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必修3 Module 2单元测拭题

第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



Many people like exploring the Amazon in Brazil. When you go to explore the Amazon in Brazil, you usually arrive in Manaus first. Before beginning a boat tour, you can visit some interesting places, in the city first. Here are some. Amazon Opera House

It is a unique architectural (建筑的)landmark. The opera house was built during the first rubber boom (橡胶繁荣)when Manaus was considered one of the great centers of civilization (文明). The landmark is worth a visit just to check out the decorations — Carrara marble, Murano glass and Louis XV furniture, carpets, curtains, etc are just a few of the most interesting parts. Rio Negro Justice Palace

Built in 1903 by Karl Waldemar Scholz, a rubber businessman, today the palace is a cultural center and a popular place for tourists too. It is an architectural and Historical monument (纪念碑)protected by the Amazonian government. Province Palace

Built in 1874, this building served as police headquarters (总部)at first. Today, it is home to several different organizations, including the Image and Sound Museum and the Pinacoteca.

After seeing around the city, it?s time to explore the Amazon. You can easily find boat tours in Manaus. If you?re concerned about quality, ask your travel agency for a suggestion. With days of traveling ahead you want to be sure you?ll be comfortable!

Tour boats travel different routes throughout the year. From Manaus you can choose to travel on the Rio Negro or Rio Solimoes. When choosing which river to explore,take the Rio Negro because it has fewer flying insects that bite humans and animals. Once you?re on the boat, be ready for the adventure of a lifetime. Before you know it, you?ll be fishing for piranhas, watching the sunrise over the forest, and swimming with pink dolphins!

1. The Amazon Opera House would most probably attract those who want to____. A. see some old items B. look at some furniture C. buy some small gifts D. watch a famous opera

2. What do we know about the Rio Negro Justice Palace? A. It is popular with tourists.

B. It is the cultural center of Brazil. C. It is a unique architectural landmark. D. It is home to the Amazonian government. 3. We learn that boat tours In Manaus _______. A. are not easy to find B. are all very comfortable C. are of different qualities

D. are provided by travel agencies

4. A. B. C. D.

Why does the author suggest tourists take the Rio Negro? Pink dolphins live in the river. It gives an adventure of a lifetime. Tourists can fish for Piranhas there.

It allows for a more comfortable journey.


On the way into Essa Academy in an area of Bolton, it is easy to believe that the school is a world leader in education technology. Its buildings are topped with a logo whose design looks like pixels (像素)on a screen.

Essa Academy became the first in Britain to buy touchscreen devices (装置)for all its students, and it did so under difficult conditions. Before it became an academy (学院),it was looked down upon, with only a quarter of students getting five good GCSEs in English and math. The idea of giving expensive electronics to its mostly poor students was laughed at when the plan was announced in the local newspapers.

Seven years later, students study in double-sized classes in a system, which plans to encourage independent learning. There are two teachers giving support to those in need of extra help or more challenging work. These teachers spend 18 hours a week with their students, helping them change from primary school, where children are used to knowing their teachers well.

The subjects taught are chosen or changed to suit the needs of the school, making use of the freedom the school gained when it became an academy in 2009. Today?s subject is science and ethics (科学 与伦理).

The walls are designed to be written and drawn on. Jeff Ellis, the headmaster, and his staff are eager to convince visitors that the school is not defined by science-fiction-style technology. “The thing that tends to draw people in is the technology,” Ellis says. “But the thing they leave with is the impression of the culture of the place and how well students learn. Since Essa first offered every student a free iPod touch, schools around the world have followed suit with various mobile devices.

5. What do we know about Essa Academy from the text? A. It has a bad reputation.

B. It has screens on its buildings.

C. It is well-known for its education technology. D. It follows suit to buy mobile devices for students.

6. When the plan was announced in the local newspapers, people did not think that _______. A. the students needed it B. the devices would help C. the students were poor D. the devices were expensive

7. Technology used in Essa Academy helped, _______. A. the students know their teachers better B. the visitors understand science fiction C. the school practice independent learning D. the teachers spend more time with students

8. A. B. C. D.

According to the headmaster, people are attracted to this school by _______. the technology

the school?s courses the culture of the place the students? achievement


Italian cuisine (烹饪)is known for great taste and is very healthy since long ago. It is said that these food products are some of the most romantic food products that can be tasted by one and all. Moreover, these are the most trusted food that has a great name in the field of food and nutrition (营养).They also have a long list of benefits that can help you have a healthy body along with beautiful glowing skin. It is a perfect form of nutrition.

It has been said that the worth of a food product always remains unknown until it is prepared with the most care and attention. However, Italian food is based on some simple cooking principles. These principles include cooking the freshest vegetables along with best quality spices (调味品). Things were much different earlier, as people had to visit various restaurants in order to find the most delicious Italian dishes. However, today this problem has come to an end. Nowadays, you can find a number of places that are serving all types of Italian dishes. This has happened due to the great demand for these dishes all over the world. However, if you do not wish to leave your home but want to have pizzas or pastas, then you can certainly cook them yourself. All you need to have are proper ingredients and additional spices that are easily available at the market these days. Moreover, you have a number of options to begin with the cooking.

If you do not know how to cook an Italian dish, then you can buy some Italian cook books. It is advisable to use olive (橄榄)oil in almost every kind of dish or cuisine, as it has a long list of benefits that can help you fight against many diseases. You can also go to some websites that have a lot of Italian recipes. There you can also find recipes that can be cooked using mustard (芥末)as well.

