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1. I’m Sam.我叫萨姆。2. Hello 你好 3. Hi 你好

4. Goodbye再见 5. Bye-bye再见 6. How are you? 你好吗?

7、I’m fine,thank you.我很好,谢谢。 8、I’m Ms Smart.我是斯马特老师 9、How are you? 你好吗? 10、I’m fine.And how are you?我很好,你呢? 11、I’m fine,too.Thank you.我很好,谢谢!

12、What’s your name?你叫什么名字? 13、I’m Sam. 我叫萨姆。 14、 Point to the door.指向门。

15、Stand up.起立 16、sit down.坐下 17、 Point to .指向

18、 Point to the desk.指向桌子。 19、 Point to the chair. 指向椅子。 20、 It’s red.这是红色。 21、It’s yellow.这是黄色。 22、 It’s black dog.这是一条黑色的狗。 23、 It’s a blue desk.这是一张黑色的桌子。 24、It’s a red chair.这是一把红色的椅子。 25、How many?多少?

26、One,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight!一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八。 27、Nine girls?九个女孩? Oh!Ten.哦,十个。

28、This is my school.这是我的学校。 29、What's this?这是什么? 30、It's a desk.这是桌子。

31、What's that?那是什么? 32、That's a bird.那是小鸟。 33、Happy birthday!生日快乐!

34、Here's your present.给你的礼物。 35、Thank you.谢谢。 36、How old are you?你多大了? 37、I'm nine.我九岁了。 38、Is it a dragon?Yes,it is.这是龙吗?是的。

39、I don't know.我不知道。 40、Is it a cat?这是猫吗?

41、No,it isn't.不是。 42、Where's the cat?猫在哪里? 43、It's in the green bag.它在绿色的包里。

44、This is my mother.这是我的妈妈。 45、This is my teacher.这是我的老师。 46、This is my father.这是我的爸爸。

47、He's a doctor.他是一名医生。 48、She's a driver.她是一名司机。 49、He's a policeman.他是一名警察。 50、She's a nurse.她是一名护士。 51、He's a farmer.他是一位农民。 52、She's a teacher.她是一位教师。 53、This is his head.这是他的头。 54、This is his arm.这是他的胳膊。 55、Point to her nose.指向她的鼻子。 56、Point to her eyes.指向她的眼睛。


1. Where’s the orange cat ? Do you like dolls ? I don’t know . Yes, I do. No, I don’t . 2. Is it under the bed ? Do they like jigsaws ?

Yes , it is. Yes, they do . No, they don’t. 3.How many green birds ? I don’t like noodles. Four green birds . I don’t like meat .

4. This is my mother. What’s your favourite sport ? That is my father. It’s football.

5.This is my mother, She’s a teacher . What’s your favourite colour ? This is my father ,He’s a doctor . It’s red .

6. This is my brother , He’s a pupil. What’s your favourite animal ? That’s me . I’m a pupil ,too. It’s a lion .

7.This is her bag. This is her book. I like football. We like football. That is his hat. That is his coat. They like football.

8. My mother is a nurse . This is her dress. Let’s sing . Let’s dance.

My father is a driver, That’s his bus. This snake is long .That snake is short. 9.This is my head . What are they ? They’re cows . This is your mouth. What are they ? They’re pigs . 10. What are these ? It’s thin .

These are your legs . I don’t like ginger.


(一)喜欢和不喜欢句型:(module 1-2)

(1)A:What do you like? (你喜欢什么) What does he/she like? (他/她喜欢什么?) B:I like jigsaws. (我喜欢拼图) He/She likes bikes.(他/她喜欢自行车) (2)A:Do you like dolls? (你喜欢娃娃吗?)

B:Yes, I do./No, I don’t. (是的,我喜欢/不,我不喜欢) (3)I don’t like this party. (我不喜欢这个聚会)

He/She dosen’t like these shoes. (他/她不喜欢这双鞋) (二)have句型:(module 3)

(1)We have English in the morning. (早上我们有英语课)

(2)Do you have Maths in the afternoon? (下午你有数学课吗?) Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. (是的,我有。/不,我没有) (三)时间句型:(module 4-5)

(1)A:What’s the time now? (现在几点了?) B:It’s 2 o’clock. (两点了) It’s half past 7. (7点半了) (2)A:Is it 5 o’clock? (是5点吗?) B:Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.

