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1. (5 points)There exist two processes P1 and P2 in a multiprogramming batch

system. P2 enters into the system 10ms later than P1, and their executing traces, i.e. alternating sequences of CPU bursts and I/O bursts, are as follows: P1: computing, 80ms → I/O operation, 100ms → computing, 40ms P2: computing, 130ms → I/O operation, 50ms → computing, 50ms

It is assumed that time costs of CPU scheduling and process switch are omitted, what is the maximal throughput for completing these two processes, and why?


1. 最大吞吐量 = 2/(80+130+50+50) = 2/310= 1/155 个/ms (3 points)

2. 当P1、P2的CPU计算和I/O操作最大程度并行执行时,2个进程总的执行时

间最短,系统吞吐量达到最大,如下图所示;(2 points)

P1:80 ms C 100 ms I/O40 ms C P2:进进130 ms C 50 ms I/O50 ms C

2. In a computer system, the users submit to the system their computational tasks as

jobs, and all these jobs are then stored as the standby jobs on the disk.

The job scheduler (also known as long-term scheduler) selects the standby jobs on the disk, creates new processes in memory for them, and then starts executing of these processes. Each job’s ID is the same as that of the process created for it, for example, Ji and Pi.


When the number of concurrent processes in memory is lower than three, the job scheduler takes the FCFS algorithm to select a standby job on the disk to create a new process. Otherwise, the jobs should wait on the disk. For the processes in memory, the process scheduler (also known as short-term scheduler) takes the non-preemptive priority-based algorithm to select a process and allocates the CPU to it.

It is assumed the system costs resulting from job and process scheduling are omitted.

Consider the following set of Jobs J1, J2, J3 , J4 and J5. For 1≤ i ≤5, the arrival time of each Ji , the length of the CPU burst time of each process Pi, and the priority number for each Ji/Pi are given as below, and a smaller priority number implies a higher priority.

Job Arrival Time Burst Time Priority Number (minute)

J1 14:00 40 4 J2 14:20 30.01 2 J3 14:30 50.01 3 J4 14:50 20.01 5 J5 15:05 10.01 5

(1) Illustrate the execution of each job/process by charts. (2) What is the turnaround time of each job? (3) What is the waiting time of each job?

Note: The waiting time of a job includes the time it waits on the disk and that it

(as a process) waits in memory.




J1/ P1: 14:00J1, P114:40J2/ P2: 14:0014:20P2/J214:40P215:10.01J3/ P3: 14:0014:30P3/J315:10.01P316:00.02J4/ P4: 14:0014:50P4/J4P416:00.0216:20.03J5/ P5: 14:00J515:0515:10.01P5/J5P516:20.0316:30.04













(2)J1 :T1 = 40 (min)

J2 :T2 = 20 + 30.01 = 50.01 (min)

J3 :T3 = 40.01 + 50.01 = 90.02 (min) J4 :T4 = 70.02 + 20.01 = 90.03 (min)

J5 :T5 = 5.01 + 70.02 + 10.01 = 85.04(min)

(3)J1 :W1 = 0 (min) J2 :W2 = 20(min)

J3 :W3 = 40.01(min) J4 :W4 = 70.02(min) J5 :W5 =75.03(min)

3. 某多道程序设计系统供用户使用的主存为100K,磁带机2台,打印机1台。采

用可变分区内存管理,采用静态方式分配外围设备(以先申请先满足、非抢占方式分配磁带机、打印机),忽略作业I/O时间。现有作业序列如下: 作业号 进入输入 井时间 1 2 3 4 5



运行时间 主存需求量 磁带机需求量 打印机需求量 1 1 0 0 1 8:00 8:20 8:20 8:30 8:35 25分钟 10分钟 20分钟 20分钟 15分钟 15K 30K 60K 20K 10K 1 0 1 1 1 现求:

(1) 作业被调度的先后顺序 (2) 全部作业运行结束的时间 (3) 作业平均周转时间 (4) 最大作业周转时间 答案:

本题综合了作业调度、进程调度、对外设竞争、对主存竞争。 (1) 作业调度选择的作业顺序为:作业1、作业3、作业4、作业2、作业5 (2) 全部作业运行结束的时间为9:30

(3) 周转时间:作业1为30分钟,作业2为55分钟,作业3为40分钟,作业4为

40分钟,作业5为55分钟 (4) 平均作业周转时间为44分钟 (5) 最大作业周转时间为55分钟



8:00 作业1到达,占有资源(内存、磁带机、打印机),并调入内存运行;

