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课 题 教学 目 标 Lesson4 Going to the amusement park 1.问路及应答。 2.问答要做的事情。 3.有关交通规则的表达方式 祈使句的正确表达; How 引导的特殊疑问句的相关表达 How can we get to ?? 本节课训Go down this street and turn left/right。 练点 It’ll be on your right /left. What should weI do first? You should -----. We should ------. 教学时数 教 学 过 程 第 一 课 时 Good morning,boys and girls.How are you today? What day is it today? 3分钟复习 What’s the weather like today? 复习四年级学过的有关游乐园的单词,park 游乐园,公园 roller coaster过山车 bumper car 碰碰车 fun 有趣的

自主学习:Let’s Join the Chant! T: Amusement park is very exciting. Today I’ll go to the amusement park . Do you want to go with me? Ss: Yes. Now look at the picture , listen to the tape and answer my question. 2段式教学 How can we get to the amusement park? 精讲点拨: Let’s Join the Chant! 1回答问题,然后将主要的单词和句子写在黑板上,指名学习目标。 2学习新单词.(PPT展示) 3 听录音了解课文大意 4 讲解课文,确认学习内容 Have fun at +场所 How can we get to + 目的地 What should we do now? You should +be动词/动词

PPT展示本节所学知识。 1分钟总结 练习题 单词部分 短语部分 课文翻译及连线 Lesson4 Going to the amusement park Picture1 amusement park picture4 light Picture2 street picture5 cross 板书 设计 Picture3 left picture6 park Have fun at picture1 How can we get to picture 1? All right. Go down What should we do now? You should +be动词/动词. 课后反思 第 二 课 时

词汇:street, amusement park, left, right, miss, get to, turn right/left 3分钟复习 交际用语:Have fun at (场所). How can we get to (目的地) Go down (this street) and turn left/right. What should we do now? You should +be动词/动词. 自主学习: Let’s Have Fun 1 Warm up 1. Greeting . Good morning ,class. How are you today? 2段式教学 What day is it? Is your home near the school? Where is your home? 2.检查确认预习情况。 3.让学生指出本课要学习的新单词并猜测词义。 4.听录音,了解本课学习内容。

精讲点拨: Let’s Have Fun 1 1 Language notes Have fun! 玩得开心![Have a good time!] Excuse me! 问路时的常用表达,意为“打扰了”。 get to:到达?? It’ll be on your left. It= the amusement park. 2 Ask some students to read the text . 3 Read,write and say. Have fun at the amusement park! All right. Bye, Mom. How can I get to the amusement park? Go down this street and _all__right. It’ll be on your left. 4 Work in pairs 学生利用教科书的街区图开展如下活动: 1).S1 说明一条路线,S2猜出相应地点。 2).两位同学为一组,交替进行,猜对者获胜。 3).学生也可自制街区图开展活动。 4). 教师总结说明

1总结本节课所学单词 词组(PPT展示) 1分钟总结 2 单词,词组互译 3 看图复述课文 Lesson4 Going to the amusement park 板书 设计 Picture1 Picture2 picture3 picture4 A:Havefun A: A: A: B:All right B: B: B: 第 三 课 时 Greeting. Good morning ,everyone . 3分钟复习 How’s it going today? Review the sentences PPT展示上节课部分练习 Read,write and say。

自主学习: Let's Practice 1 1. Listen and learn some more. 2. Listen and check out the picture. 1). How can I get to the library? Go down the street and turn right. It'll be on your left. 2). How can I get to the hospital? Go down the street and turn left. It'll be on your right. 3. Read and choose the sentence for the empty bubble 2段式教学 答案:3-2-1-4. 精讲点拨: Let's Practice1 How 引导的特殊疑问句的相关表达 How can I get to ?? 关于问路的相关表达: Go straight: 直走 turn right at the corner:在拐角处向右拐 Turn left:向左拐 go along this street:沿着这条街道走 Go two blocks down that way:沿着那条路走两个街区 Go down this street and turn left/right。 It’ll be on your right /left.

