更新时间:2023-04-09 20:47:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载
We will continue to im prove the compa ny's inter nal control system, and steady impr ovement in a bility to manag e and control, optimize busi ness processes, to e nsure smooth pr oce sses, re sponsibilitie s in place ; to further strengthe n inter nal control s, play a contr ol post indepe nde nt oversig ht role of evaluation com plying wit h thir d-party responsi bility; to a ctively make use of internal a udit tools detect potential ma nagement, streamli ne, sta ndar dize related tra nsacti ons, strengt heni ng operations in a ccorda nce wit h law. Dee peni ng the i nformation ma nagement to e nsure full communi cation "zero resistance". o constantly perfect ERP , and BFS++, and PI, a nd MIS, and SCM, i nformation system base d constr ucti on, full i ntegration i nformation sy stem, achi eved informati on resour ces shared; to expand Portal system application of brea dth a nd depth, play informati on system on ent erprise of Assistant rol e; to perfect dai ly run mainte na nce operati on of records, prom ote problem reasons a nalysi s and system handover; to strengtheni ng BFS++, a nd ERP, and SCM, te chnol ogy application of traini ng, improve employee s applicati on i nformation system of capa city and level. Humanisti c care to ensure "zero." To strengtheni ng Huma nities care , continues to foster company wi nd cl ear, a nd g as are, and heart Shun of cult ure atmosphere strengtheni ng love helpe d trappe d, care difficult em ployee s; carrie d out style activitie s, rich empl oyees life; stre ngthe ning health a nd la bour prote ction, organi zation career health medical, control care er against; continues to impl ementation psy chological warni ng preve ntion system, training em ployee s healt h of character, a nd stable of mood a nd e nterpri sing of attitude, create d friendly fraternity of Humanitie s environment. o stre ngthe n risk manageme nt, ensure that the busi ness of "zero risk". To strengthene d busine ss pl ans ma nagement, will busine ss busi ness plans cover to all level, e nsure the busi ness ca n control i n control; t o cl ose concer n financial, and coal ele ctric li nkage, and energy-savi ng scheduling , national policy tre nds, strengtheni ng track, active shoul d; to impleme ntation State-ow ne d assets met hod, further spe cification busine ss fina ncial ma nagement; t o perfect risk t ube control system, achieve d risk recogniti on, a nd measure, a nd assessme nt, and report, and control fee dba ck of closed ri ng management , improve risk preventi on ca pacity. o further standar dize tradi ng, and strive to achieve "accor ding to la w , sta ndardize and fair." Innovation of performa nce ma nagement, to e nsure that potential employees "zer o fly". T o strengt hen performance manageme nt, process control, e nha nce employe e evaluati on a nd level s of effective communicati on to im prove performa nce ma nagement. o further quantify and refi ne empl oyee standards ... Work, full play party, a nd bra nch, and members i n "five type Enterpri se" construction i n the of core rol e, and fighting fortress r ole and pi one er model r ole; to continues to stre ngthe ning "four good" lea dershi p constr ucti on
lay levels cadres in e nterprise devel opme nt in t he of backbone ba ckbone r ole; t o full stre ngthe ning members youth w ork, full play yout h empl oyees i n company devel opment i n the of force r ole; t o improve i ndepe nde nt Commission against corrupti on w ork level, strengtheni ng on enter prise business key link of effectiveness monit ored. , And maintain stabilit y. To further strengthen publicity a nd e ducation, improv e the overall legal system. We must strengthe n safety manageme nt, esta blish and improve t he e ducation, supervision, and evaluati on a s one of t he traffic safety m anagement mechanism. o conscienti ously sum up t he Olympic security control s, pr omoting i ntegrated manageme nt to a higher l evel, hig her sta ndar ds, a higher level of development. Em ployee s, today i s lunar calendar on De cember 24, t he ox Bell is about to ri ng, at thi s time of year, we clearly fee l the pulse of the XX pow er generati on compa ny to flourish, to more clearly hear XX power ge neration compa nies mature and symmetry breat hing. Recall ing pa st one a not her acr oss a raili ng, we are e nthusiasti c and full of c onfide nce. Future development opportunities, w e more exciting fight more spirited. Employees, let us toget her acr oss 2013 full of challe nges a nd opportunities, to create a green, low-cost operation, full of huma ne care of a world-class power ge neration com pany and work hard! The occasi on of the Spring Festival, my si ncere wi sh that you a nd the families of the staff in the ne w year, good health, happy, happy!数字信号处理实验报告
实验名称: 数字信号处理实验二
班 级:
1.实验要求 数字信号处理的核心算法是离散傅立叶变换(DFT),是DFT 使信号在数字域和频域都实现了离散化,从而可以用通用计算机处理离散信号。而使数字信号处理从理论走向实用的是快速傅立叶变换(FFT),FFT 的出现大大减少了DFT 的运算量,使实时的数字信号处理成为可能、极大促进了该学科的发展。
1、用Matlab 编程上机练习。已知: N=25。这里Q=0.9+j0.3。可以推导出 ,
时间抽选的FFT 算法,计算x(n)的DFT X(k),与X(k)的理论值比较(要求计算结果最
2、假设信号 x(n) 由下述信号组成:
请选择合适的长度 N 和窗函数,用 DFT 分析其频谱,得到清楚的三根谱线。 2.实验代码和实验结果
