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1.1 句子的成分



? 名词 ? 代词

人称代词:(主格)I,you,she,he,(宾格)him,e.g. He love me.

物主代词:my,you?re,his,her 反身代词:myself,yourself, ? 动名词:doing,going


? 实意动词 ? 系动词

Be动词:is, am, are

感官动词:feel, seem, hear

? 情态动词:can, may, could, would …

宾语:承受动作(动作的承受者,名词,代词) e.g. I love a girl.

表语:系动词后面出现的 e.g.I am a girl.



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1.2 什么是简单句?


主语部分(subject group) 谓语部分(predicate group)

e.g.Professor Ward teaches English to university students.

1.2.1 简单句类型

? 主谓:

主语+不及物动词 e.g. He smell.

? 主谓宾:

主语+及物动词+宾语 e.g. I love a girl.

主语+不及物动词+介词+宾语 e.g. I wait for you .

? 主系表:

? 主谓宾宾:

直接宾语,间接宾语 I give youa book.

? 主谓宾宾补(补语:形容词、短语、名词) I find it interesting. 我发现它很有趣。 I make you happy.

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1.2.2 简单句例句

1)The household survey has a larger problem. (2013年6月第1套/第1篇/第4段/第1句) S:The household survey V:has

2)That makes finding a solution all the more difficult (2013年6月第1套/第1篇/第2段/第5句). S:That V:makes

3)The urge(to quantify) is embedded in our society(2013年6月第1套/第1篇/第5段/第1句). 量化的冲动根植于于我们的社会中 I have a plan (to carry out). 我有一个(要执行的)计划。 To do不定式做定语。

4) People are generally being given bad adviceto slow down,take it easy, stop worrying, and retire to Florida.(2013年12月第2套/第1篇/第2段/第3句)

主干:People are generally being given bad advice.



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1.2.3 并列句与从句

1)“We?re not educating people about the problem, and it?s getting worse.” (2014年6月/第一篇/第四段/第二句)

并列句(不是从句,原因:没有自己的引导词) 引导词:and but or 不是从句的引导词!

从句引导词:Why what when where who which how that if because so as since

2)“You justify carrying devices around the hospital to do medical records, but you can surf Internet or do Facebook, and sometimes Facebook is more tempting,” said Dr. Peter Papadakos at the University of Rochester Medical Center. (2014年6月第3套/第1篇/第3段/第1句) 并列句(不是从句,原因:没有自己的引导词)

3)The UK enjoys an excellent reputation around the world for the high quality of our education system, so the government needs to ensurethat institu-tions have all the support they need to attract international students whomake a tremendous academic, cultural and economic contribution to the UK.”(2013年12月第3套/第2篇/第4段/第2句) 从句结果状语从句宾语从句定语从句 4)When young women were found to make only 82%of what their male peers do just one year out of college, many were at a loss to explain it.(2014年6月/第一篇/第一段/第一句) 从句时间状语从句宾语从句 5)Whathas changed, say doctors(插入语), especially younger ones, is that they face increasing pressure to interact with their devices.(2014年6月/第1篇/第6段/第2句) 从句主语从句表语从句 6)Today?s young adults were raised by parents who made sure to boost their self-esteem at every turn, telling them they could achievewhatever they set 5 / 33

2)我不明白他说的话。 I don’t understand what he said.(宾语从句)

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宾语从句 1) 动词+宾从

I said( that I wanted to leave). 2) 介词+宾语从句

I am interested in( what you said). 3) 形容词+宾语

I am glad( that you could come here). 此处that最好不要省略

4.1 及物动词后的宾语从句

I remember (that we have learned this word before). S1: I V1: remember S2: we V2: have learnt


1) Directionally, they capture the trends, but the idea that we know precisely

how many are unemployed is a myth(2013年6月第1套/第1篇/第2段/第3句).

the idea that we know(how many are unemployed) is a myth 及物动词+宾语从句 the idea is a myth。主干。 同位语从句+宾语从句

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Miss wang, our teacher,(同位语)came in the classroom.

