超级全的 英语“语法”练习题(附全部答案)

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Exercise I:冠词

I. Choices.

1. She looks best in ____ of that colour. a. dressing b. a dress c. dress d. the dress 2. They come to see us at least ____.

a. once the year b. once a year c. one time the year d. one time in one year 3. “These shirts suit you.”

“Whould you please show me ____?” a. white one?s b. white one c. the white one d. one the white 4. Does Louisa like ____ ?

a. playing violin b. to play violin c. playing the violin d. to playing violin 5. The workers in this factory are paid ____. a. by an hour b. by the hour c. by hours d. by hour 6. ____ found four-leaf clover(车轴草) is considered a lucky sign. a. Rarely b. It is rarely c. The rarely d. Despite its being rarely 7. ____ to be taken good care of. a. Young are b. Young is c. The young is d. The young are 8. The canal extends five hundred miles____. a. from south to north b. from the south to the north c. from the south to north d. from southern to northern 9. Later, the chance to enter ____ came and he took it. a. into college b. to college c. into the college d. college 10. Have you ever sailed across____ Channel? a. English b. an English c. the English d. England 11. This is ____ Nanjing.

a. second time I have been to b. the second time of my being c. the second time I have been d. the second time I have been to 12. My neighbour is a photographer; let?s ask him for ____ about color films. a. some advices b. advice c. the advice d. an advice 13. I had ____ very bad night, I didn't sleep ____ wink. a. a…the b. the …a c. a … a d. __…__ 14. you will get ____ shock if you touch ____ live wire with that screwdriver. a. a …__ b. __…__ c. a … the d. __ … the 15. Now I?m on ____ diet. I?m trying to lose ____ weight. a. a …__ b. the …a c. __ … the d. a … a

16. He looked at me with ____ horror when I explained that I was ____ double agent. a. __ … a b. the … __ c. a …__ d. a … a

17. I want an assistant with ____ little knowledge of French and ____ experience of office routine. a. the … a b. the … an c. a … __ d. a … an

18. You mean you had ____ nightmare. Anyway, dinosaur didn?t eat ____ meat. a. __ … __ b. a …__ c. __ … a d. the … a

19. ____ Mr. Jones called while you were out (neither of us knows this man). He was


in ____ very bad temper. a. __ … a b. a … __ c. the … the d. a … a 20. I probably know him ____ but not ____. a. by the sight… by name c. by a sight … by name b. by sight … by name d. by the sight … by the name

II. Correct errors, if any, in the following sentences: 1. He expected his orders to be carried out on spot.

2. The mountain was covered with trees from the top to the bottom. 3. We have some new goods on the hand. 4. In those days Father was fighting at front 5. Mary can speak French in fashion.

6. The children have taken fancy to their nurses. 7. You can approach my secretary in the case of need. 8. The new musical comedy took a fancy of the public.

9. Every time I was in a trouble, my husband would not lend the land. 10. He flew into a rage, and common sense went by board. 11. There are shops within the reach of the house. 12. Put these books on the top of the others.

13. Nobody was allowed to eat out. In case of Jones an exception was made. 14. Margaret?s excellent performance left all the other girls in shade.

15. Her husband?s absence left her completely at loss when the accident happened. 16. They are in the possession of a large amount of new information.

17. Before the land reform more than 70% of China?s arable land was in possession of the landlords.

18. He kept his invention under the cover until it was patented. 19. Don?t burn the daylight about it; we have short time to spare.

20. We have to leave for America at a short notice.

Exercise II: 名词

I. Choices:

1. That fellow is clever; he has ____. a. brain b. a brain c. the brain d. brains 2. My father never gave me____. a. many advice b. much advice c. many advices d. a lot of advices 3. You will see ____ in the hills. a. a few fine sceneries b. few fine sceneries c. many fine sceneries d. much fine scenery

4. What he told us about the affair simply doesn?t make any ____ . a. idea b. meaning c. sense d. significance 5. We don?t have ____ tonight. a. many homeworks b. much homeworks c. many homework d. much homework


6. Dr. Jones ordered ____ for the laboratory. a. two equipments b. two pieces of equipments c. two pieces of equipment d. two equipment pieces. 7. “ Why couldn?t they catch the 6:30 train?” “ Because they were delayed by ____.” a. some heavy traffics b. any heavy traffic c. a heavy traffic d. heavy traffic 8. ____ is a well-informed man. a. This John?s old friend b. That?s John?s old friend c. This old friend of John d. This old friend of John?s