(3)I get up at 7 o’clock in the morning. (我早上7点起床)

I have breakfast at half past 7 in the morning. (我早上7点半吃早饭) (四)有关周末活动的句型:(module 6-7)

(1)A:What do you do at the weekend? (周末你做什么?) B:I watch TV. (我看电视)

(2)A:Do you play football at the weekend? (你周末踢足球吗?) B:Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.

(3)A:Where do you play football? (你在哪踢足球?) B:I play at the park. (我在公园踢) (五)交通方式句型:(module 8)

(1)A:How do you go to school? (你怎么去学校?) B:I go to school by bus.(我乘公共汽车去上学) I walk to school. (我步行去学校)

(2)A:How does your father go to work? (你爸爸怎么去上班?) B:He goes to work by bike. (他骑自行车去上班)

(3)A:Does Tom go to school by car? (Tom 乘小汽车去上学吗?) B:Yes, he does./ No, he doesn’t. (六)有关四季的句型:(module 9)

(1)It’s spring/ summer/ autumn/ winter. (2)It’s warm/ hot/ cool/ cold. (3 ) We wear jackets.

(七)有关新年的句型:(module 10) Happy new year.(新年快乐) Happy Christmas.(圣诞快乐)

We eat dumplings at Chinese new year. (在中国的新年我们吃饺子)


1、What’s the weather like?天气怎么样? It’s hot.天气热。 It’s raining.下雨了。 And it’s sunny.而且晴朗。 What do you like doing in summer?在夏天你喜欢干什么? I like swimming.我喜欢游泳。

2、She’s listening to the radio. 她正在听收音机。He’s reading a newspaper.他正在读报纸。 Tom is playing with his train. 汤姆正在玩火车。I’m writing a letter.我正在写信。 And I’m drawing a picture. 而且我正在画画。

3、Sam isn’t tidying his room. 萨姆没在收拾房间。Is he doing his homework? 他在做作业吗?No, he isn’t.不,他没有。 Are you doing your homework?你正在写作业吗? Yes, mum.是的,妈妈。

4、What are you doing? 你在干什么?I’ m talking to you.我在和你交谈。 What’ s she doing? 她在干什么?She’s playing a game with Amy and Sam.她在跟埃米和汤姆一起玩游戏。

5、Lingling is skiping. 玲玲在跳绳。Daming and Sam are playing hide-and-seek.大明和萨姆在捉迷藏。 Daming is hiding and Sam is seeking.大明藏,萨姆找。 What are you

playing?你们在玩什么? We’re playing catch我们在玩追人游戏。. The girls are running.女孩们在跑。The boys are catching them.男孩们在追。 6、I usually play basketball. 我通常打篮球。

I usually help my father. 我通常帮助我的父亲。But I’m not helping him today.但是今天我没有帮助他。

I usually ride my bike. 我通常骑自行车。But I’m not riding it today.但是今天我没有骑。

We’re helping her.我们正在帮她。

7、It’s Children’s Day today. 今天是儿童节。

Daming is doing a play with some children. 大明正在和一些孩子表演节目。 Lingling is singing a song.玲玲在唱歌。 We’re having a picnic.我们在野餐。

8、The train is going up a hill. 火车在上山。 It’s going down a hill. 它正在下山。

It’s going past a hospital. 它正经过一家医院。 We’re turning around.我们转个圈。 9、Turn left! 向左转。 Turn right! 往右拐。 Go straight on! 一直往前走。 Where do you live?你住在哪里?

10、Excuse me.对不起。 Where’s the supermarket, please?请问超市在哪里? It’s next to the park. 它在公园附近。 Where’s the zoo?动物园在哪里? It’s in front of the school.它在学校前面。

Where’s the toilet, please?请问,厕所在哪里?


1.Do you use chopsticks in England? 在英国你使用筷子吗? 2.What are you doing? 你们在干什么? 3.I’m eating hamburgers and chips. 我在吃汉堡和薯条. 4.We’re making a cake. 我们在制作蛋糕. 5.I’m watching TV. 我在看电视. 6.This is Sam’s shorts. 这是山姆的短裤. 7.Can you ru n fast? 你能跑的快吗? 8.This bird can fly. 这只鸟会飞. 9.I’ve got a new bike. 我有一辆新自行车. 10.She’s got a pet cat. 她有一只宠物猫. 11.Have you got a headache? 你头疼吗? 12.She’s got a cold. 她感冒了.