>> format long; %显示15位小数
Q=0.9+0.3i;n=0:24;f=Q.^n; %构建25点序列
y1=(1-Q^25)./(1-Q.*exp(-j*2*pi*n/25)); %用公式计算25点DFT
f1=[f,zeros(1,7)]; %补0构建32点序列
y2=fft(f1,32); %使用基2FFT 算法计算
n2=0:31;subplot(2,1,2);stem(n2,abs(y2));title('N=32, FFT');xlabel('n'); %显示两组结果,进行11,011)()()(k k 10nk 10-=--===∑∑-=-=N k QW Q QW W n x k X N N n
N N n N
N n ,00010450303024
().*cos(.)sin(.)cos(.)x n n n n ππππ=+--
We will continue to im prove the compa ny's inter nal control system, and steady impr ovement in a bility to manag e and control, optimize busi ness processes, to e nsure smooth pr oce sses, re sponsibilitie s in place; to further strengthe n inter nal control s, play a contr ol post indepe nde nt oversig ht role of evaluation com plying wit h third-party responsi bility; to a ctively make use of internal a udit tools detect potential ma nagement, streamli ne, sta ndar dize related tra nsacti ons, strengt heni ng operations in a ccorda nce wit h law. Dee peni ng the i nformation ma nagement to e nsure full communi cation "zero resistance". o constantly perfect ERP, and BFS++, and PI, a nd MIS, and SCM, i nformation system base d constr ucti on, full i ntegration i nformation sy stem, achi eved inf ormati on resour ces shared; to expand Portal system application of brea dth a nd depth, play informati on system on ent erprise of Assistant rol e; to perfect dai ly run mainte na nce operati on of records, prom ote problem reasons a nalysi s and system handover; to strengtheni ng BFS++, a nd ERP, and SCM, te chnol ogy application of traini ng, improve employee s applicati on i nformation system of capa city and level. Humanisti c care to ensure "zero." To strengtheni ng Huma nities care, continues to foster company wi nd cl ear, a nd g as are, and heart Shun of cult ure atmosphere strengtheni ng love helpe d trappe d, care difficult em ployee s; carrie d out style activitie s, rich empl oyees life; stre ngthe ning health a nd la bour prote ction, organi zation career health medical, control care er against; continues to impl ementation psy chological warni ng preve ntion system, training em ployee s healt h of character, a nd stable of mood a nd e nterpri sing of attitude, create d friendly fraternity of Humanitie s environment. o stre ngthe n risk manageme nt, ensure that the busi ness of "zero risk". To strengthene d busine ss pl ans ma nagement, will busine ss busi ness plans cover to all level, e nsure the busi ness ca n control i n control; t o cl ose concer n financial, and coal ele ctric li nkage, and energy-savi ng scheduling, national policy tre nds, strengtheni ng track, active shoul d; to impleme ntation State-ow ne d assets met hod, further spe cification busine ss fina ncial ma nagement; t o perfect risk t ube control system, achieve d risk recogniti on, a nd measure, a nd assessme nt, and report, and control fee dba ck of closed ri ng management, improve risk preventi on ca pacity. o further standar dize tradi ng, and strive to achieve "accor ding to la w, sta ndardize and fair." Innovation of performa nce ma nagement, to e nsure that potential employees "zer o fly". T o strengt hen performance manageme nt, process control, e nha nce employe e evaluati on a nd level s of effective communicati on to im prove performa nce ma nagement. o further quantify and refi ne empl oyee standards ... Work, full play party, a nd bra nch, and members i n "five type Enterpri se" construction i n the of core rol e, and fighting fortress r ole and pi one er model r ole; to continues to stre ngthe ning "four good" lea dershi p constr ucti on
>> f' %25点序列
ans =
1.0000 + 0.0000i
0.0000 - 0.0000i
0.0000 - 0.0000i
0.0000 - 0.0000i
0.0000 - 0.0000i
-0.0000 - 0.0000i
-0.0000 - 0.0000i
-0.0000 - 0.0000i
-0.0000 - 0.0000i
-0.0000 - 0.0000i
-0.0000 + 0.0000i
-0.0000 + 0.0000i
-0.2000 + 0.4000i
-0.3600 + 0.5200i
-0.9680 + 0.1760i
0.4816 + 0.3488i
0.2381 + 0.2695i
0.2951 + 0.1711i
0.1169 + 0.4655i
0.4449 + 0.9838i
0.6955 - 0.2480i
0.5516 - 0.4319i
0.3669 - 0.5542i
0.9639 - 0.2088i
0.3049 - 0.9771i
>> y1' %公式计算结果
ans =
1.9313 -
10.8029 - 7.8918i
0.3978 + 5.4223i
0.1307 + 2.4723i
0.3830 + 1.3070i
0.6167 + 1.8745i
0.3569 + 0.1339i
0.8865 + 0.6464i
0.9868 + 0.8893i
lay levels cadres in e nterprise devel opme nt in t he of backbone ba ckbone r ole; t o full stre ngthe ning members youth w ork, full play yout h empl oyees i n company devel opment i n the of force r ole; t o improve i ndepe nde nt Commission against corrupti on w ork level, strengtheni ng on enter prise business key link of effectiveness monit ored. , And maintain stabilit y. To further strengthen publicity a nd e ducation, improv e the overall legal system. We must strengthe n safety manageme nt, esta blish and improve t he e ducation, supervision, and evaluati on a s one of t he traffic safety management mechanism. o conscienti ously sum up t he Olympic security control s, pr omoting i ntegrated manageme nt to a higher l evel, hig her sta ndar ds, a higher level of development. Em ployee s, today i s lunar calendar on De cember 24, t he ox Bell is about to ri ng, at thi s time of year, we clearly fee l the pulse of the XX pow er generati on compa ny to flourish, to more clearly hear XX power ge neration compa nies mature and symmetry breat hing. Recall ing pa st one a not her acr oss a raili ng, we are e nthusiasti c and full of confide nce. Future development opportunities, w e more exciting fight more spirited. Employees, let us toget her acr oss 2013 full of challe nges a nd opportunities, to create a green, low-cost operation, full of huma ne care of a world-class power ge neration com pany and work hard! The occasi on of the Spring Festival, my si ncere wi sh that you a nd the families of the staff in the ne w year, good health, happy, happy!