名词后面可以跟定语从句。 THAT 同位语从句

2) Demographers reckon that three-quarters of humanity could be city-dwelling by 2050, (with(伴随状语) most of the increase coming into fast-growing towns of Asia and Africa)(2013年6月第1套/第2篇/第2段/第2句).

S1: Demographers V1: reckon

S2: three-quarters of humanity V2: could be


With 的复合结构

With sb. Doing 做某事(doing 不是表示时态,而是表示主动) With sth. Done 被做(done 不是表示时态,而是表示被动)

With the society developing, cities are becoming crowd. With the work done, I can go out now.

With many guests to be paid a visit to, With many guests visiting, 有很多客人到访

makes climate more extreme(2013年6月第3套/第2篇/第1段/第1句).

3) He claims (that global warming caused the current drought in America?s

Midwest), and(thatsupposedly record-high corn prices could cause a

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global food crisis)(2013年6月第3套/第2篇/第2段/第2句). 宾语从句中That可以省略,但是两个宾语从句并列不省略That 他认为全球变暖引起了美国中西部的干旱,而且很有可能发生的是,创造历史新高的玉米价格会引起全球范围的食物危机。 S1: he V1: claims

S2:global warming; record-high corn prices V2:caused could cause

4.2 介词后宾语从句

4)The payroll survey also doesn?t capture the number of self-employed, and so says little about(how many people are generating an independent income)(2013年12月第1套/第1篇/第3段/第5句)

S1 主句的主语The payroll survey V1 主句的谓语 doesn?t capture, says S2 从句的主语people V2 从句的谓语are generating


6)But in the course of trying to do so(在试图这么做的过程中), they gen-erated a lot of ideas about the nature of the problems and about (what poten-tial solutions would look like)


S1 主句的主语they V1 主句的谓语generated S2 从句的主语potential solutions V2 从句的谓语would look like

7)And when the two groups were tested on what they?d learned the second group “significantly outperformed” the first(2013年12月第1套/第1篇/第5段/第6句).

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And when the two groups were tested on( what they?d learned), the second group “significantly outperformed” the first


S1 主句的主语the second group V1 主句的谓语outperformed S2 从句的主语the two groups V2 从句的谓语were tested S3 they V3 had learned

1) 反语 Irony当他娶了这个女人的时候,他的人生“走向了巅峰”。 2) Linda说;“他的人生走向了巅峰。”············当他娶了这个女人的时


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表语是用来说明主语的身份、性质、品性、特征和状态的,表语常由名词、形容词、副词、介词短语、不定式、动词的-ing、从句来充当,它常位于系动词(be, become, appear, seem, look, sound, feel, get, smell等词)之后。如果句子的表语也是由一个句子充当的,那么这个充当表语的句子就叫做表语从句。

1)The problem is that the statistics aren?t an objective measure of reality; they are simply a best approximation.(2013年6月第1套/第1篇/第2段/第3句)

2) Democrats and Republicans can and will take sides on a number of is-sues, but a more crucial concern is that both are basing major policy decisions on guesstimates rather than looking at the vast wealth of raw data with a critical eye and an open mind(2013年6月第1套/第1篇/第5段/第3句).

3)His main thesis is that the buzz of urban life, and the opportunities it of-fers for com-operation and collaboration, is what attracts people to the city which in turn makes cities into the engines of art, commerce, science and progress(2013年6月第1套/第2篇/第3段/第2句.


All in all, if you want to bring up a Mozart or Bach, the key factor is how hard you are prepared to crack the whip(2013年6月第1套/第2篇/第6段/第1句.).

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That?s why we establish or reestablish connection by greeting strangers and friends with a handshake(2013年6月第3套/第1篇/第4段/第6句.).

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1)Those factors are more than enough to make up for the squalor(肮

脏),disease and spectacular poverty that those same migrants must often at first endure when they become urban dwellers(2013年6月第1套/第2篇/第2段/第4句).

2)In the chapter on skyscrapers, for example, Mr. Smith touches on con-struction methods, the revolutionary invention of the automatic lift, the practi-calities of living in the sky and the likelihood that, as cities become more crowded, apartment living will become the norm(2013年6月第1套/第2篇/第4段/第1句).


