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1.ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词顽强的;坚持不懈的 If you describe someone's actions as dogged, you mean that they are determined to continue with something even if it becomes difficult or dangerous.

【搭配模式】:ADJ n

They have gained respect through sheer dogged determination. 他们完全是凭借顽强的毅力赢得了尊敬。 ...his dogged insistence on their rights. 他对他们权利的坚决主张 doggedly

She would fight doggedly for her rights as the children's mother. 她会顽强地为作为孩子母亲应有的权利而斗争。 doggedness

Most of my accomplishments came as the result of sheer doggedness. 我大多数的成就纯粹是坚持不懈的结果。 2、torment★☆☆☆☆

The noun is pronounced /'t??ment/. The verb is pronounced /t??'ment/. 名词读作/'t??ment/。动词读作 /t??'ment/。

1.N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词极度痛苦;苦恼万分;折磨Torment is extreme suffering, usually mental suffering.

The torment of having her baby kidnapped is written all over her face. 因孩子被绑架所受的万分折磨全写在她脸上。

He spent days in torment while the police searched for his stolen car. 在警方搜寻他遭窃汽车的同时,他在极度苦恼中过了好些天。

2.N-COUNT 可数名词使人痛苦的事;折磨人的事 A torment is something that causes extreme suffering, usually mental suffering.

Sooner or later most writers end up making books about the torments of being a writer...

或早或晚,大多数作家最终都会著书讲述身为作家的苦恼。 Outdoors, mosquitoes and midges were a perpetual torment. 在户外,蚊子和蠓虫永远让人不得安生。

3.VERB 动词折磨;使痛苦万分 If something torments you, it causes you extreme mental suffering.

【语法信息】:V n


At times the memories returned to torment her... 有时,她再度想起往事,又会痛苦万分。

He had lain awake all night, tormented by jealousy. 他彻夜未眠,深受嫉妒的折磨。

4.VERB 动词戏弄;作弄 If you torment a person or animal, you annoy them in a playful, rather cruel way for your own amusement.

【语法信息】:V n

My older brother and sister used to torment me by singing it to me. 哥哥姐姐以前常唱那首歌来戏弄我。 3、probe★★☆☆☆ 1.VERB 动词调查;打探;探究;探听 If you probe into something, you ask questions or try to discover facts about it.

【语法信息】:V into n

【语法信息】:V for n

【语法信息】:V n


The more they probed into his background, the more inflamed their suspicions would become...


For three years, I have probed for understanding... 3年来,我一直都想弄明白。

The Office of Fair Trading has been probing banking practices... 公平贸易署一直在对银行业务进行调查。 The form asks probing questions. 这个表格问了一些试探性的问题。 Probe is also a noun.

...a federal grand-jury probe into corruption within the FDA. 联邦大陪审团对食品及药物管理局内部的腐败进行的调查 probing

If he remains here, he'll be away from the press and their probings. 如果他继续留在这里,就可以远离新闻界和他们的纠缠。

2.VERB 动词(医生或牙医用细长的工具)探查,检查,探测 If a doctor or dentist probes, he or she uses a long instrument to examine part of a patient's body.


【语法信息】:V prep/adv

The surgeon would pick up his instruments, probe, repair and stitch up again... 外科医生会拿起他的工具,探查、修复然后再重新缝合。 Dr Amid probed around the sensitive area... 阿米德医生在敏感区周围检查。

A doctor probed deep in his shoulder wound for shrapnel. 一位医生伸进他肩膀伤口的深处寻找弹片。

3.N-COUNT 可数名词(医生和牙医用的)探针 A probe is a long thin instrument that doctors and dentists use to examine parts of the body.

...a fibre-optic probe. 光纤探针

4.VERB 动词搜寻;搜查 If you probe a place, you search it in order to find someone or something that you are looking for. 4、scrap★★☆☆☆

1.N-COUNT 可数名词碎片;小块;一丁点儿 A scrap of something is a very small piece or amount of it.

【搭配模式】:usu N of n

A crumpled scrap of paper was found in her handbag... 在她的手提包里发现了一张皱巴巴的小纸片。 ...a fire fueled by scraps of wood... 用木屑燃起的火

They need every scrap of information they can get. 任何能够得到的信息他们都需要。

2.N-PLURAL 复数名词残羹剩饭;吃剩的东西Scraps are pieces of unwanted food which are thrown away or given to animals. ...the scraps from the Sunday dinner table. 星期天晚餐的残羹剩饭

3.VERB 动词除掉;取消;废弃 If you scrap something, you get rid of it or cancel it.

