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Function 01 00 Display of error stack as per: 05.00

显示故障堆栈 Example: Error Explanation 任务特性故障信息 landing 楼层 undefined 未定义 explanations from page 21 解释见21页 Number of marking flag 标志编号 operation phase

Weighting BW

N emergency stop 紧急停梯 S stopping 停止

M spontaneous message 自发信息 B lift blocked 电梯被锁定

Significance: Frequency levels of error:


Error code number 故障代码

Level 1 infrequent 1度不频繁发生 Level 10 frequent 10度频繁发生


Operating Instructions Diagnostic Unit I Functions


046Type No.

Error 01 XX

02 01 02 02

Error description Causes, remedy or instructions BW Interlock contact RK or RKD is jamming in Check interlock contact or mechanical parts of door 6 landing XX. 门锁触点 RK 或 RKD 在 XX 楼层处卡 in landing XX. 住/在 XX 层检查门锁触点或门的机械部件。在任务 A correct door type must be programmed in the job特性程序中必须将门的型号编程输入 specific program. Calls inhibited via monitoring An 8-kbyte RAM is required in CPU. CPU 中需要一块 1召唤因监控作用被禁止 8-KBYTE RAM

Quasi ZSE in lift-specific program released, but Use Thyssen CPU with battery-backed RAM chip Siemens CPU still used. (storage of position in the event of power failure or if 在电梯特性程序中 QUASI 的 ZSE 开关被删掉,但在 HS is switched off). 用 THYSSEN 的 CPU 后备电池的SIEMENS 的 CPU 中仍使用 RAM 芯片(停电或 HS 断开时存储位置信息)


02 03 02 04 02 80 03 01

TCM controlTCM 控制

8 k-RAM not recognized; F8 00 will follow8K-RAM 未识别;随之以 F800 TCM 控制

1 1 1 1

TCM control

8 k-EPROM not recognized; F8 00 will follow8KEPRAM 未识别;随之以 F800 未定义或错误的运行阶段

Undefined or wrong operation phase No provision has been madefor disconnect Disconnect landing not programmed (check data landing in lift-specific program. sheet) or incorrect order number on lift-specific 在电梯特性程序中没有编入关梯楼层 EPROM. 关梯楼层未编程(检查数据表)或电梯特性EPROM 中的定单号不正确

03 02 03 03 04 NN

No provision has been made for parking landing Parking landing not programmed, etc., same as for in lift-specific program. error 03 01.在电梯特性程序中没有编入停泊楼层 停泊楼层未编程


provision has been made for fireman’s Fireman’s landing not programmed, etc., same as for landing in lift specific program. error 03 01. 消防员在电梯特性程序中没有编入消防员楼层 楼层未编程

TCI: error caused by solenoid switch ZSE.

04 XX

05 YY

05 XX

TCI: CPU checks whether more than one ZSE switch is actuated. If so, the lift will be stopped and error 04 NN stored four times in succession. Check ZSE solenoid switch. TCM: error caused by soldenoid switch ZSE. CPU checks whether more than one ZSE switch is 由磁开关 ZSE 引起的故障/CPU 检查是否有一个以 actuated. All landings XX with ZSE actuated will be 上 ZSE 开关动作,所有 ZSE 动作的楼层 XX 都会显 displayed. Check ZSE solenoid switch, for example 示/检查 ZSE 开关/例如消防员梯 fireman’s lift. Incorrect computer request by group (circuit TCI: Check circuit board MG or group connection board MG defective or fault in group connection). (round cable or flat cable). 来自群控的不正确计算机请求(MG 板损坏或群控 TCM: check group bus (MZ1 circuit board) 接线错误)/TCI:检查 MG 板或群控接线/TCM:检 Software error: identify work program version and 查群控总线(MZ1 板)软件故障:核实工作程序版 subidentification (YY) and inform Thyssen 本和次级标志 YY 并通知蒂森公司 VTS 部 Aufzugswerke department VTS ! Error of TCM lift controls TCM 电梯控制装置的故障 Special program error messages from TCM Inform TU or VTS as soon as this error occurs. group. Will be output after errors indicated XX = Data for detailed error description 一旦发生此故障须通知 TU 或 VTS 部 below !由磁开关 ZSE 引起的故障/CPU 检查是否有一个以 上 ZSE 开关动作,如果是则停梯并故障连续储存 4 次/检查 ZSE 开关/参考来自 21 页的说明 来自 TCM 群控的特殊程序故障信息。在指示出下 XX=故障详细数据 列故障之后会被输出 Number of lifts of group and/or number of 群内电梯数和/或群控楼层数不能接受




05 42 05 53 05 A0


landings of group unacceptable. Run telegram in incorrect group phase; 05 XX Poor group connection of lift XX XX = lift number XX 电梯的群控接线不良, follows不正确的群控阶段中的运行电报,随之以 XX XX=电梯号

Group protocol incompatible Date ofissue: 07.02

Same program version for all MZ1 circuit boards of Changes: GEGORL Revision

Prepared by: Keinz Issuing Dept.: QMS


Page: 2


Operating Instructions Diagnostic Unit I Functions


046Type No.

05 A8

the group. 群内所有的 MZ1 版本程序相同 Group protocol and group control computer are Check program version of MZ1 circuit board and not compatible group control computer群控协议不兼容 群控协议和群控计算机不兼容 检查 MZ1 板的程序版本和群控计算机

05 b0

Error of TCM with destination selection contro (DC

S)带目的选择控制(DCS)的 TCM 中的 故障 DCS reset, : 05 XX will follow ZES always performs. Check voltage supply and ZES = destination entry terminal CAN connection to respective ZSE. DCS 复位随之以 05XX XX = concerned landingZSE=目的的输入端 ZSE 一直作用;检查电源和去相应 ZSE 的 CAN 接线 XX=相关楼层

05 b1 05 b2 05 b3

Unexpected response from DCS: Hallo (= initialization program: 05 XX follows DCS send unexpected ready message (= initialization terminated); 05 XX will follow DCS initialization time-out, table start: 05 XX will followDCS 初始化时限到,表尾随之 05XX XX=相关楼层

