备考高考写作专题1 记叙文

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备考高考写作专题1 记叙文


1. 记叙文是以叙述人物的经历或事物的发展变化的过程为主的一种文体。 2. 在记叙文体的高考书面表达中,命题形式主要是提纲式或图表式。

3. 通常要求考生以第一人称或第三人称来写作,第一人称主要是写自己的经历,第三人称


4. 由于记叙文叙述的事情通常发生在过去,因而,其时态主要用一般过去时。 5. 记叙文通常是按照事情发展的先后顺序来表达内容的。 写作典例:



注意:1、目击者应该准确报告事实; 2、词数100左右; 3、结尾已为你写好

剖析:本题图文结合,审题时要重视细节。 1 明确写作要求:


2 认真审图,确认全部信息要点: ①图中的环境条件;

②人物位置(此点对完成本题十分重要); ③人物活动; ④人物表情; ⑤空间结构; ⑥图中的全部附加文字(英语和汉语)。 3 确定内容要点:

①时间:2000年2月8日早晨7点15分; ②地点:公园路公园门前; ③我正沿公园路向东走;

④一辆汽车从第3街向右拐,驶入公园路时撞倒了一位过街的老人; ⑤汽车未停,沿公园路向西开走;

⑥汽车是黄色的,车牌号是AC864,司机是一位女性。 One Possible version:

It was 7 : 15 on the morning of February 8, 2000.

I was walking along Park Road towards the east when an elderly man came out of the park on the other side of the street. Then I saw a yellow car drive up Third Street and make a right turn into Park Road. The next moment the car hit the man while he was crossing the road. He fell with a cry. The car didn't stop but drove off at great speed heading west. I noticed the driver was a young woman and the plate number was AC864.

About two minutes later I stopped a passing car and took the old man to the nearest hospital. .高考是全社会关注的大事,学校和家庭表现尤为突出。家庭成员对考生从学习到生活给予无微不至的\关怀\,结果却给考生带来负面影响。根据图画所描述的内容写一篇文章,并发表自己的观点(夹叙夹议)。词数120左右。

As the College Entrance Examination is drawing near,________________________ 。 As the College Entrance Examination is drawing near, the situation is getting worse and worse. From the picture, we can see that Li Ming is \read and many papers for him to do. How poor he is! At the same time, all his family are also busy working for him.

Nowadays, many parents expect too much of their sons or daughters. They hope that their sons or daughters study hard in order to be admitted to an ideal college or a key university. It is for this reason that parents are strict with their children. However, they don’t realize what they have become a heavy burden or a great pressure. It is the hard work or the great pressure that changes their children that much.

So I hope parents provide a proper environment for their children. Only in this way, will they try their best and succeed at last!


备考高考写作专题2 三段式作文法




1. 第一段开门见山,提出要解决的问题或观点,或者把时间,地点,人物和主要事件及时


2. 第二段要摆出事实或提出论据,或者把事情发展的经过详细写出来。 3. 最后一段,得出结论或理由。

注意:要学会使用过渡词。过渡词犹如“桥梁”和“粘合剂 ”。恰当地使用过渡词可避免结构松散,层次分明,表意不清等弊端,使文章条理清楚,文字连贯流畅。常用的过渡词有:

递进型: also, (and)besides, what’s more, moreover, furthermore, in addition, even, what’s worse, worse still, to make matters worse, for theworse, not only …but also等;

解释型:that is (to say), in other words, or,namely, if fact, in reality, as a matter of fact等; 转折型:however, but, yet, nevertheless, instead, on the coutrary,on the other hand 等; 列举型:firstly…secondly…finally, on the one hand, on the other hand, for one thing, for another 等

举例型:for example, for instance, such as, that is, like, take… for example等;

因果型:because (of), since, now that, thanks to, due to; thus, therefore, as a result(consequence),so… that, so that等;

让步型:though, although, in spite of, despite 等;

顺序型:first…next…and then…finally, first…then…after that…finally 等; 并列型:and, both…and, or, either…or, as well as, 等

时间型:afterwards, soon, later, the moment/ immediately/ on doing, hardly…when, no sooner…than 等

总结型:in a word, to sum up, in short, on the whole, in conclusion 等

见解型:in my opinion, personally speaking, as far as I am concerned,I’m sure 等 条件型:if, as long as,so long as, on condition that , unless 等



收词 英汉词典 18000(英语) 新华字典 10000 (字) 价格 特点 20000 (汉语) 52元 大量例子,用法说明,适合初学者 11元 中国最常用的汉语字典 注意:1。词数:100左右;

