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——《M1U5 A Modern Hero》 词汇复习课

授课年级 高三

授课类型 高三一轮复习课

课例内容 《M1U5 A Modern Hero》 词汇复习课 授课时间 2011年9月23日

一、 引言

高中英语课程的目标是要培养学生的综合语言运用能力;高考也有简单的知识检测转向了知识运用能力。从某种程度上来说,复习的形式也因此从知识检查到设计语言运用的练习。高三英语第一轮复习,一般都是从课文复习着手,以词汇复习为重点。词汇复习通常是通读词汇表,词汇中英互译, 找一些选择题或者辨析题巩固词汇,而学生在课堂上拼命记笔记, 最终通过一份练习卷来达到全面巩固复习的知识点. 这样的做法,我们经常称之为炒冷饭, 语言知识应用缺乏情境与层次,学生到底能不能最终使用语言不得而知。长此以往,课堂变得索然无味,学生的积极性也受挫。既然高三单元复习是基于语言知识并强化其被使用的频率,具有一定的浓缩性,能不能在一定的时空内, 教师牵引着学生在不同的语境中或者任务中使用被复习的目标语言?这样,学生就觉得有 “新意”。通过加大被复习语言的使用的广度,寻找恰当的场景,激发他们学习的兴趣, 在情境中训练了他们的听、说、读、写的技能,帮助学生内化知识,使之在头脑中形成词汇知识的运用体系,从而使课堂从低效走向有效,甚至高效。 二、 课例呈现

本课例的教学材料为M1U5的《Nelson Mandela –a Modern Hero》。本单元的中心话题为A Modern Hero-Nelson Mandela。这是一个有关人物话题的单元,课文所涉及的词汇均于他的故事息息相关。我发现模块四两个单元也涉猎人物 ---袁隆平和Jane Goodall。同时,苹果创始人乔布斯跟篮坛飞人乔丹对学生来说是比较熟悉的人物,甚至是他们心目中的“英雄”。于是,教师就把把整个单元复习变成话题--英雄。通过词汇

把各个“英雄”的语言任务串联起来,而学生同时通过“英雄”复习了本单元的词汇,从中能够体会与感悟英雄的魅力。在学习的过程中,学生利用联想、类比等方法,内化了复习的知识,从而帮助他们能够把所复习的的词汇应用在类似的话题上。因此,教师把复习课的标题做了微调, 改成了《M1U5 A Modern Hero》的复习。

1.学习目标: 1)知识与技能:

大部分学生能够根据语境说出复习目标词汇的含义、选用恰当的词汇。一半以上的学生能够运用词汇进行类似话题的句子翻译、对话以及语篇创作。 2)方法与过程:



学习伟大人物所具有的优良品质,树立正确的人生观。 学会在逆境中的坚持不懈的坚强意志,培养树立大志的品格。 4)重点、难点:

学生能够用所复习的词汇去描述一个伟大人物的事迹,并让他们能够领悟品格的魅力。 5)学情分析:





7) 教学设计流程

8)课堂实录: Step 1 Lead-in Greet each other.

T: read the title on the screen. Do you have a hero or heroine in your heart, who really inspires you? Could you share it with us?

S: Yes. Nelson Mandela T: anyone else? S:....

T: Who is your favorite basket player? And his skills really attract your eyes. S: Kobe Bryant.

T: Yes. I think in everyone’s hear there is a hero or heroine. Today I will show you some modern hero or heroine and see if you know them, and I hope all of you can learn from them. Now let’s do a guessing game. Do you know them? Ok? And are you ready?

(幻灯片) He set up law office to offer guidance to poor black people. He fought bravely against the government for the freedom. He chose to attack the law and planned to blow up buildings. He was once sentenced to prison. He came to power in 1994.

师: Who is he?

(尽管是高三的学生,但是因为基础的薄弱,仍然需要时间给他们呈现复习的词汇) 一部分学生回答是奥巴马,有些学生回答曼德拉,这可能缘于我没有给出明确的标题,但是很大原因,曼德拉太过远离他们生活时候,恰因为这样,才有一部分学生会猜到是奥巴马.

师: Yes, they are both lawyers offering guidance to people in a legal way. But he was once sentenced to prison and came to power in 1994.That seemed many years ago. Who is he? Obama or Mandela? 生: Mandela

师: Yes.(请学生讲出这些词汇的中文含义,为后面的练习做一个热身的准备) Mandela is a great person. He is a modern hero. He fought against the government for the freedom. And now another man is also fighting. First please fill in the blank with proper phrases.Guess who he is. (幻灯片)

fight (for/with/against)

1. He suffered cancer and now is ______________it.

2. He developed a series of products to _________ the Apple’s success.

3. He and his apple has been_____________ Bill Gates and his Microsoft for

more than 30 years.

生: 乔布斯.(学生基本都用中文回答.但是从学生响亮语调及发亮的眼睛来看,我能感受到学生对这一人物的喜爱与崇拜.学生的学习兴趣上升,对fight 搭配不同的介词的用法有了更深的了解)

师: Jobs. You are great. Some of you even use his products. He is so creative that his Apples bring us a lot of surprise and convenience.学生完成练习的速度还是比较快的.

师: Another person does a lot to the mankind. Guess who he is. (幻灯片)

? He devoted almost the whole life to his research.

? He was generous with his money and equipped others for their research. ? He has been fighting for more rice.

? When he was in trouble, he never loses heart and was willing to turn to the

field and found the way. ? He considered himself a farmer

生: Yuan Longping.(读完之后,学生齐声回答.)

(之后让学生翻译划线词语的中文意思,同样为后续练习做铺垫.) 师: look at the first sentence. Can you tell me how to use “devote”? 生: devote some time to doing sth

师: it also has other pattern. (看着学生迷惑的表情,学生估计只会这个句型). Let’s look at the screen. (幻灯片)

devote … to doing

devote (oneself) to doing be devoted to doing

师: Now try to translate the following into English with the patterns above. (幻灯片)


______________________________________________________________ 她致力于动物与环境的保护.

____________________________________________________________ 等学生翻译完毕.我又问了一个相同的问题. 师: Who is she?


师: Do you remember her? We have learnt something about her before. She lives in the forest to find the relationship between man and chimps. (学生还是不能回答.)

师:She is Jane Goodall. Now do you remember a little about her? (有些学生有印象,有些学生还是一脸茫然.)

师: last year, Time interviewed Jobs and wrote a biography of him. Now look at this story. And there are some mistakes. Please find them and correct them.