XX = concerned landing

XX=相关楼层 来自 DCS 的不应有的响应 HALLO(=初始化程序)


XX = concerned landing

XX=相关楼层 /DCS 送出 不应有的就绪信息(=初始化终止)随之 XX05

Failure to initialize destination selection control DSC. Check voltage supply and CAN connection to respective ZSE. XX = concerned landing/ 未能开始目的的选择控制DCS 检查电源和去 相应的 ZSE 的 CAN 接线 DCS 初始化时限到,表尾

05 b4 05 b5 05 C0 06 XX

DSC initialization time-out, table end DSC-life-time-out; 05 XX will follow

No cyclical response from DSC. Check voltage DCS 寿命时限到。随之 05XX/ 没有周期响应来自 supply and CAN connection to respective ZSE. DSC.检查电源和去 相应的 ZSE 的 CAN 接线 XX = concerned landing XX=相关楼层 Special run-RESET 特殊运行复位 RESETdue to timeout 因时限到而复位 General errors 普通故障 Emergency stop after 3 unsuccessful locking 检查 XX 楼层处门锁触点或门的机械部件。见 21 页说 明 attempts in landing XX.在 XX 楼层处门锁动作 3 次失败后紧急停梯 TSO 故障.主门:发出命令后 30 秒内 TSO 开关未动 TSO 开关损坏或调整的不对。在有轿门锁装置的电梯 作.CPU 于是模拟 TSO 信号,因此当正常的等待时 中轿门未锁的信息丢失.如果 TSO 命令没有执行时,也 间到达后门就可以再次关闭 可能是门控制器造成的故障 虽然 TK(门锁触点)接通,但 TSO 仍发出轿箱主门开 TSO error – main door (also see 0b 04) 信号.造成复位 TSO 故障.主门(也见 OB04)

M2 3 N1 1 N3 M3

07 01 07 02 08 01 08 02 09 NN

TSOD error – rear door

TSOD switch defective or incorrectly adjusted (same as error 07 01). TSOD error–rear door TSOD 故障 . 后门 / 虽然 TK TSOD signals car rear door open, although TK TK (门锁触点)接通 TSOD 仍发出轿箱主门开信号 (door contact) is closed. Blocking > 4 min: car is in a landing and fails to 问题在再开门装置;见功能 0500,OD 列.如果轿箱下 start within 4 min. although commands or calls 溜或是限速器轮粘滞,则在液压梯带防爬行装置的限 速器上的安全开关可能跳脱(解释见 21 页) are present.TSOD 故障.后门/ TSO 开 关损坏或调整的不对/见 0701 轿箱在某层

锁定大于 4 分钟虽有命令或召唤,但在 4 分钟内不能启动

0A 2F 0A 30 0A 31 0A 32 0A 33 0A 34 0A 46 0A 47 0A AA

Slack rope Strop outside doorzone Car door not closed Landing door not locked Oiltemperature over 70 C Oil level monitoring Maintenance switch ON Maintenance switch OFF Job-specific error

绳索松弛 吊索在门区之外 轿门未关 厅门未关 油温超过 70 度 油位监控 检修开关 ON 检修开关 OFF 特性任务故障 校入故障


Prepared by: Keinz Issuing Dept.: QMS

Date ofissue: 07.02

Changes: GEGORL Revision


Page: 3


Operating Instructions Diagnostic Unit I Functions


046Type No.

0A XX 0b 01 0b 02 0b 03

Teach-in error 主门光幕故障(挡门时间过长) Error in light barrier – main door 后门光幕故障(挡门时间过长) Error in light barrier – rear door Lift for group operation faulty for more than 1 Error can only be entered for groups, if lift is not hour involved in landing call answering. E.g. in priority, 电梯群控运行不正常超过 1 小时/如电梯和厅门应 occupied, etc. (software error; use TCI program 答无关如专用 . 满载等。则故障只可能从群控送入 version from 06.95).(软件故障:采用 06.95 版及更新版的 TCI 程序)

M2 M2 M2

0b 04 0b 05 0b 06 0C 01 0C 02 0C 03 0C 04

TSO error – main door TSO 故障.主门/虽然门已 TSO switch signals car main door open after three SM2 关但在复位 3 次后 TSO 开关仍发出轿门开启信号 resets, although door is closed. TSOD error – rear door TSOD 故障.后门/虽然门已 TSOD switch signals car rear door open, although SM2 关但在复位 3 次后 TSO 开关仍发出轿门开启信号 door is closed. Earthquake active 地震作用 Only with CPU MCx SM1 TCM-(CAN) error (events) which are tripped by CPU (E60)/TCM-(CAN)中由 CPU(E60)引发的 故障 CPU: MZ1 不能理解表格/CPU 至 MZ1 连接有问题 CPU: MZ1 failed to understand table S1 CPU: MZ1 不能理解表格/CPU 至 MZ1 连接有问题 CPU: MZ1 failed to understand table S1 CPU: MZ1 不能理解表格 /CPU 至 MZ1 连接有问题 CPU: MZ1 failed to understand table S1 a) Lift-specific program not correct CPU: Initialization of car reference actuaI 产生的轿箱给定 1 不等于实际 a 电梯特定程序不对 b) Poor contact at bus plugs. b 总线插头接触不良 C 检查电梯特性程序 EPROM 的 Check lift-specific EPROM (addresses)地址

0C 05 0C 06 0C 07 0C 08 0C 09 0C 0A 0C 0b 0C 0C0C 0d 0C 0E 0C 10

CPU: Initial. of MP reference 1 actual 1CPU:产生的 MP 给定 1 不等于实际 1

CPU: Initial. of MP reference 2 actual 2CPU:产生的 MP 给定 2 不等于实际 2

a) Number of MP boards wrong/MP 号码不对 b) MP boards not coded correctly-/ MP 编码不对 c) Bus connection faulty/总线连接错误检查电梯特性 Check lift-specific EPROM (addresses)程序 EPROMCPU:产生的本梯总线 1 不等于实