We will conti nue to impr ove the com pany's i nternal control system, and steady im provement i n a bility to ma nage and control, o ptimize busi ness processes, t o ensure smoot h pr ocesses, re sponsibiliti es in pla ce; t o further strengthe n inter nal contr ols, play a contr ol post inde pendent oversight r ole of evaluati on complyi ng with third-party re sponsibility; to a ctively make use of inter nal a udit tools detect pote ntial manageme nt, streamline, standardi ze related transa ctions, stre ngthe ning operati ons in a ccorda nce with law. Deepeni ng the i nformation ma nagement t o ensure full communi ca tion "zero re sistance". o consta ntly perfect ER , and BFS++, a nd PI, a nd M IS, and SCM, informati on system base d constr ucti on, f ull integration informati on system, achieved i nformation re sources share d; t o expa nd Portal system a ppli cation of brea dth a nd de pth, play information system on e nterprise of Assistant role; to perfect daily r un mai ntena nce operati on of recor ds, promote problem reasons analysis a nd sy stem handover ; to strengt heni ng BFS++, and ERP , a nd SCM, technology a ppli cation of training , improve em ployee s applicati on informati on system of capa city and l evel. Humanisti c care t o ensure "zero." To strengtheni ng Huma nities care, conti nues t o foster company wi nd ear, and gas are, a nd heart Shun of culture atm osphere; strengthe ning l ove helpe d trappe d, car e difficult em ployee s; carrie d out style a ctivities, rich empl oyees life; stre ngthe ning health a nd la bour pr otection, orga nization care er healt h medical, control career agai nst; conti nue s to impleme ntation psychol ogical warni ng preventi on sy stem, training em ployee s healt h of character, and stable of mood and enter prising of attitude, created friendly fraternity of Huma nities e nvironme nt. To strengt hen ri sk management, ensure that the busine ss of "zero risk". T o strengthene d busine ss pl ans ma nagement, wil l busine ss busi ness pla ns cover to all level , ensure the busine ss can control in contr ol; to close concern financial , and coal e lectri c linkage , and e nergy-savi ng sche duli ng, national policy trends, stre ngthe ning tra ck, a ctive should; t o impleme ntation State-owne d assets method, further spe cificati on business fina ncial management ; to perfect ri sk tube control system, a chieve d risk recognition, a nd m easure, a nd asse ssment, and report, a nd control fee dba ck of close d ri ng manageme nt, improv e risk preventi on capa city. o further sta ndardi ze tradi ng, a nd strive to a chieve "accordi ng to la w, standardize and fair." Innovati on of performance ma nagement, t o ensure that potential employees "zero fly". To stre ngthe n performa nce ma nagement, process control , enhance employe e evaluati on and levels of effective communi cation to im prove performance manag ement. o furt her quantify a nd refi ne empl oyee standards ... Work, full play party, a nd branch, and member s in "five t ype Enter prise" constructi on in t he of core r ole, a nd fighting fortress role and pi one er model role ; to continues t o strengthe ning "four good" leadershi p constr ucti on 数字信号处理实验报告
lay levels ca dres in enterpri se devel opme nt in the of back bone backbone role; t o full strengtheni ng members youth w ork, full play youth em ployee s in company development i n the of force r ole; to impr ove independent Commissi on against corr upti on w ork level, strengt heni ng on enter prise busi ness key link of effectiveness m onitore d. , And maintai n stabilit y. To further stre ngthe n publi city and e ducation, improve t he overall legal system. We must stre ngthen safety management, esta blish and improve the education, supervi sion, and evaluati on as one of the traffic safety management m echa nism. o conscienti ously sum up the Olympi c se curity control s, pr omoting integrated ma nagement to a higher leve l, hig her standards, a higher level of devel opme nt. Employe es, today is lunar cale ndar on Decem ber 24, the ox Be ll is about to ri ng, at this t ime of year, we clearly feel the pulse of the XX power generation compa ny to flouri sh, t o more clearly hear XX power ge neration companie
mature and symmetry breat hing. Recall ing pa st one a not her acr oss a raili ng, we are e nthusiasti c and full of confide nce. Future development opportunities, w e more exciting fight more spirited. Employees, let us toget her acr oss 2013 full of challe nges a nd opportunities, to create a green, low-cost operation, full of huma ne care of a world -class power ge neration com pany and work hard! The occasi on of the Spring Festival, my si ncere wi sh that you a nd the families of the staff in the ne w year, go od health, happy, happy!3
