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1 两个句子中间有连接词连接;

2 这两个句子是主从句关系(主从句之间一定要有句子引导词来引导)。

10. Walter offered us a lift when he was leaving the office, but our work _A_, we declined the offer. [declined v. 婉言谢绝]

A not being finished B not having finished

C had not been finished D was not finished

42. A survey was carrie3d out on the death rate of new-born babies in that region, _D_ were surprising. [survey 调查]

A as results B which results C the results of it D the results of which

51. All flights _D_ because of the snowstorm, many passengers could no nothing but take the train. [having been canceled这里是独立主格作原因状语]

A had been canceled B have been canceled

C were canceled D having been canceled


46. _A_ the calculation is right scientists can never be sure that they have included all variables and modeled them accurately.

[variable n. 变项,变量;model vt. 建模]

A Even if B As far as C If only D So long as

even if 即使,即便; so long as (后面加句子时)只要。

47. My train arrives in New York at eight o'clock tonight. The plane I would like to take from there _B_ by then.

A would leave B will have left C has left D had left

将来完成时:will have + 动词过去分词。

49. Harry was _A_ by a bee when he was collecting the honey.

A stung B stuck C bitten D scratched

sting v. (蜜蜂)叮,蛰; bite v. (蚊子等)咬; scratch vt. 抓伤,划破(通常指猫抓人)。

once bitten, twice shy. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。

50. The thief tried to open the locked door but _B_.

A in no way B in vain C without effect D at a loss


in vain 徒劳,白费工夫; But很少与介词without联用; at a loss 不知所措。

52. _B_ seeing the damage he had done, the child felt ashamed.

A By B On C At D For

on后面加动词ing形式表示“在 之后”这个时间概念。

54. Research findings show we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter what we _C_ during the day.

A should have done B would have done C may have done D must have done

should have + 动词过去分词,表示本应该做; may have + 动词过去分词,表示可能做过;

与过去事实相反的虚拟语气主句谓语动词的表达形式可能用到:would have + 动词过去分词。

must have + 动词过去分词,表示对过去行为进行肯定推测。表示一定做过;

can't have + 动词过去分词,表示对过去行为进行否定推测,表示不可能做过。

56. This crop does not do well in soils[各种土壤] _B_ the one for which it has been specially developed.

A outside B other than C beyond D rather than

outside prep. 在 外边; rather than 而不是(肯定前者,否定后者)。

beyond prep. 超出 的范围; beyond his wildest dreams 超出他最狂野的梦想。

other than 不同于,而非,当它与否定词no或not出现在同一个句子中时表示“除 之外”。

66. In no country _A_ Britain, it has been said, can on experience four seasons in the course of a single day.

A other than B more than C better than D rather than

63. My father seemed to be in no _A_ to look at my school report.

A mood B emotion C attitude D feeling

be in no mood to do/doing sth. 没有情绪(心情)做什么事情。

67. I'm sorry I can't see you immediately; but if you'd like to take a seat, I'll be with you _B_. [in a moment 马上,立即(它作为时间状语时一定与将来时态搭配)= in an instant.]

A for a moment B in a moment C for the moment D at the moment

68. The trumpet player was certainly loud. But I wasn't bothered by his loudness _D_ by his lack of talent. [trumpet 小号]

A than B more than C as D so much as

当否定词not与so much as出现在同一句子中时,它们的含义是:与其说 不如说

70. Our journey was slow because the train stopped _D_ at different villages.

A unceasingly B gradually C continuously D continually

unceasingly adv. 不停止地,不休止地; gradually adv. 逐渐地,逐步地;= step by step.

continuously adv. 连续不断地; continually adv. 时断时续地。


43. Frankfurt, Germany, is in one of the most _A_ populated regions of Western Europe.

A densely B vastly C enormously D largely


densely populated 人口分布稠密; sparsely populated 人口分布稀疏。

52. _D_ of the two books holds the opinion that the danger of nuclear war is increasing.

