
更新时间:2023-09-20 19:45:01 阅读量: 医药卫生 文档下载


1.Familiarize yourself with the corporate information.

2.Familiarize yourself with all zara products -not just web search but also visit couple of stores,observe this season’s collection key items,visual display,store operation etc. 3.Research our industry dynamics(行业动态),our competitors and their products,as you may be asked questions around difference between shopping experience and products, 4.Stay posted on the international fashion scheme.

2.about Zara:

(1)Zara products:

民族风;流苏;格纹;蕾丝;仿皮;百褶;灯芯绒;直筒裙;短裙;毛大衣;阔腿裤 (2)store operation:

打折期间最直接的方式在店里的各处贴出打折标志when the products are on

sale ,posts obvious discount signs;店面整体构造一律都是一层是女装,二层是男装和童装The overall structure of the store is a first layer of women clothing, the second layer is the men wear and children wear;店面整体风格是明亮灯光配白屋顶和黑色陈列柜,衣服下面摆列着鞋The overall style of the store is rather bright and simple. Under the bright lights, white walls match black showcases. And there are shoes showing under clothes.;镜子随处可见,方便试衣The mirror can be seen everywhere. It is convenient for customer fitting.音乐是配合着节日氛围的欢快歌曲 The store is playing with a festive song or cheerful song.

试衣间是宽敞明亮的,试衣镜有两个。The fitting room is spacious and bright.但是试衣间经常有排队的现象工作人员会提醒买回家后试,但是顾客好像还需继续被养成这样的购物方式。The fitting room is often crowded , the staff will remind to buy and test them at home, but customers seem to be developed this way of shopping continuously.我所想到的解决方法是:1.培训店员,让店员能够帮助顾客选择更适合的衣服及尺码;2.提醒顾客珍惜其他顾客的排队时间;3.新增试衣间 3.industry dynamics: (1)产业环境总体分析

INDITEX所处的行业应该属于所谓的\快时尚\,而这主要包含三方面的含义,即上货时间快、平价和紧跟时尚潮流。INDITEX's industry should belong to the so-called \\\fashion\\\follow the fashion trends .

(2) 产业环境中的竞争状况分析 现有竞争者之间的竞争

作为服装业的最主要品牌竞争者,ZARA和H&M的经营方式极其相似,在黄金地段开店、与奢侈品为邻,店面光鲜,采用“少量、多款、平价”的理念,对流行时尚做出最快速的反应。As the main brand of clothing industry competitors, ZARA and H&M's mode of operation is extremely similar, set up shop in prime locations, luxury and neighbors from store shiny, adopt the idea of \

ZARA的品牌竞争者主要还是世界其他三大平价时装巨头:H&M(瑞典),GAP(美国),优衣库(日本)。ZARA brand competitor is the world's other three parity fashion giant: H&M (Sweden), GAP (USA), Uniqlo (Japan) .

1.优势产品 competitive products

H&M和Zara比较像,款多量少,款式更新速度极快,着重把握时尚潮流。HM and Zara is similar :be rich in style but poor in quantity ,high updated speed,grasping the fashion trends。 GAP的牛仔裤、徽标卫衣、童婴服饰应该是这几个快销品牌里面最好的。GAP jeans, logo clothing, children's clothing is one of the most competitive advantage.

优衣库主打基本款,夏天款式繁多的UT、秋冬的摇粒绒、轻型羽绒、HEATTECH保暖内衣是它的拳头产品。Uniqlo master basic,;summer UT, autumn and winter in a wide range of styles of polar fleece, light down, HEATTECH thermal underwear is the knock-out product of it

2.风格clothing style

ZARA:时尚(成熟、白领)Fashion (mature)

HM:时尚(年轻、活力)Fashion (youth, energy) GAP:美式休闲American leisure 优衣库:日式休闲Japanese leisure

5.店铺the store

HM:鞋子包饰品集中在一个区域Shoes, bags and accessories are concentrated in one area ;店内镜子不算多the mirror isn't much in store ;试衣间镜子的摆设很合理,能看到身前背后The decoration of the dressing room mirror is reasonable, we can see in front and behind ;广播促销商品信息broadcast the promotion goods。

GAP:试衣间可以直接进,不用拿牌customers can directly into the dressing room without number card;衣服的摆放很乱,款式分类不明确Clothing display is a mess, and design division is not clear;试衣间提示有WiFi,只有一面镜子。The fitting room is marked with WiFi, only one mirror. 优衣库:商品摆放及其整齐,尺码标志清晰,易于顾客找到自己的尺码clothing placed very neatly , size logo is so clear that it is easy to customers to find the size ;部分衣服有提示信息Part of the clothes have a message Like this;有广播促销商品信息及旧衣捐赠推广 Radio promotion commodity information and old clothes donation promotion ;店员见到顾客走过身边都会说欢迎光临优衣库when customer walked past,the staff will say loudly: \to uniqlo\;试衣间有提示免费改裤长,有拖鞋,只有一面镜子。There is a tip for free change height , only a mirror but slippers in the fitting room.

