中国农业大学校史英文介绍CAU History (brief)-fn

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Welcome to the museum! .................................................................................................................. 1

First Floor.......................................................................................................................................... 1

Second Floor ..................................................................................................................................... 6

Part I from the Agriculture University of Peking Imperial University to the Agriculture

College of Peking University ............................................................................................ 6 Part II From the Agricultural School of Tsinghua College to the Agricultural College of

Tsinghua University ........................................................................................................ 12 Part III From Yan'an Natural Science Academy in Yan'an to the Agriculture College of

North China University ................................................................................................... 13 Part IV Beijing Agriculture University, Beijing Agricultural Mechanization Institute and

China Agriculture University .......................................................................................... 15

Welcome to the museum!

Good morning/ afternoon!

Welcome to the university history museum of China Agricultural University!

I am your interpreter today. My name is ABC. I'm from the college of FGI. My major is OPQ.

I wish you would have a happy tour with me in this museum.

First Floor

1. The 100th anniversary

CAU is one of the top ranked key state universities in China and directly

subordinated to the Ministry of Education.

It is also the oldest agricultural higher education institution in China. The history of this university can date back to 1905, and in the year of 2005, CAU celebrated her 100th anniversary.

Look at the picture in the front middle. It is the grand occasion of the Centennial Celebration as well as World Agriculture Congress opening ceremony. A total of more than 300 delegates from 128 universities, colleges and institutes of 24 countries participated in the event. It was held at the Great Hall of the People on Tian'anmen Square, where the National People's Congress holds its sessions every year! The congratulation letter from the president Hu Jintao and Premier WEN Jiabao.

It was the greatest honor for CAU to receive warm congratulations and personal


greetings from President HU Jintao and Premier WEN Jiabao. The president's written congratulatory message highly commended important contribution CAU made to

China’s total development, and encouraged CAU students and faculty to achieve more in the construction of the new socialist countryside and a prosperous society.

2. State Leaders & CAU

Agriculture is the foundation for national development in China, and the state leaders, including former Chairman MAO Zedong, President HU Jintao, and Premier of State Council WEN Jiabao all attached great importance and showed personal care to the development of CAU, they conducted respective inspection tours to CAU and encouraged the faculty and students to better serve the country and the people, especially farmers in rural areas.

The latest visit of state leaders was in May, 2009, when President HU Jintao came here to celebrate the Youth Day with the students. He emphasized the importance of food for a nation and its people and expected CAU students to continuously follow the university motto: Tackle the problems the people face, Cultivate talents that can serve the world. President Hu also delivered a speech that day to the youth of the whole nation, in which he hoped all youth in China should be patriotic, work hard with both their studies and practice, and make their contribution to the country. The first tractor made in China

In 1958, Chairman MAO investigated the first tractor made in China, in whose design and build the staff and faculty of CAU played significant roles. Mao commented that mechanization was the way out for agricultural development in China.

Interestingly, the first driver of the tractor, also the first female tractor driver in PRC was a CAU graduate, whose portrait was once printed on China's one-Yuan bill of the third edition of RMB.

Former President Jiang Zemin's Inscription

"中国农业大学", the six characters on top of the main buildings of both east and west campus, was written by former President JIANG Zemin in 1995.

Premier WEN's visit

On May 2nd, 2003, the SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndromes) year,

accompanied by former Vice President Wu Yi, Premier WEN Jiabao visited CAU and delivered a brief but very encouraging speech.

(From Nov., 2002 to Aug. 5th, 2003, there were 8,422 patients diagnosed with SARS, 916 of whom died of the disease. The death rate is 9.3%. )

3. Scientific research achievements


published papers, funded projects, patents, and awards

Major biological engineering achievements:

Dwarf chicken are chicken with dwarf genes programmed into the multiplication of chicken. These chicken eat less because of their small size but lay more eggs because of their superior genes, and thus decrease the production cost of eggs.

The mother pig on this picture can give more piglets than ordinary mother pigs. It was the result of a project on the discovery and research of FSHβ genes, a kind of genes that can increase the number of piglets of a litter.