9. Hatred and misunderstanding between communities ____ which we can no longer afford.

a. are lazy and primitive feelings b. is lazy and primitive feeling c. are lazy and primitive feeling d. is lazy and primitive feeling. 10. Julie went to the ____ to buy a pair of shoes. a. shoes store b. shoe?s store c. shoe store d. shoes? store

11. As a safety precaution, all city cab drivers carry only enough money to make change for a ____ bill. a. ten-dollar b. ten-dollars c. tens-dollar d. ten-dollar?s 12. He invited all his ____ to attend his wedding party. a. comrades-in-arms b. comrades-in-arm c. comrade-in-arms d. comrades-ins-arms 13. That farmer raises ____ on his farm. a. geese b. gooses c. goose d. geeses 14. The Nazi kept those ____ in their concentration camps. a. prisoner-of-wars b. prisoners-of-wars c. prisoners-of-war d. prisoner-of-war 15. He lost his ____ when the policeman stopped him. a. language b. spirit c. character d. temper 16. In ten year?s time, all those youngsters will become ____. a. grown-ups b. growns-up c. growns-ups d. grown-up 17. Electronics ____ rapidly in the last decade. a. advance b. has advanced c. have advanced d. advances 18. The Colonel reported to the ____ office.

a. chief-of-staff?s b. chief?s-of-staff?s c. chiefs-of-staff d. chief-of-staffs?s 19. Sending ____ “special delivery” costs about fifteen times as much as sending it “regular delivery.” a. mails b. a piece of mail c. a mail d. pieces of mail 20. Could you please tell me the ____ for Biology 457 and Chemistry 610. a. room?s numbers b. room numbers c. rooms numbers d. numbers of rooms 21. Recently, he has lost all his ____ at cards. a. wage and saving b. wages and saving. c. wage and savings d. wages and savings


22. Acoustics ____ one of the oldest of the physical sciences.. a. are b. is c. as d. being 23. “Where is my cap?”

“It?s on the ____.” a. kitchen counter b. kitchen?s counter c. counter kitchen d. counter of kitchen 24. “What did you buy at the market?”

“a quart of milk, two pounds of steak, and four ____ .” a. corn?s ears b. ears of corn c. corn ears d. ears of corns 25. The newly-built library is a ____ building.

a. five-storey b. five storeys c. five-storey?s d. five storeys? 26. All the ____ in the hospital will get a rise tomorrow.

a. women-doctors b. woman doctors c. women doctors d. doctors of women 27. I want ____ .

a. a dollar worth candy b. candy a dollar?s worth c. a dollar?s worth of candy d. a dollar worth?s candy 28. The ____ have hurt their ____, and cannot draw the plough.

a. oxen/hoofs b. oxen/hooves c. cows/hoofs d. cows/ hooves 29. It is a thousand ____ .

a. pity b. pitys c. pities d. pitis 30. At present time, people have a trend to live in the ____.

a. suburb b. suburbs c. garb d. outskirt 31. She forgave him ____.

a. for goodness?s sake b. for Jesus?s sake c. for goodness? sake d. for conscience?s sake 32. Is this ____ voice that we hear?

a. a boy or a girl?s b. a boy?s or a girl?s c. a boy?s or a girl d. of a boy or a girl 33. He is a friend ____.

a. of my father b. my father?s c. of my father?s d. my father?s friend 34. Don?t we meet at ____?

a. Smith of b. Mr. Smiths? c. Smith?s d. Smith? 35. Are you going to ____?

a. concert of this afternoon b. this afternoon?s concert c. the concert of afternoon d. this afternoon concert.

II. There is an error in each of the following sentences. Please pick it out. 1. The architect must be both a scientist and artistic. A B C D

2. John Ransom?s poetry reflects with sophisticated wit and irony the popular thematic



of Southern decadence.

3. It is usually argued that the earliest influences exerted upon children will most A B

likely have the strongest effectiveness on their personalities. C D

4. Fireworks, which originated century ago in China, were brought to Europe by

A B C D Marco Polo.