3)They are a vital part of an array of data that we use to assess if we?re doing well or doing badly, and that in turn shapes government policies and cor-porate budgets and personal spending decisions(2013年6月第1套/第1篇/第2段/第2句).

4)if you are one person with two jobs, you know up as two workers.(2013年6月第1套/第1篇/第3段/第4句)

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5) Although it?s often assumed musical ability us inherited, there?s abundant evidence that this isn?t the case(2013年6月第1套/第2篇/第1段/第2句).

6) Whenever a customer would inquire about my book, the volunteer would take

them over to the shelf and point to it(2013年6月第3套/第1篇/第3段/第4句).


7) Unemployment in January jumped to a 16-year high of 7.6 percent, as 598,000 jobs were slashed from US payrolls in the worst single-month decline since December, 1974.(2013年6月第1套/第1篇/第1段/第2句)

8) This nameless person pushed the human race over a historic threshold, for it was in that year that mankind became, for the first time in its history, a predominantly urban species(2013年6月第1套/第2篇/第1段/第2句).

9) And, fortunately, this year?s drought appears unlikely to cause a food cri-sis, as global rice and wheat supplies retain plentiful(2013年6月第3套/第2篇/第4段/第1句).

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1) Mr. Smith has written a breezy guidebook, with a series of short chapters dedicated to specific aspects of urbanity-parks, say, or the various schemes that have been put forward over the years for building the perfect city(2013年6月第1套/第2篇/第3段/第4句).

2) Finally, Krugman conveniently forgets that concerns about global warm-ing are the main reason that corn prices have skyrocketed since 2005(2013年6月第3套/第2篇/第5段/第1句).

3) Among the government?s most interesting reports is one that estimates what parents spend on their children(2013年12月第1套/第1篇/第1段/第1句).

4) Societies that cannot replace their populations discourage investment and innovation(2013年12月第1套/第1篇/第3段/第1句)..

5) Young Americans already face a bleak labor market that cannot instill(注入) confidence about having children(2013年12月第1套/第1篇/第6段/第1句).

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1)There was a time not long ago when new science Ph.D.s in the United States were expected to pursue a career path in academia(学术界)(2013年12月第2套/第1篇/第1段/第1句).

2) Countries with the highest scores tend to be clustered in the West, where gender discrimination is against the law, and equal rights are constitutionally enshrined(神圣化)(2013年12月第2套/第2篇/第4段/第1句).



=preposition(介词)+relative pronoun(关系代词)

例如:where=in which,when=on which,why=for which

Would you please tell me the way to the zoo?

This is the place where(that) I first met her.

We were very happy in those days when we studied in school.

This is the reason for which (why) he was late for school.

That's the day on which (when) I met him in the street.

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1)But Bowman?s supporters argue that Monsanto is trying to expand the

scope of patents in ways that would enrich big corporations and hurt small farmers(2013年12月第3套/第2篇/第4段/第3句).

2) But this is a real-life argument before a Supreme Court that has a well-earned reputation for looking out for the interests of large corporations(2013年12月第3套/第2篇/第5段/第2句).


3)Nowadays 40 percent of corn grown in the United States is used to pro-duce ethanol(乙醇),which does absolutely nothing for the climate, but cer-tainly distorts the price of corn—at the expense of many of the world?s poorest people(2013年6月第3套/第2篇/第5段/第2句).

4) They are also hoping the court?s ruling will rein in patent law,

which is increasingly being used to claim new life forms as private property.(2013年12月第1套/第2篇/第2段/第4句).