8:20 作业2、3同时到达,但作业2因为分不到打印机,只能在后备队列中等待。


作业3所需资源(内存,磁带机)满足,调入内存运行; 此时,作业1还需5分钟CPU时间,但由于采用时间片分时调度,作业2与作业1平分CPU时间,作业1还需运行10分钟。

8:30 作业1在8:30结束,释放磁带机与打印机。但作业2仍不能执行,因为分配给作业3的内存无法压缩、移动,当前主存内没有30K的空闲区域,无法满足作业2的内存要求。

8:30 作业4到达,并进入内存执行,与作业3分享CPU。

8:35 作业5到达,因为分不到打印机、磁带机,只能在后备队列等待。


9:00 作业3运行结束,释放磁带机。此时,作业2的主存、打印机需求均可满足,作业2投入运行;作业5到达时间晚,只能等待。

9:10 作业4运行结束,作业5因为仍然分不到打印机,只能在后备队列中等待。 9:15 作业2运行结束,作业5投入运行 9:30 全部作业执行结束。


4. Considering a real-time system, in which there are 4 real-time processes P1, P2, P3

and P4 that are aimed to react to 4 critical environmental events e1, e2, e3

and e4 in time respectively.

The arrival time of each event ei , 1≤ i ≤4, (that is, the arrival time of the process Pi), the length of the burst time of each process Pi, and the deadline for each event ei are given below. Here, the deadline for ei is defined as the absolute time point before which the process Pi must be completed.

The priority for each event ei (also for Pi) is also given, and a smaller priority number implies a higher priority.

Events Process Arrival Time Burst Time Priorities Deadline e1 P1 0.00 4.00 3 7.00 e2 P2 3.00 2.00 1 5.50 e3 P3 4.00 2.00 4 12.01 e4 P4 6.00 4.00 2 11.00

(1) Suppose that priority-based preemptive scheduling is employed,

a) Draw a Gantt chart illustrating the execution of these processes

b) What are the average waiting time and the average turnaround time c) Which event will be treated with in time ? (2) Suppose that FCFS scheduling is employed,

a) Draw a Gantt chart illustrating the execution of these processes

b) What are the average waiting time and the average turnaround time c) Which event will be treated with in time, that is, the process reacting to

this event will be completed before its deadline?


(1) 甘特图如下 P1 P2 P1 P4 3 6 5 0 平均等待时间=[(5─3) + (3─3) + (10─4) + (6─6)] /4 = 2 平均周转时间=[(6─0) + (5─3) + (12─4) + (10─6)] /4 = 5


P3 10 12 根据各进程的完成时间点和所对应的事件的deadline可知,全部4个事件均可得到及时响应. (2) 甘特图如下 P1 P4 P2 P3 12 6 4 8 0 平均等待时间=[(0─0) + (4─3) + (6─4) + (8─6)] /4 = 1.25 平均周转时间=[(4─0) + (6─3) + (8─4) + (12─6)] /4 = 4.25


5. As illustrated in the figure, on the two sides of a one-plank bridge(独木桥), there

are two groups of soldiers that are composed of m and n people respectively and need to cross the bridge, but the narrow bridge allows only one group of the soldiers in the same direction to cross at the same time. One group of the soldiers is permitted to cross as long as there are no people on the bridge. Once one group of the soldiers begins walking on the bridge, the other group should be waiting to start crossing until all members of the first group have passed the bridge.

Please design two semaphore-based processes to describe the crossing actions of the soldiers in the two groups. It is required

(1) to define the semaphores and variables needed, explain their roles?, and give their

initial values; and

(2) to illustrate the structures of processes for the soldiers in each group.


Answers: 该问题可归结为读写者问题,但2队士兵均为读者。


定义2个二元信号量mutex1、mutex2,用于控制对count1、count2的互斥访问。 定义二元信号量bridge,用于2队士兵间的互斥。 初始化:

count1=0,count2=0; mutex1=1、mutex2=1; bridge=1;

(2) P1() {

wait(mutex1); count1 ++; if count1 = =1

wait(bridge); // 该组第1个士兵过桥时,阻塞另一组过桥 signal(mutex1); ….…

crossing the bridge; ……

wait(mutex1); count1 --; if count1 = =0

signal(bridge); // 该组最后1个士兵过桥后,允许另一组过桥 signal(mutex1); }. P2() {

wait(mutex2); count2 ++; if count2 = =1

wait(bridge); // 该组第1个士兵过桥时,阻塞另一组过桥 signal(mutex2); ….…

crossing the bridge;



wait(mutex2); count2 --; if count2 = =0

signal(bridge); // 该组最后1个士兵过桥后,允许另一组过桥 signal(mutex2); }.