【语法信息】:V n

【语域标签】:JOURNALISM or INFORMAL 新闻或非正式

President Hussein called on all countries in the Middle East to scrap nuclear or chemical weapons...

侯赛因总统号召中东所有国家放弃核武器和化学武器。 It had been thought that passport controls would be scrapped. 人们曾认为会放开护照管制。

4.ADJ 形容词(金属、纸张)废弃的,报废的Scrap metal or paper is no longer wanted for its original purpose, but may have some other use.

【搭配模式】:ADJ n

There's always tons of scrap paper in Dad's office. 爸爸的办公室里总有大量的废纸。

5.N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词(废旧机械或汽车的)废金属Scrap is metal from old or damaged machinery or cars.

Thousands of tanks, artillery pieces and armored vehicles will be cut up for scrap. 成千上万的坦克、大炮和装甲车将被切割成废金属。

6.N-COUNT 可数名词(尤指不激烈的)斗殴,吵架 You can refer to a fight or a quarrel as a scrap, especially if it is not very serious.

【语域标签】:INFORMAL 非正式

Billy Bonds has never been one to avoid a scrap.

比利·邦兹经常与球员发生拳脚冲突。 5、chuckle★☆☆☆☆

1.VERB 动词低声轻笑;偷笑 When you chuckle, you laugh quietly.


【语法信息】:V at/over n

【语法信息】:Also V with quote

The banker chuckled and said, 'Of course not.'... 银行家暗自发笑并说道:“当然不。” He chuckled at her forthrightness. 她的直率让他窃笑。 Chuckle is also a noun. He gave a little chuckle. 他轻声一笑。


1.N-COUNT 可数名词小山;小丘;冈 A hump is a small hill or raised area. The path goes over a large hump by a tree before running near a road. 小道越过一处傍树的大圆丘,然后沿着一条大路向前延伸。

2.N-COUNT 可数名词(驼)峰 A camel's hump is the large lump on its back. Camels rebuild fat stores in their hump. 骆驼在自己的驼峰内重新贮备了脂肪。

3.N-COUNT 可数名词(通常指人因疾病或年老形成的)驼背 A hump is a large lump on a person's back, usually caused by illness or old age.

【搭配模式】:oftposs N 4.VERB 动词(费劲地)背负,搬运(重物) If you hump something heavy, you carry it from one place to another with great difficulty.

【语法信息】:V n prep/adv

【语法信息】:Also V n

【语域标签】:BRIT 英


Charlie humped his rucksack up the stairs to his flat. 查利费力地将背包背到楼上自己的公寓里。

5.VERB 动词与…性交 To hump someone means to have sex with them.

【搭配模式】:V n



6.PHRASE 短语生气;郁闷;恼怒 If someone gets the hump, they get very annoyed about something.

【搭配模式】:V inflects

【语域标签】:BRIT 英

【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式 Fans just get the hump when they lose. 如果他们输了,球迷便会很恼火。

7.PHRASE 短语已渡过难关;已克服困难;已解决麻烦 If you say that you are over the hump, you mean that you no longer have a problem or difficulty that was stopping you being successful or happy.

【搭配模式】:usu v-link PHR

We're basically over the hump. We've got an economy that's likely to grow next year even more than it did in 1992.

我们基本上渡过了难关。我们明年的经济增长速度甚至可能会超过1992年。 7、slam★★☆☆☆

1.V-ERG 及物/不及物动词(把…)砰地关上;(把…)使劲关上 If you slam a door or window or if it slams, it shuts noisily and with great force.

【语法信息】:V n


【语法信息】:V n adj

She slammed the door and locked it behind her... 她砰的一下关上门,随手锁上了。

I was relieved to hear the front door slam... 听见前门砰的一声关上了,我松了一口气。 He slammed the gate shut behind him. 他顺手把身后的门猛地关上了。

2.VERB 动词摔;使劲扔;砰地放下 If you slam something down, you put it there quickly and with great force.

【语法信息】:V n with adv

She listened in a mixture of shock and anger before slamming the phone down. 她又惊又气地听着电话,然后啪地挂断了。

3.VERB 动词严厉批评;猛烈抨击 To slam someone or something means to criticize them very severely.

【语法信息】:V n


The famed film-maker slammed the claims as 'an outrageous lie'...

