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1. tell, talk, say, speak

(1)tell 告诉,讲述 tell sb. sth.=tell sth. to sb. 告诉某人某事

(2)talk 交谈 talk to/with sb.和某人交谈 talk about sth. 谈论某事 (3)say 说, 强调说的内容 say hello to sb. 向某人问好 (4)speak 说某种语言 练习1:

1. Can you_________ me the truth? 2. What language do you__________?

3. This is what they__________ yesterday.

4. Don’t__________ in class,please be quiet.

2. look, look at, see, watch

(1)look 看起来 look+形容词 (2)look at 朝?看 强调看的动作 (3)see 看见 强调看的结果

(4)watch 观看 尤其指看电视,看球赛等 练习2:

1. The coat__________ nice, I want to buy one for my daughter.

2. Please_____________ the blackboard, can you___________ anything?

3. She doesn’t like__________ TV, but she likes_____________ football game.

3. sound,listen to, hear

(1) sound 听起来 sound+形容词 (2) listen to 听 强调听的动作 (3) hear 听见 强调听的结果 练习3:

1. ____________the radio, it says the flood is coming soon.

2. I can’t__________ you , because there’s something wrong with my ears. 3. What you said____________ interesting.

4. receive, accept

(1)receive 收到 强调客观接受 (2)accept 接受,收下 强调主观接受

She received his letter but she can’t accepted his love. 练习4:

He___________ a present yesterday, but he didn’t ___________ it, because it was too expensive.

5. look up, look for, find, find out

(1)look up 查词典、书、电话簿等,代词放中间 look it up (2)look for 寻找 强调找的动作 (3)find 找到 强调找的结果

(4)find out 发现结果 指经过努力而发现的结论 练习5:

1. He often takes a dictionary and______________ the new words in it?

2. The little girl______________ her pen everywhere but didn’t_____________ it at last.

3. Look! Lucy is crying over there. Let’s go and_____________ why is she crying.

6. keep, borrow, lend

(1)keep 借 可以保留一段时间

(2)borrow 借 强调将东西接进来 borrow...from 从......借来 (3)lend 借 强调将东西借出去 lend...to 借给 练习6:

1. ---My bike is broken, can I___________ yours ,Lily? ---Oh, sorry, I’ve_________ it to Sandy.

2. You can___________ my recorder for three days. 3. We often___________ books from our school library. 4. He often___________ money to his brother.

7. reach, arrive, get

(1)reach 到达,够得着 是个及物动词

(2)arrive 到达 不及物动词 arrive in+大地点 arrive at+小地点 (3)get 到达 不及物动词 get to到达 练习7:

1. They will__________ in Chengdu next week. 2. How do you ____________to school every day?

3. Use a longer stick, then you can____________ the apples.

8. thanks to, thanks for (1)thank to 幸亏,由于 (2)thanks for 因?谢谢 练习8:

1. ___________ your help, I’ve understand it.

2. _____________ the cats, mice dare not come and eat my food.

9. give in, give up (1)give in 投降

(2)give up 放弃 give up doing sth. 放弃做某事 练习9:

1. We shouldn’t____________ learning English!

2. I would rather die than ____________ before my enemies.

10. achieve, come true

(1)achieve 实现(理想、愿望、预言等) 及物动词,主语一般为人

(2)come true 实现 不及物动词组,主语为梦想,理想 练习10:

1. He works so hard that he is sure to____________ his dream.

2. His prediction of human’s flying to the moon __________________.

11. turn off, close, turn on, open

(1)turn off 关(电器) turn on 开(电器)

(2)close 关(门、窗、书等) open 开(门、窗、书等) 练习11:

1. _______________ the windows please, it’s so cold outside. 2. ____________ the lights before you leave the room. 3. The dog ____________ the box and took the bone out!

4. _____________ the TV, I want to watch the NBA basketball games.

12. break off, break out, break into, break down (1)break off 中断关系,突然终止 (2)break out 指战争爆发

(3)break into 非法进入或闯入 (4)break down 坏掉,(车、船等)抛锚,中途不工作 练习12:

1 He was late for school yesterday, because his car ____ on the half way. 2 The World WarⅡ ____ when she was only five.

3 They ____ their friendship and didn’t talk to each other any more. 4 Last night a thief _____ my house and took away my TV.

