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Unit 1单元知识


1. at the prince’s house 在王子家 2. cannot go 不能去 3. help me 帮助我 4. my gloves 我的手套 5. so sad 如此悲伤 6. go to the party 去参加晚会 7. have some nice clothes and shoes 有一些漂亮的衣服和鞋子 8. put on the new clothes and shoes 穿上新的衣服和鞋子 9. come back before 12 o’clock 在12点之前回来

10. have a good time 玩得很开心 11. at the party 在晚会上

12. have to go 不得不去 13. visit every house 拜访每一户人家 14. many girls 许多女孩 15. try on 试穿 16. try it on 试穿它 17. have a drink 喝饮料 18. like reading fairy tales 喜欢读童话故事

19. the Monkey King and Nezha 美猴王和哪吒 20. in the forest 在森林里 21. have some snacks 吃一些零食 22. find some mushrooms 找到一些蘑菇 23. hurry up 快一点 24. be bad for… 对……有害 25. pick a big red mushroom 捡了一个大的红色的蘑菇 26. fit well 非常合适 27. leave a shoe behind 留下一只鞋 句型

1. There is a party at the prince’s house. 在王子家有一场晚会。 2. Cinderella, come and help me! 灰姑娘,过来帮我! 3. Why are you so sad, dear? 亲爱的,为什么如此难过? 4. Because I can’t go to the party. 因为我不能参加晚会。

5. Because I don’t have any nice clothes or shoes. 因为我没有漂亮的衣服和鞋子。 6. Cinderella puts on the new clothes and shoes. 灰姑娘穿上新衣服和鞋子。 7. Come back before 12 o’clock. 12点钟前回来。

8. Cinderella has a good time at the party. 灰姑娘在晚会上玩得很开心。 9. Sorry, I have to go now. 对不起,我现在不得不走。 10. Many girls try on the shoe, but it does not fit.

许多姑娘试穿这只鞋子,但是它不合适。 语法

英语中出现的疑问词/短语,总结如下: 疑问词/短语 汉语意思 例句 what 什么 What’s in the box? 盒子里面有什么? where 哪里 Where is my dog? 我的狗在哪里? who 谁 Who is that? 那是谁? whose 谁的 Whose bike is this? 这是谁的自行车? which 哪一个 Which doll do you like? 你喜欢哪个玩具娃娃? when 什么时候 When do you play football? 你什么时候踢足球? how 怎么样 How is the red hat? 那顶红色的帽子怎么样? what time 什么时候 What time do you get up? 你什么时候起床? how many 多少 How many friends do you have? 你有多少个朋友? how old 多大(年纪) How old is your sister? 你的妹妹多大? Unit 1练习卷


1. A fairy ___________(help) the girl.

2. I ____________(do not) have any nice clothes or shoes. 3. Let ________(we) go to the party. 4. The shoes don’t__________(fit) me.

5. She _________(like) ________(read) fairy stories. 6. Do you ____________(understand) that story? 7. Who_________(help) Cinderella?

8. The prince _________(come) and ___________(visit) every house. 9. He is __________(have) a drink. 10. Sorry ,her foot __________(hurt). 二、完成句子

1. ----你为什么喜欢冬天? ---因为我喜堆雪人和去滑冰。

---_______ do you _______ _______?

---- _________ I can make ________ and go ________. 2. ----为什么刘涛关上窗户? ---因为他冷。

---Why _______ Liu Tao _______ the window? --- ________ he is very ________. 3. ----我的钢笔在哪? ---在桌上。

---__________ are my pens? --- _________ on the desk. 4. –这是谁的夹克衫? --是海伦的。

---__________ jacket is this? --- It’s _________. 5. 这些零食对我们有害。

These snacks ________ _________ _________ _________ 6. 它看上去如漂亮。 It__________ so __________. 三、单项选择

( )1. --______ are you happy today? ---_________ it’s my birthday today.