这位大名鼎鼎的电影制片人声色俱厉地抨击了这些说法,称之为“无耻的谎言”。 Britain has been slammed by the United Nations for having one of the worst race relations records in the world.


4.VERB 动词猛烈撞击 If one thing slams into or against another, it crashes into it with great force.

【语法信息】:V into/against n

【语法信息】:V n into/against n

The plane slammed into the building after losing an engine shortly after take-off... 飞机起飞之后不久,就有一个引擎出现故障,随即便一头撞上了大楼。 He slammed me against the ground. 他把我狠狠地摔在了地上。 8、jerk★★☆☆☆

1.V-ERG 及物/不及物动词(向某个方向)急拉,猛推;(使)猝然一动 If you jerk something or someone in a particular direction, or they jerk in a particular direction, they move a short distance very suddenly and quickly.

【语法信息】:V adv/prep

【语法信息】:V n adv/prep

【语法信息】:V n adj

【语法信息】:V n

Mr Griffin jerked forward in his chair... 格里芬先生坐在椅子上猛地向前一凑。 The car jerked to a halt... 车猛地停住了。

'This is Brady Coyne,' said Sam, jerking his head in my direction... “这位是布雷迪·科因,”萨姆突然转头对我说。

Mike kept snatching him up by the collar and jerking him up... 迈克一直揪着他的领子把他往上猛举。 Eleanor jerked her wrist free... 埃莉诺猛地抽出了手腕。

Foley raised his chin and jerked his neck as if his collar were too tight. 福利抬起下巴,伸了伸脖子,仿佛领子太紧了。 Jerk is also a noun.

He indicated the bedroom with a jerk of his head. 他扭头指了指卧室的方向。 2.N-COUNT 可数名词傻瓜;笨蛋;混蛋 If you call someone a jerk, you are insulting them because you think they are stupid or you do not like them.



【STYLE标签】:OFFENSIVE 冒犯 9、stalk★★☆☆☆

1.N-COUNT 可数名词茎;秆;柄;梗 The stalk of a flower, leaf, or fruit is the thin part that joins it to the plant or tree.

【搭配模式】:usu with supp

A single pale blue flower grows up from each joint on a long stalk. 一条长长的茎秆的每个节上都会长出一朵浅蓝色的花。 ...corn stalks. 玉米秆

2.VERB 动词悄悄跟踪(敌人或野兽) If you stalk a person or a wild animal, you follow them quietly in order to kill them, catch them, or observe them carefully.

【语法信息】:V n

He stalks his victims like a hunter after a deer. 他像猎手跟踪鹿一样悄悄跟踪受害人。

3.VERB 动词跟踪骚扰,不断纠缠(名人、分手恋人等) If someone stalks someone else, especially a famous person or a person they used to have a relationship with, they keep following them or contacting them in an annoying and frightening way.

【语法信息】:V n

Even after their divorce he continued to stalk and threaten her. 即使在离婚后他仍继续纠缠和威胁她。 stalking

The Home Secretary is considering a new law against stalking. 内务大臣正考虑制定一项针对跟踪骚扰的新法律。

4.VERB 动词高视阔步;怒气冲冲地走 If you stalk somewhere, you walk there in a stiff, proud, or angry way.

【语法信息】:V adv/prep

If his patience is tried at meetings he has been known to stalk out. 大家都知道如果他在会议上失去耐心,便会愤怒离席。 5.VERB 动词(死亡、恐惧、罪恶等)笼罩,蔓延,肆虐 If you say that something bad such as death, fear, or evil stalks a place, you mean it is there.

【语法信息】:V n


The spectre of neo-fascism, as he put it, was stalking the streets of Sofia and other big cities.

用他的话来说,新法西斯主义的幽灵正在索非亚和其他大城市中游荡。 10、track★★★★☆

1.N-COUNT 可数名词小道;小径 A track is a narrow road or path. We set off once more, over a rough mountain track. 我们沿着一条崎岖的山间小路再度出发。

2.N-COUNT 可数名词跑道;赛道 A track is a piece of ground, often oval-shaped, that is used for races involving athletes, cars, bicycles, horses, or dogs called greyhounds.

The two men turned to watch the horses going round the track. 那两个男人转身观看赛马沿赛道而行。 ...the athletics track. 田径跑道

3.N-COUNT 可数名词铁轨;轨道 Railway tracks are the rails that a train travels along.