地点名词复习: amusement park post office library hospital restaurant department store 利用所学的地点名词进行替换练习,练习课文对话 讲解课文中的B, C 部分练习题 地点名词总结 1分钟总结 How 引导的特殊疑问句的相关练习 Lesson4 Going to the amusement park How can I get to the Picture1? Go down this street and turn right/left. 板书 设计 How can I get to the Picture2? It’ll be on your left/right. How can I get to the Picture3? Go straight two blocks and turn . 课后反思 第 四 课 时

Good morning ,boys and girls. How are you today? 3分钟复习 What day is it today? How is the weather today? 复习关于问路的相关表达 How引导的特殊疑问句的相关表达 交通规则的相关表达 自主学习:Let’s have fun 2 1. Listen and learn some more. 2. Listen and check out the picture. 2段式教学 交通规则的表达方法:红灯停、绿灯行 3 The light is red/green. You should be more careful. We can cross the street. What should we do now? We should?

精讲点拨: 1.Language notes Careful:小心的,仔细的 Can:在本课中,表示“可以”,而不表示“能力” Here we are. = We are here.前者是后者的倒装形式。 What should + 主语 + do? ??应该做?? Adult:成人,成年人 children:孩子们(child的复数) 2.讲解录音中的重点、难点。“学练结合”。 3.Read,Write and Say . more careful cross should 4. Word in pairs. 1).将标记物至于起点 2).两人交替抛硬币,如果正面朝上,将标记物向前移动一步,背面朝上,则向前移动两步。 3).当标记物走到有短语的部分,运用短语“should/shouldn’t”句型造句,并大声读出。 4).回答正确,则可再次获得一次抛币机会。 5).当标记物走到复数的所在位置,想后倒退相应步数。 词汇 1分钟总结 交际用语 should 的相关用法

can:在本课中,表示“可以”,而不表示“能力” Here we are. = We are here.前者是后者的倒装形式。 What should + 主语 + do? ??应该做?? Lesson4 Going to the amusement park Pic 1 pic2 pic3 pic4 板书 设计 . You should . The light is . You should . . You should . 课后反思 第 五 课 时 Good morning ,boys and girls. How are you today? What day is it today? 3分钟复习 How is the weather today? Review the text. Here we are. = We are here.前者是后者的倒装形式。 What should + 主语 + do? ??应该做??

自主学习:Let’s Practice 2 1 Listen and learn some more 2 Read the text after the tape. 3 思考总结should的用法 精讲点拨: Let’s Practice 2 2段式教学 介绍should 后应接动词原形 Listen and choose the thing for the kid. 1. What should I do now? You should open the window. 2. What should we do? We should do the exercises. 3. What should we do now? We should find the bus stop. C. Read and choose True or False. 1. False 2. True 3. True

四个短语: park our bikes,do the exercises, 1分钟总结 see a doctor, take some medicine Should 的用法 Lesson4 Going to the amusement park What should we do first/now? 板书 设计 We should 课后反思 第 六 课 时 Good morning ,boys and girls. 3分钟复习 How are you today? What day is it today? How is the weather today? 复习should 的相关表达

自主学习:Do it yourself A. Listen and choose the correct answer. B. Listen and choose the correct picture. Fill in the blanks and say the sentences. Try to sound them correctly. Fill in the blanks and read the complete sentence. Let’s build our reading skill. 精讲点拨: A. Listen and choose the correct answer. 2段式教学 1. How can I get to the park? a. Go down this street it's on your left. b. Turn right, It's on your left. C. Turn left, It's on your right. 2. What should we do? a. We should park our bikes. b. We should cross the street. c. We should be careful! 3. What should I do now? a. You should buy tickets. b. You should see a doctor. c.You should do the exercise.

B. Listen and choose the correct picture. Have fun at the amusement park. All right! Bye! The light is green. Now we can cross the street. There's ticket box. We should buy tickets there.] Fill in the blanks and say the sentences. 1. Go down this street and turn right, it’ll be on your left. 2. You should be more careful. 3. You should park your bike. ft 、str 在单词中的发音[ft][ str] 连词成句 阅读翻译 Better go back than go wrong. 改过总比做错强。 1.问路及应答。 1分钟总结 2.问答要做的事情。 3.有关交通规则的表达方式

