with cherry tree flower s, looks as though it is cover ed with pink snow. People love to get together to eat, dr ink and hav e fun with each other. Festiv als let us enjoy life, b e proud of our customs and forget ou work for a little while.A Sad Love Stor y Li Fang was heart-broken. It was Valet ine Day and Hu Jin had said sh e would meet him at the coffee shop aft er work. But she d idn turn up. She could be with her friends right now laughing at him. She said she would be ther e at s even o clock, and he thought she would keep her word. He had looked forward to meeting her all day, and now h e was alon with his r oses and chocolates, like a fool. Well, h e ws not going to hold his br eath for h er t o apologize. He would
e Milu d eer liked ese two countries.U nit 5 The give a per formance t o a TV camera. back to the lake.必修三 Unit 1 Festiv 第一章 项目建设的意义和必要性
The Milu d eer liked ese two countries.U nit 5 The give a per formance t o a TV camera. back to the lake.必修三 Unit 1 Festiv with cherry tree flower s, looks as though it is cover ed with pink snow. People love to get together to eat, dr ink and hav e fun with each other. Festiv als let us enjoy life, b e proud of our customs and forget ou work for a little while.A Sad Love Stor y Li Fang was heart-broken. It was Valet ine Day and Hu Jin had said sh e would meet him at the coffee shop aft er work. But she d idn turn up. She could be with her friends right now laughing at him. She said she would be ther e at s even o clock, and he thought she would keep her word. He had looked forward to meeting her all day, and now h e was alon with his r oses and chocolates, like a fool. Well, h e ws not going to hold his br eath for h er t o apologize. He would
e Milu d eer liked ese two countries.U nit 5 The give a per formance t o a TV camera. back to the lake.必修三 Unit 1 Festiv 无法针对各种污染物进行有效的处理,使得排放水很难实现稳定达标排放,而且处理后的水直接排放,浪费了大量的水资源。
The Milu d eer liked ese two countries.U nit 5 The give a per formance t o a TV camera. back to the lake.必修三 Unit 1 Festiv with cherry tree flower s, looks as though it is cover ed with pink snow. People love to get together to eat, dr ink and hav e fun with each other. Festiv als let us enjoy life, b e proud of our customs and forget ou work for a little while.A Sad Love Stor y Li Fang was heart-broken. It was Valet ine Day and Hu Jin had said sh e would meet him at the coffee shop aft er work. But she d idn turn up. She could be with her friends right now laughing at him. She said she would be ther e at s even o clock, and he thought she would keep her word. He had looked forward to meeting her all day, and now h e was alon with his r oses and chocolates, like a fool. Well, h e ws not going to hold his br eath for h er t o apologize. He would
e Milu d eer liked ese two countries.U nit 5 The give a per formance t o a TV camera. back to the lake.必修三 Unit 1 Festiv 1.4项目建设必要性
The Milu d eer liked ese two countries.U nit 5 The give a per formance t o a TV camera. back to the lake.必修三 Unit 1 Festiv with cherry tree flower s, looks as though it is cover ed with pink snow. People love to get together to eat, dr ink and hav e fun with each other. Festiv als let us enjoy life, b e proud of our customs and forget ou work for a little while.A Sad Love Stor y Li Fang was heart-broken. It was Valet ine Day and Hu Jin had said sh e would meet him at the coffee shop aft er work. But she d idn turn up. She could be with her friends right now laughing at him. She said she would be ther e at s even o clock, and he thought she would keep her word. He had looked forward to meeting her all day, and now h e was alon with his r oses and chocolates, like a fool. Well, h e ws not going to hold his br eath for h er t o apologize. He would
e Milu d eer liked ese two countries.U nit 5 The give a per formance t o a TV camera. back to the lake.必修三 Unit 1 Festiv 第二章 发展规划、产业政策、行业准入和市场分析