A woman fell on to the tracks. 一名女子摔倒在铁轨上。

4.N-COUNT 可数名词(CD、唱片或磁带上的一首)歌曲,乐曲 A track is one of the songs or pieces of music on a CD, record, or tape.

Graeme Naysmith has produced two of the ten tracks on this album. 格雷姆·内史密斯创作了这张专辑十首歌中的两首。

5.N-PLURAL 复数名词足迹;踪迹Tracks are marks left in the ground by the feet of animals or people.

【搭配模式】:oftsupp N

The only evidence of pandas was their tracks in the snow... 熊猫活动的唯一迹象是它们留在雪地上的足迹。 McKee suddenly noticed tire tracks on the bank ahead. 麦基突然注意到前方岸边的轮胎痕迹。

6.VERB 动词跟踪;追踪 If you track animals or people, you try to follow them by looking for the signs that they have left behind, for example the marks left by their feet.

【语法信息】:V n

He thought he had better track this wolf and kill it... 他认为最好跟踪这只狼,杀了它。

I followed him, tracking him in the snow until finally he got tired. 我跟着他,在雪地里追踪他,直到他最终体力不支。

7.VERB 动词(以卫星、雷达等)追踪…的动向 To track someone or something means to follow their movements by means of a special device, such as a satellite or radar.

【语法信息】:V n

Our radar began tracking the jets...


Forecasters are also tracking hurricane Josephine. 气象预报员也在追踪飓风“约瑟芬”的动向。

8.VERB 动词追踪调查;探究 If you track someone or something, you investigate them, because you are interested in finding out more about them.

【语法信息】:V n

If it's possible, track the rumour back to its origin... 如果可能,应追查谣言的源头。

The player is being tracked by Juventus. 该选手正为尤文图斯队所追踪关注。

9.N-COUNT 可数名词(同等年龄、能力的孩子组成的)班级,班组 In a school, a track is a group of children of the same age and ability who are taught together.

【语域标签】:AM 美

in BRIT, use 英国英语用 stream

10.VERB 动词把(学生)按能力分班(或组) To track students means to divide them into groups according to their ability.

【语法信息】:be V-ed

【语法信息】:Also V n

【语域标签】:AM 美

Students are already being tracked. 学生已经按能力分班了。

in BRIT, use 英国英语用 stream tracking

Tracking assigns some students to college prep and others to vocational programs. 按照能力,一些学生被分到大学预科班,另一些则被分到职业培训班。 11.Seealso:backtrack;fast track;racetrack;sidetrack;soundtrack;title track;

12.PHRASE 短语掩盖行踪;隐匿身份(或活动) If someone covers their tracks, they hide or destroy evidence of their identity or their actions, because they want to keep them secret.

【搭配模式】:V inflects

He covered his tracks, burnt letters and diaries... 他掩盖形迹,烧毁了信件与日记。

The killer may have returned to the scene of the crime to cover his tracks.


13.PHRASE 短语占优势;处于有利地位;了解内情 If you say that someone has the inside track, you mean that they have an advantage, for example special knowledge about something.

【搭配模式】:V inflects

【语域标签】:mainly AM or JOURNALISM 主美或新闻

Denver has the inside track among 10 sites being considered... 丹佛在 10 个被考虑的地点之中具有优势。

As an agent, you may have an inside track when good deals become available. 作为代理人,一旦有划算的买卖你恐怕能近水楼台先得月。

14.PHRASE 短语跟上…的进展;掌握…的最新消息 If you keep track of a situation or a person, you make sure that you have the newest and most accurate information about them all the time.

【搭配模式】:V inflects

With eleven thousand employees, it's very difficult to keep track of them all... 对于一支 1.1 万人的员工队伍,很难及时了解到所有有人的动态。 It's hard to keep track of time in here. 在这里很容易忘了时间。

15.PHRASE 短语跟不上…的进展;不再掌握…的最新情况 If you lose track of someone or something, you no longer know where they are or what is happening.

【搭配模式】:V inflects

You become so deeply absorbed in an activity that you lose track of time... 你会因过于专注某项活动而失去时间概念。

It's so easy to lose track of who's playing who and when. 很容易就忘记谁要和谁比赛,什么时候比。

16.PHRASE 短语(匆匆)离开 If you make tracks, you leave the place where you are, especially when you are in a hurry.

【搭配模式】:V inflects

【语域标签】:INFORMAL 非正式

We'd better make tracks soon, hadn't we? 我们最好马上就走,不是吗?