0.5173 + 0.5600i
0.2459 + 0.1599i
0.9939 + 0.5335i
0.3209 + 0.6277i
0.6611 + 0.5030i
0.3768 + 0.1401i
0.6824 + 0.3209i
0.9471 - 0.3439i
0.3087 - 0.6109i
0.8354 - 0.0048i
0.6135 - 0.7852i
0.4093 - 0.7660i
0.1312 - 0.5034i
0.4355 - 0.9754i
0.5930 - 1.1749i
1.4358 - 1.4470i
结果分析:由以上结果可知,两幅图大致趋势相同,但基2时间抽选的FFT 算法所得到的DFT 结果与利用公式法所得的理论值稍有偏差,误差较小,故而用计算机FFT 处理数据在精度上是可以接受的。产生误差的主要原因可能是在计算机进行FFT 算法函数的过程中几次蝶形运算所得的中间值会产生舍位上的误差,故而与理论值产生一定的偏差。
We will continue to im prove the compa ny's inter nal control system, and steady impr ovement in a bility to manag e and control, optimize busi ness processes, to e nsure smooth pr oce sses, re sponsibilitie s in place ; to further strengthe n inter nal control s, play a contr ol post indepe nde nt oversig ht role of evaluation com plying wit h third -party responsi bility; to a ctively make use of internal a udit tools detect potential ma nagement, streamli ne, sta ndar dize related tra nsacti ons, strengt heni ng operations in a ccorda nce wit h law. Dee peni ng the i nformation ma nagement to e nsure full communi cation "zero resistance". o constantly perfect ERP , and BFS++, and PI, a nd MIS, and SCM, i nformation system base d constr ucti on, full i ntegration i nformation sy stem, achi eved inf ormati on resour ces shared; to expand Portal system application of brea dth a nd depth, play informati on system on ent erprise of Assistant rol e; to perfect dai ly run mainte na nce operati on of records, prom ote problem reasons a nalysi s
and system handover; to strengtheni ng BFS++, a nd ERP, and SCM, te chnol ogy application of traini ng, improve employee s applicati on i nformation system of capa city and level. Humanisti c care to ensure "zero." To strengtheni ng Huma nities care , continues to foster company wi nd cl ear, a nd g as are, and heart Shun of cult ure atmosphere strengtheni ng love helpe d trappe d, care difficult em ployee s; carrie d out style activitie s, rich empl oyees life; stre ngthe ning health a nd la bour prote ction, organi zation career health medical, control care er against; continues to impl ementation psy chological warni ng preve ntion system, training em ployee s healt h of character, a nd stable of mood a nd e nterpri sing of attitude, create d friendly fraternity of Humanitie s environment. o stre ngthe n risk manageme nt, ensure that the busi ness of "zero risk". To strengthene d busine ss pl ans ma nagement, will busine ss busi ness plans cover to all level, e nsure the busi ness ca n control i n control; t o cl ose concer n financial,
and coal ele ctric li nkage, and energy-savi ng scheduling , national policy tre nds, strengtheni ng track, active shoul d; to impleme ntation State-ow ne d assets met hod, further spe cification busine ss fina ncial ma nagement; t o perfect risk t ube control system, achieve d risk recogniti on, a nd measure, a nd assessme nt, and report, and control fee dba ck of closed ri ng management , improve risk preventi on ca pacity. o further standar dize tradi ng, and strive to achieve "accor ding to la w, sta ndardize and fair." Innovation of performa nce ma nagement, to e nsure that potential employees "zer o fly". T o strengt hen performance manageme nt, process control, e nha nce employe e evaluati on a nd level s of effective communicati on to im prove performa nce ma nagement. o further quantify and refi ne empl oyee standards ... Work, full play party, a nd bra nch, and members i n "five type Enterpri se" construction i n the of core rol e, and fighting fortress r ole and pi one er model r ole; to continues to stre ngthe ning "four
good" lea dershi p constr ucti on
lay levels cadres in e nterprise devel opme nt in t he of backbone ba ckbone r ole; t o full stre ngthe ning members youth w ork, full play yout h empl oyees i n company devel opment i n the of force r ole; t o improve i ndepe nde nt Commission against corrupti on w ork level, strengtheni ng on enter prise business key link of effectiveness monit ored. , And maintain stabilit y. To further strengthen publicity a nd e ducation, improv e the overall legal system. We must strengthe n safety manageme nt, esta blish and improve t he e ducation, supervision, and evaluati on a s one of t he traffic safety management mechanism. o conscienti ously sum up t he Olympic security control s, pr omoting i ntegrated manageme nt to a higher l evel, hig her sta ndar ds, a higher level of development. Em ployee s, today i s lunar calendar on De cember 24, t he ox Bell is about to ri ng, at thi s time of year, we clearly fee l the pulse of the XX pow er generati on compa ny to flourish, to more clearly hear XX power ge neration compa nies
mature and symmetry breat hing. Recall ing pa st one a not her acr oss a raili ng, we are e nthusiasti c and full of confide nce. Future development opportunities, w e more exciting fight more spirited. Employees, let us toget her acr oss 2013 full of challe nges a nd opportunities, to create a green, low-cost operation, full of huma ne care of a world-class power ge neration com pany and work hard! The occasi on of the Spring Festival, my si ncere wi sh that you a nd the families of the staff in the ne w year, good health, happy, happy!代码
