Educational systems in the Republic of China and the United States

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Educational systems in the Republic of China and the United States


According to Slavin, culture refers to the shared norms, traditions, behaviors, language, and perceptions of a group (Slavin, 2006). Culture plays a huge role in education, on the behalf of the students as well as the teachers. When comparing the Republic of China and the United States of America, the relationship between culture and education can be evaluated further. I will start by providing background information on the United States of America. 根据斯莱文,文化是指共同的准则、传统、行为、语言和看法一群(斯莱文,2006年)。文化在教育中,学生的教师代表发挥巨大的作用。相比中国的共和国和美利坚合众国等国,可以进一步评价文化与教育之间的关系。我将开始通过提供关于美利坚合众国的背景信息。 The cultural values of the United States promote an educational system that entails more than just traditional education; reading, writing, and arithmetic are not the only subjects that are taught in the United States. The educational system ensures the physical as well as mental well being of the students. There are numerous programs that the U.S. ha ve that other schools don’t have, there are lunch programs that are setup for children to provide the nourishment that they might not get at home, there are drama and art programs that allow children to be more creative, there are even programs such as D.A.R.E, that teach the elementary school children to stay away from drugs. One other thing that the United States has to account for is the challenge of educating a diverse group of students. In the article comparing the U.S. and German Education, Noack st ates, “schools have taken on many other functions beyond the teaching of the three R’s, such as melting-pot socialization (the blending of diverse ethnicities, races, creeds, and cultures); recreation and avocation (extracurricular clubs and sports); vocational education (small classes and often expensive equipment); special interest classes (art, music, theater); special interest classes (Noack, 2000). The influence of culture on education in china is a little different (the movie Schools of Thought).美国的文化价值观促进教育的体系,需要更多只是传统的教育;阅读、写作和算术不都是在美国教会的唯一科目。教育系统确保学生的身体以及精神福祉。有众多美国有其他学校没有的节目,有为小孩提供养料,他们可能不会在家里设置的午餐计划,有戏剧和艺术的程序,让孩子们成为更有创意,有教小学的孩子们远离毒品的甚至程序(如 D.A.R.E。另一件事,美国不得不考虑是教育多元化的一群学生的挑战。在这篇文章比较美

国和德国教育、Noack 国家"学校都已采取很多其他功能超越教学的三个R,如大熔炉社会化(blendi......

Chinese culture shapes their education in many different ways. One

well-known thing is that the school year in China is longer than that of the U.S. The teachers there are stricter and more authoritative (the movie Schools of Thought). Students in China engage in more open-ended questions. In the culture of Chinese teachers they allow the children to partake in critical thinking by answering

in ways other than multiple choice (Cheng, 2004). The idea “practice makes perfect” is a firm belief in China (the movie Schools of Thought).中国文化在许多不同的方式塑造了他们的教育。众所周知的是这学年在中国是比美国的更长的时间那里的教师正在更严格、更有权威(电影学校的思想)。学生在中国从事更不限成员名额的问题。语文教师文化中它们能让儿童参加批判性思维,通过回答选择题(城,2004年)方式。"熟能生巧"理念是中国(电影学校的思想)坚定的信念。

Parents and teachers encourage school children to work hard to ensure a positive outcome, unlike the U.S. where children often attribute their ability to perform in certain subjects such as math to inert abilities that cannot be altered (the movie Schools of Thought). Slavin describes this as being an internal locus of control, and children who have higher levels of locus of control tend to work harder than those who have external locus of control (Slavin, 2006). This is discussed in the Haynes and Chalker article, when Indo Chinese refugee children come to the United States and score higher than U.S. counterparts. “The refugee students worked harder, and their parents supported them, believing that education would lead to success in life” (Haynes, and Chalker, 1997). This is a prime example of how cultural values can enhance resilience in individuals that are in an unfamiliar country. Looking at the end result of education as being influenced by culture is one aspect, but looking at how culture has developed provides another valuable perspective.家长和教师鼓励学生


The different cultures of the United States and China are due largely to their diverse histories. The history of the United States is largely based on the principles of a Democratic government and China is based on a communist government. The presence of politics can alter the agenda of a countries educational system. Some of china’s earlier leaders perceived education as a way to keep a country moral and to have a better legal system. For this reason leaders of China concluded that it was good to hold teachers in high regard (Mingyuan, 1998). According to some Chinese leaders becoming a teacher was just a step before becoming a leader or an emperor. As in North America, in China the relationship between the student and the teacher were once equal as in the United States, but as means of the ruling class to maintain power, they enforced the teacher as an authoritative figure (Mingyuan, 1998). The teachers then prepared the students to take a civil service exam, and if they passed the exam in a convincing fashion then they could attain a higher role in society (Mingyuan, 1998). These are early implications of the strict testing policies and the valuable role of the teacher in China. In a literature review of the satisfaction of teachers in China and the United States, teachers in China were unlike American teachers in that they viewed their jobs as being something of importance or prestige, not just a simple occupation ( Ouyang and Paprock). The cultural goals of the United States are much different than that of China. 美国和中国的不同文化都是很大程度


