大学英语四级考试冲刺模拟试卷 第2套2012-04-04

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大学英语四级考试冲刺模拟试卷 第2套(写作)

Part Ⅰ Writing Directions: For this part,

30 minutes to write an application for the assistant

librarian in your school. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:

1. 介绍你的姓名、班级、专业等基本信息 2. 列举你的优点,证明你能胜任此职位 3. 表明你对此工作的热情,渴望得到锻炼的机会 An Application for the Assistant Librarian


An Application for the Assistant Librarian Dear librarian,

I saw your ad on the Library Board this morning and. I am very interested in the post as an assistant librarian. My

I am a sophomore in the Department of

International Journalism. I come from the city of Tianjin.

Currently, I am looking for a chance to enrich my spare time for I can finish my course assignment with ease. In last semester I have taken the computer course and get command of Microsoft Office and other useful software. As majoring in International Journalism, I think it is important for me to communicate with a variety of people. So I can put my communication

class into practice and make many friends in the

library. In addition, I am patient, open-minded and warm-hearted, which I believe is the crucial requirement for this position.

Thanks for your kind consideration. My dorm phone number is 010-12345678 and I'm

looking forward to your early reply. Yours sincerely, Jack [写作点拨]



业等基本信息,同时向面试者表明自己对此职位有意向;第二段说明你具备的优点能够胜任此职位;第三段表明对招聘人的感谢,留下具体的联系方式,如电话、传真、电子邮件或通讯地址等,但最好不要在作文中出现自己的真实信息。 Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)

Don't Destroy the Essential Catalyst of Risk

Since the spring, and most acutely this autumn, a global contagion (传染)of fear and panic has choked off the arteries of finance, compounding a broader deterioration in the global economy.

Financial institutions have an obligation to the broader financial system. We depend on a healthy, well-functioning system but we failed to raise enough questions about whether some of the trends and practices that had become commonplace really served the public's long-term interests.

Seven important lessons

As policymakers and regulators begin to consider the regulatory actions to be taken to

address the fallings, I believe it is useful to reflect on some of the lessons from tiffs crisis.

The first is that risk management should not be entirely predicated on historical data. In the past several months, we have heard the phrase\more than a few times. If events that were calculated to occur once in 20 years in fact occurred much more regularly, it does not take a mathematician to figure out that risk management assumptions did not reflect the distribution of the actual outcomes. Our industry must do more to enhance and improve scenario analysis and stress testing.

Second, too many financial institutions and investors simply outsourced their risk management. Rather than undertake their own analysis, they relied on the rating agencies to do the essential work of risk analysis for them. This was true at the inception(初期)and over the period of the investment, during which time they did not consider other indicators of financial deterioration.

This over-dependence on credit ratings coincided with the dilution of the desired triple A-rating. In January 2008, there were 12 triple A-rated companies in the world. At the same time, there were 64, 000 structured finance instruments, such as collateralized debt obligations, rated triple A. It is easy and appropriate to blame the rating agencies for lapses in their credit judgments. But the blame for the result is not theirs 'alone. Every financial institution that participated in the process has to accept its share of the responsibility.

Third, size matters. For example, whether you owned $5 billion or $50 billion of

(supposedly) low-risk super senior debt in a CDO, the likelihood of losses was,

proportionally, the same. But the consequences of a miscalculation were obviously much bigger if you had a $50 billion exposure.

Fourth, many risk models incorrectly assumed that positions could be fully hedged. After the collapse of Long-Term Capital Management mid the crisis in emerging markets in 1998, new products such as various basket indices and credit default swaps were created to help offset a number of risks. However, we did not, as an industry, consider carefully enough the possibility that liquidity would dry up, making it difficult to apply effective hedges.

Fifth, risk models failed to capture the risk inherent in off-balance sheet activities, such as structured investment vehicles. It seems clear now that managers of companies with large off-balance sheet exposure did not appreciate the full magnitude of the economic risks they were exposed to; equally worrying, their counterparties were unaware of the full extent of these vehicles and, therefore, could not accurately assess the risk of doing business.

Sixth, complexity got the better of us. The industry let the growth in new instruments outstrip(超过)the operational capacity to manage them. As a result, operational risk increased dramatically and tiffs had a direct effect on the overall stability of the financial system.

Last, and perhaps most important, financial institutions did not account for asset values accurately enough. I have heard some argue that fair value accounting -- which assigns current values to financial assets and liabilities -- is one of the main factors exacerbating(使恶化) the credit crisis. I see it differently. If more institutions had properly valued their

positions and commitments at the outset, they would have been in a much better position to reduce their exposures.