5. The major works of Roman square sculpture was created near the end of the


eleventh century. D

6. This article deals with the natural phenomenon which are most interesting to

A B C everyone. D

7. Children less than five years old has emotional needs that only loving parents can



8. Alexander Graham Bell received a patent in 1880 for the ideas of using light to


relay sound via a telephone. D

9. D. H. Lawrence said that the working population of our industrial cities are like the


slave populations of the ancient empires. C D

10. Before the Automobile, the horse-drawn carriage was the primary mean of private



11. His contention is that clothes does not make the man; consequently, I don?t see


how you can convince him to buy that new suit. D

Exercise III:形容词、副词

I. Choices.

1. No one imagined that the apparently ____ businessman was really a criminal. a. respectful b. respective c. respectable d. reverent


2. The ____ difficulties of the country will not diminish unless inexpensive fertilizers can be widely distributed. a. economics b. economic c. economy d. economical 3. We believe that the younger generation will prove ____ of out trust. a. worth b. worthless c. worthy d. worthwhile 4. A laser beam can be turned into a ____ weapon. a. dead b. dying c. deathly d. deadly

5. Henry was not paid because he was the ____ secretary of the association. a. honourable b. honoured c. honourary d. honouring

6. I was ____ when I learnt that your application for the post of secretary had been unsuccessful. a. regrettable b. regretted c. regretful d. regrettably 7. It was ____ of you not to play the piano while I was having a sleep. a. conservative b. considerate c. considerable d. consistent 8. We had the greatest difficulty ____ getting here in time. a. imaginary b. imaginative c. immense d. imaginable 9. Who is the greatest man____? a. living b. live c. alive d. lively 10. We ate in the ____ restaurant. a. new unusual Chinese b. unusual new Chinese c. Chinese new unusual d. new Chinese unusual 11. ____ carvings were donated to the museum.

a. Original twenty wood African b. Twenty original wood African c. African twenty original wood d. Twenty original African wood 12. There are ____ chairs in the living-room. a. dark three very comfortable blue b. three very blue comfortable dark c. three very comfortable dark blue d. very comfortable three dark blue 13. It?s quite late now and Mr. White ____ hasn?t left his office. a. still b. alreadly c. since d. yet 14. He doesn?t ____ have foreigners in his cafe. a. soon b. seldom c. often d. sometimes 15. The seats in the second plane ____.

a. had completely been almost all filledb. has all been almost completely filled c. had almost all been completely filledd. had almost been completely filled all 16. ?It seems to me what they want is reasonable.?

?Don?t doubt it is, and maybe they?d get it if they ____ in a nice way.? a. only asked for it b. for it only asked c. asked only for it d. asked for it only

17. Tuition at an American university runs ____ one thousand dollars a semester. a. so high as b. as high to c. as high as d. as high than 18. Frank plays ____ Alex. a. a lot more better than b. much more better than c. a lot better than d. much more well than 19. ?What do you do when you get a headache??


?Since i?m allergic to aspirin, I take Tylenol ____.? a. instead of b. rather than c. instead d. rather 20. Mrs. Brown told me that she would go ____. a. to downtown b. downtown c. in downtown d. for downtown

II. To identify and correct mistakes.

1. Of these alternatives I prefer the formal but she prefers the latter. A B C D

2. Thomas Jefferson was very ambition and served his country in several different A B C D capacities.

3. Even though she looks very young, she is twice older than my twenty-year-old A B C D siser.

4. Modern buttons, unlike early ones, are frequently mass-produced and usually made

A B C D of plastics. 5. Music can make an exciting story more exciting, a sad one sad, a happy one gayer. A B C D 6. It would be worth to read this book twice. A B C D

7. My father-in-law has just recently bought a green new car made in Japan to replace A B C his old one.


8. Despite the time of the year, yesterday?s temperature was enough hot to turn on A B C D the air conditioning.

9. The governor has not decided how to deal with the new problems already. A B C D

10. The veterans spent a year in the hospital; consequently they emerged well A B C entirely. D

11. The scientists who are probably mostly interested in flights to the moon are A B C D geologists.

12. They went straightly home without stopping at Jim?s for the game ended late. A B C D 13. To completely understand the situation requires more thought than he has given A B C thus far. D

14. As quiet as possible he unfastened the door and went out into the frosty December


A B C D night.

15. In order for one to achieve the desired results in this experiment, it is necessary A B that he work as fastly as possible. C D

16. A liter is scientific defined as the volume of one kilogram of water at its maximum A B C D density.

17. She spoke with a so strong accent that we hardly understood her. A B C D

18. Peter did rather well in the test, but I did rather badly. A B C D

19. She speaks always English to her boss while she is in the office. A B C D

20. The President returned with only a few vague cultural and scientific agreements. A B C D

21. Although Clyde is formally from Pennsylvania, he finds it difficult to get used to A B C the cold we are having. D

22. The price of gold on the world market has been rising highest each year. A B C D

III. Put in the missing preposition:

1. I am grateful ____ you ____ your advice. 2. He is critical ____ my work.

3. She is jealous ____ her friend?s success.

4. I am very much obliged ____ you ____ your help. 5. He was found unfit ____ military service. 6. He is very much attached ____ his family. 7. He was accused ____ stealing a watch. 8. He said he was innocent ____ the crime. 9. He was found guilty ____ the crime. 10. He is absorbed ____ his work. 11. We are confident ____ our success.

