2015届高考英语二轮专题复习与测试 第四篇 综合演练(三)配套作业

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第一节 完形填空


“Who did this?”asked my teacher.Thirty children tried to think about what our teacher may have__1__out.She wasn't really asking:she was demanding a(n)__2__.She seldom became angry,yet she was this time.“Who on earth broke this window?”she repeated.

Actually I was the one who broke the window.It was not my__3__.It was caused by a baseball that I threw __4__.I practiced it every day.It wasn't really my fault.If I __5__it,I would be in trouble.How would I be able to __6__the window?My allowance(零花钱)was even not adequate.“My father is going to get annoyed,”I thought.I didn't want to raise my hand,but some strong__7__ pulled it skyward.I told the truth,“I did it.”

My teacher went to one of our library shelves and took down a book.She then began walking towards my desk.I had never known my teacher to__8__a student,but I feared she was going to start with me with the__9__ .

“I know how you like __10__,”she said as she stood looking down at my__11__face.“Here is that field guide about birds you are constantly__12__.The book is yours and you will not be punished as long as you remember that I am not__13__you for your misdeed,but for your honesty.”

I couldn't believe it!I wasn't punished but was offered the__14__bird field guide that I had been saving up money to buy.The money should have been__15__on a new window.I wore out that book working hard at the field.The book is now gone,and so is my wonderful teacher.What remains of that day is my memory and the lesson my teacher taught me.That lesson stays with me every day and it will echo forever.

1.A.found B.worked


C.acted D.picked

解析:上下文语境。根据“Who did this?”和“Who on earth broke this window?”可知此处选found与out搭配,意为“发现”。30名学生此时在考虑老师已经“发现(found out)了什么”。


2.A.result B.explanation C.answer D.apology

解析:词语复现。answer对应上文的asking。 答案:C

3.A.intention B.idea C.goal D.plan

解析:上下文语境。句意:打坏窗户不是作者的“初衷”。 答案:A

4.A.carelessly B.specially C.dangerously D.easily

解析:常识理解。此处指作者不小心打坏了玻璃。 答案:A

5.A.rejected B.avoided C.adopted D.admitted




6.A.afford B.confirm C.tolerate D.survive

解析:上下文语境。由“My allowance was even not adequate”可知作者付不起买(afford)窗户的钱。


7.A.attraction B.force C.desire D.feeling



8.A.scold B.strike C.blame D.abandon



9.A.fist B.fault C.ruler D.book

解析:词语复现。上文中老师“took down a book”,所以作者担心老师用书 (the book)打他。



10.A.windows B.baseballs C.birds D.sports

解析:词语复现。根据下文“...that field guide about birds...”得出答案。 答案:C

11.A.annoyed B.guilty C.innocent D.puzzled

解析:常识理解。此时作者脸上流露出来的表情应该是愧疚(guilty)的。 答案:B

12.A.matching B.overlooking C.describing D.consulting

解析:词语复现。consulting(查阅)与book属词语同现。 答案:D

13.A.treating B.rewarding C.punishing D.expecting

解析:上下文语境。根据上文“The book is yours...”可知老师因为作者的诚实而“奖励”了他。


14.A.simple B.only C.very D.strange





15.A.spent B.called C.depended D.carried

解析:上下文语境。句意:这笔钱本应花费在(be spent on)买一块新的玻璃上。 答案:A

第二节 语法填空


Learning is one's own business,which cannot rely on others.As we know,learning is the process of accumulating knowledge.It is one's lifelong task,16.________ cannot be accomplished in one move.A successful learner is17.________ independent one who has both a strong will and18.________(amaze) endurance.He will try to discover 19.________own way of learning.Instead of waiting for the teacher's help,he will make efforts20.________(create)favorable conditions on his own initiative.It will certainly be of great help,21.________ there is good environment








instructions22.________teachers and beneficial friends.But even if one has got all these favorable conditions, one cannot be sure to succeed in learning.

So the most important factor in learning23.________(consist)in one's own effort.To learn is rather a painstaking and persevering business.Many a man is a failure24.________he cannot bear such indispensable hardships.Persistent efforts can compensate for the lack of talents and thus25.________(able)one to get considerable progress in learning.

