Listen this way听力教程答案4
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Listen this way听力教程答案4
Investing is a way to make money with your money. First, you have to earn money. As a kid, you get money from allowance, gifts, services, or from selling goods such as lemonade. Try to save some, if not all of this money. The next step is to make your money grow through investing.
There are two main reasons why you should invest. The first is to stay ahead of inflation and the second is to achieve financial goals. Inflation causes the increase of prices. When a Big Mac goes up from $1.20 to $1.50 or when gas goes up from $1.30 to $1.70 a gallon, we say that is inflation. You need to make more money just to keep up with the rising cost of living.
Financial goals can be separated into two types: short-term goals and long-term goals. The first refers to the things that you need or want now or within the year, such as a bike, a computer, or a video game. Generally, it takes less money to reach these short-term goals. However, long-term goals are expensive and require some planning. They are things you need or want in a few years or more, for example, going to college, buying a house, and even starting a business.
Investing is like “planting” money. A small amount of money invested will often grow to a larger sum over time. You’ve heard the phrase, “ Time is money.” With investing, time also makes money.
Although investing can make money with money, the downside of investing is that there is a risk of losing your money. The key to investing is to minimize the risk and to maximize the financial reward.
On Thursday, April 17, “ National Teach Children to Save Day,” 2500 bankers will make 5000 presentations in elementary school classrooms across the country to teach children how to save money.
“Bankers are committed to investing in the future of children because we want them to be able to make smart financial decisions throughout their lifetime,” said American Bankers Association Executive Vice-president Donald G. Ogilvie, “ Education and money management skills are keys to a better life.”
The ABA Education Foundation declared “ National Teach Children to Save Day” as a way to show banking industry support for teaching children money management skills and encouraging them to save money for the future. In 1996, Americans saved only 4.9% of their disposable incomes, compared to 1970 when they saved 8%.
The Foundation coordinated a great effort with state bankers associations to encourage bankers to participate in “National Teach Children to Save Day”. It also prepared a resource kit with tools to help bankers make presentations in classrooms. More than 125 000 students will be part of this national initiative.
The ABA Education Foundation also offers tips for parents to foster the savings habit in their children:
Give them an allowance with the understanding that part of it goes into their own savings—a first step towards learning to budget
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To make their savings visible and real, have them build up savings in a piggy bank. Then help them open their own bank savings account, and have them make deposits each month.
Use their monthly statements or the record in their savings passbooks, to show them how their money is multiplying
For every dollar your children earn, encourage them to spend 25 cents on what they want or need now, put 25 cents away for a bigger-item purchase later and save or invest the rest. (That’s a 50% savings rate!)
Make savings and investing fun. Give your children play money to “invest” in stocks they can track in local newspapers. If the stocks go up, pay them in more play money; if the stocks decline, they pay you.
Credit cards are an important part of American life. Whether we have a positive or negative image of credit cards, they are an inescapable part of our finances, either now or in the future.
Without a credit card, it’s just about impossible to rent a car, make a hotel or airline reservation, or even get a membership at a video store.
Since credit cards are so important, yet so many people are in financial trouble because of them, we feel education is extremely important. We want to show our customers that credit cards are not toys; they are an important responsibility.
A credit card can be used to “charge” things like clothes, tapes or CDs, dinner at a restaurant, or maybe a hotel room while you’re on vacation. When you charge something, you are agreeing to pay for your purchase at a later date. Basically, you are buying something now and paying for it later.
Credit cards come with a “limit’. Let’s say your credit card has a limit of $100.00 worth of items on your card. You will get a statement in the mail each month that lists the charges you have made. You will also have to make a payment every month that you have a balance owing.
Since we’re about educating our customers on the realities of credit and credit cards, we’re going to be perfectly honest. First, using a credit card can be very expensive. Banks don’t offer credit cards just because they like you. They offer them because they make money when customers use credit cards.
How do they make money? When you charge something on a credit card, you not only will have to pay for what you bought, but you will also have to pay interest, or a finance charge, if you don’t pay your bill in full by the due date. The finance charge is your extra cost for having something now and paying for it later. The interest rate on a credit card can be 15% or even higher. If, however, you pay your bill in full every month by the due date, you do not have to pa interest. And of course, we highly recommend you do that!
It’s very easy to make lots of purchases on your card and then be surprised at how quickly they add up when your bill arrives! If you’re not careful when you use a credit card, you could find yourself in a lot of debt. And it always takes much longer to pay it off than to spend it.
You will also want to be careful about buying things with credit card you
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wouldn’t normally be able to afford. Again, you can get in over your head and end up paying a tremendous amount of interest.
However, when used correctly, credit cards can be very helpful. It’s sometimes hard to do certain things without a credit card. Credit cards are also helpful for emergencies and are good for travel. Some credit cards even insure your purchase, meaning if something is lost, stolen, or broken, it can be replaced.
We believe the best way to become responsible with credit is to learn through hands-on experience. If you begin at a young age with a low limit, you won’t be likely to blow it and get in financial trouble later on.
