高中语法专题 介词

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Ⅰ. 分类及作用 1. 分类

1) 简单介词:如 at, in, on, besides, since, of 等 2) 合成介词:如inside, out of , onto, without等

3) 介词短语:如because of, next to, instead of, due to 等 4) 二重介词:如from behind, until after 等

5) 分词介词:如concerning/regarding/respecting(关于),considering,following, given,

including,owing to,saving等。 2. 介词在句中的作用 1) 作定语

A friend in need is a friend indeed. The house opposite ours are being pulled down. 2) 作状语

With production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year. 3) 作表语

Japan is to the east of China. 4) 作宾补

Make yourself at home. We found her in better spirits. 3. 介词后接形容词通常加上being。

He was dismissed from his job for being absent-minded while working. 现代英语中,某些介词后可省略being直接接形容词。这种用法仅限于某些含介词的短语,通常比较固定,不能随意套用: 1) take …for granted

I took it for granted that you would stay with us. 2) far from

His explanation was far from satisfactory 3) anything but

He is anything but angry 4) kind of

He looks kind of pale after his illness. 5) sort of

She is sort of excited 6) consider… as

We consider the wire as disconnected 7) accept…. As

We accept the conclusion as true. 8) regard….as

Do you regard it as necessary I should come? Notes:regard…as 后还可以接介词短语和分词

He regarded the account of the accident as of very little value. They regarded the contract as having been broken After a few rounds of talks, both sides regarded the problem as settled. 4. 省略介词直接接名词的情况

当“of + age/color/height/length/size/shape/volume”等作表语时,通常可省略of,直接接名词 They were (of) the same age. He was (of) medium height. 5. It is of /for sb. to do sth.

Ⅱ. 几个常用介词用法 用法 表时间 表示在附近 表地点 表示除外 表方位 表示“经由,通过,穿过” 表示“在…上/下” 表方式 表原因 表价格,比率,对比 表属性,特性 表比较 常用介词 At, in, on, by, for, through Near, by, beside, at At, in, on Besides, except, except for, but, but for In, to, on Across, by, through Above, below, over, under, on, beneath By, through, with Through, with, from, for, at, owing to, due to, because of, on account of , thanks to At, by, for, against Of, with As, like 1. 表时间

At, in, on, by, for, through 的区别: At 1) 指时间的一点,时刻等

They come home at sunrise (at noon, at midnight, at ten o?clock, at day break, at dawn) 2) 较短暂的一段时间,可指某个节日或被认为是一年中标志大事的日子。

He went home at Christmas ( at New Year, at the Spring Festival, at night, at midsummer). At the beginning (middle, end) of that month he was sick. His grandfather died at seventy two. In 1) 在某个较长的时间(如世纪, 朝代,年,月,季节,以及泛指的上午,下午和傍晚等)内。 He was born in 1942. He did it in the holidays. 2) 在一段时间之后。

▲一般情况下,用于将来时间时,谓语动词为“一时性的动作” in作“在…以后” He will arrive in two hours.

▲ 谓语动词为延续性动作时,in作“在….以内”解 These products will be produced in a month.

▲after 用于将来时间也指 一段时间之后,但其后是时间点(如: after two o?clock),


On 1) 具体的时日或特定的时间, 如某日,某节日,星期几等。

On May 4th (on Sunday, on New Year?s day, on Christmas Day), there will be a celebration.

He will come to meet us on our arrival. 2) 在某个特定的早晨,下午或晚上

He died on the eve of victory.

He arrived at 10 o?clock on the night of the 5th. 3) 准时,按时

If the train should be on time, I should reach home before dark. By 1) 不迟于,在(某时)前 He must have returned by now.

Jack had made some friends by the time you came. He will come by six o?clock.

By then he was more than fifty years of age. 2) 在….间, 在…..时候

He worked by day and slept by night. I don?t like traveling by night.

For 1) (年, 月,日,时等)….之久 He was absent from school for a week. I have been here for three days. 2) 指定的时刻。

The operation was fixed for Friday.