际 1 CPU:产生的本梯总线 2 不等于实际 2 和故障 OC05 及 C 相同



Initial. of local bus ref. 1 actual 1 Initialization of local bus ref.2 act.2 Initial. of MF4 ref.1 act. 1 基准 实际 Initial. of MF4 ref.2 act. 2 基准 实际 Initial. of MF4 ref.3 act. 3 基准 实际 Initial. of MF4 ref.4 act. 4 基准 实际 Initial. of FKZ ref.1 act.1 基准 实际

No acknowledge received from MF4 board, but MF4 is correct ! 收不到 MF4 的确认信号,但 MF4 没有问题

FKZ = car accessories (e.g. door drive, loadweighing device)/FKZ=轿箱的辅助性能(门机/称重)

CPU: Initial. of FKZ ref2 act2 基准 实际 CPU: timing error initialization of MZ1MZ1 发生定时故障

No acknowledge received from MZ1收不到来自 MZ1 的确认信号

0C 11 0C 12 0C 13 0C 1C 0C 20 0C 21 0C 22 0C 23 0C 24 0C 25

CPU: timing error initialization of MZ1MZ1 发生定时故障

CPU: timing error initial. of MF1MZ1 发生定时故障

Neither acknowledgement nor initial. finished received 确认信号和发生完毕信号均收不到 Initial. finished not received after 20 s20 秒后收不到发生完毕信号

S1 S1 N1

CPU: Reset received from MZ1来自 MZI 的复位信号

MZ1 error, use program from V10MZ1 故障使用 V10 版本

CPU: No CPI connection无 CPI 连接

Error F3 1C will follow随之以 F31C 故障

CAN events from MZ1 concerning shaft/car MZ1: Shaft buffer overflow 井道缓存溢出 MZ1: Shaft buffer overflow 井道缓存溢出 MZ1: Shaft buffer overflow 井道缓存溢出 MZ1: Shaft buffer overflow 井道缓存溢出 MZ1: Shaft buffer overflow 井道缓存溢出 MZ1: Shaft buffer overflow 井道缓存溢出 Date ofissue: 07.02

CAN 来自 MZ1 和井道/矫箱有关的事件 Data for shaft/car cannot be read in. There may be connection problems MZ1 – terminal block shaft bus – car bus井道/轿箱数据不能读入;可能连接有问题 MZ1-端子排-井道总线-轿箱总线


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Page: 4


Operating Instructions Diagnostic Unit I Functions


046Type No.

0C 30 0C 31 0C 32 0C 3A 0C 3b 0C 3C 0C 3d 0C 40 0C 42 0C 43 0C 45 0C 50 0C 51 0C 52 0C 53 0C 60 0C 70 0C 73 OC 74 0C 75 0C 76 0C 78 0C 7A 0C 7b 0C 7C 0C 80 0C 81 0C 85 0C 86 0C 87 0C 88 0C 89 0C 8A 0C A0 0C A1 0C A5 0C A6 0C A7 0C A8 0C A9

MZ1: Shaft bus faulty 井道总线故障 MZ1: Transmission error in shaft bus井道总线传送故障

New initialization through MZ1 MZ1 detects error to shaftMZ1 检测到去井道的故障 井道总线溢出故障 来自 MF3D 的电报丢失 来自 MF3 的电报丢失

通过 MZ1 新发生

N1 -

MZ1: Overflow error in shaft bus MZ1: Telegram from MF3D lost MZ1: Telegram from MF3 lost MZ1 MF3 fails to answer MF3 无应答 Connection/plug problem MZ1 - terminal 连接插件有 MZ1 MF3D fails to answer MF3D 无应答 blo

ck – car bus - MF3 问题 MZ1-端子排-轿箱总线-MF3 CAN events from MZ1 concerning the local bus CAN 来自 MZ1 和本梯总线有关的事件 MZ1: Local buffer overflow 本梯缓存溢出 More data has been read in than MF1 could process MZ1: Local buffer overflow 本梯缓存溢出 读入的数据比 MF1 能够处理的还要多 MZ1: Local buffer overflow 本梯缓存溢出 MZ1: Local buffer overflow 本梯缓存溢出 MZ1: Local bus faulty 梯总线故障 New initialization through MZ1 通过 MZ1 新发生 本梯总线传送故障 MZ1: Transmission error in local bus 本梯总线溢出故障 MZ1: Overflow error in local bus 本梯总线中复位请求 MZ1: Reset request in local bus MZ1: Clock divider tumbled down CAN test 时钟损坏分频器/CAN 测试 CAN events MC1/MC2/MC3 interface (CANL = local bus) CAN-MC1.MC2.MC3 接口事件 CANL test: Clock divider tumbled down CAN controller is being initializedCAN 测试:时钟分频器损坏 CAN 控制器正初始化


CANL test: RESET request from CAN controllerCAN 测试:来自 CAN 控制器的复位请求

CAN controller is being initializedCAN 控制器正初始化

CANL test: error in status register (EMC)CAN 测试:状态登记故障

CAN controller is being initializedCAN 控制器正初始化 输出缓存溢出 输出缓存溢出

CANL test: Output buffer overflow CANL test: Output buffer overflow CAN events MC3 interface (CANS = shaft bus) CANS test: Clock divider tumbled down CAN controller is being initializedCAN 测试:时钟分频器损坏

CANS test: Overflow error shaft bus CANS test: Reset request in shaft bus井道总线复位请求