13.There are 24 stone animals. 有24个石头动物. 14.I’m going to do long jump. 我要去跳远.

15.I’m going to be a driver. 我想成为一名司机. 16.Are you going to go to Hong Kong? 你要去香港吗/ 17.What are you going to see? 你要去看什么



1. She’s very nice. 她非常友好。 2. This is Xiaoyong. 这是小勇。 3.He’s very clever. 他很聪明。

4.But he is a bit quiet. 但是, 他有点儿沉默寡言。 5. What’s Parrot like? 鹦鹉有什么特点? 6. I’m going to help her. 我去帮助她。


1. This river is very wide. 这条河非常宽。

And it’s very long. 而且它很长。

2. This is Big Ben. It’s very tall. 这是大笨钟。他很高。 3. You’ll see Tower Bridge. 你会看见塔桥。


1. Maybe we’ll go to the zoo. 也许我们会去动物园。 2. A: We’ll see lions and tigers. 我们会看到狮子和老虎。 D: Will Sam go, too? 萨姆也去吗? A: Yes, he will. 是的,他也去。 3.Will you go too, Daming? 大明,你也去吗? ---No, I won’t. 不, 我不去。 4.Will you phone me? 你会给我打电话吗?


1. What will you be? 你将从事什么行业? ---Maybe I’ll be a writer. 也许我会当作家。 2. Maybe I’ll be a film star. 也许我会当个影星。 3. He’ll be an astronaut. 他会当一名宇航员。


1.We’ll pick fruit. 我们将要摘橙子。 2.Will we pick oranges? 我们将摘橙子去吗? ---No, we won’t. 不, 我们不。 They haven’t got oranges. 他们没有橙子。 3.MS: But we will pick peaches. 但是,我们将要摘桃子。 A: Peaches are my favourite fruit. 桃子是我最喜欢的水果。 4.There are fourteen peaches. 有十四个桃子。 M6

1. He works hard. 他工作/学习很努力。 2.Is Daming naughty in class? 大明在班级里淘气吗?

---No, he isn’t. 不, 他不淘气。 3. His work is good. 他的作业很好。

---I’m happy with that. Thank you. 我对那个很满意。 谢谢您。 4.She’s quite good at English. 她相当擅长英语。


1. They weren’t old then! 那时, 他们不老。 ---No. They were very young. 不, 他们非常年轻。

3.My hair wasn’t long then. It was very short. 那时我的头发不长。它很短。 4.He was in Hong Kong. 他在香港。(过去)


1.Was he there? 他在那儿吗?(过去) ---No, he wasn’t. 不, 他不在那儿。 2.Were you on the second floor? 你在二楼吗?(过去) ---Yes, we were. And Daming was there! 是的,我们在。而且大名在那儿。

3.It was there. 它在那儿。(过去)


1.Tomorrow is Friday. 明天是星期五。

2.Will you take your kite to the picnic tomorrow? 明天你会带风筝去野炊吗? ---No, I won’t. 不,我不会。 3.Will you take your ball tomorrow? 明天你会带你的球吗? ---Yes, I will. 是的,我会。 4.He will sleep on Sunday. 在星期天,他将要睡觉。


1.There were fifty children in my class. 我班有50个孩子。(过去) 2.How many children are there in your class? 你班有多少个孩子? ---There are fifty. 有50个。

3.How many boys? 多少个男孩?

---There are twenty boys. 有20个男孩。 4.What’s sixty plus thirty? 60+30等于多少? Review M11

1. Will you go swimming? 你将要去游泳吗? Were you at the farm yesterday? 昨天你在农场



1.Where does she live? 她住在哪? 2.She lives in London. 她住在伦敦.

3.It was my birthday on Saturday. 在星期六是我的生日.(过去时) 4.We were at Buckingham Palace. 我们在白金汉宫.(过去) M2

1.Yesterday, I cleaned my room. 昨天, 我扫了我的房间. 2.I washed my trousers. 我洗了我的裤子 3.Then I helped my mum. 然后我帮助了我的妈妈. M3

1.Lingling didn’t get up at half past six. 玲玲没在六点半起床.(过去时) 2.And she didn’t walk to school. 她没有走去学校.(过去时) 3.She didn’t learn English and Maths. 她没有学英语和数学.(过去时) M4

1.Chinese people invented paper. 中国人发明了纸. 2.Chinese people invented printing. 中国人发明了印刷术. 3.I printed this newspaper. 我印了这份报纸. M5

1.We went to the Great Wall. 我们去了长城

2.We saw lots of mountains. 我们看见许多山 2.We ate apple. 我们吃了苹果 3.We had a good time. 我们过得很愉快 M6

1.This old woman didn’t have food. 这个老妇人没有食物. 2.The bad man didn’t help people. 这个坏人没帮助过过别人. 3.The magic paintbrush didn’t make gold. 神笔没有变成金子 4.It made a snake. 它变成了蛇. M7

1.Did you fall? 你摔倒了吗? 2.No, I didn’t. 不, 我没有.