The United States is a democratic country and the culture reflects that. The United States is composed of many different ethnicities and backgrounds. People come from all over the world to live in the United States in hopes of becoming free, voice their own ideas and to attain great wealth. In attempt to carry America’s beliefs, it is important to establish a diverse educational system as stated earlier. One other problem created by a democratic government is educating students equally amongst classes. Slavin further explains the problem by saying, “Though we usually think of cultural diversity within the United States as between the United States and other

industrialized nations. The life of a middle-class family in the United States or Canada is probably more like that of a middle-class family in Italy, Ireland, or Israel than it is like that of a low-income family living a mile away”(Slavin, 2006). With this being said the mainstream groups don’t honor the cultur al differences between classes in America as much as they value cultures from different countries (slavin,

2006). Teachers are often from the higher SES groups that are valued by society, and the kids from the lower SES groups don’t benefit because they don’t value the same cultural behaviors (Slavin, 2006). Children from lower SES backgrounds tend to work in groups and children from middle to upper SES backgrounds value an individual competitive learning style. One other problem is that lower SES parents are not able to spend a lot of time teaching their kids things that they could otherwise teach them if they did not have to work as much. Some of the problems of the education system that are linked to SES are accounted for in Chinese education.美国是一个民主国家和文化反映了这一点。美国被由许多不同种族和背景。人们来自世界,生活在美国想变成自由,表达自己的想法,获得巨大的财富。在尝试执行美国的信念,是重要的是建立多元化的教育体系,如上文所述。由一个民主政府的另一个问题教育学生均分到类。斯拉温进一步说明了这个问题,说:"尽管我们通常认为的在美国境内的美国和其他工业化的国家之间的文化多样性。在美国或加拿大的中产阶层家庭的生活是可能更像是在意大利、爱尔兰或以色列的中产阶层家庭比起来,低收入家庭生活英里客场"(斯拉温,2006年)。与此说主流群体不尊重文化差异......

The idea of the teacher in China having a more authoritative role and being that of role model has positive affects on students. The teachers are more aggressive and take on more so of a demanding role than teachers in the United States. Tsang (1996), as cited in Ouyang and Paprock (2006), discussed that the teachers in China do not teach as much as teachers in other countries, but they spend time doing other important things such as tutoring, meeting with parents, or conducting lesson plans with other teachers. The teachers even go as far as broadcasting important information with other teachers through television networks (Cheng,

2004). According to McMullen et al. (2005) China has an early child education system, which requires an extensive educational background for teachers of kindergarten classes. This shows that China puts an emphasis on educating children earlier. On the contrary McMullen et al. reported there are no early education programs in the United States and there is not a common criteria for the educational background for early education teachers. Although the teacher’s role in China is

beneficial in ways, it still lacks in some areas, as does the teacher’s role in the United States. 老师在中国有一个更具权威的角色,角色模型的想法对学生有正向影响。教师更加激进,承担更多这样的富有挑战性的角色,比在美国的教师。曾荫培(1996 年),如述欧阳和Paprock (2006 年),讨论我国教师不像在其他国家,教师一样教,但他们花时间做家教、会见家长,或与其他教师进行教案等其他重要的事情。老师们甚至去尽量在广播与其他教师通过电视网络(城,2004年)的重要信息。根据麦克马伦等人(2005 年)中国有早期儿童教育体系,这就需要一个广泛的教育背景为幼儿园班的老师。这表明中国强调早些时候教育孩子。相反·麦克马伦等人报告说有没有早期教育计划,在美国还有.....

The teaching systems of the United States and of China both have their pros and cons. When taking a quick glance at the advantages and disadvantages of education in China and America, it easy to make suggestions about how to make changes (Noack, 2000). An example of this would be when Mingyuan discusses the advantages and disadvantages of teacher’s roles in China and America (Mingyuan, 1998). He states, the role of an authoritative teacher is good in that it requires the children to respect them but it might be at the expense of the child’s creativity or their ability to do things on their own. On behalf of the United States, the teachers do not allow the students to create their own questions, so they are not actively involved in learning things of interest to them (Mingyuan, 1998). In an ideal world we could say that it makes since to tell the teachers in China to be more motivational and to encourage the children to take initiative, and American teachers should command respect from students and place higher demands. However it is important to note that some things about each educational system cannot be easily changed, nor should they be changed. It is very important to keep in mind the goals of the system at

hand. Certain goals of education might not be shared by the United States and the Republic of China. As stated earlier by Noack, the educational goals of the United Sates are due to the diverse population (Noack, 2000). One other thing that should be taken into consideration when discussing education is the population differences amongst countries. The population is approximately 1.3 billion in china 教学系统的美国和中国都有其优点和缺点。当考虑一瞥的利与弊在中国和美国的教育,它容易使建议关于如何使改变(Noack,2000年)。一个这样的例子会明远讨论教师角色在中国和美国(明远,1998年)的利弊时。他指出,权威的教师的角色是好的它需要孩子们尊重他们,但它可能会导致孩子的创造力或者它们的能力来做自己的事情。美国,老师不让学生来创建他们自己的问题,因此他们并不积极参与学习兴趣对他们(明远,1998年)的东西。在理想的世界中,我们可以