6. Consider the bounded-buffer (also known as producer-consumer problem). There

are several producer processes and consumer processes, and these processes share a pool of buffer. The pool of buffer consists of n buffers, and each buffer can hold only one item. The producer process produces one item and puts it into an empty buffer in the pool. The consumer process takes one item from a full buffer in the pool and consumes this item.

At each moment, at most one producer process and at most one consumer process are permitted to simultaneously operate on the buffer pool, i.e.,

? one producer process is permitted to access the buffer lonely ? one consumer process is permitted to access the buffer lonely

? if two or more processes want to access the buffer simultaneously,

? two or more producer processes are not permitted to simultaneously operate

on the buffer, they should access the buffer mutual exclusively

? two or more consumer processes are also not permitted to simultaneously

operate on the buffer, they should access the buffer mutual exclusively

? only one producer process and one consumer process are allowed to

simultaneously operate on different items in the buffer

Write an algorithm to synchronize producer processes and consumer processes by using semaphores.


(1) Principles:

define the semaphores empty and full to count the number of empty buffers and full buffers in the pool, respectively;

define binary semaphore mutex1 to control all producers to access the empty buffers in the pool mutual exclusively;

define binary semaphore mutex2 to control all consumers to access the


full buffers in the pool mutual exclusively; (2) Algorithm

Semaphores empty, full

Binary semaphores mutex1, mutex2 Initially,

empty:= n; full:=0; mutex1:=1; mutex2:=2;

The structure of the producer process is as follows: do { …

produce an item in nextp … wait(empty); wait(mutex1);

search for an empty buffer …

add nextp to the empty buffer … signal(mutex1); signal(full); } while (1);

The structure of the consumer process is as follows: do { …

wait(full); wait(mutex2);

search for an full buffer

remove item in buffer[j] to next ; ….

signal(mutex2); signal(empty); …

consume the item in nextc … } while (1);



Semaphores empty, full;

Binary semaphores mutex1, mutex2, mutex;

Array Flag[n]; /* Flag[i] =0 indicates that buffer[i] is empty,

Flag[i] =1 indicates that buffer[i] is full, 0≤ i ≤n-1; */


empty:= n; full:=0; mutex1:=1; mutex2:=1; mutex=1; Flag[i] =0, 0 ≤ i ≤n-1;

The structure of the producer process is as follows: do { …

produce an item in nextp … wait(empty); wait(mutex1);


search on array Flag for an empty buffer[i], where Flag[i] =0; signal(mutex); …

add nextp to the empty buffer[i];

wait(mutex); Flag[i] : = 1; signal(mutex); signal(mutex1); signal(full); … } while (1);

The structure of the consumer process is as follows: do { …

wait(full); wait(mutex2);



search on array Flag for an full buffer[j], where Flag[j] =1; signal(mutex); …

remove item in buffer[j] to next ;

wait(mutex); Flag[j] : = 0; signal(mutex);

signal(mutex2); signal(empty); …

consume the item in nextc … } while (1);

7. 有1个仓库,可以存放X、Y两种产品,仓库容量足够大,但要求: 1)每次只能存入一种产品X或Y,

2)满足 —N < X产品数量 — Y产品数量 < M,M、N为正整数。





X产品数量 — Y产品数量< M

X产品数量 — Y产品数量 > —N


1) sx 表示当前允许X产品比Y产品多入库的数量,即在当前库存量和Y产品不入


2) sy 表示当前允许Y产品比X产品多入库的数量,即在当前库存量和X产品不入


当往库中放入一个X产品时,则允许存入Y产品的数量加1,故信号量sy应加1; 当往库中放入一个Y产品时,则允许存入X产品的数量加1,故信号量sx应加1;

Mutex : semaphore=1 互斥信号量 sx, sy: semaphore sx=M-1, sy=N-1

Process X Repeat Wait(sx) Wait(mutex) 将X入库 Signal(mutex) Signal(sy)


Until false Process Y Repeat Wait(sy) Wait(mutex) 将Y入库 Signal(mutex) Signal(sx) Until false

8. Here are three workers W1, W2 and W3. W1 and W2 are responsible for producing

the part(零件) P1 and part P2 respectively, and W3 takes charge of assembling (装配) the part P3.

W1 produces one P1 and then puts it into the cargo tank(货箱) T1; W2 manufactures one P2 and then puts it into the cargo tank T2. W3 takes P1 from T1 and P2 from T2, and then assembles P1 and P2 into P3.