The ceremony was arranged for two o?clock/March 1st.

The meeting was planned for 10 o?clock, but now it has to be moved to a later time. Through 同throughout

He guarded us all through the night.

2. 表示在附近

near 表示相对的近,实际距离可能还很远 Suzhou is near Shanghai。

There is a post office near our school. By, beside 都表示‘靠近’,实际距离不可能很远,但beside比by 更具体地表示出“在…旁边”

He was sitting beside her.

There is a big tree by the river.

At 也有在旁边的意思,但多表示有目的的行为所处的位置,而by和beside仅表示位置关系

The students are sitting at the desks listening to the teacher.

Several students are sitting by/ beside the window talking about a film.

3. 表地点

At 1)用于指较小的地方。 I shall wait for at the station. 2) 用于门牌号前

He lives at 115 Fuzhou Road.

In 1) 用于较大的地方。 He lives in Shanghai.

2) 商店,机关,学校等,若看作一个地点(point)用at, 若看作一个场所(place)用in

I met him at the post office. I am working in the post office.

On 表地点,一般指与面或线接触

1) 在…..之上

The picture was hanging on the wall.

He put the book on the table and sat on the chair. 2) 在…. 旁边

He lives in a house on the river. New York is on the Hudson River. 但:he sails on the river every day. 3) 在….里

He lives on Fifth Avenue.

He has few friends on the campus. 4. 表示除外 Besides

Besides, Mr. Wang, we also went to see the film. Notes: besides 用于否定句,与except, but 同义 We have no other books besides (except) these.


1) We all went to see the film except Mr.Wang.

2) 后可接名词性从句,状语从句,副词,介词短语或不定式。 I know nothing about that fellow except that he lives across the street. My mother usually goes to work by bike except when it rains. We looked everywhere except there.

I looked everywhere except in the bedroom.

接不定式,带to 不带to 取决于except前是否含有do Mary does everything except wash the car. It has no effect except to make him angry. Except 用在句首,往往加for

Except for this, everything is in order. =everything is in order except this.

Except for 有除了…之外, 被排除的部分不属于同类的人或物,而是部分修正句子的意思

The composition is very good except for a few spelling mistakes.

Note: except for 还有“要不是(因为)…” 的含义,相当于‘if it were not for’ She would leave her husband except for the children.

But 意为“除了”, 与except 同义,except强调被排除的部分,but则强调整句的内容, 常修饰否定意义的代词或疑问代词

Nobody knew it but me.

Who would do such a thing but Jack? But for

But for the rain, we would have a pleasant jouney. 5. 表方位

Guangdong lies in the south of China.

Fujian lies to the south of Jiangsu Province Mongolia lies on the north of China. 6. 表 经由,通过,穿过

Across 作“穿过,跨过”解,指横过一个平面或横过一条直线,或静止的的对面的位置,相当于 “ from one side to the other of , on the opposite side of ” A bird flew across the sky.

Kate went across the street to make some purchases.

By 作“经由,取道, 通过”,表移动的方向。 He rose quickly and went out by another door. I shall return possibly by Nanjing.

Through 作“从…通过, 穿过(从这一端到另一端)”, 指通过一个三维或被看作三维的空间。

The sunlight was coming in through the window. She led the soldiers through the forest. 7. 表 “在….上/下”

Above, below, over , under, on, beneath.

Below 除表示方位外,还可用于指位置, 职位, 程度,价值, 品德,或年龄低于所提及的人或物。

His position in the firm was below his brother?s. The cost of the work was below twenty dollars.

Over ?在….之上? (表示垂直之上或表示附于某物之上并将之遮住)

8. By, through, with 表示方式,方法,手段的区别。 By 表示方式,方法,手段的用法 1) 表示以一般的方法或方式 We often met by appointment.

The bicycle is made by machine, not by hand. The streets are lighted by electricity.

No one in those days could live by writing poems. The freight was charged by weight.