2.参考词汇:推荐recommend; 英汉词典The English-Chinese Dictionary (ECE); 新华字典 Xinhua Dictionary (XD)

分析:此篇书面表达属于实物说明文,其篇章结构可按三段式进行写作。本文的第一段,可用直接的叙述“I’m so pleased to learn that you and your classmates are learning Chinese”.正文即可作为第二段,其主要内容是对两本词典的一些介绍。结束语即可作为第三段。应将两本词典的特点表达准确,以便加拿大笔友Steve作出合理选择。表达时,文章的基本时态可考虑用一般现在时。

范文: Dear Steve,

I’m so pleased to learn that you and your classmates are learning Chinese.

I’d like to recommend the following two dictionaries.The English-Chinese Dictionary is really a good one for beginners. It has 18,000 English words and 20,000 Chinese words, besides plenty of examples, it has many notes telling you how to use a word. Xinhua Dictionary is the most popular Chinese dictionary, and it has a vocabulary fo 10,000 words. It may also be useful to some advanced learners of Chinese. Of the two, ECD is more expensive. It costs 52 yuan,and XD costs 11 yuan.

Please let me know if you want me to buy one for you. Yours,

Li Yue 倡议书——低碳生活



注意:(1)开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数; (2)词数不少于100;



【构思点拨】仔细观察图画,结合图画内容捋顺要点,确定立意。行文时要注意句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯,并且还要关注应用文文体特点。 【参考范文】

Dear teachers and students,

Nowadays it’s common to see students wasting thing in our school. Many students haven’t realized the importance of energy-saving. For example, sometimes we can see that lights and computers are still on after class, or some students even leave water running after using it. Besides, our paper is printed on only one side, causing much waste.

It’s time that we did something to avoid this kind of waste. Firstly, make sure that all the lights and other electric facilities are switched off when we leave the rooms. Try to form the habit of turning off the tap immediately after using it. What’s more, paper should be printed on both sides and reused if possible.

In a word, if everybody has the awareness of energy-saving and start with ourselves to reduce the waste, we can contribute to society.

Students’ Union


(一) 柱状图(BAR CHART)



提示:1.增长学识,提高素养,利于择业。 2.成功的路不只一条。 3.学费高,就业难。

要求:1.词数:100~120左右。 2.开头语已为你写好(不计入词数)。 3.参考词汇: tuition n.学费 qualities n.素养 【解题分析】



第二段:紧扣主题,根据图表比较分析原因,论证结论。 第三段:发表议论,提出自己的看法。 【提炼要点】


One possible version

Is It The Only Way Out To Go To College?

We had a discussion about whether it is the only way out for senior students to go to college.Views vary from person to person. The majority of us consider it very necessary to go to college.They think it can widen their knowledge and improve their qualities.Only in this way can they find better jobs after graduation.Very few students, that is about ten percent of the students, think it no use going university, because the tuition is too high for their family to afford.What's more, it's rather hard for college graduates to seek satisfactory jobs.Thirty percent of the students, however, believe “All roads lead to Rome.” Therefore it doesn't make any difference whether they go to college or not.

In my opinion, we can receive a better education at college so that we can serve our motherland.



②句式。如:形式宾语:The majority of us consider it very necessary to go to college. 倒装:Only in this way can they find better jobs after graduation. 主语从句:it's rather hard for college graduates to seek satisfactory jobs. 谚语:All roads lead to Rome.

③过渡词。如:that is about ten percent of the students,what's more, however, in my opinion。


1.读懂柱状图坐标刻线及图例说明与文字,比较柱状高低和颜色表示内容及数据。 2.学会看趋势、找规律,从整体看图表有何发展变化,找出特点、规律。 3.引用图表包含信息,使你的文章“由图而发”,言之有据。 【常用句式】

1. As can be seen from the chart,... As is shown in the chart,... 2. The chart shows that about 60 percent of students want to go to college... 3. From the graph/data/results/information above, it can be seen/concluded/shown/estimated...

4.The graph shows the changes in the number of...over the period from...to... 5.Compared with...,the number of the students of...