Lesson4 Going to the amusement park 板书 设计 left street lift gift soft strong strawberry straight 课后反思 1.学习身高的表达。 2.学习关于比较身高、年龄等的表达。 本节将有关身高、年龄话题的问答与比较结合进行练习活动。以激将法学生课训学习兴趣。 练点 教学6 时数 教 学 过 程 第 一 课 时 课 题 教学 目 标 Lesson 5 At The Amusement Park. Good morning ,boys and girls. 3分钟复习 How are you today? How is the weather today? 复习问路及应答。

自主学习: Review 检查确认预习情况。 Warm up.让学生指出本课要学习的新单词并猜测词义 tall-taller-tallest ride tall enough take off take out Let’s Join the Chant!让学生跟着学。 将主要的单词和句子写在黑板上,指名学习目标。 2段式教学 精讲点拨: How tall +be动词 + 主语? I’m __cm tall. I’m 形容词-er than you (are)。 主语+is the +形容词-est. 主语+is too +形容词。 I want to ride Tall enough take off take out 语法:进一步学习比较级、最高级。 1.词汇 1分钟总结 2.交际用语 3.身高的表达

Lesson 5 At The Amusement Park. Picture1 tall taller tallest picture2 ride Picture3 roller coaster picture4 tall enough picture5 take off picture6 take out How tall +be动词 + 主语? 板书 I’m __cm tall. 设计 I’m 形容词-er than you (are)。 主语+is the +形容词-est. 主语+is too +形容词。 I want to ride 课后反思 第 二 课 时 Good morning ,boys and girls. How are you today? 3分钟复习 What day is it today? How is the weather today? 复习比较级、最高级以及身高的表达

自主学习: 1. 让学生指出本课要学习的新单词并猜测词义。 2. 听录音,了解本课学习内容 3. 学生尝试翻译课文意思,不对的尝试让其他学生补充 4. Read ,write and say 5. Work in groups How tall are you? I’m cm tall. 1)学生选取自己喜欢的话题进行调查。 2)将获得的信息填入表内,将调查结果发表 2段式教学 精讲点拨: Language notes 160cm:一米六(160厘米) 160cm= one hundred (and)sixty centimeters 变换人称,扩充学习:? + is + taller than ? too 放在句尾时的意思是“也”,本课的意思是“大” than:比?? I’m 形容词-er than you (are)。 主语+is the +形容词-est. 主语+is too +形容词。 语法:进一步学习比较级、最高级。

PPT展示本节所学知识。 练习题 1分钟总结 单词部分 短语部分 课文翻译及连线 Lesson 5 At The Amusement Park. 课文图片1 How tall are you? I’m 150cm tall 课文图片2 I’m taller than you are 板书 I’m 160cm tall 设计 课文图片3 I’m shorter than Jim. I’m 154cm tall Oh, Jim is the tallest 课文图片4 What about Qiaoqiao? He can’t ride it. He is too short. 课后反思 第 三 课 时 Good morning ,boys and girls. How are you today? 3分钟复习 What day is it today? How is the weather today? How tall are you? 复习关于数字及形容词比较级的单词。

自主学习: 1. 词汇:tall-taller - tallest,short-shorter-shortest Young-younger-youngest old-older-oldest what about? too young too short 2.How tall + be动词 + 主语? I’m __cm tall. I’m 形容词-er than you (are). How old be动词 + 主语? I’m ____years old. 3. A.Listen and learn some more. B. Listen and write the name of the kid. C. Read and choose True or False. 精讲点拨: 2段式教学 A. Listen and learn some more. How tall + be动词 + 主语? I’m __cm tall. I’m 形容词-er than you (are). How old be动词 + 主语? I’m ____years old. 进一步学习比较级、最高级。 B. Listen and write the name of the kid. 1. I’m taller than Jack. I’m the tallest. Who am I ? 2. I’m shorter than Mike. But I’m taller than Andy. Who am I? 3. I’m younger than Jack. I’m the youngest. Who am I? C. Read and choose True or False. 1. Bob is shorter than Jane.鲍勃比简矮。False(Bob is

taller than Jane) 2. Jane is older than Andy. 简比安迪大。 3. True(Bob is the tallest. 鲍勃最高。) 关于形容词比较级、最高级的相关练习活动: 找学生上前面来,用所学的句型互相比身高。 1.比较级最高级词汇总结 1分钟总结 2. 交际用语 3. 身高的表达 Lesson 5 At The Amusement Park. tall-taller - tallest short-shorter-shortest young-younger-youngest old-older-oldest 板书 设计 How tall are you? / How old are you ? I’m than you are. I’m cm tall. /I’m years old. 课后反思 第 四 课 时