Fair value: a discipline for financial institutions

The daily marking of positions to current market prices was a key contributor to our decision to reduce risk relatively early in markets and in instruments that were deteriorating. This process can be difficult, and sometimes painful, but I believe it is a discipline that should define financial institutions.

As a result of these lessons and others that will emerge from this financial crisis, we should consider important principles for our industry, for policymakers and for regulators. For the industry, we cannot let our ability to innovate exceed our capacity to manage. Given the size and interconnected nature of markets, the growth in volumes, the global nature of trades and their cross-asset characteristics, managing operational risk will only become more important.

Risk and control functions need to be completely independent from the business units. And clarity as to whom risk and control managers report to is crucial to maintaining that independence. Equally important, risk managers need to have at least equal stature with their counterparts on the trading desks: if there is a question about the value of a position or a disagreement about a risk limit, the risk manager's view should always prevail.

Understandably, compensation continues to generate a lot of anger and controversy. We recognize that having troubled asset relief programme money creates an important

context for compensation. That is why, in part, our executive management team elected not to receive a bonus in 2008, even though the firm produced a profit.

More generally, we should apply basic standards to how we compensate people in our industry. The percentage of the discretionary (任意的)bonus awarded in equity should increase significantly as an employee's total compensation increases. An individual's performance should be evaluated over time so as to avoid excessive risk-taking. To ensure this, all equity awards need to be subject to future delivery and/or deferred exercise. Senior executive officers should be required to retain most of the equity they receive at least until they retire, while equity delivery schedules should continue to apply after the individual has left the firm.

Limitations of self regulation

For policymakers and regulators, it should be clear that self-regulation has its limits. We rationalized and justified the downward pricing of risk on the grounds that it was different. We did so because our self-interest in preserving and expanding our market share, as competitors, sometimes blinds us -- especially when exuberance is at its peak. At the very least, fixing a system-wide problem, elevating standards or driving the industry to a collective response requires effective central regulation and the convening power of regulators.

Capital, credit and underwriting standards should be subject to more\Regulators should consider the regulatory inputs and outputs needed to ensure a regime that is nimble and strong enough to identify and appropriately constrain market excesses,

particularly in a sustained period of economic growth. Just as the Federal Reserve adjusts interest rates up to curb economic frenzy, various benchmarks and ratios could be appropriately calibrated. To increase overall transparency and help ensure that book value really means book value, regulators should require that, all assets across financial institutions be similarly valued. Fair value accounting gives investors more clarity with respect to balance sheet risk.

The level of global supervisory co-ordination and communication should reflect the global interconnectedness of markets. Regulators should implement more robust information sharing and harmonized disclosure, coupled with a more systemic, effective reporting regime for institutions and main market participants. Without this, regulators will lack essential tools to help them understand levels of systemic vulnerability in the banking sector and in financial markets more broadly.

In this vein, all pools of capital that depend on the smooth functioning of the financial system and are large enough to be a burden on it in a crisis should be subject to some degree of regulation.

1. Which organization should be responsible for proper operation of the broader financial system?

A) Commercial banks. B) Financial institutions. C) The ministry of finance. D) The Wall Street. 答案:B

[定位] 由题干中的be responsible for proper operation of the broader financial system可以定位到第二段第一句Financial institutions have an obligation to the broader financial


[精解] 题干中的be responsible for和定位句中的have an obligation to属于同义转述,都表示“对……负责”;结合定位句和题干,可知本题答案为B)。

2. In order to comprehensively reflect the state of economy, we must research deeply to enhance and improve ______.

A) scenario analysis and stress testing B) risk management assumptions C) prediction on financial risk D) multiple standard deviation events 答案:A

[定位] 根据题干中的comprehensively reflect the state of economy 和 research deeply to enhance and improve可以定位到第一个小标题下第二段最后一句Our industry must do more to enhance and improve scenario analysis and stress testing.