(533b74cb65ce0508763213bb/english/doc/2004-01/30/content_303898.htm). To compensate for this overwhelming population China encourages people to have only one child, and this in turn lead to the abundance of boys in China. This could also have a huge effect on temperament of the boys in the classrooms. In comparison the population of the United States is roughly 298,444,215 为了弥补这种压倒性的人口中国鼓励人们有只有一个孩子,这反过来导致丰富的中国男孩。这也可以在教室里有气质的男孩子们巨大的影响。相比之下,美国的人口大约是298,444,215 (https://533b74cb65ce0508763213bb/cia/publications/factbook/geos/us#People). Extra programs that are held in the United States might be more difficult to fund in a country that has over one billion more people. 在美国举行的额外程序可能更难

筹集资金在更多的人已超过10 亿的国家。

Difference Between Chinese and Western Culture

? Categorized under Culture,Miscellaneous | Difference Between Chinese and Western Culture

Chinese vs Western Culture

The main difference between Chinese and Western culture is that China is an oriental country, and its traditional culture is completely different from western heritage. Chinese culture is older than 5000 years, and Chinese people have developed their own music, musical instruments, painting techniques, traditional Chinese medicine, and not to forget, cooking methods etc –completely different and unique when

compared to Western culture. Chinese believe in healthy eating, and have a holistic approach health. The Western culture is more advanced, and loves adventure and exploration. The Chinese focus more on collective gain instead of individual gain by making the right decisions, and believe in adopting a middle way to avoid extremism.中国和西方文化之间的主要区别是中国是一个东方的国家,和它的传统文化是完全不同于西方的文化遗产。中国文化是5000 年以上和中国人民有发展自己的音乐,乐器,绘画技法,传统中药,并没有忘记,烹饪方法等等——完全不同和独特的与西方文化相比。中国相信健康的饮食,并有一个通盘的健康。西方文化更先进,和喜欢冒险和探索。中国更注重集体而不是个人才能获得的增益,作出正确的决定,并相信采取一个中间的方式来避免极端主义。Westerners find the Chinese culture complex, and hard to understand, as the Chinese culture has its own values, background and belief system. The Chinese are very friendly and helpful to a stranger, compared to Westerners who would never entertain a stranger. Western culture has a wealthy and luxurious lifestyle, but Chinese mostly have a modest way of living, for example, on average, the Chinese may have no more than 40 sq. feet of living space. Chinese use sir names, and are strictly moral to avoid public displays of affection. The

Western culture has the freedom to express them freely. When compared to Western culture, the Chinese culture differs a lot, as they value relationships more than their Western counterparts.西方人认为中国文化复杂,和难以理解,作为中国的文化有其自身的价值观,背景和信仰系统。中国人是非常友好和乐于助人,对于一个陌生人来说,相比,将永远不会接受一个陌生人的西方人。西方的文化有着一个富有和奢华的生活方式,但中文主要有适度的生活方式,例如,平均,中国可能会有不超过40 平方公尺的生存空间。中国使用先生的名字,并严格道德以避免公共炙热的感情。西方的文化有自由表达他们的自由。与西方文化相比,中国的文化很多,不同作为他们价值的关系,比他们的西方同行。

There is a vast difference between the major philosophies of eastern and western life. Westerners believe in self dedication to achieve their goals of success and happinesses etc., whereas the Chinese have behavioral ethics, and are dependent on their inner world and perceptions of eternal recurrence. The Western approach is to search outside of yourself, whereas the Chinese prefer to adopt a systematic approach, and search within themselves.有东部和西部生活的主要理念的巨大区别。西方人相信自我奉献来实现其目标的成功和幸福等等,中国具备行为的道德,而是依赖于他们的内心世界和永恒轮回的观念。西


The real happiness in Western society is based upon a materialistic approach, whereas the Chinese believe that true happiness is achieved by inner intervention, as the truth is the key to eternal bliss and happiness. The Western society believes in individualism, whereas the Chinese culture believe in collectivism and fundamental connections with others. A Westerner is overwhelmed by pragmatic, materialistic and emotional approaches in comparison to the Chinese, who have a more missionary and spiritual approach towards life. The Westerner analyzes and the Chinese meditate. The Chinese believe in virtues and Westerners believe in value ethics.在西方社会中真正的幸福基于一种唯物主义的方法,而中国人认为真正的幸福通过内部的干预,如果说真理是永恒的祝福和幸福的关键。西方社会信奉个人主义,而中国的文化相信集体主义和与他人的基本连接。一个西方人是务实的、唯物的、情感的方法相比,中国人有一更传教和精神的生活态度,被淹没的。分析了西方人和中国冥想。中国人相信美德,西方人相信价值伦理。