5) We have, and that case is Bowman v. Monsanto, which is being argued on Tuesday.(2013年12月第1套/第2篇/第2段/第2句)

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1) At some point in 2008,someone, probably in either Asia or Africa, made the decision to move from the countryside to the city(2013年6月第1套/第2篇/第1段/第1句) 没有从句

2)They are a vital part of an array of data(that we主语 use ()to assess if 是否we?re doing well or doing badly), and thatin turn(转而)shapes govern-ment policies and corporate budgets and personal spending decisions(2013年6月第1套/第1篇/第2段/第2句) That 定从可以省略在定从中不做主语做宾语 If 宾从

That 代词表示上文的那个


3) Directionally, they capture the trends, but the idea that we know precisely how many are unemployed is a myth(2013年6月第1套/第1篇/第2段/第3句)

the idea that we know precisely( how many are unemployed) is a myth. that 同位语从句

特征是一般由that 引导不能省略并且that 不在同位语从句中担当成分。 the idea( that he put forward )is a myth 定语从句

we know precisely( how many are unemployed) (he put forward 少宾语 )不完整 he put forward an idea.

4) But the idea that statisticians can then capture an objective reality isn?t just impossible.(2013年6月第1套/第1篇/第5段/第2句)

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statisticians 主语can then capture谓语 an objective reality宾语 同位语从句


5) Both Martin Luther King and John Kennedy appealed to the idea (that humans can transcend what were once considered inherent limitations)(2013年12月第1套/第2篇/第5段/第2句).



Humans主语 can transcend 谓语(what were once considered inherent li-mitations)宾语


While it seems that at birth virtually everyone has perfect pitch, the reasons that one child is better than another are motivation and practice(2013年6月第1套/第2篇/第1段/第3句).

the reasons( that one child is better than another) are motivation and practice.

one child is better than another

The excuse that he didn?t catch the bus is not true. 同位语从句

The excuse that he gave is not true. 定语从句 许密杉

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2宾语从句动词+句子 3表语从句 4状语从句, 5定语从句名词+句子 6同位语从句

(What he believedin)is the idea that human beingswho have interest in what their ancestors invented can surpass any difficulties, which is what I try to study,though he was laughed by many people.

他所相信的观点是:对于自己祖先的发明非常感兴趣的人类有克服一切苦难的可能,这也是我正研究的内容,尽管他的想法是很多人所不齿的。 主语从句What he believed

同位语从句the idea that human beings who have interest in what their ances-tors invented can surpass any difficulties

定语从句 human beings who have interest in what their ancestors invented 宾语从句have interest in what their ancestors invented 表语从句 what I try to study.

状语从句though he was laughed by many people 非限制性定从 , which is what I try to study.

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非谓语动词:不定式 / ing /ed

特征:除了不能做谓语,可以承担句子的任何成分。 主语( To do this )is my job 表语 my job is to do this. 定语 I have a lot of work to do. 状语 I get up early to catch the bus. 补语 I tell you not to do it. 宾语 I want to go.

1) With 1.8 million jobs lost in the last three months, there is urgent desire-

to boost the economy as quickly as possible.(2013年6月第1套/第1篇/第1段/第3句) 非谓语动词:to boost


2) That makes finding a solutionall the more更加愈发difficult.(2013年6月第1套/第1篇/第1段/第5句) 非谓语动词:finding a solution宾语 这就让找到解决方案更加困难

3) Migrants to cities are attracted by plentiful jobs, access to hospitals and education, and the ability to escape the boredom of a farmer?s agricultural life(2013年6月第1套/第2篇/第2段/第3句). 非谓语动词:to escape做定语

You must have an ability (to live by yourself).

4) In this case, having to then let go of the book after holding it

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might generate a subtle sense of loss, and motivate us to make the purchase even more(2013年6月第3套/第1篇/第4段/第7句). 在这种情况,拿完书之后又得乖乖放下它可能会让我们产生一种微妙的失落感,并且激发了我们的购买欲。

5) Just physically passing the book showed a big difference in sales.(2013年6月第3套/第1篇/第4段/第3句).

6) To stabilize its population---discounting immigration---women must have an average of two children(2013年12月第3套/第1篇/第3段/第4句). 非谓语动词

To stabilize its population目的为了稳定人口 discounting immigration同位语

7) Though having a child主语 is a deeply personal decision, it?s shaped by culture, religion, economics, and government policy(2013年12月第3套/第1篇/第4段/第1句).