A cloned ox was created successfully by Li Ning, the director of China's State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology, and his team in 2002. The latest achievement of the lab is cloned cows producing milk that contains proteins normally found in human milk.

4. International exchanges and cooperation

In order to develop itself into an international institution, CAU takes international exchange and cooperation as a significant component of its mission.

CAU has well-established collaborations via counter-signed Memorandum of Understanding or Agreement with 138 universities, institutes and enterprises from 25 countries around the world.

Exchange of students with partner universities has become an inseparable part of the University. In addition, CAU has established cooperation with some UN specialized organizations and other international institutions. A framework for worldwide academic exchange and collaboration is under cultivation.

By far, CAU has established partnership with different universities in the US, the UK, the Netherlands, Australia, and Canada, for joint educational programs.

5. Students Activities

CAU students enjoy a rich and vibrant campus life. There are a variety of cultural festivals, parties, sports activities and competitions, and other opportunities for students to participate in and more than (n) students associations such as student unions of different levels, student committees, all kinds of sports teams, the school choir team, musical bands (of which folk music band is the most popular),

mountaineering team, Literary club, drama club, calligraphy society, public speaking class, broadcasting station, photographers association and etc.. Among the most famous are the rugby team, the mountaineering team and the school choir team.

Just like the basketball to Purdue, the CAU rugby team is the NO.1 sports team in the university; it is ranked the first among china Mainland Universities, with many players representing the National Rugby Team to participate international games like Doha Asian Games.



6. Current President KE Bingsheng

President Ke was a CAU graduate. Before assuming the president position in CAU in Jan., 2008, he was a key adviser to the state government on agriculture policies. He is a hardworking president who cares a lot about the life of students, faculty and staff.

The President's mailbox is living proof that he desires to solve all kinds of

problems faced with students and teachers.

7. Olympic Games Wrestling Gym

The building that all CAU students and teachers are proud of is the East campus gym, which was completed in 2007 and successfully served 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and Beijing 2008 Paralympics Games, and also many other sports games or activities. Each year since the 2007, the new term opening ceremony and commencement ceremony are held in the gym.

Now the gym is opened to all students, faculty and staff, and the community, with all its sports facilities.


8. Motto & Mission statement of CAU


It is the motto or the mission statement of CAU. Literally, the 14 characters mean to tackle the problems Chinese people are faced with, and cultivate talents from all over the world. For the faculty, students, and the alumni, it is the mission statement we declare to the country and the world: it is our mission to know about the hardship and difficulties that Chinese people are faced with, and find out the solutions to all of them; it is also our mission to cultivate talented students to serve the country and its people.

The mission statement is a legacy from our predecessors, which calls for the action of every CAU student.

9. Some gifts from different provincial alumni associations:

Ding is an ancient Chinese cooking vessel with legs. In Chinese history and culture, possession of one or more ancient dings is often associated with power and dominion over the land. Therefore, the ding is often used as an implicit symbolism for power, or stability, or prosperity.


Blue and white ceramic vases were made in Jingdezhen, a town in east China's JiangXi province famous for its ceramics for centuries.

Inkstone is a stone stand used for preparing the ink used in Chinese brush calligraphy. It weighs 2,000 kg and has 100 dragons engraved on it.

Painting, from Moscow.


Second Floor

Here in front of us is a history flowchart of CAU.

This flowchart can show us that China Agricultural University has a long history of more than one hundred years, with different names in different times.

It originated from the Agriculture University of Peking Imperial University and was built in 1905, late Qing Dynasty.

In that year, the traditional imperial examination system was abolished and the modern education system was formally ushered in.

In the eve of People's Republic of China, under the support of the central

government, three agriculture colleges of Peking University, Tsinghua University and North China University were united smoothly. On April 8th, 1950,the new university took its formal name: Beijing Agricultural University.

In 1995, Beijing Agricultural University and Beijing Agricultural Engineering University merged into China Agricultural University. That's why we now have two campuses and when we began to have the name of CAU.