[精解] 定位句中讲到必须加强和改善情景模拟分析和压力测试;而该段阐述了风险管理不能完全依靠历史数据来预测,并指出了历史数据预测的局限性,不能反映经济的真实结果分布。因此应加强scenario analysis and stress testing研究以反映经济最真实的分布。所以本题答案为A)。

3. Many financial institutions and investors usually perform risk analysis by ______. A) undertaking themselves B) third-party agencies

C) outsourcing to rating agencies D) risk management institutions 答案:C

[定位] 由题干中的Many financial institutions and investors和perform risk analysis可以定位到第一个小标题下第三段第一、二句Second,too many financial institutions and investors

simply outsourced their risk management.Rather than undertake their own analysis,they relied on the rating agencies to do the essential work of risk analysis for them. [精解] 由定位句可知大多金融机构和投资者只是将他们的风险管理外包给风险评级机构,而不是自己进行分析。故本题答案为C)。

4. What was the consequence of an over-reliance on credit ratings?

A) Increasing triple A companies. B) Declining trustworthiness on rating agencies. C) Deficiency in credit judgments. D) Collapse of financial institutions. 答案:B

[定位] 由题干中的田lover-reliance on credit ratings定位到第一个小标题下第四段第一句This over-dependence on credit ratings coincided with the dilution of the desired triple A-rating.

[精解] 题干中的an over-reliance on credit ratings与原文中的over-dependence on credit ratings属于同义转述;文中的dilution意思是“稀释,冲淡”;定位句意为“这种对信用评级的过度依赖会降低他们渴望的3A评级的可信性”,由此可知本题答案为B)。

5. When the Long-Term Capital Management was disintegrated, the products initiated to counterweigh risks were ______.

A) various basket indices and credit default swaps B) hedge fund and forward rate agreements

C) credit-linked notes D) current swaps and rates swaps 答案:A

[定位] 由题干中的the Long-Term Capital Management 和 initiated to counterweigh risks

可以定位到文章的第一个小标题下的第六段第二句After the collapse of Long-Term Capital Management and the crisis in emerging markets in 1998,new products such as various basket indices and credit default swaps were created to help offset a number of risks. [精解] 题干中的disintegrated和文章中的collapse具有相同的意思;文章中的be created to和题干中的initiated to属于同义词;文章中的offset和题干中的counterweigh都有“抵消,平衡”的意思;分析文章可知, new products指的就是such as所引入的部分,即various basket indices and credit default swaps。所以本题答案为A)。

6. Operational risks caused by comparatively weakened operational capacity on increasing new instruments have influence on ______.

A) the operating income of companies B) the capability to withstand risks

C) the structure of companies' assets D) the overall stability of the financial system 答案:D

[定位] 由题干中的Operational risks,weakened operational capacity 和 have influence on定位到第一个小标题下的第八段第二、三句The industry let the growth in new instruments outstrip(超过)the operational capacity to manage them.As a result,operational risk increased dramatically and this had a direct effect on the overall stability of the financial system.

[精解] 定位句中的have a direct effect on和题干中的have influence on属于同义转换,所以其后所跟的 the overall stability of the financial system即是本题的答案所在,故本题答案为D)。

7. The author believes that financial institutions can reduce credit crisis if ______. A) positions and commitments were initially assessed precisely

B) asset values were accounted for properly C) financial liabilities were assigned precisely D) positions were valued fairly 答案:A

[定位] 由题干中的financial institutions can reduce credit crisis定位到第一个小标题下的第九段最后一句 If more institutions had properly valued their positions and commitments at the outset,they would have been in a much better position to reduce their exposures. [精解] 该段首先提到信贷危机,接着最后一句指出“如果更多的机构一开始就正确评估他们的头寸和义务,他们将会置身于减少风险敞口的更好处境。”由此可知本题答案为A)。

8. The risk managers should be authorized to make the final decision when they disagree with business managers on ______.

答案:risk limit

[定位] 根据题干中的the risk managers should be authorized to make the final decision可以定位到第二个小标题下的第三段最后一句Equally important,risk managers need to have at least equal stature with their counterparts on the trading desks:if there is a question about the value of a position or a disagreement about a risk limit,the risk manager's view should always prevail。

[精解] 该段主要讲述risk managers 和 business managers的关系;最后一句中的prevail有“占优势,盛行”的意思,即当risk managers与business managers在risk limit有分歧时,应当具有拍板的权力;分析题干,空白处要填入的内容为risk managers与business managers的分歧,所以应填入risk limit。

9. Before a senior executive officer retired from his company, he has an obligation to ______.

答案:retain most of the equity

[定位] 由题干中的senior executive officer retired from his company定位到第二个小标题下的第五段最后一句Senior executive officers should be required to retain most of the equity they receive at least until they retire,while equity delivery schedules should continue to apply after the individual has left the firm.

