2014四年级上册Unit 5 Diner教案

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Unit 5 Diner’s ready

单元目标: 知识与能力: 句型:

1. 能听、说、认读句型:What’s for dinner? What would your like(for?)?I’d like some?,please. Would you like?? No. thanks. I can use?

2.能运在情景中运用句型:What would you like (for?) ? I’d like ?征求并表达用餐意愿。

3. 能够在情景中运用句型Help yourself. Would you like??Yes, please./No, thanks. I can use?提出用餐建议和餐具使用建议,并恰当回应。 4.能够在情景中运用句型What’s for dinner?询问用餐食物。

5.能够按意群朗读What would your like for dinner, John? I’d like some beef, please.等三组句子 词汇:

1. 能听、说、认读单词:chicken, noodles, beef, soup, vegetable, bowl, fork, knife , spoon, chopsticks.

2.能够正确使用上述单词表达用餐意愿和餐具使用情况。 3. 能够在有意义的语境中抄写单元话题词汇。 语音:

1.能够掌握-e 的发音规则,即-e在单词中发长音。

2.能够读出符合-e发音规则的单词;并能够根据发音拼写出符合-e发音规则的单词。 过程与方法:

培养学生的合作精神和创新意识,提高学生英语综合运用能力和用英语做事情的能力。 情感态度与价值观:

1. 了解用餐礼仪,能够对用餐建议作出恰当的反应。 2. 初步了解中西方餐饮文化的差异。

3..能够读出符合-e发音规则的单词;并能够根据发音拼写出符合-e发音规则的单词。 教学重点:能够运用本单元的词语和句型来表达用餐意愿和餐具使用情况。 教学难点:能够运用本单元的词语和句型来表达用餐意愿和餐具使用情况。 教学准备:课件,图片,录音机。


Unit 5 Diner’s ready


一、教学内容:A Let's talk Make a survey 二、教学目标: 1、知识目标:

能听懂、会说句子What's for dinner? Wait and see. What would you like for dinner? I'd like some...please. Everything's ready. 2、能力目标:

(1)能在情境中运用所学的新句型What's for dinner? Wait and see. What would you like for dinner? I'd like some...please. Everything's ready.

(2)能运用句型What would you like for dinner? I'd like some...进行调查。 3、情感态度、学习策略等目标:

激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学习英语的积极态度,使学生乐于合作参与、勇于进行交际实践。 三、教学重点:

能听懂、会说What would you like for dinner? I'd like some...please. 四、教学难点:

能听懂、会说What would you like for dinner? I'd like some... please. Everything's ready. 五、课前准备:

教师准备:食物、饮料图片、两个充气锤子 学生准备:食物、饮料卡片。 六、教学步骤: Ⅰ.Warming up

a. Let's chant. Mom's in the living room... b. Listen to a song. What would you like? Ⅱ.Revision

a. Listen and point. 教师报一个食物或饮料单词,同桌之间比赛看谁先把课本 上的菜单中的单词指出来。

b. T: Everything's ready. I have many food and drink here. What would you like? Would you like some chicken? S: Yes, please./ No, thanks. S1: Can I have some...please? T: Sure. Here you are. Ⅲ.Presentation.


a. (大屏幕呈现菜单) T: It’s 5:00P.M. It’s time for dinner. Everything's ready. I'm hungry. I'd like some...and ...for dinner. What would you like for dinner? S: I'd like some...and.... b. Pair work.

What would you like for dinner? I'd like some...and.... (针对调查表格进行问答) 汇报调查

c. 比较What would you like for dinner? I'd like some...and....和What do you like? I like some?的区别。

d. 呈现三餐不同的时间,学习单词breakfast and lunch.并操练句型What would you like for breakfast/ lunch/dinner?学生根据自己的喜好回答。 e.学习Let’s talk部分对话。

1.Listen to the tape and answer the questions What would Mike like for dinner? What woule Mike’s mon like for dinner? 学生在课文中找出答案,并做出正确回答。 2. 再听课文录音,学习用餐用语

What's for dinner? Wait and see. Everything's ready.等 f. 跟读对话,练习并Act out the dialogue. 七、板书设计:

What would you like for dinner? I'd like some...and....