A. Why, Because B. What, So C. What, Because

( )2. They are __________ Mrs White’s house.

A of B. at C. on

( )3. Nancy __________ play the piano every evening.

A .have to B. has to C. haves to

( )4. Please _________, Liu Tao.

A. try on it B. try it on C. tries it on ( ) 5. The T-shirt doesn’t _________ me at all. A. fit B. fits C. fit to

( )6. She can’t _________ school today, because she’s ill. A. comes B. comes to C. come to

Unit 2单元知识


1. your new home 你的新家 2. very big 非常大

3. far from 远离 4. live on Moon Street 住在月亮街 5.come to school 来学校 6. live near school 住在学校附近 7.on foot 步行 8. live in Sunshine Town 住在阳光小镇 9. by metro 乘地铁 10.by taxi 打的

11. a taxi driver 一个公交车司机 12.on/in the street 在大街上 13.have a new bike 有一辆新自行车 14.like riding it喜欢骑它

15.want to 想要 16.show his bike to Sam=show Sam his bike 展示自行车给Sam 看 17. too young太年幼 18.young(反义词)old

19. think so 认为如此 20. sit in the basket 坐在篮子里 21. visit her 拜访她 22.go there 去那儿 23. get there 到达那儿 24. many cities 许多城市 句型及语法:

1.注:居住live in; where,here,there前in/to省去Where do you(they) live? 你(他们)住哪里?

I live on Moon Street, near City Library. 我住在月亮街,市图书馆附近。(因地名大写) (用他改写) => Where does he live? He lives … 2.How do you come to school?

Su Yang and I come to school by bus. =Su Yang and I take a bus to school 你怎样来学校?我和苏阳乘公交车去学校。 (三单改写) => How does he come to school?

He comes to school by bus. 乘巴士 = He takes a bus to school. 乘巴士 3. Where do you live ? I live near school. I go to school on foot. = I walk to school. 你住在哪里?我住在学校附件。我步行去学校。 (三单改写) =>Where does he live? He lives… He goes to school on foot.=He walks to school. 4.(I live/She lives) in Sunshine Town在阳光镇

on Park Street 在公园街

5. He lives near school. 他住在学校附件。 He lives far from school. 他家离学校远。 = It’s far from school.

6. He likes riding it. 他喜欢骑自行车。 7. Can I go to school by bike ? = Can I ride a bike to school ? 8.波比想要向Sam展示他的自行车。 Bobby wants to show his bike to Sam. = Bobby would like to show Sam his bik 9.波比的爸爸不认为。他总是坐在篮子里。 Bobby’s dad does not think so. He always sits in the basket. Unit 2练习卷


1. Where ______(do) Mike live? He_______(live) near school. 2. How_______(do) your brother come to school?

He_________(come) to shool by bus.

3. Sam always_______(sit) in the classroom.

4. The wheels on the bus______(go) round and round. 5. Liu Tao’s Dad_______(do not) think so.

6. My father_______(go) to work by electric car. (电瓶车) 二、单项选择。

( ) 1. I like playing in Disneyland(迪斯尼), but it is _______ home. A. far away B. far from C. far off ( ) 2. Su Hai lives ______ Moon Street.

A. in B. on C. behind ( ) 3. My brother and I come to school _______ taxi. A. by B. take C. on ( )4. The wheels on the bus go ________ the town. A. in B. through C. cross ( ) 5. My aunt _______ in a big factory.(工厂)

A. work B. works C worked 三、选词填空(次数不限)。

on , near , in , do , does 1.---Where ______ they live? ---- They live _____ school.

2.--- How _____ your father go to waok? ----- He goes to work by car. 3.--- My penfriend lives _______ Chinatown.(唐人街) 4.--- Helen’s family live _______ Park Street. 5. --- Your teacher _______ not think so.


Mike: Where do you live, Yang Ling? How do you _______ to school?

Yang Ling: I live ______ school. I come to school ______ _______. Where do you live? Mike: I live in Sunshine Town. I come to school ______ _______. What about you, Liu Tao?