备考高考写作专题4 说明文


1. 说明文是以说明为主要表达方式,用简洁明了的语言来解释说明事物,阐明事理,从而


2. 在高考书面表达中,其主要命题形式为图表式作文,有时也以图画式和提纲式作文来呈


3. 它要求语言要简明扼要,通俗易懂,说明过程讲究层次性和条理性。 4. 这种文体通常用第三人称,时态以一般现在时为主。




2.生词:通讯:communicate (with sb.) vi. communication n. 互联网:the Internet n. 案例分析

从材料的呈现方式(两幅图对比)及材料所提供的要求“描述变化及影响”可知,本文应该用说明文体来写作。时态的把握是本文的一大难点,一般情况下,说明文应用一般现在时,但本文描述的是今昔通讯方式的变化,所以在描写过去通讯方式的时候要用一般过去时,例如in the past, people kept in touch with each other mainly by writing letters or using the public telephone 及It used to take several days to hear from each other.在描写过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响时,谓语动词要用现在完成时,例如本文的起始句可用 “Great changes have taken place in the way of communication in people’s life in recent years”及讲述影响的过渡句“with these changes,people’s pace of life has been quickened and people’s work has been made more dfficient”.相对来说,本文用第三人称容易把握。 高分范文

Great changes have taken place in the way of communication in people’s life in recent years. In the past, people kept in touch with each other mainly by writing letters or using the public telephone. But now almost everyone has his own mobile phone.People can communicate with each other almost at any place and at any time. What’s more, people have easy access to the Internet, which enables them to send and receive e-mails whenever they like.With these changes,

people’s pace of life has been quickened and people’s work has been made more efficient. It used to take several days to hear from each other, but now it takes only several minutes, even if they are in two different continents.

In a word, people have an easier life nowadays.


出生年姓 名 李 刚 性别 男 月 现就读学校 兴趣、爱好、特长 志 向 学校鉴定 主要家庭成员情况简介 要求:


北京外国语大学英语系 职 务 1982.9 籍贯 山东 团支部书记 体育运动、唱歌、跳舞、口语流利 当一名好翻译 该生多才多艺,出类拔萃 父母:教师,工作认真,教学成绩优秀,受人尊敬 姐姐:医生,在一家医院工作,远近闻名 Li Gang, a boy student of 21,is now studying in the English Department of Beijing

Foreign Languages University. He likes sports and games, singing and dancing, and can speak English fluently. As a League secretary, he is highly spoken of by the teachers and students and regarded as an outstanding student with great ability.

Li Gang is from Shandong Province. His parents are both teachers. They are dearly loved and respected by the students for their wonderful teaching work.Li Gang's elder sister, a famous doctor, works in a big hospital.

Li Gang has made up his mind to be a good translator after graduation and serve “the four modernizations”of our country.

备考高考写作专题5 议论文


1. 议论文是以议论为主要表达方式的一种文体,它通过摆事实,讲道理的方式来辩明是非


2. 在近几年的高考书面表达中,其主要命题形式是以表格式和提纲式来呈现写作材料的。 3. 它要求语言必须简练,准确,要尽可能避免使用口语,多用书面语,可适当使用名言警


4. 写作时要围绕中心论点展开议论,即论据和论证要围绕论点展开。根据题目要求,有时


5. 写作时常以三段式的形式展开议论。 写作典例:


呆在家中 外出旅游 优点 花费少,舒适方便 增长知识,开阔眼界。 缺点 不能亲自了解外界 花费多,旅途不便 注意:1。词数120左右(不含已写好部分)

2.短文必须包括表中所列要点,可根据内容分段表述; 3.可适当增加细节以使行文连贯; 4.参考词汇:眼界horizon(view)





The summer holiday is coming. Our class have a discussion about

what to do during the holiday.

Some are in favor of staying at home. They think it’s both convenient and comfortable. What’s more, they can save money for other purposes. But they will lose the chance of getting to know the outside world. However, others prefer to go out for traveling since it can increase their knowledge and broaden their horizons. But they will spend more money and meet some difficulties while traveling.

In my opinion, it would be much better to stay at home, for I can do what I like, such as reading books, watching TV, and helping my parents with the housework. 我国正提倡建设“节约型社会”,下图为某校两个学期用水、用电、用纸的情况。请对其进行简要分析,以“How to build an economized society”为题,写一篇作文,谈谈自己的想法。

项目学期 用电 用水 用纸 上学期 80万元 62万元 11万元 下学期 95万元 73万元 12.7万元 文章须包括以下要点:

节电:及时关闭电灯、电脑等用电设备 节水:随手关闭水龙头;废水再利用 节纸:纸张再利用

补充:自己日常生活所感所为 留意:

1.词数:100~120词,短文标题、开头已给出,但不计入总词数。 2.内容可适当发挥,留意行文贯通。

How to build an economized society (东北三校)

Our government is aiming to build an economized society.It is everybody's duty to work hard to achieve this goal including us students.

