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Unit 1

Text A

Exercises for the Text I. 1.d 2.a 3.c 4.d 5.d II.

1.task 2.intelligent 3.research 4.clue 5.conclusion

6.repeat 7.communicate 8.purpose 9.probably 10.outline III.

1.Instead of 2.therefore 3.more...than 4.even 5.First of all

6.because 7.on the other hand 8.finally 9.looking for 10.Conversely IV.

1.Research shows that successful language learners are similar in many ways.

2.Language learning is active learning.Therefore,successful learners should look for every chance to use the language.

3.Language learning should be active,independent and purposeful. 4.Learning a language is different from learning maths.

5.The teacher often imparts successfull language learning experiences to us. Vocabulary Exercises I.

1.a.success b.successful c.successfully 2.a.indepence b.depend c.dependent 3.a.covered b.uncover c.discovered 4.a.purposeful b .purposefully c.purpose II.

1.inexact 2.technique 3.outlined 4.communicate 5.regularly 6.clues 7.intelligent 8.incomplete 9.similar 10.statement

III. 1.disagree 2.independent 3.incomplete 4.inexact 5.uncover IV.

1.They find it hard to master a foreign language.

2.The research shows that successful men are similar in many ways.

3.Successful language learners do not only depend on the book or the teacher. 4.We are willingto help our friends.

5.We should learn new things independently,actively,and purposefully. Text B Exercises for the Text

I. 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T 6.F 7.F 8.F 9.T 10.F II.

1.With the help of their fingers 2.\

3.tea,coffee,wine,beer and soda-water 4.Put his hands on his stomach 5.nothing but drinks 6.much more exact

7.meanings and can be put together into sentences 8.form new sentences



9.talk 10.speak

Vocabulary Exercises I. 1.b 2.a 3.c 4.e 5.d

II. 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.A 7.C 8.C 9.C 10.B Grammar Exercises I.

whether 连词 towards 介词 second 数词 hour 名词 repeat 动词 successful 形容词not 副词 probably 副词 than 连词 because 连词 which 连词 even 副词 intelligent 形容词 differ 动词 regular 形容词 some 形容词/代词/副词 into 介词 oh 感叹词seem 系动词 communicate 动词 II.

1.Let 动词 round 介词 2.fresh 形容词 for 介词

3.leave 名词 call 动词 on 介词 if 连词 spare 动词 4.Even 副词 it 代词

5.Where 连接副词 will 名词 6.after 介词 calm 名词

7.seem 系动词 those 代词 makes 名词 8.without 介词 return 名词 9.strict 形容词 work 动词

10.news 名词 live 形容词 meeting 名词 III.


1.Most adults would disagree with this statement.

2.How much time did they allow you for doing the work. 3. I had a visit from Mary yesterday.

4. China's stand on this questionis clear to all. 5.Warm clothes protest against the cold of winter. 6.What we need is more practice.

7.There doesn't seem to be much chance of my getting job. 8.In those days the cost of living rose by nearly 4 percent. 9.There are a number of people interested in the case. 10.Every means has been tried but without much result. IV.

1.a magazine (宾语)last night (状语) 2.in need (定语)indeed (定语)

3.outside your area (定语)telephoning long distance (主语补足语) 4.your children (宾语)all day (状语) 5.his direction (宾语)French (宾语)

6.me (宾语)plenty of exercises (不定式宾语) 7.long (宾语)to London (状语)

8.those (宾语)who help themselves (从句作定语)



9.her (宾语)above others (宾语补足语)

10.to build a hotel in the village (定语)of the foreigners (定语)

Unit 2

Text A

Exercises for the Text I.

1.a 2.c 3.a 4.a 5.c II.

1. Income tax is a certain percentage of the salaries paid to the goverment.

2. Graduated income tax means the percentage of the tax(14 to 70 percent) increases as a person's income increase.

3. Property tax is that people who own a home have to pay taxes on it. 4. Exercise tax is charged on cars in a city.

5. Sales tax is a percentage charged to any item which you buy in that state. III.

1.due 2.depends on 3.diverse 4.consists of 5.simila 6.tends to 7.complaining about 8.In addition to 9.issue 10.agreed on IV.

1.How much do you charge for a haircut.

2.We are trying to use funds for the Red Cross. 3.He has earned a good reputation for honsety.

4.We pay taxes in exchange for government services. 5.An open letter protests the government's foreign policy. V.

1.Every citizen is obliged to pay taxes.(It is obligatory on every citizen to pay taxes)(It is every citizen's duty to pay taxes.)

2.Americans often say that there are two things they can be sure of in life.

3.There are generally three levels of government in the United States; therefore,there are three types of taxes.

4.Some states charge income tax in addition to a sales tax.

5.Americans complain that taxes are too high and the government uses them in the wrong way. Vocabulary Exercises


1.a. percent b. percentage c. percent 2.a. adds b. addition c. additional 3.a. confused b. confusing c. confusion 4.a. complained b. complain c. complaint II.

1.charge 2.departmen 3.due 4.diverse 5.earns 6.vary 7.property 8.leading 9.funds 10.tends III.

1.China leads the world with silk products.

2.In addition to an income tax some states charge a sales tax. 3.The sales tax varies from price to price of any item you buy.



4.People often complain about the increasing price.

5.His mother says that he spends too much time on TV every day. Text B

Exercises for the Text I.

1.F 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.T 6.T 7.T 8.F 9.T 10.F II.

1.attracts 2.leisure 3.available 4.limited 5.estimate III.

1.decided on 2.approved 3.estimate 4.carried over 5.put up with 6.characteristic of IV.

1.B 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.D Grammar Exercises



1.prefer 2.insisted 3.need 4.make 5.remember 6.look 7.worked 8.was 9.sounds 10.gave III.

1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.D 9.A 10.D IV.

1.The two languages are different/not similar in many way. 2.The deaf and dumb can neigher speak nor hear. 3.The Englishman speaks a very good Italian. 4.Could you pass me a cup of coffee. 5.At this time he felt thirsty and hungry.

6.Yesterday evening she asked me to wait for her at the gate of the restaurant. 7.When did you get up this morning.

8.The story sounds interesting,but it is not true. 9.The meat and macaroni cost me 25 yuan.

10.She oftern teaches the children to sing English songs.

Unit 3

Text A

Exercises for the Text I.

1.d 2.d 3.c 4.b 5.d II.

1.long/wide 2.across 3.deep 4.around 5.high III.



1.The,/,/ 2.The 3.the,the 4./ 5./,a 6./,the 7./ 8.The,the,the 9.The,the 10./ IV.

1.unwilling 2.avarage 3.take 4.runs 5.Suppose V.

1.On the avarage there are 1,000 vistors a day.

2.The Atlantic Ocean is only as half as the Pacific,but it is moar than 4,000 miles wide. 3.Last night it took him a long time to get to sleep.

4.There are so many ads on TV that it is to remember how many there are.

5.Many wrong ideas about the Atlantic made the people in Columbus'days unwilling to sail westward.

Vocabulary Exercises I.

