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在雅思口语part 1 中有一个话题是谈论“shoes”的,很多学生感到无话可答,回答重复,千篇一律 “I like sport shoes,because it is comfortable and can protect my feet.” “I love shoes which is suitable to my feet, because it is comfortable.” 来来回回在鞋子舒不舒服上打转,连shoes其实分为很多种都不是很清楚。告诉考官你喜欢的具体是哪种鞋子,才能体现的你有谈论这个话题的词汇量。所以,今天就谈谈这些鞋子的不同种类。

大部分女孩子都是“鞋控”,恨不得每种鞋子都来上一双,所以才造就了那么多琳琅满目的女鞋。记得美剧Sex and the City里的Carrie曾经说过,如果让她在一双鞋子和男人之间做抉择,她一定会选择鞋子,因为它比恋爱更有吸引力。她的一句经典台词是:“I've spent $40,000 on shoes and I have no place to live? I will literally be the old woman who lived in her shoes!”可知女人对鞋子的疯狂程度!


flats 平底鞋 trainers 运动鞋 oxford shoes牛津鞋;

boots 靴子 flip-flops 人字拖 slippers 拖鞋,

sandals 凉鞋 wedges 坡跟鞋 high heels 高跟鞋


所以如果被问道 “Do you like shoes?” 你可以毫不犹豫的说:


Absolutely! My friends call me “shoes addict” since the number of my shoes surprises them. I have flats, trainers, boots, flip-flops, slippers, sandals, wedges and a few high heels for special occasions.

老是“likes comfortable shoes”的同学要清楚地告诉考官是什么鞋让你觉得舒服:

Ballet flats are my first choice , cause they are super comfy.

(Ballet flats芭蕾平底鞋,Comfy 是 comfortable 的口语表达,意思是舒服。)

还可以加上鞋子的材质和颜色,让考官觉得你 “has a wide enough vocabulary to discuss topics at length”

词汇补充:皮-leather 软皮-casting leather

猪皮-pig skin 橡胶-rubber

塑料-plastic 帆布-canvas

I bought a pair of oxford shoes recently, they were an impulse buy. The brown leather makes it classic.




casual shoes休闲鞋 sneakers运动鞋 formal leather shoes正式的皮鞋

loafers 懒人鞋 hiking boots登山靴

(运动鞋英式英语的表达是 trainers,美式英语的表达是 sneakers)

I have a quite a few pairs of casual shoes, like sneakers and loafers are must-have. And formal leather shoes is indispensable for special occasions like weddings and interviews. What’s more, I am really crazy about outdoor activities, and hiking boots allows me to go through any adventures.