12. I can?t get accustomed ____ driving along the left side of the road. 13. I am not acquainted ____ him. 14. He is generous ____ his money.

15. It was very thoughtful ____ you to bring us umbrellas. 16. Many people are blind ____ their own faults.

IV. To fill the following blanks with these adverbs: away, back, out, about, off. 1. John has taken me ____ twice this week.


2. Mary?s ____ and won?t be ____ before 11 o?clock. 3. I don?t feel like cooking. Let?s eat ____ tonight. 4. Stop ordering me ____. I don?t work for you. 5. Please look after the baby when I?m ____. 6. We have been invited ____ for dinner.

7. When I look____ I can see the mistakes I made in my youth. 8. I thought you were still ____. When did you get ____? 9. Christmas is a long way ____ still.

10. We had five days ____ for the Spring Festival.

Exercise IV: 限定词

I. Choose an appropriate determiner to fill in each of the blanks: 1. Why is there ____ traffic on the streets in February than in May? a. less b. fewer c. few d. little

2. On account of the typhoon ____ shipment will arrive this week. a. neither b. all c. both d. these

3. They paid ____ money for the machine than I expected. a. little b. less c. much d. fewer 4. There are trees on ____ side of the street. a. such a b. both c. some d. each 5. Have you got ____ copies to go round? a. the other b. enough c. a little d. much 6. I saw ____ cars outside the building. a. a little b. any c. lots of d. neither 7. There?s ____ water in the bottle. a. few b. a number of c. plenty d. any 8. I?d like ____ paper. a. a few b. several c. a bit of d. these 9. There are ____ mistakes in the paper. a. the b. a little c. much d. a few

10. Do they have ____ air-conditioners for cooling the rooms in summer? a. many a b. enough c. a great deal of d. a bit of 11. Don?t worry about the seats. There are ____ chairs in the room. a. plenty of b. any c. both d. most 12. There is ____ iron in this mine than in that one. a. much b. a great deal of c. less d. a lot of 13. ____ work has to be done before the plant goes into operation. a. Much b. Double c. A number of d. Neither 14. He wrote ____ essays on Victorian novels in his class. a. the next b. the most c. the other d. the more 15. The model worker had ____ thought of his own interests. a. the last b. less c. the least d. another 16. There must be ____ empty talk but more hard work.


a. fewer b. no c. the least d. another 17. He has published _____ short stories in English.

a. a great amount of b. a number of c. another d. many a 18. We had ____ rainfalls last summer. a. too much b. little c. a little d. only several 19. ____ care would have prevented the accident. a. Much b. Little c. A little d. A few 20. The students spent ____ their time working in the fields. a. both b. most c. more d. half 21. The additional work will take ____ weeks. a. the other b. another five c. other five d. the more 22. He did it in ____ time it took me. a. the one-third b. half a c. the double d. one-third the 23. I saw ____ boys at the cinema. a. the both b. many a c. both the d. the several 24. ____ candidates are girls. a. Half the b. The half c. Their half d. Half a 25. He was on leave ____ days.

a. the few last b. few another c. few other d. the last few 26. ____ friends usually speak highly of him. a. His some b. His many c. Many his d. Some his 27. Please serve me ____ soup. a. more some b. the less c. more the d. some more 28. ____ alloy may be used to replace copper. a. Such a b. Some such c. Such some d. Several such 29. Please send ____ samples to London by air. a. these enough b. five these c. enough these d. these five 30. Are you going to buy ____ rice? a. all these b. these all c. all this d. both these 31. They want at least ____ salaries.

a. their double b. double their c. enough their d. their enough 32. ____ dictionary is enough for me. a. Such one b. One such c. Such a one d. One such a 33. ____ factors should be considered. a. These all b. Such all c. All such d. Some these 34. ____ evenings he did enjoy himself immensely.

a. The first few b. The few first c. The first some d. Some the first 35. ____ meat is tainted. a. That one-third b. One-third that c. Such a d. Few such 36. ____ cases have been reported. a. Such few b. Such some c. Few such d. Some these 37. ____ boys were in the classroom. a. All five other b. Other all c. All the more d. All the other five 38. ____ recommendation has so far been made by the technicians.


a. Several such b. No such a c. Such no d. No such 39. They are not likely to agree to ____ propositions. a. other any b. other all c. all other d. other these 40. He has been staying at home ____ days. a. these all last few b. these last few all c. all these last few d. these last all few

II. Correct errors, if any, in the following sentences: 1. We have got enough time to read such many novels. 2. Both sentences are not correct English.