13. reply, answer, solve

(1)reply 回复,答复 不及物动词 reply to sb. (2)answer 回答,答案 及物动词 answer question (3)solve 解决,处理 及物动词 solve problem 练习13:

1. What did Mr. Smith___________ to what others said? 2. No one in our class can__________ this question.

3. It’s too difficult for everyone to___________ that problem. 4. She failed to ____________ my question. 5. We haven’t __________ to his letter yet.

6. None of us knew the ____________ to the problem.

14. hope, wish

(1)hope 希望,指较为现实的想法 hope to do 或hope + 从句,但没有hope sb to do (2)wish 希望,指不太现实的要求或想法 wish to do 或 wish sb to do 练习14:

1. ---The weather may be fine tomorrow. ---I_________ so.

3. Mum _________me to be a doctor in the future. 4. How I_________I could fly to the moon!

15. take, cost, spend, pay

(1)take 花费, 尤指花费时间,主语为物 it takes sb. some time to do sth. (2)cost 花费, 指花金钱 ,主语为物 sth. cost sb. some money

(3)spend 花费, 主语为人 spend...(in) doing 或spend...on sth. (4)pay 花费, 主语为人 pay for 练习15:

1. It often_____________ about 3 hours to get to school from my home.

2. ---Who will ____ for the bill? ---Maybe our boss.

3. The house_________ him 30,000 dollars.

4. His cousin__________ the whole day making the toy car yesterday.

16. take part in, join, attend (1)take part in 参加某项活动

(2)join 指参加某组织,成为其中的一个成员

(3)attend 指参加会议,婚礼,葬礼,典礼;去上课,上学,听报告等 练习16:

1. Mr. Wang____________ the Party 5 years ago.

2. They invited Lily_____________________ the English evening. 3. He’ll _________ an important meeting tomorrow.

17. do with, deal with

(1)do with 处理,应付 在问句中要与what 连用 (2)deal with 处理,对付 在问句中要与how连用 练习17:

1. How can you______________ that problem? 2. What do you______________ the event?

18. put on, wear, dress, in

(1)put on 穿上 强调穿衣的动作

(2)wear 穿着 强调穿的状态,是一个延续性动词

(3)dress 给?穿衣服 宾语为人 dress oneself 给某人自己穿衣服 (4)in 穿着 强调穿戴的状态 be in+颜色 练习18:

1. ___________ the warm clothes, it’s cold outside.

2. Mary is always_________ red clothes . Maybe red is her favorite color. 3. The little boy could____________ himself when he was three years old. 4. The old man___________ a pair of glasses.

19. win, beat,defeat

(1) win 赢得 一般指赢得比赛,奖品或战斗,宾语为物

(2) beat 战胜,打败 一般指打败参加比赛或游戏的人或团体,宾语为人 (3)defeat 战胜,打败 一般指战场上打败敌人,宾语为人 练习19:

1. Our team has___________ the football match, we are all happy.

2. The Brazilian football team________ us 5-0 in that match, all the Chinese fans were very sad. 3. The army___________ the enemy at last.

20. be made in, be made of, be made from, be made up of (1)be made in 在哪里制作,后面接产地 (2)be made of 由?制成,看得出原料 (3)be made from由?制成,看不出原料

(4)be made up of由?组成,强调由个体组成整体


1. The desk__________________ wood.

2. This kind of watch___________________ Shanghai. 3. Our class _________________ 50 students. 4. Paper_____________________ bamboo.

21. have been to, have gone to

(1)have been to 曾经去过(现在在说话地),可与次数连用 (2)have gone to已经去了(现在不在说话地) 练习21:

1. They _________________ Italy for more than 7 years, so Italy is their second home. 2. ---How many times_____________________ Hainan? ---Only 3 times.

22. too much, much too, too many, many too (1)too much 太多 too much+不可数名词 (2)much too 太...... much too+形容词

(3)too many 太多 too many+可数名词复数 (4)many too 用法不存在 练习22:

1. The computer is________________ expensive. 2. Stop, Peter. You talked _____________. 3. Don’t eat____________ apples every day.

4.Father, have a rest. You’ve ______________ tired today. 5.Hurry up! You have wasted _________________ time.

23. many, much , lots of , a lot ( of )

(1)many 许多 many+可数名词复数 (2)much 许多 much+不可数名词

(3)a lot of/lots of 许多 a lot of/lots of+可数名词复数/不可数名词 (4)a lot 很,非常 a lot 修饰动词 练习23:

1. ____________ of the visitors are workers. 2. Has Jack have _____________ money?