1. Westerners believe in individualism, and Chinese believe in collectivism.

2. The Western culture has the freedom to express affection freely, whereas the Chinese culture is puritanical.

3. Western and Chinese philosophies are unique and entirely different to each other.

4. The Chinese believe in relationships, and searching for inner bliss and happiness through meditation.

5. The Western culture believes in a materialistic approach, and has a pragmatic and emotional attitude.1.西方人相信个人主义,和中国人相信集体主义。2.西方的文化有自由,表达感情的自由,而中国的文化是清教徒。3.西方哲学是独一无二的彼此完全不同。4.中国人相信关系和寻找内在的喜悦和幸福,通过冥想。5.西方文化认为在物欲横流的方法中,并以务实和情感态度。

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Societal, Institutional, and Value Differences between

Chinese and Americans

Adapted from "Bridging US-China" Cross-Cultural Differences Using Internet and Groupware Technologies", Zhouying

Jin, Robert M. Mason, and Peter P. Yum

Chinese, Western parenting methods compared in new study

By Xuyang Jingjing Source:Global Times Published: 2013-6-5 18:58:01

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When speaking of "Chinese parents," words like controlling, strict, and authoritarian usually come to mind, thanks in part to Amy Chua, a Yale law professor, who wrote about how she educated her two daughters as a "Tiger Mother" almost two years ago.

But why are Chinese parents, and perhaps parents in East Asian countries as well, so controlling? Scientists are trying to unravel the cultural and psychological reasons behind it.

A study by psychologists proposes that the reason why Chinese parents are more controlling probably lies in the fact that they are more likely to associate their children's performance, in school and in life, with their own worth. But social pressure, tradition of obedience may also play a part. 当谈到"中国的父母,"字像控制,严格,和专制的通常来介意,部分归功于蔡美儿,耶鲁大学的法学教授,写了关于如何她教育她的两个女儿作为"虎妈"差不多两年前。但为什么是中国的父母和也许父母在东亚国家一样,所以控制?科学家们试图解开其背后的文化与心理的原因。心理学家的一项研究提出了为什么中国的父母更控制可能的原因在于实际上它们是更有可能将他们的孩子表现相关联、学校和在生活中,与他们自己的价值。但社会压力,传统的顺从也可能起到作用。

The research paper, entitled "Why Are Chinese Mothers More Controlling Than American Mothers?" surveyed 215 mothers and children in China and the US six years ago and the results were published in the recent issue of Child Development Journal.

Parents and children were surveyed twice over a year to indicate the extent to which the parents used psychological controlling practices, which usually involved emotional punishment, such as inducing guilt. For instance, if a child does something the parents don't like, parents may act less friendly toward it or tell the child that they should feel guilty.在新一期儿童发展》杂志上发表

研究论文,题为"为什么是中国的母亲们更多的控制,比美国的母亲?"调查215 母亲和孩子们在中国和美国六年前和结果。父母和孩子进行调查表明父母使用心理控制的做法,通常涉及到情感的处罚,如诱导内疚程度一年多两倍。例如,如果一个孩子的父母不喜欢的东西,父母可能行动较少对它友好或告诉孩子他们应该感到内疚。

Child-based worth

Some examples of psychological manipulation can be found in Chua's story. In her book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, Chua, a Chinese-American, wrote about her constant battles with her two daughters as she pushed them to excel in school, piano and violin. She wrote that any grade less than an A was unacceptable and sleepovers or play dates were not allowed. When her daughter refused to practice the piano, she called her "lazy, cowardly, self-indulgent and pathetic."

Parents were also asked to indicate the extent to which they felt their self-worth was based on their children's achievements.心理操纵一些例子可以发现在蔡美儿的故事。在她的书,战歌的虎妈蔡美儿,华裔美国人,写了关于她无休止的战争和她的两个女儿当她推创先争优在学校、钢琴和小提琴。她写道:任何等级低于A 是不能接受和不允许在别人家过夜或播放日期。当她的女儿拒绝练习弹钢琴时,她叫她"懒惰、胆怯、自我放纵与可怜。"父母也被要求说明的程度,他们觉得他们的自我价值基于孩子们的成绩

For instance, parents were asked to rate to what extent they feel bad about themselves when their child fails, or whether their child's failure makes them feel ashamed.

The study found that Chinese mothers based their worth on children's performance more than European and African American mothers, and that this contributed to the difference in parental control among Chinese and American mothers.

