2015学年第二学期高一外贸专业《外贸商函》期末试卷 P.1-4

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班级________ 姓名________得分________

CLASS___________ NAME____________ NUMBER____________


1. We shall manage to ___________ you with the goods you wanted. A. interest C. approach A. appreciate C. wish A. acceptable C. reasonable

B. provide D. offer B. expect D. consider B. open D. available B. this D. those

2. We will ____________ your quoting us your competitive prices for the following.

3. Enclosed please find our quotations which are ____________ for 15 days only.

4. It is proved that the quality of our item is the same as ___________ of the shipping samples. A. it C. that supply at present.

A. anticipate C. require in the future. A. result from C. result to A. which C. at which A. by

C. for

B. result in D. result on B. that D. what B. in D. to

B. declining D. going

B. are in urgent need of B. wish D. regret 5. We ____________ our inability to entertain your order for our stockings as we are in short

6. It is well known that low prices will often ___________ a high market share with great profit

7. This is our best price, ____________ leaves us with little margin of profit.

8. Our usual terms of payment are ____________ confirmed irrevocable L/C at sight.

9. As the market is ____________, we have received a crowd of enquiries from our customers. A. strong C. weak

10.As our customers _____________ the extra quantities, we would like you to ship them. A. are in badly need of

C. badly in need of

D. urgent in need of


1. 形式发票P/I 2. 供应商supporter

3. 采购经理purchasing manager 4. 主动报盘voluntary offer 5. 承兑交单D/A


1. duplicate order重复订单 2. navy blue深蓝色 3. advertisement广告

4.good value for money货真价实 5. negotiation in China在中国议付

四、 完成句子(本大题共5小题,每小题4分,共20分)

1. The contract stipulates that the shipment is to be effected_______________________________

_________________________________(收到信用证后28天内). within 28 days after receipt the L/C

2. On the recommendation of Smith & Black Company at your end, we know that _____________

_____________ _____(你公司是布娃娃玩具的只要出口商). you are a leading exporter of cloth dolls / toy dolls

3. If you have any questions, ____________ _________ _______ ____________ ______________________________________ (请立即联系我方). please don’t hesitate to contact us

4. As the stock of our makes are running low, __________________________________________ ____________________________________(请你方尽快下订单). please place your order as soon as possible

5. With reference to your fax of June 25, ______________________________________________ ___________________________(很高兴确认售予你方5000件). we are pleased to confirm having sold you 5000 pcs


1. We hereby confirm having sold to you the following goods on the terms and conditions as stated



2. We supply various textiles of high quality at reasonable 我们提供各种优质纺织品,且价格合理。

3. In view of your satisfactory garments, we may start long and profitable business cooperation. 鉴于你们令人满意的服装,我们可以长期合作,开展互利的业务。 4. We will inform you as soon as our new supplies come in. 新货一到就立即通知你方。

5. There is a big increase in the material cost and labor cost. 原材料价格和人工成本大幅增加。


Write an English Business Letter containing 100 words, using the reference words and Chinese hints given as follows: Chinese hints(中文提示): 诸位先生:

收到贵方的来函,感谢你方对我方产品的关注,现就该产品报价如下: 商品名称:全棉男式衬衫 数量:5000件 颜色:蓝色 包装:每箱20件

单价:每件35美元FCA杭州 总价175000美元


支付:货款的30%采用电汇方式预付,余款采用即期D/P方式支付 以上信息供你方参考,来信中要求的样品将另行邮寄。


Key words: attention to; Men’s Cotton Shirts; Place of receipt of the goods for the carrier; balance ; under separate cover Dear sirs,

Thank you for your letter and attention to our products. Now we are making you an offer as follows:

Name of commodity: Men’s Cotton Shirts Quantity: 5000 pcs Color: Blue

Packing: 20 pcs per carton

Unit price: at USD 35 per pc FCA Hangzhou Total amount: USD 175000.00

Place of receipt of the goods for the carrier: Warehouse at the factory

Payment: 30% of the amount paid in advance by T/T, the balance paid by D/P at sight

The above information is for your reference. The samples asked for in your letter will be sent under separate cover. Yours faithfully,



题目 得分 评卷人 I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX 总分 一、单项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)

1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4._______ 5.______ 6.______ 7.______ 8.______ 9._______ 10.______


1. 欧盟国家 2. 电子目录 3. 名片 4. 起运港 5. 业务合作


1. discriminating buyer 2. unit price 3. unique design 4.dealer

5. D/P at 30 days sight

五、 完成句子(本大题共5小题,每小题4分,共20分)

1. ___________________________ ______________________(关于我方的财务状况和声誉), please refer to the Bank of China, Ningbo.

2. Now we are sending you ____________ _____________ ____________________________ (另封寄上我们最新目录).

3. If your prices are competitive, ____________ ____________________________________ (我们将下大订单).

4. __________________________________________________________ (现向你方报盘如下), which is open for 10 days only.