3.Did you see a scary thing? 你看见一个吓人的东西吗? 4.Yes, I did. 是的. M8

1.When did they come? 他们什么时候来的? 2.They came last Wednesday. 他们上周三来的. 3.What did she play? 她演奏了什么? 4.She played the flute. 她演奏了笛子 M9

1.We were hungry and thirsty. 我们又饿又渴. 2.So we bought a watermelon. 所以我们买了一个西瓜. 3.What happened? 怎么了?

4.Sam fell off his bike. 山姆从自行车上摔下来了. 5.And I fell on the watermelon. 我摔在西瓜上 M10

1.What’s the matter? 你怎么了 2.I’ve got a stomach ache. 我胃疼

3.What did you eat yesterday? 你昨天吃了什么? 4.I ate chocolate biscuits. 我吃了巧克力饼干.



1.Don’t touch the machines, please! 请不要碰机器! 2.Wear these glasses, please! 请戴上眼镜! 3.Don’t touch anything! 什么都不要碰! 4.Don’t walk on the grass! 请勿践踏草坪! M2

1.This computer is beautiful. 这台电脑很漂亮。 2.It’s purple. 它是紫色的。

3.It’s small. And it’s cheap. 它又小又便宜。 4.It’s difficult to choose! 很难选。

5.It costs one thousand eight hundred yuan. 它的价格是1,800元。 M3

1.There was a boy. He looked after sheep.有一个男孩,他放羊。 2.The boy ran to the village. 这个男孩儿跑到村子里。 3.“Wolf, wolf,” he shouted. “狼来了,狼来了,”他喊道。 4.They said, “Don’t tell lies!” 他们说:“别说谎了!” 5.She went into a shop. 她进了一家商店。 M4

1.What did they play? 他们演奏了什么? 2.Dad played the erhu. 爸爸拉了二胡。 3.It looks like a violin. 它长得像小提琴。 4.I was very nervous. 我很紧张。 M5

1.What are you doing? 你们在干什么?

2.We’re having a party? 我们正在聚会。 3.What’s happening now? 现在出什么事了? 4.Can you hear? 你能听见吗? M6

1.Let’s have a class party this Saturday! 这个周六,咱们来个班级聚会吧。 2.I’ll write the reports. 我来写报道。 3.What will you do, Sam? 山姆,你干什么? 4.I’ll cut the paper. 我来裁纸。 5.I’m good at Art. 我擅长美术。 M7

1.This planet is near to the sun. 这颗行星在太阳附近。 2.It’s very hot/ cold. 它很热/冷。

3.This planet is far from the sun.。 这颗行星离太阳很远。 4.It’s big and round. 它又大又圆。 M8

1.He lives in the east of America. 他住在美国东部。

2.Los Angeles is in the west of America. 洛杉矶在美国的西部。 3.The capital of America is Washington, D.C. 美国的首都是华盛顿。 M9

1.Why do you like Australia? 你为什么喜欢澳大利亚?

2.Because I love Australian animals. 因为我喜欢澳大利亚的动物。 3.What language do they speak there? 在那里他们说哪国语言? M10

1.What are you going to do this summer? 你这个夏天要做什么? 2.I’m going to go back to England. 我要回英国。 3.I’m going to go, too. 我也去。

4.We’ll send you a postcard from England. 我们会从英国寄明信片给你。



1. You were in China for two years .你们在中国已经两年了。 2. Does London look different now?伦敦现在看起来不同吗? 3. There weren’t any wings here before.以前这里没有秋千。 4. There was only a slide.以前这只有一个滑梯。

5. There wasn’t a pond here before!以前这里没有池塘。 6. Look at the pictures of our school.看我们学校的照片。 M2

1.There are many sweets.有很多糖. 2.What a big supermarket!好大的超市啊! 3.There are many fruits, too.也有很多水果.