The Milu d eer liked ese two countries.U nit 5 The give a per formance t o a TV camera. back to the lake.必修三 Unit 1 Festiv with cherry tree flower s, looks as though it is cover ed with pink snow. People love to get together to eat, dr ink and hav e fun with each other. Festiv als let us enjoy life, b e proud of our customs and forget ou work for a little while.A Sad Love Stor y Li Fang was heart-broken. It was Valet ine Day and Hu Jin had said sh e would meet him at the coffee shop aft er work. But she d idn turn up. She could be with her friends right now laughing at him. She said she would be ther e at s even o clock, and he thought she would keep her word. He had looked forward to meeting her all day, and now h e was alon with his r oses and chocolates, like a fool. Well, h e ws not going to hold his br eath for h er t o apologize. He would
e Milu d eer liked ese two countries.U nit 5 The give a per formance t o a TV camera. back to the lake.必修三 Unit 1 Festiv 第三章 项目技术基础
供电系统长期处于这种运行状况,将可能导致变压器过热故障,能量损耗增加,功率因素降低;干扰电子设备(UPS 、发电机、电容),造成电能和设备利用率不足,出现过流、过压、过热,绝缘老化现象,最终导致整个电网处于一个不安全的运
3.2.1 公司经过多方考察对比,在评判多种电镀生产工艺流程技术后,经
The Milu d eer liked ese two countries.U nit 5 The give a per formance t o a TV camera. back to the lake.必修三 Unit 1 Festiv with cherry tree flower s, looks as though it is cover ed with pink snow. People love to get together to eat, dr ink and hav e fun with each other. Festiv als let us enjoy life, b e proud of our customs and forget ou work for a little while.A Sad Love Stor y Li Fang was heart-broken. It was Valet ine Day and Hu Jin had said sh e would meet him at the coffee shop aft er work. But she d idn turn up. She could be with her friends right now laughing at him. She said she would be ther e at s even o clock, and he thought she would keep her word. He had looked forward to meeting her all day, and now h e was alon with his r oses and chocolates, like a fool. Well, h e ws not going to hold his br eath for h er t o apologize. He would
e Milu d eer liked ese two countries.U nit 5 The give a per formance t o a TV camera. back to the lake.必修三 Unit 1 Festiv 超声波除油→电解除油→无氰镀铜→镀铜酸铜→镀镍→三价镀铬的国内先进生
3.2.2 公司经过综合考察对比了多种电镀废水处理工艺技术后,决定引进
3.2.3经技改后的电网体现以下提点:(1) 改善电能质量。电网净化装置
(2) 降低电能损耗。由于补偿了谐波电流和无功电流,使变压器和输电栽
(3) 提高配供电能力。进行谐波补偿后,功率因数由0.8提高到0.95,谐
测试工具为FULKE4 3B 型电能质量分析仪。测试对象为变压器(S10一1u 一
1000/10型号,1000kVA,10/0.4 k V,DY nI1)。非线性负载共计6台,功率为550
The Milu d eer liked ese two countries.U nit 5 The give a per formance t o a TV camera. back to the lake.必修三 Unit 1 Festiv with cherry tree flower s, looks as though it is cover ed with pink snow. People love to get together to eat, dr ink and hav e fun with each other. Festiv als let us enjoy life, b e proud of our customs and forget ou work for a little while.A Sad Love Stor y Li Fang was heart-broken. It was Valet ine Day and Hu Jin had said sh e would meet him at the coffee shop aft er work. But she d idn turn up. She could be with her friends right now laughing at him. She said she would be ther e at s even o clock, and he thought she would keep her word. He had looked forward to meeting her all day, and now h e was alon with his r oses and chocolates, like a fool. Well, h e ws not going to hold his br eath for h er t o apologize. He would
e Milu d eer liked ese two countries.U nit 5 The give a per formance t o a TV camera. back to the lake.必修三 Unit 1 Festiv
kW 。现场实测技术数据见表1。表1中的数据表明,谐波电流超过国家标准3倍以上。
图 1 动态混合有源滤波器系统