Notes: 表示以某种方式行事, 名词前不加定冠词。 By weight, by auction, by volume, by contract. 2) 表示传达,传递的方式或媒介:

How did you send the letter, by airmail or by email? By letter, by radio

4) 表示用交通工具,通讯工具, 后接名词单数,不加冠词。 He came by train but his wife came by bus. They came by air and left by ship.

▲Did you come by train?

▲ Did you come in his car/on my bike?

Through 表示媒介,方法, 作“以, 通过, 经由”解。 I obtained my position through a friend. He succeeded through hard work.

Through a frank exchange of views, a new start has been made. We send letters through the post office. With 表示方式,方法,手段。

1) 表示行为的方式,意为 “以,带着, 用” You will get over that with practice. You came back with some food. I have no money with me.

We are well provided with food and clothing.

2) 表示使用具体的工具或手段: He writes with a pen.

We saw the strange bird with our own eyes. He killed the mad dog with bare hands.

表示通过某种手段或方式时, by 和through 有时可通用, 但by的意思更明确,用的更普通。 当through所表达的意思超过一般的媒介手段(如上例中的through a friend=by the influence of a friend)时,就不能换用by。

在表示手段时, by, through, with 有时也可换用,但with的意思更明确

e.g. Through/by/ with his efforts Edison succeeded in making so many useful inventions. 3) with 引起的复合结构表示状态,境况等。

With + 名词或代词+ 介词短语/现在分词/过去分词/不定式/形容词/副词+ 句子 9. 表原因

简单介词: through, with, from, for, at 表示原因的区别

介词短语:due to, owing to, because of, on account of, thanks to.

Through 表原因,作“因为”解, 常和neglect, carelessness, mistake, fault 等连用, 表示偶然或消极的原因, 如疏忽,过错, 不慎等。 He cut himself through carelessness.

The experiment failed through no fault of ours.

With 表示原因,指由于外界影响到内部, 意为“因为,由于” He is down with high fever.

The little girl was shivering with cold.

From 表示动机,疲劳,痛苦, 死亡等原因: She did it from a sense of duty. He often dozed off from tiredness. She felt tired from a whole day?s work.

For 常表示为了某一目的,事业的原因。 Forgive me for keeping you waiting. The boys all jumped for joy at the news.

At 表示原因, 指“当听到,看到,想到”等

She looked surprised at seeing us. At this news they felt very glad.

Due to 常用作表语,现代英语中也可以用作状语。 Our delay is due to traffic jam.

That Shelly became a poet may have been due to his mother?s influence. Later, he was released due to poor health. Owing to 多用作状语,不作表语。

Owing to his lack of experience, John failed to do the work well. Now his crops completely failed, owing to a disease that had set in. Because of 和on account of 常用作状语,不做表语。

Because of her bad leg, Jane couldn?t walk as fast as the others. At first Philip hesitated on account of the expense.

但主语若不是一个名词,而是一个事实,because of 和 on account of 可用作表语 We stayed at home; that was because of the snow.

His health is failing, that is on account of the lack of healthy forms of exercise. Thanks to 只用作状语,不作表语。 Thanks to your kind help, we finished early.

Thanks to your generous donation, we can rebuild our laboratory. 10. 表价格,比率, 对比。 At, by, for, against 区别 At 表比率,单位, 价格

You bought this bike at a high price.

The population is growing at a surprising rate. The train runs at about 120 miles an hour. She will get it at any cost.

Normally, we walk at a / the speed of four miles per hour. By 表示度量单位或标准,‘以…..计’等 1) 表示 按照, 相当于 according to。 It is nine o?clock by my watch.

I set my watch by the standard clock of the custom house. 2) 表示“以…计”,‘成….地买(卖)’, 有以下两种结构 ① by+ the+ 计量单位(必须用单数) Meat is sold by the pound. They are paid by the hour. He buys them by the hundred. ②接复数数词(不加冠词)

The words in a book are counted by thousands. 3) 表示 尺寸,距离, 增减程度。

The hole high up in the wall is about 18 cm by 9 cm.

Industrial production rose by nearly two-fifths in the past three years. Adam is my senior by five years. For 表示交换或交换值

They rented it to us for fifteen dollars a month. He agreed to give her 500 dollars for the picture.