3. During those three weeks, he ate ______________ meat.

4. I did not understand why you had so ______________ strange questions. 5. Although he is a boy, he reads ______________.

24. above all, after all, first of all, at all, in all (1)above all 最重要的是, 尤其是,强调要引起特别注意 (2) after all 毕竟, 终究 (3) first of all 首先, 强调次序

(4) at all 根本,丝毫 否定+at all (5)in all 总共, 总计 练习25:

1. Never waste anything, but _______________ never waste time.

2. ______________, let me introduce myself to you. 3. There are 35 students_____________ in our class. 4. He is still a child _____________. Don’t blame him. 5.I don’t know him ______________.

26. passed, past

(1)passed 经过 动词pass的过去式或过去分词 (2)past 经过 介词或副词 练习26:

1. They hurried _____________ the building.

2. Tom ____________ by me without greeting just now.

3. The train for the small town leaves at ten __________ eight. 4. Two weeks had ____________ since Martin had seen him. 5. In the _________, I have had many jobs.

27. agree to, agree with, agree on

(1) agree to 表示一方提出一项建议、安排、计划等,另一方同意协作 (2) agree with 表示同意某人或某人的意见、想法、分析、解释等;


(3) agree on/upon 双方经过协商,达成一致意见 agree on/upon doing sth. 练习27:

1. I ________________ what he said.

2. All those who _______________ the plan, raise your hands. 3. We _____________ leaving there the next day. 4. The food doesn’t _____________ him.

28.build, found, set up, put up

(1)build 建筑,建造 指施工建筑

(2)found 创立,成立,创办 指创立一个机构,组织或国家 (3)set/put up 搭起,竖起,挂起 后者常见 练习28:

1. Last year a cinema was ____________ near our school.

2. The rich man _____________ the hospital and a school in the town where he was born. 3. The People’s Republic of China was _____________ in 1949. 4. The newspaper reporter ___________ his camera under a tree.

29. a number of, the number of

(1)a number of 许多,大量 a number of+可数名词复数+谓语复数 (2)the number of ......的数量 the number of+名词复数+谓语单数 练习29:

1. There were _______________ people out this afternoon. 2. Do you write down ______________ my telephone?

3. ____________ of trees planted is never under 200 in our village every year. 4.We have lived here ______________ years.

5._____________ of jobless people grow in the country at present.

30. get( be ) ready, prepare, prepare for

(1)get(be)ready 准备好 强调准备的结果 be/get ready for/to do 准备好了做某事 (2)prepare 准备 强调准备的动作与过程,宾语是动作的承受着 (3)prepare for 为......做准备 宾语不是动作的承受者 练习30:

1. Mother is busy ______________ lunch in the kitchen.

2. The doctor told the nurses to ________________ the operation at once. 3. We all _____________ to do anything for the people.

4. The students are________________________ the final exam.

31. but, however, while

(1) but 强调前后意思转折,并且转折的语气最为强烈

(2)however 一般放在两句之间,前后用逗号隔开独立成句,表示意思的转折 (3)while 着重强调前后两者对比 练习31:

1. I like the film, ________ I have no time to see it.

2. It’s raining hard. _________ , I think we should go out. 3. Tom is reading __________Jim playing football.

4. You should finish your work before nine o'clock,________, you can have a break before you

start it.

32. for example, such as

(1) for example 举例说明某一论点或情况,一般只举同类人或事物中的一个,可作为插入语

for example+句子

(2)such as 通常用来列举事物,一般列举同类人或事物中的几个 such as+词语 练习32:

1. He, ____________ ,is a good teacher.

2. I know many students of your school, Wang Hong, ___________.

3. He can speak five foreign languages, _________ German and French.

4. He knows several languages, _________ , he knows English and Japanese. 5. Boys,___________ John and James are very friendly.

6. There are many fruits,_____________, apples, bananas, oranges and grapes.

33. alive, living, live

(1)alive 活的,有生命的(有死的可能但仍然活着) 作后置定语,放在名词后

(2)living 活的,有生命的 作表语或作定语。作定语时,放在名词前,一般指人

the living 活着的人

(3)live 活的,现场直播的 作定语,放在名词前,一般指动物 (4)lively 活波的,活跃的,有生机的 作定语或表语,可指人也可指物 练习33:

1. Who is the greatest man ___________? 2. My brother bought a ___________ fish?

3. The _________ people are more important than the dead.

4. The badly wounded soldier was unconscious but still ____________. 5. She is a________ girl.

34. across, through

(1)cross (动词)通过,穿过 表示在物体表面上横穿,如横穿马路,过河,过桥等 (2)across (介词)横跨,横穿,穿越 go across=cross

(3)through (介词)在......之中,穿越 表示从物体内部穿过,如森林,玻璃等 练习34:

1. Look around when you walk ___________ the street. 2. She drove straight __________ the town. 3. There is no bridge ____________ the river. 4. Water flows __________ this pipe.