Part I from the Agriculture University of Peking Imperial University to the Agriculture College of Peking University

1. 1905 ~ 1913

LUO Zhenyu and the original location of the Agriculture University

Luo Zhenyu, the founder of the Agriculture University as well as a great cultural celebrity in the Chinese modern history, is the first important name in the history of CAU.

In 1909, Luo was appointed to be the first supervisor of the Agriculture

University in the Imperial University of Peking. He placed great emphasis on the construction of the Agriculture University.

Before he wrote The Report about the second investigation on the land in

Diaoyutai, Luo went to Japan to do research and investigation on the construction of


an agricultural university. After many times of serious discussions and careful

investigations, the location of the Agriculture University was finally decided on a land covering about 1200 Mu (about 200 acres or 0.8 million square meters) with beautiful sceneries, where the now famous Yuyuantan park and the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse are located.

From 1908 to 1958, the Agriculture University had been there for half a century till it moved to Malianwa, where the west campus of CAU is located now.

These old pictures can still give us a glimpse of what it was like at that time.

A new name

In 1912, the Temporary Government of Republic of China was founded. In May, the Imperial University of Peking was renamed as Peking University, and the

Agriculture University was also renamed to the Agricultural University of National Peking University.

The first batch of graduates

Until 1913, eight years after the founding of the university, the university granted bachelor degrees to her first batch of graduates. The long school duration is a reflection of the hardship experienced by the forefathers in starting the modern agriculture higher education in China.

This is a group photo of the graduates. The one in suit was a Japanese teacher. This is a name list of the faculty members, on which are quite a few Japanese names and some Korean names.

2. Feb. 1914 ~ Feb. 1923

Becoming independent

In February 1914, the Education Ministry of Northern Warlords Government turned the Agriculture University into an independent university with the name of National Peking Specialized Agriculture School, which, just like Peking University, became one of the eight national universities directly subordinated to the Education Ministry.

Educational transformation from Japanese model to American model

In 1921, led by the then president Wu Zongshi, the school underwent a reform in the education system and lengthened the school duration from three years to four years and adopted the academic credit system, offering both compulsory and optional courses.

The first woman student

This is an advertisement on the Morning Newspaper of October 20th, 1921, which


said the school would enroll girl students. It marked the beginning of Chinese women’s entry into the field of higher agricultural education in China. It was regrettable that the advertisement didn’t meet with quick responses. It was in 1926, 5 years after the advertisement was published, that the school received its first girl student.

From 1930, the graduate year of the first girl student, to 1949, when the People's Republic of China was founded, there were only 71 women graduates from CAU. As a contrast, the percentage of girl students today is over 50%.

The first international exchange

In 1916, for the first time, CAU sent her graduate-year students on a tour to Japan and Korea for an academic exchange, with Professor Xu Xuan being their leader and guide, who was a graduate from Japan and studied there for 6 years from 1907 to 1913 on a government sponsorship.

University funeral for Professor XU Xuan

Being the initiator and founder of China agricultural economics, Professor Xu worked for China Agriculture University for about twenty years all together, during which he was appointed as the university president or a college dean for four times and made outstanding contributions to the construction and development of CAU, as well as the higher agricultural education in China, reputed as “a rare figure” and “a great master” by the education circle at that time.

In 1934, at the age of 58, XU died of a brain hemorrhage triggered by overwork. The school committee of Peiping University decided to hold a school funeral for him, which was unprecedented in the history of Peiping University.

Student activities

Basketball team

Tennis team

Semimonthly Xingnong

Xing Nong, which means "Awakening Peasants" in Chinese, aimed at awakening the patriotic awareness of Chinese peasants, as well as helping with the development of agriculture. It was one of the most influential publications at that time, which was issued both at home and abroad.

3. March, 1923 ~ Nov. 1928 The National Peking Agriculture University

In March, 1923, the National Peking Specialized Agriculture School was renamed as the National Peking Agriculture University.