CAN 控制器正初始化 CAN 测试:井道总线溢出故障

CAN controller is being initializedCAN 控制器正初始化

CANS test: Error in status register EMC CAN 测试:状态登记故障 CAN events from MF3 or MF3D board (main or rear side) 来自 MF3 的复位信号 MF3: Reset from MF3 来自 MZ1 的电报丢失 MF3: Telegram from MZ1 lost 井道总线溢出故障 MF3: Overflow error in shaft bus 井道总线传送故障 MF3: Transmission error in shaft bus 井道总线故障 MF3: Shaft bus faulty 不能和 MF2 确认 MF3: Acknowledge with MF2 not possible CAN 芯片损坏/复位请求或时钟分频 MF3: CAN chip tumbled down MF3 初始化故障 MF3: Initialization error MF3 来自 MF3D 的复位信号 MF3D: Reset from MF3D 来自 MZ1 的电报丢失 MF3D: Telegram from MZ1 lost 井道总线溢出故障 MF3D: Overflow error in shaft bus 本梯总线传输故障 MF3D: Transmission error shaft bus 井道总线损坏 MF3D: Shaft bus faulty 不能和 MF2 确认 MF3D: Acknowledge with MF2 not possible CAN 芯片损坏 MF3D: CAN chip tumbled down

Prepared by: Keinz Issuing Dept.: QMS

Date ofissue: 07.02

Changes: GEGORL Revision


Page: 5


) can be suppressed with switch 6S1 on circuit board MZ or with switch S5 on circuit board MZ1.


Operating Instructions Diagnostic Unit I Functions


046Type No.

0d 6B

0d 7B

0d 8B

0E 00 0F 0A 0F 0b 0F 0C 0F 0d 0F 0E 0F 0F 0F ZZ 10 YY 11 YY 11 01 12 XX 13 XX 14 XX

15XX 16 YY 17 YY 18 XX 19 NN 1A YY

vIST > vSOLL Controller amplifier at stop (with analog control Set drive to within control range (not with digital N only (e.g. Isostop 25M); not with digital control. control) Acceleration setting may be too steep

, motor switched incorrectly, oil too cold! Reference-value generator (MW1) non-level Error occurs, if MW1 detects a non-level N internally condition >3mm in terms of computation. It is possible that an error message will be produced, although car is level (software error up to 12.95). This occurs frequently as a consequence of a preceding error. Reference-value generator (MW1) zero-speed Board MW1 records a speed >0.25 m/s at standstillN cause: pulse generator also supplies pulses at control vIST > 0.25 m/s standstill; interference signals on pulse line (screening). TCI/TCM General errors (continuation) Faulty transmission from MW1 to CPU 1 Marking flag test switch ON Test switch on circuit board MZor MZ1 Evolution lift Maintenance platform open Reset Marking flag TELEservice Service operation switched on Marking flag TELEservice Service operation switched off Marking flag test switch OFF Test switch on circuit board MZ or MZ1 Evolution lift Maintenance platform closed Reset Marking flag set ZZ = Flag No. (0 ... 9 possible numbers) Fault in CPU boards RESET will follow N Fault in MG board Group input/output chip is faulty. 1 TCM: Fault in group CAN bus Group CAN bus on MZ1 missing. Use MZ1 with group CAN bus. Logical position is unequal to physical car Error not in LK sensor. Error is in floor counter 3 position. program in operation phase STOP. Position determined is unequal to actual car See error 12 XX 3 position. Bolt contact RK open in landing XX Bolt contact RK was interrupted during run. Cause: N8 door opening with emergency unlocking key; TSM or bolt magnet fails to push through fully; cam motor not adjusted correctly; cam or bolt cam grazing on by-passing. Logical position is unequal to physical position. Error in floor counter program in operation phase 2 STANDSTILL BEFORE RUN. MW/MW1 board: discrepancy as to position Error occurs only in lifts with running-characteristic 3 computer (circuit board MW/MW1). CPU error – MW/MW1 Error only in lifts with circuit board MW/MW1 N1 (storage overfilled) Bolt contact RKD open in rear entrance landing Bolt contact RKD was interrupted during run (same N8 XX as error 14 XX). Door zone not recognized (CPU fails to Selector fails to signal door zone in operation phase N2 recognize landing vane, but stopping has been STOP. Corresponds to representation of function 05 initiated). 00, column 05 (see explanations on page 25). Selector read error: LK sensor indicates incorrect Problems with LK sensor or landing vanes. Error N8 synchronization: may also occur with rope slip or controller vibrations!

Prepared by: Keinz Issuing Dept.: QMS

Date ofissue: 07.02

Changes: GEGORL Revision


Page: 7


Dependenton the function involved, reset can either mean emergency stop following by adjusting run or stopping of the lift installation 2) Handshake is defined as cyclical data exchange (telegram) between two data carriers.

1) SR module can be masked out via teach-in mode function AF 0d. Running-open operation and re-levelling with door open is not possible.


Operating Instructions Diagnostic Unit I Functions


046Type No.

25 40 26 04

Landing call button defective Evolution lift (lift without machine room) Evolution lift Maintenance platform open and travel limiter closed

UP call rear side blocked


26 05

26 06

26 07 26 08 26 09 26 0A 27 XX

28 00 28 4X 28 8X 29 XX 29 00 29 10 2A 00 2A 11 2A 12 2A 20 2A 21 2A 22 2A 32 2A 33 2b 00 2C 00

Travel limiter is jamming or input maintenance platform is defective. No run command possible ; error message after 3 s. Lift will be stopped in all operating phases except for inspection. Evolution lift Travel limiter and counterweight collide or travel Maintenancde platform closed and travel limiter limiter is being closed; only emergency electrical neither open nor closed: operation DOWN is permissible. Error message after 3 s. Evolution lift Transition state, travel limiter opens or travel limiter Maintenance platform open, travel limiter neither switch defective; no run commands possible. Lift will open nor closed be stopped in all operating phases except for inspection. Evolution lift Switch defective; no run commands possible. Error Maintenance platform open and travel limiter message after 3 s and the lift will be stopped. open and closed Evolution lift Switch defective; no run commands possible. Error Maintenance platform open and travel limiter message after 3 s and the lift will be stopped. open and closed Evolution lift Check-back to SR1 module activated despite normal lift operation Evolution lift Check-back to SR1 module is missing if topmost landing cannot be reached (travel limiter active) Circuit board MC1/MC2/MC3 Error only with TCM lift controls with MC1 or Monitoring input or RFS module (relay flat pit) MC2 circuit board defective (XX=meaning see supplementary description flat pit MA12 6510.062) Fault during underrun Underrun longer than 30 s Underrun UP longer than 30 s Collapsible car apron defective Car apron folded although safety circuit is open Unsuccessful