[精解] 定位句讲到在senior executive officers退休之前,他们被要求保有大部分所获股权,这恰好与题干相符,也就是senior executive officers的义务;所以本题应填入的内容是retain most of the equity。

10. Due to the deficiency of information sharing and harmonized disclosure, regulators can't easily understand levels of systemic vulnerability in ______.

答案:the banking sector and financial markets

[定位] 由题干中的information sharing and harmonized disclosure和levels of systemic vulnerability定位到第三个小标题下第三段第二、三句Regulators should implement more robust information sharing and harmonized disclosure,coupled with a more systemic,effective reporting regime for institutions and main market participants.Without this,regulators will lack essential tools to help them understand levels of systemic vulnerability in the banking sector and in financial markets more broadly。

[精解] 题干的意思是“由于缺少信息共享和统一披露,监管机构不能很好地理解……方面的系统缺陷”,其中,题干中的deficiency与定位句中的without this意思相近,都表示“缺少,缺失”。原文中用without this连接前后两个句子,形成条件关系,与题干中的因果关系属

于同义转换。因此,只要找到in后面的成分即可。所以the banking sector and financial markets就是本题答案。

Part Ⅳ Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) Section A

This Christmas the world economy offers few reasons for good cheer. As credit contracts and asset prices declined, demand across the globe is declining. Rich countries collectively face the severest recession since the Second World War: this week's cut in the target for the federal funds rate to between zero and 0.25% shows how fearful America's

policymakers are. And conditions are deteriorating fast too in emerging economies, which have been exhausted by declining exports and the drying-up of foreign finance.

This news is bad enough in itself; but it also poses the biggest threat to open markets in the modem era of globalization. For the first time in more than a generation, two of the engines of global integration -- trade and capital flows -- are shifting into reverse at the same time. The World Bank says that net private capital flows to emerging economies in 2009 are likely to be only half the record $ 1 trillion of 2007, while global trade volumes will shrink for the first time since 1982.

This twin shift will force adjustments. Countries that have relied on exports to drive growth, from China to Germany, will slump unless they can boost domestic demand quickly. There is a risk that in their discomfort governments turn to an old, but false, friend: protectionism. Integration has less appeal when pain rather than prosperity is hanging across borders. It will be tempting to support domestic jobs and incomes by diverting demand from abroad with export subsidies, tariffs and cheaper currencies.

The lessons of history, though, are clear. The economic isolationism of the 1930s cruelly intensified the Depression. To be sure, the World Trade Organization (WTO) and its multilateral trading rules are a bulwark(壁垒) against protection on that scale. But today's globalised economy, with far-stretched supply chains and just-in-time delivery, could be disrupted by policies much less dramatic than the Smoot-Hawley act. A modest shift away from openness -- well within the WTO's rules -- would be enough to turn the recession of 2009 much nastier. Increased protection of that sort is, alas, all too plausible.

47. Because of decreasing exports and lack of financial support, situations in emerging markets are ______.

答案:deteriorating fast

[定位] 由题干中的situations in emerging markets可将本题定位于第一段最后一句And conditions are deteriorating fast too in emerging economies,which have been exhausted by declining exports and the drying-up of foreign finance.

[精解] 本题是对新兴市场目前状况的考查;由定位句可知新兴市场因为出口受挫和外来融资干涸的影响,其情况正在飞速恶化(deteriorating fast),可知正确答案即为此。

48. Recession in rich and emerging markets is not only a bad news, but also threatens ______.

答案:open markets

[定位] 由题干中的bad news和threaten可将本题定位于第二段第一句This news is bad

enough in itself;but it also poses the biggest threat to open markets...

[精解] 空白处应填入threaten的宾语。文章第一段讨论了全球经济的萧条形势,然后在定位句中提到经济不景气不仅是个坏消息,而且还会影响到开放的市场(open markets);由threaten和pose threat to同义,可推出本题答案为open markets。

49. What hazard may lie in the process of adjustments taken by export-relied countries?

答案:They may turn to protectionism.

[定位] 由题干中的hazard和in the process of adjustments可将本题定位于第三段第三句There is a risk that in their discomfort governments turn to an old,but false,friend:protectionism.

[精解] 第三项开头作者指出面临这种形势,各国政府需要做出调整,尤其是那些依赖于出口的国家;然后在定位句中提到改革过程中存在的风险—保护主义;由hazard 和 risk同义,可推出本题答案为They may turn to protectionism。

50. When it is hard to do international trading, countries will not exchange across borders, but choose to support ______.