Teenagers and children everywhere like to buy toys and special treats if they have the money to spend. Indeed studies show there are quite a few young consumers in the world today. But there are some real differences from country to country. An American business school professor has been traveling around the world studying just how children tend to spend their money. He is trying to predict the international market place trends of the future.
University Professor James McMill can tell you what type of consumers your economy is going to have in 15 years just by watching the way your children spend money today. He has been making spending predictions like that for thirty years now and is considered so accurate in the United States that advertising agencies frequently call upon his expertise. Over the last decade Mr. McMill began studying children in cultures outside the United States. His most recent stop was Beijing, China, where he studies the consumer behavior patterns of 780 children between the ages of 8 and 12, whose parents’ jobs range from professionals to unskilled workers. Mr. McMill said he anticipated finding very little consumer behavior among China’s children. But he was wrong.
“Those children are participating in the market place. Typically there is one child in the household and the child has two, four, six parents. In other words there are two parents and four grandparents, and they’re receiving a great deal of money. But I think it was a surprise to me how robust the economy was, you know firsthand, and how robust the participation in the economy was by the children.”
Mr. McMill says most of the money Chinese children spend comes from gifts from their parents and grandparents. In addition, he says, 15% of the (Beijing) children he surveyed are given money for performing household chores and other 6% receive money for work outside the home. China’s children average three and a half store visits a week during which they average one and a half purchase. He estimates children in China receive only 66% as much as children in the United States because Chinese children save more of their income than U.S children. Mr. McMill says the number one purchase for children in both the United States and China is the same thing---snacks.
“But when you get to number two then, for our children it’s play, it’s toys, it’s play items; for their children it’s reading material we’ll call it. When you get to number three items, for the Chinese children, it will probably be school supplies and for our children it will be clothing. And when you get to the number four for their
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children it’ll be toys, play items because they like to play too, and for our children it will probably be electronics of some sort.”
When we think of money today, we picture it either as round, flat pieces of metal which we call coins, or as printed paper notes.
However, the earliest method of exchange was barter in which goods were exchanged directly for other goods. Problems arose when either someone did not want what was being offered in exchange for the other good, or if no agreement could be reached over how much one good was worth in terms of the other
Valuable metals such as gold and silver began acting as a medium of exchange. Governments then decided to melt down these metals into coins. By the seventeenth century people were leaving gold with the local goldsmith for safe keeping. Receipts of ?1 and ?5 were issued which could then be converted back into gold at any time. Soon these receipts were recognized as being “as good as gold” and were readily taken in exchange for goods. Goldsmiths became the first specialist bankers and their receipts began to circulate as banknotes.
Nowadays, however, notes are not usually used to buy expensive items such as cars. The buyer is more likely to write out a check which instructs his bank to transfer money from his account into the account of the seller. Hence bank deposits act as money.
Unit 4 Loans for the Dream
Part 1 Getting ready
B: Dialogue One.
Items Items
Eating out √
Hobbies √ Antiques √
Food and groceries √
Dialogue Two:
Items Same Up down figures
Entertainment √ 2566
Depreciation √
Secretarial expenses √
Motor expenses √ 2612
Audit & accountancy costs √
Telephone & postage √
Part 2 Raising money for buying a car
A: Summary
Mr. Jackson … in the college… As… worth repairing, he … . Since… about a hundred pounds for …, … , three hundred fifty to four hundred….
The bank … different interest rates and conditions: a Personal Loan and an Ordinary
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Loan. Mr. Jackson is expected to repay the money with 24 months.
Security charge … Interest rate charged Interest rate …
Personal Loan × 7%
Ordinary Loan √ 7.5%(1.5%+6%) A day-to-day basis
1. 透支额(贷款)overdraft
2. 偿还 repay
3. 短期贷款(业务)lenders in the short term
4. 付利息 pay interest on
5. 担保物 collateral
6. 寿险 life policy
7. 房屋的房契 deeds of the houses
8. 政府证券 Government Securities
9. 凭证 certificate
10. 按日计算 on a day-to-day basis
Part 3 Housing in the U. S. A.
A. Outline
1. A. cost of housing
1. 1/4-1/3 of a family’s income
2. depending on size and location
B. way to buy a house—mortgage
2. B. easy to get things repaired
3. Buying …
1. mortgage: …
2. condominium: …
B. 1. Home buyer borrows money from Bank sells mortgages to Fannie Mae sells shares and mortgage-based securities to Investors
2. They control about half the home loans in America.
3. Hiding changes in its value, poor supervision and not carefully reporting its finances.
4. The stock price of Fannie Mae has dropped.
Part 4 More about the topic
A: 1. a. merchantable quality
b. fitting for particular purpose/ seller
c. as described
2. no / retailer’s responsibility/ take to shop
3. item/ too large/ fragile
4. evidence of purchase/ date of purchase
5. go to court / sue the seller
B. 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F
Part 5 Do you know …?
