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Delay on OperateTypes FAA01, FAA08
Time range 0.05 s to 300 h Knob selection of time range Knob adjustable time setting
Knob selection of operating mode (4 functions):
A - delay on operate
B2- symmetrical recycler ON firstE - intervalJ - one shot Automatic start
Repeatability: ±0.3% on full scale Output: 5 A DPDT relay
48 x 48 mm housing for front panel mounting 8 or 11 pin sockets
LED indication for relay status and power supply ON
Product Description
Delay on operate timer with4 functions and selectabletime ranges from 0.05 sec-onds to 300 hours.
Housing 48 x 48 mm forfront panel mounting and on8-pin or 11-pin socket.
Type Selection
MountingFront or socketFront or socket
Supply: 100 to 240 VACFAA01DM24FAA08DM24
Time Specifications
Time ranges
Selectable by front knob
Specifications are subject to change without notice (26.07.05)
FAA01, FAA08
General Specifications
Function and Time Setting
Upper right knob:Setting of functionA-delay on operateB2-simmetrical recyclerE-intervalJ-one shotLower right knob:Time unit selectorsec(seconds)min(minuts)hrs(hours)10h(10 hours)
Lower left knob:Time range selector1.2, 3, 12and 30Centre knob:
Time setting on relative scale
Mode of Operation
Function A
Delay on operate
The set delay period beginsas soon as the power supplyis connected. At the end ofthe set delay the relay oper-ates and doesn’t releaseuntil the power supply isinterrupted for at least 100ms.
Function B2
Symmetrical recycler(ON first)
The relay operates and thetime period start as soon asthe power is applied. At theend of the first set time peri-od, the relay releases. At theend of the second time peri-od (equal to the first), therelay operates again. Thissequence continues withequal ON- and OFF- timeperiods until the power sup-ply is interrupted for at least100 ms.
Function EInterval
The relay operates and thetime period begins as soonas the power is applied. Therelay releases at the end ofthe time period or when thepower supply is disconnect-ed for at least 100 ms.
Function JOne shot
The time period begins assoon as the power supply isconnected and at the end ofthis period the relay operatesfor 1s.
Range and operation mode selection
Specifications are subject to change without notice (26.07.05)
FAA01, FAA08
Operating Diagrams
Specifications are subject to change without notice (26.07.05)
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