答案:domestic jobs and incomes

[定位] 由题干中的hard to do international trading 和 exchange across borders可将本题定位于第三段最后两句Integration has less appeal when pain rather than prosperity is hanging across borders.It will be tempting to support domestic jobs and incomes... [精解] 本题要填入support的宾语。由定位句可知,当各国都无繁荣可言时,国际贸易就不再受到欢迎,政府也就因此转向支持国内的工作和收入,可推知本题答案为domestic jobs and incomes。

51. What is the author's attitude towards the shifting away from openness trend ongoing now?

答案:It is all too plausible.

[定位] 由题干中的the author's attitude 和 the shifting away from openness可将本题定位于最后一段最后一句Increased protection of that sort is,alas,all too plausible. [精解] 最后一段作者用20世纪30年代经济大萧条为例,说明了经济孤立主义的危害;而且在倒数第二句指出 A modest shift away from openness ...would be enough to turn the recession of 2009 much nastier,可见作者并不支持保护主义,在本文最后一句作者提出了自己的观点:保护主义看似正确,其实不然。故本题答案是It is all too plausible。

Section B Passage One

The Super Bowl is one of the biggest events on the advertising calendar, as companies vie to produce the most memorable and innovative ads. The battle for the National Football League's ultimate prize attracts more viewers than anything else on American television and provides a \John Frelinghuysen, an analyst at Bain and Company, a consultancy. But this year the patient is in poor health. All the advertising slots(广告摊位) for the 2008 Super Bowl had been sold by the end of November 2007, despite the $ 2.6 million price of each. For 2009 the price has risen to $ 3 million, but at least, ten slots (out of 67) are still looking for a buyer.

General Motors, which ran 11 ads on Super Bowl Sunday in February 2008, has already

said that it will not run any in 2009. America's two other big carmakers, Ford and Chrysler, are likely to follow suit. Tellingly, Monster com, an online job-search company, said recently that it was buying a slot. Instead of the usual parade of expensive ads paying tribute to American consumerism, 2009's Super Bowl will reflect a country in recession and indicate a hard year for the advertising industry.

Most forecasts for next year say that ad spending in America will decline by 5% or more. Much depends on the fate of the automotive industry: carmakers and dealers normally spend around $ 20 billion a year on advertising, but Chrysler and Ford scaled back their expenditure by more than 30% in the first nine months of 2008, and are expected to make further cuts in 2009 as they struggle for survival.

The car industry's situation will hurt all media, but especially television. Analysts at BMO Capital Markets predict that total spending on television ads will fall by almost 9% next year. Only newspapers, where a decline of 12% is expected, are forecast to fare worse. Carmakers have already shifted some of their advertising spending to the Internet, and are likely to go further in 2009. Car ads make up 25% of advertising revenues for local television channels, and carmakers have been among the most consistent buyers of high-priced ads on national television.

So far local stations have been most affected by falling spending oil advertising. National stations have been safer, because they operate on longer-term contracts with advertisers. But in the New Year they will also feel the chill, as companies fail to renew their contracts. Television, which has remained strong as print media have lost advertising dollars and readers to the Internet, could enter a decline of its own. \

says Anthony Diclemente, a media analyst at Barclays Capital.

52. Why does the author give the example of Super Bowl? A) Because it is the most popular football games in America.

B) Because it shows advertisers' enthusiasm in running slots has dropped. C) Because it is an event that attracts the attention of advertisers. D) Because it will be right on in America in 2009. 答案:B

[定位] 由题干中的the example of Super Bowl可将本题定位于第一段第一句The Super Bowl is one of the biggest events on the advertising calendar,..[精解] 推理判断题。由定位句可知,Super Bowl是广告界的大事,很多公司借此机会打广告宣传自己的产品。通读全文可知本文主要讨论广告业的暗淡现状,可推断Super Bowl一例肯定与此有关,由定位句下文可知2008年Super Bowl的所有广告摊位到2007年11月份时已全部售罄,但2009年的摊位到目前却还有剩余,这就表明广告商原来的热情减少了,也就说明广告业目前的艰难处境,B)符合题意。[避错]A)、D)两项在文中都有提及,但作者举例Super Bowl并不只是因为它是最流行的体育赛事和2009年上演,而是因为它与广告业的联系,A)、D)错误;第一段第一句确实提到Super Bowl会吸引来很多公司打广告,但作者旨在对比2008和2009年广告商的不同态度,C)错误。

53. Why can't at least ten slots find a buyer (Last sentence, Para. 1 ) according to the passage?

A) The price for running the advertising slots has risen to $ 3 million. B) It is not attractive any more for the advertising industry. C) The advertising industry is suffering a hard year.