It is assumed that (1) T1 can hold 8 parts of P1, and T2 can hold 10 parts of P2, and they are all initially empty; (2) each time W3 can takes only one part of P1 from T1 and one part of P2 from T2, and then assembles one part of P3; (3) T1 and T2 are permitted only to be taken or put in the mutually exclusive mode, that is, at any time only one worker are allowed to operate on T1 or T2.

Please design three semaphore-based programs for W1, W2 and W3, to describe their production activities. It is required

(1) to define the semaphores for synchronizing the three processes, explain the role of

each semaphore, and give their initial values; and

(2) to illustrate the structures of processes for W1, W2 and W3.


Answers: (1)


Binary semaphore mutex1, mutex2

Semaphore empty1, full1, empty2, full2 信号量含义:


empty1和empty2分别表示T1和T2中的空闲容量,full1和full2分别表示T1和T2中已经被占用的容量。 信号量初值:

mutex1=1; mutex2=1;

empty1=8; empty2=10; full1=0; full2=0;



Produce one P1 ; Wait(empty1); Wait(mutex1); Puts it into T1, Signal(mutex1); Signal(full1); W2:

Produce one P2 ; Wait(empty2); Wait(mutex2); Puts it into T2, Signal(mutex2); Signal(full2); W3:

Wait(full1); Wait(mutex1);

takes one P1 from T1; Signal(mutex1); Signal(empty1);


Wait(full2); Wait(mutex2);

takes one P2 from T2; Signal(mutex2); Signal(empty2);

Assembles P1 and P2 into P3.

9. In a data collection system, there are a data collection process, a data

manipulation process, and a data output process. The Data collection process puts one unit of data collected into Buffer 1, the data manipulation process gets one unit of data from Buffer 1 to manipulate and puts the results into Buffer 2, and then the data output process gets one unit of data from Buffer 2, and outputs them. It is assumed that Buffer 1 can keep three units of data and Buffer 2 can keep two units of data at most.

1) Define the semaphores used to synchronize the three processes, and set their

initial values.

2) Please design three processes for the data collection process, the data manipulation

process, and the data output process respectively by using semaphores defined in 1).


(1) (4 points)

binary semaphore mutex1, mutex2 semaphore full1, full2, empty1, empty2 mutex1=1; mutex2=1;

empty1=3; full1=0; empty2=2; full2=0; (2) (4?3=12 poin ts) a. the collection process: collect one unit of data; wait(empty1); wait(mutex1);

put the data into buffer1; signal(mutex1);



b. the manipulating process: wait(full1); wait(mutex1);

remove one unit of data from buffer1; signal(mutex1); signal(empty1); manipulate the data; wait(empty2); wait(mutex2);

put the data into buffer2; signal(mutex2); signal(full2);

c. the output process: wait(full2); wait(mutex2);

remove one unit of data from buffer2; signal(mutex2); signal(empty2); output the data;

10. A computer system has the main memory of size 150MB, which has been allotted

to three processes P1 , P2 and P3. As shown in below, each process has been allocated some size of main memory, and the maximum size of main memory needed by each process is also given.

It is assumed that: (1) the main memory having been allocated to a process cannot be preempted by the other processes; (2) swapping in and swapping out of processes are not allowed.

Process Maximum Memory Needed Memory Allocated

P1 70MB 45MB P2 60MB 40MB P3 60MB 15MB


When another process P4 enters into the system, it immediately requests main

memory of the size 25MB, and its maximum size of main memory needed is 60MB.

Answer the following questions, by means of the banker’s algorithm:

(1) What are the contents of the matrix Allocation, Max, Need and the vector


(2) Can the P4’s request of main memory be granted immediately? Will be the system

in a safe state? and why?

Answers: 1)

Process Max P1 70MB P2 60MB P3 60MB P4 60MB Or

Process Max P1 70MB P2 60MB

P3 60MB P4 60MB


It can be granted immediately. In a safe state.

Have safe sequence P1 P3 P4 P2

Allocated 45MB 40MB 15MB 25MB Allocated 45MB 40MB 15MB 0 19

Need Available

25 25 20 45


Need Available 25 50 20 45 60

11. 某系统有n台互斥使用的同类设备,3个并发进程分别需要使用2、3、4台设备,

可确保系统发生死锁的设备数目N最大为多少? 答案:

资源/设备总实例数N = 进程资源需求总数L — 进程总数m*1

N= (2+3+4) — 3*1 = 6

每个进程占有资源数减少1个,形成循环等待 20

每个进程占有资源数少1个,形成循环等待 21

