model test 1 练习
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Travel Books
There are three kinds of travel books./ The first are those that give a personal, subjective account of travels/ which the author has actually made himself./ If these books are informative and have a good index, / they can be very useful to you/ when you are planning your travels./ The second can be classified as selective guidebooks / whose purpose is to give a purely objective description of things to be done and seen./The third are those books which are called \other. / They will give an analysis or an interpretation.
Part Two Listening Comprehension SECTION A TALK
Closeness and Personal Space
1. Intimate distance
■ Range: (1)_________ to 45cm. ■ Inappropriate distance for (2)_________ ■ For people who aren’t intimate: extremely (3)_________
2. Personal distance
(1)_________ (2)_________ (3)_________
■ Range: 45cm to 1.2m.
■ Most appropriate for (4)_________ ■ Easy to see: expressions and eye movements, (5)_________
(4)_________ (5)_________
3. Social distance
■ Range: 1.2m to 3.6m
■ Normal distance for (6)_________
▲ working together in the same room ▲ during (7)_________ ■ essential to communication: louder speech and (8)_________
4. Public distance
(6)_________ (7)_________ (8)_________
■ Ranges: 3.7m to 4.5m.
■ distances for teaching and (9)_________ (9)_________ ■ exaggerated non-verbal communication is necessary
▲ (10)_________ (10)_________ ▲ Larger head movements
1. close contact 2. public behavior 3. disturbing 4. holding a conversation/ conversations 5. overall body language 6. impersonal business 7. social gathering 8. eye contact 9. public speaking / public speeches 10. clear hand gestures
Closeness and Personal Space
Good morning, everyone. Today, we'll talk about closeness and personal space. Every culture has different levels of physical closeness appropriate to different types of relationship, and individuals learn these distances from the society in which they grew up. When someone violates an appropriate distance, people may feel uncomfortable or defensive. Their actions may well be open to misinterpretation.
In Western society, four distances have been defined according to the relationship between the people involved. They are intimate distance, personal distance, social distance, and public distance. These four distances are associated with the four main types of relationship-- intimate, personal, social and public.
Now we'll talk about the four personal distances one by one.
First, we'll begin with intimate distance. Intimate distance ranges from close contact, such as touching, to 45cm. In British society, it tends to be seen as an inappropriate distance for public behaviour and entering the intimate space of another person with whom you do not have a close relationship can be extremely disturbing.
Next, let's look at the second type of distance, personal distance, which ranges from 45cm to
1.2m. The far phase of personal distance is considered to be the most appropriate for people holding a conversation. At this distance it is easy to see the other person's expressions and eye movements, as well as their overall body language. Handshaking can occur within the bounds of personal distance.
OK, let's move onto the third type of personal distance, social distance, which covers the range from 1.2m to 3.6m. This is the normal distance for impersonal business, for example working together in the same room or during social gatherings. Seating is also important; communication is far more likely to be considered as a formal relationship if the interaction is carried out across a desk In addition, if the seating arrangements are such that one person appears to look down on another, an effect of domination may be created. At a social distance, speech needs to be louder and eye contact remains essential to communication, otherwise feedback will be reduced and the interaction may end.
Finally, the last type of personal distance is public distance, which ranges from 3.7m to 4.5m. Teachers and public speakers address groups at a public distance. At such distances exaggerated non-verbal communication is necessary for communication to be effective. Subtle facial expressions are lost at this distance, so clear hand gestures are often used as a substitute. Larger head movements are also typical of an experienced public speaker who is aware of changes in the way body language is perceived at longer distances.
OK, today we've taken a brief look at the four personal distances associated with four main types of relationship. It is worth noting that these distances are considered the norm in Western society. Understanding these distances allows us to approach others in non-threatening and appropriate ways. We can understand how others feel about us, how they view the relationship and, if appropriate, adjust our behaviour accordingly.
1. A. to request an extension on a deadline.
B. to get advice about time management C. to ask for help in writing the term paper. D. to make excuses for the overdue term paper. 2. A. His paper was eaten by a dog. B. He has seven papers due on the same day. C. He has forgotten about the paper. D. He has difficulty managing things. 3. A. He failed an exam. B. His dog was missing. C. His mother was ill. D. He caught the flu.
4. A. He shouldn’t help his roommate next time. B. He needs plans to deal with unexpected things. C. He should take exercise and get healthier. D. He should have the term paper done on time. 5. A. He is honest.