D) The advertising slots have been on the rise since 2007. 答案:C

[定位] 由题干中的at least ten slots can not find a buyer可将本题定位于第一段最后一句...but at least ten slots (out of 67) are still looking for a buyer。[精解] 推理判断题。定位句提到了2009年广告摊位有剩余的事实。文章第二段最后一句提到2009's Super Bowl will reflect a country in recession and indicate a hard year for the advertising industry,可见广告摊位的剩余反映了经济的不景气和广告业的艰难境况, C)符合题意。[避错]第一段倒数第二句提到All the advertising slots for the 2008 Super Bowl had been sold by the end of November 2007,despite the $2.6 million price of each,可知虽然2008年的摊位是 $2.6 million的高价,但到2007年11月份时已全部售罄,可推断本次摊位剩余的原因应该不是摊位价格问题,A)、D)错误;第一段第二句提到The battle...provides a \pulse-taking\,可知2009年它同样是一个盛事,变化的只是广告业而已,B)错误。

54. What may the carmakers resort to for promoting their automobiles and cutting down expenditure?

A) Buying low-priced ads on national television. B) Renewing new contracts with national stations. C) Shifting their advertising spending to the Internet. D) Relying on such print media as newspapers. 答案:C

[定位] 由题干中的the carmakers resort to for promoting their automobiles可将本题定位于第四段第四句Carmakers have already shifted some of their advertising spending to the

Internet,and are likely to go further in 2009.[精解] 推理判断题。由定位句可知,汽车制造商会将其广告开销用在网络上,C)符合题意。[避错]第四段最后一句提到carmakers have been among the most consistent buyers of high-priced ads on national television,可推知国家电台的广告费用很高,A)错误;最后一段第三句提到companies fail to renew their contracts,可见他们不会和国家电台续约,B)错误;文章倒数第二句提到print media have lost advertising dollars and readers to the Internet,可见印刷媒体已经没有市场,汽车制造商也不会依赖于此类媒体,D)错误。

55. What does the sentence \Anthony Diclemente mean?

A) What he is going to analyze next is TV stations. B) what advertisers prefer to use is TV stations. C) TV station is the next to be defeated by Internet. D) He would choose TV station as a second choice. 答案:C

[定位] 由题干中的\可将本题定位到最后一段最后一句。[精解] 语义理解题。定位句前一句提到television,which has remained strong as print media have lost advertising dollars and readers to the Internet,could enter a decline of its own,可知原来比较强大的电视媒体也要步印刷媒体的后尘,失去自己的市场,可推知“Next on the list is TV stations”是指电视台将继印刷媒体之后被网络击败,C)符合题意。[避错]由精解可知,这里的list指的是被淘汰的媒体类型,不是Anthony Diclemente本人所要分析或使用的媒体,也不是汽车制造商倾向使用的媒体,A)、B)、D)错误。

56. We can learn from the passage that ______.

61. Why does the author say Britain has given blessing to France's nuclear ambition? A) British Energy was changed to a state-owned energy giant.

B) British government will never compete with France in nuclear power. C) The company British government holds shares was purchased by French one. D) British Energy's incorporation will have no negative effects. 答案:C

[定位] 由题干中的Britain has given blessing to France's nuclear ambition可将本题定位于最后一段第一句Britain...has given its blessing to France's nuclear ambitions...[精解] 推理判断题。由定位句后的 冒号可知,下文是作者得出如此结论的原因:法国的Electricite de France在9月份时收购了英国能源,而且英国政府在其中占有很大股份,C)符合题意。[避错]A)、B)两项文中并未提及,错误;最后一句提到,法国收购的英国能源正处于困境之中,但并没有提到这一收购是否有负面效应,D)错误。 Part Ⅴ Cloze

In all one's lifetime it is oneself that one spends the most time being with or dealing with. But it is (62) oneself that one has the (63) understanding of.

When you are going upwards in life you tend to (64) yourself. It seems that everything you seek for is within your (65) ; luck and opportunities will come your (66) and you are overjoyed that they constitute part of your worth. When you are going downhill you tend to underestimate yourself, mistaking difficulties and (67) for your own (68) . It's likely that you think it wise for yourself to know your place and stay aloof (69) worldly wearing a mask of cowardice, behind which the flow of sap in your life will be (70) .