17.PHRASE 短语在正确的轨道上 If someone or something is on track, they are acting or progressing in a way that is likely to result in success.

【搭配模式】:PHR after v

It may take some time to get the British economy back on track... 要使英国经济重新回到正轨可能需要一段时间。 David put me back on track…


He believes the talks are still on track. 他相信会谈仍在朝正确的方向发展。

18.PHRASE 短语追踪;追查;探究 If you are on the track of someone or something, you are trying to find them, or find information about them.

【搭配模式】:PHR n

He was on the track of an escaped criminal... 他正在追踪一名逃犯。

The research institute is on the track of what causes the artery damage. 研究所正在探究动脉损伤的诱因。

19.PHRASE 短语循着正确/错误的路线;在正确/错误的道路上 If you are on the right track, you are acting or progressing in a way that is likely to result in success. If you are on the wrong track, you are acting or progressing in a way that is likely to result in failure.

【搭配模式】:v-link PHR

Guests are returning in increasing numbers — a sure sign that we are on the right track...

回头客越来越多了——这显然表明我们的路走对了。 We need a convincing win to put us back on the right track… 我们需要一场令人信服的大胜,以重回正轨。

We thought we were on the wrong track when we heard their description of you… 听到他们对你的描述,我们以为自己走错了道。

The country was headed on the wrong track, economically. 该国在经济上走错了路线。

20.PHRASE 短语(使)突然止步,突然停下 If someone or something stops you in your tracks, or if you stop dead in your tracks, you suddenly stop moving because you are very surprised, impressed, or frightened.

【搭配模式】:V inflects

This magnificent church cannot fail to stop you in your tracks… 这座宏伟的教堂一定会让你止步赞叹。

They stopped in their tracks and stared at him in amazement… 他们突然停下,惊讶地盯着他。

The thought almost stopped me dead in my tracks. 这个想法几乎让我一下子停步。

21.PHRASE 短语(使)立即停止,立即中断 If someone or something stops a process or activity in its tracks, or if it stops dead in its tracks, they prevent the process or activity from continuing.

【搭配模式】:V inflects

Francis felt he would like to stop this conversation in its tracks… 弗朗西斯觉得他应该立即打断这一谈话。

U.S. manufacturers may find the export boom stopping dead in its tracks. 美国制造商将会发现出口热戛然而止。 12、blow★★★☆☆ 1. VERB USES 动词用法 2. NOUN USES 名词用法

1.VERB 动词(风)吹,刮 When a wind or breeze blows, the air moves.


A chill wind blew at the top of the hill... 山顶寒风呼啸。

We woke to find a gale blowing outside. 我们醒来时发现外面狂风大作。 2.V-ERG 及物/不及物动词(风)把…吹到;吹到,吹向 If the wind blows something somewhere or if it blows there, the wind moves it there.

【语法信息】:V n with adv

【语法信息】:V adv/prep


【语法信息】:Also V n prep

The wind blew her hair back from her forehead... 风把她前额上的头发吹到了后面。

Strong winds blew away most of the dust... 大风卷走了大部分的尘土。

Her cap fell off in the street and blew away... 她的帽子掉在大街上,被风吹走了。 Sand blew in our eyes...


The bushes and trees were blowing in the wind. 灌木丛和树木在风中摇晃。

3.VERB 动词吹气;呼气 If you blow, you send out a stream of air from your mouth.

【语法信息】:V prep/adv


Danny rubbed his arms and blew on his fingers to warm them... 丹尼搓着胳膊并向手指上哈气取暖。 Take a deep breath and blow. 深呼吸,吐气。

4.VERB 动词(用嘴)吹,把…吹到 If you blow something somewhere, you move it by sending out a stream of air from your mouth.

【语法信息】:V n with adv

【语法信息】:Also V n prep

He picked up his mug and blew off the steam. 他端起杯子,吹走了热气。 5.VERB 动词吹,吐(泡泡、烟圈等) If you blow bubbles or smoke rings, you make them by blowing air out of your mouth through liquid or smoke.

【语法信息】:V n

He blew a ring of blue smoke. 他吐出了蓝色的烟圈。

6.V-ERG 及物/不及物动词吹奏;吹响;鸣响 When a whistle or horn blows or someone blows it, they make a sound by blowing into it.


【语法信息】:V n

The whistle blew and the train slid forward... 汽笛鸣响,火车向前滑动。 A guard was blowing his whistle. 一个警卫正在吹警笛。

7.VERB 动词擤(鼻子) When you blow your nose, you force air out of it through your nostrils in order to clear it.