一、教学内容:A Let's learn Let's play 二、教学目标: 1、知识目标:

能听、说、认读单词rice, noodles, beef, soup, vegetable..和句型“Can I have a/some??”及其答语“Sure, here you are”。 2、能力目标:

(1)能根据自己的实际情况,灵活运用句型“Can I have a/some??”表达自己喜欢和想要的食物及饮料并回答“Sure, here you are”。

(2) 初步了解并基本会使用用餐时的基本用语,如What would you like for dinner? I’d like some? 等。

(3)会唱歌曲“What would you like”。


3、情感态度学习策略等目标: 培养学生健康的饮食观念 三、教学重点:

重点掌握有关食物和饮料的单词:rice, noodles, beef, soup, vegetable. 四、教学难点:


2、在回答“What would you like for dinner?时,注意单词复数的形式的正确运用。 五、课前准备:

1、教师准备食物、饮料的图片和一顶纸帽 2、学生准备本课六个生词词卡。 六、教学步骤:

ⅠWarming up( Presentation) a. Let's chant. 三上第五单元A Let’s do. b. Free talk.

T: I'm hungry. Let's eat something. What do you like?

S: I like...(根据学生回答呈现图片,复习已学过的食物及饮料单词)

T: I like rice. Can I have some rice, please? (引导学生表达原因It’s tasty等。) S1: Sure. Here you are. T: Thank you.

c. Show the pictures: rice, noodles, soup.学习新单词并进行操练。 d. 呈现menu进行Pair work. A:I'm hungry. Can I have some...please? B:Sure, here you are.

e. 根据菜单上的内容增加价格的询问: How much? ?yuan. f. Practice.

A:I'm hungry. Can I have some...please? B:Sure, here you are. A: How much? B: …yuan.

Ⅲ Listen to the tape.

Ⅳ 学习句型What would you like for dinner? I'd like some...and....

1.呈现时钟,5:00P.M. It’s time for dinner. What would you like for dinner?帮助学习理解dinner, would like的中文意思以及答句。 2.Let’s draw


3.针对59页表格进行句型操练。 4.Listen to a song. What would you like? Homework:


2.用49页的句子询问父母,做对话。 七、板书设计:

What would you like for dinner?

I'd like some.... menu rice, noodles, beef, soup, vegetables

Unit 5 Diner’s ready


一、教学内容:A Let’s spell 二、教学目标:

能根据E的重读闭音节和开音节发音规律,听、说、读、写单词:me he she we

并能明确区分e 在单词中的发音。

能灵活运用e的发音,解决一些新单词的发音,并能够对所熟悉的单词听,读,拼背。 三、教学重点、难点

能根据e的重读闭音节和开音节发音规律,听、说、读、写单词:me he she we并能明确区分e 在单词中的发音。 四,教学难点

能灵活运用e的发音,解决一些新单词的发音,并能够对所熟悉的单词听,读,拼背。 五、教学步骤: Ⅰ. Warming up.

1. Enjoying a phonics song

复习26个字母重读闭音节的发音以及三下26个字母所举例的单词,并进行抽查。 E.g: e /e/ elephant, egg?. 2. let’s say.

Aa /a / map cap a e /ei/ cake face name make

Ii /i/ six big I e/ai/ kite five fine nice ice like Oo /eu/ ok orange 二、Presentation

1、Teach: e在单词中的发音

T: Look, who’s this? Ss:He is ZhangPeng. T: Yeah, He is ZhangPeng, He, He. e he ,Ss read it.


T: He is ZhangPeng, What about me? Ss: You’re Jasmine. T:Yes, Look at me. Me me . Ss:Me me .

T: Yeah. e me. Ss read it.

T: ZhangPeng has a good friend. Look, a boy or a girl? Ss : A girl.

T: Yes,she is a girl. She ,she ,e she. Ss read.

Ss read the words together: nose, note, Coke, Mr Jones. 3. Enjoy let’s chant.

Oh, Mr Jones, put the coke on the note. Oh, Mr Jones, put the note on his nose…. 4.let’s write.

Ss learn to write the words: me he she we 5.Can you read?