To build an economized society, we must keep the following points in our minds. Firstly, make

sure that the lights and the electric fans are turned off when there is no one in the room. Set the room temperature at above 26℃. Remember to turn off the computer when you are not using it. Secondly, try to form the habit of turning off the tap after it is used. Use basins when washing faces or vegetables. Thus the water can be used again to clean toilets or water flowers. Thirdly, it will be good enough to use a basket instead of plastic bags when you go to the market. As we know, a basket can be used many more times.

In a word, we should try our best to build an economized society. .

备考高考写作专题六 应用文

一. 书信







2.确定写的动机:向你的英国笔友介绍你为他所找住房的情况。 3.确定写的基本路子:以回信的口气,介绍情况,询问态度。 4.确定语篇的结构:书信开头、介绍情况、询问态度、书信结尾。 5.起草语篇,考虑措辞。 6.进行文字修改。


内容要点: 1.开头;


3.面积、家具(25平米、床、沙发、书桌、椅子); 4.公寓位置(芳草街,离学校一站远); 5.月租500元 ; 6.结尾。 说明:

1.内容要点可用不同方式表达。 2.对紧扣主题的适当发挥不予扣分。 3.开头、结尾的内容须合乎逻辑、语言得体。 Dear Bob,

I’m so glad to learn that you’re coming in September. I’ve found a place for you,

It’s a small flat of 25 square meters, with a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen. In the bedroom there is a bed, a sofa, a desk and a chair. The rent is 500 yuan per month. The flat is in a building on Fangcao Street, which is not far from Jianxiu Chinese School. Bus No.11 can take you straight to the school. In fact. it’s only one stop.

Do you think you’d like it? If not, I can try and find another place for you. Just let me know.

Yours, Li Hua


1组 2组 3组 你的看法 扫除:清理废纸、烟蒂、塑料袋等废弃物 宣传:树立标牌,告诉游客要爱护花木 演讲:向游客宣传“白色污染”的害处以及保护环境的重要性 ?? 1.日记必须包括表内所有的内容,可以适当增加细节,使内容连贯; 2.日记格式及首句已给出,不列入总词数; 3.词数:100词左右。 4.参考词汇:烟蒂cigarette end

February 4, Sunday Fine

This morning our class organized an environmental protection activity in the nearby park. On arriving there, we were divided into three groups .The first group collected the rubbish, such as the waste paper, cigarette ends ,plastic bags and so on. The second group set up several boards to remind the visitors to take care of the flowers and trees. The last group gave a speech to the visitors on the danger of “white pollution” and the importance of protecting the environment.

I think it is very important for us to protect the environment .For the sake of people’s health

and happiness, measures should be taken to control and prevent pollution and everyone should make a contribution to it.

备考高考写作专题7 十句作文法



1. 第一段为开头,包括两句。第一句为主题句,点明全文主题;第二句为扩展句,进一步

说明和支持主题句。两者关系也可倒过来,由第一句说明情况,第二句点明主题。 2. 第二段为正文,共七句。第三句为主题句,提出本段的主题,它应与第一段的主题相关


3. 第三段为结尾,简化为一句,也是全文的总结句, 它将前面的内容总结为一个结果,




电视在人们的日常生活中占有很重要的地位,电视传播不断深层次地影响着每一个人。请以“Television” 为题,写一篇有关其所带来的积极影响的英语短文。



更是闹得人心惶惶。现请你以“Let’s all go out for food safety”为标题根据下表提示完成一篇短文。

话题 原因 食品安全已经引起极大关注 厂商唯利是图,生产伪劣垃圾食品 滥用农药和添加剂 厂商:既关注利润,也关注质量 认真对待食品安监督员:严控安全标准,严罚不良厂商 全 消费者:尽量选择绿色食品 注意:①避免直译,要求层次清楚,内容连贯。②字数120字左右。

参考词汇:添加剂addictive 严厉severely 监督员supervisor 消费者consumer

Let us all go out for food safety

It is frequently reported that poisonous food causes deaths. Sanlu Milk Powder is a good example at precent. Therefore, food safety had been drawing the public’s great attention.

Food problems mainly lie in the two factors. On the one hand, some food producers lack social conscience. Centering on money, they produce lots of fake and junk food; On the other hand, other producers are short of common sense on food safety, thus poison and addictive abuse pollutes food.