1.a.sailed b.sailor c.sail(n.) 2.a.willing b.unwillingly c.unwilling 3.a.unusual b.usual c.usually 4.a.average(n.) b.average(a.) c.averaged(v.) II.

1.peak 2.crew 3.average 4.blils 5.unusual 6.highway 7.narrow 8.salty 9.spot 10.affected III.

1.The sailors were afraid that might meet bad weather. 2.The mountain is half as high as Mount Tai.

3.On the average there are 45 students in every class of the school. 4.The climate affects the growth of plants. 5.My work keeps pilling up. Text B

Exercises for the Text I.

1.T 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.F 6.T 7.T 8.T 9.F 10.T II. 1.three

2.the earth's gravitational pull. 3.it is near 4.29.5

5.its own/reflects 6.disc

7.the old moon in the new moon's arms.




9.the old earth in the new earth's arms 10.night

Vocabulary Exercises I.

1.d 2.b 3.a 4.c 5.e II.

1.C 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.D 6.C 7.B 8.B 9.B 10.D Grammar Exercises I.

depend--dependence explain--explanation form--formation conclude--conclusion inform--information move--movement

mean--meaning govern--government graduate--graduation similar--aimilarity confuse--confusion pay--payment

agree--agreement advertise--advertisement announce--announcement add--addition decide--decision use--usefulness attract--attraction mix--mixture II.

science--scientific sulless--sullessful response--responsible color--colorful

nation--national revolution--revolutionary addition--additional help--helpful

person--personal meaning--meaningful accept--acceptable use--useful wood--wooden act--active III.

disagree eimpractical independent uncover inexact incomplete disorder unhappy informal inpossible inactive uncertain discharge dishonest impolite IV.

1.try n. 尝试;试验

经过许多次尝试后,他们终于取得了成功。 2.say n. 发言权

在所有的事务中妇女应享有平等的发言权。 3.market v.(在市场上)销售

三年后他们开始在市场上销售他们的产品。 4.journey v. 游历

要到那儿,他们得踏遍整个山区。 5.make n. 牌子;产品




6.parrot v. 鹦鹉学舌般地重复 老板说什么,他学说什么。 7.wine v. 喝酒

他们吃喝到深夜。 8.empty v. 使流入 这条小溪流入黄河。 9.head v. 作为...之首

后来他被任命为经理主管这个公司。 10.bridge v. 越过;跨过(障碍) 这项政策将有助于度过难关。 11.slow v. 使慢下来 火车减速一半。

12.after-sale a. 售后的

如果你们能提供令人满意的售后服务,你们的产品肯定会在这儿有市场。 13.machine v. 加工

机床是用来加工金属制品的。 14.take-off 起飞

飞机起飞时禁止吸烟。 15.radiocontrol 无线电控制

所有的模型飞机都是无线电遥控的。 16.downtown 城市商业区的

繁忙的商业街或购物中心通常是开饭店的好场所。 17.will 意志力;决心 有志者,事竟成。 18.house v. 给...房子住

据说这套新公寓能住下六口之家。 19.water v. 淌口水

见到苹果,他直流口水。 20.rule v. 控制;支配 有钱就有势。

Unit 4

Text A

Exercises for the Text I.

1.c 2.b 3.b 4.d 5.c II.

1.smooth 2.similar 3.mental 4.municipal 5.meaningful 6.useful 7.familar 8.single 9.striking 10.difficult III.

1.Information that does not make any sense to you is difficult to remember.

2.Association refers to associating what we want to remember with what we have already remembered.



3.Catagorezing words helps memory.

4.Needless to say,if the books in the library were kept in a random order,readers could not find the books they wanted.

5.Forming an integrated image with all the information placed in a single memtal picture can help up to preserve a memory. Vocabulary Exercises I.

1.a.psychologist b.psychology c.psychological 2.a.meaningless b.meaning c.meaningful 3.a.organized b.organizer c.organization 4.a.repeated b.repetition c.repeat II.

1.ability 2.accurately 3.focus 4.needless 5.meaningful 6.random 7.Repetition 8.preserve 9.improvement 10.image 11.related to 12.associate,with III.

1.mean 2.organize 3.visualize 4.associate 5.improve 6.repeat 7.memorize 8.communicate 9.categorize 10.imagine IV.

1.Their research focuses on the learning skills of adults. 2.It is meaningful to know how to use these phrases. 3.The adult group consists of 15 people. 4.Needless to say,we all know these facts.

5.Memory refers to the ability to remember the past events or experience. 6.I always associate the song with my school life. Text B

Exercises for the Text I.

1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T 6.F 7.F 8.F 9.F 10.T II.


2.repeat the number over and over 3.a cage an three doors 4.wait a short time 5.a random 6.reward

7.beginning,intermediate,advanced,and native-speaking students 8.Weather,whether,wither,wetter 9.recall,contrast,interrupt,dial 10.the meaning of words Vocabulary Exercises I.



1.e 2.b 3.a 4.c 5.d II.

1.kept 2.contrast 3.human 4.released 5.intermediate III.

1.C 2.D 3.A 4.D 5.B Grammar Exercises I.

1.declarative sentence 2.imperative sentence 3.declarative sentence 4.exclamatory sentence 5.interrogative sentence 6.exclamatory sentence 7.imperative sentence 8.declarative sentence 9.declarative sentence 10.imperative sentence II.

1.Did he attend the English lecture yesterday? 2.Was it still raining when you came in? 3.Is there anyone in the house? 4.Was the baby well looked after?

5.Do you usually get up early in the morning? 6.Do you like to study in the reading room? 7.Can he tell you the result next week? 8.Was she able to swim across the lake? 9.Will it be good weather tomorrow? 10.Did Mr. Brown lose his job again? III.

1.Where is the post office?

2.When did Tom graduate from college? 3.How does he study French? 4.Who lost the key to the door? 5.Why did Miss lee fell very bad?

6.What are listed in the telephone book? 7.How is your mother?

8.Which bus do you think she is going to take? 9.What did he advise you to go? 10.Why did he come? IV.

1.She and husband disagree on many issues.

2.Cluld you talk about the problems about taxation. 3.Bring me a glass of water,please.

4.Your uncle does not say a word at home,does he? 5.What are the customers complaining about? 6.Did he travel in France of in Italy last summer?

7.Did you read the ad in a newspaper or in a magazine? 8.Do you have to pay a sales tax when you buy something? 9.Who is responsible for the company's advertising?

10.Many salaried people did not support the federal goverment at that time,did they?



Unit 5

Text A

Exercises for the Text I.

1.b 2.d 3.d 4.c 5.c II.

1.bravery 2.eager 3.civilized 4.overseas 5.substitute 6.foundation 7.mixture 8.belief 9.protein 10.contain III.

1.pianos/violins 2.firemen 3.data 4.deer 5.potatoes/tomatoes IV.

1.The soldiers ate millions of pounds of potatoes during WWII.

2.One wrong idea was that by eating an animal people could get some of the good qualities of that animal for themselves.

3.It has not yet been proved whether fish is the best brain food.

4.Milk contains rich protein.Therefore,many people drink it for breakfast. 5.Today many people have wrong ideas about food Vocabulary Exercises I.

