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翻译作业10 Nov 15

一、请按归化法(Domestication)翻译下列习语。 Kill two birds with one stone a wolf in sheep’s clothing strike while the iron is hot. go through fire and water

add fuel to the flames / pour oil on the flames spring up like mushrooms every dog has his day

keep one’s head above water live a dog’s life

as poor as a church mouse a lucky dog

an ass in a lion’s skin a wolf in sheep’s clothing Love me, love my dog. a lion in the way lick one’s boots as timid as a hare at a stone’s throw as stupid as a goose wet like a drown rat as dumb as an oyster lead a dog’s life talk horse

One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, and three boys nobody. Man proposes, God disposes.

Cry up wine and sell vinegar (cry up, to praise; extol: to cry up one's profession) Once bitten, twice shy.

An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. New booms sweep clean. take French leave

seek a hare in a hen’s nest

have an old head on young shoulder Justice has long arms You can’t teach an old dog Rome was not built in a day.

He that lives with cripples learns to limp. Everybody’s business is nobody’s business. The more you get, the more you want.

二、 请按异化法(foreignization)翻译下列习语。 Kill two birds with one stone a wolf in sheep’s clothing

All roads lead to Rome.

an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth a trump card paper tiger

The Open-door Policy a castle in the air crocodile tears an olive branch the ivory tower armed to the teeth sour grapes

show one’s cards a castle in the air

Better late than never.

A rolling stone gathers no moss. Blood is thicker than water. Misfortunes never come singly.


I took the news with a grain of salt.

Unless you’ve got an ace up your sleeve, we are dished. He went through fire and flood to save his mother. You have a lucky star above you.

She is now between the devil and the deep sea on this matter. He is reaping what has sown.

She is an easy-going woman. She always throws her cares to the winds. That fellow is always fair without, but foul within. That little girl has a ready tongue.

The light-fingered gentry frequented these shops.


take sth with a pinch of salt think that sth is not likely to be true; not wholly believe sth 认为某事物不大可能属实; 对某事物半信半疑.

(have) an ace up one's sleeve; US (have) an ace in the hole (infml 口) (have) sth effective kept secretly in reserve 暗中保留的王牌 dish / d??; d??/ v

[Tn] (Brit infml 口) ruin (sb's hopes or chances); prevent (sb) from succeeding 使(某人的希望)破灭; 破坏(某人的机会); 使(某人)不能成功: The scandal dished his hopes of being elected. 这丑闻使他当选的希望破灭了. * dish one's opponents 击败对手.