Liu Tao: I live _____ Park Street. I come to school ______ ______. My father is a _____ driver.

Unit 3单元知识

短语 1. visit Su Hai’s new home 拜访苏海的新家 3. take the metro =by metro 搭乘地铁 5. so many 如此多 2. get to your home 到达你家 4. get on the metro 坐上地铁 6. get off at City Library Station so many cars 如此多的车 在市图书馆站下车 7. walk to Moon Street 走着去月亮街 8. next to it 在它旁边 9. come out 出来 10. find the bookshop 找到书店 11. ask for help 寻求帮助 12. go along this street 沿着这条街走 13. at the traffic lights 在交通灯边 14. on your right 在你的右边 15. turn right / left 向右、左转 16. in the shoe shop 在鞋子店里 17. shiny shoes 发光的鞋子 18. at Park Station 在公园站 19. which to choose 选择哪一个 20. want to see a new film 想要看新电影 21. see a new film 看新电影 22. wait for the bus 等公交车 23. at the bus stop 在公交车站 24. get in a taxi 上出租车 25. go to City Cinema 去市电影院 句型

1. Excuse me, how do I get to the book shop on Moon Street? 打扰一下,我怎么才能到达月亮街上的书店?

2. Go along this street. Turn left at the traffic lights. 沿着这条街走。在交通灯那边向左转。

3. Get on the bus at Park Station. Get off at City Library Station. 在公园站上车。在市图书馆站下车

4. You can see the bookshop on your left. 你可以看到书店在你的左边。 5. Yang Ling asks a policeman for help. 杨玲向警察寻找帮助。

6. How do we get to City Cinema? We can go by bus. 我们怎么才能到市电影院?我们可以坐公交

7. They wait for the bus at the bus stop. 他们在车站等公交车。

8. Let’s go to the hospital by taxi. 让我们坐车租车去医院吧。

9. They get to the cinema by metro, but the film is over. 他们坐地铁到达了电影院,但电影结束了。 语法

1. Asking the way (问路) 以zoo为例,来看看有几种问路的句型: ----Excuse me, How do I get to the zoo? How do I get there? ----Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the zoo, please?

----Can you show me the way to the zoo? / ----Where’s the zoo?

----Can you tell me how to get to the zoo? / ----Which is the way to the zoo? ----Can you tell me how I can get to the zoo? / ----Is there a zoo near here? 2. Answering the way:

Go along this road; turn right/left at the traffic lights. You can see the zoo on your left/right.

It’s far from here, you can get on the metro /bus at Park Station.

It's near here, you can walk to the zoo. / You can go to the zoo on foot.

Unit 3练习卷


1. Let’s ___________ ( take) a taxi to the library.

2. We can __________ ( go ) to the supermarket by taxi. 3. Where _________ ( be ) the testroom? 4. Can the doctor_________ ( help ) the man? 5. I like __________ ( read ) stories. 6. The boxes ___________(be) too full.

7. There are many traffic __________ ( light ) in the street. 8. Let her _________ ( take ) the bus to the park. 9. My sister ________(find) the shop.

10. The boy ________(ask) a policeman for help. 二、按要求改写下列句子

1. Go along this street. (改为否定句)

________________________________________________________________ 2. Does she waik along this road? (改为肯定句)

________________________________________________________________ 3. She gets there by bus. ( 划线部分提问)

________________________________________________________________ 4. He can’t get out because he is too fat. (划线部分提问)

________________________________________________________________ 5. They pick some big red mushrooms. (改为单数句子)

________________________________________________________________ 三、根据中文提示,完成下列句子 1.公共汽车站离这儿不远。

The ______ _______ is not ______ _______ here. 2. 你可以在医院的前面上车,在动物园门口下车。

You can ______ _______ the bus in front of the ______ and ______ ______ the gate of the _______.