1.a.civilize b.civilized c.civilization 2.a.free b.freedom c.freely

3.a.digest b.digestible c.digestion d.digestive 4.a.scientists b.scientific c.science II.

1.mixture 2.poisonous 3.suppose 4.digest 5.widespread 6.overseas 7.similar 8.foundation 9.eager 10.substitute III.

1.digestion 2.mixture 3.belief 4.civilization 5.combination IV.

1.We have not found a substitute for him.



2.children are eager to become as strong and brave as the heroes in the movies. 3.He is supposed to run fastest among us.

4.Some stories are widespread,while others are not.

5.As a matterof fact,meat and potatoes can be eaten at the same meal. 6.School are often thought of as a small society. Text B

Exercises for the Text I.

1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T 6.T 7.T 8.T 9.T 10.T II. 1.true

2.run races / wrestle / have mock fights together 3.Frogs / owls 4.sport / very grave 5.their dams and their houses 6.take care of sheep 7.find new ways

8.new fashions / none from each other 9.methods 10.instinct

11.ant / frog / owl / beaver / parrot / horse / dog /elephant / sheep / spider Vocabulary Exercises I.

1.d 2.c 3.b 4.a 5.e II.

1.D 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.D 6.D 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.C Grammar Exercises I.

Simple sentences are 8,10. Compound sentences are 2,4,6,7,9. complex sentences are 1,3,5. II.

1.B 2.D 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.C 9.D 10.A

Unit 6

Text A

Exercises for the Text




1.b 2.a 3.b 4.c 5.c II.

1.rare 2.substance 3.slight 4.pressure 5.crystal 6.crack 7.gem 8.elevator 9.crush III.

1.It was thought that the earth was flat.

2.It is reported that a new government has been formed. 3.It was believed that the sun traveled around the earth. 4.It is believed that living things exist on Mars.

5.It is said that the world temperature is growing higher. IV.

1.stick to 2.change...into 3.stick to 4.running out 5.pick up 6.changed into 7.had run out 8.picked up 9.sorting out 10.sort out V.

1.It is known to all that diamonds are the hardest substance.

2.Today most diamonds are not found in stream beds but mined from rock formations deep inside the earth.

3.Diamonds,as they are mined,do not look very expressive. 4.He never sticks to anything he does.

5.The eruption of active vocanoes is a terrible natural phenomenon. Vocabulary Exercises


1.a.popularity b.popularize c.popular 2.a.hand b.hand c.handful 3.a.formed b.formation c.forms 4.a.impression b.impressive c.impressed II.

1.experienced 2.Extreme 3.formation 4.pressure 5.blasted 6.handful 7.crystal 8.destroyed 9.unusual 10.flow III.

1.Please sort out what you want and throw away the rest. 2.The price of the elevator is somewhat higher than expected. 3.These designs are very popular with young people. 4.He stopped writing because his pen had run out of ink. 5.Experienced people can tell which one is real immediately. Text B

Exercises for the Text I.



1.F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.F 6.T 7.F 8.T 9.T 10.T II.

1.difficulty 2.haze 3.magnifying glass 4.do/be 5.guessing 6.vegetable

7.come first/a higher order of beings 8.earth/air 9.flowers/fruits/grain 10.dissolves Vocabulary Exercises I.

1.d 2.b 3.a 4.c 5.e II.

1.puzzled 2.dissolve 3.aside 4.magnifying 5.latter 6.observes 7.beneath 8.broad Grammar Exercises I. 1.died

汤姆父亲去世时他23岁。 2.does not guarantee

仅仅练习并不能保证成年语言学习者的成功。 3.advised

他建议他儿子到30岁再结婚。 4.is looking

她正找机会同他谈一谈。 5.comes

等着轮到你。 6.was going

他正要离开饭店,这时经理进来了。 7.will have left

快点!否则,我们到火车站时火车就要开走了。 8.would help

她说第二天将帮助丈夫洗车。 9.will be sitting

明天的这个时候他们将在看电影。 10.were playing

这些男孩透过窗户往外看,看见一些小象在外面玩耍。 11.will go

一百年之后,人们将会到其它的星球上度假。 12.had finished

他吃完早饭后,就到售票处去了。 13.would be

她终于认识到考虑一下出国的费用是明智的。 14.will have locked

快点!否则你还没进去,商店就关门了。 15.had been getting




16.had benn keeping

我只想让你知道你使我们一直没睡着。 17.had happened

差不多一个星期过去了,那个女孩才能解释发生的一切。 18.will tell

当你问他时,她就会把这个消息告诉你。 19.had finished

我还没有吃完早饭,约翰就打电话来说要来看我。 20.has passed/failed

乔治通过了驾驶考试,可没有通过学校考试。 II.

1.B 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.B 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.D 10.A III.

1.invented 2.offer 3.have been setting 4.brought 5.has not paid 6.had seen

7.was making 8.has been working 9.am preparing 10.has happened IV.

1.Students from a medical institute are now observing an operation. 2.Wind blows hard in March.

3.Where are you going to hang that photo?

4.She fell down when she was going downstairs.

5.How many years has Henry learned cooking from Miss Smith? 6.The history teacher said that WWI came to an end in 1918. 7.Mary has been waiting for you since this morning.

8.My elder sister told me that the program was not interesting at all. 9.If you come at eight tomottow morning,you will see him in the office. 10.-Have you seen the film? -Yes,I saw it in Nanjing.

Unit 7

Text A

Exercises for the Text I.

1.b 2.b 3.d 4.b 5.c II.

1.divorce 2.single 3.extended 4.together 5.traditional 6.increase 7.result 8.love 9.earn 10.often III.

1.basically 2.Traditionally 3.extended



4.divorced 5.related 6.relative 7.industrial 8.industrialized 9.nuclear 10.nucleus IV.

1.There are many single parent families and remarried families in the US.

2.Undoubtedly,the members of an extended family are related by floodor by marriage. 3.The nuclear family in China usually consists of two parents and their only child. 4.The family has a sense of belonging for both the young and the old. 5.Most people are unwilling to live with their parents when they grow up.

Vocabulary Exercises I.

1.a.relative 2.relation c.relate 2.a.extension b.extensive c.extended 3.a.tradition b.Traditionally c.traditional 4.a.industrialized b.industrial c.industry II.

1.relatives 2.extend 3.Marriage 4.descended 5.nucleus 6.traditional 7.social 8.definition 9.security 10.basically III.

1.In a modern family both the father and the mother earn money for the family. 2.She is a teacher,while her elder brother is a engineer.

3.Traditionally,Chinese youth live with their parents until they grow up and marry. 4.All the teachers care for my progress in study.

5.In some families,both parents work and take care of their family and children as well. 6.The group was split up into two because it was too large. 7.They plan to extend their study in this field. 8.She divorced her husband two years ago. Text B

Exercises for the Text I.

1.F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T 6.F 7.T 8.T 9.F 10.T II. 1.equal

2.physical and emotional




4.worked outside the home 5.housework/preparation 6.her first years of marriage 7.busier

8.the family has two incomes 9.child care center,baby sitter

10.get ready for school,make their breakfast Vocabulary Exercises I.