5. The sunlight come___________ the window.

35. compare, compare? with , compare? to (1)compare 比较,相比

(2)compare...with 把......和......比较(同类事物间的比较,比较) (3)compare...to... 把......比作......(表示异类相比,比喻) 练习35:

1. If you ____________ these two words, you can tell the difference between them. 2. Please ________ this word ________ that one and tell me the difference. 2. We usually _________ children _________ flowers of the motherland.

36. custom, habit

(1)custom 风俗,习惯,传统 指一个民族或一个社会在发展过程中长期沿袭下来的礼节、风俗和习惯 (2)habit 习惯 指一个人长时间养成的自然习惯 练习36:

1.He has formed the __________ of smoking after meals.

2. It is the __________ in China to eat dumplings during the Spring Festival. 3. He has fallen into the ____________ of getting up late. 4. They broke some of the old _____________.

37. also, too, either, as well的区别

(1)also 多用于书面语,用于肯定句中 位于be动词,助动词,情态动词之后, 实义动词之前。 (2)too 多用于口语中,常用于肯定句或者一般疑问句。位置通常位于句末,前有逗号隔开。 (3)either 用于否定句,位于句末。

(4)as well 是副词短语, 多用于口语中,位于句末。 练习37:

1. He doesn’t want to go ___________. 2. He can swim ___________. 3. He is__________ a student. 4. He is a boy, _______.

38. alone, lonely

(1)alone (adj.) 独自的,单独的 作表语 (adv.)独自地,单独地 做状语

(2)lonely (adj.) 孤单的,寂寞的,荒凉的,偏僻的 作定语和表语 练习38:

1. He lives________ but he never feels_________.

2. Mr. Green was out. His little son David stayed at home _______, but he didn’t feel________.

39. others, the others, other,the other: (1)others 另一些,在一些 指三者或三者以上人或物中除去已知部分后“余下部分中的某一些”。

some...others... 一些......另一些.....

(2)the others 其余的,剩余的 指三者或三者以上的人或物中除去已知部分后“余下部分的全部”。 (3)other 别的,另外的,其他的 后常跟名词,泛指另外的人或物

(4)the other 另一个 指两者中的一个,与one连用 one...the other... 练习39:

1. I don’t like these. Please let me see some _________. 2. Three of you go there, and____________ stay here. 3. Do you have any___________ questions?

4. I have two pens. One is red;____________ is yellow.

40. Because, because of

(1)because 连词,意为“因为”,表示直接原因,引导原因状语从句,可回答why开头的问句。 (2)because of 介词短语,意为“因为,由于”,其后一般跟名词,代词或名词性短语。 练习40:

1. He didn’t go___________ his illness. 2. He didn’t go___________ he was ill.

3. He had to retire early______ poor health.

4. Jane didn’t buy a red sweater_____ she had no enough money.

41. a few, a little, few, little

(1)a few/a little 表肯定 意思是“一点” (2)few/little 表否定 意思是“没多少” (3)a few/few 修饰可数名词 (4)little/a little 修饰不可数名词 练习41:

1. It’s pretty cold, there are people in the swimming pool. 2. It’s not very cold, there are people in the swimming pool. 3. There is milk in the fridge, I need to buy some.

4. There is milk in the fridge, I don’t to buy any right now.

42. accident, incident

(1)accident 可以表示事故,指不幸的意外事件,也表偶然的事件。

(2)incident 可以表示事件,尤指与较重大的事件相比,显得不重要的事件 练习42:

1. It is a quite common incident.

2. Twenty people were killed in the railway ____________. 3. He met with an ___________.

43. arise, rise, raise

(1)rise 不及物动词 升起,增高

(2) arise 不及物动词 开始出现,发生,产生 (3) raise 及物动词 增加,举起,提高 (4) arouse 及物动词 激发,唤醒 练习43:

1. They__________ glasses to the friendship between the two peoples. 2. The lecture_________ my interest. 3. The sun ___________in the east. 4. A new problem has arisen.

