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1.-Would you like to go to concert tonight, Tracy?

-Of course. What kind of concert is it?

A. a; a

B. a;不填

C. a; the

D. the; the

2.-In Sanya, you can enjoy all the water sports, or lie on the beach.

-Sounds good!

A. certainly

B. hardly

C. simply

D. heavily

3.-It's hard to make a sometimes.

-I agree. Because we often have more than one choice.

A. decision

B. mistake

C. noise

D. speech

4.-I will do my best in the talent show I may fail.

-Wonderful! I will support you all the time.

A. when

B. until

C. before

D. though

5.-What film do you like best?

-The Martian. It shows a lot of imagination has a sense of humor.

A. either; or

B. too; to

C. not only; but also

D. both; and

6.-As a nurse,her work goes taking care of her patients.

-Yes,she always thinks of others.

A. beyond

B. beside

C. behind

D. between

7.---In Chinese culture,children born in the Year of the Monkey are said to be smart.

---Yes.They are always full of energy,so I think they are also_____.

A. honest

B. generous

C. lively

D. modest

8.-Jack, did you enjoy your trip to Guilin?

-Of course! Look at the photos. They will show you .

A. what the trip was like

B. what was the trip like

C. how the trip was like

D. how was the trip like

9.-I feel stressed from time to time. Could you give me some advice?

- share your worries with your parents?

A. How about

B. What about

C. Why not

D. Why don't

10.-What happened this morning?

-A woman was found in her house. She was attacked with a knife and bled to .

A. dead; died

B. dead; death

C. death; death

D. died; death

11.-No one would like to talk with Danny. Why?

-Because he always stories to cheat(欺骗)us.

A. cheers up

B. eats up

C. dresses up

D. makes up

12.--I don't know if it _________tomorrow.

--Well,if it __________,the school sports meet will be canceled.

A. will rain; will rain

B. rains; will rain

C. will rain; rains

D. rains; rains

13.-Have you read the book Jane Eyre?

-Yes.It's a famous book and really worth_______.

A. to read

B. reading

C. to be read

D. read

14.Which of the following is the right way when we read English newspapers?

A. To read sentence by sentence or word by word.

B. To get every detail even though they are the least important details.

C. To skim the headlines first, then try to get the main idea of the writing.

D. To look up every new word in the dictionary we meet while reading.

15.-I promise I will work harder this term, Ms Li.

-Well, just as the saying goes, " ". I do hope that you will act soon.

A. It never rains but pours

B. Many hands make light work

C. Every dog has its day

D. Actions speak louder than words


There are so many expressions in American English that sound pleasant but are not."Face the music" is a good (16).When someone says they have to "face the music," it does not mean they are going to a musical performance or concert."Facing the music' means to accept the (17) results of an action.

Imagine a friend asks you to take care of her beautiful red sports car.She gives you the keys and says,"Thanks so much for watching my car (18) I'm away.But please,do not drive it.It is an extremely(非常)fast car and you are not on the insurance(保险)."But you do not listen.You want to show off to some friends and pretend(假装)the car is(19).So,you drive it around town one night.As bad luck would have it,you lose control of the car and drive it (20) a stop sign.The damage is severe(严重).

When your friend returns,you must tell her what you have done and "face the music." The "music" here is the (21) of your actions.It could he losing her friendship or paying for repairs to her sports car or both.(22) the music is,you must face it.

There are other American expressions that mean the (23) thing as "face the music".To "take your medicine" means to accept the results from (24) bad you have done.And if someone says,"You made your bed.Now lie in it," they mean you (25) a bad situation and now you will experience the results,or as we say in spoken American English,you must deal with it!

16. A. cause B. example C. influence D. method

17. A. unpleasant B. unusual C. unlucky D. unimportant

18. A. before B. after C. while D. till

19. A. theirs B. mine C. ours D. yours

20. A. on B. into C. out D. off

21. A. record B. reply C. report D. result

22. A. Whenever B. However C. Whatever D. Wherever

23. A. same B. silly C. special D. square

24. A. things B. everything C. something D. nothing

25. A. required B. marked C. directed D. created



Horses are strong and beautiful animals.There are more than 250different kinds of horses.Some are large and others are small.Horses are able to travel long distances while carrying a rider.They can also pull heavy loads(重载).Before cars,people used to use horses for travel and work.Today,you don't see horses nearly as often.But some people still keep horses and ride them.