1.D 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D II.

1.dependent 2.primary 3.structured 4.similarities 5.role 6.partners 7.customary

Grammar Exercises I.

1.are being printed 2.are guaranteed 3.will be pulled 4.were developed 5.will be built 6.was praised 7.has been translated 8.had been sent 9.would be given 10.is being done II.

1.All the books are kept in good order in the library.

2.The income tax was graduated from 14 to 70 precent in the 1960's. 3.Sometimes we can be persuaded to buy things that are not necessary. 4.What should be done in a case like this?

5.It has been announced that they will invite only three of us to the party. 6.The meeting will be put off till next Monday. 7.You are not allowed to smoke in the laboratory. 8.The problem must be dealt with without any delay. 9.He was given a warm welcome at the railway statation. 10.Your baby will be looked after at the day-care center. III.

1.is spoken 2.can not be kept 3.was turned off 4.ware believed 5.should not be eaten 6.were let off

7.were taken care of 8.can be remembered 9.would be becalmed 10.are lighted up IV.

1.Was the United Nations established in 1945? 2.It is said that he was seriously injured.

3.This building will be designed by Doctor Ford. 4.Where was the last meeting held?

5.Was America discovered by Columbus in 1492?



6.This task must be accomplished by you. 7.The patient should be treated cardfully.

8.She was given a warm welcome at the railway station. 9.He is called Lao Wang,though he is not old at all. 10.The gate had been closed when I came back.

Unit 8

Text A

Exercises for the Text I.

1.c 2.a 3.b 4.d 5.d II.

1.transmit 2.access 3.remote

4.demostrate 5.instuction 6.simutaneously 7.travel 8.available 9.privacy 10.application III.

1.television broadcasts,telephone calls and printed materials 2.an education and entertainment center 3.transmits,stores,displays 4.a risk to our privacy IV.

1.over 2.via 3.to 4.of 5.for

6.at 7.on 8.of 9.from 10.between V.

1.Information stored in computers can be transmitted wia satellite to anyong who can pay for the service.

2.Now a satellite is capable of receiving and transmitting 18,000 telephone calls simutaneously. 3.The high and new telenology may harm us as well as help us.

4.To greet the 21st century,it is important for us to learn to use computers well. 5.The purpose of learning the new technology is to apply it.

Vocabulary Exercises


1.a.established(v.) b.established(a.) c.establishment 2.a.signal(v.) b.signal(n.) c.sign

3.a.entertainment b.entertainer c.entertains 4.a.limited b.limit,limit c.unlimited II.

1.display 2.theory 3.established 4.remote 5.visual 6.signalled 7.access 8.channel 9.transmitted 10.transportation III.



1.Satellites are capable of transmitting not only television broadcast but also telephone calls. 2.In theory,every person has access to education.

3.You should follow the doctor's instrucations on how to take the medicine. 4.Computer systems can transmit sounds as well as pictures. 5.It is modern technology that leads us to success. 6.The patient should be isolated from other patients. 7.The soldier displayed his bravery and skill.

8.His experiment has fully demonstrated the psychological principle. Text B

Exercises for the Text I.

1.F 2.T 3.T 4.T 5.F 6.F 7.T 8.T 9.T 10.F II.

1.where 2.deadly

3.2,000 pounds

4.The coal,oil,and gas we have on earth 5.our bodies

6.a powerful current of eletrical energy 7.the electric energy

8.the energy in the atmosphere

9.automobiles,airlines,factories,atomic explosions

10.learn how to protect our atmosphere,the roof over the world of man. Vocabulary Exercises I.

1.d 2.c 3.b 4.e 5.a II.

1.atmosphere 2.existence 3.thorough 4.radar 5.elements 6.protect,from 7.caused 8.rest on Grammar Exercises


1.to say like it 主语

2.to discover the secret 状语

3.how to use the waste paper 宾补

4.to tell the difference between the two 主语 5.not to miss the train状语

6.to improve the present economic situation 定语 7.To be a teacher of the people状语 8.grow 宾补

9.to write a story 宾语

10.be treated in that way 宾补 11.to make such experiment 定语

12.to make care of so many children 主语



13.to hear her talk like that 状语 14.to be very interesting 主补 15.to be waiting for us here 宾补 16.to be discuss today 定语

to divide the work among ourselves 表语 17.to attend the meeting 主补 to be held in Room 201 定语

18.to have seen your performance 状语 19.to learn new words 状语

20.to build their houses by instinct 主补 II.

1.He has his own method to learn foreign languages.

2.Sometimes it is necessary for us to learn from mistakes. 3.She decided to leave the hotel at three p.m. 4.He is said to have a bright future.

5.A lot of peasants left their hometown for Beijing to look for jobs. 6.It took Columbus more than two months to sail across the Atlantic. 7.Do you have any question to ask?

8.The room is not big enough to hold so many people.

9.In the traditional family,the role of the mother is to look after children. 10.She is too young to understand these things.

Unit 9

Text A

Exercises for the Text I.

1.c 2.a 3.d 4.b 5.a II.

1.concern 2.possession 3.occasion 4.acquaintance 5.lively 6.grown-up 7.classification 8.principle 9.convenient 10.presence III.

1.ought 2.must 3.might/may 4.ought 5.could 6.Could/Can 7.might 8.ought IV.

1.Popular words belong to the people at large.

2.On the other hand,language includes a large number of \3.The armosphere of the two classes of words is quite different. 4.Some words are not known to us until we grow up.

5.Some popular words are known to us before we are able to read. Vocabulary Exercises I.



1.a.cultivate b.Cultivated c.cultivation 2.a.education b.educational c.educate 3.a.informal b.Formal c.formally 4.a.highly b.height c.high II.

1.style 2.occasions 3.highly 4.concern 5.possessions 6.topics 7.formal 8.cultivates 9.convenient 10.absolute III.

1.Success is applied to those who work hard.

2.After arrival in that country,he found that there was few occasions to speak Chinese. 3.Mutual understanding is of great importance to friendship. 4.No two leaves are exactly the same in the world.

5.When I say they are friends,I do not mean that they share everything. 6.The meeting concerns trads and agriculture.

7.Serious problems may come up if the situation becomes worse. 8.I will go today rather than tomorrow. 9.A car is made of many defferent parts. 10.The escaped prisoner is still at large. Text B

Exercises for the Text I.

1.F 2.T 3.T 4.T 5.T 6.F 7.T 8.T 9.T 10.F II.

1.to look it up in the dictionary 2.interupted

3.securely tied,running at top speed 4.dictionary

5.prefix,root,suffix 6.before 7.last,first 8.tentative 9.success

10.Context,Parts,Dictionary Vocabulary Exercises


1.c 2.a 3.b 4.e 5.d II.

