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大学英语中高级课程 《跨文化交际》电子教案
Week1 Culture and Intercultural Communication (I)
I. Teaching objectives
1. To get to understand what is culture and what is intercultural communication 2. To get to understand different metaphors of culture
3. 4. To understand how culture governs people‘s speech and behaviors II. Classroom activities
1. Brainstorming activity: What are the things that come up in your mind when you think of
―Chinese culture‖? 2. Definitions of culture
—E.B.Tylor (1871) in Primitive Culture: ―that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of a society.‖
—Lustig & Koester: ―Culture is a learned set of shared perceptions about beliefs, values, and norms, which affect the behaviors of a relatively large group of people‖
—Gudykunst: Culture is our theory of the game being played in our society. We use our theory of the game being played in interacting with the other people we encounter. It tells us how to communicate with others and how to interpret their behavior. We generally are not highly aware of the rules of the game being played, but we behave as though there is general agreement on the rules.
—Anthropologists: the total way of living 3. Cultural mini-drama:
Situation: Wang Liang worked in a Sino-German Joint Venture. One day, on his way to the coffee machine, he found that Wolfgang, one of his German colleagues, had seemingly gotten rather involved in a newspaper. Out of curiosity, Wang came up to Wolfgang so he could glance at the newspaper. Then he asked, ―Which one are you reading? Is it interesting?‖
Mini-drama: What will happen to them then? Put students into several groups to perform the drama.
The latter part of the drama: But all of a sudden, Wolfgang lost his temper, began to complain about Wang's invasion of his privacy, and demanded an apology for him. Wang felt rather upset, and kept explaining that he had not realized his behavior was rude. After this, whenever Wang stepped toward Wolfgang, he would soon cover up what he was doing, or stand up to keep a clear distance with Wang. Wang Liang got very confused, wondering why his friendly behaviors aroused such hostility in his colleague. 4. Metaphors of culture
—Culture is like the water a fish swims in, the sky a bird flies in, and the air people live in. —Culture is the software of our mind. —Culture is the grammar of our behavior. —Culture is like an iceberg. 5. Classification of culture
—high culture —popular culture —deep culture
6. Movie clip appreciation
—characters —key words ? abuse n. mistreatment ? attorney n. lawyer 律师 ? bruise n. an injury that shows up as a discoloration on the skin 瘀伤;擦伤 ? chitchat n. light informal conversation
? conjecture n. a hypothesis that has little hard evidence
? hearing n. a legal proceeding where evidence is taken for the purpose of
determining an issue of fact and reaching a decision based on that evidence 听证会 ? incontrovertible n. impossible to deny or disprove ? indisputably adv. cannot be disputed ? inflict v. impose something unpleasant 施以;加害 ? ludicrous adj. inviting laughter荒谬的;可笑的 ? neglect n. lack of attention and due care ? pending adj. waiting to be decided or settled
? speculation n. a guess based on incomplete evidence ? testimony n. something that serves as evidence —Phrases and expressions
? put the cart before the horse: to have things in the wrong order本末倒置 —Cultural notes
? CWA: Child Welfare Agency, a government organization intended to protect the
rights of children
? Guasha treatment (scraping therapy): A traditional Chinese medical treatment in
which a wooden board repeatedly slides across the patient‘s acupuncture points. It works on the basis of principles similar to those of acupuncture and massage. Thus, ailments that can be treated by acupuncture and massage can be helped with Guasha as well. It can help reestablish the human body‘s natural biological circulation.
? ER: emergency room
? ―Show me‖ state: A nickname for Missouri, a midwestern state in the central United
States. This term appears on automobile license plates for Missouri. —Pairwork exercises
7. Explore interculturally(group discussion and presentation)
—In the hearing, why does Xu Datong invite John to be his lawyer although John is not familiar with family law? What can you learn from it about Chinese culture?
—Why doesn‘t John defend Xu Datong in the hearing? What can you learn from this?
—Why does Xu Datong tell the judge he performed Guasha on Dennis? What can we learn from this about Chinese culture?