Not everyone is comfortable around horses.They are pretty big! You don't have to be afraid of horses,but you should be careful around them.First,approach(靠近)a horse at the

shoulder(肩膀)so it can see you.A horse's eyes are on the sides of its head.Don't approach a horse from behind.Also,never stand behind a horse.The horse can't see you and may kick because it's scared.

When you want to ride a horse,a trainer can help you.First,he or she will clean the horse's feet and shoes to remove any rocks.Next,the trainer brushes the horse so it isn't dirty.Dirt under a saddle(马鞍)can make the horse uncomfortable.Next the trainer puts a blanket or pad on the horse's back.Then he puts on the saddle,and the horse is ready to ride!

26.Which of the following actions is dangerous?______

A. Approach a horse at the shoulder.

B. Approach a horse from behind.

C. Never stand behind a horse.

D. Never make horses scared.

27.According to the article,why should you be careful around horses?______

A. Because they are strong and pull heavy loads.

B. Because they are large and travel long distances.

C. Because they can kick or hurt you if they are scared.

D. Because they make people around them scared.

28.According to the article,what can a trainer do to help you?______

A. Help you learn how to ride.

B. Help the horse get to know you well.

C. Help you clean the saddle.

D. Help you get the horse ready to ride.


We all have habits that we want to give up.These are habits which are not good for us in some way or another.A habit is an activity that we have got used to.It's not easy to break a bad habit because we have got used to it,and it has become convenient(方便的).

We are so used to our bad habits that most of the time we even don't realize that we have them until someone points them out to us.So the first step that will lead to changing a bad habit is to accept the fact that is not good for you.

Since you know you have developed a bad habit,it's best to find out why you developed it in the first place.Find out the reason behind it,as that will help you in understanding why you're so willing to perform that act.There is nothing to feel scared of.You have to face it and then give it up.

Find out how bad habits have spoiled(糟蹋)things around you.For example,a bad habit of getting up late can destroy the schedule(时间表)of your whole day.And,if this is what you do every day,then imagine how many days it has already eaten up.Realize this and make up your mind to give it up.

An alarm(闹钟)is something that will prevent you from performing your bad habit.For example,to avoid getting up late,set an alarm and decide that you need to make a little effort to reach it to turn it off.

Tell your family and friends about your decision so that they can prevent you from performing the bad habit and also remind you of the promise you've made to yourself.

Reward yourself every time you stop yourself from performing the bad habit.This will keep you encouraged to break the bad habit and at the same time make you happy.

There are habits that people have carried with them for years and it will surely take some time to give them up.However,breaking a bad habit is a better choice than letting it grow into an addiction(瘾).Try giving up a bad habit,and feel the difference in yourself.You will be proud of yourself and I will certainly congratulate you on it.

29.From Paragraph 1,we can learn that ______ .

A. people find it difficult to break a bad habit

B. we must change all the habits we have

C. a habit is a terrible thing we can never change

D. we can easily change a bad habit

30.According to the passage,if you want to give up your bad habit,you have to ______ .

A. talk to your family or friends

B. find out the reason behind it

C. finish your homework first

D. spend less time on the Internet

31.Which of the following is NOT a proper way to break a bad habit?______

A. Know the bad effects that bad habits have brought you.

B. Face the fact you have a bad habit and it's bad for you.

C. Reward yourself when succeeding in stopping yourself from performing the bad habit.

D. Wait until someone reminds you of the promise you've made to yourself.

32.After reading the passage,you'll know ______ .

A. how to find out your habits

B. how to change your habits

C. how to break a bad habit

D. how to develop a good habit


(an extract from Probuditi!)

Calvin waited outside Trudy's bedroom.Then it happened-a scream,a very loud scream.Calvin ran to his room and dived into bed.

He heard Mama coming down the hall.

"Did you do this?"his mother asked.Calvin looked out from under the

covers.His mother stood over him,holding a rubber spider.