President Zhang Shizhao


Zhang Shizhao, a famous political activist and educator in China's history, played an important role in the process of the transformation from the National Peking Specialized Agriculture School to the National Peking Agricultural University.

Right after coming back from the inspection tour abroad in Dec, 1922, he delivered a speech in National Peking Specialized Agriculture School to support its transformation from a specialized school to a university, elaborating his principle of running a higher education school, and was soon appointed to be the president of the National Peking Specialized Agriculture School. After assuming office, Zhang took some significant measures to accelerate the development of the school.

Zhang placed an advertisement on Morning Newspaper to recruit agricultural experts both at home and abroad to teach at the school. Later in 1930s, as a response to his call, many experts and scholars coming back from abroad to apply for positions in the National Peking Agriculture University.

During his term of office, he made a long-term plan for the school and also donated his salary to the school library for the purchase of reference books, some of which can still be seen in today's library.

During this period, the academic discipline system of school was flawless and the university had a group of well-trained, experienced teachers, owning four agricultural experiment bases and a large number of experimental apparatuses and reference books. It was also a time with a very active academic atmosphere. The founding of the Agricultural Chemical Association and the Forestry Association in the school, made the school better deserve the reputation of China's most prestigious agricultural university.

4. Nov., 1928 ~ Sep., 1937

The first golden decade

1928 witnessed the victory of Northern Expedition, a military campaign led by the the nationalist party, Kuomintang (KMT) in Chinese, from 1926 to 1928, whose main objective was to unify China under the Kuomintang banner by ending the rule of local warlords.

The national government got into Beijing, changed the name of Beijing into Peiping, and reorganized the then 9 state-run universities. Peking university & Beijing normal university got their respective independence as a result of their strong protests against merging with other universities. Soon more universities and colleges became independent, too.

The National Peking Agriculture University was merged into the National Peiping university as its Agriculture College and developed very quickly in the following ten years, which can be called the first golden decade (from 1928 to 1937) in the history of CAU.

Interaction with peasants

"Teaching peasants how to farm", "教民稼穑", was the mission statement of the


Agriculture College, written on the wall right beside the gate of agriculture college of National Beiping university.

All the faculty and students observed the great tradition of agriculture university to keep strong links with peasants and serve the rural areas whatever they can: they participated in farming across the country, spread new farming knowledge and technology, set up experiment fields, and educated peasants.

Every year during that time, the college held fairs themed "Having fun with peasants" and produce tasting, which turned out to be an effective way to keep in touch with rural areas and peasants and serve agriculture.

China Peasants Festival and Liu Yunchou, the dean of Agriculture College of National Peiping University

Liu Yunchou, the dean of Agriculture College of National Peiping University from Dec., 1932 to Jan. 1937, put forward "3 construction plans", that is, psychological construction, facilities construction, and social construction, which was quite ahead of time then and is still very instructive till today.

He also suggested the establishment of rural area experimental sites, and a festival for peasants on Nov., 11th, a day implying the combination of knowledge and soil and also of intellectuals and peasants by the Chinese structures of the two characters "士" and "土".

It was a prosperous and glorious time in the history of CAU. Academic and research activities took their form and were gaining in scale. There were 9 student associations or clubs. Academic meetings were held frequently and heatedly. In addition, more than 10 agricultural journals and newspapers were in circulation, among which was the influential Agriculture Weekly, issued in company with World Daily. The campus was beautiful in all seasons and was reputed as "Little Switzerland in the East", quoted from World Daily.

Beautiful sceneries on Yuyuantan campus

The first school car/bus

Some experiment equipment

The experiment field

Diaoyutai wood farm

Faculty name list with many members having international study experience 5. Sep., 1937 ~ July, 1938 Agricultural College of Xi’an Temporary University &

Agricultural College of the National Northwest Union University

In 1937, a war broke out in China.


In order to avoid the disaster of the war, Peiping University and some other universities in Beijing moved westward to Shaanxi province, and merged into the National Northwest Union University. The previous Agricultural College in Peiping University turned into the Agriculture College of the National Northwest Union University, which later collaborated with Northwestern Agriculture and Forestry Technological Academy and set up the National Northwest Agricultural College.