【语法信息】:V n

He took out a handkerchief and blew his nose. 他掏出一块手帕,擤了擤鼻子。

8.VERB 动词炸飞;炸毁 To blow something out ,off, or away means to remove or destroy it violently with an explosion.

【语法信息】:V n with adv

【语法信息】:V n prep

The can exploded, wrecking the kitchen and bathroom and blowing out windows... 罐子爆炸了,不但炸毁了厨房和浴室,还把窗户炸飞了。 Rival gunmen blew the city to bits. 敌人把这座城市炸成了一片废墟。

9.VERB 动词导致;致使 If you say that something blows an event, situation, or argument into a particular extreme state, especially an uncertain or unpleasant state, you mean that it causes it to be in that state.

【语法信息】:V n with adv

【语法信息】:V n prep

The dramatic World Motor Sports Council meeting in Paris blew the championship wide open as Schumacher was also docked six points...


Someone took an inappropriate use of words on my part and tried to blow it into a major controversy.


10.VERB 动词挥霍;乱花 If you blow a large amount of money, you spend it quickly on luxuries.

【语法信息】:V n on n

【语法信息】:V n


Before you blow it all on a luxury cruise, give a little thought to the future... 在把钱全砸到一趟海上豪华游之前,多少考虑一下日后怎么办。 My brother lent me some money and I went and blew the lot. 我兄弟借给我一些钱,全被我拿去挥霍了。 11.VERB 动词失去,断送(机会);搞砸(努力) If you blow a chance or attempt to do something, you make a mistake which wastes the chance or causes the attempt to fail.

【语法信息】:V n

【语法信息】:V it


He has almost certainly blown his chance of touring India this winter. 他几乎肯定失去了今冬去印度旅行的机会。

...the high-risk world of real estate, where one careless word could blow a whole deal...

一字不慎就可能会断送整笔交易的高风险的房地产业 Oh you fool! You've blown it!


12.V-ERG 及物/不及物动词(保险丝)烧断;使(保险丝)熔断 If a fuse blows or if something blows it, the fuse melts because too much electricity has been sent through it, and the electrical current is cut off.


【语法信息】:Also V n

The fuse blew as he pressed the button. 他刚一按下按钮,保险丝就烧断了。

13.V-ERG 及物/不及物动词(轮胎)爆裂;使(轮胎)爆裂 If you blow a tyre or if it blows, a hole suddenly appears in it and all the air comes out of it.

【语法信息】:V n


【语法信息】:V P

A lorry blew a tyre and careered into them... 一辆货车爆胎了,向他们猛撞了过去。 The car tyre blew. 这辆车爆胎了。

Blow out means the same as blow .blow out同blow A tyre blew out when the coach was on its way. 长途汽车在半路上爆胎了。

14.PHRASE 短语自我炫耀;自吹自擂 If you blow your own trumpet or blow your own horn, you tell people that you are very clever or successful.

【搭配模式】:V and N inflect

Hollywood cameramen have good reason to blow their own trumpets. 好莱坞的摄影师们有足够的理由可以自我吹嘘。

15.Seealso:full-blown;overblown. to blow away the cobwebs; →see: cobweb; to blow someone's cover→see: cover; to blow hot and cold→see: hot; to blow a kiss→see: kiss; to blow a raspberry→see: raspberry; to blow your top→see: top; to blow the whistle→see: whistle; 相关词组:

blow awayblow outblow overblow up 1.N-COUNT 可数名词重击;猛击 If someone receives a blow, they are hit with a fist or weapon.

【搭配模式】:oft N to/on n

He went off to hospital after a blow to the face. 他脸部受到重击之后就去了医院。

2.N-COUNT 可数名词打击;挫折 If something that happens is a blow to someone or something, it is very upsetting, disappointing, or damaging to them.

【搭配模式】:oft N to n

When the marriage finally broke up it was obviously a terrible blow to Soames... 婚姻的最终破裂对索姆斯显然是一个沉重打击。 That ruling comes as a blow to environmentalists... 那项裁决对环境保护论者来说如同一记闷棍。 His death dealt a severe blow to the army's morale. 他的死严重打击了军队的士气。 3.PHRASE 短语激烈争吵;动武;打架 If two people or groups come to blows, they

start fighting.