underrun activation three times in succession TMI contactor acknowledge /接触器确认信号 New-old: 00 00 TMI contactor acknowledge/接触器确认信号 New-old: 01 01 TMI contactor acknowledge /接触器确认信号 New-old: 01 10 TMI contactor acknowledge /接触器确认信号 New-old: 10 00 TMI contactor acknowledge /接触器确认信号 New-old: 10 01 TMI contactor acknowledge /接触器确认信号 New-old: 10 10 TMI contactor acknowledge /接触器确认信号 New-old: 11 10 TMI contactor acknowledge /接触器确认信号 New-old: 11 11 Start interlocking in operating phase STANDSTILL for longer than 60 s Error 2C 00 to 2F 00 with MC1 sub-code position XX Error in plausibility check The states of sensors LK and LN will be checked on (LK/LN sensors on re-levelling) re-levelling. The constellation LK = bright and LN = dark in the UP direction and LK = dark and LN = Date ofissue: 07.02 Changes: GEGORL Revision







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Page: 10

1) Error from TCI work program 03.89/7 – no longer used.

2) Error 35 00 and 3b 00 can no longer occur from work program 02.87/4 and error 36 00 can no longer occur from 06.95/25.

1) SR module can be masked out through teach-in-mode function AF 0d. N Runnin-open operation and re-levelling with open door not possible. 2) 0C 04 to 0C 0C leads also to stopping, if not provided otherwise in the lift-specific EPROM !


Operating Instructions Diagnostic Unit I Functions


046Type No.

56 ... 56 00 56 01 56 02 56 03 56 04 56 05 56 06 56 07 56 08 56 09 56 0A 56 0b 56 0C 56 0d 56 0E 56 0F 56 10 56 11 56 12 56 13 56 14 56 FF 56 00 57 00 58 00 59 00

5A 00 5b 00 5C 00 5d 00 5E 00 5F 00 60 00

Processor failures of MC1/MC2 circuit board (CPU) MC1/MC2 板(CPU)的处理器损坏 未定义的中断 Non-defined interrupt 除法运算异常 Divide error exception 跟踪中断 Trace interrupt 不能屏蔽的中断 Non maskable interrupt 断点中断 Breakpoint Interrupt 检测溢出异常 INTO dedected overflow exception INTO 数组边界异常 Array bounds exception 未使用的运算码异常(随之以 4X8900 故障) Unused opcode exception (4 x error 89 00 will follow) ATTENTION!! Escape opcode exception 运算码变换异常 Error codes 56 00 to 56 FF Timer 0 inerrupt 定时器 O 中断 Processor-fault messages acc. to data sheet AMD reserved interrupt AMD 保留中断 Replace CPU and inform department DMA0 or INT5 VTS or QMS DMA1 or INT6 INT0 INT1 INT2 INT3 INT4 异步串口 O 中断 Asynchronus serial port 0 interrupt 定时器 1 中断 Timer 1 interrupt 定时器 2 中断 Timer 2 interrupt 异步串口 1 中断 Asynchronus serial port 1 interrupt Undefined software interrupt (56 20 to 56 FF) 未定义的中断(5620---56FF) Processor failures of MC circuit board (CPU E60) Fault CPU (TRAP) CPU 故障(死

机) Computer fault CPU 计算机 CPU 故障 ADJUSTING RUN 校正运行/在有故障急停后发生 Adjusting run entry made after emergency stop and 校正运行输入 a preceding error. EMERGENCY STOP 某些故障后的急停 Emergency stop after certain errors STOPPING in the event of EMERGENCY STOP Lift will be stopped, if the error which leads to 在急停事件中停梯 / 如果导致停梯的故障置入电梯 EMERGENCY STOP is entered in the lift-specific 特性程序,则停梯。地址 A570 至 A57F(能进入 16 program. 个鼓掌码;见第 3 部分——存储地址) Addresses: A570 to A57F (16 error codes can be entered; also compare part 3 memory locations) CPU – MW/MW1 circuit board communication CPU – MW/MW1 error MW/MW1: fails to signal readiness for service CPU – MW/MW1 error MW/MW1: fails to request telegrams after TCI RESET CPU – MW/MW1 error MW/MW1: no read port interrupt after telegram transmission CPU – MW/MW1 error MW/MW1: telegram not understood once (repetition) CPU – MW/MW1 error MW/MW1: telegram not understood twice (no repetition) EK error (EK=limit stop contact) Stopping in lowest landing will follow after EK error Safety-circuit Safety circuit: terminal EK open Cause: EK is interrupted during run (not with adjusting run). In some devices, e.g. Isostop 60 (API) also on release of controller monitor, because Date ofissue: 07.02 Changes: GEGORL Revision



Prepared by: Keinz Issuing Dept.: QMS


Page: 13


) If errors 65 00 to 74 00 occur more than 3 times, error 4F 00 will follow afterwards, which leads to spontaneous message and stopping

1) DSP is the digital signal processor in the CPI controller

2) Handshake is defined as cyclical data exchange (telegram) between two data carriers.


Operating Instructions Diagnostic Unit I Functions


046Type No.

7E 02 7E 03 7E 04 7E 05 7E 06 7E 07 7E 08 7E 09 7E 0A 7E A4 7E A5 7E A6 7E A7 80 00 81 00* 82 00* 83 00* 84 00* 85 00* 86 00

MH3: modem not recognized during connection setup MH3: search for modem repeated MH3: switching over from slave to master MH3: error during writing to EEPROM MH3: error during writing to EEPROM MH3: error during writing to EEPROM MH3: DOS download request MH3: re-set of original state MH3: error during writing to EEPROM MC3: reset from MH3 MC3: 2x wrong handshake1) from MH3 MC3: failure of cyclical telegram to MH3 MC3: reset after save state Wrong car command错误的运行指令

Send error stack (incl. identification) to department VTS at Thyssen Aufzugswerke Neuhausen, if these errors often arise !!!

