
更新时间:2023-12-01 02:57:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



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( )1、n w A.a B.o C.e D.r ( )2、cl__n A.ae B.ea C.oe D.eo ( )3、b_ by A.a B.e C.o D.s ( )4、n__d A.ae B.eo C.ee D.er ( )5、cl__d A.au B.ou C.eu D.ru 二、“火眼金睛”找出不同类的一项。(10分)

( )1、A.bedroom B.kitchen C.house D.bathroom ( )2、A.baby B.read C.cook D.stand ( )3、A.new B.clean C.beautiful D.room ( )4、A.sleeping B.sitting C.standing D.reading ( )5、A.snow B.rain C.sky D.wind 三、快乐连线。(10分)

( )1.What’s in your new house? A、 Yes,it is. ( )2.Is he in the kitchen? B、There are two bedrooms.

( )3.What are you doing? C、No,he isn’t. ( )4.What are the girls doing? D、I’m cooking. ( )5.Is it snowing? E 、They’re singing. 四、英汉对对碰。(5分)

1、in the kitchen___________ 2、读书_______________ 3、穿上___________ 4、sing a song_______________ 5、How beautiful!___________ 五、词形大变脸。(10分)

read(现在分词)_________ write(现在分词)_________

sit(现在分词)_________ eat(现在分词)_________ listen(现在分词)_________ stand(现在分词)_________ dance(现在分词)_________ big(反义词)_________ beautiful(同义词)_________ glass(复数)_________ 六、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分) 1、This is ______(we) new house.

2、There _______(be) a kitchen and two bedroom. 3、There _______(be) two bedroom and a kitchen. 4、-What is he doing? -He ____ __(sing) a song. 5、Colin is _______(eat) an apple. 七、单项选择。(20分)

( )1、Li Shan ______ a new house.

A.does B.has C.have D.having ( )2、My house is not ______ big.

A.so B. and C.much D.very

( )3、There are two bedrooms. The small bedroom is______ me.

A.to B.for C.with D.in

( )4、My new dining room is small ______ beautiful. A.to B.and C.or D.but ( )5、-Is my mother in the kitchen? -______. A.Yes,she is. B.No,he isn’t.

C.Yes,he is. D.Yes,she is in the living room. ( )6、-______ is he _____? - She is drawing a picture. A.Where,doing B.What,do C. What,doing D.Where,do ( )7、They are ______ music.

A. listening to B. hearing C. hearing to D.listen to ( )8、Look at the ______ in the sky.

A.clouds B. cloudy C.cloudes D.clouding ( )9、______ beautiful it is!

A.How B. What C. Where D.how ( )10、I ______ making a plane

A.am B. is C. are D.be 八、按要求完成句子。(10分)

1、He is in the dining room.(变为一般疑问句) ______ ______ in the dining room.

2、Is he in the bathroom?(否定回答) _______,______ ______. 3、There are two bedrooms.(变为一般疑问句) ______ ______ two bedrooms?

4、Alice is singing songs.(对画线部分提问) ______ is Alice _______?

5、Colin is in the study.(对画线部分提问) ______ is Colin? 九、轻松阅读,正确回答。(10分)

It is Sunday today. It is sunny. Tom and his parents go to the park to play. There are many people in the park. The old men are playing chess. The old women are talking. The boys are playing football. The girls are singing songs. What are Tom and his father doing? They are flying a kite.Tom’s mother is reading an English book. How happy they are! 1、It’s _______ and _______ today. 2、The old men are _______ _______. 3、The girls are _______ _______.