Against 表示对比

We have six girl students in our class this year against ten last year. Against the U.S. dollar its value increased by more than 15 percent.

11. 表属性,特性 Of ,with “of + 名词” 1) 用作后置定语

A man of wisdom, fifty years of age 2) 作表语

This matter is of great importance

此类抽象名词有: age, color, help, height, length, no use, shape, size, thickness, width. 日常应用中,of 常被省略。

I am afraid my book will not be (of) much help to you. It is (of ) no use learning without practice. I want another pair of shoes (of) the same size. 3) “be of a + 名词” 表示不同物质的共同性质。 Birds of a feather flock together. These songs are of a type.

With 表示属性,特性时, 后面接的通常不是抽象名词, 而是具体名词, 用于说明人或事物的形状。

A coat with four pockets

A magazine with a pretty girl on the cover. 12. 表示比较

As, like 后接名词也常用来表示比较

“as+ 名词”用于描述某人的工作, 身份, 所扮演的角色或某物的作用,即比较对象 “本身就是”

Simon?s working as a waiter during the summer vacation. Use you payroll number as a password for the computer.

“like+ 名词” 用于比较两个看上去相似的东西,即比较对象“貌似而其实不是” They were behaving like children!

When Mike puts on his dark suit he looks like a waiter. Ⅲ 短语中介词的搭配 1. 动词+介词+副词

Add up to, be up to, break away from, catch up with, come out with, come up with, date back to, do away with, face up to, get down to , get on with , go in for, go through with, keep up with, live up to, look down on/ upon, look up to, look forward to, make up for, (be) made up of, put up with, run out of 2. 动词+名词+介词

Catch sight of,get rid of, find fault with, have interest in, keep an eye on, lose sight of, make fun of , make friends with, make a fool of, put an end to, take delight in, set fire to, take hold of, take notice of, take part in, take pity on, take pride in, take advantage of. 3. 介词惯用短语

1) as

as a result, as a rule, as a matter of fact, as far as, as follows, as for/to, as is known to all, as

such, as regards, as yet 2) at

At a loss, at any rate, at ease, at liberty, at length, at leisure, at no time, at random, at the cost of, at (the) best, at the latest, at the price of, at the risk of, at will, at one?s / its + 形容词最高级, at all events, at the mercy of , at large, at one?s wits? end. 3) beyond

Beyond doubt, beyond belief, beyond expression, beyond expectation, beyond question, beyond the reach of, beyond imagination, beyond repair, beyond one?s power, beyond that, beyond one?s control, beyond measure, beyond compare/ comparison

4) by

by accident/ chance, by mistake, by means of , by agreement, by and large, by contrast, by all means, by no means, by virtue of, by heart, by reason of, by turns, by the way, by way of. 5) for

for the benefit of, for all, for the purpose of , for fear of, for the sake of, for short, for sure/ certain, for good, for the better, for the worse. 6) in

in a word, in the case of, in case of , in detail, in advance, in existence, in brief, in fashion, in common, in particular, in debt, in return, in effect, in short, in favor of, in stock, in general, in addition to, in no case, in contrast to, in a/no way, in honor of, in person, in terms of, in relation to, in (the) face of, in regard to, in the hope of, in store, in store for, in that, in return (for) , in turn, in the light of , in sight, in view of, in connection with, in comparison with/ to 7) on

on account of , on an / the average, on behalf of, on credit, on business, on guard, on holiday, on one?s mind, on leave, on purpose, on that occasion, on the spot, on the air, on sale

8) out of

out of balance, out of breath, out of control, out of danger, out of date, out of fashion, out of order, out of proportion, out of mind, out of place, out of range, out of reach, out of question, out of the question, out of repair, out of tune, out of sight, out of shape, out of stock, out of touch. 9) under

under arrest, under age, under control, under consideration, under discussion, under investigation, under repair, under way. 10) with

with a light heart, with an effort, with efficiency, with ease, with one voice, with pleasure.

