省泰兴市西城初级中学八年级英语上册 Unit 8 Natural disasters Reading II教案 (新版)牛津版

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Unit 8 Natural disasters

Comic strip and welcome to the unit

Teaching Aims: 1. To learn the new words and phrases

2. To meet the past continuous tense 3. Talk about some natural disaster.

Step 1 Presentation

1. Show some pictures to learn some words.

2. Then read aloud the new words.

disaster mop up earthquake thousands of accident coach crash

flood wash away village lightning storm thunder catch fire

Step 2 Do some exercises.

Do Part A on page 93.

Check the answers.

Step 3 Presentation

Show some pictures to present comic strip.

Step 4 Listen and answer

1. Listen to the tape and answer the follow questions.

1) What’s the weather like?

2) What happened to Hobo?

3) What was Hobo doing when it started to rain?

4) Did Hobo hear the rain?

5) Why doesn’t he want to go home alone?

6) What do you think of Hobo?

2. Read the dialogue in pairs.

3. Act it out.

Step 6 Listening

1. Listen to part B and answer the following question.

1) What happened to Vivien’s school?

2) When did it happen?

2. Read after the recorder.

3. Pratice in pairs.

4. Act it out.

5. Make their own dialogue.

Step 7 Explanation

1. wake up 醒过

wake sb. up 叫醒某人

e.g. I wake up at six every morning!


She wakes me up at six every morning.


2. mop up 拖干净,把......拖干净 e.g. Hobo wants Eddie to mop up the water.


3. thousands of 成千上万的

e.g. There are thousands of people on the road.


4. a car accident 一场车祸

e.g. There was a car accident yesterday.


5. crash into 猛撞,碰撞

e.g. A car crashed into a tree last night.


6. wash away 冲走

e.g. A terrible flood washed away his house.


7. fall from 从……掉下,落下

e.g. The boy fell from a tree and hurt his legs.


8. catch fire 着火

e.g. The house caught fire because of the lightening.


Step 8 Exercises


1. There are many _________ (灾害) in the world every day. 2. I heard of a car _________ (事故) here.

3. --- What was the weather like yesterday?

--- It was_________ (sun) but ________ (wind).

4. Our school football team _______ (lose) the game last Friday.

5. My brother __________ (fall) off his bike just now.

6. I __________ (do) my homework when my mother came back.


1. 下周天气将会变得更糟。

The weather _________________ next week.

2. 数千人在一次地震中丧生了。

____________ people _____________ in the earthquake.

3. 一场洪水冲走了他们的房子。

A flood ________________________.

Step 9 Homework

1. Read the text book and learn the new words and phrases by heart.

2. Do the exercises in the workbook. Reading II


1. Learn the language points in this article.

2. Learn to talk about natural disasters.

Step 1 Revision

How much do you know about ‘An earthquake’?

Fill in the table.

Step 2 Explanation 1. feel a slight shake (n.)


e.g. We felt a slight shake when the earthquake started.

当地震开始的时候我们感到一阵轻微的震动。 2. start to shake (vt.) 开始摇动

e.g. The earth started to shake when the earthquake began.


3. in fear 害怕地,恐惧地


in trouble 有麻烦的

in need 需要帮助的

in danger 处于危险之中

in hunger 饥饿的

e.g. People screamed in fear.

人们害怕地尖叫起来。 e.g. They got lost in the forest. They had to try different ways in fear. 他们在森林里迷路了,他们不得不害怕地尝试不同的路。

4. run out of … 从……跑出 e.g. Some students run out of the classroom.


5. run in all directions 跑向四面八方

e.g. People ran in all directions.

人们跑向四面八方。 6. come down 崩塌,坍塌

e.g. The walls began to come down.


7. feel nervous 感到紧张

8. beat fast 跳的快

e.g. He felt nervous and his heart was beating fast.


9. calm down 冷静下来,平静下来

calm v. 使平静,使镇静

n. 平静,宁静

adj. 平静的,镇静的

e.g. I’m nervous, but I told myself to calm down.


e.g. I must keep calm.


10. find one’s way out 找到出路

e.g. He wants to find his way out.


11. move away 搬走,移走

e.g. They quickly move away the bricks.


Step 3 Do some exercises


1. The two old friends s_____ hands hard when they met in the street.

2. Most buildings in this area are made of b________ and stones. 3. The girl was full of f_____ when the earthquake started.

4. I tried to c______ down, but I was still frightened.

5. Kate began to s_____ when she saw a worm in her book.

二、Find the following phrases from the text.








三、Fill in the blanks.

1. Frightened by the loud noise, the children looked at each other ________ (害怕地).

2. The small animals in the forest __________________ (四处逃窜) when they saw a tiger coming.

3. We _________________ (正在尽全力) to protect wild animals.

4. The fans _______________(疯狂尖叫) all the time during the concert.

5. I _____________ (平静下来) after listening to the beautiful music.

6. Five workers ____________ (被困) in the mine for 10 hours last month.


1. 地震开始的时候,她正在购物。

2. 人们在跑向四面八方,一块块的玻璃和砖块直往下掉。

3. 我正在努力找出路时,这时突然听到我的上方有声音。

4. 我听到了兴奋的人们的呼喊声。

Step 4 Homework

1. Recite this article.

2. Remember the language points in this lesson.