4.We are going to go to the supermarket.我们打算去超市. 5.Please help me put the bags in the car.请帮我把包放到车里. 6.You are helpful children.你们是助人为乐的孩子. M3

1.It’s really fun.真的很有趣. 2. Easter is in spring.复活节在春天.

3. People give children chocolate eggs.人们给孩子们巧克力彩蛋.

4. Sometimes there are small eggs in the big eggs.有时大的蛋里还有M4

1.It’s an invitation to my birthday party.这是我生日宴会的邀请函. 2. What are we going to do?我们要做什么? 3.We are going to have lunch.我们要一起吃饭.

4.Are you going to have a birthday cake?你打算吃一块生日蛋糕吗? 5.Amy is going to be 11.艾米马上就11岁了. 6. Please come to her party.请来参加她的聚会.

小蛋. M5

1.It isn’t yours/hers/his. 这不是你的/她的/他的

2. Whose T-shirt is it? It’s mine. 这是谁的T恤衫?是我的。 3.Both your red T-shirts are there. 你们俩的红T恤都在那儿。 4.It isn’t yours at all. 这根本不是你的。 5.Amy’s blue dress is wet. 艾米的蓝连衣裙是湿的。

6.It’s raining. Children are running home. 下雨了,孩子们正往家跑。 M6

1.Can you catch the ball? Not very well. 你能接住球吗?不是很好。 2.You can play basketball well. 你的篮球打得很好。 3.Do you want to play basketball? Yes, I do. 你想打篮球吗?好的。 4.They got fifty points. 他们得了50分。 M7

1.There’s a TV show about dogs. 有一个关于狗的电视节目。 2. In England, many blind people have a special dog.

在英国,很多盲人都有一只特殊的狗。 3.This dog can help him. 这只狗能帮助他。 4.Can Fifi help the blind people? 菲菲能帮助盲人吗? 5.Let’s see. 让我们看看吧。 6.It could hear the people. 它能听到人的声音。 7. Then the people were safe. 然后,人们就安全了。 M 8

1.In England, they sit around tables. 在英国他们围着桌子坐。 2.We sit in lines in China. 在中国我们坐成排。 3.They sing songs together every morning. 他们每天早晨都唱歌。 M 9

1.I am going to make you a surprise present for Christmas.


2. Are you bored? No I am not. 你很无聊吗? 不,我不。 3.You should be kind. 你应该友好一些。

4.You should tidy your toys. 你应该收拾一下你的玩具。 M 10

1.Tom is making a mess. 汤姆正在把东西弄乱。

2.You shouldn’t take the book out off the shelves.你不应该把书从书架上拿下。 3. What a good boy! 多好的一个男孩啊! 4. Thanks for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。



1.What was he before? 他以前是做什么工作的? 2.What is he now? 他现在是做什么工作的? 3.What were you before? 你以前是做什么工作的? 4.I was a ? 我以前是一个? 5.What are you now? 你现在是做什么工作的? 6.My grandma was a driver before. 我奶奶以前是一个司机。 7.What did she drive? 她以前是开什么车的? 8.She drove a bus. 她以前是开公共汽车的。

9.My grandpa was a flute player before. 我爷爷以前是一个笛子演奏者。 10. What music did he play? 他以前是演奏什么音乐的? 11. He played Chinese music. 他以前是演奏中国音乐的。 M2

1.She says it’s delicious. 她说它很美味。 2.Sundays are special in England. 在英国周日是很特殊的。 3.Families usually eat lunch together. 家里人经常在一起吃午饭。 4.What time does Sam have breakfast? Sam什么时候吃早饭?

5.He has breakfast at seven. 他七点钟吃早饭。 6.What did she have for breakfast? 她早饭吃什么? 7.She had eggs and sausages. 她吃的鸡蛋和香肠。 8. And what did she have for dinner? 她晚餐吃的是什么? 9.She had fish and chips. 他吃的是鱼和薯条。 M3

1.Harry Potter’s our favourite. 哈里波特是我们最喜欢的。 2.Have you got the Harry Potter videos? 你们有哈里波特的录像带吗? 3.Sorry, we haven’t got the videos. 对不起,我们没有这种录像带。 4.But we have got the books. 但是我们有这种书。

5.You’ve got lots of Harry Potter books here. 你们这里有许多哈里波特的书。 6.Yes, we have. 是的,我们有。 M4

1.Did you get it? 你有吗?