"Do what?"he asked.

"You put that thing in my bed,"Trudy told him,stepping out from behind Mama.

"Don't think that just because it's your birthday you can get away with something like this,"Mama scolded (责骂).

"You do want your present,don't you?"That wiped the smile off Calvin's face."Course I do,"he said.

"Then you apologize (道歉)."

Calvin dropped his head."Sorry Trudy,"he muttered (嘟囔).

"Here,"Mama said."Happy birthday."At the breakfast table she handed Calvin an envelope.Inside were tickets to the matinee show of Lomax the Magnificent,the

world-famous magician and hypnotist."You've got two tickets there,"Mama said,"and I know someone who'd really love to go along."She smiled at Trudy.

"You don't mean here,do you?"Calvin asked,eyeing his little sister.

"Well,that would be really nice.But those tickets are yours.If you want to ask somebody-"Calvin didn't wait for his mother to finish.He rushed out of the house to cell Rodney,his pal next door,that the two of them were going to see Lomax the Magnificent.

33.Who screamed at the beginning?______

A. Calvin.

B. Calvin's sister.

C. Calvin's friend.

D. Calvin's mother.

34.Calvin apologized to Trudy ______ .

A. unwillingly

B. truly

C. happily

D. excitedly

35.Calvin received his present ______ .

A. in the kitchen

B. in his bed

C. inside the theatre

D. outside his house

36.Calvin's mother Rally wanted Calvin to ______ .

A. ask his friend to the show

B. find out what his friend thought

C. do what she thought was right

D. watch the show without his sister

37.What is the best title for this passage?______

A. Trudy's Spider

B. Mother's Tickets

C. Calvin's Birthday

D. Rodney's Present.


38.Life is like a______(赛跑).You either take the lead or fall behind.

39.I think these cameras are those______ (导演).Please look after them.

40.-You______be too careful while you are driving a car.

-Safety is the first.












46.The old man spent his lifetime fighting______ (反对)war.

47.No one is______ (严格)with us than Mr. Wang in our school.

48.As a result, he succeeded in getting a scholarship in his______ (五十).

49.On 20'" January 1993, Hepburn passed away______ (宁静地)in her sleep.

50.-Did you see Super Brain last night?

-Yes. I never miss it______ I have something really important to do.

51.-I didn't know Zoe could play the guitar so well.

-She just learned one year ago. I guess she must have a______ for it.

52.-Do Mr. and Mrs. White have a daughter?

-No. The______ have no children.


Who is the most famous fairy tale writer? Many of you may say Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen.There is a big award that takes his name: the Hans

Christian Andersen Award(国际安徒生奖).It is the

highest award for children's stories. A writer can only get it once in a lifetime.

On April 4, Cao Wenxuan won the 2016Hans Christian Andersen Award. He is the

first Chinese writer to ever win this important award for children's literature(文学).

Cao Wenxuan was born in 1954in a small village in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province. Some of his stories are set there. He is now a professor(教授)

at Peking University. He started to publish children's fiction in 1979. Many of his novels have been translated into English, French, Japanese and Korean.

If you read Cao's stories, you will find beautiful and poetic(诗意的)

descriptions of scenery. For example, in The Grass House (1997), Cao writes, "The grass grows toughly. When the sun shines, the grass shines like copper wire(铜线).When the wind blows from the sea, the grass makes surprisingly metal-like sounds." Cao also uses love as a theme in his stories, and he describes it with great beauty. You can find this theme in Bronze and Sunflower(《青铜葵花》)

(2005). The ending of the story is sad, but it helps make the story more realistic. "Sad

ness is a beautiful emotion. It helps kids understand the real world when it is expressed prop erly." Cao once said.

When Cao creates a story, he does not write specifically for someone. Adults can find bea uty in his stories. "I tell real Chinese stories, but my stories relate to(关联)humans. This might be a key reason why I won this award," he said.

73. How many languages have Cao's novels been translated into?


74. In Cao's opinion, why could he win the Hans Christian Andersen Award?


75. Would you like to read Cao's stories? Why or why not?









How time flies!Three years has passed since I came to the secondary school.During th

e past three years,I have gained a lot and grown a lot.