A None B Either C Both D Neither

none表示的是三者或三者以上都不; either表示的是两者之间任意一者。

55. Beethoven is my favorite musician. I regard him as _A_ other musicians.

A superior to B more superior than C more superior to D superior than

注意:具有比较意味的形容词只需要与to搭配,而无须more, than。

58. She is a very _D_ secretary: she never forgets anything or makes a mistake.

A anxious B effective C adequate D efficient

anxious adj. 忧虑的,焦虑的; anxiety n. 焦虑,忧虑; effective adj. 有效的;

take effective measures 采取有效的措施; adequate adj. 充足的,足够的;= surficient.

efficient adj. 效率高的,能胜任的。

64. The computer has brought about surprising technological changes _B_ we organize and produce information.

A in a way B in the way C in that way D in no way

in the way 引导句子时表示“在...方面”。

170. Please move this chair, it is _A_.

A in the way B on the way C in a way D by the way

in the way在没有引导句子时表示“挡路的,妨碍某人的”。

67. In Australia the Asians make their influence _C_ in businesses large and small.

A feeling B feel C felt D to be felt

考试中常见的几个使役动词:make, get, keep, leave.

考试中的形式:使役动词 + sb.(sth.) + ___ 此时空格处应填分词




41. He came back late, _B_ which time all the guests had already left.

A after B by C at D during


45. His remarks left me _D_ about his real purpose.

A wondered B wonder C to wonder D wondering

49. Although they plant trees in this area every year, the tops of some hills are still _D_.

A blank B hollow C vacant D bare

blank adj. 空白的(因为没写字而空白); hollow adj. 空心的,中空的;


bare adj. 光突突的(山上没有树和草);没带首饰的; bald adj. 秃顶的。

50. Being a pop star can be quite a hard life, with a lot of travelling _D_ heavy schedules.

A with regard to B as to C in relation to D owing to

owning to = due to 因为。

52. William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania, _C_ defended the right of every citizen to freedom of choice in religion.

A peculiarly B indifferently C vigorously D inevitably

peculiar adj. 奇特的; indifferently adv. 冷漠地,不积极地;

vigorously adv. 强有力的,强劲有力的; inevitably adv. 不可避免地,必然地。

60. We have been told that under no circumstances _A_ the telephone in the office for personal affairs.

A may we use B we may use C we could use D did we use

61. In previous times, then fresh meat was in short _D_, pigeons were kept by many households as a source of food. [in short supply 供应不足]

A store B provision C reserve D supply

in previous times 从前; fresh water 淡水; fresh meat 鲜肉; dove n. 鸽子;

bean curd 豆腐; Bible 圣经; bible 具有权威性的书; God 上帝; god 神。

62. As Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, I have directed that all measures _C_ for our defense.

A had been taken B would be taken C be taken D to be taken

以下几个表示“指挥,命令”的动词:order, command, direct.

在引导宾语从句时从句要用“(should) + 动词原形”来体现虚拟语气。

63. A thief who broke into a church was caught because traces of wax, found on his clothes, _A_ from the sort of candles used only in churches.

A had come B coming C come D that came

65. I was _B_ the point of telephoning him when his letter arrived.

A to B on C at D in

to the point of 到了 程度; on the point of doing sth. 正要做某事情;

at the point of 在某点上; when除了表示“当 时候”外,还可以表示“恰在此时”或“刚 就 ”

68. The project _C_ by the end of 2000, will expand the city's telephone network to cover 1,000,000 users.

A accomplished B being accomplished

C to be accomplished D having been accomplished

69. _C_ evidence that language-acquiring ability must be stimulated.

A If being B It is C There is D There being


language-acquiring ability 语言习得能力。 evidence不用在“it is ”这种结构当中。


64. After the guests left, she spent half an hour _C_ the sitting-room[客厅].

A ordering B arranging C tidying up D clearing away

order vt. 命令;订购;整理,使有条理性; order one's thoughts 整理思路,整理思绪;

arrange v. 布置,安排; tidy up 整理,使整洁(后面通常加某个房间);

clear away 把 清除掉。

67. A lorry[卡车] _A_ Jane's cat and sped away.

A ran over B ran into C ran through D ran down

run over 撞倒并碾过; run into 不期然地遇到; run through 贯穿(多用于抽象事物);

run down 贬低; run down one's opinion.

70. Those gifts of rare books that were given to us were deeply _A_.

A appreciated B approved C appealed D applied

rare books 珍藏本的书籍; appreciate 重视,欣赏,感激; approve 批准,通过,赞成;

approve of 赞成,满意; apply 应用,运用;

appeal 呼吁(表示此意义时它经常于for搭配);申诉,上诉(表示此意义时它要于to搭配)。


15. Will you _C_ coming to dinner with me?

A have the pleasure of B give the pleasure in

C do me the pleasure of D take pleasure in

pleasure n. 荣幸; 第二选项的正确形式应为:give me the pleasure of

C选项也可写为:do me the favor(favour) of

18. _C_ Goul had said it, he knew what a mistake he had made.