1. be me egg let red pen

2. let’s check ourselves: read, listen and tick.P26 三、Consolidation

1.Let’s have a race: Who can read correctly? NO.1 get she red we No.2 let pencil he pen 2

Do workbook


1. listen and read three times. 2.Copy the words: rice he red we 六、板书设计:

Unit 5 Diner’s ready

Ee me he she we be Ee bed red pencil let get

Unit 5 Diner’s ready


一、教学内容:B Let's talk Let’s play 二、教学目标: 1、知识目标:


(1)能听、会说:I can use chopsticks. Let me try. Help yourself. Let me show you. Mm.......yummy, I like Chinese food. We had a good time. See you tomorrow. Good night! (2)能听懂指示语,并按照指令做出相应的动作。 2、能力目标:

(1)能在情境中运用所学的新句型I can use chopsticks. Let me try. Help yourself. Let me show you. Mm.......yummy, I like Chinese food. We had a good time. See you tomorrow. Good night!

(2)能够听懂并发出传递餐具和食物的一些指令,如:pass me the fork ,pass me the rice and noodles,too.


能够了解中西方不同的就餐习惯,学会在就餐中关照他人,并学会使用礼貌用语进行感谢。 三、教学重点:

能听懂、会说 Let’s talk 中对话,并实际情景中运用。. 四、教学难点:

1、能听懂、会说:I can use chopsticks. Help yourself; 2、句子Help yourself. I can use chopsticks.的发音。 五、课前准备:

餐具和食物的图片、餐具的实物、教学挂图、录音机 六、教学步骤: 1.Warming up

(1)song : What would you like?

(2)Free talk: What would you like? I’d like… 2.Presentation.

(1) 课前利用图片在黑板上准备一桌饭菜。

T:“What would you like for dinner? Chinese food or English food?”

S:“I like English food.” T:“What’s this?” S:“It’s beef. ”

T:“Mm…Yummy. How can I eat it?” S:“Cut with the knife. Use the fork.” T:“Who can do it?”

教师拿出真实的餐具,让孩子试一试。教师帮助孩子说:“ Let me try.”,请孩子来边试


边说。然后教师边示范边说:“Let me show you.”

当孩子们理解了以上的句子,教师带着孩子们边演边说:“Mm?Yummy. I like beef. I can use the fork and the knife. Let me show you.”让孩子在小组中边演边说。 (2) 创设情景:Today is my birthday. 教师邀请大家来家作客并共享晚餐。 T: Welcome to my home. Sit down, please. Ss: Thank you.

T: What would you like for dinner? Ss: I’d like some……

T: OK. Wait a minute.(师作炒菜的样子) T: Boys and girls. Dinner’s ready. Help yourself. T: Do you like these food?

Ss: Yes, I do. Mm??Yummy.(师引导学生回答) T: Are you happy today?

Ss: (引导学生回答)We had a good time. T: I had a good time,too. See you tomorrow.

呈现句子:Dinner’s ready! Help yourself. We had a good time. See you tomorrow. Good night! 师带读这些句子。

(3)T:今天Wu Yifan邀请John 和Mike到他家作客,由于John和Mike是外国人,Wu Yifan 为他们准备了forks and knives, 但是他们会用筷子吗?Let’s have a look.利用录音和挂图帮助学生理解对话。 1. Can John use chopsticks?

2. What about Mike? How do you know? 3. Do they like Chinese food?

利用上面几个问题,继续呈现句子: I can use chopsticks. (4)听录音,跟读对话。 3、巩固与拓展:


(2)根据Let’s chant部分节奏,改编歌谣。 (教师改编歌谣的第一段,学生仿照改编,边说边演) Use the fork, Let me show you Use the fork, Let me try.

4、Homework: (1)听录音,读熟对话。


(2)小组内试着编一组新对话,用上本课会餐时的语言材料。 七、板书设计:

Unit 5 Diner’s ready

I can use chopsticks Let me try 饭菜图片 Help yourself Let me show you I like Chinese food We had a good time

Unit 5 Diner’s ready


一、教学内容:BLet's learn Let's do 二、教学目标: 1、知识目标:


(2)能理解掌握句型“Would you like some beef?”及其答语“Yes.Pass me a plate,please”. 2、能力目标:


(2) 能够听懂并发出传递与使用餐具的一些指令,如:Pass me a plate,please.Use the chopsticks.