【搭配模式】:V inflects

The representatives almost came to blows at a meeting. 代表们在一次会议上差点动起手来。

4.PHRASE 短语减轻,缓和,缓解(打击等) Something that softens the blow or cushions the blow makes an unpleasant change or piece of news easier to accept.

【搭配模式】:V inflects

Senator Sarbanes expressed concern that programs designed to soften the blow of unemployment are not working well.

旨在缓解失业冲击的项目进展得并不太顺利,参议员萨班斯对此表示关切。 5.PHRASE 短语支持;拥护;为…而战 If you strike a blow for a particular cause or principle, you do something that supports it or makes it more likely to succeed.

【搭配模式】:V inflects

The team struck a blow for women's rights by winning the match. 这个小组在比赛中获胜,维护了女性的权利。 13、guffaw

1.N-COUNT 可数名词狂笑;大笑;哄笑 A guffaw is a very loud laugh. He bursts into a loud guffaw. 他突然大笑起来。

2.VERB 动词哈哈大笑;狂笑 To guffaw means to laugh loudly.


【语法信息】:V with quote

【语法信息】:Also V at n

As they guffawed loudly, the ticket collector arrived... 他们正哈哈大笑的时候,检票员到了。

'Ha, ha,' everyone guffawed. 'It's one of Viv's shock tactics.'

“哈哈,”所有人都大笑起来,“这是维夫的一招出奇制胜的战术。” 14、entrance★☆☆☆☆ 1. NOUN USES 名词用法 2. VERB USE 动词用法

1.N-COUNT 可数名词入口;门 The entrance to a place is the way into it, for example a door or gate.

【搭配模式】:oft N to/into/of n

Beside the entrance to the church, turn right... 在教堂入口旁向右转。

He was driven out of a side entrance with his hand covering his face... 他被从侧门赶了出来,一只手还捂着脸。

A marble entrance hall leads to a sitting room. 大理石门厅通往起居室。

2.N-COUNT 可数名词到达;(尤指有意引人注目的)驾到,莅临 You can refer to someone's arrival in a place as their entrance, especially when you think that they are trying to be noticed and admired.

【搭配模式】:usu sing

If she had noticed her father's entrance, she gave no indication. 就算她已经注意到了父亲的到来,她也会不动声色。

3.N-COUNT 可数名词(表演者的)登台,出场 When a performer makes his or her entrance on to the stage, he or she comes on to the stage.

【搭配模式】:usu sing

He made his entrance into the parade ring. 他走向赛马准备区。

4.N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词进入许可;进入权 If you gain entrance to a particular place, you manage to get in there.

【搭配模式】:oft N to n

【语域标签】:FORMAL 正式

Hewitt had gained entrance to the Hall by pretending to be a heating engineer. 休伊特装扮成供热工程师从而进入大厅。

5.N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词入会资格;入学资格;入行资格 If you gain entrance to a particular profession, society, or institution, you are accepted as a member of it.

【搭配模式】:oft N to/into n

Entrance to universities and senior secondary schools was restricted. 进入大学或高中的资格受到限制。

...entrance exams for the French civil service. 法国公务员资格考试

6.N-SING 单数名词参与;涉入;跻身 If you make an entrance into a particular activity or system, you succeed in becoming involved in it.

【搭配模式】:oft N into n

The acquisition helped BCCI make its initial entrance into the US market. 那项并购帮助国际商业信贷银行首次跻身美国市场。 ...his entrance into politics in 1993. 他于1993年涉足政坛

1.VERB 动词使入迷;使陶醉 If something or someone entrances you, they cause you to feel delight and wonder, often so that all your attention is taken up and you cannot think about anything else.

【语法信息】:V n

As soon as I met Dick, he entranced me because he has a lovely voice... 我一遇到迪克,就被他那动听的声音迷住了。 15、coax★☆☆☆☆

1.VERB 动词(用好话)劝诱,哄 If you coax someone into doing something, you gently try to persuade them to do it.

【语法信息】:V n prep

【语法信息】:V n to-inf

【语法信息】:Also V n

After lunch, she watched, listened and coaxed Bobby into talking about himself... 吃过午饭,她照看着博比,听他说话,哄他说说自己的事。

The government coaxed them to give up their strike by promising them temporary residence permits.


2.VERB 动词连哄带劝地得到 If you coax something such as information out of someone, you gently persuade them to give it to you.