First,I should say thanks to my dear parents..


1. B

2. A

3. A

4. D

5. C

6. A

7. C

8. A9. C10. B11. D12. C13. B14. C

15. D16. B17. A18. C19. D20. B21. D

22. C23. A24. C25. D26. C27. C28. D

29. A30. B31. D32. C33. B34. A35. A

36. C37. C

38. race

39. directors'

40. must

41. I fell in love with the city as soon as I got off the plane.

42. Do you have trouble getting along with your cousin?

43. In fact,neither his parents nor he likes to show off.

44. It turned out that I mistook her for the famous actress.

45. To our surprise,they have tried out for the school volleyball team.

46. against

47. strict

48. fifties

49. peacefully

50. unless

51. gift

52. couples

53. Four.;Because his stories relate to humans.;Yes.BecauseI can find beauty in his stories.


How times flies!Three years has passed since I came to the secondary school.During the pas t three years,I have gained a lot and grown a lot.


I should say thanks to my dear parents.They take good care of me without any complaint.They work hard to support the whole family.They are always trying their best to make me li ve a better life.(感恩父母)


I'm thankful to all my teachers for their great help and support.They are patient enough

to spend lots of time explaining problems to me.Besides,

They always encourage me when I am in trouble.It's unselfish of them to devote their time t o education.(感恩老师)Finally,

I also feel very grateful to my classmates.We work together and share things with each othe r.We often help each other and learn from each other.As a result,

we have made great progress.(感恩同学)

I think I am lucky to have so much love and care.I will never forget these happy days

together.I am going to do well in the future so that they can be proud of me.(感想和打算)1. 答案:B.a,是不定冠词,表泛指,译为"一个",a用在辅音音素开头的单词前面the 是定冠词,表特指.译为"这个,那个,这些,那些".一个音乐会,是泛指."一个"用不定冠词,因concert是以辅音音素开头的单词,所以第一个空格用a,因kind of concert"什么类型的音乐",是固定短语,所以第二个空格不填.由题干"--今天晚上你愿意去参加一个音乐会吗?--当然,它是什么类型的音乐会."可知,故答案应选择B."


2. 答案:A.考查副词.A当然地.B几乎不.C简单地.D沉重地.结合语境"--在三亚,你可以享受所有的水上运动,__也可以躺在沙滩上.--听起来不错!".可知,应该是"当然地".选A.



3. 答案:A.考查名词.A决定.B错误.C噪音.D演讲.结合语境"--有时很难做出__.--我同意,因为我们经常有不止一个选择.".可知,应该是"决定".选A.



4. 答案:D




5. 答案:C.either…or…意为"或者……或者……;不是……就是……"之意.表示两者之一,连接句子中两个并列的成分, not only…but also 意为"不但/仅……而且……",主要用于连接两个对等的成分,若连接两个成分作主语,其后谓语动词与靠近的主语保持一致.both…and意为"两者都…",连接名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式,too…to可译为"太……而不能……"、"太……无法…",too+adj./adv.+to do 这个句型是too…to的最基本的常用句too+形容词或副词.由题干"--你最喜欢看什么电影?-火星人.它不仅显示了很多的想象而且也有幽默感."可知,故答案选择C.


6. 答案:A.

结合答语"是的,她总是为别人着想."可以推断设空处句子表达的意思是"作为一名护士,她的工作超出了照顾病人.",所以设空处的短语表达的意思是"超越;超出",应该为:go beyond,故选A



7. 答案:C

honest诚实的;generoous慷慨的;lively活泼的;modest谦虚的;根据They are always full of energy可知猴年出生的人另外一个特点是活泼,故选C.



8. 答案:A.

空格前面的词语是They will show you ,结合给出的四个选项,因此可知这句话考查的宾语从句,在宾语从句中要用陈述语序,选项BD是疑问句语序,排除;这里like是一个介词,这里用what作宾语,故选A.



9. 答案:C.

what/how about doing sth表示做某事怎么样;why not+动词原形表示为什么不;why don't you do sth表示你为什么不.根据share your worries with your parents,这里用why not.故选C.