3、情感态度、学习策略等目标目标: 了解中西方餐饮文化方面的知识。 三、教学重点:

能够正确地听说认读plate, fork, knife , spoon, chopsticks. 四、教学难点:

spoon的词的尾音;knife中字母I 发音;Chopsticks的读音 五、课前准备:

1、fork\\spoon\\plate\\chopsticks\\knife实物 2、教师生词卡片、学生小卡片 3、所学食物卡片 4、录音机 六、教学步骤: 1、Warm-up


(1)Let’s sing :《What would you like》 (2)Free talk 2、Presentation

(1)T: What would you like ?

S1: I’d like some---(bread)师把单词写于黑板,并呈现词卡图画。 依据此练,分别呈现食物单词:beef\\ noodles \\bread \\ soup (2)转换角色由学生问:Hello , Miss ?? , what would you like ?

T: I’d like some beef. Give me some beef please.(学生递上小卡片)Thank you .(师放于盘子)Where is the beef? Ss : They’re on the ---

T引导出盘子plate 并且呈现。教师指着手中的盘子,说:“This is a plate”带读,学生重复词。Can you wash the plate? Do with me. 学生边说边做wash the plates。 (3)T:Now,I’m hungry,I want to eat the beef.How can I eat the beef? Can I use my hand ? Ss: No . (师作茫然状) 学生提示教师使用刀叉,引出单词knife \\fork,师带读几遍。 T: Oh , yes . I can use the fork and the knife.

T: (做递物品的动作)pass(叫一名学生到教室前边递给老师一把叉子)pass me a fork.(板书pass me a fork)

Pass me a fork please ,and I can cut with the knife. (作吃牛肉的样子)鼓励学生一起做一做,说一说。

(4) 用相同的方法呈现其他餐具:chopsticks \\ spoon 。

T:“Here is some noodles, how can I eat it ?”引出单词chopsticks.

然后教师把读音分解教学。边做边说:“Use chopsticks.. I can use chopsticks. ”鼓励学生一起做、说。

T:“The soup is delicious. How can I drink it? ”引出单词spoon. 教师带读几遍单词边做边说:“Give me a spoon. Use spoon. I can use spoon. ”鼓励学生一起做,说。 (5)打开学生用书,进行录音跟读。

(6) What’s missing(教师展现餐具,问学生什么消失了)。 3、巩固与拓展:

(1) T:做示范,学生之间操练。

Eg: Have some beef , have some beef, I can use fork. Have some soup , have some soup , I can use spoon. 呈现学生Chants.

(2)操练——Pass me a plate,please.


(3) Let's do

T:Now ,boys and girls ,Let's do .

(拿起一把小刀做传递动作)Give me a knife. T:Pass me a knife T:Pass me the knife …

(播放lets do部分录音) 4.Homework

用我们学过的餐具组成一幅图,并说一说。 七、板书设计:

Unit 5 Diner’s ready

bread bowl pass me the bowl beef fork use the fork knife pass me the knife

soup spoon use the spoon Chopsticks vegetables cut the vegetables

Unit 5 Diner’s ready


一、教学内容:B Read and write C Let's check 二、教学目标: 1、知识目标:



(2)能够利用以下句型进行问答: What would you like for dinner? I’d like some ... 3、情感态度、学习策略等目标:

养成良好的饮食习惯以及节约粮食的传统美德。 三、教学重、难点:

掌握rice、beef、chicken、fish四个四会单词的认读和书写。 四、课前准备:

带有四线格的图片、录音机 五、教学步骤:



(1)Let’s sing :《What would you like》 (2) Game: Sharp eyes. (3) Free talk.(复习课文) 2、Presentation

(1)呈现课文,引导学生听录音,完成课文练习。 (2)看课文Flash.跟读课文。

(3)学生分小组熟读课文并进行表演。 3 、Practice

(1) 看图片,引导学生说句子。 (Look,choose and write) (2)四人小组看图片,说句子。

(3)仿写课本句子。(强调书写格式,句子形式) 七、板书设计

Unit 5 Diner’s ready

rice fish beef chicken What would you like for dinner?

I’d like some ....