A at once B No sooner C The moment D Hardly

以下几个引导词都可以表示“一 就 ”:as soon as, the instant, the moment.

25. Norin received a bad wound _B_ the leg when he was shot at.

A on B in C at D of

表示身体某一部位受伤用介词in。 hit sb. in the face 打某人一个耳光。

28. Cork was angry; _D_ he listened to me.

A and B but C so D nevertheless

cork n. 软木塞。 nevertheless conj. 尽管如此。

34. That _A_ instrument can record even very slightly changes.

A delicate B feeble C sensible D feasible

instrument n. 仪器,(弹奏的)乐器; delicate instrument 精密仪器。

delicate adj. 精密的,准确的; feeble adj. 软弱的,无力的; sensible adj. 明智的;


sensitive adj. 敏感的; be sensitive to 对 很敏感; feasible adj. 可行的,行得通的。

40. Let’s begin the lesson at the place where we _A_ last time.

A left off B left out C left to D left up

leave off 停止,中断; leave out = omit 遗漏;

43. Education does not _D_ simply _D_ learning a lot of facts.

A consist; of B consist; from C consist; for D consist; in

consist of 包括; consist in(抽象意义的)在于 = lie in在于。

49. There is no tree _A_ bears some fruit.

A but B which C that D unless


本句可改写为这种形式:There is no tree that does not bears some fruit.

50. “Will you be able to finish the job this week?” “_D_.”

A I don’t know so B I can’t say so C I’m not sure so D I don’t expect so

I don't expect so 恐怕不行。

394. “I hope that John will play basketball tomorrow.” “Yes, I _D_.”

A hope it too B hope too C hope that too D hope so too

395. “I slipped on the stairs. I think my arm is broke.” “Oh, I _D_.”

A do not hope so B do not hope C hope not so D hope not

肯定用:I hope so. 否定用:I hope not.

51. She died when she was ninety, not of old age, but _B_ head injury when she fell down a flight of stairs.

A of B from C with D for

die of 表示因年老,疾病或饥饿而死亡; die from 指因为受伤而死亡。

57. You have no busniess _D_ to me the way you did the other day.

A to be talked B being talked C to talk D talking

have no business doing sth. 没有理由(权利)做某事。

132. _B_ day Bill was starting his motor-bike when his sister Mary came out and asked for a lift. [the other day 几天前]

A Some B The other C Another D On one

65. I’d just as soon _A_ rudely to her.

A you didn’t speak B that you don’t speak

C that you won’t speak D you hadn’t speak

wish, would rather后面加句子,句子谓语动词用一般过去时。

would just as soon的用法与would rather完全相同。

69. Which screw do you want? _A_ will do.


A Any one B Not one C Everyone D Anyone

any one 任何一个(指事物); no one 没有人; everyone 每个人; anyone 任何人。

73. I suppose you’re not serious, _C_?

A don’t you B do I C are you D aren’t you


但suppose, think, believe, imagine这四个动词后面加了宾语从句,


82. The chair belongs _B_ the corner.

A to B in C on D with

belong to 属于(表示归属关系); belong in 在 有适当的位置。

94. The terrible noise is _B_ me mad.

A turing B driving C setting D putting

drive sb. mad(crazy) 使某人发疯。

114. We are bound _B_ with difficulties in our English study.

A to have met B to meet C meeting D having met

be bound to do sth. 一定会做某事。

118. Everyone assumed what he said _B_ based on facts.

A is B to be C were D being

assume sb.(sth.)to do sth. 想当然的认为某人(某事物)要做某事。

assume + that引导的从句。

129. The shape of Italy on a map has often been compared _C_ a long Wellington boot.

A as B with C to D against

compare与with搭配,表示将A与B进行比较; compare与to搭配,表示将A比作B。

130. Since everyone would like to find an apartment near the university, there are very few _C_ apartments in the area.

A free B empty C vacant D reserved

vacant adj. 空闲的。

144. I know Jonathan quite well and never doubt _B_ he can do a good job of it.

A whether B that C when D what

doubt + whether引导的从句,怀疑是否 ; doubt + that引导的从句。对...真的有疑虑。

156. Let bygones be bygones. Don’t _D_ so much on the past.

A lie B lay C dwelt D dwell

let bygones be bygones. 让过去的过去吧。 dwell vi. 居住; dwell on 老是想着

162. Intellect is to the mind _B_ sight is to the body.


A which B what C where D but

what这时连接两个句子,表示“有如”或“就像 一样”。


Air is to man what water is to the fish. 空气对于人类来说就象水对于鱼来说一样重要。

165. His honesty is _D_, nobody can doubt it.

A in question B beside the question C out of the question D without question

in question = under discussion 正在讨论中的; beside the question 离题,与题无关;

out of the question 不可能的; out of question 没有问题的,毫无疑问的;

without question 没有问题的,毫无疑问的 = out of question.