1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.D 7.B 8.D Grammar Exercises


1.shining ,定语 working there 定语



2.written in pencil 定语 3.Hearing the noise 状语 4.being repaired 定语

5.said 表语,built for land transport 定语 6.getting ready for work 状语

7.tied to the earth by the earth's gravitational pull 主语补足语 8.confusing 定语

9.used in industry 定语

10.given by the girls of our class 定语 11.waiting to be examined 定语

12.leaving her with the two children 状语 13.having sent her little sister to school 状语 14.needed 定语

15.boating on the Kunming Lake on Sunday 主语补足语 16.surrounding the earth 定语 17.Thinking she must be late 状语 18.facing us 定语

19.saying that this would be too expensive 状语 20.being unloaded 宾语补足语 II.

1.standing;rising 2.riding;shooting 3.beginning;advanced 4.done 5.playing 6.pleasing 7.reflecting 8.closed 9.reading

10.charged;bought 11.living 12.extended 13.outlined 14.coming 15.wearing 16.lying 17.having gone 18.working 19.moving 20.running III.

1.He was very satisfied with the result of the test. 2.She saw a herd of cows standing under the tree.

3.Hearing the news,they started for the railway station right away.

4.Hong Kong,having returned to China in 1997,is one of the most important commercial and financial centers in Asia.

5.Please turn off the light when leaving the room. 6.She has two sons living in Macal.

7.He made an important speech at the meeting held last week. 8.Presents,worth less than 200 dollars,are duty-free. 9.Seeing him coming over,we hid behind the door. 10.Now she felt her heart beating too fast.

Unit 10

Text A

Exercises for the Text




1.d 2.a 3.c 4.c 5.a II.

1.curious 2.take apart 3.stimulate 4.relationship 5.previously 6.pleasant 7.solution 8.proper 9.determine 10.growth III.

1.regardless of 2.at night 3.in the light of 4.at least 5.am willing 6.carry out 7.in advance 8.adapt... 9.lay ...aside 10.combine...with IV.

1.frequently 2.perfectly 3.scientifically 4.completely 5.relatively 6.exactly 7.absolutely 8.entirely 9.rapidly 10.extremely V.

1.The cause-and-effect principle can be used to solve some scientific problems.

2.The rapid development in science stimulates many enterprises to seek new ways out. 3.Respect for the views of orders is also a scientific attitude.

4.Open-minddedness lies in the ability to accept new and sometimes even disagreeable ideas. 5.Young children are always curious about everything. Vocabulary Exercises


1.a.known b.unknown c.know 2.a.regards b.regarded c.regardless

3.a.acceptable b.acceptability c.accepted 4.a.frequently b.frequent c.frequency II.

1.Failure 2.relationship 3.environment 4.imagination 5.findings 6.evidence 7.phenomenon 8.curiosity 9.attitude 10.solution III.

1.Man wondered why birds could fly while human beings could not. 2.The child took apart the toy,but he didn't know how to put it together. 3.They will carry out the experiment regardless of what will happen. 4.Tired as she was,she is still willing to help others.

5.We should not laugh at those who have made mistakes. 6.We are determined to seek the solutions to these problems.

7.In the light of our present knowledge,the finding may be considered acceptable. 8.You should adapt yourselves to the new environment. Text B

Exercises for the Text




1.T 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.F 6.T 7.F 8.F 9.T 10.F II.


2.reading,laboratory experiment

3.nuclear physics,bilolgical engineering,microelectronics 4.searching the literature 5.foundations 6.clues

7.a logical classification ,a mathematical analysis 8.\

9.which has different values under different conditions

10.recognizing the problem,collecting information,organizing the information,making a hypothesis,making experiments Vocabulary Exercises I.

1.e 2.c 3.a 4.b 5.d II.

1.procedures 2.background 3.account 4.confidence 5.modified 6.obtain

7.indicated 8.variables 9.resulted,from 10.turned,out

Grammar ExercisesI.

1.having a family 主语;having children 宾语

2.transmitting and receiving information over long distances 介词宾语 3.learning a language 主语

4.taking the material we want to remember and relating it to something we remember a accurately 介词宾语

5.being paid a smaller amount of money 介词宾语;doing the same work 介词宾语 6.hurting others 介词宾语

7.taking the back way介词宾语;beingseen 宾语 8.building their houses 介词宾语

9.having come through the battle of life 介词宾语

10.finding right building materials 表语;building 定语 II.

1. to say 2.leading 3.to say

4.eating 5.to learn,experienced 6.belonging 7.banking;leaving 8.doing 9.finished

10.smoking,eating 11.driving 12.buying,washing,to make 13.going 14.happening,controlling 15.to bring

16.to be done,to move 17.being discovered 18.meeting 19.being,to help 20.knowing;learning III.

1.C 2.D 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.D 7.C 8.C 9.C 10.A



Unit 11

Text A

Exercises for the Text I.

1.d 2.a 3.d 4.c 5.d II.

1.possessions 2.sign 3.the variety of things 4.replica 5.castoffs 6.extra

7.era 8.hobby 9.fabulous 10.reluctant III.

1. looking for 2.a bargain hunter 3.run across 4.search for

5.come up with 6.am fed up with 7.are faced with 8.a garage sale

9.getting rid of 10.was (am) turned off IV.

1.seller 2.buyer 3.reporter 4.waiter 5.artist 6.owner 7.earner 8.visitor 9.actor 10.sailor V.

1.Many people in Peking have made morning shopping a hobby. 2.I ran across his earlier works in a second-hand store.

3.You wouldn't believe that someone will buy someone else's castoffs. 4.Not long age,he put up a practicable plan. 5.We are bound to win battle. Vocabulary Exercises I.

1.a.shop b.shopping c.shops 2.a.origin b.originality c.original

3.a.Computers b.computerization c.computerized 4.a.sale b.sells c.sellers II.

1.hobby 2.local 3.recent 4.extra 5.stuff 6.original 7.reluctant 8.neighborhood 9.advertisements 10.enthusiasm III.

1.The shop has put up many advertisements in its neighborhood.

2.Some people are fed up with modern city life and have moved to the country. 3.I ran across one of my friends in the park last week. 4.He has no money on him,he is bound to come back. 5.He is now faced with an important problem. 6.All the useless stuff should be got rid of.



7.Our responsibility is to meet the ever-increasing needs of the people. 8.All the goods are priced at half of their original prices. 9.The music really turns me off.

10.He has set out his viewpoints clearly in the book. Text B

Exercises for the Text I.

1.F 2.T 3.T 4.T 5.F 6.F 7.F 8.T 9.F 10.F II.

1.Don't hurry

2.read the advertisements 3.explore and examine

4.clothing,,furniture,household goods 5.small shops

6.sold many things for five or ten cents 7.a large profit on fewer sales 8.supermarkers 9.frozen food 10.original flavor

Vocabulary Exercises


1.b 2.d 3.c 4.e 5.a II.

1.B 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.A Grammar Exercises I.

1.在短短五十年时间内,发明了飞机并使之成为最快地交通工具之一。 2.销售部经理必须确保促销的最佳方式。








10.在每个国家都有这样一种人,他们总是想干尽可能少的工作,得到尽可能多的回报。 II.

1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.A III.

1.The moon looks much bigger than any other stars in the sky. 2.Diamond is the hardest substance in the physical world. 3.In some countries,girls are not so well-educated as boys are.