For the sake of health, we must take food safety seriously. Firstly, food producers shall pay more attention to food quality, and they are required to care about food safety as well as profits; Secondly, food supervisors shall operate strict food standards and punish the ill producers severely; Lastly, consumers had better go to regular markets to choose green food.



学习情况 几乎都在学习 16% 娱乐休闲 体育活动 20% 去图书馆 经常 5% 课外兴趣小组 经常 10% 半天学习半天活动 24% 游玩和购物 40% 偶尔 23% 偶尔 20% 几乎都在做其他事情 60% 上网看电视 40% 几乎没有 72% 不参加 70%

范文 (One possible version):

This form displays the result of a survey on how to spend students’ weekend. It says that few students are glued to their schoolwork any more. Instead, they prefer to surf on the internet, watch TV, go shopping rather than involve in sports games. Library and interest groups are available but not favourable.

Personally I think, students are now freed from heavy burden but their spare time is not well arranged. They are expected to spend some time on what they learn instead of hanging out. More time should be spent not only on green field but also in the libraries to build up themselves physically and mentally. Besides, more interest groups should be established for students to widen their horizon and sharpen their brains so that they can become more creative eventually. All these will contributes a lot to a well-informed and highly qualified teenager. In conclusion, students should be more scheduled with colorful and fruitful

4. 书面表达热点预猜(说明文)




3.词数:100个左右。开头已给出,不计词数。 参考词汇:头晕—dizzy(adj.)

﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡ Dear editor, I am Li Ming of Senior Three, Guangming Middle School. I am writing to tell you about some symptoms of anxiety among us students before exams. Most of us feel nervous whenever we’re taking an important exam. Some will feel dizzy or tired, some will suffer from lack of sleep, and some will lose their appetite. In fact, all these symptoms have terrible effects on our exams and we are all eager to get rid of them.

First of all, in my opinion, it’s important for us to have a fight attitude towards exams. They are only a means of checking how we are getting along with our studies, so there is no need to worry too much about the results. Study hard every day and make careful plans for every exam. In this way we can avoid suffering from the pressure of exams.

Besides, enough sleep can make us energetic and enable us to perform well in an exam. Therefore, during the period of exams, we should not stay up too late. We can also try a warm bath or a cup of warm milk before going to bed. They might help us to have a sound sleep.

(We’d better go out for a walk or do some outdoor exercises before and during an exam so that we can keep ourselves relaxed and then concentrate ourselves on exams.)

美国康州某中学与你校是友好学校,对方校刊来信说想了解你校为落实素质教育精神所开设选修课的情况。你作为学校记者站的小站长,根据康州中学的要求对学生进行了问卷调查,根据调查结果你以Students Like Optional courses 为题,写了一篇120词左右的英语报道。

课程门类:音乐、美术、体育、文学、记算机等十余种 上课时间:每周五下午3:30—5:00

上课方式:同一门课同一所教室;集体学习。 最受欢迎的课:计算机、英语口语、艺术等


建议:1、增加选修课;2、减少作业量;3、多组织参观,了解社会 参考词汇:选修课optional course

Students Like Optional Courses

This term our school has offered more than 10 optional courses, such as music,arts,PHD literature,computer and so on. students can choose what they are interested in according to

their tasts. The students who study the same subject study in the same class. The courses are given from 3:30 to 5:00every Friday afternoon.

Students think highly of the measures taken by school,and their favorite courses are computer, spoken English, arts and so on. They say it is useful to develop their specialities and they have learned a lot that is not taught in textbooks and they have got a great deal of practice. However, students are not quite satisfied. They hope more optional courses will be offered while their homework should be less. They suggest that more trips and visits be organized so that theycan learn more about what is going on outside school.


请根据下列图表提示,描述被访者的看法,并就此现象发表自己的观点。 注意:1.词数150左右,文章的开头已经给出,不计入词数。 3.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Nowadays it’s a common phenomenon that parents drive their children to school and back home, which causes a heated discussion. A survey has just been conducted about it, and the findings are as follows. We can see that half of the supporters believe that more valuable time can be saved for students to get enough sleep. Another 30% think children can rest or have meals comfortably in their own cars. About 15% consider it reasonable just for the sake of children’s safety. The rest of

them think it offers more chances for parents to communicate with their children.

However, other people hold different opinions. 55% of them believe that it results in more traffic jams, especially around schools in rush hours. And 30% think that driving kids to and from school will undoubtedly add to the parents’ burdens in aspects like time, energy and expenses. Still, 15% worry that in the long term children may be more dependent on their parents, which does no good to them.

In my opinion,…