3. He has much more problems than he used to. 4. I enjoy both kind, the red wine or the white wine.

5. More corn is produced in the United States than in any country in the world. 6. The customs officer examined all these luggage at the airport. 7. Any nonsense he talked, he fondly hoped we would believe it. 8. Linguistics is a scientific study of the language. 9. I can?t for all the life remember.

10. She has a great many of friends in New York.

Exercise V:介词

I: Choices.

1. Do you know what SOS stands ____? a. up b. for c. as d. by

2. Only the people concerned have access ____ the foreign teacher?s class. a. into b. of c. to d. about 3. This film appeals ____ people from all walks of life. a. to b. for c. with d. to 4. These iron doors are secure ____ robbery. a. against b. for c. with d. to 5. The woman is waiting ____ common sense. a. on b. in c. with d. from 6. He is always thoughtful ____ others. a. about b. to c. of d. with

7. Don?t ask the boy to pick up the fruit, it is ____ reach. a. inside b. within c. out of d. behind

8. On hearing the bad news, she was ____ her wit?s end and didn?t know what to do.

a. on b. at c. over d. in 9. He is completely occupied ____ money. a. by b. for c. with d. from

10. He is exhausted ____ the two-hour trip through the mud. a. by b. from c. of d. with 11. She failed ____ a narrow margin in the race


a. on` b. with c. at d. by

12. It was very difficult for him to take a stand ____ the majority. a. for b. in c. against d. to

13. What they are now discussing has little relevance ____ the economic problems. a. with b. to c. about d. for

14. Contrary ____ all advice, the woman went out during a storm and was struck dead by lightning. a. at b. on c. with d. to 15. Her ears are highly sensitive ____ music. a. of b. with c. by d. to

16. A pen can be defined ____ something with which we can write. a. like b. to c. with d. as

17. Foreigners are usually very curious ____ local customs. a. to b. for c. about d. as

18. I say this in the light ____ the government?s plans for redevelopment. a. of b. looking c. from d. seeing

19. A deft puncher____ swift hands, he may be the best all-round fighter. a. with b. by c. in d. of

20. Miss Navratilova is sitting in a small room that is temporary headquarters ____ the Virginia Slims people ____ the tournament. a. for...at b. to...in c. for...during d. to...for 21. Some plants lift their leaves up ____ the day. a. from b. in c. at d. of 22. He accused them ____ having broken their word. a. of b. to c. by d. with

23. You should adapt yourself ____ new ways of looking at matters. a. for b. to c. of d. from 24. The boy aims ____ becoming an agriculturist. a. for b. at c. of d. in 25. I shall communicate ____ you again in due course. a. with b. in c. to d. on 26. You will be deprived ____ all privileges. a. of b. from c. with d. for 27. I do wish you wouldn?t interfere ____ me. a. between b. with c. through d. upon 28. This model has clear advantage ____ that one. a. of b. over c. above d. for

29. She made one last appeal ____ her father to forgive her. a. in b. on c. to d. about 30. Who is the authority ____ the subject? a. for b. of c. over d. on 31. He is in the habit ____ sleeping after his noon meal. a. of b. to c. on d. for 32. The boss has a very high regard ____ his abilities.


a. in b. to c. at d. for

33. The little girl is ignorant ____ the first rules of grammar. a. for b. of c. with d. against 34. Not many people are indifferent ____ danger. a. to b. from c. of d. at

35. His parents encouraged him ____ all his undertakings. a. by b. in c. to d. for

II: To identify mistakes.