8. Intercultural communication: Communication between people from different cultural
III. Assignments
1. Explain the metaphors of culture. 2. Cite some daily examples to illustrate how culture governs people‘s speech and behaviors.
Week2 Culture and Intercultural Communication (II)
I. Teaching objectives 1. to get to learn various classifications of culture 2. to get to understand what is intercultural communication 3. to get to understand why we should study intercultural communication II. Classroom activities
1. Check the assignments of last week.
—Explain the metaphors of culture.
—Cite some examples to illustrate how culture governs people‘s speech and behaviors. 2. A social survey: Culture shapes people‘s view. 3. Classifications of culture
a) High culture, popular culture, deep culture b) Big culture, small culture
c) Mainstream culture, subculture d) Eastern culture, western culture
e) Eastern culture, Indian culture, western culture (梁漱溟)
f) Eastern culture, Indian culture, Arabic culture, European culture (季羡林) g) Food culture, wine culture, tea culture etc. 4. Case study
Questions for discussion:
—Why didn‘t the man change the seat as required by the stewardess? —What can you learn from it about Chinese culture? —Any other comments about the case? 5. What is intercultural communication?
—Communication between people from different cultural background. 6. Why study intercultural communication?
Let there be a small country with few people…
Though neighboring communities overlook one another and the crowing of cocks and barking of dogs can be heard, yet the people there may grow old and die without ever visiting one another ----- Lao Tze 《老子》:―甘其食,美其服,安其居,乐其俗。邻国相望,鸡犬之声相闻,民至老死不相往来。‖
7. Six imperatives for ICC Technological imperative Demographic imperative New technologies are creating complex relationships between different cultures Cultural diversity is a fact of life. 3
Economic imperative Peace imperative Self-awareness imperative Ethical imperative Having the ability to communicate with other cultures is good business. The ability to communicate with other cultures brings peace and stimulates healthy relationships The better we communicate with other cultures, the better we understand ourselves as individuals. Intercultural communication forces us to think about the consequences (good and bad) of our actions and words.
8. Intercultural encounters in the history
a) Zhang Qian (West Han Dynasty) b) Tang Xuanzang (Tang Dynasty) c) Jian Zhen (Tang Dynasty) d) Zhen He (Ming Dynasty)
9. In what extent do cultures differ from each other?
Italian/Saudi Arabian Us. American/Greek Us. American/German
Us. American/French-Canadian
White Anglo-American/Reservation Indian
White A-American/Black American/Oriental American/Mexican American/Urban Indian
Us. American/British
Us. American/English-Canadian Urban American/Rural American Catholic/Baptist
Male Dominance/Female Equality Heterosexual/Homosexual Environmentalist/Developer b)American/Chinese Indian/Chinese Japanese/Chinese Singaporean/Chinese c) American/Japanese
American/French American/German American/Italian American/British American/Canadian
III. Assignments
1. What are the ways of classifying culture? 2. What is intercultural communication?
3. Why should we study intercultural communication? 4. Preview Unit 2 Reading1 Basics of Culture (P6)
Week3 Why cultures differ? (Basics of culture)
I. Teaching objectives
1.To get to understand Japanese culture 2.To get to understand American culture
3.To get to understand the basic factors shaping the development of culture II. Classroom activities
1. Student presentation about the reading of Basics of Culture
2. What words do you use to describe Japanese culture and American culture? Japanese culture Collectivistic Group-oriented Shame Vertical/hierarchical American culture Individualistic Individual-oriented guilt horizontal
3. How many factors are mentioned in the passage that affect the way American and
Japanese culture developed? What are they? Factors Physical environment Japanese culture American culture isolated island, homogeneous,lack of huge, forested continent, small flat land,small size of islands,wet population climate, crowded living space, earthquakes, typhoons Way of getting food grow rice grow corn and wheat, raise animals, hunt in the forest by individuals Thomas Great people Shotoku Taiki, Leyasu Tokugawa, Martin Luther, Confucius Jefferson Buddhism, Shintoism centralized Christianity decentralized Religion Political power
4. Why cultures differ: major forces
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