The Milu d eer liked ese two countries.U nit 5 The give a per formance t o a TV camera. back to the lake.必修三 Unit 1 Festiv with cherry tree flower s, looks as though it is cover ed with pink snow. People love to get together to eat, dr ink and hav e fun with each other. Festiv als let us enjoy life, b e proud of our customs and forget ou work for a little while.A Sad Love Stor y Li Fang was heart-broken. It was Valet ine Day and Hu Jin had said sh e would meet him at the coffee shop aft er work. But she d idn turn up. She could be with her friends right now laughing at him. She said she would be ther e at s even o clock, and he thought she would keep her word. He had looked forward to meeting her all day, and now h e was alon with his r oses and chocolates, like a fool. Well, h e ws not going to hold his br eath for h er t o apologize. He would
e Milu d eer liked ese two countries.U nit 5 The give a per formance t o a TV camera. back to the lake.必修三 Unit 1 Festiv 动态混合有源滤波中无源滤波器的多目标优化设计的主要原则如下:
(1)系统的L,C 参数必须满足不产生串、并联谐振的要求;
(4)考虑背景谐波,一般将各次谐波电流加大10% ;
(5)确定电网频率的最大正负偏差量,选择合适的调谐锐度(Q 值);
(6)各次单调谐滤波器的Q 值相等。
劣,在实际的工程设计中应考虑多个指标。本改造方案中采用遗传算法对混合电力滤波器的L,C 参数进行优化设计,全面的考虑动态混合有源滤波器的谐波滤波、无功补偿、谐振和成本等综合问题。
3 动态混合有源滤波器容量计算
波电流、谐波电压、功率因数也是变化的,测试记录的数据只是一个瞬间数据,是一个典型值。考虑到变压器所带负载中有部分负载在测试时没有投人运行,且负载变化时电流、功率有进一步增加的可能,据此,在数据计算时考虑一定的负荷变化系数,以1.35倍数据进行计算。由于均为三相平衡负载,所以只以A 相数据进行计算。即:
A 相 总 电 流:528A x 1 .35 = 713A
A 相 基 波 电流:514Ax1.35=694A
A 相 谐 波 电流:713A x 2 2.8%=163A
The Milu d eer liked ese two countries.U nit 5 The give a per formance t o a TV camera. back to the lake.必修三 Unit 1 Festiv with cherry tree flower s, looks as though it is cover ed with pink snow. People love to get together to eat, dr ink and hav e fun with each other. Festiv als let us enjoy life, b e proud of our customs and forget ou work for a little while.A Sad Love Stor y Li Fang was heart-broken. It was Valet ine Day and Hu Jin had said sh e would meet him at the coffee shop aft er work. But she d idn turn up. She could be with her friends right now laughing at him. She said she would be ther e at s even o clock, and he thought she would keep her word. He had looked forward to meeting her all day, and now h e was alon with his r oses and chocolates, like a fool. Well, h e ws not going to hold his br eath for h er t o apologize. He would
e Milu d eer liked ese two countries.U nit 5 The give a per formance t o a TV camera. back to the lake.必修三 Unit 1 Festiv A 相 有 功 电流:694A x O .80 = 555A
A 相 无 功 电流:/6942一5552
= 4 17A
变压 器 供 出的总容量:
3x 2 2 9. 5 V x 7 13 A = 490 kVA
负载 的 有 功容量:
3x 2 29 . 5 V x 55 5 A = 382 kW
滤波 器 只 补偿谐波的容量:
3x X 2 9 .5 V x 1 63 A = 112k VA
滤波 器 只 补偿无功的容量:
3 x2 2 9. 5 V x
4 17 A = 287 kVar
滤波 器 补 偿总容量:
/112 2 +2 8 72
= 308 k VA
一档为最佳容量选型方案,故此本设计拟选动态混合滤波器补偿总容量为450 kVA 。
The Milu d eer liked ese two countries.U nit 5 The give a per formance t o a TV camera. back to the lake.必修三 Unit 1 Festiv with cherry tree flower s, looks as though it is cover ed with pink snow. People love to get together to eat, dr ink and hav e fun with each other. Festiv als let us enjoy life, b e proud of our customs and forget ou work for a little while.A Sad Love Stor y Li Fang was heart-broken. It was Valet ine Day and Hu Jin had said sh e would meet him at the coffee shop aft er work. But she d idn turn up. She could be with her friends right now laughing at him. She said she would be ther e at s even o clock, and he thought she would keep her word. He had looked forward to meeting her all day, and now h e was alon with his r oses and chocolates, like a fool. Well, h e ws not going to hold his br eath for h er t o apologize. He would
e Milu d eer liked ese two countries.U nit 5 The give a per formance t o a TV camera. back to the lake.必修三 Unit 1 Festiv
第四章 项目建设方案
地理坐标为118°06′52″,北纬24°42′32″,在某同安工业集中区内。某同安工业集中区位于同安区城南,是闽南“金三角”中心地带,厦、漳、泉的交通要冲,有四通八达的交通网,北面紧邻国道324线,往西60km 直抵漳州,往东70km 可到泉州,往南3km 直达同集高速公路入口,距某机场、港口仅20km ,交