3. 我们不能上车。车太慢了。

We ______ ________ _______the bus. It’s ______ _______. 4. 我们学校在医院旁边。

Our school is ______ ______ the _______. 5. 沿着月亮街走,在交通灯处向左转。

Go _______ Moon Street and turn _______ at the traffic lights .

Unit 4单元知识


1. 有关病症的短语:have a fever 发烧 have a high fever 发高烧 have a cough 咳

have a cold 感冒 have a bad cold 得了重感冒 have a flu 得了流行性感冒 have a headache 头疼 have a toothache 牙疼 have an earache 耳朵疼 2. 有关去看病的短语 go to see a doctor去看病 have a rest休息

have a good rest好好休息 have a lot of rest 多休息take some medicine 服药 drink some water喝水 drink a lot of warm water 喝大量的热水

3. feel cold 觉得冷 feel后面跟形容词:feel hot / warm / cool / hungry / thirsty / happy / sad / tired / ill / wet / easy/ angry / …

4. brush one’s teeth 刷牙 brush my / your / his / her teeth ( wash one’s face 洗脸) 5. go to see the dentist 看牙医 6. eat something吃东西

7. can’t eat anything 不能吃任何东西 8. too many sweets 太多糖果 9. before bedtime 睡前 10. a long neck长脖子

11. point at …指着… 12. sit on a bench 坐在板凳上 13. like Chinese food喜欢中国食物 14. go to China in March 在三月去中国 15. help in the hospital 在医院帮忙 16. should clean the bedroom应该打扫卧室 17. shouldn’t watch TV a lot 不应该太久时间看电视

18. be happy to help sb. 很高兴帮助某人(We are happy to help those young children 句型及语法:

1.What’s wrong with you? 你怎么啦? = What’s the matter with you ?/ with+宾格 (me,us,you,him,her,it,them) 答句: I/You/They have…. ; She/He has… a headache/a fever/ a toothache/ a cold xxx得了 头痛/ 发烧 / 牙疼 / 感冒 3. Let me check. 让我检查。

4. What should I/she do? 我她应做什么? You/She should have a rest 你应该 休息 /take (some) medicine 服药 /drink(some warm) water 喝(些温)水 / brush your/her teeth 刷牙

in the morning and before bedtime 在早晨 和 睡觉前

shouldn’t eat too many sweets不应该吃太多糖 注:can,should,would, 情态动词, 本身不变,后面动词也不变。

5. I can’t eat anything. 我不能吃任何东西。 eat (a lot of )sweets 吃(许多)糖 brush one’s teeth 刷牙 (tooth的复数)

7.Bobby helps in the hospital. (主语单数) 波比在医院帮助。

My arm/ear/nose hurts. (主语单数) 我的手臂/耳朵/鼻子 受伤。

Unit 4练习卷


( )1. —_________ you feel ill? —Yes.

A. Are B. Is C. Do ( )2. —What’s wrong with Yang Ling? —___________ a cough.

A. He has B. She has C. She have ( )4. You have a headache. You____________ watch TV. You___________ have a rest.

A. should, shouldn’t B. shouldn’t,should C. should,should ( )5. Mike has a___________ ,he ______ to see the dentist.

A. headache,goes B. cold,goes C. toothache, goes ( )6. —Does your little brother_____________ a lot of sweets. Yes, he_____________.

A. eats,does B. eat,do C. eat,does 二、根据汉语中文,完成句子。

1. ——你感觉很累吗? ----不,我头疼,妈妈。

——我看看,你发烧了。不要看电视了,你应当吃点药休息一下。 —Do you feel________ ? No,I have a________ ,Mum. -—Let me see. Oh,you have a fever. __________ watch TV.

You_________ _________ some _______ and _______ a_________ . 2. 杨玲很喜欢吃糖,_她经常去看牙医。

Yang Ling very much. She often goes to________________ . 3. 迈克晚上睡觉时和早晨刷牙。

Mike_________ his________ before__________ or in the morning.