The Agricultural College of Peiping University, the first national agriculture university bid its farewell to the history.

During the wartime, the North China Bogus Government set up the other Agricultural College of Peking University in Beijing.

(Note: It is called Bogus government because the government held authority only over territories under Japanese military occupation. 6. June 1946 - September 1949 the Agricultural College of the National Peking


After the victory of the anti-Japanese war in 1945, most universities that once had moved westward began to move back to their original places and the Agricultural University also started her way of renaissance.

The alumni association of the Agricultural College of Peiping University made great efforts to contact and negotiate with Hu Shi, the then President of Peking University, for many times.

Finally, they reached a consensus: the former Agricultural College of Peiping University would be reestablished in its original place, as a college of Peking University.

The Agricultural University thus resumed its history.

With Yu Dafu being the dean, who was also one of the founders of plant

pathology in China, an agricultural microbiologist, and an agricultural educator, a large number of elites from the academic field joined the faculty.

The college was developing on a grand scale, enjoying a vast teaching and

practice space as well as beautiful campus scenery. It also boasted of its 10

specialized agricultural departments out of the all 33 departments set up by 6 colleges in Peking University.

In July, 1949, the Agricultural College of Furen University was incorporated into the Agricultural College of Peking University, which strengthened the sources of CAU's origins.


Part II From the Agricultural School of Tsinghua College to

the Agricultural College of Tsinghua University

1. 1934 ~ 1946, the Agricultural Institution of Tsinghua University

In 1934, Tsinghua set up an agricultural institution with two divisions specialized in insect damages and plant diseases respectively. Despite the hardship in China then, Tsinghua Agricultural Institution cultivated and reserved a group of agricultural

talents. When the institution was in Kunming, it has a team of only 60 people in total, 14 of whom became academicians later. It was probably no exaggeration to say that the Institution was a talent pool.

2. June, 1946 ~ Sep., 1949 The Agricultural College of Tsinghua University

After the war, Tsinghua moved back to Peiping. In 1946, the Agricultural College of Tsinghua University was founded, with Tang Peisong being appointed as the president. He designed a brand new blue print for the college, determined to turn it into a teaching and research place with a high level of academic standards on

agriculture and biology, a place just like his alma mater, Johns Hopkins University, or the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. The idea was unique at that time in China.

Tang's plan was not fulfilled. But the question "What kind of university should CAU become" he put forward has been thought over, discussed and concerned by generations of CAU faculty and students later.

Today, CAU is aiming to become a China's top ranking and world's first-class agricultural university.


Part III From Yan'an Natural Science Academy in Yan'an to

the Agriculture College of North China University

1. Aug., 1940 ~ March, 1946


The Agriculture College of North China University began with the biology department of Yan'an Natural Science Academy. The dean of the biology department was Le Tianyu, a graduate from National Peking Specialized Agricultural School.


In a time of endless wars and social unrests, with a shortage of almost everything, the biology department overcame all difficulties and made great achievements in teaching, production and scientific research and exploration, which contributed magnificently to the development of Shaanxi province, Gansu province, and Ningxia Hui Minority Autonomous region.


In 1944, the biology department was transformed into the department of agriculture.

2. March, 1946 ~ July, 1948 North Agriculture College


In the March of 1947, on the basis of Agriculture department of Yan'an Natural Science Academy, the Agriculture College of North University was founded in Changzhi, north China's Shanxi Province.


The destructive war left the whole rural area in chaos: the severe shortage of farming animals and sugar.

In order to solve the practical problems, the Agriculture College gave priority to training veterinarians and sugar technicians, aiming to serve the people.



The college combined western animal medicine with Chinese animal medicine and made traditional Chinese animal medicine as a compulsory course, which is widely accepted by the international academical community as the beginning of modern Chinese animal medicine.

3. July, 1948 ~ Sep., 1949 The Agriculture College of North China University


In July, 1948, North University and North China Union University were merged into North China University. Accordingly, the Agriculture College was renamed as Agriculture College of North China University.