N = 1000; % Length of DFT
n = [0:1:N-1];
xn = 0.001*cos(0.45*n*pi)+sin(0.3*n*pi)-cos(0.302*n*pi-pi/4);
Xk = fft(xn,N);
title('DFT x(n)');xlabel('k');
subplot(5,1,2);stem(k, abs(Xk(1:1:N)),'r'); %画出sin(0.3npi)-cos(0.302npi-pi/4)的图像
title('sin(0.3*pi*n)-cos(0.302*pi*n)的图像 ');
subplot(5,1,3);stem(k, 1000*abs(Xk(1:1:N)),'g'); %画出0.001*cos(0.45npi) 的图像
title('cos(0.45*pi*n)的图像 ');
subplot(5,1,4);stem(k,0.01*abs(Xk(1:1:N)),'k'); %画sin(0.3npi)-cos(0.302npi-pi/4) 的图像
title('sin(0.3*pi*n)-cos(0.302*pi*n)的图像 ');
subplot(5,1,5);stem(k, 10*abs(Xk(1:1:N)),'m'); %画出0.001*cos(0.45npi) 的图像
title('cos(0.45*pi*n)的图像 ');
由上图及过程可知,当DFT 变换长度为1000时所得到的谱线非常理想。且知当DFT 变换长度N
We will conti nue to impr ove the com pany's i nternal control system, and steady im provement i n a bility to ma nage and control, o ptimize busi ness processes, t o ensure smoot h pr ocesses, re sponsibiliti es in pla ce; t o further strengthe n inter nal contr ols, play a contr ol post inde pendent oversight r ole of evaluati on complyi ng with third-party re sponsibility; to a ctively make use of inter nal a udit tools detect pote ntial manageme nt, streamline, standardi ze related transa ctions, stre ngthe ning operati ons in a ccorda nce with law. Deepeni ng the i nformation ma nagement t o ensure full communi ca tion "zero re sistance". o consta ntly perfect ER, and BFS++, a nd PI, a nd M IS, and SCM, informati on system base d constr ucti on, f ull integration informati on system, achieved i nformation re sources share d; t o expa nd Portal system a ppli cation of brea dth a nd de pth, play information system on e nterprise of Assistant role; to perfect daily r un mai ntena nce operati on of recor ds, promote problem reasons
analysis a nd sy stem handover; to strengt heni ng BFS++, and ERP, a nd SCM, technology a ppli cation of training, improve em ployee s applicati on informati on system of capa city and l evel. Humanisti c care t o ensure "zero." To strengtheni ng Huma nities care, conti nues t o foster company wi nd ear, and gas are, a nd heart Shun of culture atm osphere; strengthe ning l ove helpe d trappe d, car e difficult em ployee s; carrie d out style a ctivities, rich empl oyees life; stre ngthe ning health a nd la bour pr otection, orga nization care er healt h medical, control career agai nst; conti nue s to impleme ntation psychol ogical warni ng preventi on sy stem, training em ployee s healt h of character, and stable of mood and enter prising of attitude, created friendly fraternity of Huma nities e nvironme nt. To strengt hen ri sk management, ensure that the busine ss of "zero risk". T o strengthene d busine ss pl ans ma nagement, wil l busine ss busi ness pla ns cover to all level, ensure the busine ss can control in contr ol; to close concern
financial, and coal e lectri c linkage, and e nergy-savi ng sche duli ng, national policy trends, stre ngthe ning tra ck, a ctive should; t o impleme ntation State-owne d assets method, further spe cificati on business fina ncial management; to perfect ri sk tube control system, a chieve d risk recognition, a nd m easure, a nd asse ssment, and report, a nd control fee dba ck of close d ri ng manageme nt, improv e risk preventi on capa city. o further sta ndardi ze tradi ng, a nd strive to a chieve "accordi ng to la w, standardize and fair." Innovati on of performance ma nagement, t o ensure that potential employees "zero fly". To stre ngthe n performa nce ma nagement, process control, enhance employe e evaluati on and levels of effective communi cation to im prove performance manag ement. o furt her quantify a nd refi ne empl oyee standards ... Work, full play party, a nd branch, and member s in "five t ype Enter prise" constructi on in t he of core r ole, a nd fighting fortress role and pi one er model role; to continues t o strengthe ning "four good" leadershi p constr ucti on数字信号处理实验报告
时重大的作用及能力,激发了我对matlab 深入学习的兴趣。
lay levels ca dres in enterpri se devel opme nt in the of back bone backbone role; t o full strengtheni ng members youth w ork, full play youth em ployee s in company development i n the of force r ole; to impr ove independent Commissi on against corr upti on w ork level, strengt heni ng on enter prise busi ness key link of effectiveness m onitore d. , And maintai n stabilit y. To further stre ngthe n publi city and e ducation, improve t he overall legal system. We must stre ngthen safety management, esta blish and improve the education, supervi sion, and evaluati on as one of the traffic safety management m echa nism. o conscienti ously sum up the Olympi c se curity control s, pr omoting integrated ma nagement to a higher leve l, hig her standards, a higher level of devel opme nt. Employe es, today is lunar cale ndar on Decem ber 24, the ox Be ll is about to ri ng, at this t ime of year, we clearly feel the pulse of the XX power generation compa ny to flouri sh, t o more clearly hear XX power ge neration companie