2.The leaves fall from the trees. 树叶从树上落下来。 3.The flowers smell good. 花闻起来很香。 4.The temperature is high (low). 温度高(低)。 5.Sometimes there is a breeze. 有时有微风。

6.I sent you a Maths game. 我发给你了一个数学游戏。 Did you get it? 你收到了吗?

7.And I sent you English books. 我寄给你一些英语书。 Did you read them? 你读了吗?

8.Yes, grandma, I read them. 是的奶奶,我读过了。 M5

1.I really like the blue one. 我真的喜欢蓝色的这一个。 2.It will be easy for her. 这对她来说很简单。 3.We’ll take it, please. 我们就买它了。

4.I carry it on my back. 我背着它。 5.I carry it over my shoulder. 我扛着它。 6.I carry it with my hand. 我提着它。

7.I can’t carry it at all. 我根本抬不动它。 8.I see with my eyes. 我用眼睛看。

9.This black bag is nice. It’s big. 这个黑包很漂亮。它很大。 10.It’s very heavy. Look at this green one. It’s light. M6

1.What will we see there? 2.We’ll see lots of very big stones.3.How will we get there? 4.We will take three hours. 5.It’s a very old place. 6.Why did people build this? 7.I hope so. 8.Maybe you will solve the mystery. 9.From the sky, they will look small. 10. What will you do this summer? 11. What did you do last weekend? M7

1.Click on “Email”. Now click on “Write”. 2.Write your message. 3.It goes from one computer to another computer. 4.The message will go to Dad’s 它很重。

看绿色的这一个。它很轻。 我们将在那里看到什么? 我们将看到许多大石头。 我们怎样到那呢? 我们将花费三个小时。 这是一个非常老的地方。 人们为什么要建它呢? 我希望如此。

或许你会解决这个谜题。 从天上看,它们很小。 今年夏天你将做什么? 你上个周末做什么了? 点击“邮件”。 现在点击“书写”。 写你的信息。 它从一个电脑传送 到另一个电脑。 信息会传到爸爸正在

computer at work. 工作的电脑。 5.I do my homework on my own. 我自己做作业。 6.See you later. 回头见。 7.Thank you for your email. 谢谢你的邮件。 M8

1.I think I’ll make a Chinese kite. 我想我会做一个中国风筝。 2. Will you help me? Of course, I will. 3.Will it be windy in New York? 4.hat are you going to do tomorrow? M9

1.The men wore women’s clothes. 2.The actors told lots of jokes. We laughed a lot. 3.One is from England and one is form American. 4.We borrowed a bike for you. 5.I’ve got a letter from my friend. M10

1.What did you put in your bag? 2.Where will you go tomorrow? 3.I’ll go to the airport. M1

1. How long is the Great Wall? 2. It’s ten thousand Li long. 你会帮助我吗? 当然,我会。 纽约会刮风吗? 你明天打算做什么? 男人穿女人的衣服。 这个演员讲了许多笑话。 我们大笑。 一个来自英格兰 一个来自美国。

我们给你借了一个风筝。 我收到了我朋友 的一封信。 你在包里放了什么? 你明天去哪里? 我会去机场。


长城有多长。 它有一万里长。

3. How old is the Great Wall? 长城有多少年的历史了? 4. It’s more than two thousand years old. 它有两千多年的历史了。 5. Can we walk all of the Great Wall ? 我们能走完整个长城吗? 6. It is a beautiful building . 它是一个漂亮的建筑。 7. The clock is fifty metres high . 这个钟表有五十米高。 M2

1. There is a Chinatown in New York. 纽约有个唐人街。 2. We saw Chinese dancing. 我们看了中国舞蹈。

3. We ate in a Chinese restaurant. 我们在一家中国餐馆里吃饭。 4. Where did we go last Sunday? 上个周日我们去哪了? 5. I am going to send an email to Mum. 我打算给妈妈发一封电子邮件。 6. Yesterday I had a big surprise. 昨天我大吃一惊。 7. There were Chinese people everywhere. 到处都有中国人。 8. He really wants to go to the Great Wall. 他真的很想去长城。 9. Did you do sports? 你做运动了吗? M3

1. What are you doing? 你正在做什么?

2. I am putting my new stamps into my album .我正在把我的邮票放到我的集邮册里。 3. Have you got any stamps from China? 你有中国邮票吗? 4. I haven’t got any stamps. 我没有邮票。 5. Do you collect stamps? 你集邮吗?