Sugar refinery of new China


In 1949,the college moved back to Peiping. Students majoring in the production of sugar stayed in Shijiazhuang and contributed a lot to the improvement of the technology and equipment of sugar production in China.


1950年4月8日,北京农业大学校名确定,农大历史的新篇章就此展开。 In the eve of New China, under the support of central government, three

agriculture colleges of Peking University, Tsinghua University and North China University were united smoothly.

On April 8th, 1950,the new university took its formal name: Beijing Agricultural University.


第四部分 从北京农业大学、北京农业机械化学院到中国农业大学 Part IV Beijing Agriculture University, Beijing Agricultural Mechanization Institute and China Agriculture University 北京农业大学成立之初,乐天宇提倡“生产、教育、研究三位一体”,要求师生在大生产运动中,到农村去与群众密切结合,边生产、边教学、边研究,在完成群众生产任务的同时,完成学习和研究任务。

Right after the establishment of the Peking Agriculture University, The leader of University advocated to integrate production, teaching and research, requiring all the teachers and students to be engaged in this movement.


The school started the reform under the guidance of this integration policy. For the school duration, the undergraduate education was divided into 4 stages. The most distinctive stage is the six-month period of Farming Learning, during which the students would take classes on farmland.

As for the courses, the “New Genetics” course was opened, and all departments were required to make their curriculum according to the need of agricultural construction. At the same time, Russian language became a compulsory course as their first foreign language. When it comes to student groups, Peking Agriculture University made a good try on the multilevel system, including graduate and undergraduate programs, junior college programs as well as short-term training programs.

(Note: New Genetics held that the natural environment was the decisive factor that decided biological heredity and variation, ignoring the role genetic factors in biological heredity and variation, which is opposite to genetics established by Mendel, Weismann, and Morgen.)


In early 1950s, students and teachers conducted researches on local soil, animal species, and crop species in the northeast and northwest of China as well as the


upstream area of the Yongding river. They collect first-hand data, conduct analysis, write reports, and give suggestions as well, all of which had played an important role in the development of agriculture in northwest China at that time. Today, we have some soil samples collected at that time kept in this museum.


Beijing Agricultural University was listed as one of the six key universities by the State Council in 1954.


In 1952, Beijing Institute of Agricultural Mechanization was founded as one of the most important universities devoted to agricultural higher education in the new China.


In 1960, Beijing Institute of Agricultural Mechanization was listed as one of the key higher education institutes by the State Council. In 1985, Beijing Institute of Agricultural Mechanization became Beijing Agricultural Engineering University, and in 1995, it combined with Beijing Agricultural University into China Agricultural University.



From 1952, China began to cooperate closely with the Soviet Union in higher education. Beijing Agricultural University and Beijing Institute of Agricultural Mechanization conducted reform on teaching plans and curriculum designs, following the practice of Soviet Union.

In 1950s, there were more than 30 Soviet Union experts teaching and working in Beijing Agricultural University and Beijing Institute of Agricultural Machinery. They made great contribution to introducing agricultural technology and teaching experience of Soviet Union. Moreover, they promoted academic exchanges and enhanced the friendship between China and the Soviet Union.


Since 1951, the universities had been designating students and teachers to go to the Soviet Union and other People’s democratic states in East Europe to study. Since 1954, Beijing Agricultural University and Beijing Institute of Agricultural Machinery had been accepting foreign students, and had received more than 150 foreign students


by the year of 1966, most of whom were Vietnam students.


In 1958, Beijing Agricultural University moved from Luodaozhuang, where it had stayed for more than 50 years, to Malianwa, where the west campu is located today.


In accordance with the instructions of chairman Mao, in 1958, all teachers and students of both Beijing agricultural university and Beijing institute of agricultural mechanization went to work and practice in the rural area for one year. They made a lot of achievements during the year and contributed to the rural production in many ways such as plant breeding, planting and pest control.

They helped summarize the experience such as how to planting the wheat more productively, how to recognize the soil, and make use of and improve the soil, and how to conserve water.