mature and symmetry breat hing. Recall ing pa st one a not her acr oss a raili ng, we are e nthusiasti c and full of confide nce. Future development opportunities, w e more exciting fight more spirited. Employees, let us toget her acr oss 2013 full of challe nges a nd opportunities, to create a green, low-cost operation, full of huma ne care of a world-class power ge neration com pany and work hard! The occasi on of the Spring Festival, my si ncere wi sh that you a nd the families of the staff in the ne w year, go od health, happy, happy!5
We will continue to im prove the compa ny's inter nal control system, and steady impr ovement in a bility to manag e and control, optimize busi ness processes, to e nsure smooth pr oce sses, re sponsibilitie s in place; to further strengthe n inter nal control s, play a contr ol post indepe nde nt oversig ht role of evaluation com plying wit h third-party responsi bility; to a ctively make use of internal a udit tools detect potential ma nagement, streamli ne, sta ndar dize related tra nsacti ons, strengt heni ng operations in a ccorda nce wit h law. Dee peni ng the i nformation ma nagement to e nsure full communi cation "zero resistance". o constantly perfect ERP, and BFS++, and PI, a nd MIS, and SCM, i nformation system base d constr ucti on, full i ntegration i nformation sy stem, achi eved inf ormati on resour ces shared; to expand Portal system application of brea dth a nd depth, play informati on system on ent erprise of Assistant rol e; to perfect dai ly run mainte na nce operati on of records, prom ote problem reasons a nalysi s and system handover; to strengtheni ng BFS++, a nd ERP, and SCM, te chnol ogy application of traini ng, improve employee s applicati on i nformation system of capa city and level. Humanisti c care to ensure "zero." To strengtheni ng Huma nities care, continues to foster company wi nd cl ear, a nd g as are, and heart Shun of cult ure atmosphere strengtheni ng love helpe d trappe d, care difficult em ployee s; carrie d out style activitie s, rich empl oyees life; stre ngthe ning health a nd la bour prote ction, organi zation career health medical, control care er against; continues to impl ementation psy chological warni ng preve ntion system, training em ployee s healt h of character, a nd stable of mood a nd e nterpri sing of attitude, create d friendly fraternity of Humanitie s environment. o stre ngthe n risk manageme nt, ensure that the busi ness of "zero risk". To strengthene d busine ss pl ans ma nagement, will busine ss busi ness plans cover to all level, e nsure the busi ness ca n control i n control; t o cl ose concer n financial, and coal ele ctric li nkage, and energy-savi ng scheduling, national policy tre nds, strengtheni ng track, active shoul d; to impleme ntation State-ow ne d assets met hod, further spe cification busine ss fina ncial ma nagement; t o perfect risk t ube control system, achieve d risk recogniti on, a nd measure, a nd assessme nt, and report, and control fee dba ck of closed ri ng management, improve risk preventi on ca pacity. o further standar dize tradi ng, and strive to achieve "accor ding to la w, sta ndardize and fair." Innovation of performa nce ma nagement, to e nsure that potential employees "zer o fly". T o strengt hen performance manageme nt, process control, e nha nce employe e evaluati on a nd level s of effective communicati on to im prove performa nce ma nagement. o further quantify and refi ne empl oyee standards ... Work, full play party, a nd bra nch, and members i n "five type Enterpri se" construction i n the of core rol e, and fighting fortress r ole and pi one er model r ole; to continues to stre ngthe ning "four good" lea dershi p constr ucti on
lay levels cadres in e nterprise devel opme nt in t he of backbone ba ckbone r ole; t o full stre ngthe ning members youth w ork, full play yout h empl oyees i n company devel opment i n the of force r ole; t o improve i ndepe nde nt Commission against corrupti on w ork level, strengtheni ng on enter prise business key link of effectiveness monit ored. , And maintain stabilit y. To further strengthen publicity a nd e ducation, improv e the overall legal system. We must strengthe n safety manageme nt, esta blish and improve t he e ducation, supervision, and evaluati on a s one of t he traffic safety management mechanism. o conscienti ously sum up t he Olympic security control s, pr omoting i ntegrated manageme nt to a higher l evel, hig her sta ndar ds, a higher level of development. Em ployee s, today i s lunar calendar on De cember 24, t he ox Bell is about to ri ng, at thi s time of year, we clearly fee l the pulse of the XX pow er generati on compa ny to flourish, to more clearly hear XX power ge neration compa nies mature and symmetry breat hing. Recall ing pa st one a not her acr oss a raili ng, we are e nthusiasti c and full of confide nce. Future development opportunities, w e more exciting fight more spirited. Employees, let us toget her acr oss 2013 full of challe nges a nd opportunities, to create a green, low-cost operation, full of huma ne care of a world-class power ge neration com pany and work hard! The occasi on of the Spring Festival, my si ncere wi sh that you a nd the families of the staff in the ne w year, good health, happy, happy!