1. Only in the dream world are there moments of desolation or terror that are A B

worse than anything we have known about the sun. C D

2. The old fur trapper trapped some animals for which none of us had ever heard A B C before. D

3. Now we may be able to say what the difference is among music and noise, or A B C D just sounds.

4. But Van Gogh was still uphappy. He longed for days that were always sunny of A B skies and forever brilliantly blue. C D

5. They like to do one thing at one time and something else in another time or A B C in another way. D

6. Passing in by twos and threes, and with different routes, they came together A B C to the market-place at an appointed time. D

7. The country is as a scoop of fertile land surrounded on three sides by A B deserts and mountains and on the fourth by the Persian Gulf. C D

8. In many ways children live, as it were, in a different world with adults. A B C D 9. Contrary with what I had expected, he lost for a second time. A B C D

10. As a student there, I knew Lloyd Richards to be a dean who was often absent A B in the school, a stranger to most students. C D


11. We can make use of the money only with respect of instructions from the A B C D manager.

12. Mary?s father approved with her staying in the United States for another A B C year in order to work toward her M. A. D

13. He was a man of fine character in all points for that he was rather timid. A B C D

14. Every man and woman eighteen years of age or older is eligible to vote for A B C the candidate in his or her choice. D

15. The Mediterranean, a large sea surrounded by land, is a mile deep in the A B average and more than 2000 miles in length. C D

Exercise VI:时态

I: Choices。

1. Many years ago, Jim ____ in Paris with his uncle for a long period of time. a. had been lived b. had lived c. lived d. has been lived 2. They ____ the trip until the rain stopped. a. continued b. didn?t continue c. hadn?t continued d. would continue

3. You shouldn?t have asked the boy to run across the street to buy cigarettes, he ____ by a passing car.

a. may be knocked down b. should have been knocked off c. might have been knocked down d. will have been knocked down 4. The girl even won?t have her lunch before she ____ her homework. a. will finish b. finishes c. had finished d. finished

5. The local peasants gave the soldiers clothes and food without which they ____ of hunger and cold. a. would b. will die c. would be dead d. would have died

6. After driving for thirty miles, she suddenly realised that she ____ in the wrong direction.

a. was driving b. has been driving c. had been driving d. drove

7. It is not like Jack to be unfriendly, so he ____ you when you called. a. had not seen b. should not have seen


c. must not have seen d. did not seen

8. By the time you get back, great changes ____ in this area. a. will take place b. will be taken place c. are going to take place d. will have taken place 9. On his next birthday he ____ married for ten years. a. has been b. will be c. will have been d. would have been 10. Those who have applied for the post ____ in the office. a. are being interviewed b. are interviewing c. interviewing d. to be interviewing 11. John ____ now for the light in his room is still on. a. must study b. must be studying c. must have studied d. would have studied

12. Father doesn?t know I have been gambling; if he found out, I think ____ me out of home.

a. he?ll drive b. he drove c. he?d drive d. he must have been driving

13. The sportsmen ____ training for three hours when the coach told them to break off for rest and supper. a. have been b. are c. had been d. were

14. The prices ____ going up all the time in the past few years so that complaints can be heard everywhere. a. keep b. kept c. have kept d. are 15. The Yellow River ____ to be the cradle of the Chinese nation. a. can say b. can be said c. has kept d. said 16. I would like to do it right now, but I ____ time. a. hadn?t b. didn?t have c. will have no d. have no 17. It was not until then that I came to know that the earth ____ around the sun. a. moved b. has moved c. will move d. moves 18. Jack was fined for speeding. He ____ so fast. a. should have driven b. could have driven c. shouldn?t have driven d. wouldn?t have driven

19. When she graduates from the college this summer. She ____ here for four years. a. will study b. will be studying c. will have studied d. studies 20. The roads are all wet. It ____ last night. a. must rain b. must be raining c. had to rain d. must have rained

21. If you had studied harder in those years, you ____ a university studuent now. a. should be b. could have been c. would be d. might have been 22. The old scientist ____ to do more for the country. a. is wishing b. has been wishing c. wishes d. has been wished 23. The computer does not work well, so something ____ wrong. a. goes b. will go c. would have gone d. must have gone 24. “The meeting is scheduled to begin at 7 o?clock.”



a. same b. equal c. similar d. likeness

12. She gets along very well with everyone, so she is the most ____ member of our family.

a. rusty b. congenial c. impetuous d. imperious 13. You will have to ____ you the work. a. undertake b. undergo c. recreate d. reconstruct

14. Bob is so ____ to his appearance that he never has his clothes pressed or his shoes shined.

a. hardy b. intense c. indifferent d. bewildered 15. John hit his leg on a chair and now has a big black ____ . a. bruise b. boil c. tumor d. spot

16. Jim?s close____ to his brother made people mistake them for one another. a. accuracy b. probability c. membership d. resemblance