N1 N1 N1 N1 N1 N3

Wrong car command错误的运行指令

Through request from MH3 Command DOWN with car positioned in owest landing 轿厢在底层位置时发出下行命令 l Command UP with car positioned in upper landing.轿厢在顶层位置时发出上行命令

Undefined car position 未定义的轿厢位置 Undefinied car position 未定义的轿厢位置 Undefined car position 未定义的轿厢位置 Undefined car position 未定义的轿厢位置 Brake checking circuit tripped 制动器检查电路脱 扣 (from TCI work program 06.95/25) ( 自 TCI06.95/25 版工作程序以后)检查制动监视器的设定

86 01 87 PP

Brake to be disconnected through safety circuit TCI/TCM New errors from 12.08.96 Parameters with default values in the lift-specific program not permissible for the path computer MW1. The respective (wrong) parameters can be determined on the basis of the variables PP (e.g. 87 04 = deceleration; momentary value non-permissible).在电梯

特性程序中参数的设定值对行程计算机 MW1 来说不允许,在变量 PP 基础上能够确定相应的错误参数(例如 8704=减速度瞬时值不允许)

* New teach-in required; if unsuccessful 新需要重做 check 5 V voltage supply of CPU 校入;如不成功, EEPROM on CPU may beCPU 检查 CPU 的 5V 电源 defective. CPU 上的 EEPROM 可能损坏 Check setting of brake checking sensors. Monitoring can be masked out via teach-in function 15 00 (via AF 0d in teach-in mode). Automatic monitoring release if switch is disconnted. defective.



87 01 87 02 87 03 87 04 87 05 87 06 87 07 87 08 87 09 87 0A 87 0b 87 0C 88 00 89 ....

Rated speed vN 额定速度 VN Maximum speed vCON 最高速度 VCON Acceleration a 加速度 A Deceleration –a 减速度 A Jerk 加加速度 Jerk 1 Jerk 2 Jerk 3 Jerk4 Adjusting run speed vJ Re-adjusting speed vNA Inspection speed vI Brake disk does not run true制动器运行不正确

Explanation:减速度等的存储地址未编程或未正确编程 这时必须在编程表格中说明故障码 使定单处理部门能够将电梯特定程序修正 用 1 型诊断仪可以现场查询电梯特定程序中的地址 加加速度 1 加加速度 2 加加速度 3 加加速度 4 校正运行速度 VJ 再校正运行速度 VNA 检修运行速度 VI

Response of monitoring circuit for running true稳定运行监控电路有响应


Error with CPU circuit board MC1 CPU 板 MC1 故障 Wrong operation code 错误的操作码 Will follow error code number 56 xx and will be stored 4x in succession. Read out error stack with 1. Byte: code segment high 位:码区高 Date ofissue: 07.02 Changes: GEGORL Revision

Prepared by: Keinz Issuing Dept.: QMS


Page: 16


Operating Instructions Diagnostic Unit I Functions


046Type No.

2. Byte: code segment low 位:码区低 3. Instructions Pointer high 指令指针高 4. Instructions Pointer low 指令指针高低 8A ... 8A 01 8A 02 8A 03 8A 04 8A 05 8A 06 8A 07 8A 08 8A 09 8A 0A 8A 0b 8A 0C 8A 0d 8A 0E 8A 0F 8A 10 8A 11 8A 12 90 00

sub-code xx and contact department VTS or QMS (Thyssen Aufzugswerke).会跟随故障码 56XX 并且会连续储存 4 次.用次级码 XX 读出故障码并联络 VTS/QMS 部

Parameter provided for MW1 circuit board are Error can only occur during initialization. 故障只会在初始化的过程发生 outside of permissible range.提供给 MW1 板的参数超出了允许范围


Acceleration Deceleration Brake application time Jerk (general) 1. jerk 2. jerk 3. jerk 4. jerk Acceleration pre-control Gain factor Rated speed Inspection speed Adjusting run speed Re-levelling speed Reduced overtravel upper threshold Reduced overtravel lower threshold Creeping speed Creep distance TCI/TCM errors TCM/TCI 故障 Speed >0,5 m/s with safety circuit bridged安全回路跨接时速度>0.3MS./ 安全回路已被 SR 模块 跨接而 CPU 检测出 V>0.3MS.可能原因:

静止时脉 冲发电机仍发出脉冲,造成运行的假象。

加速度 减速度 加闸时间 加加速度 加加速度 1 加加速度 2 加加速度 3 加加速度 4 预控加速度 增益系数 额定速度 检修运行速度 校正运行速度 再校正运行速度 减速越程上阀值 减速越程下阀值 爬行速度 爬行距离

91 00

Car is not positioned within a zone with safety circuit bridged安全回路跨接时轿箱不在某个区内 / 安全回路已被 SR 模块跨接而 CPU 检测出楼层码板区丢失. 可能原 因:由于液压梯轿箱往复运动;也许轿箱停在码板 前面(例如钢丝绳打滑)或者运行越程

92 00

V >0,3 m/s in operation phase STOP or STANDSTILL在停梯和静止阶段速度 >0.3MS. 可能原因:脉冲发 电机,特别是 WACH-ENDORF 型号的.在轿箱静止时 仍发出脉冲.脉冲发电机从 11.95 起已改进.自 06.95 版工作程序起.静止时不再监控速度

Explanation: Safety circuit is bridged by SR module and CPU detects v >0,5 m/s. Possible cause: pulse generator, at standstill, supplies pulses which wrongly pretend a run. Explanation: Safety circuit is bridged by SR module and CPU detects that the floor vane zone is missing. Possible causes: by seesaw movement of car with hydraulic lifts; if car comes to stop short of the zone (e.g. rope slip) or in case of overtravel. Possible causes: Pulse generator, particularly type Wachendorf, supplies pulses at standstill. Pulse generator improved from 11.95. Speed will not longer be monitored at standstill from TCI work program 06.95. Re-levelling speed is > 0.2 m/s in operation phase STOP or STANDSTILL在停梯或静止阶段再平层速度>0.2/MS



