广州旧版五年级英语下册UNIT 17巩固练习

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五年级下册Unit 17巩固练习

一、选出不同类的单词 ( ) 1. A. winter ( ) 2. A. cool ( ) 3. A. skate ( ) 4. A. first ( ) 5. A. May 二、单选

( ) 1. Today is _____. The temperature is 20oC.

A. hot

B. cool

C. very cold

B. cool

C. spring

D. summer

B. cold B. swim B. two B. July

C. warm D. walk C. climb C. second C. Sunday

D. season D. third D. June

( ) 2. What’s the weather _____ in Shanghai?

A. look

B. like

C. be

( ) 3. _____ seasons are there in a year?

A. How long

B. How many

C. How often

( ) 4. Autumn in Beijing is from _____?

A. September to November B. September to December C. September to October

( ) 5. _____ are you going to do in winter?

A. Where

B. When

C. What

( ) 6. I _____ the weather in Guangzhou.

A. am

B. think

C. prefer

( ) 7. Will it _____ colder tomorrow than today?

A. is

B. be

C. are

( ) 8. It’s very cold. You’d better wear _____ clothes.

A. warm

B. cold

C. hot

( ) 9. I am going to go _____ in the mountain.

A. skiing

B. ski

C. skis

( ) 10. I prefer dry weather in Beijing _____ in Guangzhou.

A. than B. wetter C. of

( ) 11. The _____ today is colder than yesterday.

A. cold

B. weather

C. temperature

( ) 12. It’s raining outside. Take your _____.

A. raincoat

B. sweater

C. jacket

( ) 13. Don’t take your umbrella. It’s too _____.

A. sunny

B. snowy

C. windy

( ) 14. It’s _____ cooler today than yesterday.

A. little

B. much

C. more

( ) 15. We can make snowmen in _____.

A. summer

B. winter

C. autumn

三、根据中文提示把句子补充完整 1. 麦克午饭吃的是茄子和青豆, 你呢?

Mike has eggplants and green beans ________ breakfast. What ________ you?

2. 我饿了, 我想要一些豆腐和土豆。

I am ________, I'd like some tofu and ________, please. 3. 我喜欢吃橘子, 因为它们很甜。

I like ________. ________ they are sweet. 4. 在中国的北方, 冬天常常下雪, 常常零度以下。

In the north of China, it often ________ and below ________ degree centigrade in winter. 5. 今天是大晴天, 我在海边玩。

Today is a ________ day. I am playing on the ________. 四、句型转换

1. -- Are you having lunch at home? -- Yes, ________ ________. 2. Jack is flying the kite now .(对画线部分提问)

________ ________ Jack ________ now? 3. He goes to work at 7:00. (改为一般疑问句)

第 2 页 共 7 页

________ he ________ to work at 7:00? 4. I have lunch at 12:00 noon. (对画线部分提问)

________ ________ you ________ lunch?

5. -- Do you like winter? -- Yes, ________ ________. 五、按照实际情况回答

1. Which is the hottest season in Guangzhou?

____________________________________________________________ 2. Which season is longer in Guangzhou, summer or winter?

____________________________________________________________ 3. Is spring a wet season in Guangzhou?

____________________________________________________________ 4. Does it snow in winter in Guangzhou?

____________________________________________________________ 5. What is the weather like today?

____________________________________________________________ 六、情景应用


A: What’s the w_______ like today? B: It’s very s_______ and h_______. A: W_______ the t_______? B: I_______ 35℃.

A: It’s m_______ hotter today than y_______. B: W_______ you like to go swimming with me? A: Yes, I’d l_______ to. Thanks. Oh, no. B: What’s the m_______? A: It’s r_______ outside.

B: We can take a r_______ or an u_______. A: I thank we’d b_______ s_______ at home.


第 3 页 共 7 页

visit, how, move, language, big, white, pupil, bright, certainly

A: I'm going to ________ to a new school. It's a nice school.. B: Is it ________ than the old one? A: Yes, it is. And it's ________ too.

B: ________ many ________ are there in your new school? A: There are forty- two. The walls are ________. B: What ________ do you speak at school? A: We speak Chinese and English. B: Can I ________ your school? A: ________. Let's go. 七、完形填空

I am __1__ to visit my aunt this Sunday. She __2__ in a small town. She __3__ a big house. The house is __4__ bigger than __5__. It has __6__ rooms than my house. There is a garden __7__ the house. There are many flowers in the house. You can see many flowers in spring. They are very beautiful. My aunt is __8__ than my mum. She’s younger than my mum too. She’s hardworking. She can cook well. I’m going to visit her this Sunday. The weather report says it will __9__ fine this Sunday.

( ) 1. A. goes B. go C. going ( ) 2. A. lives B. live C. living ( ) 3. A. have B. has C. having ( ) 4. A. much B. more C. many ( ) 5. A. mine B. my C. I ( ) 6. A. more B. many ( ) 7. A. behind B. is ( ) 8. A. thinner B. weak ( ) 9. A. is 八、阅读理解

B. be

C. much C. of C. thin C. are

第 4 页 共 7 页

A plant makes its own food in its leaves. Water comes to the leaves through the roots (透过根). Air gets into the leaves through very small holes (洞). The green colouring (叶绿素) in the leaves uses the water and air to make food for the plant.It also needs sunshine because a plant can make food only when the sun is shining. Animals and people can not live without (没有) green plants. People and some animals also eat the meat of some animals, but both of them need plants.

( ) 1. A plant gets food from _____.

A. the sun B. its leaves

C. its roots

( ) 2. What things can make the food for a plant?

A. Sunshine, water, air and the roots.

B. Air, sunshine, water and green colouring. C. Water, air, meat and green colouring.

( ) 3. Which sentence (句子) is right?

A. Air comes to the leaves through very small holes. B. Water gets into the leaves through very small holes. C. Sunshine gets into the leaves through very small holes.

( ) 4. From the text we know _____.

A. people can't get food without animals B. people can't get plants without animals C. people can't get food without plants

( ) 5. In this passage it says _____ are important for people.

A. animals B. meat


请写一写你最喜欢或最不喜欢的季节, 并至少说出三个原因。

____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

第 5 页 共 7 页

C. plants