17. Some of his suggestions have been adopted, but others have been ____ as they are quite impracticable.

a. turned down b. turned away c. turned out d. turned back

18. After so many weeks without rain, the ground quickly ____ the little rain that fell last night.

a. dripped b. absorbed c. soaked d. drained 19. The fishermen gathered abalone ____ a depth of seven feet. a. with b. without c. at d. within 20. He stopped the car so____ that he was hit by the car behind him. a. barely b. abruptly c. hardly d. strictly

Part IV:

1. They fulfilled the task in ____ it took us. a. three-fourths time b. three-fourths times c. three-fourths the time d. the three-fourths time 2. ____ their help, we would not have succeeded. a. Hadn?t been for b. Had not it been for c. Had it not been for d. It hadn?t been for

3. His explanation made the problem ____ more complicated. a. even b. to be even c. that it became even d. be even 4. ? I?m not going to buy that book.? ? ____. It?s too expensive.? a. I don?t either b. So am I c. Neither am I d. I am not too

5. The chief foods eaten in a country depends largely on ____ best in its climate and soil.

a. all what it grows b. what grows c. which grows d. what does it grow

6. Desert animals ____ a means of retaining moisture in such a hot, dry climate if they are to survive. a. needing b. to need c. needed d. need 7. Resin is a substance that ____ in water.


a. does not dissolve b. do not dissolve c. is not dissolving d. not dissolved

8. All living organisms constantly absorb carbon 14 ____ their existence. a. out b. about c. around d. throughout

9. In blank verse ____ of ten syllables, five of which are accented. a. line consists of each b. consists of each line c. each line consists d. it consists of each line

10. ____ all rainwater falling from a cloud reaches the ground; some of it is lost through evaporation. a. Nowhere b. Not c. No d. None

11. When I came through the customs at the airport, I had to pay ____ on a camera I had bought. a. taxes b. duty c. fines d. rates 12. We?ll ____ you as soon as we have any further information. a. relate b. communicate c. make known d. notify 13. I?ve got a big coffee ____ on the front of my dress. a. spot b. mark c. patch d. stain 14. He broke his arm, but the ____ healed quickly. a. fracture b. fraction c. feature d. feather

15. If I could ____ these shoes a little, they would be much more comfortable. a. straight b. strengthen c. stretch d. stress

16. The exact cause of the killing disease was not known until a Chinese country doctor discovered it ____ .

a. by the way b. by and large c. by all means d. by accident

17. The student found the book ____. It provided him with so much information about the subject.

a. enlightening b. confusing c. perplexing d. delighting 18. He had deceived a great many people but she ____ him at once. a. saw into b. looked through c. looked into d. saw through 19. To undergraduate students, the doctoral degree is a distant ____. a. aspect b. prospect c. respect d. concept

20. The party?s reduced vote was ____ of lack of support for its policies. a. indicative b. confirming c. positive d. revealing

Part V:

1. When you make up your mind, give me ____ as soon as possible. a. an advice b. a news c. a message d. an information 2. ____ have fallen on the ____ of the houses. a. Leafs, roofs b. Leaves, roves c. Leaves, roofs d. Leafs, rooves 3. He is making ____ for his birthday while I am making ____ on my garden fence. a. preparation, repair b. preparations, repairs c. preparations, repair d. preparation, repairs 4. ------Give my ____ to your sister.


------Of course. a. best wish b. loves c. attention d. regards 5. He went to a ____ shop to get some medicine for his cough. a. chemistry b. chemist c. chemical d. chemist?s 6. When the eggs hatch, the hen goes hunting worms for her ____ food. a. baby?s b. baby c. babies? d. babies 7. ____ he went to New York. a. In the next day?s morning b. On the next day?s morning c. On the next day morning d. On the morning of the next day 8. Long ago, human beings lived in caves and ____. a. put on animal skins b. wore animal skins c. had on animals? skins d. wore animal?s skins

9. Jiang Zemin, ____, said China is looking forward to ____ its ties with the USA. a. Chinese top Party leader, improve b. China?s top Party leader, improving c. China top Party leader, improvement d.the top Party leader of China, improving 10. Many people agree that ____ knowledge of English is a must in ____ international trade today. a. a, / b. the, / c. a, / d. a, the

11. It is not rare in ____ that people in ____ fifties are going to university for further education. a. 90s, the b. the 90s, / c. 90s, their d. the 90s, their 12. ------How did you pay the workers? ------Well, they were paid ____. a. by an hour b. by the hour c. by hours d. in an hour 13. The director gave me a better offer than ____ . a. that of Dick?s b. Dick?s c. he gave Dick d. those of Dick 14. ------It was careless of you to have left your clothes outside all night. ------My God! ____ . a. So did I b. So I did c. So were you d. So did you 15. Either the boy or his sister must have eaten ____ dinner here. a. his b. their c. theirs d. her 16. There?s a tree along the street ____. a. every a few meters b. every few metres c. every few metre d. each a few metres 17. Every girl in our class ____. a. has invited her father b. has invited their fathers c. have invited her father d. have invited their fathers 18. ------Be sure not to make ____ further study.