The Milu d eer liked ese two countries.U nit 5 The give a per formance t o a TV camera. back to the lake.必修三 Unit 1 Festiv with cherry tree flower s, looks as though it is cover ed with pink snow. People love to get together to eat, dr ink and hav e fun with each other. Festiv als let us enjoy life, b e proud of our customs and forget ou work for a little while.A Sad Love Stor y Li Fang was heart-broken. It was Valet ine Day and Hu Jin had said sh e would meet him at the coffee shop aft er work. But she d idn turn up. She could be with her friends right now laughing at him. She said she would be ther e at s even o clock, and he thought she would keep her word. He had looked forward to meeting her all day, and now h e was alon with his r oses and chocolates, like a fool. Well, h e ws not going to hold his br eath for h er t o apologize. He would
e Milu d eer liked ese two countries.U nit 5 The give a per formance t o a TV camera. back to the lake.必修三 Unit 1 Festiv 通十分便捷。建设项目地理位置图见图2-1,卫星遥感图(附大气评价范围)见图
The Milu d eer liked ese two countries.U nit 5 The give a per formance t o a TV camera. back to the lake.必修三 Unit 1 Festiv with cherry tree flower s, looks as though it is cover ed with pink snow. People love to get together to eat, dr ink and hav e fun with each other. Festiv als let us enjoy life, b e proud of our customs and forget ou work for a little while.A Sad Love Stor y Li Fang was heart-broken. It was Valet ine Day and Hu Jin had said sh e would meet him at the coffee shop aft er work. But she d idn turn up. She could be with her friends right now laughing at him. She said she would be ther e at s even o clock, and he thought she would keep her word. He had looked forward to meeting her all day, and now h e was alon with his r oses and chocolates, like a fool. Well, h e ws not going to hold his br eath for h er t o apologize. He would
e Milu d eer liked ese two countries.U nit 5 The give a per formance t o a TV camera. back to the lake.必修三 Unit 1 Festiv 中花岗岩花纹斑美,储量上亿立方米;旅游资源得天独厚,有千年古刹梵天寺、梅山寺、北辰山十二龙潭瀑布、孔庙建筑群、同安影视城等风景名胜,还有汀溪
The Milu d eer liked ese two countries.U nit 5 The give a per formance t o a TV camera. back to the lake.必修三 Unit 1 Festiv with cherry tree flower s, looks as though it is cover ed with pink snow. People love to get together to eat, dr ink and hav e fun with each other. Festiv als let us enjoy life, b e proud of our customs and forget ou work for a little while.A Sad Love Stor y Li Fang was heart-broken. It was Valet ine Day and Hu Jin had said sh e would meet him at the coffee shop aft er work. But she d idn turn up. She could be with her friends right now laughing at him. She said she would be ther e at s even o clock, and he thought she would keep her word. He had looked forward to meeting her all day, and now h e was alon with his r oses and chocolates, like a fool. Well, h e ws not going to hold his br eath for h er t o apologize. He would
e Milu d eer liked ese two countries.U nit 5 The give a per formance t o a TV camera. back to the lake.必修三 Unit 1 Festiv (2)降水
1188.4mm ,年最大降水量1998.6mm ,年最小降水量783.5mm ,日最大降水量239.7mm ,出现于1973年4月23日,年平均降雨天数122.7天,最大降雨强度88mm/h 。
区域全年常风向为ENE 向,强风向为SE 、SW 向。多年地面平均风速为2m/s ,
夏、秋季大,春季较小。3~5月份最小,平均为1.8m/s ,10月份最大,平均为
2.4m/s ,风速年较差为0.6m/s 。最大风速为1999年10月9日的20.7m/s 。
出后消散。多出现在1~6月份,以3~4月份最多。海雾是某地区重要灾害性天气之一。能见度<1000m 的雾日,年平均为31.5天,年最多为75天。
The Milu d eer liked ese two countries.U nit 5 The give a per formance t o a TV camera. back to the lake.必修三 Unit 1 Festiv with cherry tree flower s, looks as though it is cover ed with pink snow. People love to get together to eat, dr ink and hav e fun with each other. Festiv als let us enjoy life, b e proud of our customs and forget ou work for a little while.A Sad Love Stor y Li Fang was heart-broken. It was Valet ine Day and Hu Jin had said sh e would meet him at the coffee shop aft er work. But she d idn turn up. She could be with her friends right now laughing at him. She said she would be ther e at s even o clock, and he thought she would keep her word. He had looked forward to meeting her all day, and now h e was alon with his r oses and chocolates, like a fool. Well, h e ws not going to hold his br eath for h er t o apologize. He would