To get a thorough understanding of oneself is to gain a correct view of oneself and be a

sober (71) -- aware of both one's strength and shortage. You may look (72) hopefully to the future but be sure not to expect too much, for ideals can (73) be fully realized. You may be (74) to meet challenges but it should be clear to you (75) to direct your efforts. That's to say so long (76) you have a perfect knowledge of yourself there won't be difficulties you can't (77) , nor obstacles you can't surmount.

To get a thorough understanding of oneself needs (78) . Whether you like yourself to a towering tree or a blade of grass, whether you think you are a high mountain or a small stone, you (79) a state of nature that has its own value of existence. If you earnestly (80) yourself you'll have a real sense of self-appreciation, which will give you confidence. As soon as you gain full confidence in yourself you'll be (81) to fight and overcome any adversity.

To get a thorough understanding of oneself is to get a full control of one's life. Then one will find one's life full of color and flavor. 62. A) principally B) physically C) precisely D) promptly 答案:C

[精解] 副词辨义题。文章第一句说明“每个人与自己在一起相处的时间最久”,本句开头一个but表明是在上一句基础上的转折,由此可推断该句要表达的意思是:但往往人们最悟不透的正是自己。C)precisely“正是,恰恰是”符合题意。 63. A) detailed B) latent C) liable D) least 答案:D

[精解] 形容词辨义题。文中此处意在作对比来表示人们与自己相处时间最多,但又最不了解自己。因此可判断D)least为本题答案。 64. A) overestimate B) underestimate C) overflow D) overwhelm 答案:A

[精解] 动词辨义题。本句前半部分表明“当你走上坡路时”,那么可推断其要表达的意思是“你很容易高估自己”。再结合后文对自满心里的诸多描述,可知此处应该选择A)overestimate(高估)。 65. A) grab B) reach C) grasp D) range 答案:B

[精解] 固定搭配题。within one's reach意为“是某人力所能及,在某人能力范围内”。此处是对上一句关于“高估自己”的进一步解释,即认为一切都在自己的能力范围内,没有什么做不到的。故B)正确。 66. A) path B) access C) way D) method 答案:C

[精解] 固定搭配题。come your way意为“意外落在……头上,偶然发生在……身上”,常与luck/opportunity等词语连用。此处表示“当人们在生活中走上坡路时,会感到机会运气总是落在自己头上,甚至会把这些当作自己生活中理所当然的事情。”因此C)为答案。 67. A) adoptions B) adversities C) advertisements D) advantages


[精解] 名词辨义题。adversity意为“不幸”。and在文章中表并列,一般会连接两个意思相近的词。此处 difficulties就是对选择adversity这一项的最好提示。该句意为:人在不得意时,又往往把自己估计过低,把困难和不幸也归因于自己的无能。故本题选B)。 68. A) incongruity B) inconvenience C) incompetence D) indignation 答案:C

[精解] 名词辨义题。文章此处是与第二段开头几句作对比,即人在走上坡路时,往往觉得什么都唾手可得,但不得意时却又会把一切不幸都归因于自己的无能。incompetence意为“无能”。因此本题答案为C)。 69. A) to B) from C) at D) for 答案:B

[精解] 介词辨义题。此处表明“人在不如意时,还会用与世隔绝,安分守己等词语来伪装自己的懦弱。”与世隔绝可以用“stay aloof from worldly”来表述,from本身具有“从……(去除)”的意思,-故选择B)。 70. A) retired B) retained C) reached D) retarded 答案:D

[精解] 动词辨义题。the flow of sap in your life(生命的动力)是从句中的主语,也是本题决定谓语动词的关键。如果长期处于懦弱的状态中,生命的动力就会被扼杀。retard意为“阻

碍,减缓”,放入句中可表达此意,故选D)。 71. A) idealist B) naturalist C) realist D) specialist 答案:C

[精解] 名词辨义题。此处又是一个and连接,“gain a correct view of oneself”是重要提示点。“对自己有正确的认识”也就是要做一个冷静的什么人。纵观四个选项,理想主义者,自然主义者,专家,现实主义者。显然应该选择C)。 72. A) forward B) inward C) outward D) backward 答案:A

[精解] 固定搭配题。look forward to意为“盼望,期待”。全句意为我们“可以憧憬人生,但不要期望过高。”故本题选A)。 73. A) sometimes B) never C) always D) usually 答案:B

[精解] 副词辨义题。根据前半句句意“我们可以憧憬人生,但不要期望过高”可判断此部分是对这一观点的解释说明。for在本句中是“因为”的意思。“因为理想总是不可能完全实现的,往往会打折扣”,所以本题选B)never。 74. A) ferocious B) cautious C) coward D) courageous 答案:D

