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DC1500V城市轨道交通用直流电力电缆Metro D.C. cable


This product is suitable for metro or other D.C. area with much requirements for security and reliability. 一、产品使用特性 Using properties


The cable possesses many characteristics such as low-smoke low halogen( halogen-free), anti-corrosion, anti-termite, waterproof and protection against radiation, which is in conformity with IEC60332, IEC60754 and IEC61034.

二、产品型号、名称、使用环境 Type, designation and application

生产范围production 电压 range 等级 标称截面 voltagnominal core芯数 type 型号名称 designation 使用环境application e section area s 直流1500V地铁或轻轨用铜芯交联聚乙烯绝电缆可敷设于隧道内,(FS/FZ缘(防水防紫线)无卤低烟阻燃电力电缆 对电缆敷设落差不作规定 -) D.C. 1500V copper conductor XLPE laid in tunnel WDZA- insulated underground/light rail power cable without restriction of with low-smoke halogen-free water-proof and TZYJV difference of level protection against UV radiation 直流 D.C. 1500V 50~400 1 直流1500V地铁或轻轨用铜芯交联聚乙烯绝电缆可敷设于隧道内,(FS/FZ缘(防水防紫线)低卤低烟阻燃电力电缆 对电缆敷设落差不作规定 -) D.C. 1500V copper conductor XLPE laid in the tunnel DDZA- insulated underground/light rail power cable without restriction of with low-smoke low-halogen water-proof and TZYJV difference of level protection against UV radiation 注:WD—无卤低烟 DD—低烟低卤 ZA—A类阻燃(根据用户要求可提供B类、C类电缆) FS/FZ—防水防紫外线

Note: WD---low-smoke halogen-free DD--- low-smoke low-halogen ZA---Class A flame-retardant( also can provide Class B, Class C flame-retardant). FS/FZ--- water proof/protection against UV radiation.

三、电缆特殊性能 Special characteristics

无卤低烟类 序号 No. 性能名称 Low-smoke Items halogen-free 电缆烟密度试验透光率Test of smoke density of 1 cables burning under defined condition: light penetrating ratio 取自电缆的护套材料燃烧时卤酸气体逸出量 2 the amount of halogen acid gas evolved during ≯5mg/g ≯100mg/g GB/T 17650 ≮60% ≮30% GB/T 17651 low-halogen Low-smoke Test standard 低卤低烟类 试验方法 combustion of sheath materials from cable 燃烧气体酸度试验,水溶液的PH值 3 Test of degree of acidity of gases: PH of water ≮4.3 ≮2.5 GB/T 17650 solution 燃烧气体酸度试验,水溶液的导电率 4 Test of degree of acidity of gases: conductivity of ≯10 us/mm ≯180us/mm GB/T 17650 water solution 成束燃烧试验(A类)碳化的部分高度 5 Bunched burning test( Class A): the height of 不超过2.5m No more than 2.5m 不超过2.5m No more than 2.5m GB/T18380.33 carbonized part 四、产品结构示意图: Sketch map of structure

1、 铜导体 Conductor 2、 XLPE绝缘 XLPE insulation

3、 阻燃内护 Flame-retardant inner sheath 4、 铜带 Copper tape

5、 阻燃外护 Flame-retardant outer sheath