16.解析:考查非限制性定语从句。which指代one's life long task。 答案:which


17.解析:考查冠词。根据上下文,此处意为“一个独立的人”。 答案:an

18.解析:考查词类转换。此处修饰名词,表示“令人吃惊的”,故用形容词amazing。 答案:amazing

19.解析:考查代词。he对应的形容词性物主代词是his。 答案:his

20.解析:考查非谓语动词。此处用不定式表目的。 答案:to create

21.解析:考查连接词。根据上下文,此处是条件状语从句。 答案:if

22.解析:考查介词。此处意为来自于老师和朋友的指导。 答案:from

23.解析:考查谓语动词。the most important factor是主语,谓语动词用consists。


24.解析:考查连词。根据上下文,后面表原因。 答案:because

25.解析:考查词类转换。此处为与compensate并列的谓语动词,故填enable。 答案:enable

第三节 阅读理解


This morning,I bought some stuff from my neighbor that she had no use for,but I would have purchased them anyway,which was beneficial to both of us. It was not really a favor but she appreciated the help I offered a lot.

On my way home,I found a wet$20 bill on the ground in the street.At that time,I thought it was just because I did something good that God rewarded me with it.

At noon,a friend came to my house saying that she had coupons(优惠券)and rewards,and then treated me to a good movie and a wonderful dinner at a little cafe.At


the dinner,I saw a man and his three lovely little girls having a frugal(节俭的) meal.He looked a little stressed,so I used the $20 bill I had found and paid for their meal.The waitress was so moved by this that she wanted to hear the whole story.It really seemed to make her happy.

When I got home again my oldest daughter was there with a rich chocolate pie she had made and brought over for us to taste.No sooner had we enjoyed a cup of coffee and a slice of pie than another friend called me and asked if I wanted to eat some snacks she'd been given but wouldn't likely eat.After a while,the nice snacks were brought to my home and we loved that so much.

Sometimes the incidents of one day just make you wonder what you ever did to deserve such goodness.Be grateful to life and enjoy every day with people around you.

26.What type of writing is the text? A.A journal. B.A report. C.A novel. D.An advertisement.

解析:推理判断题。文章线索很清晰,this morning,at noon,when I got home...这是对一天发生事情的叙述,所以应为一篇日志。


27.What can we learn from Paragraph 1? A.The author appreciated her neighbor's help. B.The author offered her neighbor some help.

C.The author's neighbor gives her some stuff for free. D.The author's neighbor really wanted to sell some stuff.

解析:事实细节题。根据第一段的“she appreciated the help I offered a lot.”可知选B。



28.We can learn from Paragraph 3 that the waitress________. A.felt upset B.was moved C.got relaxed D.became confident

解析:事实细节题。根据第三段的“The waitress was so moved by this that...”可知选B。


29.According to Paragraph 4,what did the author's friend bring her? A.Frugal meals. B.Chocolate pies. C.Some snacks. D.Coupons and rewards.

解析:事实细节题。根据第四段的“the nice snacks were brought to my home”可知选C。


30.Which of the following can best describe the author? A.Optimistic and patient. B.Loving and inspiring. C.Enthusiastic and energetic. D.Kind-hearted and grateful.




第四节 基础写作



1.设施简陋 民工学校的现状 2.师资落后 3.民工子弟热爱学习 1.政府部门:资金投入 改善民工学校现状的建2.学生方面:??(至少提两个建议) 议 3.呼吁全社会的人们关注民工学校 [写作要求]

1.只能使用5个句子表达所有内容;信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总句数。2.文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。 [参考词汇]

民工学校migrant school



句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。 Dear Editor,

Recently,my classmates and I made a survey about the migrant schools in our city.________________________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ We do hope that the whole society can care more about migrant kids, because if everyone contributes a bit, migrant kids can surely enjoy an equal education opportunity.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

[参考范文] Dear_Editor, Recently

my_classmates_and_I_made_a_survey_about_the_migrant_schools_in_our_city.Problems do exist.Owing to the lack of money, most migrant schools have no modern equipment, no playground, no libraries, and even no enough teachers.However, we find that the migrant kids are just as keen on study as us.In order to improve the situation, we think our government should take measures to pour more money into migrant schools.As for us, the local students can help to collect money or donate books to