93 00 94 00 95 00

Re-levelling speed >0,2 m/s再平层速度>0.2/MS

N6 SM1 MN2

Tripping of speed monitoring device速度监控装置脱扣 (代替限速器 10%开关)

Monitor responds at vN +10%; job-specific activation is also possible (instead of 10% switch on governor). 监控装置在 VN+10%时反应;也可能任务特性作用

控制器监控装置反应(Isostop 16M, Isostop 25M, Isostop 故障在控制器:1 温度监控装置 2 相序及断相监控装置 60 (API/CPI)配贝林格阀组的液压梯 3 给定/实际值监控装置(贝林格)4 控制器处于停止. 等 5 API/CPI 见 PT 盘故障堆站栈

Prepared by: Keinz Issuing Dept.: QMS

Date ofissue: 07.02

Changes: GEGORL Revision


Page: 17


Operating Instructions Diagnostic Unit I Functions


046Type No.

99 00 9A 00

Path computer MW1: speed monitoring行程计算机 MWI:速度监控

Operation phase errors 00, 01 and 04, if v >0,3 m/s.如>0.3M/S 运行阶段故障 00.01 及 04

N1 N1

Safety circuit is bridged by SR module and Operating phase error 03, if v >0.5 m/s. 如>0.5M/S. 运行阶段故障 03 v >0.5 m/s is signalled to circuit board MW1.安全回路被 SR 模块跨接而 v>0.5 m/s 信号仍然被送 到 MW1

9b 00 9E 00 9F 00 b0 00 C0 00 d0 00 C1 00 d1 00 C2 00 d2 00 C3 00 d3 00 C4 00 d4 00 C5 00 d5 00 C6 00 d6 00 C7 00 d7 00 C8 00 d8 00C9 00 d9 00 CA 00 dA 00

Monitoring of inspection / electrical recall speed检修速度/召回速度监控

Deceleration monitoring third track: Light barrier defective Deceleration monitoring third track: Deceleration monitoring tripped减速度监控第三通道:减速度监控脱扣

Operating phase error 07, if 运行阶段故障 07 如: v >0,63 m/s (EN81) v >0,63 m/s (EN81) v >0,4 m/s (Russia). v >0,4 m/s (Russia) Check light barrier 减速度监控第三码道:光栅损坏/检查光栅

N1 MS1 N1 N3 N1 N1 N1 N1 N1 N1

Used in high-speed lifts with buffers with reduced buffer stroke用于高速电梯装配小缓冲行程的缓冲器

Operation phase error运行阶段不对

Selector failed to find a correct operation phase.选层器不能正确地运行阶段

MD/MD1 板和 CPU 板之间顺序正确性的检查的代码 / C?00=下行方向 C?00=上行方向 Acceleration/deceleration too steep in near Set acceleration/deceleration less steep on MD / MD1 board. Teach-in!! landingsl在临近楼层加速度/减速度过于陡峭 在 MD-MD1 板上将加速度/减速度设定的缓和一些

Changed installation response/修改装置响应/减速 Deceleration point is near the landing vane 点接近楼层码板的识别缺口。将加速度 / 减速度设 identification hook. Set acceleration / deceleration 定的缓和一些。做校入 less steep. Teach-in!! Changed installation response/修改装置响应/j 加 Discontinuation of acceleration is not within the 速度不连续点不在加速度范围之内。 acceleration range. Same as error C1 00/d1 ! Changed installation response/修改装置响应/给定 Reference/actual deviation too large (car too fast ?) /实际值偏离太大(轿箱太快?) Same as error C1 00/d1 00! Changed installation response Same as error C3 00/d3 00!修改装置响应

MD/MD1-CPU signal exchange errorMD/MD1-CPU 信号交换故障/越过了预计的加速不连 续点,减速点或停层点。脉冲发电机损坏或打滑。 降低加速度。做校入。

Fictitious acceleration discontinuation point, deceleration point or stopping point already passed. Pulse generator defective or slip; reduce acceleration. Teach-in.轿箱处于两个区之间。区内预计点落在后面。和故障 C500/D500 相同 已经做了行程实际值校正,和故障 C500/D500 相同

MD/MD1-CPU signal exchange errorMD/MD1-CPU 信号交换故障

N1 -

MD/MD1-CPU signal exchange errorMD/MD1-CPU 信号交换故障

Range of values exceeded, if AF13 and AF20 not 如果在校入模式市 AF13 和 AF20 未编程则超出了取值 范围。作校入。 programmed in teach-in mode. TCM control - MD1 circuit board TCM 控制器-MD1 板DOWN/no run direction UP DOWN/no run direction UP DOWN/no run direction下行/无运行方向 上行/ 下行/无运行方向 上行/ 下行/无运

行方向 上行/ 下行/无运行方向 上行/ 下行/无运行方向 上行/ 下行/无运行方向 上行/


Cb 00 db 00 CC 00 dC 00 Cd 00 dd 00 CE 00 dE 00

UPDOWN/no run direction

UPDOWN/no run direction

UPDOWN/no run direction

UP Date ofissue: 07.02


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Changes: GEGORL Revision


Page: 18


Operating Instructions Diagnostic Unit I Functions


046Type No.