This research doesn't just look at the differences between Chinese and US parents, but it established a correlation between parents' child-based worth and their use of psychological control. It means that mothers with greater child-based worth are more controlling, said Florrie Fei-Yin Ng, a professor of psychology at Chinese University of Hong Kong, and lead author of the paper. 例如,家长们要求率到何种程度上他们自我感觉不好时他们的孩子失败,或是否他们的孩子的失败使他们感到羞耻。研究发现中国母亲将自己的价值基于儿童性能超过欧洲和非洲裔美国人的母亲,这导致中国和美国的母亲们的家长控制的差异。这项研究不只是看看中国和我们的父母,差异但它建立了基于价值的儿童的父母的相关性和心理控制其使用。这意味着有更多基于儿童价值的母亲是更多控制,说弗洛里飞贤吴荣奎在香港中文大学和Hong 和本文作者的心理学教授

"The more the parents feel that their worth hinges on their children's performance, the more pressure they have to do whatever they can to push their kids," said Ng.

In Chinese communities, parents often compare their children's performances either in public or in private. Parents often say to their children, "We're doing this for your own good" or "Everything I did, I did for you."

Although many young parents in their 20s or 30s say they don't want to put too much pressure on their children as their parents did, they still admit that if their children don't do well in school, they would feel embarrassed or feel that they had "lost face."有更多的家长觉得自己的价值取决于子女的性能、更大的压力,他们必须尽他们所能把他们的孩子,"吴说。在华人社区中,父母往往比较他们孩子们的演出在公营或私营。父母经常对自己的孩子,说"我们这样做对你自己好"或者"我所做的一切,我做给你"。虽然很多年轻的父母在他们20 多岁或30 多岁说他们不想把太多的压力对他们的孩子,像他们的父母那样,他们仍然承认如果他们的孩子不在学校表现不错,他们会感到尴尬,或感觉他们"失去的脸"。

Lying to make you better

Perhaps another example of parental manipulation is lying. According to a study that compares the use of lies by US and Chinese parents, while the vast majority of parents in both countries have lied to their children to influence their behaviors, Chinese parents lie more and approve of it to a greater degree than their US counterparts.

Scientists in the US, China and Canada showed 114 parents in the US and 85 in China a list of lies that parents might use with their children. Parents were told to identify whether they'd used such statements and rate to what extent these lies are acceptable. 可能操纵的家长的另一个例子在说谎。根据一项研究相比,利用美国的谎言和中国的父母,而绝大多数的这两个国家的父母对他们的孩子去影响他们的行为,中国的父母撒谎更爱撒谎,赞成它更大程度上比他们的美国同行。在美国、中国和加拿大的科学家表明114 的父母在美国和中国的85 一连串的谎言,父母可能会用他们的孩子。父母被告知以确定是否他们曾经这样的声明和利率至何种程度上这些谎言都是可以接受。

Some of the lies sound like common parenting tricks: "Finish all your food or you'll grow up to be short," "If you don't come with me now, I'll leave you here by yourself" or "If you don't behave, we will throw you into the ocean to feed the fish."

The study, published last November in the International Journal of Psychology, found that 84 percent of US parents and 98 percent of Chinese parents reported telling at least one lie similar to those on the list. It suggests that instrumental lying may be more common among Chinese parents who expressed greater acceptance of parental lying, even though parents in both countries view lying as a negative attribute in children.

But when it comes to lying in order to protest their children's feelings, Chinese parents lie in fewer instances than US parents, according to the study.

一些谎言听着像常用的育儿技巧:"完成你所有的食物或者你会成长为短,""如果你现在不跟我来,我会离开你自己在这儿"或"如果你不守规矩,我们会把你扔到海里去喂鱼。"该研究在国际心理学杂志》发表去年11 月发现84%的美国父母和98%的中国父母报告类似于那些名单上至少一个说谎。它表明器乐躺可能更普遍,中国的父母表示更大的接受的父母说谎,即使这两个国家的父母查看说谎作为儿童的消极属性。但圆谎,抗议他们的孩子的感情的时候,中国的父母们躺在较少的情况下比美国父母,根据这项研究。

The results are consistent with differences between Asian Americans and Americans of European descent, the paper writes. Researchers suggest that cross-cultural differences may reflect "greater concern with social cohesiveness and a greater emphasis on respect and obedience in Asian cultures that encourages parents to be more willing to lie to achieve these ends."

To elaborate on the approach, the paper quoted a Chinese parent as saying, "When teaching children, it is okay to use well-intentioned lies. It can promote positive development and prevent your child from going astray."结果均符合差异亚裔美国人和美国人欧洲后裔,文章写道。研究人员认为跨文化差异可能反映"与社会凝聚力和更加强调尊重和服从在亚洲文化中的,鼓励家长更愿意说谎来实现这些目标的更大关注"。详细解释的方法,文章引述中国家长说,"当教孩子们,它用善意的谎言还好。它可以促进积极的事态发展和防止您的孩子误入歧途。"

Adverse effects

Numerous studies have found that too much parental control undermines children's psychological development, afflicting them with depression and low self-esteem among other negative effects.