172. Nearly all major cities in the US are crime-ridden. New York is _A_.

A a case in point B a case to point C the case D in the case of

a case in point 有说服力的例子。

185. “Frank is up late working again.”

“This is the third time this week he’s had to study late, _A_?”

A isn’t it B hasn’t it C isn’t he D hasn’t he



252. This is the first time that he has felt really relaxed for months, _B_?

A hasn’t he B isn’t it C isn’t he D hasn’t it

191. A judge must be _B_ when weighing evidence.

A interested B disinterested C uninterested D disconnected

weigh vt. 斟酌,考虑; interested adj. 有兴趣的; disinterested adj. 公正的,无私的;

uninterested adj. 不感兴趣的; disconnected adj. 分离的,不连贯的。

217. Although he sometimes lost his temper, his pupils liked him _D_ for it.

A not so much B not so little C no more D no less

lose one’s temper 发脾气。

222. Wise men seek after truth, _A_ fools desire knowledge.

A whereas B or C as well as D hence

whereas conj. 反之,但是。

239. Water and air are _D_ to living.

A independent B initial C dependent D indispensable

be indispensable to 至关重要的,不可或缺的;

240. This report throws light _B_ the situation.


A in B on C with D to

throw light on 把光投到 上去,(引申)清楚的阐述。

246. _B_ that we will go abroad.

A It’s like B Chances are C The most likely D Chances will be

chances are 很有可能 ; chances were 很有可能

253. Is there any chance _B_?

A whichever B whatsoever C wherever D whenever



262. She is so clever as to speak several foreign languages, not to _D_ of English.

A say B tell C read D speak

not speak of 更不用说 = not to mention

270. What he did was _C_ than a practical joke.

A anything else B or else C nothing else D more else

practical joke 恶作剧; nothing else than 只不过,仅仅。

283. I’ll be away for about six months but you can write to me _A_ my brother.

A in care of B by care of C with care of D under care of

in care of 由 转交。 = C/O

284. Correct the errors, _D_, in the sentence.

A if there will be any B if there are some C if they have any D if any

if any是一个口语中经常加的插入语成分,表示“如果说有 的话”。

288. There is no point _C_ in a dangerous place if you can’t do anything _C_ the people who have to stay here.

A remaining … helping B to remain … to help

C in remaining … to help D in remaining … helping

there is no point in doing sth. 做某事也是毫无意义; 这里point表示“作用,用途”。

291. Do most of us seeing people grasp casually the outward features of a face and _D_?

A let it alone B let alone C let well alone D let it go at that

seeing people 视力健全的人; casually 随意地,随便地;

let is go at that表示“不去多操心,不再多说,随它去了”。

316. The policemen went into action _C_ they heard the alarm.

A presently B promptly C directly D quickly

directly adv. 直接的; conj. 一 就 ,一当 时候。

表示“一 就 ”的几个短语:as soon as, the instant, the moment, directly.


323. The cat is, _D_, a member of the family.

A as to speak B no wonder C as a fact D so to speak

so to speak 可以这么说。

335. “What can I do for you?” “If you _C_ see Mr. Keller, give him my regards.”

A would B will C should D shall

regard n. 关心,致意,问候,考虑;

356. The Mayor and Corporation of Hamelin were _A_ for some way of ridding the town of rats. [The Mayor and Corporation 市长和市政当局]

A at their wit’s end B at their wits end C in their wit’s end D for their wits end

at one's wit's end 智穷才竭,黔驴技穷。

383. I think your sister is old enough to know _B_ to spend all her money on fancy goods.

A other than B better than C rather than D more than

know better than 明白事理而不至于做

417. The police looked _B_ the past record of the suspect.

A in B into C for D of

suspect v. 猜疑,怀疑; n. 嫌疑犯。

look for 寻找; look in 顺便看望,顺便拜访; look into 观察,调查。


