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Ⅰ.Translation these sentences into Chinese 1.他们将婚礼日期提前了一周。(put forward) 2.在会上所提出的建议正在讨论中。(put forward) 3.最后,我想说我今天过得很开心。(in conclusion)

4.从这些事实我们可以得出一些关于金字塔pyramids是如何建造的结论。(draw conclusion)

5.她因伺候生病的婆婆三十多年而受到人们的称赞。(attend on/upon) 6.不要让你的皮肤直接暴露于阳光下,否则你会被晒伤。(expose…to…) 7.一个人越多接触说英语的语言环境,他(她)就会学到越多的语言。(be exposed to)

8.老师纠正了他的坏习惯。(cure sb. of sth.)

9.她如此专心地看这本书以至于竟没有注意到我进来。(be absorbed in) 10.我不责备你做了那件事。(blame sb.for doing sth.) 11.警察把那起交通事故归咎于杰克的粗心驾驶。(blame sth. on sb.) 12.这位司机不应承担交通事故的责任。(be to blame for) 13.心脏病可能与吸烟有关。(be linked to) 14.我们学校所有人都向灾区捐献了东西。(contribute,,,to) 15.吸烟会导致肺癌。(contribute to) 16.贝蒂对艺术世界做出了巨大贡献。(make contribution to)

17.除了繁忙的学校作业,孩子们也不得不在业余时间上一些艺术、音乐和体育课。(apart from)


1.They have put forward the date of their wedding by one week. 2.The suggestion put forward at the meeting id under discussion.

3.In conclusion, I would like to say how much I have enjoyed myself today. 4.From these facts we can draw some conclusions about how the pyramids were built.

5.She was praised for having attended on/upon her sick mother-in-law for over thirty years.

6.Don’t expose your skin to direct sunlight, or you’ll get sunburnt. 7.The more one is exposed to the English speaking environment , the better he or she will learn the langage. 8.The teacher cured him of bad habits.

9.She was so absorbed in the book that she didn’t notice I come in. 10.I don’t blame you for doing that.

11.The police blamed the traffic accident on Jack’s careless driving. 12.The driver was not to blame for the traffic accident. 13.Heart disease can be linked to smoking.

14.All the people in our school contributed something to the disaster areas.

15.Smoking can contribute to lung cancer.

16.Betty made a great contribution to the art world.

17.Apart from busy schoolwork, the children also have to take arts,music and sports classes in their free time.