Wang Qian, a professor of psychology at Chinese University and Hong Kong, and Eva Pomerantz, professor of psychology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, have both spent years studying the effect of different parenting techniques on children's development and comparing the differences of Chinese and Western parents.

It is usually believed that parental control may have a greater impact on children in Western culture which places more emphasis on independence than in East Asian cultures. But in 2009, Wang and Pomerantz published a study that showed similarly negative effects of parental control on children's psychological functioning in the US and in China. 许多研究都发现太多的家长控制损害儿童的心理发展,困扰他们的抑郁和低自尊之间其他的负面影响。王茜,中文大学和Hong 港和Eva 波梅兰,伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-尚佩恩分校的心理学教授心理学教授都花了多年的时间研究不同的教养方法对儿童发展和比较中国和西方父母的不同影响。它通常被认为家长控制可能更多地强调独立比东亚文化中的西方文化中的儿童有更大的影响。但在2009 年,王和波梅兰发表的一项研究表明同样的家长控制孩子们的心理功能在美国和中国的负面影响。

Many parents, especially Chinese parents, have a tendency to center their whole life around their children. It's an unhealthy relationship, said Ng. "There should be proper boundaries between parents and children," she added.

Over the years there have been sporadic reports of such parent-child tension exploding in more extreme ways such as suicide, patricide or matricide. Many young people are also now voicing their anger and frustration at their parents. A group called "Parents are hazards" exists on Douban, a social media network in China. Founded in 2008, the group

now has close to 64,000 members. Teenagers and young adults tell stories about how their parents pressured, controlled and oppressed them seemingly without regard to their personal interests and emotional well-being. 很多父母,尤其是中国的父母,有的倾向,围绕他们的孩子他们整个生活的中心。这是一种不健康的关系,说吴。"应该是父母和孩子之间的适当界限,"她补充说。多年来一直在更极端的方式,如自杀、弑父弑母爆炸这种父-子张力的零星报告。许多年轻人们现在也表达了其愤怒和沮丧,他们的父母。一个名为"父母皆危害"豆瓣,在中国的社交媒体网络上存在。成立于2008 年,集团现拥有接近64000 个成员。青少年和年轻人讲述他们的父母如何迫于压力、控制和压迫他们看似不考虑他们的个人利益和情感福祉故事。

However, involvement of parents in their children's life isn't always a bad thing. There have been studies that show a marked degree of parental involvement in education improves children's performances in school.然而,参与的家长在孩子们的生活中并不总是一件坏事情。已经有研究表明,家长参与教育明显的程度提高学校的孩子们的演出。Cultural factors

Drawing on other studies, Ng and her co-authors listed a number of cultural factors that may contribute to more controlling parents. Chinese culture is more interdependent and is often considered a "face" culture. Therefore "parents may incorporate children's accomplishments into their view of themselves," they wrote.

Zou Hong, a professor of developmental psychology at Beijing Normal University, agrees that the traditional belief that parents are responsible for children's education and accomplishments is an important factor in parents' heightened involvement in children's lives. However, she doesn't think it necessarily means parents' sense of worth is based on their children. 借鉴其他研究,吴和她的合著者列出了一些可能导致更多的控制父母的文化因素。中国文化是更加相互依存,通常被认为是"面子"文化。因此"父母可能把孩子的成绩纳入他们对自己的看法,"他们写道。北京普通大学的发展心理学教授邹Hong 同意父母要对孩子的教育负责和取得的成就是在父母的一个重要因素的传统信仰加剧参与孩子们的生活。然而,她并不认为它一定意味着父母的价值观基于他们的孩子。

"Failing to educate the child is the fault of the father," as an old saying goes. "We've always emphasized education and see it as the responsibility of the parents to educate their children and to build their character," said Zou.

Chinese culture also emphasizes parental authority, as well as respect and obedience on the part of the children.

The fact that most Chinese parents would depend on their children to support them in their old age may be another reason why parents are set on ensuring a bright future for their children. "Since we can't depend on the government or society, I've only got my boy to depend on. So the better off he turns out in the future, the more secure my life would be later on," said a mother in Fujian Province surnamed Lin, who has a 4-year-old boy. "未能教育孩子是故障的父亲,"作为一个老话说的那样。邹主任说:"我们总是强调过教育和把它

看作教育子女,并打造自己的性格,父母的责任"。中国文化还强调父母的权威,以及尊重和服从的儿童。最中国的父母将取决于他们的孩子养活他们安享晚年的事实可能是为什么父母在确保一个光明的未来,为他们的孩子设置的另一个原因。"因为我们不能依赖政府或社会,我只有我的儿子来依靠。所以更好他原来在将来,更安全我的生活将是以后的"一位母亲在福建省姓林,有一个4 岁男孩说。

Zou also admits that the common definition of success in China may be too limited in terms of social status, as a good job and steady income are often the most important thing, while in the West the primary goal may be to develop an independent-thinking individual. Many parents like Lin still hope their children will at least have a college education.