4.You'll find that some words in English are easier to memorize than others. 5.The Atlantic Ocean is just half as large as the Pacific Ocean. 6.The nearer an object is to you,the bigger it seems. 7.Classified advertisement is the simplest one.

8.You should read as many English books as you can in college.

9.The Grand Banks is one of the most famous fishing areas in North American. 10.Our life is much better than ever before.

Unit 12

Text A

Exercises for the Text I.

1.b 2.d 3.c 4.d 5.c II.

1.dispute 2.self-assurance 3.supreme 4.peculiar 5.decade 6.quotation 7.represent 8.discard 9.distant 10.authoritative III.

1.Someone 2.a few 3.No one 4.few 5.anyone 6.one

7.anything 8.either 9.neither 10.each IV.

1.A good dictionary should give new uses to old words regularly.

2.The writing and compiling of every entry in dictionary is based on a certain principle.

3.The task of writing a dictionary begins with the reading of vast amounts of literature and making cards.

4.Not all dictionaries have authority.

5.I once got into a dispute with an Englishman over the pronunciation of a word and offered to look it up in the dictionary. Vocabulary Exercises I.

1.a.usage b.use c.Used d.use

2.a.authoritative b.author c.authority 3.a.edition b.edit c.editor

4.a.historical b.historian c.history 5.a.state b.stated c.statement II.

1.dispute 2.peculiar 3.reveal 4.illustrates 5.stack 6.statement 7.usages 8.decade 9.literary 10.influence




1.It is widely believed that languages change and develop constantly. 2.She is regarded as the best doctor in the town.

3.The books in the library are arranged according to their authors' names. 4.The children are deeply influenced by their parents. 5.They dispute the authenticity of my conclusion. 6.The child was brought up in a remote willage.

7.When you come across new words,you needn't always look them up in the dictionary. 8.Once you have got into a bad habit,it is difficult for you to get rid of it.

9.To the best of my knowledge,the view that the fish is the best food to the brain is not ridiculous. Text B

Exercises for the Text I.

1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.T 6.F 7.T 8.T 9.F 10.T II.

1.quarters 2.life skill

3.stumbling block

4.title,chapter headings,section titles,headings 5.maps,charts,graphs,pictures 6.ideas,actions,thouthts,feelings 7.content and meaning

8.context clues,the words around it 9.alert

10.comfortable,productive,rewarding Vocabulary Exercises


1.a 2.c 3.b 4.e 5.d II.

1.survival 2.Opportunity 3.concentration 4.challenge 5.impression 6.scanned 7.aware of 8.alert to 9.Emphasis 10.keep up with Grammar Exercises


1.with a prupose 定语 2.without your help状语 3.like a man状语

4.in the United States定语;of three types表语

5.in the sales department定语;for the advertising表语

6.For centuries状语;from being discovered by the people of Europe定语补足语;by the people of Europe 状语;of Europe定语 7.in better spirits宾语补足语

8.in the sky定语;like a mirror表语



9.to vistors 状语

10.of any use表语;in random order主语补足语

11.with a higher profiviency定语;on words 状语;in meaning 状语

12.In some kinds of work状语;of speed定语;by the amount of work done and not by the hour状语;of work done定语

13.due to his careless use of the gun表语;of the gun定语 14.as love apples主语补足语;in love主语补足语 15.in San Francisco instead of Los Angeles宾语补足语

16.for what it can use in building its nest状语;in building its nest状语 17.from carbon状语;in all living things主语补足语

18.in what ways 状语;of the plant定语;from that of animals状语;of animals定语 19.of telecommunication staellites定语;for transmitting telephone calls表语

20.In English定语;to every educated person状语;at home or in the marker place状语 II.

1.of 2.to 3.from 4.from 5.for 6.in 7.with 8.of 9.from 10.with 11.at 12.for 13.in 14.by 15.with

16.By,for 17.with 18.to,at 19.to,at 20.in,from III.

1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.A 6.A 7.D 8.A 9.A 10.B

Unit 13

Text A

Exercises for the Text I.

1.a 2.c 3.c 4.d 5.b II.

1.agent 2.policy 3.adequate 4.occur 5.remind 6.ignorance

7.complex 8.entirely 9.fundamentals 10.concepts III.

1.evil 2.sell 3.inadequate

4.expensive 5.unfortunate 6.impossible 7.finally 8.unsafe 9.illness 10.hide IV.

looking for / address / familiar with / guide / places of interest / sum / period / If / am looking forward to / Sincerely V.

1.Insurance reminds us that we live in an unsafe world.



2.There are three reasons why people are unwilling to discuss insurance. 3.We should not depend entirely on the agent when buy insurance.

4.Although accident,illness,and death are not pleasant subjects,we should face them. 5.An American pays as much as $ 2,000 for health insurance every year. Vocabulary Exercises I.

1.a.consumers b.consumed c.consumption 2.a.safety b.safe c.unsafe 3.a.lose b.lost c.loss

4.a.intelligent b.intelligence c.intelligently II.

1.effective 2.evil 3.inadequate 4.sum 5.complex 6.agent

7.miracle 8.protection 9.opposite 10.possibility III.

1.When a stranger is at your door,you should be on guard.

2.In effect,we spent as much time in looking for this book as we did in reading it. 3.Her letter reminds me of the good days we once spent together.

4.Except a few insurance professionals,most of the people don't understand completely what insurance is.

5.This method has been proven to be still effective. 6.At best he can do only half as much as last year.

7.It suddenly occurred to me that he hadn't paid his income tax for two months. 8.He majors in Motor Engineering in this college. Text B

Exercises for the Text I.

1.F 2.T 3.T 4.T 5.T 6.T 7.F 8.T 9.F 10.F II.

1.what money is and how to measure it 2.the unit of account 3.the double coincidence 4.deferred payment 5.in the future 6.specifies

7.fairly constant 8.converred 9.decrease

10.the transaction costs Vocabulary Exercises I.

1.a 2.c 3.d 4.e 5.b II.

1.D 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D




1.reduced 2.ruled out 3.conscious of 4.in terms of 5.doubled Grammar Exercises I.

1.the,×,the 2.The,×,× 3.a,the 4.×,a,×,the

5.the,the,the,the, 6.a,the 7.An,the,a 8.a,the

9.the,the,the 10,The,the 11.a,× 12.The,×,the,the,an 13.the,the,an 14.an,the,× 15.The,the 16.The,the 17.the,× 18.×,the 19.the,× 20.the,the,the,the II.

a ,a ,an ,The ,the ,the ,the ,the / the ,the ,the ,the ,the ,the ,The ,a ,× / the ,the ,the ,the / a,the ,the ,the

Unit 14

Text A

Exercises for the Text I.

1.d 2.c 3.c 4.b 5.d II.

acceptable manners

1.giving up somoking in a public place 2.asking permission before smoking 3.being polite and show respect 4.being nice to other people

5.no loud talking in public places unacceptalbe manners

1.failing to be impressed by a friend's collection of stamps 2.yawning when a sportman tells you about his recent record 3.falling asleep when friends show you their favorable pictures 4.talking at movies

5.talking with your mouth full III.