The refining of gibberellins, the proportioning of dimethoate (Rogor) and the designing of advanced agricultural tractor were most impressive achievements at that time.


During the 10 years of the cultural revolution from 1966 to 1976, Beijing agricultural university and Beijing Institute of Agricultural Mechanization had to move out of Beijing, traveling their way across the country from east (Beijing) to west (Ganquan County, northwestern China's Shaanxi province), from north (Beijing & Hebei province) to south (Chongqing, southwestern China's Sichuan province), and had to change their names in certain times, losing many precious cultural relics on the way.


In 1978, Beijing Agricultural University and Beijing Institute of Agricultural Mechanization were approved to move from counties in Hebei province to their original sites in Beijing.



But they moved back only to find the school buildings occupied by other organization. The class could only be given in sheds set up for temporary use and the staff and faculty had to take small earth houses or restrooms as offices or labs. With great efforts, until early 1990s, the school took back most of the buildings.


In 1984, the state council listed Beijing Agricultural University as one of the ten key universities that the country would spare no effort to construct. In 1985, the then Beijing Institute of Agricultural Mechanization changed its name to Beijing Agricultural Engineering University.


From 1980, the university resumed her enrollment of undergraduates and graduates and expanded the enrollment systematically. The more and more scientific and systematic teaching programs and the achievements in teaching and research won great reputation to the two universities.


The students and faculty bear in mind that they shall help solve problems people are faced with. Their efforts in scientific researches were focused on serving "farmers, rural area and agriculture" to help solve practical problems related to agricultural construction. From 1978 to 1995 there were approximately 280 national-level or provincial level awards.


In the 1980s and 1990s, with the development of reform and opening up, CAU gained more and more opportunities and channels in international communication and cooperation. CAU has established interschool connections with more than a dozen universities from Federal Republic of Germany, the United States, Canada, Japan,


New Zealand and Australia. In the meantime, in order to optimize current disciplines and set up new ones, CAU has been taking active part in and deepen international academic communication and promote the development of cooperative projects with Israel, Germany, Thailand and Korea.


From 1980 to 1995, Beijing Agricultural University and Beijing Agricultural Engineering University held international academic conferences more than 50 times, ranging from soil improvement, animal science, agricultural engineering, biological technology, to sustainable comprehensive management of agriculture and many other aspects. With international communication increasing, teachers and students have broadened their horizons. The number of teachers and students going abroad to study is increasing. And more foreign students and experts are coming.


In October, 1995, Beijing Agricultural University and Beijing Agricultural

Engineering University combined into a new agricultural university with a larger scale and more comprehensive disciplines—China Agricultural University. The then president and General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee Jiang Zemin inscribed the name of CAU for the university.


In the ten years from 1995 to 2005, CAU developed rapidly and gained great achievements. In 1998, CAU was put on the list of "211 project”, a project initiated in 1995 by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, which has involved more than 100 key (that is about 6% of all) universities and colleges and aims at cultivating high-level talents who can contribute to national economic and social development in the 21st century.

In 2003 CAU was put on the list of “985 project”, a boosting project to promote the Chinese higher education system under the call of the President Jiang Zemin at the 100th anniversary of Peking University (1898~1998) on May 4, 1998 (also named from the time 98 (the year) 5 (May, the month)). Project 985 was initiated because of a statement by Jiang on May 4, 1998, when the then President Jiang Zemin stated that "China must have a number of top-class universities at international level".


Through the joint efforts of the leaders, staff and faculty, and the students, CAU has realized a smooth transition, organizational reformation and innovation, improvement of the comprehensive management, and great development in teaching and research. CAU has eventually entered a new era of prosperity.


China Agricultural University has continually played a crucial role of pioneers in the course of Chinese education's modernization, and has been closely bound up with the nation’s modernization. A hundred years’ development and consistent efforts have enabled the university not only to achieve eminence, but also to form distinctive characters. CAU is now making unremitting efforts to build CAU into a highly recognized university in the future!

