重庆市2018年中考英语总复习课件+检测:八年级(下) Units9-10

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八年级(下) Units 9-10


1. (2017日照)—What time is it?

—Just a minute, I will ________ it for you. A. examine B. check

C. watch

D. set

2. (2017安徽)There are many beautiful places to visit in Anhui, ________ Mount Huang in autumn. A. simply B. finally

C. luckily

D. especially

3. (2017黄石)To the teacher’s joy, the student made great ________ this term. A. result

B. preparation

C. suggestion D. progress

4. (2017荆州)—I don’t know where to go this summer vacation.

—Why not ________visiting Jingzhou? There are many places of interest. A. regard B. consider

C. wonder

D. suggest

5. (2017重庆八中模拟)—I heard that the book The Kite Runner is quite good. —Yeah. I ________ reading it since I was fourteen years old. A. finish

B. finished

C. have finished D. will finish

6. —Could you lend me your________? I want to take some photos. —Here you are. A. watch

B. radio

C. camera

D. book

7. ________ thousands of people, you will meet those you want to make friends with.

A. Between B. By

C. Among

D. At

8. —Anna is going on a tour of Xi’an, and she wants to ________ Chinese history. —It’s a good choice. Xi’an was the capital of 13 dynasties.

A. dream of B. learn about C. look through D. talk about

9. —Do you know something about the Summer Youth Olympic Games? —Yes. It will be ________ in Argentina(阿根廷) in 2018. A. brought B. held

C. appeared D. found

10. ________ the instruction on the bottle, you must take medicine after meals. A. Thanks to B. In addition to C. According to D. As for

11. On April 11th, a reading center in Gaoping, Jincheng, was set up to________ all the citizens to read more books. A. prevent B. affect

C. encourage D. cheat

12. —Do you know what is going on in Chongqing now? —________. We are creating a civilized city (文明城市). A. Of course B. I don’t know C. No, I don’t D. I’m afraid not Ⅱ.完形填空。

Do you know what China should be proud of? Lanlan, a Canadian girl who __1__ in China gave a very touching answer. She __2__ to China five years ago and is a student at Ningbo University now. She loves China and Chinese. She believes China will be the __3__ country in the world in the future. The following is China in her eyes.

“__4__ you are not too lazy, it is really very easy to find a job in China. I believe there’re more job chances here than in any other country in the world.”

“The foreign language level is surprising here. __5__ 400 million Chinese are studying English. If they can speak English well in the future, China will have the greatest number of English __6__ of any other non-English speaking country.”

“The __7__ of Chinese trains is fast. From Ningbo to Beijing, the train runs 1,365 kilometers for seven hours and the ticket price is only 595 yuan.”

“__8__ public safety is great. This country of 1.4 billion people makes me feel safe. I have traveled in many countries, and I think China is __9__ very safe.”

“There are much more things China should be proud of. Many Chinese people often criticize (批评) China. At first, I believed that they didn't like China or they just loved Western countries. But later, I __10__ that they set a very high standard for China. They believe that it’s not enough to be the number one in the world. China must be much better than other countries.” 1. A. lives

B. leaves

C. works C. arrived C. hugest C. Though C. Of C. travelers C. shape C. Our C. really C. realized

D. checks D. went D. widest D. Because D. With D. translators D. height D. Their D. widely D. knew

2. A. wanted B. came 3. A. strongest B. highest 4. A. When 5. A. For 6. A. lovers 7. A. speed 8. A. Its 9. A. hardly

B. If B. About B. speakers B. color B. His B. totally

10. A. supposed B. thought Ⅲ.口语应用。

A. Can you introduce him to me? B. Have you heard something about his life in the countryside? C. Do you know why he came here to study? D. He had written to his best friend in his hometown. E. He said he lived in a house with just one room. F. I think it’s hard for him to live there. G. It’s a good place to live in. A: Lin Tao! This is a photo of my new classmate from the countryside this term. B: From the countryside? 1________ A: Yes. He gave a talk about his life in the countryside in our class yesterday. B: How was his life in the countryside?

A: 2________ There was only an outside toilet for five families to share with. B: 3________ A: It’s true. But he liked living there because he enjoyed himself. Now he felt lonely because of having no friends. B: 4________ A: He said it was because his parents opened a company here. B: 5________ A: Of course! Here he is! Let’s go to meet him. Ⅳ.任务型阅读。


The Hanging Gardens of Babylon (巴比伦空中花园) were built in the 6th century BC and are considered one of the Eight Wonders of the Ancient World. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon are amazing not only because of their beauty, but also because of their location.

In the 6th century BC, a king named NebuchadnezzarⅡ created the gardens as a sign of love for his wife, Amyitis. According to the legend, Amyitis, the daughter of the king of the Medes, was homesick. She missed the green hills and valleys of her homeland.

After marrying Nebuchadnezzar Ⅱ,Amyitis moved to the ancient chief city of Babylon. The area was in the Mesopotamian desert, and the climate there was totally

different from her hometown’s. So the new queen was very sad about the flat and the sun-baked desert. To make Amyitis happier and more comfortable, the king decided to build her a series of magnificent (华丽的) gardens.

Many people think of the gardens as worldly creations that hung in the air. But experts agree that the gardens were actually built on a mountainside, rather than actually “hanging”.

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon are famous. Stories about them spread throughout the ancient world, and ancient writers recorded a large number of descriptions of them, but some wonder whether this paradise of the past ever existed. There are no historical records of them except stories. Whatever may happen, even the idea of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon is amazing. They were essentially impossible to create because of the climate, but they were kept in the minds of many people as a botanical (植物的) beauty created in the middle of the unattractive desert scenery.

1. Are the Hanging Gardens of Babylon considered one of the Eight Wonders of the Ancient World?

__________________________________________________________________ 2. Why did the king Nebuchadnezzar Ⅱ create the Hanging Gardens of Babylon? __________________________________________________________________ 3. Why is it impossible to create the Hanging Gardens of Babylon?

__________________________________________________________________ 4. Do you think the Hanging Gardens of Babylon were really hanging? Why or why not?

__________________________________________________________________ Ⅴ. 短文填空。