Though having a child主语 is a deeply personal decision 让步状语从句

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The girl who stands under the tree is my sister. The girl standing under the tree is my sister.

Stand 与时态无关与主语的主动或者被动有关 主动ing 被动 ed

The cup (which is) given by my mom is very beautiful.

The cup given by my mom is very beautiful. 被动

The meeting (which is being held in this town ) is very important. =

The meeting being held in this town is very important.

The meeting (which was being held in this town ) is very important.



1)The result is a sort of high-quality, unusually rigorous coffee-table book, de-signed(=which was designed ) to be dipped into rather than read from beginning to end(2013年6月第1套/第2篇/第3段/第6句). 主句的主语 The result 谓语 is 定从的主语 which 谓语 was designed

2) A Voyage to the Moon, (often cited as the first science fiction story), was writ-28 / 33

ten by Cyrano de Bergerac in 1649(2013年12月第2套/第2篇/第1段/第2句).

主句主语A Voyage to the Moon谓语was written

often cited as the first science fiction story

=(which is )often cited as the first science fiction story

3)They resonated(共鸣) with optimism and ambition in much the same way as the most famous dream speech of all,(which was )delivered by Martin Luther King Jr. two years later(2013年12月第1套/第2篇/第2段/第2句).


非谓语动词:delivered = which was delivered


To make a plan for our future is important.


The important thing is to save lives.

3) 作宾语

I like to go for a walk in the warm sunshine.


She usually has a lot of meetings to attend in the evenings.

5) 作状语

She decided to work harder in order to catch up with the others.

6) 作主语补足语

It is reported to be true.

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7) 作宾语补足语

Please remind me to take my medicine tomorrow.

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谓语动词有ed形式 非谓语动词也有ed形式 那同一个句子里怎么区分哪个是非谓语哪个是谓语动词啊

看ed 形式前面有无be动词,有就是真正的谓语动词了。

He was disserted by his guide. 谓语动词

1) Disserted by his guide , he was depressed. 非谓语动词

When he was disserted 被动(抛弃)by his guide , he was depressed. 非谓语动词做状语表示被动

2) When eating, I texted a message to him.

When ( I was) eating 主动, I texted a message to him. 主语相同的时候可以省略。



1)When(people are ) asked straight forwardly直接, people tend to lie or shade掩盖 the truth when the subject is sex, money or employment.(2013年6月第1套/第1篇/第4段/第2句) 非谓语动词:asked 谓语动词:tend

从句:when 主语 the subject 谓语 is

主句 people tend to lie or shade the truth 主语 people

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The same was true of children selected for entry to specialist music schools, compared with those who were rejected


非谓语动词: 1 selected 定语 2 compared 状语


定语从句 who were rejected

3)The chosen children had parents (who had very actively supervised music lessons and daily practice from young ages), giving up substantial periods of leisure time to take the children to lessons and concerts


4)Sales at online retailers gained by more than 15%, (which makes )making it the biggest season ever.


5)Brain imaging showed that宾从, on touching the paper, the emotional center of the brain was activated激活,

thus forming a stronger bond(2013年6月第3套/第1篇/第5段/第3句).

I came into the room, singing a song. Ing 伴随结果

6)Government now supports the elderly, diminishing the need for children

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(2013年12月第1套/第1篇/第5段/第3句). 政府支持老年人(的需求),减少、降低(儿童的需求)

7)Young Americans already face a bleak labor market( that cannot instill(注入) confidence about having children).

( Piling 堆积on highertaxes )won?t help(2013年12月第1套/第1篇/第6段/第1句)

面对如此糟糕的劳动力市场,美国的年轻人没有生孩子的信心, 增加税收并没有任何帮助。


She sold her hair to buy the watch chain. 她卖掉了自己的头发来买那条表链。

②表结果(往往是与预期愿望相反的结果意料之外):常放在never only后 He arrived late only to find the train had gone. 他来晚了,只见火车已经走了。


They were very sad to hear the news. 他们听到这条新闻非常伤心。

With 的复合结果

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