10. 答案:B

根据题意:-今天早上发生了什么?-一个女被发现死在房子里.她被一把刀袭击,流血而死.可知be found dead被发现死了,此处是dead形容词作宾补; bled to death流血而




11. 答案:D

根据题意:-没有人会喜欢跟丹尼说话.为什么?-因为他总是编造故事骗我们.由to cheat (欺骗)us,可知他编造谎言,结合选项,A.使高兴B.吃光C.打扮D.编造,故选D.



12. 答案:C.

根据I don't know if it _________tomorrow,可知这里if是"是否"的意思,引导的是宾语从句,根据宾语从句的时态的用法,主句是一般现在时,从句应该根据自身的时间决定时态,又因为tomorrow,所以应该用will rain;再根据if it __________,the school sports meet will be canceled,可知这里if是"如果",引导的是条件状语从句,条件状语从句的时态用法是"主将从现",故用rains.故选C.



13. 答案:B 根据关键词worth联系选项可知此处运用了be worth doing sth 值得做…这一固定用法,故此处应选read的动名词形式 reading,意为"值得一读"故选B



14. 答案:C.考查常识.A逐字逐句地读句子.B即使是最不重要的细节,也要得到每一个细节.C先浏览一下标题,然后试着去理解写作的主要思想.D在阅读时在字典中查我们遇到的每个生词.根据提示"下列哪一项是我们读英文报纸的正确方法?".可知,选C.

15. 答案:D




36. B 考查名词,A. cause借口 B. example例子 C. influence影响 D. method方法,根据"Face the music" ,可知是举例说明,故选B.

37. A考查形容词,A. unpleasant不愉快的 B. unusual不寻常的 C. unlucky不幸

的 D. unimportant 不重要的,根据文中两个类似的例子 accept the results from (44)bad you have done要接受你所做的不好的事情的结果;以及 they mean you (45)

a bad situation 你造成了糟糕的情况,由这两个类似的例子推出"Facing the music' 要接受不愉快的结果,故选A.

38. C 考查连词,A. before在…之前 B. after在…之后 C. while当…时 D. till直到,根据Thanks so much for watching my car …I'm away,结合选项,推出句意:谢谢你当我离开的时候照顾我的车,故选C.

39.D 考查代词,A. theirs他们的 B. mine我的 C. ours我们的 D. yours 你的,根据 You want to show off to some friends 你想向你的朋友炫耀,所以假装车是你的,故选D.

40. B 考查介词,A. on在上面 B. into进入 C. out外面的 D. off 脱离的,根据you lose control of the car ,可知车失控了,drive into a stop sign撞到了停车标志,故选B.41. D 考查名词,A. record记录 B. reply回复 C. report报道 D. result 结果,根据you must tell her what you have done and "face the music,可知你必须要告诉你的朋友所发生的事情,推出此处 music是指结果,故选D.

42. C 考查副词,A. Whenever无论什么时候 B. However无论如何 C. Whatever无论什么 D. Wherever无论哪里,根据the music is, you must face it,推出句意:无聊结果是什么,你必须面对它,故选C.

43. A 考查形容词,A. same相同的 B. silly愚蠢的 C. special特别的 D. square 平方的,根据the …thing as,可知是短语the same as和…一样的,故选A.

44. C 考查代词,A. things事情 B. everything每件事 C. something某事 D. nothing 没事,根据To "take your medicine" means to accept the results from …bad you have done,结合选项,推出句意:"take your medicine" 意思是接受你所做的不好的事情的结果,something bad糟糕的事情,故选C.

45. D 考查动词,A. required要求 B. marked标记 C. directed指导 D. created创建,根据they mean you …a bad situation and now you will experience the results,结合选项,推出句意:你造成了糟糕的情况,你将会面对这些结果,故选D.

本文介绍了"face the music"这个词.它的意思是接受自己行为所带来的惩罚,并介绍了它在美国的使用方法."take your medicine","made your bed"和"face the music"的意思相近.

46.C 细节理解题.根据" never stand behind a horse"可知永远不要站在马的后面.故答案为C.

47.C 细节理解题.根据"The horse can't see you and may kick because it's scared."可知马看不到你,可能会踢你,因为它害怕.故答案为C.

