Chapter 18 English for Academic Purposes 第十八章 学术用途英语

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Chapter 18 English for Academic Purposes


English for academic purposes (EAP) entails training students, usually in a higher education setting, to use language appropriately for study. It is one of the most common forms of English for specific purposes (ESP).



Contents1 2 3 4 5 Introduction Background Research

PracticeCurrent and future trends and directions Conclusion



1. Introduction

English for academic purposes (EAP) A teaching approach ---A branch of applied linguistics consisting of a significant body of research into effective teaching and assessment approaches, methods of analysis of the academic language, needs of students, analysis of the linguistic and discoursal structures of academic texts, analysis of the textual practices of academics.


2. Background Strevens(1977a) A branch of the larger field of English for specific purposes (ESP) a. a move away from an emphasis on the literature and culture of English speakers and towards teaching for practical command of the language. b. a move towards a view that the teaching of the language should be matched to the needs and purposes of the language learner.


EAP The learner & the situation

Genaral English The language

Reading & writing formal & academic

Speaking & listening Conversational and social genres


Courses are specific by ____ (1977b) Restricting the language taught to only those ESP skillsRestriction for the learner’s immediate purposes Selecting from the whole language only those EAP academic context provides subject matter items of vocabulary, grammar patterns, linguistic functions, etc. which are required for the learner’s immediate purposes Including only topics, themes and discourse contexts that are directly relevant to the learner’s immediate language needs Addressing only those communicative needs that relate to the learner’s immediate language needs


Needs analysis Fundamental to an EAP approach to course design and teaching If a needs analysis indicates that the study situation is more specific, many of areas of study skills (listening to lectures, seminar skills, academic writing, reading and note-taking, etc.) are still taught, but with particular attention to the language used in the specific disciplinary context identified in the needs analysis.


Levels of Languageregister Lexical and grammatical/structural features Ewer & Latorre 1969 the effect of communicative context; The relationship between the text/discourse and its speakers/writers/hearers/readers Chapter 7 how language is used in a particular setting, such as papers, dissertations, formal lectures chapter 27



The specification of objectives & an assessment of available resources and constraints The syllabus and methodology The syllabus is implemented through teaching materials

and is then evaluated for effectiveness.


3. Research

Work in needs analysis Weir (1988):the development of the Association Examing Board’s TEAP West (1994): in geographic and educational contexts Jordan (1997:29): four dimensions of needs those of the target situation of the employer or sponsor of the student of the course designer and/or teacher


Target situation category

Analyses of the linguistic and discoursal structures of academic texts Macro-level analyses ---the structure of theses (Dudley-Evans 1991) ---text features such as hedging (K. Hyland 1994 etc.) ---analyses of genres which are elements of “texts” such as paper introductions (Dudley-Evans and Henderson 1990b) ---results sections (Brett 1994) Micro-level analyses --- the use of active verbs in scientific text (Master 1991)

本人自己整理的TESOL的一个章节知识点 .htm

Features of academic writing /writing/featu re/hedge.htm


texts Studies of spoken texts and genres seminars (Furneaux et al. 1991; Prior 1991) & lectures (Flowerdew 1994a) Studies of the textual practices of academics (Latour and Woolgar 1986; Myers 1990; Dudley-Evans 1993, 1994b) ---by understanding what ‘experts’ do, novice academics can shape their own academic language towards those methods.


More humanistic A wider view of ‘needs’ including students ‘wants’ and preferences as well as more concrete needs ---Geoghegan (1983) non-native students (Cambridge) how students’ perspectives can be compared to those of other stakeholders ● Affect: how students feel about their study experience (Casanve 1990; Johns 1992) ● Differences between students’ wants and expectations and staff’s expectations (Channell 1990; Throp 1991) ---Contrastive rhetoric + textual perspective + student perspective How students’ academic work in English is affected by what they know about their language (Kaplan 1966,1988; Connor 1996) ---The consequences for students– losing to an extent their sense of identity (Spack 1988; Fan Shen 1989) Critical language awareness(Fairclough 1992; Tang and

Academic language needs of students


Effective teaching approaches Academic writing (Robinson 1988a) Academic listening (Flowerdew 1994 a) Academic reading ( Reading in a Foreign Language) Academic speaking (ignored; but McKenna 1994a) Swales & Feak (1994) the symbiotic relationship between research and practice in their important research-based textbook, Academic Writing for Graduate Students; Sionis (1995 )& Bunton (1999) research into advanced research writing Belcher(1994) & Dong (1998) the dissertation studentsupervisor relationship and its effectiveness


The assessment of EAP

The end of 19970s--British Council under B.J. Carroll ELTS 1980s the work of Weir the Associated Examining Boar on TEAP Criper and Davies 1988 validation study Clpham & Alderson 1996 full research and development project 1989 IELTS

US The Michigan Eng

lish Language Institute’s Academic English Test


4. Practice Materials design and development ---In-built materials (specific to the study context: prestudy classes/ concurrent courses ) ---Published materials (general: ●basic preparation for good study habitse.g. Study Skills in English (Wallace 1980); Strenghten Your Study Skills (Salimbene 1985); Panorama (Williams 1982)

● the language skillse.g. Study Listening (Lynch 1983); Study Writing (Hamp-Lyons & Heasley 1987); Study Reading (Glendinning & Holmstrom 1992)

The potential for developing one’s own material based needs analysis of the immediate situation A concern with literacy dominates the literature and the terminology of academic skills development (Dipardo 1993; Johns 1997)


Recommendations The journal: College Composition and Communication College ESL the Journal of Basic Writing Outstanding: John Swales and Ann Johns ---developing a more sophisticated understanding of the language needs of postgraduate students in particular.


5. Current and future trends and directions EAP in early schooling Heath 1983; Hasan and Martin 1989; Christie 1992 ---EAP in Pre-tertiary (college) level ---Content: specifically academic skills and language; the language needed for social communication ---Functions: learn more effectively ;integrate better into the educational structure.


Thesis writing and dissertation supervision

---Academic language needs neither begin nor end in upper higher school/undergraduate, but span formal schooling at every level. ---The English language skills of non-native English speaking academics, esp. those teaching and researching in non-English language countries (Singapore )


Academic literacy(学术素养)

---applied to the complex set of skills (the mastery of reading and writing/ cultural knowledge) --- its choice of discourse (Chapter 27) US: Students from ethnically and dialectically diverse backgrounds (Berlin 1988 etc.) and in highly politicised terms UK: Lancaster critical linguistics group (Flairclough 1992) Australia: the critical genre group (Luke 1996)

Despite arising from quite different sociopolitical contexts, the concepts of academic literacy and those EAP are linguistically and pedagogically quite similar, and certainly the different movements share a common desire to provide appropriate and effective education.The debate over *motives and means (Pennycook 1997) *the role of English in the modern and future world and the evident dominance it now has in scholarly publication in most parts of the world.( Swales 1990b; Eichele personal communication 1999; Gu yue-guo personal communication 1999)