Good morning ,boys and girls. How are you today? 3分钟复习 What day is it today? How is the weather today? 复习身高、年龄话题的问答 How tall are you? 自主学习: 1.确认预习情况。如何表扬乔乔的?坐过山车之前应该做什么? 2.提示第3课时的学习目标。 3.听 Let's have fun 2 A. Look and listen. 4.Answer the question 2段式教学 5.Read,Write and Say 6. Word in pairs. 1.运用教科书上面的图,两人为一组,进行对话。 2.然后可组织自主交流并发言。 例:I’m tired / go to bed early. I’m tired. You’d better go to bed early.

精讲点拨: 1. 讲解录音中的重点、难点。“学练结合”。 enough:足够的 you’d better = you had better?:你最好?? what + a + 形容词 + 名词!:多么??的一个??(感叹句) buy + 人称+物品:给??买?? Please take ? out of ? Please 放在句首,表委婉语气。 语法:enough与形容词搭配的用法。 1. 词汇:roller coaster, tall enough, take out,welcome aboard,coin warm, take off 1分钟总结 2. 交际用语:You’d better + 行为动词 I’m tall enough. I want to + 行为动词。 Sorry, you can’t. 3. What a ? + ? (感叹句) Please take ?out of ? 4. 语法:enough与形容词搭配的用法。 Lesson 5 At The Amusement Park. Picture1 coin picture2 aboard Picture3 roller coaster picture4 tall enough picture5 take off picture6 take out You’d better + 行为动词 I’m tall enough. I want to + 行为动词。 Sorry, you can’t. What a ? + ? (感叹句) Please take ?out of ? 板书 设计

课后反思 第 五 课 时 Greeting 3分钟复习 Free talk Sing the chant 自主学习: 检查预习情况 提示第4课时的学习目标。 词汇:roller coaster, take out, tall cold/warm 2段式教学 enough, still, warm, take off, of course Read the text with your partner. Listen to the tape and read after the tape. 学生翻译课文

精讲点拨: A. Listen and learn some more I’m + 形容词 + enough. It looks (It’s) + 形容词+ enough. I want to + 行为动词. Sorry, you can’t. Of course. enough与形容词搭配的用法。 B. Listen and choose True or False.. 1. He wants to take off his cap. It’s warm enough. T 2. He can drive a bumper car. He’s tall enough. T 3. The milk looks cold enough. She’s going to drink it. (F The milk looks hot. She is not going to drink it.) C. Read and number the picture.. 3-1-2 拓展:You’d better (not) do sth. I want to do sth. It’ +形容词 + enough. 1.词汇:roller coaster, take out, tall cold/warm enough, still, warm, take off, of course 1分钟总结 2.交际用语:I’m + 形容词 + enough. It looks (It’s) + 形容词+ enough. I want to + 行为动词.

3. enough与形容词搭配的用法。 Lesson 5 At The Amusement Park. 板书 设计 Picture1 roller coaster I want to I’m Picture2 soup I want to It looks Picture3 jacket It’s Of course 课后反思 第 六 课 时 Good morning ,boys and girls. How are you today? What day is it today? 3分钟复习 How is the weather today? How tall are you? 复习身高的表达。 关于比较身高、年龄等的表达。

自主学习: A. Listen and choose the sentence that goes with the picture. B. Listen and choose the correct picture. Time to speak Fill in the blanks and say the sentences Time to phonics! Try to sound them correctly. Fill in the blanks and read the complete sentence. Let’s build our reading skill. 精讲点拨: A. Listen and choose the sentence that goes with the 2段式教学 picture. 1. a. Sara is taller than Sam. b. Sara is shorter than Sam. c.Sam is shorterthan Sara. 2. a. I want to take off my jacket. It's warm enough. b. I want to ride it. I'm old enough. c. I want to drink this milk. It's looks cold enough. 3. a. Cathy is the oldest. b. Sam is the youngest. c. Jam is the oldest. B. Listen and choose the correct picture. 1. Cathy can't ride the roller coaster. She is not taller