【语法信息】:V n out of/from n

The WPC talked yesterday of her role in trying to coax vital information from the young victim... 昨天,这名女警谈到自己在诱导年轻的受害人说出重要信息的过程中所起的作用。 It took Louis until Easter to coax a grudging consent from the French King. 路易斯连哄带骗,直到复活节才勉强得到法国国王的许可。

3.VERB 动词小心地摆弄(机器或装置) If you coax a machine or device into doing something, you make it work by operating it very slowly and gently.

【语法信息】:V n prep

He would stride on stage then proceed to coax the sweetest possible sounds out of his violin...

他会大步走上舞台,然后轻轻地拉他的小提琴,奏出美妙动听的曲调。 16、wrestle★☆☆☆☆

1.VERB 动词试图解决;绞尽脑汁处理 When you wrestle with a difficult problem, you try to deal with it.

【语法信息】:V with n

【语法信息】:V n

Delegates wrestled with the problems of violence and sanctions... 代表们试图解决暴力与惩处的问题。 We're wrestling with a recession... 我们在全力应付经济衰退问题。

What he liked to do was to take an idea and wrestle it by finding every possible


他喜欢做的事情就是先提出一个想法,然后冥思苦想,找出可能产生的各种后果。 2.VERB 动词摔跤;扭斗 If you wrestle with someone, you fight them by forcing them into painful positions or throwing them to the ground, rather than by hitting them. Some people wrestle as a sport.


【语法信息】:V with n

【语法信息】:Also V n They taught me to wrestle... 他们教我摔跤。

The bridesmaids and pageboys squealed and wrestled with each other in the garden. 伴娘和伴童在花园里尖叫着,扭打在一起。

3.VERB 动词使劲搬动;用力移动 If you wrestle a person or thing somewhere, you move them there using a lot of force, for example by twisting a part of someone's body into a painful position.

【语法信息】:V n prep

We had to physically wrestle the child from the man's arms... 我们只得用力把孩子从那个男子手中夺过来。 17、flatter★☆☆☆☆

1.VERB 动词向…谄媚;奉承;讨好 If someone flatters you, they praise you in an exaggerated way that is not sincere, because they want to please you or to persuade you to do something.

【语法信息】:V n

【语法信息】:V n into -ing


I knew she was just flattering me. 我知道她只是在恭维我。

...a story of how the president flattered and feted him into taking his side. 有关总统如何恭维并盛宴款待他、让他站到自己一边的故事

2.VERB 动词自认为;自以为是 If you flatteryourself that something good is the case, you believe that it is true, although others may disagree. If someone says to you 'you're flattering yourself' or 'don't flatter yourself', they mean that they disagree with your good opinion of yourself.

【语法信息】:V pron-refl that

【语法信息】:V pron-refl

I flatter myself that this campaign will put an end to the war... 我自认为这次战役将结束这场战争。 I flatter myself I've done it all rather well... 我认为自己已经做得相当好了。

You flatter yourself. Why would we go to such ludicrous lengths? 你真自以为是。我们为什么要费那么大的力气?

3.VERB 动词See also:flat;flattered;flattering;使显得更漂亮 If something flatters you, it makes you appear more attractive.

【语法信息】:V n


Orange and khaki flatter those with golden skin tones... 橘黄色和卡其色能衬托那些金黄色皮肤的人。 18、tinker★☆☆☆☆

1.VERB 动词小修;小补;摆弄 If you tinker with something, you make some small changes to it, in an attempt to improve it or repair it.

【语法信息】:V with n


Instead of the Government admitting its error, it just tinkered with the problem... 政府没有承认错误,只是敷衍了事地处理问题。 They tinkered with the engine… 他们修了修发动机。

It is not enough to tinker at the edges; our objective must be to reconstruct the entire system.

只在外缘做一些小修小补是不够的,我们的目标必须是重建整个系统。 tinkering

No amount of tinkering is going to improve matters. 任何小修小补都是于事无补的。

2.N-COUNT 可数名词(旧时的)补锅匠,修理匠 In former times, a tinker was a person who did not have a fixed home, but travelled from place to place mending metal pots and doing other small repair jobs.

3.N-COUNT 可数名词(尤指爱尔兰裔的)流浪者,吉卜赛人 Some people refer to any traveller or gipsy, especially one who is Irish, as a tinker .

【语域标签】:BRIT 英

【STYLE标签】:OFFENSIVE 冒犯 19、scratch★★☆☆☆

1.VERB 动词给…搔痒;给…挠痒 If you scratch yourself, you rub your fingernails against your skin because it is itching.