B. He is helpful. C. He is conscientious. D. He is conscious.
Conversation Two
6. A. She goes to sign the contact with the man.
B. She wants to enquire about some details. C. She intends to thank the man for his help. D. She just wants to visit the office in advance. 7. A. The pay scale is just the same as the fixed salary. B. A new employee is at the lower end of the pay scale. C. Employee’s pay scale level here will not be changed. D. The pay scale changes according to the contribution. 8. A. She wants to reach a higher level on the pay scale. B. She requires the man to give her stock options now. C. She is looking forward to a cash payment as a bonus. D. She wants to get money compensation from the man. 9. A. Employee in a senior position can get more holiday. B. Employee who work longer there get more holiday. C. Employee only get holiday after two years of work. D. Employee’s holiday there has been settled and fixed. 10. A. She is too hard to communicate with. B. She deserves more bonuses and holiday. C. She is asking too many bonuses from him. D. She is negotiator who is hard to deal with.
Key :1-5 ADCBC 6-10 BBCBD Conversation One
W: Good afternoon, Mr. White. You are in my American History 201 class, right? How can I help
you today?
M: It's about my term paper. I know it's due next Monday, but I was hoping... I don't think I can get
it done by then. Could I please turn it in by the end of next week instead? I have a really good excuse.
W: Oh, I'm sure you do! I've been teaching 33 years. Do you know how many excuses I've heard?
\papers due on the same day!\favorite was a student who told me she \
was due. It's amazing she remembered to come to class.
M: I didn't forget, madam. I've been working on the paper, really! Here, I brought my outline and a
rough draft. It's just that... Well, a lot of things have been going on in my life, and I'm having trouble managing things.
W: I see. You know, I assigned that paper four weeks ago, and I've been reminding students about it
in each class. So, tell me your story. What's happening in your life?
M: First, about two weeks ago, my roommate found out his mother was real sick. So he's been
really upset, and, uh,well, I went home with him for a couple of days to see his mom. That caused me to miss biology lab, and I have a huge biology final coming up on Tuesday that I really need to study for this weekend. Then I got the flu last week, and missed a day of class. I tried to work on your paper that day, but I really felt horrible...
W: OK, I can understand that. I'm glad that you're helping your roommate through a tough time.
That's more important than school work. But all this seems to have happened recently. What about the two weeks after I first assigned the term paper?
M: I guess I didn't use that time very well. I kind of put off getting started on it.
W: Yes, you did. You know, if I had a dollar for every time I've heard a student say that...
M: I'm sorry, Professor. I've learned my lesson. If I had spent just a little bit of time each week on
the paper, I could have had it done on time. I know now that I need to plan for unexpected things.
W: You seem like a bright, conscientious young man. So I'll tell you what. This time you can turn in
your paper no later than 9 a.m.Friday, right here on my office desk. M: Thank you, Professor! You bet I will.
Questions 1-5 are based on Conversation One.
1. Why does the man visit the woman? 2. What is the man's excuse?
3. According to the man, what happened to his roommate?
4. What lesson has the man learned from talking to the woman? 5. What does the woman think of the man?
Conversation Two
M: Hi! Welcome to WebWare. Sit down please. W: Thanks, nice to see you again.
M: You too. So, you said you wanted to come in and have a chat with me before you start your
work here. Tell me about it.
W: Yeah, I just want to have a look round and ask a few more questions. I'm wondering whether it
is okay for me to do so.
M: Of course, just fire away with your questions!
W: Well, first of all, I was surprised when I received the e-mail about the offer. Thank you for
trusting me, and I am delighted to receive the job offer... M: Good! And we are delighted to offer it to you.
W: But... before I sign the contract there are one or two specifics I want to talk about. M: Ok... \
W: Well. I read from your last e-mail that there is a pay scale, instead of a fixed salary. Is that right? M: Yes, you're quite right about it. As a new employee in our company, you'd be at the lower end of
the pay scale. And of course, things get changed later when you continuously bring contribution to the company.
W: But taking my experience into account...
M: Well, you haven't had that much experience-- we see you as an investment...
W: But that salary would only be a little more than I'm making now. So, instead of asking for a
higher level on the pay scale, I thought this could be compensated by adding certain bonuses, for instance if I make certain sales targets, or even break them, I would be looking for a good cash payment, or stock options in the company. Would it be possible?
M: Well, that is something we sometimes offer to senior members of staff, but to show good faith
I'll provisionally offer you the bonus scheme, but I'll have to okay it with Philip first. W: That's fine. One more thing, I also see there are 25 days holiday. M: Yes. That's standard.
W: It's not very much for a high pressure job though...
M: I'm sorry I can't offer you any more holiday. Only the staff who work here for over three years
can get extra days, so you will get more holiday after you work here for a longer time.
W: No, I don't mean that. But I was wondering if I could delay the start date-- so instead of starting
a week from now, as we discussed, I could start in a month's time? M: You're a tough negotiator, Madison! W: That's one of the reasons you hired me!
M: Yes, of course. Okay, I think we can do that. I'll look forward to seeing you in a month, and
earning those bonuses!
Questions 6-10 are based on Conversation Two. 6. Why does the woman go to see the man?
7. What does the man say about the pay scale in his company? 8. What requirement does the woman make about the salary? 9. What is the holiday policy in the company? 10. What does the man think of the woman?
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