[精解] 形容词辨义题。根据but后面连接的内容“but it should be clear to you...to direct your effort”可以判断前文是说你可能具备迎接挑战的勇气,但不要有勇无谋。故选择D)courageous(勇敢的,无谓的)。 75. A) when B) whose C) where D) which 答案:C

[精解] 连词辨义题。where to direct your effort意为“确定努力的方向”,或言之“将自己的努力用于哪里”,故选表示方位的连词C)where。 76. A) as B) that C) for D) with 答案:A

[精解] 固定搭配题。so long as意为“只要”,根据后文you have a perfect knowledge of yourself there won't be difficulties...nor obstacles you can't surmount,可判断此处是说只要你能很好的了解自己,就没有什么克服不了的困难。故本题选A)。 77. A) overpower B) overlook C) overcome D) overflow 答案:C

[精解] 动词辨义题。nor obstacles you can't surmount是提示点。won't...nor...连接的句意为“没有……也没有……”,所以可以推断该处的意思是“没有什么战胜不了的困难,也没有什么克服不了的障碍。” 故选择C)overcome“战胜,克服”。 78. A) self-restraint B) selfishness

C) self-control D) self-appreciation 答案:D

[精解] 名词辨义题。后文强调“无论你是一棵参天大树,还是一棵小草,无论你成为一座巍峨的高山,还是一块小小的石头,……都有自己存在的价值。”根据这一点可以推断此处意为“想要全面的了解自己,就要首先学会自我欣赏,即意识到自己的价值”。故选择D)self-appreciation。 79. A) repress B) represent C) reproduce D) reprove 答案:B

[精解] 动词辨义题。此处说的是“无论你是一棵参天大树,还是一棵小草,无论你成为一座巍峨的高山,还是一块小小的石头,都代表了一种自然”,故B)为答案。 80. A) abandon B) affirm C) admire D) adore 答案:C

[精解] 动词辨义题。此处是个条件句:只要你认真地……自己,你就会真正拥有自我欣赏的能力。所以可推断此处应该是C)admire“欣赏,赞美,钦佩”。 81. A) required B) reluctant C) inferior D) enabled 答案:D

[精解] 固定搭配题。be enabled to意为“使有能力……”。全句句意为:只要拥有信心,你就有能力去抵御和克服一切逆境。故本题答案为D)。

Part Ⅵ Translation

82. ______________________ (他到资料室没多久), when the telephone rang. 答案:Hardly had he got into the reference room

[考点] ①hardly...when...“一……就……”;②局部倒装和过去完成时;③“资料室”reference room。

[点拨] 在hardly...when...这一结构中,从句为一般过去时时,主句要使用过去完成时;而且当句首状语为否定词或带有否定意义的词语时,一般用局部倒装,此类词包括hardly,at no time,rarely,scarcely等。

83. Noisy as it was, he went on reading __________________ (就像什么事情都没有发生一样).

答案:as if nothing were happening

[考点] ①“就像……”as if that...;②虚拟式。

[点拨] as if 引导让步状语从句时,表示非真实的让步。如果表示与现在事实相反,谓语动词用一般过去时或过去进行时。

84. It is generally considered ____________________ (给孩子任何想要的东西是不明智的).

答案: unwise to give a child whatever he or she wants

[考点] ①“consider sth.+adj.+补足语”结构;②“不明智的”unwise;③“任何”whatever。 [点拨] ①本题是由it引导的consider被动结构,其真正主语要用不定式形式引出,结构为It is considered+ adj.to do sth.;②“任何想要的东西”用whatever定语从句引出。

85. They had never seen such delicious food, __________________ (更别提和这些相关领


答案:not to mention/let alone enjoy it with those experts from fields concerned [考点] ①“更别提”not to mention/let alone;②“相关领域”fields concerned。

[点拨] ①主要考查not to mention/let alone的用法;②此处的“品尝”带有某种欢快的情感,因此选用了enjoy。

86. She insisted that ____________________ (派她去那个很远的小镇工作). 答案:she be sent to work in the faraway small town

[考点] ①“insist+that从句”结构;②被动语态;③“很远的”faraway。

[点拨] ①insist作及物动词,表示“坚决要求,一定要”讲时,其宾语从句要用should+动词原形结构,其中 should可以省略;②“派她去”也就是“她被派去”,用被动表达“主语+be+sent”。