48.D 细节理解题.根据

"First, he or she will clean the horse's feet and shoes to remove any rocks. Next, the trai ner brushes the horse so it isn't dirty.Next the trainer puts a blanket or pad on the horse's bac k. Then he puts on the saddle, and the horse is ready to ride!"可知上面的几个步骤,是驯马者在为骑马的人做好准备工作.故答案为D.

49.答案:A.细节理解题.根据第一行It's not easy to break a bad habit because we have got used to it要打破坏习惯并不容易,因为我们已经习惯了.可知,人们发现很难打破坏习惯.选A.

50.答案:B.细节理解题.根据第三段Since you know you have developed a bad habit,it's best to find out why you developed it in the first place Find out the reason behind it,as that will help you in understanding why you're so willing to perform that act既然你知道你已经养成了坏习惯,最好先找出你为什么要养成它.找出背后的原因,因为这将有助于你理解你为什么这么愿意去做那件事.可知,如果你想放弃你的坏习惯,你必须找出它背后的原因.选B.

51.答案:D.细节理解题.根据第二段So the first step that will lead to changing a bad habit is to accept the fact that is not good for you.因此,改变坏习惯的第一步是接受一个对你不利的事实.可知,A选项知道坏习惯给你带来的不良影响,提到了.根据第三段最后一句You have to face it and then give it up你必须面对它,然后放弃它.可知,B选项面对你有坏习惯的事实,这对你有害.有提到.根据倒数第三行Reward yourself every time you stop yourself from performing the bad habit每当你阻止自己养成坏习惯时,要奖励自己.可知,C选项当你成功地阻止自己养成坏习惯时,要奖励自己.有提到.因此D选项等到有人提醒你,你自己做的承诺,不是改正坏习惯的正确方法.选D.

52.答案:C.主旨大意题.根据第二段So the first step that will lead to changing a bad habit is to accept the fact that is not good for you.因此,改变坏习惯的第一步是接受一个对你不利的事实.可知,短文主要介绍如何打破坏习惯.选C.


53.答案:B.细节理解题.根据第三段"You put that thing in my bed,"Trudy told him"你把那东西放在我的床上,"特鲁迪告诉他.及后面提到的little sister妹妹,可知,是加


54.答案:A.细节理解题.根据倒数第六行Calvin dropped his head."Sorry Trudy,"he muttered (嘟囔).加尔文低下他的头."对不起,特鲁迪,"他咕哝着说.可知,加尔文很不情愿地向特鲁迪道歉.选A.

55.答案:A.细节理解题.根据倒数第五行At the breakfast table she handed Calvin an envelope在早餐桌上她递给加尔文一个信封.可知,应是在厨房得到礼物.选A.56.答案:C.细节理解题.根据最后一段But those tickets are yours.If you want to ask somebody-但这些票都是你的.如果你想问某人…可知,加尔文的母亲想要加尔文做她


57.答案:C.标题猜测题.根据倒数第五行"Here,"Mama said."Happy birthday."At the breakfast table she handed Calvin an envelope."在这里,"妈妈说,"生日快乐".在早餐桌上她递给加尔文一个信封.可知,主要介绍加尔文用这个恶作剧来提醒妈妈,应该给他生日礼物.最后妈妈给两张演出的票作为生日礼物,因此标题可以是"加尔文的生日",选C.

58. 答案:race



59. 答案:directors'.

根据题干I think these cameras are those--(导演).Please look after them.可知句意为:我想这些相机是那些导演的.请保管好他们.句子中those,那些,指示代词,后面应



60. 答案:must.

根据You mustbe too careful while you are driving a car.当你开车时,以一定要小心.可知句子考查的是情态动词的用法;must是对事情的猜测把握性最大,"肯定,一定";结合语境,"开车时要小心"是我们必须知道的;故填写must.



61. 答案:I fell in love with the city as soon as I got off the plane.

根据题干中英文对比,可知此句为复合句,时态为一般过去时;fall in love with爱上;as soon as一…就…,引条时间状语从句,get off the plane下飞机,此句故答案为 I fell in love with the city as soon as Igot off the plane.

