Unit 1 A land of diversity (Module 8) reading 说课稿

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Unit 1 A land of diversity (Module 8) reading 说课稿



二.教学目标Teaching goals

1. 语言技能目标Enable the students to talk about things about the USA.

2. 情感文化目标Help the students learn the huge diversity of races and cultures in America, especially in California.

3.语言知识目标掌握majority distinct,by means of,ocur, keep up,make a life,等重点词汇短语

三,教学重难点Teaching important and difficult points

Learn the huge diversity of races and cultures in California.

四,教学方法Teaching methods

Fast and careful reading; asking and answering activity; individual, pair or group work.

五,教学教具Teaching aidsA map, a blackboard and a computer,recorder and tape


Step 1. warming up.以填地图,小测试的形式检查学生对美国的了解程度。including itssize, population, economy, history 国徽国旗,国鸟,著名人物,品牌 地标等

Step 2,lead-in.

播放音乐it never rains in southern. California从而引出California 课文的主题。

Step 3.pre-reading

为了对加州有直观的了解和欣赏,Show the students some pictures and encourage students not only to say what each picture is about but how each one relates to California.

Step .4 Fast readings


1.Read through the passage and do.some true or false questions

1.California is the largest state in the USA and has the largest population.

2. The native Americans are treated well after the arrival of Europeans.

3. Of the first Spanish to go to California, the majority were religious men.

4. In the early 1800s, Russians began setting in California.

5. During Gold Rush Period, many achieved their dream of being rich.

6. In the late 19th century, Chinese immigrants arrived in California.

7. It is believed that before long the mix of nationalities will be so great that there will

be no major racial or culture groups

3. do the exercises1 and 2 in comprehending.

4. listen to the tape of reading

step 5. careful reading

When you look at the title, what do you think of?

A land of differences. California is a land of great differences — differences in climate, in landscape and attitude

Why is California in the 21st century such a multicultural community?

Homework 预习能力培养与测试1-7面

选修8 Unit1短语小结

the third largest state in the USA 美国第三大州, arrive in… 到达……

have the largest population人口最多, by means of… 通过……,

the most multicultural state in the US 美国最具多元文化的州,

know the history of California了解加州的历史, at various times 在不同的时代,

attract… from… 吸引了来自……的…, it is likely that… 很有可能……,

at least fifteen thousand years ago 至少在15,000年以前,

cross…from… to… 从……跨过……来到……,

exist in prehistoric times史前时期曾经存在 die from… 死于……,

in the 16th century 在16世纪 after the arrival of … 在……来到……之后

suffer greatly遭受很大的苦难, force… into slavery 迫使……成奴隶,

survive the terrible times 经历着些恐怖时期而活了下来 in addition 此外,

be ruled by… 被……所统治, fight against…与……打仗

take the land 夺去了土地, declare war on… 向……宣战

in the early 16th century 在16世纪初期 move north from… 从……向北迁移,

two centuries later 两个世纪以后, become part of… 成了……的一部分,

along the northwest coast of… 在……西北沿海地区 religious men 宗教人士,

gain one’s independence from… 从……获得了独立 lose the war 战败,

settle in most parts of… 在……的大部分地区定居下来,

over 40% of … 有40%多的…… attract…from all over…吸引了来自……的……

speak…as a first or second language 把……作为第一或第二语言,

in the early 1800s 在19世纪初期, live in and around… 住在……及附近,

not long after…在……不久之后, the dream of becoming rich quickly 发财梦,

achieve one’s dream of becoming rich 圆了发财梦, return home回家

make a life for oneself 过自己的生活 in the new towns 在新的城镇,

a multicultural society一个多元文化的社会, on farms 在农场,

during the Gold Rush Period在淘金热时期

establish the film industry 建立的电影行业

from the west to the east coast 从西海岸到东海岸,

bring even larger numbers to…吸引了大批量的……到……,

live in all parts of… 居住在遍布……的地方 wine makers制酒工人,

establish a town of one’s own建立了他们自己的城镇,

keep up one’s culture 保持着自己的文化, a large percentage 很大比例

have the second largest Jewish population 拥有第二大的犹太人口,

at the beginning of the 20th century 在20世纪初期,

work in the ship and aircraft industries 在船厂和飞机厂工作,

n more recent decades 在最近的几十年里,

since its beginning in the 1970 从20世纪70年代开始,

migrate to…迁入……, the mix of nationalities 多种国籍的混合,

major racial or cultural groups主要的种族或文化群体,

a mixture of many races and cultures多种族、多文化的混合体

选修8 Unit1短语小结

1.the third largest state in the USA 2. arrive in…

3.have the largest population 4.by means of…

5.the most multicultural state in the US

6.know the history of California 7. at various times,

8.attract… from… 9. it is likely that

10.at least fifteen thousand years ago,

11.cross…from… to…

12.exist in prehistoric times 13.die from…

14.in the 16th century 15.after the arrival of …

16.suffer greatly 17.force… into slavery

18.survive the terrible times 19.in addition

20.be ruled by… 21.fight against…

22.take the land 23.declare war on…

24.在16世纪初期 25.两个世纪以后,

26.成了……的一部分 27.从……获得了独立

28.along the northwest coast of… 29.religious men

30.战败, 31. 在……的大部分地区定居下来

32.有40%多的…… 33. 吸引了来自……的……

34.把……作为第一或第二语言, 35.在19世纪初期,

36.住在……及附近, 37.在……不久之后,

38.发财梦 39. 圆了发财梦

40.回家 41过自己的生活

42. 在新的城镇

43.一个多元文化的社会, 44.在农场,

45.during the Gold Rush Period 46.establish the film industry

47.from the west to the east coast 48. bring even larger numbers to…

49.live in all parts of… 50 wine makers

51.建立了他们自己的城镇, 52.多种族、多文化的混合体

53.保持着自己的文化 54.很大比例

55.拥有第二大的犹太人口, 56.在20世纪晚期,

57.work in the ship and aircraft industries

58.in more recent decades

59.since its beginning in the 1970

60..the mix of nationalities

61.major racial or cultural groups,