6. We can both have stamp albums. 我们都有集邮册了。

7. This is my favourite Chinese stamp. 这是我最喜欢的中国邮票。 8. This stamp is from 1988. 这是一张1988年的邮票。 M4

1. Can you tell me about American festivals? 你能告诉我有关美国节日的事吗? 2. Thanksgiving is my favourite. 感恩节是我最喜欢的。

3. We have a big, special dinner. 我们吃一顿大型的,特殊的晚餐。 4. We say thank you for all the good things. 我们对所有的好事情说谢谢。 5. Thanksgiving is very important in America . 感恩节在美国非常重要。 6. There are lights and shops in the streets. 大街上有灯和商店。 7. I wrote a poem about Thanksgiving. 我写了一首关于感恩节的诗歌。 M5

1. I am visiting Simon for the summer. 我正在对Simon进行夏日拜访。 2. She can speak Chinese and English. 她会说汉语和英语。 3. You can write to her in English. 你可以用英语给她写信。 4. I want a Chinese pen pal. 我想要一个中国笔友。 5. I’ve got a friend in China. 我有一个中国朋友。 6. She’s from America. 她来自于美国。 M6

1. I’ve got some Chinese chopsticks. 我有一些中国筷子。 2. My brother has got Chinese kites. 我哥哥有一些中国风筝。 3. Have you got a book about America? 你有一本关于美国的书吗? 4. I met Daming here in New York. 我在这里遇见大明了。 5. They are very difficult for me. 它们对我来说很困难。 6. Please write and I will answer your questions about America. 请给我写信我会回答你一些有关美国的问题。

7. I’ve got a book about America. 我有一本关于美国的书。 8. Our school starts at eight o’clock. 我们的学校8点开始上课。

9. What time do American schools start and finish? 美国的学校几点上学几点放学? M7

1.Pandas love bamboo. 熊猫喜欢竹子。 2.Do snakes love music? 蛇喜欢音乐吗? 3.It says snakes are deaf. 据说蛇是聋子。

4.It’s my new CD-ROM about animals. 这是我的新的有关动物的光盘。 5.The snake thinks the flute is another snake. 蛇想笛子是另一条蛇。 It’s copying it. 它在模仿它。

6.How many hours do you sleep a night? 你一晚上睡多少小时? 7.When does it sleep? 它什么时候睡觉? 8.Is it big or small? 它是大的还是小的? M8

1.Do you often tidy your room? 你经常收拾你的房间吗? 2.What do you want to do? 你想要做什么? 3.You can choose some books. 你可以选择一些书。

4.I often read stories to my little brother. 我经常给我的弟弟读故事。 5.What do you often do at the weekend? 你经常在周末做什么? 6.I often help my mum. 我经常帮助我妈妈。 7.What do you do well? 你什么做的好? I swim very well. 我游泳好。

8.How often do you swim? 你多久去游一次泳? I swim every week. 我每周都去游泳。

9.Don’t be so mean, your house will be clean. 不要这么说,你的房子会干净的。 10.I don’t often go swimming. 我不经常去游泳。 M9

1.It’s a very important building in New York. 这是纽约一个重要的建筑。 2.The UN wants to make peace in the word. 联合国想要让世界和平。 3.Many countries are in the UN. 联合国里有多少国家?

4.Haven’t you got buildings like this in China? 难道你们中国没有这样的建筑吗? 5.We’ve got lots of very tall and big buildings in China. 我们中国有很多这样又高又大的建筑。

6.What do they like doing? 他们喜欢做什么?

7.Who likes going to the zoo? 谁喜欢去动物园?

8.China is one of the first countries in the UN.中国是联合国最早的国家之一。 9.Do you want to go inside the UN building? 你想走进联合国大楼里吗? M10

1.We come here often. 我们经常来这里。 2.Only drink clean water. 只喝干净的水。 3.This water is very clean. It’s fun to drink this way. 4.I didn’t bring any drinks. I forgot.5.Turn round. 6.Don’t make so much noise. 7.Boys and girls come out to play. We can play together all the night.

这个水很干净。 像这样喝很有趣。

我没有带喝的。我忘了。 转圈。

不要制造噪音。 男孩女孩们出来玩。 我们可以一起玩一整晚。