1.impression 2.kindness 3.ignorance 4.behavior 5.majority 6.awareness 7.attraction 8.danger 9.possibility 10.protection IV.

1.They are not aware that such behavior will bother other. 2.Behave yourself in public places.



3.Good habits are formed from early childhood.

4.We cannot interact with others without some social rules of behavior. 5.Good manners help you succeed in your career. Vocabulary Exercises


1.a.Honesty b.honestly c.honest

2.a.understand b.misunderstandings c.misunderstands 3.a.accept b.unacceptable c.acceptable 4.a.indifferent b.differences c.different

5.a.employ b.employment c.employer d.employees II.

1.boring 2.guidelines 3.kindness 4.bother 5.polite 6.Frankly

7.impression 8.swear 9.behavior 10.rudeIII.

1.He felll asleep when he was listening to that long and boring lecture. 2.They are not even aware that this is not a good habit.

3.We should learn to show respect for others to avoid friction of conflict. 4.They sword that whatever happened they would accomplish the work. 5.Those with no manners will pay the price sooner or later. 6.I'm not thirsty.Please don't bother to make tea for me. 7.His attitude towards work impressed me deeply. Text B

Exercises for the Text I.

1.T 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.T 7.F 8.T 9.F 10.T II. 1.eyes

2.Dark nights,dense fogs,blinding snowstorms,thick forests 3.with its head cut off 4.circular motion 5.wound up 6.arc,curve 7.aware 8.left

9.the tracks of his feet 10.identical

Vocabulary Exercises


1.e 2.c 3.b 4.d 5.a II.

1.circular 2.motion 3.curve 4.uneven 5.identical 6.pinned

7.well-known 8.investigating 9.intended




Grammar Exercises


1.should 应当 could不能够 2.must 必须 can才可能 3.can 可以 cannot 不能 4.must 必须 5.should 应当 6.can 能够

7.must 想必已经(肯定) 8.may 可以 9.cannot 不可能 10.must 必须 11.can 能够 12.may 可能 13.could 可能

14.needn't 本不可以

15.might 可能会(也许会) 16.can 能够 17.may 可能 18.might 可以

19.should 应该 may 也许 20.can't 不可能 may 可能 II.

1.B 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.D III.

1.You can compare the moon with the earth. 2.He may be too busy to come today.

3.He must have told her all about it yesterday. 4.You needn't copy the whole text. 5.You must come to see us tomorrow. 6.She may wait for us at the school gate.

7.Tom must be in the language laboratory now. 8.Will you please help me with my luggage?

9.It's too strange that they should have left without saying goodbye to us. 10.They must have gone,but they should have left a note to us.

Unit 15

Text A

Exercises for the Text I.

1.d 2.a 3.d 4.b 5.a II.

1.allocate 2.significantly 3.model



4.fantasy 5.motive 6.jeopardize 7.make sense of 8.monitor 9.initiate 10.depict 11.critiques 12.fascination 13.alternative III.

1.imagination 2.evidence 3.fascination 4.imitation 5.reality 6.violence

7.significance 8.relation 9.observation 10.nature IV.

1.crazy about 2.as well as 3.apply,to

4.The amount 5.make sence 6.distinguish,from 7.tend to 8.pointed out 9.put ,together 10.The number of V.

1.Violence films have a great effect on preschool children.

2.Parents should monitor the amount as well as the kind of television their children watch. 3.Preschool children are not yet fully able to distinguish fantasy from reality. 4.When a child is watching television,the parents had better guide by his side.

5.It has been proven that violence television programs have bad effects on the development of children.

Vocabulary Exercises I.

1.a.violence b.violent c.violently

2.a.significance b.significantly c.significant 3.a.real b.really c.reality

4.a.imagine b.imaginative c.imagination 5.a.express b.expression c.expressive II.

1.imitate 2.interpret 3.motive 4.monitor 5.evidence 6.recovery 7.reality 8.undermined 9.alternative 10.violence III.

1.Peace talks have long-lasting effects on the relations between the two countries. 2.Given good health,I hope to finish the work this year. 3.I must point out that it is unrealistic not to make mistakes. 4.Many young people are crazy about football.

5.I think your plan is very good,but are there any alternatives to it? 6.We should learn to distinguish right from wrong. 7.You may interpret this term in many ways. 8.He adopted a resolved attitude towards it.

9.Mother's words implied that the children might watch television twice a week. 10.His work is to monitor a foreign broadcasting. Text B



Exercises for the Text I.

1.T 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T 6.T 7.T 8.F 9.T 10.F II.

1.Current Scinece

2.mathmatical reasoning, mechanical ability, problem-solving skills 3.vocabulary, spelling, memory

4.excited ,make noises that sound like language 5.left

6.courage, energy, strong, independent 7.male hormones 8.still, commands

9.other people's solutions, for themselves 10.key

Vocabulary Exercises I.

1.b 2.d 3.a 4.c 5.e II.

1.A 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.B Grammar Exercises I.

1.that bones, muscles, and nerves develp faster in baby girls 主语 2.why a bird will fly in circles when blinded 宾语 3.what being polite means 介词宾语

4.waht a majority of people consider acceptable and what they consider unacceptable 宾语

5.that a loan contract always involves a promise to pay back a sum of money in the future 同位语 6.what a person will sacriffice to obtain it 宾语 7.that we live in an unsafe world 直接宾语 8.that fast readers are the best readers 表语

9.waht he thinks a given word ought to mean 介词宾语 10.What follows 主语

11.that boys are better at building things bur girls have better vocabulary 主语 12.waht they say 宾语

13.waht you are looking for 宾语 14.if anyone would come 宾语 15.What is accepted as ture 主语

16.what is know at a particular time 介词宾语 17.why the wind blew and the leaves fell 宾语

18.what should be done when they came across an unknown world in their reading 宾语 19.that the great storms on the sun create large amount of electric energy 同位语 20.that ginger root by some magical power could improve the memory 主语 II.

1.A 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.B 7.B 8.B 9.A 10.A III.

1.We should understand taht language learning differs from the learning of other subjects.



2.It is well-known that theAtlantic Ocean is only half as large as the Pacific Ocean. 3.His conclusion is that meaningless message is difficult to memorize.

4.It hasn't yet been decided that who will preside over the meeting tomorrow. 5.She explained to me why she would send her baby to the nursery. 6.He wants to ask the manager if he wants to buy a car.

7.More and more people have realized such a fact that heart diseases are related to the way people live.

8.It is said that nerves in the left side of the brain develop faster in girls than in boys. 9.The picture shows how a plant sticks its roots deep into the soil.

10.What they are not quite clear about is why every kind of birds has its own way of building nest.

Unit 16

Text A

Exercises for the Text I.

1.b 2.d 3.b 4.d 5.a II.

1.alarming 2.killer 3.emphasis

4.perform 5.surgical techniques and procedures 6.recover 7.reduce 8.connection 9.sufficient 10.merely III.

1.Disadvantages of emphasis on treatment:

a. attracting interest and financial resources away from the question of prevention b. causing the costs of general hospital care to rise

c. encouraging doctors to perform surgery even more than necessary 2.Factors causing heart discease

a. stress b. smoking c. a lack of exercise 3.Measures for prevention: a. changing dietary habits b. reducing stress in their lives c. breaking the habit of smoking d. doing regular exercise e. joining the health clubs IV.