We will conti nue to impr ove the com pany's i nternal control system, and steady im provement i n a bility to ma nage and control, o ptimize busi ness processes, t o ensure smoot h pr ocesses, re sponsibiliti es in pla ce; t o further strengthe n inter nal contr ols, play a contr ol post inde pendent oversight r ole of evaluati on complyi ng with third-party re sponsibility; to a ctively make use of inter nal a udit tools detect pote ntial manageme nt, streamline, standardi ze related transa ctions, stre ngthe ning operati ons in a ccorda nce with law. Deepeni ng the i nformation ma nagement t o ensure full communi ca tion "zero re sistance". o consta ntly perfect ER, and BFS++, a nd PI, a nd M IS, and SCM, informati on system base d constr ucti on, f ull integration informati on system, achieved i nformation re sources share d; t o expa nd Portal system a ppli cation of brea dth a nd de pth, play information system on e nterprise of Assistant role; to perfect daily r un mai ntena nce operati on of recor ds, promote problem reasons analysis a nd sy stem handover; to strengt heni ng BFS++, and ERP, a nd SCM, technology a ppli cation of training, improve em ployee s applicati on informati on system of capa city and l evel. Humanisti c care t o ensure "zero." To strengtheni ng Huma nities care, conti nues t o foster company wi nd ear, and gas are, a nd heart Shun of culture atm osphere; strengthe ning l ove helpe d trappe d, car e difficult em ployee s; carrie d out style a ctivities, rich empl oyees life; stre ngthe ning health a nd la bour pr otection, orga nization care er healt h medical, control career agai nst; conti nue s to impleme ntation psychol ogical warni ng preventi on sy stem, training em ployee s healt h of character, and stable of mood and enter prising of attitude, created friendly fraternity of Huma nities e nvironme nt. To strengt hen ri sk management, ensure that the busine ss of "zero risk". T o strengthene d busine ss pl ans ma nagement, wil l busine ss busi ness pla ns cover to all level, ensure the busine ss can control in contr ol; to close concern financial, and coal e lectri c linkage, and e nergy-savi ng sche duli ng, national policy trends, stre ngthe ning tra ck, a ctive should; t o impleme ntation State-owne d assets method, further spe cificati on business fina ncial management; to perfect ri sk tube control system, a chieve d risk recognition, a nd m easure, a nd asse ssment, and report, a nd control fee dba ck of close d ri ng manageme nt, improv e risk preventi on capa city. o further sta ndardi ze tradi ng, a nd strive to a chieve "accordi ng to la w, standardize and fair." Innovati on of performance ma nagement, t o ensure that potential employees "zero fly". To stre ngthe n performa nce ma nagement, process control, enhance employe e evaluati on and levels of effective communi cation to im prove performance manag ement. o furt her quantify a nd refi ne empl oyee standards ... Work, full play party, a nd branch, and member s in "five t ype Enter prise" constructi on in t he of core r ole, a nd fighting fortress role and pi one er model role; to continues t o
strengthe ning "four good" leadershi p constr ucti on数字信号处理实验报告
lay levels ca dres in enterpri se devel opme nt in the of back bone backbone role; t o full strengtheni ng members youth w ork, full play youth em ployee s in company development i n the of force r ole; to impr ove independent Commissi on against corr upti on w ork level, strengt heni ng on enter prise busi ness key link of effectiveness m onitore d. , And maintai n stabilit y. To further stre ngthe n publi city and e ducation, improve t he overall legal system. We must stre ngthen safety management, esta blish and improve the education, supervi sion, and evaluati on as one of the traffic safety management m echa nism. o conscienti ously sum up the Olympi c se curity control s, pr omoting integrated ma nagement to a higher leve l, hig her standards, a higher level of devel opme nt. Employe es, today is lunar cale ndar on Decem ber 24, the ox Be ll is about to ri ng, at this t ime of year, we clearly feel the pulse of the XX power generation compa ny to flouri sh, t o more clearly hear XX power ge neration companie
mature and symmetry breat hing. Recall ing pa st one a not her acr oss a raili ng, we are e nthusiasti c and full of confide nce. Future development opportunities, w e more exciting fight more spirited. Employees, let us toget her acr oss 2013 full of challe nges a nd opportunities, to create a green, low-cost operation, full of huma ne care of a world-class power ge neration com pany and work hard! The occasi on of the Spring Festival, my si ncere wi sh that you a nd the families of the staff in the ne w year, go od health, happy, happy!7