------Of course. We all realize ____ learning is dangerous. a. a bit, little b. a little, a little c. a thing of, a bit d. a lot of, little 19. I?ll be ____ again in no time. a. me b. all c. mine d. myself 20. Everyone knows the secret, ____? a. doesn?t everyone b. doesn?t it


c. don?t they d. aren?t you

Part VI:

1.The earth is 49 times the size of the moon. That means ____.

a. the earth is 49 times bigger than the moon. b. the earth is 48 times bigger than the moon. c. the earth is 50 times as big as the moon. d. the moon is 49 times smaller than the earth. 2. ------Will you stay for lunch?

------Sorry, ____. My brother is coming to see me. a. I can?t b. I mustn?t c. I needn?t d. I won?t 3. ------Are you coming to Jeff?s party?

------I?m not sure. I ____ go to the concert instead. a. must b. would c. should d. might

4. Although the weather report said it ____, strangely enough, the day turned out to be sunny. a. will rain b. would rain c. will be raining d. would be raining 5. Before I ____, he asked me, “Would you mind my coming with you?” a. have finished speak b. had finished speaking c. finish speaking d. could finish speaking. 6. If he didn?t promise it yesterday, still he ____ it tomorrow. a. would not promise b. should not promise c. will not promise d. could not promise 7. ------Could you help me with the box? ------Certainly I ____. a. may b. can c. could d. must 8. ------What ____ it be?

------It ____ be a car, for it is not moving. It ____ be a house. a. must, mustn?t, can b. can, can, must c. can, can?t, must d. can, mustn?t, must

9. What he suggested was that we ____ reexamine our plan. a. should b. could c. must d. would 10. ____ you?ve got a chance, you might as well make full use of it. a. Now that b. After c. Although d. As soon as 11. ____, Mother will wait for him to have dinner together. a. However late is he b. However he is late c. However is he late d. However late he is

12. ____ John could find a job, he could hardly support his family with the low pay. a. Since b. Even if c. Unless d. Once 13. English words are not always spelt ____ they are pronounced. a. on the way b. in the way c. in a way d. the way 14. Do what you think is right, ____ they say. a. however b. for all c. whichever d. whatever 15. It?s ages ____ her.


a. since I saw b. that I didn?t see her c. since I didn?t see her d. ago I saw

16. If I had ____, I?d visit Europe, stopping at all the small interesting places. a. a long enough holiday b. an enough long holiday c. a holiday enough long d. a long holiday enough 17. ____ I went to the railway station to see my friend off.

a. After eating quickly my dinner b. After my quickly eating dinner c. After eating my dinner quickly d. After eating my quickly dinner 18. ------How do you like your visit to the museum?

------I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was ____ than I expected. a. far more interesting b. even much interesting c. so more interesting d. a lot much interesting 19. These oranges taste ____. a. good b. well c. to be good d. to be well 20. He had never spent a ____ day.

a. more worry b. most worrying c. more worrying d. most worried 21. The railway goes ________ the mountain and forest. 22. He lives ________ No. 32 Zhongshan Street.

23. If you don?t study hard, you will fall ________ the other students. 24. How much do you charge ________ mending a pair of shoes? 25. He bothered me ________ many questions. 26. He entered ________ the high jump/ 27. He always keeps ________ his promises.

28. The meeting has been arranged ________ Friday evening. 29. May I ask a favor ________ you?

30. Japan lies ________ the east of China.

Exercise XII: 综合练习

1. He is a man worth ____ by others. a. being paid more attention to b. paying more attention to c. being paid more attention d. to be paid more attention to

2. They demanded when the conclusion had been drawn that the right to vote ____ to ever adult man. a. be given b. would be given c. was given d. had been given

3. Eating more nutrients than the body needs does not make it function better, ____ overfilling the oil-lamp makes it lighten better. a. no more than b. not more than c. any more than d. as well as

4. She ____ more consideration for you, but she was a thoughtless girl. a. should have b. had had c. ought to have had d. must have had

5. He depends for his livelihood ( 生计) upon ____ from investments.