9. Simple principles used by Italian cuisine include _______. A. healthy nutrition

B. concentrating on great taste C. using the freshest vegetables D. using much more different spices

10. If you wanted to taste Italian food in the past, you . _______. A. had a lot of choices B. had to go to restaurants

C. had to turn to others for help D. had to cook by yourself at home

11. Cooking Italian food at home has become today, because _______. A. it?s easy to buy the ingredients B. it is encouraged to cook at home

C. more and more people have learned it

D. more and more restaurants are disappointing 12. What would be the best title for the passage? A. Italian cuisine: do it yourself!

B. Italian cuisine: everywhere to taste! C. Italian cuisine: simple cooking style!

D. Italian cuisine: eat healthy to live healthy!


Running as often and as far as possible might sound like great training, but it?s a way to get injured, ill or lose your motivation (动机)before a big race. Training for any goal is about planning, patience and progression,” says running coach Tom Craggs. “Coaches often talk about the ?TNR? : Training, Nutrition and Rest — and they?re all equally important.”

Rest lets your body change and improve and it?s an opportunity for your muscles, tendons (腱)and ligaments (韧带)to repair and your lung capacity (肺活量)to increase. “It?s when all the hard work you've done gets successful to make you a fitter, stronger runner,” says Craggs. “And the greater the distance of your running is, the more important rest becomes.”

If you?re really enjoying miming, or if you?re anxious about being fit enough to achieve a certain time for a race, avert running daily. “Think quality, not quantity,” says Craggs. “And if you've missed a few periods of time, don?t try to catch up. Simply begin your training schedule again on the right day. Running too much or too often won?t benefit your performance; you?ll just be doing what we call ?junk miles?.”

Schedule a rest day after any hard training. Avoid back-to-back tough sessions (集会)such as hills or intervals. “For experienced athletes, a rest day might include a gentle recovery run or cross training, but for most of us, it means the sofa,” he explains.

It is also important to get enough sleep. Aim for at least six hours of good sleep a night, Finishing as many of those as you can before midnight. You may find caffeine, alcohol and sugar affect getting to sleep. Likewise, eating or exercising too late at night can have negative effects. 13. What Tom Craggs says in Paragraph 2 shows that_____. A. tendons and ligaments can easily get hurt B. the greater the distance we run, the better it is C. becoming a fitter and stronger runner is difficult D. we should allow our bodies to nest after exercising

14. What does the underlined word “avert” in Paragraph 3 mean? A. Try. B. Keep. C. Avoid. D. Consider.

15. What may a nest day mean to experienced athletes? A. Back-to-back tough sessions. B. Resting comfortably on the sofa. C. Some other kinds of hard training.

D. Receiving some other kinds of training.

第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。 At some point in your life, you will need to ask someone for a favor (帮助),whether it?s at your workplace, at home or in a social setting. If you need a guy to help you with something, there are ways to approach him that will help you ask for that favor.

Find the right guy to ask for a favor. 16 For example, if you need someone to look after your house while you are away for a month, don?t select a guy who has a wife and kids and can,t possibly leave them to do you the favor.

17 Even if it,s a small favor,try to find a place that has some privacy (私密性).This is especially important if you9 re asking for a favor that you don51 want someone else to hear, such as borrowing money from him.

Use special words to set the table so that he knows you?re in need. 18 Or words such as “I really need your help” are OK. These words give him the chance to understand that he can be of help. Ask for help in a clear way that expresses what you need, the reason why you need it, and more importantly,the parameters (限定因素)of the favor. For example, if you?re asking him to take you to the airport, tell him when you need him to arrive. If you?re borrowing money from him, say the amount and the reason why you need the money. 19 Ask for help in such a way that you give him the chance to refuse. 20 If you don?t give him that choice, he may feel as if it?s something he has to do instead of something he wants to do. A. Find the right place to ask him.

B. Be a kind person who always helps others. C. The guy must have the ability to help you.

D. Besides, you should tell him when you will give it back. E. You can say, Tm really in trouble. Can you help me?”

F. It can be difficult to find the right words to tell what you need. G. Make it clear that you completely understand if he can?t help you.



阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个 选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的 最佳选项。

A young man lived a very difficult life. He had to work very 21 . He wished he?d live a life 22 having to work at all. After he died in an accident, he found himself in a very 23 place. Around him, there was all the beauty that he had 24 . Then a person came up to him and said, “You can 25 whatever you like here. You can also do whatever you want here.” Hearing that, the man became very happy. He did 26 that he had wanted to do during life. 27,after many years of enjoyment, he got bored and wanted a 28 . One day, when he saw that person again, he explained that he had 29 everything and that now he needed a little work to make himself feel 30 . “That?s the only thing I cannot 31 for you,” said the person. The man was sad and said, “But I?m 32 . It?ll kill me sooner or later. I?d rather be in hell!” Hearing that, the person laughed and said,“And where do you 33 you are?” When I first heard this story, I didn?t understand it. I thought everyone would be 34 to live such a life. However, after I 35 and started working, I understood it better. It is a reminder (提醒)that although we dream of long 36 , we need work to keep ourselves 37 and to find purpose and meaning in our lives. We were born to 38 and there is a plan and purpose for our lives that includes 39, sweat and growth. Too often our dream is to 40 work. Wouldn?t it be better if we all just found meaningful work to do?