B: Chart 1 Development of the idea of national taxes
Time/ Number Events
April 15th the last day to pay federal taxes
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1791 tax on whiskey and other alcoholic drink, farmers refused
1794 George Washington, 13000 troops, defeated the Whiskey Rebellion
The late 1800s people’s pay taxed by Congress, but rejected by the Supreme Court 1913 The 16th Amendment passed, legal for Congress to tax income
More than $312000 taxed at 35%, highest rate
Less than $7000 no income tax
Chart 2 Composition of federal money in 2002
7%— income tax on businesses
Over 40— personal income tax
Below 18%— other taxes, including customs
35%— taxes for retirement programs and other services
Part 1 Getting ready
Sentences Key words Answers
a 8000/half 4000
b 2000/twice 4000
c 2000/double ~4000
d 8000/a quarter ≤2000
e 4000/similar ~4000
Dialogue one
1. £30 000 24% 2. overdraft 3. sailing
Dialogue two
1. A brand new video was stolen.
2. Yes. The speaker paid the premium last week.
Dialogue three
Similarities Differences
Man A Man B
b. A mortgage to pay
c. Same income
b. Never saving money
c. Spending more on entertaining a. Investing far more in pension schemes. b. Spending more on insurance
Part 2 Briefing on personal taxation
A. Outline
1. Structure of personal taxation
A. rates
1. lower rate: up to £23 700: 25%
2. higher rate: above £23 700: 40%
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B. allowances
1. single person: £3295
2. married person: £5015
3. pension: maximum 17.5% to 40%
4. mortgage interest relief: 7%
2. Collection of personal tax
A. income tax — PAYE
B. National Insurance
1. employee’s contribution: 9%
2. employer’s contribution: 5% to 10%
B. 1. According … both simple and relatively low.
2. The new … opt for separate taxation.
3. The tax … pension is 40%
4. PAYE stands for Pay As You Earn. The scheme … from the employer before … bank transfer to the employee.
5. Taxable income … deduction and the allowance have been excluded.
Part 3. Should I buy an insurance policy?(1)
A. insurance policy save money buying a house
B. 1. A. a fixed objective in mind/ how much to pay each month
B. a fixed objective each month in mind/ how much to produce over some years
2. No/ regular & systematic/ short-term/ bank/ Building Society
Part 4 More about the topic
A. unmarried dependents no need
Answer the question with key words
A. accumulate capital/ expand business/ end of term
B. saving to produce a pension
Part 5 Do you know … ?
1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T
Part 1 Getting ready
B: 这部分没有给答案
Tone Agree?
Sincere Doubtful Sarcastic Skeptical Surprised Emphatic Y N 1 √ √
2 √ √ 3 √ √ 4 √ √ 5 √ √
6 √ √ 7 √ √
8 √ √
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9 √ √
10 √ √ Part 2 National teach children to save day
A: Time: Thursday, April 17
Purpose: teaching children how to save money
Way of teaching: 2500 bankers making 5000 presentations
B: 1. Making savings visible and real: building up savings in a piggy bank/ opening children’s own bank savings account.
2. Encouraging children to save as much as they can: putting 25 cents away for every dollar the children earn
3. A first step toward learning to budget: giving children an allowance and part of it going
into their own savings.
4. Making savings and investing fun: giving children play money to “invest” in stocks they can track in local newspapers
Part 3 Credit cards
A: Outline
1. The importance of credit cards
2. Nature
A. “charge” —paying at a later date
B: “limit”
3. The potential disadvantages—expensive
A. easy to make lots of purchases on card
B. likely to pay a tremendous amount of interest
4. The benefits
B. helpful for emergencies
C. good for travel
Part 4 More about the topic
A: Exercise 1
Column A Column B
1. 3
2 1
3 2
Exercise 2: Answer the following two questions.
1. “Spending priorities” refers to the following situation:
Americans are spending so much of their income on ever larger houses and cars that they can’t afford to spend on social programs or infrastructure repairs.
2. By doing so, one would feel happier, would have fewer disputes of work and lower levels of stress hormones in their blood. One gets sick less often and dies at an older age.
B: Summary:
Mr. Cox, the vice president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas,…, of Myths of Rich and Poor, sees the positive side to the increased prosperity of … Americans are
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better off than they were 30 years ago. Here … :
Technological … created hundreds of gadgets that … both easier and more pleasurable, for example, cellular and cordless phones, computers, answering machines, and microwave ovens;
Today … about 3/4 have washing machines, half have clothes dryers, 97% have color televisions, 3/4 have VCRs, 2/3 have microwaves and air conditioners, 3/4 own their own automobile, 40% own their own home, half have stereo systems.
Part 5 Do you know …?
A. Tokyo, Osaka, Oslo, Zurich. Hong Kong, Copenhagen, Geneva, Paris, Reykjavik, London
B. 1. The euro has appreciated against the US dollar.
2. Persistent economic turmoil.
3. Tehran.
4. The Economist team checks prices of a wide range of items—from bread and milk to cars and utilities—to compile this report.
5. Business clients use it to calculate the amount of allowances granted to overseas executive and their families.
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