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test 1

1ith the _______f ar, all the girl students are eager t g t the part

aexhibitin bexeptin exept dreeptin

2althugh the trffi is nt bus, he lies t drive at a _______ speed

aspare bfast derate dral

3all the eries f his hildhd had _______ fr his ind b the tie he as 6

afaded billustrated fined dnerned

4this river is s big that it is ipssible t build a _______ under it ithut dern tehnlg

aanal btunnel hannel dable

the _______ is nearl dead , s i an nt start the ar again

a bean bbea bae dbatter

6hen aing dern aeras , peple began t _______ plastis fr etal

a surrund bsubstane streth dsubstitute

7ith the help f the gvernent , a large nuber f peple ---_______ after the fld in 1991

a survived bsuspended suffered dsubfeted

8he alas has a lt f _______ ideas in his ind , and seties e d nt even n hat he is thinding abut

a nvel bspil aeptable dadditinal

9please be serius i a nt _______ u shuld nsider it arefull

a srting bing unting dparing

10e d nt have a _______ shl in ur institute the highest degree e prvide fr the students is a b a and a b s

a ntinue bba assistane dgraduate

11in the united states, the freign pli is deided b the ________ gvernent, nt b eah state

a federal bfigure sientifi dservie

12he rs in ur universit as a visiting _______, nt as a fral fault eber

a traditinal bshlar nurse dpilt

13hen u fill in the appliatin fr, please use ur _______ address s that e an ntat u easil later

a pli bplain peranent dprinipal

14hn _______ t be a plite an but in fat he is ver rude

a pretends bassures affrds delts

1e an nt trust hi an re beause he ften ________ his dut

a es bspils deserts dneglets

16in rder t inrease ur utput, e need t iprt re prdutin _______

a failities bhens vtes dartists

17hen a spaeraft travels, ne f the ar prbles is reentr int the earth’s _______

a surfae batsphere attitude dbent

18this river frs a natural _______ beteen hina and rea

a bundar bstring spt dzne

19she is alread 16ears ld but she _______as if she ere still a little girl

a believes babsrbs arses dbehaves

20e are _______ at the rapid prgress ar has ade in this seester

a distinguished banned astnished dsred

21the dtrs _______ the ediines t the peple in the fld area

a distributed bpaed praed dundert

22uh f the nes prvided b this nespaper is _______, nt freign

a desti bstrain purhase durder

23he tried t _______relatins ith his frer ife but he failed

a easure baintain shelter drepl

24he _______ t stud harder in the future s that he uld have re pprtunities t find a better b

a reslved bresrted requested dreserved

2the _______ r ntinued fr re than a ee but there as still n sign f the issing b

a researh bresue vessel dvast

26an inds f anials are believed t have _________ fr the earth

a ithdran bvanished fund dhung

27the engineers in this lab spent several ees _______ their plans fr the ne bile

a unting bstripping elabrating dasting

28pine trees are usuall believed t _______ ld eather

a guard baplish rar dendure

29free edial servie is _______ t nearl all the llege students in hina

a favrite bavailable nvenient daverage

30after ring fr tent hurs ithut an rest, the dtrs ere _______

a exhausted bunted rapped drestred

31the llege students in hina are _______ fr sing n apus beause this ill d the n gd

a disuraged bbserved beed dbtained

32prfessr sith is als the _______ f the internatinal prgra ffie if u have an prble hen u stud here, u a g t hi fr help

a detetive bpresident anager ddiretr

33e n’t all an freign untr t _______ in ur internal affairs

a devte bdistrit interfere dander

34e an nt _______ all the agazines tgether

a rute bdra thread dbind

3hat he said in the eeting _______ everbd present

a disgusted bdisissed dispsed deliinated

36se laz en uld rather _______ than r

a indiate bdelare slve dstarve

37this b as _______ fr hat he had dne in the lass

a slded bvere inlined ddisplaed

38se states in the united states _______ peple t arr guns

a appl bhar ignre dfrbid

39arelessness ade hi fall in his b _______

aintervie bintentin stah dsting

40seties it is ver diffiult t _______ se f the english rds even the native speaer an nt help

a derease breate define ddelight

41students ith _______ prbles a appl fr student lans

a eni bfinanial ale denial

42bth sugar and salt an ______in ater

a desert babsr

b disslve dinvlve

43i have nt heard anthing fr hi sine his _______

a departure bfault fundatin daiptane

44ithut a prper eduatin, peple uld _______ all inds f ries

a ndut bstp it dseat

4several ludspeaers are _______ fr the eiling and e an hear the speaer ver learl

a nneted bsustained assiated dsuspended

46this rning in the lass, ur teaher lst his _______ at last beause he uld nt

stand an re

a teper bterrr verse dntain

47it is nt ---_______ fr e t return all the bs t the librar n beause i still need se f the fr researh

a ntinuus bdiffiult nvenient dsuffiient

48hen traveling alne in the untains, u’d better tae a _______ ith u in ase u get lst

a pass bpress plse dapus

49as a teaher, u shuld nt _______ the students fr asing questins in lass

a ruin brestrain iprt dipse

0if u have an prbles during ur stud here, please d nt _______ t all e fr help

a hesitate bdespair urge drequest


1b 2 3a 4b d 6d 7a 8a 9b 10d 11a 12b 13 14a 1d 16a 17b 18a 19d 20 21a 22a 23b 24a 2b 26b 27 28d 29b 30a 31a 32d 33 34d 3a 36d 37a 38d 39a 40 41b 42 43a 44 4d 46a 47 48a 49b 0a

