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Peter Newmark 是英国翻译研究界的元老,现为英国萨里大学(Surrey University)的教授。

这是Peter Newmark在接受the jounery of specialised translation issue 这本杂志访问时的一张照片。下面的这些是他的一些main works. 他在其成名之作《翻译研究途径》(Approaches to Translation,1981)中所提出的“语义翻译”与“交际翻译”之说在翻译教学与翻译研究界几乎人人皆知,至今仍有其理论价值与实践价值。下面我们就来看一下关于语义翻译和交际翻译的定义。 语义翻译为了表现原作的思维过程,力求保持原

作的语言特色和独特的表达方式,发挥了语言的表达功能;而交际翻译关键在于传递信息,让读者去思考、去感受、去行动,发挥了语言传达信息、产生效果的功能。 According to Peter

Newmark, communicative translation attempts to produce on its readers an effect as close as possible to that obtained on the readers of the original. Semantic translation attempts to render, as closely as the semantic and syntactic structures of the second language allow, the exact contextual meaning of the original. In theory, there are wide differences between the two methods.

Communicative translation must emphasize the effect rather than the content of the message, and semantic translation would be more informative but less effective. Semantic translation attempts to recreate the precise flavor and tone of the original and it relates tothe “expressive” function of language, whereas communicative

translation responds to the representational and vocative functions. Thus for “Wet Paint!”, the communicative translation “Don?t touch the wet paint” is mandatory; the semantic translation(?paint is wet?) would be more informative but less effective. 桃花潭水深千尺,不及汪伦送我情。

Obata: The Peach Flower Lake is a thousand fathoms deep, But it cannot compare, O Wang Lun, With the depth of your love for me.

1.交际翻译(或交际途径)指的是视翻译为“发生在某个社会情境中的交际过程”(Hatim & Mason 1990:3) 的任何一种翻译方法或途途径。虽然所有的翻译途径都在某种程度上视翻译为交际,而这里所说的交际翻译却完完全全地以目的语读者或接受者为导向。沿此途径的译者在处理原文的时候,旨在传递信息而不是复制一串串的语言单位,他所关心的是如何保留原文的功能和使其对新的读者产生作用。交际翻译和逐句逐行译和直译的不同之处在于,它把原文中的遣词造句的形式仅视为译者应考虑的部分因素。 2.语义翻译重视的是原文的形式和原作者的原意,而不是目的语语境及其表达方式,更不是要把译文变为目的语文化情境中之物。由于语义翻译把原文的一词一句视为神圣,因此有时会产生前后矛盾、语义含糊甚至是错误的译文。语义翻译通常适用于文学、科技文献和其他视原文语言与内容同等重要的语篇体裁。Semantic translation is the process of using semantic information to aid in the translation of data in one representation or data model to another representation or data model. Semantic translation takes advantage of semantics that associate meaning with individual data elements in one dictionary to create an equivalent meaning in a second system.

Bissiger Hund! (German) Dog that bites. Beware of the dog! Chien méchant! (French) Savage dog. Beware of the dog! 如果用语义翻译,把德语原文译为“那条狗咬人。”;法语原文则变为“凶狗。”。这两则译文都成了陈述句,为读者提供信息。而用交际翻译法,把两者都译为“小心恶狗!”,译文成了命令句,有警告的作用。 语义翻译与交际翻译的区别



Semantic translation attempts to render, as closely as the semantic and syntactic structures of the second language allow, the exact contextual meaning of the original.

communicative translation attempts to produce on its readers an effect as close as possible to that obtained on the readers of the original. Distinction

Semantic translation: it focuses primarily on the semantic content of the source text.

Communicative translation: it focuses essentially upon the comprehension and response of receptors.语义翻译重内容轻效果,而交际翻译恰恰相反,重效果轻内容。

A 译为语义翻译, B 译为交际翻译。“天”是中国古代文化中自然界的主宰, God (上帝)则是西方基督教徒心目中自然界的主宰。语义翻译Heaven 忠实地保留了原文的道教概念,交际翻译将道教概念转化为基督教概念,适合西方读者的宗教背景和接受心理。

Mrs. Gradgrind, weakly smiling, and giving no other sign of vitality, looked like an indifferently executed transparency of a small female figure, without enough light behind it. 葛擂梗太太软弱无力地笑了笑,别无生气,看起来她象是一个随随便便制造成功的里面不够明亮的,小小的水晶人儿。

There was an old woman, and what do you think? She lived upon nothing but victuals and drink; Victuals and drink were the whole of her diet. And yet this old woman would NEVER be quiet. 昔日有个老太婆,你道她如何?

整天无忧又无虑,有吃又有喝;————an old nursery fable 儿童寓言 ( chapter 5 ) 喝了又吃吃了喝,过得真快活, 但是这个老太婆,还是直罗嗦。

Princes and lords may flourish or may fade,

A breath can make them, as a breath has made.————Oliver Goldsmith The Deserted Village 古往今来,

有多少公子王孙, 哥尔德史密斯 荒村 吹口气可使他们兴盛, ( chapter 7 ) 吹口气可使他们无臭无声。