1.emphasis 2.awareness 3.treatment 4.prevention 5.technology 6.surgery 7.increase 8.responsibility 9.illness



10.benefit V.

1.More and more people are realizing that the prevention of heart disease is more important than its treatment.

2.There is no doubt that many patients have benefited from regular exercise like walking, running, swimming and so on.

3.The emphasis on treatment is clearly associated with the technological advances that have taken place in the past ten years.

4.Recent researches have found that stress,smoking and a lack of exercise are the main factors causing heart discase.

5.According to the federal goverment report,the chances of success in heart surgery were low. Vocabulary Exercises I.

1.a. Prevention b.prevent c.preventive 2.a.Surgery b.surgeon c.surgical 3.a.technicians b.technical c.Technology d.Techniques e.technological 4.a. attactive b.attract c.attraction 5.a.encoraged b.discourage c.courage II.

1.resource 2.connection 3.beneficial 4.equipment 5.emphasized 6.factors 7.enableed 8.stress 9.disadvantage 10.sufficient III.

1.In the past twenty years,China has been developing at a top speed.

2.Technological advances enable people to live a more comfortable and pleasant life. 3.There is no doubt that people are paying more attention to their health. 4.Children are often encouraged to imagine rather than to imitate.

5.We must rely on our own efforts to convert scientific achievement into productivity. 6.As a result of careful preparation ,the heart operation has been performed with great success. 7.The students have benefited a lot from his lectures. 8.Who is to take full responsibility for this action? Text B

Exercises for the Text I.



1.F 2.T 3.T 4.T 5.F 6.F 7.F 8.F 9.F 10.T II.

1.lose weight, fast 2.metabolism

3.sleeping difficulties, radical mood changes 4.lose ugly excess fat, maintain health 5.proteins, carbohydrates, fats, macronutrients 6.building materical and energy 7.meat, eggs, milk, cream, nuts 8.rice, potatoes 9.water-soluble 10.proteins and minerals Vocabulary Exercises I.

1.d 2.c 3.a 4.e 5.b II.

1.balance 2.appetite 3.harmful 4.Vitamin 5.metabolism 6.exxentials 7.resulted, in 8.essential, to 9.excess 10.balances Grammar Exercises I.

1.who try to learn a second language restrictive 2.Americans can be sure of in life restrictive

3.whose behavior shows little respect for the rules restrictive; that the majority follow restrictive

4.you've been familiar with throughout your life restrictive 5.who sells bread for money restrictive; he wants restrictive

6.why we should learn more about insurance restrictive 7.her husband liked it restrictive

8.where first-hand, original research goes on restrictive in which editors simply copy existing dictionaries restrictive 9.my report is to cover restrictive

10.in which some interesting or rare words appear restrictive 11.as there are everywhere non-restrictive;



that offer a more limited quantity of products restrictive

12.where huge quantities of all kinds of food and household articles are sold non-restrictive 13.as department stores do restrictive

14.who had held two garage sales with friends non-restrictive 15.who are buying restrictive; we had restrictive

16.which give clues for solving the new one non-restrictive 17.that are in need of further study restrictive

18.which help stimulate the discovery of new facts and advance science restrictive 19.where sky and earth seemed to meet restrictive

20.in which we can make material more meaningful restrictive II.

1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.D III.

1.This is the first film that I've ever seen.

2.She lives in a village, where it is neither very cold in winter nor very hot in summer. 3.Let's make a closer study of the way the plants grow.

4.We'll never forget the day when Hong Kong returned to out motherland.

5.There are only four regions in the world where huge reserves of diamond are found. 6.Those who have no bicycles may go to the Summer Palace by bus.

7.Is there any student in your class whose father works in the insurance company? 8.I know the reason why she got so angry.

9.The clothes she wears are the same as those of her mother.

10.The commercial advertisement is one of the things that we have to tolerate when watching TV.

Unit 17

Text A

Exercises for the Text I.

1.d 2.a 3.b 4.c 5.b I.

1.panic 2.diagnose 3.approximately 4.currently 5.symptoms 6.remarkable 7.shortness 8.evidence 9.multiplicity 10.confirm III.



1)Symptoms for panic attacks:

a.being easily frightened and feeling uneasy b.shortness of breath c.chest pains d.a quick heartbeat e.sudden fits of trembling f.a fear of dying or going crazy

g.a feeling that persons and things around them are not real 2)Signs to distinguish panic attacks from heart attracks.

a.age. People between the ages of 20 to 30 are more often victims of panic attacks. b.***. More women suffer from recurrent panic attacks than men.

c.the multiplicity of symptoms. A panic attack victim usually suffers at least four of the previously mentioned symptoms. IV.

1.there are at least three signs that indicate a person is suffering from a panic attack rather than a heart attack

2.a panic attack doesn't directly endanger a person's life

3.once a person is diagnosed to be suffering from a panic attack,he or she should seek psychological and medical help

4.more women than men experience panic attacks and people who drink a lot as well as those who use drugs are more likely to suffer attacks 5.psychological stress could be harmful V.

1.Panic attacks may last only a few minutes or several hours. 2.Heart attack may directly endanger a patient's life.

3.Age,***,and the multiplicity of symptoms are three signs which indicate a person's suffering from a panic attack or a heart attack.

4.There are a lot of explanations as to the causes of panic attacks,but two of them are generally agreed upon.

5.The symptoms of panic attacks bear such remarkable similarity to those of heart attacks that many victims believe that they have a heart attack. Vocabulary Exercises I.

1.a.shor b.shorness c.shorage 2.a.easy b.uneasy c.easily

3.a.psychologist b.Psychology c.psychological



4.a.danger b.endanger c.dangerous 5.a.unnecessary b.unnecessarily c.necessary II.

1.kitchen 2.mention 3.claims 4.confirm 5.symptom 6.diagnosed 7.moreover 8.endangered 9.drugs 10.victims III.

1.In recent days.he has been suffering from headache.

2.Now,there are a lot of explanations as to the causes of this kind of illness.

3.Studies show that those who drink and smoke heavily are likely to suffer heart attacks. 4.Some bad habits of living can endanger people's health. 5.It is quite necessary for some patients to seek psychological help. 6.As yet,we can't rule out the possibility of earthquake. 7.The floor is too thin to bear the weight of the machine.

8.The information of signing the agreement has not yet been confirmed. 9.The endless arguments eventually disrupted our plan.

10.That author's name has been mentioned several times in this article. Text B

Exercises for the Text I.

1.F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T 6.T 7.T 8.F 9.F 10.F II.

1.solving mathematical problems,composing music, walking through windows, committing murder or violence. 2.borders, reality

3.emotional disturbance, worries, anxieties 4.accuraate account

5.asleep, awake, sensory, muscular 6.inhibitions 7.tall tales

8.lock their doors, hide the keys, and bolt the windows 9.a temporary 10.a fact, a fancy Vocabulary Exercises I.