enough.[b] 2. Take all your books out of your backpack.[c] 3. Welcome aboard. [a] Time to speak Fill in the blanks and say the sentences 1. I'm 132cm tall. How tall are you? I’m taller than you are. I’m 140cm tall. 2. I want to ride it. I'm tall enough. Sure! Take off your glasses. 1. I'm 12 years old. How old are you? I’m younger than you are. I’m 11 years old. Time to phonics! Try to sound them correctly. Ride nine hide fine [ai] Coin join boy toy [?i] 练习学母组合i-e 、oi(oy) 在单词中的发音 让学生自由读课文。 教师提问学生读课文。 学生分角色朗读课文。 问:本篇课文讲了哪些内容? Better be safe than sorry. 宁可求稳,以免事后后悔。(宁可小心求安全,不可冒险而后悔。)对应:不怕一万,就怕万一。

1分钟总结 i-e 、oi(oy) 在单词中的发音[ai]e不发音、[?i] 将有关身高、年龄话题的问答与比较结合进行练习活动 Lesson 5 At The Amusement Park. 板书 设计 Ride nine hide fine [ai] Coin join boy toy [?i] Better be safe than sorry. 宁可求稳,以免事后后悔。 课后反思 课 题 教学 目 标 Lesson 6 Qiaoqiao Is Missing. 1.学习关于建议的表达。 2.学习关于兴趣爱好的表达。 3.表达紧急要做的事情。 本节Shall I …? I’m interested in… 及其扩展。 课训练点 教学6 时数 教 学 过 程 第 一 课 时

I. Organization: T: Good morning, everyone! 3分钟复习 II. Free talk: T: How are you today? Who can tell me how’s the weather today? T: What day is it today? 自主学习: T: This weekend, I have a good plan. I’m going to North Forest Safari Park.(课件呈现北方森林动物园,教授单词并板书。) T: Do you want to go with me? OK? S: OK. T: Shall we go to the safari park? 2段式教学 S: Yes T: Very good, now listen to the tape and answer my questions. 1. Where will they go? 2. Who is interested in jungle life? 3. Is Jenny afraid of tigers? 4. Who has a camera? 5.What’s the meaning of restroom?

精讲点拨: 将主要的单词和句子写在黑板上,指名学习目标。 Safari park:野生动物园 take pictures:照相 borrow:借 Missing:不见的 everywhere:处处,到处 find:找到,发现 Policewoman:女警察 1. Shall we go to + 地点? I’m interested in ____. 2. Excuse me, where’s + 地点? Can I borrow ___? 词汇:safari park(英音:[s?'fɑ:ri]美音:[s?'fɑr?])野生动物园,jungle 1分钟总结 life(英音:['d???gl]美音:['d???g!])丛林生活,take pictures of, be interested in,be afraid of, rest room(洗手间),straight 交际用语:Shall we go to + 地点? I’m interested in ____. Excuse me, where’s + 地点? Can I borrow ___? Lesson 6 Qiaoqiao Is Missing. Shall we go to the safari park? 板书 I’m interested in jungle life . 设计 I want to take pictures of them. Can I borrow your camera?

课后反思 第 二 课 时 Good morning ,boys and girls. How are you today? 3分钟复习 What day is it today? How is the weather today? How tall are you? 自主学习: 1.Review 检查确认预习情况。 2段式教学 2. Warm up.让学生指出本课要学习的新单词并猜测词义。 3.Let’s Have Fun 1听录音,了解本课学习内容 4. Now, read with the tape.(two times) 5.Read the text with your partner

精讲点拨: 将主要的单词和句子写在黑板上,指名学习目标。 Safari park:野生动物园 take pictures:照相 borrow:借 Missing:不见的 everywhere:处处,到处 find:找到,发现 Policewoman:女警察 Language notes Be interested in: 对??感兴趣(=have an interest in) Be afraid of ?:害怕?? can I ? 我可以??吗?(征求对方意见) Rest room: 洗手间(washroom=bathroom) Read,write and say. The Answer :Shall we in of take borrow Work in groups 1. 学生绘制表格。用句型“What do you want to be?/I’m interested in ____.”进行访问调查,填写表格。 safari park ,jungle ,interested 1分钟总结 “Shall we ??” “I’m interested in ?”句式;总结和归纳有关应该做什么的表达

Lesson 6 Qiaoqiao Is Missing. Shall we go to the safari park? 板书 I’m interested in jungle life . 设计 I want to take pictures of them. Can I borrow your camera? 课后反思 第 三 课 时 Good morning ,boys and girls. 3分钟复习 How are you today? What day is it today? How is the weather today? 自主学习: 复习词汇 1 Review 检查确认预习情况。 2. Warm up.让学生指出本课要学习的新单词并猜测词义。 2段式教学 3.听录音,了解本课学习内容 A. Let's Practice 1. Listen and learn some more. B. Listen and draw a line. C. Read and choose True or False.