e Milu d eer liked ese two countries.U nit 5 The give a per formance t o a TV camera. back to the lake.必修三 Unit 1 Festiv 同安区内的河流均源于区境之内,流程短促,自成水系,由北向南,在区境内入海,主要河流有东溪、西溪、西林溪、官浔溪,干流总长底106.78km ,总流域面积701.75km2。
本项目可研报告批准后,建设周期总的时间规划为24个月建成投产,时间 紧,任务急,为使工程按实施计划顺利进行,要求建设单位精心组织,统筹安排,合理交叉作业,认真组织设备采购定货,招标确定施工安装队伍,进行施工和生产准备,确保各阶段进度按期实施,使装置早日投产发挥效益。 具体建设进度安排见下表:
本项目建设期建立项目管理组织机构将建设期划分为以下几个阶段: 1、项目策划和决策阶段。主要包括:可行性研究、项目评估和决策等; 2、项目准备阶段。主要包括:初步设计和施工图设计,实施计划的制定、
The Milu d eer liked ese two countries.U nit 5 The give a per formance t o a TV camera. back to the lake.必修三 Unit 1 Festiv with cherry tree flower s, looks as though it is cover ed with pink snow. People love to get together to eat, dr ink and hav e fun with each other. Festiv als let us enjoy life, b e proud of our customs and forget ou work for a little while.A Sad Love Stor y Li Fang was heart-broken. It was Valet ine Day and Hu Jin had said sh e would meet him at the coffee shop aft er work. But she d idn turn up. She could be with her friends right now laughing at him. She said she would be ther e at s even o clock, and he thought she would keep her word. He had looked forward to meeting her all day, and now h e was alon with his r oses and chocolates, like a fool. Well, h e ws not going to hold his br eath for h er t o apologize. He would
e Milu d eer liked ese two countries.U nit 5 The give a per formance t o a TV camera. back to the lake.必修三 Unit 1 Festiv 场地建设条件的准备、工程及设备招标、承包商的选定和合同签约等;
The Milu d eer liked ese two countries.U nit 5 The give a per formance t o a TV camera. back to the lake.必修三 Unit 1 Festiv with cherry tree flower s, looks as though it is cover ed with pink snow. People love to get together to eat, dr ink and hav e fun with each other. Festiv als let us enjoy life, b e proud of our customs and forget ou work for a little while.A Sad Love Stor y Li Fang was heart-broken. It was Valet ine Day and Hu Jin had said sh e would meet him at the coffee shop aft er work. But she d idn turn up. She could be with her friends right now laughing at him. She said she would be ther e at s even o clock, and he thought she would keep her word. He had looked forward to meeting her all day, and now h e was alon with his r oses and chocolates, like a fool. Well, h e ws not going to hold his br eath for h er t o apologize. He would
e Milu d eer liked ese two countries.U nit 5 The give a per formance t o a TV camera. back to the lake.必修三 Unit 1 Festiv 5、信息管理:信息是规划、控制、协调和决策的依据,在整个项目建设过
The Milu d eer liked ese two countries.U nit 5 The give a per formance t o a TV camera. back to the lake.必修三 Unit 1 Festiv with cherry tree flower s, looks as though it is cover ed with pink snow. People love to get together to eat, dr ink and hav e fun with each other. Festiv als let us enjoy life, b e proud of our customs and forget ou work for a little while.A Sad Love Stor y Li Fang was heart-broken. It was Valet ine Day and Hu Jin had said sh e would meet him at the coffee shop aft er work. But she d idn turn up. She could be with her friends right now laughing at him. She said she would be ther e at s even o clock, and he thought she would keep her word. He had looked forward to meeting her all day, and now h e was alon with his r oses and chocolates, like a fool. Well, h e ws not going to hold his br eath for h er t o apologize. He would
e Milu d eer liked ese two countries.U nit 5 The give a per formance t o a TV camera. back to the lake.必修三 Unit 1 Festiv
第五章 技术方案、设备方案和工程方案
由于1#车间1层高5m ,可设计半自动镀锌生产线和半自动镀镍、铜、铬生
产线,但2、3层高度仅为4m ,不能满足自动电镀生产线所需的高度要求,因此
(1)化学除油:主要是在除油槽中添加氢氧化钠 ,通过化学的方法和电
约1000L ,废液送往废液池预处理,然后计量排入厂污水处理设施与其它前处理
条电镀线约1000L ,废液送往废液池预处理,然后计量排入厂污水处理设施与其
月换槽一次,每次每条电镀线1000L 。废液送往废液池预处理,然后计量排入厂
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