E0 00 E1 00 E2 00 E3 00 E4 00 E5 00 E6 00 E7 00 E8 00 E8 01

Power-up test (errors which are interrogated only on powering on the control) 接电测试(故障只是在控制器接电时查询) Error on reading back EEPROM on CPU defective; replace it; check 5 V 故障在读回时 voltage supplyCPU 上的 EEPROM 损坏,更换之,检查 5V 电源

SM1 SM1 SM1 N1 S1 S1

Test of cross-checksum not correct (BCC original – BCC backup) Test of cross-checksum not correct (BCC original - BCC copy correct but different)交互总和检查的测试不正确(BCC 初始-BCC 后备)

Replace EEPROM; perform new teach-in.更换 EEPROM 重新校入

Replace EEPROM; perform new teach-in.更换 EEPROM 重新校入

Storage error 储存故障 Backup block: cross-checksum test incorrect – backup block restored. Original block: cross-checksum test incorrect – backup block restored. Current test of cross-checksum - RAM incorrect. Uppermost landing ist reduziert auf die unterste Haltestelle Top landing is ZERO顶层为零

RAM in CPU is defective

CPU 中的 RAM 损坏 后备锁定:交互总和检查的测试不正确。后备锁定恢 复 初始锁定:交互总和检查的测试不正确。后备锁定恢 复 交互总和检查的当前的测试不正确。-RAM 不正确

Maintenance platform open with lift with 2 landings.电梯在两层中间时检修平台打开

Perform teach-in AF10; number of landings must be stored in job-specific program (dummy landings, too)执行校入 AF10;楼层总数必须存入项目特性程序(包 括虚拟楼层).

E9 00

Overflow error溢出故障/AF71(越程减速)或 AF74(提前短开速 度)的计算引起储存器芯片中存储地址溢出 / 修 复:执行校入 AF10 AF19 AFOD AF71 及 AF73

Calculation of AF71 (reduced overtravel) or AF74 (advance speed disconnection) leads to overflow of memory locations in memory chip. Remedy: perform teach-in AF10, AF19, AF0d, AF71 and AF73.MC3:未知的外围设备错误


EA xx EE yy EE xx F0 00 F1 00 F2 00 F3 00 F4 00 F8 00 Fb 00 Fd 00 Fd 01 Fd 0F Fd FA

MC3: unknown error xx to peripheral equipment Memory locations xxyy in EEPROM defectiveEEPROM 中存储地址 XXYY 损坏

Insert new EEPROM on CPU.在 CPU 上插上一块新 EEPROM


Communication error MZ1 CPU故障

Tripped by errors: 被故障 0C 01, 0C 02, 0C 03, 0C 10, 0C 11, 0C 12 脱扣 Communication error MZ1 car MZI—轿厢等通讯 Tripped by errors: 被故障 故障 e.g. MF3/MF4 c

ircuit board 例如 MF3/MF4 板 0C 04, 0C 09, 0C 0A, 0C 0b, 0C 0C 脱扣 Communication error MZ1 car-accessories e.g. Tripped by errors: 被故障 LSM1, F2 MZI—轿厢辅助装置通讯故障例如 LSM1 0C 0d, 0C 0E, 脱扣MZI—CPU 通讯 F2

Communication error MZ1 local bus MZI—本梯总 Tripped by errors: 被故障 线通讯故障 e.g. ..MP board 例如 MP 板 0C 05, 0C 06, 0C 07, 0C 08 脱扣 0C ..-error with stopping 停梯时 OC 故障 Errors which are not defined in 在 F0 00 ... F3 00.未定义的故障

8k RAM/EEPROM not detected8K RAM/EEPROM 未检测到

Early error 02.03 or 02 04 早期故障 02.03 或 02.04 Message generated by Teleservice device (not included in TCI/TCM error stack) 由远程维修服务装置产生的信息(不在 TCI/TCM 故障堆栈内)


MC1: Flash data error 闪存数据出错 (BCC-Checksumme) (BCC 总和检测) MC1: RAM- error of copied data Flash data error 闪存数据出错 Order-specifc EPROM not present Date ofissue: 07.02

Teach-in-data in RAM copy range are OK.RAM 复制范围内的校入数据 OK


Teach-in-data in flash memory are OK. Error in lift-specific data range Lift-specific program to be loaded ! Changes: GEGORL Revision


Prepared by: Keinz Issuing Dept.: QMS


Page: 19

Explanations of the existing error code numbers

04 NN TCI control – Interrogation of ZSE solenoid switches

NN is represented as a hexadecimal number; in the event of errors, it indicates the number of ZSE switches (no other than the ZSE switch of the car position may be actuated).

04 00 applies to ZSE 25 to ZSE 31 04 00 applies to ZSE 17 to ZSE 24 04 00 applies to ZSE 9 to ZSE 16 04 0C applies to ZSE 1 to ZSE 8


Hexadecimal number Binary number 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 assigned ZSE switch 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 The example shows that ZSE switches ZSE3 and ZSE4 (in 3. and 4. landing) have been activated. (Also

compare hexadecimal code in part 4, page 2)

04 NN TCM control – Interrogation of ZSE solenoid switches If ZSE switches are closed in the third and fourth landing, the TCM control will file two errors: 04 03 und

04 04

06 XX TCI control – Door locking not possible (from work program version 08.91/9) The lift will be put out of service for 15 min. after 3 unsuccessful door locking attempts. A new locking

attempt will be initiated after expiry of this period of time.

XX = Standort Door variant – hinged door: A new locking attempt will also be made within these 15 min. after opening of the landing door (TK open)

and closingit again (TK closed).

Door variant D4 (with mechanical locking device) A start attempt will be enabled within 15 min., as soon as the control receives the bolt contact.

06 XX TCM control – Door locking not possible

09 NN

If open bolt contact is recognized in the command chain preceding the position the following error will follow

14 XX (XX = bolt contact main side) 18 XX (XX = bolt contact rear side)

Car will be blocked in the landing >4 min


Signal name (LED display on diagnostic unit I row A)


1 KK O.K. 1 LS O.K.


1 TSO activated

For LEDs and signal names see Operating Instructions of Diagnostic Unit I, function 05 00, column 0d (display of predefined memory locations, from page 25).

19 NN

Door zone not detected

Example 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 VR A5A TO TU FL FS FO FU

In the operation phase STOP (lift at standstill), the CPU recognizes that the door zone calculated from the landing vanes was left.

For LEDs and signal names see Operating Instructions Diagnostic Unit I function 05 00, column 05 (display of predefined memory locations,from page 25)

1d NN

Emergeny stop (wrong run direction)

No run direction or both run directions were produced with the run contactor activated and the brake disengaged.

For LEDs and signal names see Operating Instructions, Diagnostic Unit I, function 05 00, column 05 (display of predefined memory locations from page 25).