精讲点拨: A. Listen and learn some more. Shall we go to + 地点? I’m interested in ____. Excuse me, where’s + 地点? Can I borrow ___? B. Listen and draw a line. 1. Shall we go to the museum? Yes, I’m interested in history. 2. Shall we go to the concert? Yes, I’m interested in music. 3. Shall we go to the zoo? I’m interested in animals. C. Read and choose True or False. 1. The kids are at the safari park. 2. Jenny wants to play with the tigers.(False Jenny is afraid of tigers.) 3. Jim doesn’t have a camera. 扩充学习关于建议的表达: I’m not interested in ? I like? very much. Wow. That’s great. That’a good idea. 简单介绍世界知名野生动物园的名称和所在国家。

PPT展示 1. 词汇:safari park,jungle life,take pictures of, be interested in,be afraid of, rest room,concert, 1分钟总结 the book fair kids, museum, play with,history 2. 交际用语:Shall we go to + 地点? I’m interested in ____. Excuse me, where’s + 地点? Can I borrow ___? Lesson 6 Qiaoqiao Is Missing. safari park,jungle life,take pictures of, be interested in,be afraid of, 板书 Shall we go to + 地点? P1 P2 设计 I’m interested in __P1 P2__. Excuse me, where’s + 地点? Can I borrow ___? 课后反思 第 四 课 时 T: Good morning, everyone! Free talk: 3分钟复习 T: How are you today? Who can tell me how’s the weather today? T: What day is it today?

自主学习: 1.确认预习情况。 2.提示第3课时的学习目标 词汇:missing,everywhere,policewoman,look for,call the police,ask for help, find,ask, Warm, take off 3.听 Let's have fun 2 A. Look and listen. 4. Read,Write and Say 5. Word in pairs 精讲点拨: Language notes 2段式教学 (That’s a)Good idea. 那是一个好主意。 In +时间:在??之后 Ask for:寻求(帮助) have got to:必须 讲解录音中的重点、难点。“学练结合”。 Read,Write and Say . Missing look for got to call ask Word in pairs. 根据课本上的图,从单词中找出相关的对话,填入表格并进行自由对话: I have a fever. The pants are dying. We will be late for school. It looks like rain. You’ve got to see a doctor. We’ve got some water. We’ve got to run. You’ve got to take an umbrella.

PPT展示词汇:missing,everywhere,policewoman,look for,call the police,ask for help, find,ask, Warm, take off 1分钟总结 交际用语:Where is ? 人称(物品)+ is missing. Let’s? Good idea. Let’s meet here in ____. Have got to ? Lesson 6 Qiaoqiao Is Missing Pic 1 pic2 pic3 pic4 Where is ? 人称(物品)+ is missing. Let’s? Good idea. Let’s meet here in ____. Have got to ? 板书 设计 课后反思 第 五 课 时 Good morning ,boys and girls. 3分钟复习 How are you today? What day is it today? How is the weather today?

自主学习: 检查预习情况 提示第4课时的学习目标。 词汇:find, missing, call the police, get out of here, ambulance, ask for help, everywhere, move, hurt A. Listen and learn some more 熟读课文 分组分角色读课文 B. Listen and number the picture. C. Read and number the sentences in order. 精讲点拨: 2段式教学 A. Listen and learn some more 1.词汇:find, missing, call the police, get out of here, ambulance, ask for help, everywhere, move, hurt 2.交际用语:I can’t? We/I’ve got to call? let’s ask for help. B. Listen and number the picture.. 1. I can’t get out of here. I’ve got to call 911. 2. I hurt my leg. I can’t move. I’ve got to call an ambulance. 3. My brother is missing. You’ve got to call the police. C. Read and number the sentences in order..