We will continue to im prove the compa ny's inter nal control system, and steady impr ovement in a bility to manag e and control, optimize busi ness processes, to e nsure smooth pr oce sses, re sponsibilitie s in place; to further strengthe n inter nal control s, play a contr ol post indepe nde nt oversig ht role of evaluation com plying wit h third-party responsi bility; to a ctively make use of internal a udit tools detect potential ma nagement, streamli ne, sta ndar dize related tra nsacti ons, strengt heni ng operations in a ccorda nce wit h law. Dee peni ng the i nformation ma nagement to e nsure full communi cation "zero resistance". o constantly perfect ERP, and BFS++, and PI, a nd MIS, and SCM, i nformation system base d constr ucti on, full i ntegration i nformation sy stem, achi eved inf ormati on resour ces shared; to expand Portal system application of brea dth a nd depth, play informati on system on ent erprise of Assistant rol e; to perfect dai ly run mainte na nce operati on of records, prom ote problem reasons a nalysi s and system handover; to strengtheni ng BFS++, a nd ERP, and SCM, te chnol ogy application of traini ng, improve employee s applicati on i nformation system of capa city and level. Humanisti c care to ensure "zero." To strengtheni ng Huma nities care, continues to foster company wi nd cl ear, a nd g as are, and heart Shun of cult ure atmosphere strengtheni ng love helpe d trappe d, care difficult em ployee s; carrie d out style activitie s, rich empl oyees life; stre ngthe ning health a nd la bour prote ction, organi zation career health medical, control care er against; continues to impl ementation psy chological warni ng preve ntion system, training em ployee s healt h of character, a nd stable of mood a nd e nterpri sing of attitude, create d friendly fraternity of Humanitie s environment. o stre ngthe n risk manageme nt, ensure that the busi ness of "zero risk". To strengthene d busine ss pl ans ma nagement, will busine ss busi ness plans cover to all level, e nsure the busi ness ca n control i n control; t o cl ose concer n financial, and coal ele ctric li nkage, and energy-savi ng scheduling, national policy tre nds, strengtheni ng track, active shoul d; to impleme ntation State-ow ne d assets met hod, further spe cification busine ss fina ncial ma nagement; t o perfect risk t ube control system, achieve d risk recogniti on, a nd measure, a nd assessme nt, and report, and control fee dba ck of closed ri ng management, improve risk preventi on ca pacity. o further standar dize tradi ng, and strive to achieve "accor ding to la w, sta ndardize and fair." Innovation of performa nce ma nagement, to e nsure that potential employees "zer o fly". T o strengt hen performance manageme nt, process control, e nha nce employe e evaluati on a nd level s of effective communicati on to im prove performa nce ma nagement. o further quantify and refi ne empl oyee standards ... Work, full play party, a nd bra nch, and members i n "five type Enterpri se" construction i n the of core rol e, and fighting fortress r ole and pi one er model r ole; to continues to stre ngthe ning "four good" lea dershi p constr ucti on
lay levels cadres in e nterprise devel opme nt in t he of backbone ba ckbone r ole; t o full stre ngthe ning members youth w ork, full play yout h empl oyees i n company devel opment i n the of force r ole; t o improve i ndepe nde nt Commission against corrupti on w ork level, strengtheni ng on enter prise business key link of effectiveness monit ored. , And maintain stabilit y. To further strengthen publicity a nd e ducation, improv e the overall legal system. We must strengthe n safety manageme nt, esta blish and improve t he e ducation, supervision, and evaluati on a s one of t he traffic safety management mechanism. o conscienti ously sum up t he Olympic security control s, pr omoting i ntegrated manageme nt to a higher l evel, hig her sta ndar ds, a higher level of development. Em ployee s, today i s lunar calendar on De cember 24, t he ox Bell is about to ri ng, at thi s time of year, we clearly fee l the pulse of the XX pow er generati on compa ny to flourish, to more clearly hear XX power ge neration compa nies mature and symmetry breat hing. Recall ing pa st one a not her acr oss a raili ng, we are e nthusiasti c and full of confide nce. Future development opportunities, w e more exciting fight more spirited. Employees, let us toget her acr oss 2013 full of challe nges a nd opportunities, to create a green, low-cost operation, full of huma ne care of a world-class power ge neration com pany and work hard! The occasi on of the Spring Festival, my si ncere wi sh that you a nd the families of the staff in the ne w year, good health, happy, happy!
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