I fell in love with the city as soon as I got off the plane.

62. 答案:Do you have trouble getting along with your cousin?

根据题干中英文对比,可知,此句为简单句,时态为一般现在时;考查句型have trouble doing sth做某事有问题;get along with和…相处,故答案为Do you have trouble getting along with your cousin?

Do you have trouble getting along with your cousin?

63. 答案:In fact,neither his parents nor he likes to show off.

根据题干中英文对比,可知可知句型neither…nor…既不…也不…;in fact实际上,时态为一般现在时,此处动词用临近原则,故答案为In fact,neither his parents nor he likes to show off.

In fact,neither his parents nor he likes to show off.

64. 答案:It turned out that I mistook her for the famous actress.

根据所给的汉语,要用一般过去时.原来是turn out,误认为mistake…for;著名的famous;女演员actress.本句要用It作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的that 从句.故答案为It

turned out that I mistook her for the famous actress.

It turned out that I mistook her for the famous actress.

65. 答案:To our surprise,they have tried out for the school volleyball team.

根据所给的汉语,要用现在完成时.让某人惊讶的是to one's surprise;参加选拔try out for;校排球队the school volleyball team.故答案为:To our surprise,they have tried out for the school volleyball team.

To our surprise,they have tried out for the school volleyball team.

66. 答案:against.考查翻译填空.句意:这位老人一生都在与战争作斗争.根据汉语提示及其英语句子,可知要翻译的部分为:反对.英语表达是against,故答案为against.这位老人一生都在与战争作斗争.

67. 答案:strict

严格strict,be strict with sb.是固定短语,意思是"对某人严格要求",结合句意可知,



68. 答案:fifties

五十fifty,in one's fifties是个短语,意思是"在某人五十多岁的时候",结合句意可知,答案为fifties.


69. 答案:peacefully



70. 答案:unless.

根据I never miss it-- I have something really important to do,可知除非我有重要的事情要做,否则我决不会错过它.unless,除非.故填unless.



71. 考查首字母填空.根据句意前面说--我不知道佐伊弹吉他弹得这么好.--她一年前刚学过,学得时间又不长,肯定有天赋,have a gift for …在某方面有天赋.有才能,是固定短语.




72. 答案:couples.

根据The-- have no children,可知这对夫妇没有孩子.这里the couples表示这对夫妇.故填couples.



73.Four.细节理解题.根据第三段句子Many of his novels have been translated into English,French,Japanese and Korean.他的许多小说都被翻译成英语、法语、日语和韩语.可知四种语言.故答案为Four.

74.Because his stories relate to humans.细节理解题.根据最后一段句子I tell real Chinese stories,but my stories relate to(关联)humans.This might be a key reason why I won this award," he said.我讲真实的中国故事,但我的故事与人类有关.这可能是我获得这个奖项的一个关键原因,"他说.可知因为他的故事与人类有关.故答案为Because his stories relate to humans.

75.Yes.Because I can find beauty in his stories.细节理解题.根据整篇文章内容及其

最后一段句子When Cao creates a story,he does not write specifically for someone.Adults can find beauty in his stories.当曹文轩创造一个故事时,他并不是专门为某个人写的.成

年人可以在他的故事中找到美.可知想读.因为我能在他的故事中找到美.故答案为Yes.Because I can find beauty in his stories.









say thanks to sb 和某人说谢谢

take care of 照顾

work hard 努力学习

try one's best to do sth 竭尽全力做某事

make sb do sth 让某人做某事

spend+时间+doing sth 花时间做某事

be proud of 以…为骄傲

1.They are ①patient enough to②spend lots of time explaining problems to me.

①adj+enough to do sth 足够…做某事

②spend+时间+doing sth 花时间做某事

2.①It's unselfish of them to②devote their time to education.

①it is+adj+of sb+to do sth某人做某事是怎么样的,it是形式主语,动词不定式做真正主语.

②devote to sth./doing sth.专用于做…,专心于做…

3.I am going to①do well in the future ②so that they can③be proud of me.

①do well in 擅长

②so that引导的目的状语从句

③be proud of 以…为骄傲