Social mobility may be at play here, as Alan Paul points out. An American author and musician, Paul calls himself "Panda Dad" in contrast to Chua's "Tiger Mom." In response to the Tiger Mom controversy, he wrote in an article for the Wall Street Journal, saying that "it's easy to understand a traditional Chinese drive for perfection in children: it is a huge nation with a long history of people thriving at the top and scraping by at the bottom without much in between."

邹也承认在中国取得成功的共同定义可能太有限的社会地位,因为一份好的工作和稳定的收入往往是最重要的事情,而在西方主要的目标可能是要培养独立思考能力的个体。很多父母像林仍然希望他们的孩子将至少具有大专以上学历。社会流动性可能在起作用,正如Alan Paul 指出。美国作家和音乐家,Paul 自称"熊猫爸爸"与蔡氏"虎妈妈"。虎妈争议的回应,他在一篇文章中写道的华尔街日报,说,"它很容易理解传统中国人开车完美的儿童:它是一个巨大的国家,有着悠久历史的人们顶部蓬勃发展,在这两者之间没有太多的底部刮了。"

Chinese parents have much to learn. "Most parents' intentions are good; it's just the way they educate and interact with their children may be problematic," said Zou. "Many only want obedience and don't know how to communicate with the children as an independent person."

Experts disagree whether things will become better or worse for the children. Ng believes that competition in society is getting more fierce and not only in the academic sense. "Parents are likely to be under more pressure and therefore become more demanding on their children, pushing them to excel not only in school, but in all the other aspects," she said. 中国的父母有很多要学。"大多数父母的出发点是好的;只是他们教育和与他们的孩子进行互动的方式可能会有问题,"邹主任说:。"很多人只想要服从和不知道如何与孩子沟通,作为一个独立的人。"专家们不同意是否事情会变得更好或更糟的孩子们。吴认为,在社会竞争日趋更加激烈,不仅在学术意义。"父母皆可能受到更大的压力,因此变得更加苛刻于子女,推动创先争优不仅在学校,但在所有其他方面,"她说。

Zou, on the other hand, sees hope in the younger generation who are becoming parents. They may become less authoritarian than their parents' and grandparents'

generation. "Young people today are more willing to learn about parenting and have more access to information such as psychology; and they would also reflect on how they were brought up as a kid, and perhaps change things," she said.


Chinese Values, Customs and Beliefs by Lea Xu, Vice-President, Lotus Travel Inc.

Ancient viewpoint:

“With time and patience, the mulberry leaf becomes a silk gown”

The Chinese take pride in their 5000 years of ancient history and long experience with creating important cornerstones for civilization. Just a few of the listed inventions that originate from China include: paper- making, gunpowder, silk, magnetic compass, abacus, ink, wheelbarrow, Chess, tea, paper money, seismograph, kites and umbrellas. By contrast, Chinese view the US as a relatively “new” country with little history of only200 years.

Confucianism is part of the ancient tradition upon which Chinese culture is derived. There are four basic virtues considered the cornerstones of this philosophy and they focus on loyalty; respect for parents and elders; benevolence, and righteousness


“Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere”

Mandarin is the official language. In the many provinces where Mandarin is not spoken, people may speak one of four major dialects—Cantonese, Shanghainese, Fukinesese or Hakka. There is only one official written language and many of the characters have evolved from ancient pictographs. In the 1950?s the Chinese government simplified some 2,000 of the most commonly used characters in an effort to promote literacy. They also created a standard Romanized alphabetical system called pinyin for translating Chinese

characters. One can be functionally literate with knowledge of about 1500 characters, although a well educated person would recognize 6000-8000 characters. In the last 60 years or so, Chinese literacy rate has changed from about 20% of the population to more than 80% of the country.


“A book holds a house of gold”

There is probably no accomplishment considered more esteemed than a high level of education. Education is most highly esteemed in Chinese society. This value can be traced to the Confucian concept that “he who excels in learning can be an official.”Students attend school six days per week and often study late into the night. They consider this their duty to show honor to the parents and family.

Courtesy and Gift Giving:

“Courtesy Demands Reciprocity”

China has a history of etiquette that is reflected in it?s history and stories.One such example is: Once upon a time, a man went on a long tour to visit his friend with a swan as a gift. But it escaped from the cage on the way and in his effort to catch it, he got hold of nothing but a feather. Instead of returning home, he continued his journey with the swan feather. When his friend received this unexpected gift, he was deeply moved by the story as well as the sincerity. And the saying 'the gift is n othing much, but …it's the thought that counts.' was spread far and wide.

