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Unit 2


Write the English words or expressions according to the following definitions. 1. keep for a special use; book 2. of a particular place

3. far away in space or time 4. likely (to do sth.) 5. being true and faithful (to) 6. improve by care; develop 7. be worthy of

8. amount of money which may be taken off the full price 9. mix harmoniously 10. keep away from

II. Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the following :

blend in; deserve; steer clear of; cultivate; local; loyalty;

remote; reserve; liable; executive

1. Following the national news we have the ______ news and weather. 2. She is an ______ in a computer company.

3. The new office block doesn’t ______ with its surroundings. 4. We all have a ______ to our country. 5. He ______ punishment for his behavior.

6. Your comments are rather ______ from the subject we are discussing. 7. All the front seats are ______ for foreign guests. 8. I prefer to ______ town during the rush-hour. 9. We are all ______ to make mistakes when we are tired. 10. She read the best authors in an attempt to ______ her mind. III. Choose the best answer.

1. Since he is so arrogant and conceited, I will _____ my remarks for another occasion. A. reserve B. discount C. continue D. carry out

2. For months they plotted to overthrow the government, though they knew that their _____ would yield nothing but discontent, disorder, disobedience.

A. scheme B. mayor C. rally D. schemers

3. He has no difficulty _____ his two writing careers: novels and films. He is really versatile. A. ranking B. cultivating C. deserving D. blending 4. My brother has never been_____ before, so he is finding this trip very exciting. A. rewarded

B. rallied

C. abroad

D. carried on

5. The old model worker's rich experience is not to be _____. We can learn a lot from him. A. overestimated B. reserved C. discounted D. achieved 6. I shall _____ my decision no matter what happens. A. hold up B. hold to C. hold with

D. hold out

7. The government has two _____, to reduce spending or to increase taxes. A. treatments B. options C. executives D. handouts 8. She _____to learn that her favorite dancer used drugs.

A. is qualified B stunned C. was dismayed D. liable

9. The host was quite annoyed when he found out that his things on the bookshelves had been_____. A. blended B. got away with C. laid down D. disturbed

10. By all accounts, he’s friendly, cheerful, a fine neighbor who does his best to blend in, never ___, never throwing his weight around. A. flashy

B. show off

C. stingy

D. generous D. concise

11. He made a _____ decision to speak out about injustice. A. conscious B. shrewd C. conscientious

12. We must _____ till success in spite of the extremely difficult conditions.

A. carry out B. carry on C. carry through D. carry off

13. One tennis guest managed to _____ him _____ his game by asking why a can of balls cost more in one Wal-Mart than another. A. put…off B. put…away

C. distract…off D. distract …away

14. Though he lived a solitary life as a hermit in mountains, he could not keep himself _____from human passions.

A. indifferent B. remote C. folksy D. liable

15. Never forget these martyrs. They have ______ their lives for the cause of independence and reunification of our motherland. A. laid off

B. laid down

C. laid away

D. lay out

16. As the Election Day drew close, the polls still ______ him far behind the Republican candidate. A. deserved B. reserved C. ranked D. treated 17. The expert _____ the picture to be a forgery, but no one believed him. A. considered B. pronounced C. qualified D. claimed on 18. The cook _____ the lobsters, head first, into a large pot of rapidly boiling salted water. A. plunged B. cooked C. fried D. baked 19. The matter is serious because it _____ your reputation. Anyway, take it easy. A. relates B. opens up C. concerns about D. involves 20. The modern opera was _____ a disappointment; we expected it to be much better. A. not a bit of

B. not a bit

C. a bit

D. a bit of

IV. Complete the sentences with the words given in their proper forms.

1. The _______ of a hobby and new forms of interest is therefore a policy of first importance to a public man. (cultivate)

2. There is no _____ for government but virtue and wisdom, actual or presumptive…(qualify) 3. She dreamt of a _____ career as an air hostess to travel round the world.(reward)

4. A government will not be efficient unless the people as a whole accept leadership _____. (loyalty) 5. The moment I saw him, my gloomy soul _____ up. (cheerful)

6.The idea of having enough money to retire at fifty is very _____.(appeal)

7. A _____ society is based upon the principles of democracy or social equality. (democrat) 8. His intention was good, but his ______ of the plan was unsatisfactory. (executive) 9. The criminal received his richly _____ punishment. (deserve)

10. Many students do not think that ____ courses are important. (option)

V. Cloze

In one Hong Kong secondary school every candidate for a teaching post is asked the question, \ 1 the classroom?\

The answer may be, \believe 2 great freedom in the classroom, pretty much allowing the students to do their own thing in the subject I'm teaching.\That man will not be 3___. 4 not? Because, even though he may arouse the interests of the students---and 5 is good---he, nevertheless, is guilty 6 not leading the students' interests 7 the necessary and useful way of 8 comprehension of their subject.

9 a singing or boxing student who practiced 10 his own and merely came to an instructor 11 for encouragement: Good instruction 12 specific details on the best methods to 13 and the dangers to guard against. And, so 14 permissiveness (放手,允许) in the classroom may benefit a few brilliant students, it can hardly benefit the majority.

A syllabus (大纲)and a workbook are necessary tools. And 15 used intelligently and imaginatively, 16 will help all students. 17 teacher may neglect the whole training procedure and 18 every teacher worth his salt (称职)must encourage the better students to advance beyond the limits of an assigned course.

Will today's young person accept 19 ? He will if he sees examples of the 20 results of it. 1. A) of B) outside C) for D) to 2. A) with B) of C) in D) for 3. A) employed 4. A) So 5. A) it 6. A) of 7. A) along 8. A) close 9. A) Watch

B) pleased B) What

C) agreed C) But

D) attracted D) Why D) he D) by

D) beyond

B) that C) which B) at C) in B) nearby C) from

B) detailed C) full D) reasonable B) Become C) See D) Imagine

D) on

D) occasionally

10. A) in B) by C) for 11. A)often B) never C) frequently 12. A) asks 13. A) teach 14. A) since

B) demands C) causes D) becomes B) check C) follow D) come B) while C) because B) if B) that B) though

D) when

C) since D) for C) they D) he

D) No D) after

C) since

15. A) although 16. A) it 18. A) yet

17. A) Each B) One C) None 19. A) education 20. A) good

B) syllabus C) permissiveness D) discipline B) bad C) same D) various