As is said above, Chinese consider gifts as an important part to show courtesy. It is appropriate to give gifts on occasions such as festivals, birthday, wedding, or visiting a patient. If you are invited to a family party, small gifts like wine, tea, cigarettes, or candies are welcome. Also fruit, pastries, and flowers are a safe choice.

As with most cultures, it is polite and often expected that you thank the giver of the gift. Thank you notes, a phone call afterwards, or any other gesture of thanks is greatly appreciated in the Chinese culture as well.

What varies perhaps slightly is how the receiver reacts. Chinese tend to be humble about receiving a gift, repeatedly expressing how truly unnecessary the gift was immediately followed by sincere thanks. For those not accustomed to this type of exchange, it may feel awkward to have someone repeatedly inform you "you shouldn't have." It does make it difficult for some to interpret between a true, no you shouldn't have and one of politeness. But it all really has to do with the tone it is delivered and the context.

Birthday Celebrations:

Depending on the family, birthdays can be celebrated in a variety of ways. Most Chinese these days celebrate the birthday as they are on the Western calendar; but some, especially the older generation, still mark their birthdays based on the Chinese calendar. Thus, the actual day changes from year to year. Some, even older traditions, celebrate everyone's birthday during Chinese New Year celebrations, which makes the 15-day celebration something important for everyone.


The first important event for the newly born baby is the one-month celebration. The child?s parents give gifts to the relatives and friends. The traditional and essential gift is red

eggs. Red dyed eggs are chosen because they symbolize the changing process of life and their rounds shape is the symbol of a happy and harmonious life.

The red color means happiness in Chinese culture. Other foods such as cakes, chickens, ginger and hams are often given to the friends and relatives as gifts also. Gifts are given in even numbers. During the festivities, relatives and friends will give the child red envelopes with the money. I n the evening, the child?s parents serve a rich feast at home or a restaurant to the guests attending the celebrations.

The Chinese count age starting from birth and consider how many Chinese New Year celebrations experiences as a marker of age. For example, baby born December 1, 2004 will be 2 years old in January 2006 because they will have crossed from 2004 to 2005 and from 2005 to 2006.


The biggest birthday is the sixtieth year. That is the year where both the animal and the element symbol are exactly the same as the year you were born. It is not uncommon at this celebration to give symbols of longevity and extended like, like miniature old trees showing the strength built over the passage of time. After this special celebration, a birthday celebration is held every ten years. It is the grown children of the elderly who celebrate their parents? birthday to show deep respect and gratitude for them.

According to traditional customs, the parents are offered foods that have the symbolism of health and prosperity. On the birthday morning the father or mother will eat a bowl of noodles. In China long noodles symbolize longevity. Eggs are also among the best choices of food taken to others on this special occasion and symbolize harmony.

Colors and Numbers:

Red is considered a color of celebration and is considered lucky or fortunate. Pink and yellow typically mean prosperity. White, gray and black are funeral colors.

The Chinese concept of lucky numbers is similar to that of other cultures. The key to good or bad numbers in Cantonese is based on sound. For example, the number two (2) is fortunate, because it is similar to the sound (?) of “easy”; in Cantonese. Three (3) is associated with living. The number four sounds like “death” in Chin ese. Sometimes buildings will skip a fourth floor altogether. Six represents good luck and can also reflect the six elements of nature,-- wind, mountains, rivers, lighting, moon and sun. Eight (8) is associated with “prosperity” and is desirable for a ll occasions. Nine (9) is associated with “eternal”.Originally

it could only be used by the imperial family. The Forbidden City was designed with 9,999 rooms

Celebrations, Ceremonies & Dining


These are usually held in restaurants in private rooms, either for dinner or lunch. The head of the group typically enters the room first. At a formal dinner the main host and guest are seated facing each other, with the host with his back to the door and the main guest with facing the door. Usually guests are then seated in descending order of rank around the

table. Guest should always wait to be guided to their places and should not sit until the main host and guest have done so. Banquets usually have for main course which include: (leng pen) cold dishes, (re chao) hot stir fries, (da cai) often a whole cooked fish which symbolizes abundance and (tang) soup. Serving of fruit signals the end of the meal. In China fruit is symbolic. Oranges symbolize happiness; apples symbolize peace, pomegranates symbolize fertility; peaches symbolize immortality.

Roast Peking Duck is a northern specialty and are often served with thin pancakes. In the Guangdong area, they specialize in “dim sum” which means “little hearts”.They are usually delicate rich-dough pastries filled with meats vegetables and shellfish. When dining, Chinese people often talk and eat at the same time, and think nothing of it. It is not rude at all and smoking is not considered taboo at the table. When going out with Chinese friends, they will typically try to pay the bill. They may go so far as to pay the bill on the way to the restroom or have a small fight about paying the bill. They consider this only polite to pay the bill when they have invited someone.

